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Ormith of witz ftuo2ma rMle't 1* 2. Bette, Im owwwom BMW, pmp boaa MU MO Rato Do 20 WY31, w UO-upi.- =049623-%4-64 ftb Mm Uftat of Poft" an the Devalopmwt of Elam Aerable and Anwmtftlc Bacterls., IW 1. T. nevaj, IL 1. 00vima"m = NOUM,t Pwp WO vmitatik Il*, 20 Iwo Ipp be-wo AMV~~~~ T. A) C- 6 354.8h0 G-.0eth of Sam 194602motarla on patimlom =-I 1"Ietavlat a Pnxlucrta.* 1, T. H2&12, All. 'i4 z~;Dchumolne, ma xv fm~~ u pp. 100sm-P i=v XdWadomm gaggmLe I -A!aq a ]b 2., tkw-Jkpr 19U*,, via 10 .-Jo ,T.M 31360 MR del..WW, AvUl 65 2ftlxrF3 iloas, hy t"lavix Taech by Dr. Natto cm Tvicontimntal fereace, by ftamlo Somme Wtta, 8 pp. COOVEMMP USE ONLY SPAUMP nP, M 22~v 3 Var 1966., po 2. JM GUO 1124 -4~ 41,,1)d EA-UrWmy POI Apr 66 29,3.,342 Speech by Dr. Netto on Tricontinental Con- ference, by Edunind Soares Metto, 8 pp. GOVERMMW USE ONLY OPANM., ra, El P222ex-P 3 Mar 1966, P- 2- JPRS GUO 112~-- IA-Uruguay POI Apr 66 298,342 Notrly 11-:11op-4sed 90*10d for ratimats-ng cbst", of Claustrucition In TaMoldi SSR, by Vo Votyaga, 9 pp. RLIMSIAlt,l, por, flom&jm ~K.Kh.0jnLatm. Kamgt - .j L.P -2m P50 51, Rmy ILW* PP. 57-f>l. MrLgi IW.203 V Ille-lx a g a "WR Ebon --()Vt 67 3n.831 777 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Al lb 31+ 151:rn0j, ......... ..shlms CUM*" UMUW IM-StIgation (2), by Vol 9:40 19' '4 S pp VVI FJIV~ -A V i I I ~lt I ~T,N if I Filt-11M.-Ill 11.1-1 li. -,Cmttz- proUftmip. Pull' 7F. N e,-t Bob 1010, w"'. .... I .... II... ........... 11-1 - Met". 4s of Twastigatlyag the Vitness of a Trawl,"/0", by lk-maeums Natmal. POLM, pe'r. KO-*typ agamxm-m gospoln7kI maw, so, 10(29)"1966, VP 44-51. GCFWI T? 67-5612"3L Sat-Urth Sci & Oceasog~ DOC 6T irrcswit-exw Problezzo or Tr=Lln,-, '10&73--~QUG =d 1-cS lqrmements, IW Tadwm Notsa. MUM# polre Toabnlka i agM2MM Normo Yca Mile No 7 (193)o 1967* PP 2W-7-W- *UVEL TT 68--iiooi4/18 --17;~Z& U -5 -Z /V~ A~ e. /i sciJEAP Dot & ocawwo ,.fay C-8 I tion o- .A success zzmad on L;wrdina kxuartso Ey U.. 14eu* 9 PP. 433LIVIN.4, Par$ ALt_erm&Lcm_l8 &WjjShr34-t der IA-n*43rt9dwlt. East Awlin, No 2# IMj -pp 135-1380 JFfO 48364 /V BE-C, Gevmww U0012 a 619 386o,191 17 1 I . ~!. .1"oubauer 37,oalc wavca in a caut"satropic plasraa. 127 j3p. 'T "' P 2~ t. Sto3azootUn in einon cmisotropen Docz~oraZ disserdwi;ion, Ifarch 19G9 ?~'dl -52-P-709-72 ~, ISA jul,) 72 JUivitur, by F. i!. i4iewauor, pp. 141-127. ARN/iZIC/Tr-670-6ki i~UVILQNIHENT WIL: WLY 4, sci/space Tech Vel) w') 14~ i 7 Alea be, /11 A"lg=llq IIVRI ~Iffl I -CITIMI I c el. H T" W, I' TrrpaVlP-110MW 9 AdUptntion to Vozvld Sittuattion : by. 1,72ir-ald Noubort pp ME RNAMT pbr Horlo-ont, Vast P.Orling Po 39, NOV ITIOXAZOMIh~ A6908008 it-ttitudea of 'I~xuqopoan rt,, 7 PP by" Nl"ald.Nsuba G-F"ItHAN, par, norizont, Rest Berlin, 1110 31, .. ~ -V. - , all ,?10 10 U- JPIMS. 54057 oot,:71 k. ~wwux%' All i~"Ol ~s to cl tn 11; 212J4US45.65 66 Amilt ot the Gm=a V=k of Issue Imp-r-T-ma Vork, by Lotlow MWM&rt sua Walter G=nero 16 DP Memaj, 200 Way 3966,p vpt 0 2-0 k? JM 3640 Ana 66 337..933 IauJac)u-n,-Yuv T-Osmirtlav~-- PUSSIM, OF 'iuklOunYs Assotsiatsii v Logkikh Yodimkhp 1969" . Sci/Physics NOV 67 331,166 Jitrrida:~ Zt--.Ll -1 7-350 ia3- 39-8,GIO L i6~ elv,-3 L,")')Q lVole WiB, Lxgf-A' 32.11 Pracems In a Six-CyUnder., ftur Stroke, fttv0l-lmjectlW RMSIM., by Id. NmIerUmig. :WSM, ver"Am, Vbl. 26., no. T., 1965, vp 3*-31-9 (in 4-T scl - W. Newerbrug An or 338-h36 Experimental Studeirs of the Charging Process In a Six-L)rlinder, Four Stroke, Petxol-Wection Engine, by W. Neuerbrag. per WZj Vol- 26, No- T, 1965j, pp 315- 319 GB 4T Aug 6T 338-436 %[I t1l GILT ~vl I ji I ml! I" Vempum With Twred~-Dom Barrels, Uaed by thm Gatwo Anad Forces In world iftr irl, Part X. by How Neufe]At. GENUM. per, Wgjffjj"wAv MWOUte Ke 40 1967, p&piv JL4+-ISS. ACS1 J-3S4T ID MUD~ 341$9D4 'U[;h-141cmive 16N=~ With T9pOr4Dd-t4= BU-IVJS, v t1a Gem= Amwd Fbrces in Vorld War I-L, Uaod Ir Part IT, by Ilms Nomfeldt. GMAW, pm, Webrtechaiwbe NmataWte, ft s1G, 19670 Vag" 226.,W. ACSI J-3547 XD 23MM267 January 1968 341,90S BI ball, In of FUm MUQ=ly ftMI.Ud b7 W"N - I I=, tW So Asaaftsow amd Ce To ftesst"Ap amww# pw. Tat app So go 1969a n -4~0 axa~ AIW 70 VJ6#716 A Ulm Tj" *r Stanamdfted Sing2e-uhma Drsm faw ammmp by JR. Doupb=W* IL Fl"$Mr. Goss StAw. Mom Vol 86# 91 AMW Xq6O~p B151 5", R. lieugebauer 3X% CLV14 me "Ulm mamus.06 MW 6T Title Unknown, byE. Neuenscliwander. FRENGd, per, J. Less-Common bletals, Vol II, No 5, 1966, pp 365-375 *NASA TT F-10.805 GOVERNMUNHUSIE ONLY Mar 67 Sci I , ; . Te .. 3 . I . ,I: I ~ '' I IMMMMENIMMI, JIYd:rOth-eTr-:Q-I Stud it-5--on - t lie -Syste-- A12--13 Part 1. Phase Boundaries and Stability Relations of Bobwite* Diaspore and Corundum at Pressures Above SO Bars, by A. Neubaus, Ii. Feide. GEWULN, per. Serichte Deutsche Keramische CaselIschaft Vol 42v No 5, 19999 .. fgr-184~~ l,'rC-69-13241-208 ScL-Pbys Sept 69 392,801 NE-UHAU.S,_A-and GEBHARDT, M. Crystalline corrosioi layers and corrosion protective layers of metals and their relation to epitaxy. Werkstoffe Korros. 17(7):567-85 (1966) (CRL/T. 4132x) 3M, - O.At v aL Vrakn if;.~ Jvr, 41 C-- zzc lc,:5~ - - ---- -- -- j.A A/ Alf IM* of the Babivim Ot Solabur in the MOM AMOOOP IW IL AMbow. Gomm* ftl 8% 6 Aug 3030 6 4W3102 MFIUO~ H. Neuhaus ftt .0 rdstowswo MW 6T mumillialifullflaW lip PH I Pill llh I I-V III t I 11,911111111 1,11-Inji I IV I --,; 1111IMMIXIIIIXII 5-tudy of the Behaviour or Sulphur in the blast Furnace., by H* ftuhausill, st Us GERMAN* per.* Stahl Bison, Vol 85, Dec. 2, 19650 PI) DISI $415 Sci 'at Aug. 67 336t603 On th Def6mation -.13ahaido6r. of ~Steal in Flat Rellivig swid In RaIlth" 7htik2gh a Roll Pass, by J. 14~ Om I" P. GERmX'%14- ~ ~tit' A=h Eii;iwLl 1971, June pp. 391-397. BISI.: July 72 Plate 4" Y."Aild iVilit Of, "OfArt 70 vt al. IUS~Ln4, !Vol 3- IZ7-136 _A2.1 41231 Ale-a 4cfcl-S 284,670k Ibm U*=qdan W AIlWIVyrL4iw 7,brt 2,r tv P, I~buj. a. CMMW6 --ow, - VaL 53.p t4a.- 296S4 Ipp -Utb-r- 3-Wo 104 act 69 Principles -*a or-ganisation of modern Standard Cent M=0witing in the United states of America. 7he Netherbmdz and Italy, by K. 8, Neuhlauss,, ves Gertza. fi15Mxq,, pert Stahl Els Val 86,, Nave 17,0 1966 4 pp BISI S403 Sci - Hat"t*43 4, Equip Aug. 67 M0068 11 IVP V.- Q V? -11 1~I contrtbutson t~o Rollapass Designing of a Stre tch-Reduc-ing Hill,, in Paiticular.. for the produotico of Seamless Tubes in a continuous Tube; JJJ13~.4 '-by IK, Neuhoff and R. Biller, GZIUM-H, pfar. Arch. - Eivenh. , Vol 41, No 11 1970,: pp 2047-10p. DISX 9;077 JUI ~71. The Rrfe-vb of lomrsla Acid Diethyl-nmide on Ganelcm Colas. First Report.- workift Hypothesis mA RibonwIela Acid Smas In the Rippmauptm, by V. Xm*off. GMMW., per, Vol 17, NO 2. 1967, Vp 175-151. lmw~wff 10-23-67 Ale iL A oq~ V Bel-Mv, Dad 67 346,142 t-ontrol Laboratw-j Yl:,,-,cAs AnSISYtic-81 by ~,;,& ~,Gullla,. 13 pp. U: T ILE-a !"adA Par, ihalAlft doInformtIons tAjiqanR~~%C_s A.TtwhrA a '-&Pis. -43. I ... _.q4g, pp 37 J - 6 i 327.5 Bd-lhwl Eat i ob 'j;O 400,943 he practias bf Laser 31ittrospeotral boulager. :dlit.~ No 40 1970m pp 239-251 ETTC~ 72-41,1596-07B Jiuio 72. ------------- 1XI r2 NOT) mmmaussucma of P90jectile Natutel in MGM- -I_ emsom,p W Ga*md Umdum- am=, zvt, im 290p w I-W. MM IN P-12o327 Sol 4t%-- go& 392o 70;-T- 943 per., i,~zteroucjzwip- t)cr.-, -T~--6n)crkasc da -m; en 1-960, 1-35. 3- 700- 71 ,,a7~ r " Im .Lilz nov 71 Overburden Conveyor Bolts in -"Ircrwn Coal Open Cuts Rmm an E=omic Point olf Viev, by Memann. G~l per-ybe I Vol. 15, No - 3, 1965., pp 129- - Sm /\ ) e L., ",-n /~ 4/ Sci - Aug 67 337-416 11191ts. SDviv 5 71, ~oalqr zo W, .,. ptllon Visits the union., by MkilorwirWall 11,&mn4v 5 pp~. ;If~pv 21,0 Pat Tel AVIV, I Scli-I 71: P 77" -Z' a4vall 7:2 stuamm or the aalol&a amwLsta Cie crudo Map by so, Jo iWAN"o GMW* w# AdW 'IRA Chem" Ta 14 IMP w M-W. mrffi:6~ 332* 5& ftl 4" fbft ja e? lican PwA '~Artrc on i-~narmr, wid 'Iba&r "ielatlons ilith- I=anl, by isracA 5 pp. f2dalUill, 015, DM 17 Har 1967, p. 2. JPM 407D2 M.-Israol Doi im 67 and adjuatment or mi'litary ti-coretical cff.-ewssion and analynia of ctmceptr, in thc Z-L,fid; oj' empivical rccuZ-6s. 19 pp. 7.;er A -'-Y~Zitarpsyk,&Zogiska Institutet Vo 4, j L .2 lies.* ;4-) 1-21 jlIPIFID-11C-23-1150-72 I-7FORMATION. U.S. GOV?T USE ONLY 0c t 76' 2'. New= Grous-validation of the defense mechanism test by the criterion of passing or faiZure in basic miZitary ftight training. 16 pp. SWEDISH, MiliLq~rsykoZogiaka Institutet No 1, 1968, IT 2-21 AIRIFTD-RC-23-1149-72 U.S. GOV'T USE ONLY. COPYRrOT DIFOIR4TION jan 73 7 ~- - Lt 1~ Kinetica of the Reactlan of Solid and Liquid A:Lwdnium With Iran,, by Nemm=. GEM", per., 2. lortanko Vol 50., No 11/10.1 pp 617-625. BMI 10723 Nov 72 an an Low vamton 34ch um QfaraoM WWA HatmaAls bly A. (mows Dmi, up M& W.- 5WAY (N,7470) Amulity of var-f= M3 HMMMZI* et al- Vol let no go X968-, /1) C:; A) A) vs-A AmL-AL ~lw mw 69 38%261 Easic Problems of SocIalist Rationalization kq Alfn~ Newam., 14 pp. GXMW_, per.. Rinheit No 4, 4 Apr 1966, pp. 4T6-W. JFFS 35910 A 0 neon ,Tua 66 303j,131 Earm=Uu. JUwats In the Owlice of To0Awlo&ic4l 'Mriants In Open-Pit lamlng of 33rown Coalp by AU'Md NMMMW~p JL6 ppl GEW-Op parp Vol XM., 1106 41 lipr 1967,, Pq! M~-283T ivas 41m RM-Past Derr=W Elocn" . July 67 329s637 Autiboaia* tD L&rlnsiz Factor DurJmg Oral T Ireatilient of PeMicious &nemis Witb RigMy Purifled Pmek-Intrinsic-Factor-Vitimmin 3 12- complam. ., Vol 24, pp 6-11, 1972,. BLUT The ACOUStiC Analog of the Yagi Antenna,by B. Neumann. KKKKXXK* GERMAN, per, Acustica, vol. 15, 1965, pp. 295-300. NTC 70-17111-20A e U/I ~ e~ ~ - ~ 14111 Ult I UP111111 IMIME IM It 4: ILI 111H.101141101:41 RIM,: 11, f 111111 (1 V!, III I t _,4 Aj aud Applied Acoustics, by Ernst-George Neumann 452 'PPV GERNA14V bko: Physikalische und Technische Akustik, 1972: ACAUFMIC PRESS Abmelinfornation sent in by Dick Relac/NRL Sept 72 F Newrann COnWaxi<i-ve studU Of Owt iron Melting in cupolas corele'r-o induation fternacea IN, IVY, lv'~ ELPiktrowwrie intemiational, L voz P9, Oct 19?1, PP 5152-~,564 ~: : O.A. trwis 745 .9 ep t7,21 r9lo zsxa 69-sq dd '01.6,1 Igg toA -UTH *Z 'Mfflao 'uasaoa -a ptre ux-remnon -a Aq r5uTz,T.;nq,:m3 con-trii:)ution to vic i%ictallurgy of Gas Cark-jur- ization, -ly F. Neumann and B. Person, GMC.A4-0, per/ liart. Techn - I'Litt. , Vol 213, , 1968.. pp 2D6-~f-W-.- Bisi 7266 Se'r. 71 Etperienee With Maleic Acid Hydraside (XN 30) for Inhibiting the Grovth of Vegetation on Roadsides, by a " Nemann 0 QMMNp per, LS�kkw - -- Immagatholorie und 1114 mn--h-t-, No 3. 1965P pp 351-31;. NTC 72-10648-02D M-L P\r--J' C?o~-2,..L-7 69&) lpr 72 Diffusian in and on nmgsten., by G. M. Neumarm. GUMs rpt 9 Werkstoffe, 6th p2AWee Sau s 1968o pp 1070 *0 AMDOM VT 71-55W Available NW Only G-M- ~) e- Lk rn A 0 N~ MW 71 'Ucateotransport In Tw-gateng by iG, a. I.ewimin per* ommhes- No 22&9 1967t -& Avg 70 and 'AFratica of %'eCwICiCS wid the ACtiVIti%A-, Energy cof DiffuSian and Vic Dobyc Tes;rxcraturcs ~,Iutals, by G. M. NI;;uIIwuI, 3 iy. -per,, Z. PhEs. Chem. Vol 56, 1967, ip,p 342-3S1. AEULA/Tr-68-49 reb (19 374,23-6 Therma 'rmnsport In Timptent by G. ~-T' 11-lewmmo C,ka-Wj. pop. F. L4jMTfoXMjhZ No 22a, 1967. p-p 393- 3950 1: *Imc,. Tr 70-57403 14cl-own Pog ?Q I IV, ~'Iurfaae Uffusion of boo and Ece Mz4Ails, by G. 11. licumamo GBR~Wv perip A - IJIL.'Xp 140 539 19679 pp V.64t& Oaw IT 70-5?4% Sa"t TM Aug -?a .,~LD . ~-~ . ~Saf dUfamim ox) Liffftaon LT G. fil. !,'eiwtwvr4 G M. W-11, per* a -LV&W-O-tmhz 815, ,~!w; TT 706vp" Sd-.t*t Ang 70 ;~,,zWmiaw in E',"* no 21a9 19669 pp MZ- 5, yq - J. , - /~ ~e~~ Surface a~fusion an -Tmgstm* tW G. GL&,W,. , pare A N-MIRCLO-mbs# I;o 21a, 19660 pp SO?- 0. ,ias rT ?().57435 sa_~%t Aug 70 P-1 , Tlia m~chaaism of !)if fusion in Cubic getals, by G.M. lNeumann, 5 pp. %.WWW41 roar, Z. phys. Chem U.P. 51, 1966 pp. 165-169. *NBS TT 70-57833 Sci/mat Jum 70 D-v 04i iU mhoos Smict AL4--AmtlLc Aoducticn by aw-d rj~4 5 RP. ou"Jal VSA Bte2in, 23 Jay mc Of MIAM Mdwlcm nmm Cadidum *bv Mgolk Vol 25j, 1970.p Vaeo2nil. cif the: ~plzotofieZd emn'ssion from mwtaU. 7 PP. A-nnaZms der PklfBik,. Voz 26, .70 1.. 1971, pp i-wv 72, sproEo~hg Al Ob avii6ui i ii - P a S- S-' D 0 Sig no f - iNn 9 146 Sections as the Basis of 'Technological Provess- ing, by H. Neumann, GERMAN., per. Kalibreur, Apr., 1970, Pp 19-49. *BISIE 9224 G --- &wtaoo DUTholm an Slo IW He beummo "-> C&MMIL row- Eftm. - at&& Sol, 14, 19660 pp s6j:64#-' *fft IT ?O-RN6 Sqcd-a" AW 70 ft , /\j ,- L,- m ti V, t's Lj~4 ;; 4 ;= a by 71- Ila coordi4wte -Iqbrmation fw--l of data brai-I anaZyred. .73 PF. CZ-SCH,, per,, karto ~~Jgj obnor, .Geode fi VoZ 16, i,'o 3 a ., J9704p Fp J58-64 Now . .... .... .. - - ow""w-m- am czachtmammk ihwiew Z-nora Ilromom Critlaiwdir by Jan Buwnam# 5 pp. cmcfj, zip, bft ftLvo, Prague, 21 Jan 1969, p 3, JPR6 479" ,~7~ Sal-A%kel Sol & Tomb go ma W$qD-yw x2v = mommoo -a -n ifgqft vc as UT voqm w"Unt on (4 9%v=oov ,DT.XqvTvft- - 30 Iltn'PrETIMM OM SLal=wnt.-iou i-ife-inz Betz by Karr -mm,, 12 ppe asapi-M., per,, Dens Huette, Vol 10, AID 9, Mpt 1965.1 iw-. -5155Er- RES jor~6 ble- a n? RV "J Mg-ftrat GeramV IC= mov 6~ 2-92,142 -143-AvAcm3ta of Mel,% camtricla laroaum rvwr =a toa~rm amumm, 7 pp- POWSR.- per# U21222maLam Hot 20s 14 I Al z IV a-14A IPT30 Ilk s~n .-ey-17+ aL -J-171 YS-i Zr~ 196,eS AcUmmanats of CL-tA Camtriae - -,urthdr D'cnraaapn-mt, bjr 'r, Dynar end F. i?~Owiarjrv 5 PP. o 2 1, POMST19 per, Z 0 Gm -M "Ay ,9167f P. U. jpms Aug 67 33 WA au:i 1. 7 2 =1-:73-6 4 ~)2 k~o, The I:nfczmatim ltv=ach to Findinc of Ruwtiotwo by Yu. 1. Newwckg, Rm 15 pp. rW=ANg, per, Xx Ak Nauk =R Otnr No lp. Jw/Peb 1%6f R4 17-26., JPW 35s,873 -'~ u- T. Pe a Cxxn---biu //() G. Strangin, Tekh xibexTatika,, !)ci - l4ath. 363v3114 Jun 66 *64v by 'Dmbdols 'LIOLDW p 2 moo p- MIS 30333 Irs-polma r4m Jun &~, Spread BehlaViour as a Baoiis of Technological Desitgn fox Roll Passes for Angles, by H. Ntmuunanw, GERKO., per, Kali-brour# Ayr. 1970, pp 19-48. BISI 5214