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vot J 00 A ReSearch on t.Ue loe ftgim or.Antaretic 'Seas and tftth.-)ar.;;of Wogwsen and Calculations, by fl. A. I-Tavolkov. EM510:j, - b1s:t psledov~wsv~ Legmmmm- Rezhi= ArktIchesk-ith Morei i Doeto 210 303. 10-n. p !ist! I IMP I It WIMI I TMITO 1: 1 Ill i M I I H I i flitl i I -I.; 11: ,Anaml Inarmse GrMn radwations b.y A& ZS, favoUtW43,, 9 ppe ilushilAwo pair: _jAi4ys v SoVskom Rhomw Ot 3osetntv, No 2 dzl', 47336 scl-,ftrl fvw 69 384341 P~ T2921= :, m-n-U4104. 7-1VO V TIM 36W36 m7dnc, or cmem V-Wm jotas by 0. 1. itttvozwv# A, A, Pwol%v, rMS-Uil;v pars An _q-Mn.11 I" Eqlsm~tsm i ft Il'l Tr=mo 1.10 0 s pp p 40 DkW7i5r7ogy APt/M CtB-3 T-W Sol Dm 68 -YAs654 R30tovskaya '-)blnst Party comittea Efforts -3 L PVXWC V-'rk Of SCIGUtifiC L28tltUtlaW, by A* Em-trozov =a V. Reut, 8 ppr MMDAP IOV, 25 Pay 1966# ypt z-.3f UMIR ECOM jui 66 306p8(e WAAVRATIL, B. and others. 'Probldms in the design of (extruder) preheating hoppers. 2. Calculation of thermal relationships in the hopper. Plastic*ke Hmoty Kaucuk 5:134-7- '(1968) (GB 39/PL/TR. 10.591) Neu Prelwstions and Products of the Czecho- slovipk Pharmaceutical Tnfl,, try, by Dr. Ke Nava- ratil - 9 pp - ;;~ &a Ow 01M3, per, Farnacie,, Ho. 100 Dee 1965# 1w. 495-49B. JPRS GUO 2482 9"wehm3ovakia SCI-I" S"t 67 339#025 Use of an Analog Model of Ventilation and'Air the LunR5. by 14. Navratil. CZECH, per, Rozhledy v Nemocech Plienich, Vol PP 399-~404.' AIR/PTD/BT-23-526-68'- for Petermi.nations Distribution in Tuberkulose a v 26, No 6, 1966, M. Navratil Sci-801 Apr 69 375.794 some Results of a Study of Spatlal Tom- perature Inhozogenattles, by V. V. Ravrockiy, et al. RUSSIAN, per, Okcanology, Vol 8, No 1, 1968, pp 14-22. KLL Ref: 5923.4F (7379) (-- I Sci-Atmos Mar 69 376,993 Jmdl*llliba~Oa lWd ObUr Sordee Forsom(a In Some 86jqat4am of Kiev: pnd p"Spects of Adequate by L. ki. Havira-sim.3ml, 40M Automatic Machims for Forging and St*Wtagg, by G. A, Havrotskit, wissime bka. Avtamt Jul Sft,$Ol :iyl Mgvpo ..Zestrwuola -or%AtUj$*r Steals In I~ynmnic Emd Statle losaingo 13v 1. Navrots)dyj, lu. 8 Ttmenlw., 7 no Imalmo verb , stiya ~:Ifo 5:, 11M);, pp: 332-136,. J=e 72 A StatlvUc&L Ana2yeis of bipatUa Temperature FlUCtMUCC30 In the Surface iayor of the Oemn, tw V - %. . ftvrot"Yo 21 pp. HMM, lip, pars W&MM MMMU 11 Elz"M-wMf= A OWERP ,M-onews Vol .5, flo 1. Jan 1%90 pp 94-UO. JMS 43032 Scl-Lar Bid ame 69 3M.?40 ~,7 77 .~C 7rarr"i 22-643 "Dlrocitlomi~ by Jbaolh llalvoc&l, -1 pp. jl~ V. , Iill Hamburg t! 1 29 jail G~Inr, A%I? st FbOar: TrWW&8X&AM EWapmWt Do=rlbedt by Holloclor, 140 itne .1922M J.PW VFW cw GA"Uxw ammstD so on amwtob- ck*mm wasomma a" tw A6 A. =409W* 1 0 16 - v Romans 9 W--~ M* Aft Awk-a-M-16 VOL Iftv 1b Xv 19936 0 Ain ~,-, A),4-v6OP-OCII'A) AW 69. IWO= observable EffecU in ReUtIvIvUe Teusor Gravustion Vamorl" in Flat SVwe* by Oe No B07fte RWSUN# VWO ibk AiL no* sm, va 1%. go 3# YAWIL969* w a* )A Dwt or PAP VOIL As so 5# am IL969 0 t\j q I cl Pf ion 69 398t931 Cam-arming S. M. Dumukos ComawWr of the Cutablwd Ce-VoIxy CorPo.. by Prof MaJ Gimp s. lJoyfto 12 pV. Russtu,. pero XOMMSOcarlebwEl !Lw~~IaL No 9s 1-96% VP U3-IW- im 33097 Dec 65 293,,%2 beiiic:%rwLtlun of -~'m%lc=mnla2 in aar-Artiaj, by rlejew-41 lP3rAftvj, VL%4:LvL-. Haydanw_, Venko Mrls- t4w, CLVWA KO~tlmvo mom lukalovu-n-wl, roamml, CWIL*OV, YOSIC Tocat1w =d Hosta Y'vUly- uraw,, 32 sve MWO21full, per,, Litaraturan .0-.Mt, "o- 14j, ao IM0. PIP 4* VLADImIP, A'AIDEN41 Jim fit 324P743 The lnte=ttional Ideological Ztx%tU:-1e and 4. by k-fladimir Maydenov, ttm Vroblem o-O ALUes 5 pp -, %WARM, per. Harodna Kultum No. 4oj 24 aa-t P. 8. JPM-1 33616 E-E-Dulgarls DOC 66 314,,227 iho i~anorit liflant itmar '.Axatna Pm06a, bY 5 pp, nor, .3gomant Tb "" '%Izr p.P. d k' 332. Y~ -';Conomic AccountabUlty AplAiW Urldcr -~Oclali=s by Ve IkWdormy 13 We RWSIA.R, Kiev, Jan 19690 pp 42-31 JFRS 48407 V. A14 V)D Z5 410 P1 EISSR Leon Jul 69 3869429 IWO-7 &Llouw.~!Oa &Awl *6 VotAw 9t D"iZaiOuno,parip ~ior Dalvy ilxiastI7 Reviewed.* by Lilbaum Nlayaonova.* pp-. 8TIMA-111-A-M. -Poll,4 Boris, r70 197~!~ jPR3 5715o pp 0-w Atb CMUt-ov bY 7=0 AoKa)4 7 ypt RXZSIO* P3ru, NID %, FA3rMilme AM pv jyr-,,s 36?94 Inveatigation, of Wetting of Diamnds and Graphite by Liquid Metals. Part II, Contact' An�es and Adhesion of Tin-Titanium and Copper-TLn-Titat4um Alloys to the Surface of Graphite# by Yus Ve Maidich. RUSSIMp pecs, Pore!WvW MetallMjXap No Is, 1963,0 pp 49-5C.- NTC-70-0139-11P Feb 72 Must Be Uma so-ImtUpleany'o tv -- Po NWAA Md 1. OWer 6 Pp. KOWIA up$ a Fab 1965., P- 2. 11 4 "TO Y494 ~ r", At ~,- I i j-1 UMS11 no= Oko C6 9U.,950 itat iorl -of VoumalargiceLt Patit~.,Its, !Yy lj6e-7-7- ykaaroxaya and 7.14* llaydin, 1-5 pp'.. V,~# .5-ov'slalum i-alo. and liodh;-cis uals LO mlectruts&-mical m, 3rqalpmt at T~jolu.. byr W, 1. jamaker and V. A- 3WILS., 5 PP* Igo 2* WWZIU,6 perip 11366P pp. 45- iFfs usall Me o umilorde 0~~vel A Wagw boscribad-f by JN:U4;7oil 10 pp. RtTS1652m* Vi:Lloxv=b bio n, ig?2, pp j no 3) ~stlods of Datarmirdng tho Dsgroa of Sizain i--,i the Wmk ot the Humn Opomtor, by 1:1. 1. .-Ayemko ,% 0. V. (Vebim-dkova. 2D pp* ilw:Dw, k-mr, 1967, Pp 58-78. jPAS 45%,?- '79 sciA&-, j%MQ 450, 359.1187 $**iCW*AA03r tb"*Wl*CtidC IMSiStOr -11 cooloxv, by Vo Ke GaracbtA Bad Ve So Aftr~rw 12 pe kmsto,g Fore pribamcfewas? Vol is No 8* J"IFab Due YP 470-4619 Doe sale-921 44W 46 a ql E j9 chal-sawSsues and cir US sigamft GE Via winmo llol'tb- EWtjojm J~avt of the UM.0 IF A. A. flagmnlr. Vol 195, ~ 110-1-0 Jimi 72 Direct C.Mtract Cmractions am', fziv~!Ir EfYee- tivowas, by I# RVwarkp l') ript ommika Sw par,, Fk etwp RD 3, Mar 1,)66., pp, &J-65. 37445 C, Soon sopt 3111 G 16 jimitill,f,ton's C2,101-ca ill tile liorthom or France. First Results or II Statistical Investi- gaticn, by P. Nayrac, at al. MING1, per, Lille I-jed, Srd Ser, Val 11, No 7, 1966* pp 764-766 ILEW IiIIII-2-26-67 (On Loan) P /V qj p- scili;Uf blar 67 320,642 mhoaw or the &=-= zPactram WA prolloru*z a 7a TjLfak lwwltivh T*j 23* No 5* 1967o- W MAW* li~&IIA :,:~ F-U0419 .s4lphws :-,lm 6S- Id/ E~ujts, netween ~L~ociali4L yvidelis by '3 1 -- fx!r, !~cwetq~,OyL-_ 1- 7 IS 63, pp. 7 Ls April fia Al AS ooh*~Mtft avL iO l5w it Z All tL "y 7, ,jEU11FNR--957) BU02,/PU02 STEEL CERMETS AS FUEL MATERIAL IN FUEL ELEMENTS. GFoehl, C. A.; jj bare ,& Ondracek, G. Iffernforschungszentrum, Karlsruhe (West Germany). Institut fuer Material- und Festkoerperforschung). jOTranBlation of report jjKFK-1459. 2048p. 24Dep. NTIS. 25AVork Performed under United State&--Euratom Fast Reactor Exchange Program. 26reactor fuel,; translations 2y18J 2OMN-25 2,P NSA REVISED CARD "Umf~t'.45-di'!te Nri:&Ie tbw ay pev Y-OtC!:7XO# ~-'.A--Q L it r;,, Frv*rtlea 017 1-1-bralm; Ot Slp Ta X* w 1540% 676-6a. Fmoubulb Plab 31OP352 mid K. naaprmk~., 20 pp., Voj '9j, illo VoGaM114 pgvo Vinme BOBM'to Wa, lwj, lpit. 79-Rul- JUJIS MR 20%561 zm*~Va ly IP!, i, mwmmbo =A 'Vol 6~q NO 12, 137o';~ VP TWj'-149* TFID 'UT 40PK 71-47 Deformation of Polyners Under Frictional Loading, by P. V. Nazarenko. RUSSIAN, per, Makhanika Polimerov, No 3, 1967, pp 539-543. PTD-S..464 fI I- I I/.' '~ " " I., 1~1 /. NAT 69 378,623 ~Ttlo Vmttatiom or U* T-vwa:Vv a; t;-= sovllnj~ to 511.1j.1 by A- :ok and V. w- 10% ove im ILMR r4w I)a-- t-15 Z92, k)3 calocaatim of tba Voltaupm. Cbaracteril3tiC of a lb343- PrOJOCtOrx by V. A. 1. V. Gollduaftld- uWarml, p4w, aw voi A, 1b .1p 2969,. VP XW.- Um TT F-12091 v 7? J BC4-pws 393o395 Oct 69 42 VID Solutim of Goodatic Adjuvtmnt by the MwL~ of STm" Propm~W* LV V. G* I earmuraj*oi, RUSSTAN., _rm, Imbanarlum Rugma NO 1966, pp 5D-9i. *ACW TC-1439 G- e N k o o-9 ita 69 It 17 Youth Journal Raps Hoderrdms by Vadtivriazarenkos 16 pp. RUSSLi."Id, journal!j Iftiodagg Gyard N*. 7 jr tooeco,wo July 19679 PP- "-,r-280 and Vo. 8, AM 67* pp. 287-306. JAS 43m,516 Doe 67 347t747 Calculation of a Volt-Aml:erc- char-nicteristic of a i-Ic-lium Projector, by V. A. .--.azarenko. MIZEUI-I'llilm-W,~ per, U-krainskiy 17i-- Zhurnal, Vol 14, &~'L 1, 1969, pp 72-74. *NAS.A TT F-12,391 \/ Ft. No-*r-&%L*r-r4ko sci-phys Jurne 69 On tile Solution of Geodetic Adjustment Prohlems by the Methad of Square Pro- grauming, by V. G. Hazaranko. RUSSIAN, per, Inzhenernaya Geodeziya, No 3. 1966, pp SO-54. ACIC TC-1439 sci-math Feb 69 575,408 -oil iw Am -mbew .41 Broup I'- DtstributUn Of BBIUSR In tbe E=OA-A= by Yu. 1. Ams"Oko. =mm.. vwp Moon MtLw~~~p 1965.o VP 73-75- *Umpt of lkv7 Dw 2m 473 ?I'- - kill- 7) 09 a/ua-~ 801-4M4 Do* 69 Vistrlbutim of Beluga in the Ma~cqan Ifforth. by Yu. 1. 30acawenko. WJSSW9 bkj, t*pqkiyq 10 6% pp T~-75- Dept of Ilmly WO lvww 473 ILI k6 sci/Bm June ft -,,o V,-~ I 431f If 11 11VIIII 1~ III ~, I Croater Attention Needed to be Paid to the Coastal UmtIng of Marine Animals* by 'to, I* Hazamko, RUSSIM& per& Aybnaq Khoge Vol 41, Ma 8s, 196S, pp 490 Mpt of Intexior Vish and WiWife Service OCF. BUTSOU of Faftign Fisheries Aug 67 3.U,245 Z. p. Nazerenko - Use of Inormined FIlIWS JA Alkyd BOMMU- EMSMY Pwj !&EW9MIM I ikj2 Ab 316-2-J, Plinpzwni lgbgg pp biaiw frm R. 11. chandler an RC:2hO. $30-00 mTc 72-6o685-31C Nov 72 ifts ssom 0, te, AI&J" M, ~, 0 L/ s C r ix" FAXW MV46 Wom Buadneam ftbihemMt In the UhAted S-Utea Disowned. by V * flammm 0, 5 Me RUSSWe apt - - - atlcbeF_)m~ra Industriya, llmc '? Atir 19?2 -- -- -Am, lk p 30 jlW 55944 I-Ay ?2 1,501sm"MITIC S"Aw w Goq;mou at Aakdww of 5almutes Amosdan SX-;.& by Aa, 8. ataftowywo no A " "n"Wkisno 5 ww RUSS'"@, parq. lundazitefto sauk _ssff~-v -~WGMWNXENILD~o PUNIDM# -'10 1969s pp 1% ;1-57. ikits IJ fti-scuousts A ud tvumw rob "f0 I by R. RuWit, kjtzsja~j, np, 24 Co4 ISYX:, ~irgts YIW.. - -- - - - - - ~ I - - . t; - ---- -- 1-11 ~ - ~ - - - - - - -,- -- NW;;~ _: w - =-.- I sia ~ X0131(hoe Bimrkc-t 5 , I . - .- . ov, a p rrdV* IL. Agema P. Xvxmj~dgt Dushpifib-ao p ~. Doe "rill "he C;rvirLh of OwyeratLon, iTUSSIAW, per, m. IWP3. JPRS 4M9 1 ~L%e International Bwik of !-:c*no!dr by Ke Nazarldnp 5 pp. Rmt-gli xred1t lb 12, Doe 1966. UISR Ev.011 ftr 67 319,510 of par,, 410 J,j now Inapt PW,~o7 N-&LAkUK, V . ETC UK AbSURPI'lON KINETICS IN CONNECTION WITH THE EF FECT OF ADSORBATE CONCENTRATION ON DOPOVIDI AKAD. NAUK UKRAYlNS'KOYI RSRI SERIES Bp NO 41 171 PP 338-40 FSTC-HT-23-2594-72 L A; ~ L 40 'V 447VA ilk 0,01WWROV, .9 W*m -4t0 I k.0 0 10' AIDO by z)er. V-, - 6. 1968. , "ap 14-4-5. i :1rv's 4/64o? 610 367.233 suio~ lot. of gj*.,L- J glu rv -1 -mw clooratwt-IM or 1*=14W* 24 J,~P% ilAft X_ low V roll a2 I ;Xo Now0vt 33 pp" to". m., S. abalamauvIv or %be ccauut PAMCW# b7 0* to ftr%VOWap A* 1* gaa"Wp U pp. MrstAk ft ha, Get lot IV 303,410- 403 h , -T, 1 -7- tloz 0 - Ala ki4holdwr S" 6 loth ism 68 34700 Cost liccoqmt:in,-- introducad in Lealgi-L "Y F * Nazwov, 6 pp, RMSM-1, per* L14-10M UMMW-atvQ- pp 61-.64. JPR3 IP50951 -E- ~j R z v U Z-.541 i-loon Aug 68 LTUsazatlim-la, DO 5* 196,-Po, 361#533 Eronosed U-21=9es iL'k the Trajnj-.j_% of Rural Meetr,ieal Engi-neers , by G. Newrov, 5 pp. mnsTa, Per. Se"'Ske-ma :-%Lzn , 4DOCCW., 15 Fat-. 68. p1p 2. i-eRs 44,903 USSR :J. -11 Q-5 Education April 63 355,379 ! gnat at taw Bwatl= of am 1w a. X. Ibnow. MM poh MOMU.1 am=* wo 3w m amm n* 3a W U3-=- iwai Awy "vim 546M N 0--;- 0- 9 OV 3W6504 tbe Cavitation An RnWWIZ=tGl StLIV Of awyAgo't cbembe'arlatics Of conuactIng by G. S. ONUXOV. 8 vp- zammel., Vol 140 m3suus Vwx I_ lb 3, 29wo AJQ 7) SCI-PWG 396,745 sov 69 X6 or ~riuu Pmeture Of -the J16 Prop"ed b.,f Proa~-v* by Ga T. nazarm2 3.1 Mlad, Rusap Hmolo Stim3-q Stal`=rkh #yn pp Div ?e R ~Wllfl ~ VAII ill Irl r" V It 'T 4N'l! T Cl.ulxwo In Rumff of 161kratnim Rivers under the DMueam of AgricUturep by G. V, Hazarcrr,. 8, pp, HNISUM., per,, Ltyeatla Abodadl Wm* SSSH, Ser- !JM 2MMRMI~~ lb I., Jan 1966s, ppq U2- to, JPW 3)t%,B -A - V UBBB Sal I -W/A Apr 66 299s223 Vc(3nom-j,c -%fo= v.Wrta=jnS-r. In Turbir-a Ilighlatryr by 1. Fas=mr,, 9 pp- RX:SZM per,. kaami~~ &L=-tat No 20., Isv 1Z.0 pp looll. MIS 45no J~ . fJ # Z 14 P- 0 V umil 11com Sept 613 36e,,503 Gwma Gpectrmetry of Hatwral Envirommts wA rormations (Tbeo&7 of the Notbad AIVI:Icatlo= to GedloMr and GeopWwl )a. by It. M. Mog=t 1. IL rAxGM7* 337 PP. RUMM9 bkll OlnM Gsm&4hx*brqmqtriv. = . m . ilj Q 7- jq rao v MY 71 Lm cwuln Inuo-al 0 by 0. s. Berliand, 31. F. fiam"Ir. RMIANg pwa Vak A~ &-,Wv Vol 1739 so 20 196-70 pp 25IL-2-V-. Am 14th So& Vol So Ho Ze 1967 -T . M . N) 4 -Z /+P-0 \1 NM 68 3M93" Cmlaaatioa of a Gw for shapius a uelical r-loctrAm 4ktan of ftigh Trmsvexse Bloctiva ftsriwo by So 0~% LvcWmla,, to M, flassrow, RLSSIM, Per, Ismat!Za Sibirsk= OtdoUmiZa Akado%U Na"t by4ifla barnys-Taximuftexim NOUXIF V*2 60 lid 20 19", Ipp 17-24. HASA TT 4t-11.0145 P 34upt 67 DrapNrailon Stmtowjomww~p by Yoi* t* Gamlyw aW L. to AMU& IV Atom- rem 1 192 v ie. Agyr 66 31:9 'Pow FNIDow mv, by DIO rWi~sulll, npp Xedqn,g.. U p AA / I/. ,~ . )r, -Z. o C) V"" iux~st $ vvt 1970~ 21, I/ &" Cortala Mmato of the Ecm3mle ralbrm in Light IMIUP--ry,p by k4 3==w# 32 ypf, WMIM4, VWp ]~Sfta ltallfilMlp No 8. Aug 1 1 967j, VP 3-11,r jmhm3 OA, -z- 0, P, a 1) /V I /V a um Em got 61 341,699 ria-molt 3a aawAmdo tv alb vo1kcv* f4 tkmuwmo 6 ppe aw-10.0ifie rcro r9 912heim 213M ftWwwo Bob L96% JkFs 4rAl m . tj /4 /4 /2- c, v VIM Eam 3POX3 &ef%fpr;v~ in U~fis iA u N. Valjvw, A. gAzann" ana V. C~4,bazaxre-v, JIM pp. x? 4 at fVA-L^ROV ToDrl. bk.-g- 67 In krafit L'IstribUtion ArAlyzod# Lw ii, vabww. M. Vasarms Ppe top* set 440 It Mar 19690 It* z tray 331o949 w0vt -WUt Cuomo -jtd AWN SMOr ft.07,00M it tl* owumt Tobum IM&artel md Lev =a so raaws 32 TV. h=01d'degisam rSWt4E6 NO 2Up v7p` jl;~03b* 3tw gB5A15 lowlWAM de, umt=w',7=Ww by Lt. A. tAmqraks It. A. Hanamw. aws'-wo vws V* Aft gist SMS Val IWO fb 5j, ocrto 19wt pp Um-'=- QB M , /7, V 4 -z- A /Z c, 4 !1w 69 VIA% lit a o;wc& b5ave waLn 4~ i-iL. ;.,s. b" AL itz;aL I'iL-3 Iver 9' A ',?oruUms Catlelmod, LV pp. -oveow, -o no rj(vim jiv4mp. one ark, ,p JAM 721 14MtUhtUg 4Vd CiVU DOftase frotoetion Agrmi4eo 51M :w the smiot uniono by 1-40 Namrwrv 11 pp. A I Z A rp aft M!?~ :2 had-o-amm Maws ~Ruo" ftrug Val IX- 1967, pp 695-?00. DU R!.J 692-68 Uck -Z: fig 0 usaa Mill jur-O 68 ~er -;catjne~ of, L-lectrons of 41~. 1. Nazarov ~~!~Ors AkacleMii 1 .-',tkuk UkVaiblq$'-G 1-10 1\1,q- 7- oy C9