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On the Possibility of Tracking Clouds on the Shady Side of Earth frola Meteorolog- ical ~';atellites, by L. V. MuravIyeva, N. Ye. Ter-Harkaryants. RUSSIAN, per, Trudy Leningrad Glavnaya Geofiz Observatoriya, No 196, 1966, pp T20-140. AIR/FTD/14T-24-256-68 Pp Sci-Atmos Sci Apr 69 380,374 1.6 MUM$. 29 4.,'l INa 2869744 *E the Cmatm, cmtwl cmmissicn of ea CPSU by He A. H=aVYMav -10 W- 30 March 196fir pp. iple 3515#593 303o4" imp, - ml 66 J: lon In M-ow-ins Industry Hoteei Haiim R~miwsim, 6 pp ,56h93 t -Jul 2 Machinery Industry Speeialization in CEMA Countries Reviewed, by Halina Murawalca, 5 pp. POLISH, per, Rynki 2 raniczne, Varsa-o, No 17, 25 ff-Rr 721 P 3. M I J-PRa 56166 J'an 7 2 9-- vt L-t m P. NA U- a Pk Q r. - K*' R Machine Tool Industry in CE14A Coluntries Reviewed, by Hallm Murawska, 6 pp. POLISH, per, Raki Zagraniczne, Warsaw, No 51p 27 Apr y2, pp 3$ 6. J-vRS 56299 ,TU:L 72 LJAIO ;`.aces -I?Ard Yml- of S..... Irought. by `VrMyt 5 pp. rpto lag sootlagol, 19 Doe 1968, pp 2-4o JR'.S Aq3ois Sao tab 374,605 AmftamAlly by Politician frm Bolivia IntervImrad in Chl-lo,, by Ocval&~ Q. ftuWj, 5 pp. GmErmum USE MY SPAMU.. npj, Vegs IB W 2967P 32-33- im GUO &3~ Cms VA POI JUV 67 330s064 Lip,ds, 1,uricication and i0orphological Oiaracteristics .t Vintses, by Ilaiki "ray-ana, 17 pp. of Plan GOWIZU111114'r USE. ONLY xtma'st. per, INihon Shokubutsubypri Cukkailio. Vol 31, 196S, pip 13-20. AFCV/RSTCA-f-23-216-69 /4 F~ rh t9 Oct 69 393,217 -K V,- 41 Jj, 7i 4D2 727 z I'ciwellneLis of l.cacif and Bc4hav,;.or 4.)f C" ydrc;.,~cn in ~Itecv IU i flydroZ!,en Diffusion Eras Steel in Kot Zollinc'- and in stress Lm-ding at Re-am Temperattre, by S. l't-mmia =-. jAPAWEZISR, per, TOt9u-to:jjaMnc, Vol 43, 1957, 323-329. .jCF.q"LI TT 70-572-84 sci- arfe t~74a'e Jume 70 L'L 19 bunUm oC Phame of Cawdlao Acav:ttv Undw C4WItUm of Low ParUal Pressne of 02Wgen in Itftaed Airp IV Ve Me YAwayedcas 5 pp. BMW, we 909=r# 14 lip 19570 pp ite-160. JPRS 116*751 v /I plagoLye-ovkO 75- Now 3700183 L32luence of Cobalt-W Y-Pgws an the Automtic Actlvity or the lowphatic Heart of the Frog, by No N* yAlray0ev RMUN, per, Dok Ak Stiuk SSSR, Vol 177j. No 2., NOW 1967j, -PP V794B2 CB V MQP-gy Aug 6B 362t349 PrOductica of Sulphur by sacteriag, by P. M* Mnawmyev" 0=1ANIt per& 1xv Ak Nauk SSSEM seriya so 196S Diplogirbeskaya" ii PP 692-699, XLL IMi 3U0 (ki Low Only Sal-Whem Jul 67 330,612 Admill ~.Irt lut kon Of aQrxA gul=zlvo S.iperrlirlal It rna, v2p. z i I. Vesuelvaus, 5 W* IMMIJ, War, 1hplil Gm.-AU"; L,r~ov&,, Vol 1%, Uo 3s. Mr 45, mr- 34-:-Y--- ilms I*y 65 Deformation of Intemet llic Compounds by an Extrusion Hethod, by K.M. Murbayev, 6 pp- RUSSIAN, Tr Inst Yedern Riz, No 10, 1969, pp 131-1397. ACSI-K 16110 FSTC-HT-2-3-1102-72 May 7 2 I I ~t 1:~~ jw~ T ) f t , 7 ~ C'~ 7 _UA _ f k.- _ tLIC _ __ Llems, Rgstrepo prais-es Woelc of Incomp by car3.o:s tt~q 6 pp. SPAMF4 np, &Annt-a-d-sm, Bogota, 27 APP 1972, pp 1-A, 9-Aw JFW %a48 Jme 72 Uems Calls f or Liberal PWPtY IkdtY, bY CLrIon I~V~s 10 pp, spAtmH, npo hveAaLorw ftoug 21 Apr 19729 pp 3.-Ao " JPAS 56125 JM9 72 ,e 1114114111IMMIlaill I III Bill k III :for Imtr-strilul .v~sibtbxj~ by 1. its t=viav 8 otat 2.3 197SIP Aug A2geria Afflmw ExpraprUtIon by Alain -,~urcler, 5 pp* I PsAs, Inq. jppz 47060 AT-Algerle izon Jan 6) of ioreign il, 29 ~-,ct 1):63, pp 1, Eruv-tir,fi of Vutis SuLtarivic Archi,:C-Ia,o,o and itS Influ(nice on Soliuciftation, by 1. U. -Miurdlaaa. RUSSIAN, lior, Dok A Nauk-_SSSR, Vol 1969, pi: 1149,~1152. Ac. I ir. the TaI---!;;i 185, 1-4, 'a, -:Z7 . 0 , m L( iz Ct 1-Yi 1~ f~ Jam 70 400#020 A VSJA of SidUte-lu tin Aftiblan-MMIUM-OWXMIM zuwm-~ zwes by L 0. VAW&Ms IF- 0- ftVbDgtWV- Emal"s ftk Ak Vm* OM Vbl Ifts go 2a 296E6 Ipp MA-Lm- x1l J~, o . rl-7 q tz d M 4,09 Aur 69 3eDsIM ox, lio=.~ernyaya L-c-,~Lva, Ib 13i, 4. --145 Gct (.,a 369,414 Bettor Machinory Needed, by Adrian Prodan. Alwmndra Huresan, Constantin Capra-rug and Idoolae Ilocanu. 10 pp. RUMANIM. per, Scinteia, 2 Feb 1967. P- 3- ,jpRs 4oo33 ALEyAA/DRU lok)P'6~111V 93-Fmanim Econ Mar 67 319,530 A%IinID9 of 1~9~ SPOCUlists Fibacribado by ludtxu !,Mrukmm. a P-0. lib'WrIANO Per, j2asjtDrqLRRMar-, 31 LTta 1968, P-0 %-~ JFRs 46t334 to- 6 L4 m I' t P, u M Li P, G ~G AN Sa/Lial sopt 68 365o239 by i-ndtz-a mrsmn, ita- r1j.Ng J) u m M L4 k IV Group , *Acal 6arvice ractives lAweribc-Ce W 'L,'0 iasans 6 pp. M-mr !b Buebarest, L-ept i,tA&aWj,, 1969, pp Jan 70 W-)09552 ~-j t-a I z,L:r~,-amn earl 1&0 ~fllo f-mr-towu# -1 P-,)* I-MMIDUAIIII, L-or, Vlatm nq ~Cmla 11:3. 1:), ~ ps :L,-, (:) -'- 0 p ar-m ;)tc 314,22.67 Wreauar-atic Eragpratimio in Public 11-s-alth b 6 'tatiatics, by Dr. Petru Muroaa a U14MITAN, perf, ScIntal , Bucharest, 20 AprII 6S, p. 24 JPRS 45,487 M-S aw I SOCIO1. May 6 a 358,567 ;3cientifitt C.;ItIvatiort ~.)r Agrric-Litu 21untf~: by PP,? BIWAUM., perp Pr.)blem agX_I_calc,, N-1 5, Vnr JPPO 3703, sort W.' --cicvWic tv 13 PP* 1~1, Apt imm 196ge pp 9-1?. JPRES 4m0 Apr V~Vmo Do illmmj, and Dr. L, Bra% 9 amwims, SwigUata. vol I. Do 14 bUr 69, iv JPW 29633 Is-stwmmia zol.14wi w (16 \'~- Scientific Research Contributes to Plant Production,, by T. Huresan, 9 pp. R01,4ANIAN, per, Probl=8 AgEloole, Bucharest, No 3, Mar 72, p=p-lo. JPRS 56173 Jim ?P 11-4s CrimUe of the Rm=ian Lawthev by RusaBm bgtmsanu, RUMINIAH., per,, Viata 14LUtara,3, No 12, 1966, 10 2204013567 330,229 Jul 67 Tndnit'a Mw Boom* More Int*z*lvep bW Tu. Murayeve S. Mudwnkly. FOR orrim" MR am mesurill pwo sersha!3t No hs, 296% pp 16-2r. 102040-23-36%-68 P2002W~68 (4 , tY7 u K G 1 IS V J6.. % 3670(fA I! lilll:lll:pll!l HITTI IMIR III IIV:H! 1-111 ~,ola of Lmhastria Cozt-ars ~vtlinorjg by osulk L-himoscut 13 ppo Per, k!P-tAL.!qq '-laqL, Dic-barest, 1-.1cm 13t9. pp 44-.57. 4,1604 L -li-lbo"MAM Eam Jan 70 400,5% Stadics, in -;:tosa~u, t-.y Ci;stin Murgese-a,p 15 pp. -UMUMAII., p-r,, Liata-BcOnmica 3 June 1966, pp. a-9- ME 363~6 r I/v Jul 66 o. 6., 6 0 ain .7.1 TTentl T;rkmrd Gonuine Ecomcdc Rnlptjolis betwaton Foreiga Trade wrl Industry.. by Pudolr 1,Urg.:>tt, 13 M ,L . GMMII., per,, Die Wirtoehaftp 31 13, 5 May 1.*6, PP!- 3:47?" JPM 36697 M-Gormsny Dn sept 66 TL,e am_ orb struou" or agalcla Proftcts in Rwanu" by 13. lk=E;uj, 0. Dhargu., 9 pp. RMAMOS, per# aniffta de -dHFde, lio lrjv Oct IX6, pp 636-635; im 394ZP- 0, Va-EUmuift Econ 318,v C49 Jan 6T zo. L4 6.5 witalias Inv i ~u alld J--fl 67 3,r(>rist ammt TacUca 1, tw AIVC" lawgmuo PP. SPARIslis, rq~, I&S ~~* Dwom Alroo, 25 may 1969. 1~ 3.' 216 140 1969, p 3: 27 !W 1969s p 3. JI-Fz 4B342 387o952 VI"cw&tV of Pheed 81 MAI" UTtures a ftnum of I=, ftalm's by X. C. a. Z"16 6 MP.. MM376T A= Al tr4W# C. Murgulesou 306#369 a" - FAMBLuor Salome law 6T Electramigration of Molten Monovalent Nitratea - Ag and Th Ions., by 1. G. Augulesca. FEWMs per, Revue Bmm&!Ln do Chimics, Vol 33, 1 0 * pq 979-9B4. *= TT 71-53017 AvaiUble = Omly ~~ .I\~\' CaU to ky-mm Use of Irm and steel Mmdavtz7g by Nicolas ItaWlets 6 pp. RUMUN, up, SaIntgda awhame% 3 Oot 1968t pp 1# 4o JPRS 460892 'C 0, 'DL,'C M u u L e 7- / Eqftnnu EOM Doc 68 354.632 Mia Couhvnirru- I-leml In Art-, by V. 3.3 pp. TMXAllp per# Komounigtp so 3# reb 1966, PP- 524-50- M99 31033 V, MUR -I Avi , um pol Apr 66 29t3..936 I// - wra4u V 41M Ixti mat RO: Ajj r uz V,-L t7-L- wn;,~ atn' i v i 1L .4 t; on i V. o x-y s t 'cl ~at:; G. Lurle. Aii. urit,;. 17 T~-I. ?dfVS~L L iv. ~iariy.& 1, ujlim,;~rcw Q1 py ~~gqftt PTOIJAM-0 In State Pon-01 USIArIc", by A, NwIne Rm,slwn. per. LIft2a 1~bggmg%2 Vol 43, ';-~ID 6, 19157. I~q~ 74-?3. ""Dept of blterior FIZ11 Ami 14udute ~;Srvue DUMMU Of foredga FlobwIss fttmt T-rdame In bUts Owsed Pmd Ashwian. (Ccbaud~m), bly Vq A* Fmino RUMM. pwp allvm usim"ps Vol 0, No 70 1967, pp 77-70, nlept of Intmier Fish sw Wdura sorTloo BCIF 0 Iftmott or Favolaft Flabwism j w3R U, t" t 0' sem NOV 67 214D02"- CbMAORAUUM Q170ka ZWWW~ by M. S. M. Mali. ~4~fl vwo a a M MM. Vb& IMP lb 5p out;* VA w xxvl-~ no Am us% or pt" W4 3% lb 24 390. mw Aro A, pero All"I" 7-, 47 rAto t r2 z! At/. _4 3.7 CbsaWs or Bmldml Strom Dw to RollUig ; I/ Caab=t; by U. M=. APIUME, per, JOUI=l sm mat sel amp Vol ie., ady iqw..-~Pp *=I -H. sa.ftterlau Jkm 70 j: 71 rill -scL., %b1 17, 12, 72, 5 4 I~w Polyw4dim In Flbws BasWan (cap-ArAno Acub Iftch Contain Cradb4mve X-amp in the Bale Cbalno by R. 3, mmume u pp, Htbswie pert no 40 Jul/ AmS 1.967, pp dQ13. ACSI Jo-3?n ID 220M)A? sal-D 4w III Fab 68 349.191 The Preseant M--eds af the Saviet lktUding- Materials. Industry,, by P. MuromolcLy.. 6 pp. RUSSMO np,, Txjd, h Mar 1966,, p. 2 * JPHS 35693 USSR Econ Jun 66 302,,001 D ellt Of thO ?M-+-ICtIJL E OJ~ in by Fl. i,. !;uM7-zskly, 9 pp. 1 1. por, R-0410ton, Stroiteltno-y -14-kKAki, 1966, pp. Z7-30. 39,1905 MLIROMsKlY p, C ate Aml Fob 67 315.451 Gr"ttAr utialmatum -Qt SWUorlas lr4"txy Urgeds tV P- G- Muromaldy# 9 ppo Rmmj. Dort ftmitelovew no 100 I clot IWAJ, pp. JFW 33M Rem Fdb 66 295$846 rillompl Ir.porgy Content of lInters or ti--,o Ilortlaorn ilnrbl- of tho Pacific Ocean, by 1. Blurcmtsov. MSSIA11, por, Trady. Goqudqr*tvanrZrj Okeanor.pp. 0 Irmt1tut -- vzm-- 8k 90 GInVn -U~brnvlenlo GI t2arolo-l. cheak p 33v-ofe 11 nistr-ov sqq;, MAS ated',Zdat, IL-1 pp 62*73v Append$-z I - pp 74--u2p Appendix 11 - PR 83-90. *CP,ST'l TT 68-50210 ScInnrth Sci P; Ocean Jan 69 Mae Prenent. No-ads of the Owlet Dunditig- fttnUla Industry., W P. Mm=mUyj, O'S PPO am-MR.0 CPO TD~A 4 Mar 1966, P* 26 JPRS 35693 P, hu~-Ofns~~ U M-R Fcon ftu 66 302sOU ~l I A I 1 11 1 MW 4 rAl 6I& ft-INIMpmPUMAN16, NCH-202 02S Fleld 6C I%Turolqtsev, G. S.; Troflmova. M. G. EFFECT OF A SOVIET GIBBERELL114 PREPARA- 1. National Lending Library for TION OF POTATOES IN FIELD TRAILS (Delstvie Science and Technology. Otechestrennogo P2-eparata Gibberellins na Kartofel v Boston Spa (England) Usolviyakh Polevogo Opyta). May 65. 1 lp. 4refs. RTS-2707. Order from NLL: 10s as RTS-2707 Trans. of mono. Gibberellin i Bch Delstle nn Rastonlya. 1963 p323-6. JFV~o 62, tt Ao m -7'~~ e- /0 E /,2, A (RFP-Trans-98) 5STUDY OF PROCESSES IN.RUB- BERS AND VULCANIZATES UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF AG- GRESSIVE MEDIA, BY THE METHOD OF IR SPECTROSCOPY. sl%luromtseva G P.; Grozhan, E. M.; Zuev, Yu. S.; Rostovtseva, E. E.; Malyshev, A. 1. IcTranslated for Dow Chemical Co., Rocky Flats Div., from 11pp 73-8 of Prikladnaya Spektroskoplya, Mate- rialy Soveshchanlya po Spektroskopil, 16th, Volume 2, Moscow, January 2B--February2,1965(1969). 208P- 24Dep. NTIS. 26materials; translations 2711 28MN-25 29P NSA tw A) IJ'q P, o \JA 36-49ft 6D Experience in Organization of Prophylaxis for -3 Recurrence of Chronic Alcoholism, by 11. V. .Mur-avich, 6 pp.. RUSSIXIi, per, Vrach Del*, No 1. 1967, pp 116-118. Dept of N"yII540 e, Sept 10 r& or~,~ugoslav Ship Constructions by llmxxs,~-,Toachln Hurr, 9 pp. GFMANM~ p03~, seewirtsobnft, East Borlins Pee 71, JPRS r q legar Ta l!4ttqn-ia lla~v~ by 226t BM-31no Feb 19?IV pp 03 con. -Battat? Caro of 021va Ilames Vncoumgwd, 117 %63~0 Iftmajo 8 ppo, ALWATNIA14 UP* BMS10tink, Tiranw.., 12 "liar T.?r,.q: AM: 11 A ftqpOsad QuWAtublve, NeUiod fcw UsIng the Remats Of Waft on Stml TrausfonmUcin Parins s Cwllmg., by G. N=V- low,o Vol Uo 3.21 :IP111D M OX to acat "reat-twit ProbUmo by F."U'la-ds p4r, COD.S. olre. no 6,1 j~;i; 1501-2524 !ILL Bay: 902406 (5807) aug 70 Go Al, Conet=tq 1967, pp Go mom iMmyt for.'! -Liscuss WAak fhntbor Dbuement, bz, Gwrge IftrM* Joudm iftjor For-I* 15 ppe akll-ijiq rAlp Idesamm lAvams Jan-kab 1969* pi.) 96-131, Jifts 47662 C,,57 0 p ci L&Gvba pol Apr 69 3?8.906 c& thD 'Tl=afbw=tion to imat :,vmtmnt -FvQw=s, A* CWGUM & FA=A. pmr, C-11S. iamler, -S'~ c-i 7 solh~t z4v 68 of ztwls in -t tv G. zurro- voi 6, t967, 1561- )SLP035 G. bi ia-c'l I Willyll I I I If!! It I I 111,011, W 111 11 1 c7z. D. lurphudli The se7,-zl"tion!,qJ" cozVonts for the recovery of FurfuraZ .12"01", an t~-~-cclft solution in the ,uZ-"`ica.t-,l*)V7 Oita. 9 Pp. Mdr, lav. I WZ. flef t 776 4. 1971, pp 55-59 ILE NT-23-;-933-72 jan 73 On anlzatic?-a latraducad iat-a tliv ~-ri-va-- c Suctor Vila Levalutle"), by ~")r. ~:'Ltlvd MUCSIL, 1.4te ;-Tp. JAU41C, nwepaptr, Cairo, )&n4.-, January 3.961). JMS 44,rj6 Jan 66 349, 567;; .- -Y laratel, tbi~ FoUcasn ot kq)=aUz=., by 1-naa 6 Pp. ARM51C, per, Bag-ocbmg- 26 Jun 10,67. pp IC6-11. 42,021 -z.-;; ~Illd~ !U~-UAP .%I cet 67 %3.533 Rovolution Against capitAum Fro&ma swl&Usmo tw Fmad kUndo 12 pp. AM=# pm. Sl==1ah. calrop YAr 1969o pp 96-14. JFRS 47912 4?1 LWI-UAR FOL FAy 69 381g863 1P ky M u I" SIP- '11 ITHMIWITNII-TiMil nil IN 1111111 fit "Pill, V, ill I I supwr~ BoiA 'Crap, Cons'umvtion C~rovv napldiy, 5 P1.7. A F A T I; P Dw.asous, 2" Oct 71, 3. .'rl?jis 7-:2 1; P 1 J I"I I"P 111,1111 12' 111 Isotope EffectI f.or the Uiffusion of Interstitial Atoi~s,'~by 11. A. Murtazin, 10 pp. RUS~,IAN ' Per' Fiz Tverd Tela, Vol 13, ~o 1, 1971, pp 172-178.11 AEC/ML-Tr-S82 July 7:1 or, i3- t.lof Paloatinlan Rasistanco, by Gilbert 94%wy-p 9 pp., PRE^-,ICPO perit Crolasince des Jaunes Nata np. Parts,) Ilot T27 ~1.05' JPRS 5 ,57550 biv U-MOrt NO** jF,5 p"po awm 9 liall I'Villo P34 Jnva 1, ~)j 1 2,41, Jul 23 19 L; I A 1$ JMU AVI-RD 502-15 -1 Militai.-it Prench C:c~;~i Rails Albanian party,, by Gilbert Xuryit , 10 pp. FRENCH.. per, Le Monde DiplcmtiSue, Paris, Ian 72, P 4. jpRs 5!652 Apr 72 !I"-!--IZLI= Or PrArtyl COM~-MtM'~r -3U a L-y Rxa VII by GUbert *info 5 P-PI FMCH., Per., XMM2 NUveUe, 9,- 1076., 1 ;*uw lw:)s, PPT 152 JM 36.119 ita 66 304:913 V.'V* Oct 72 catical I-,,atil plimune, aml lczlrilrl--g,, Praduc- tion Maxiasemnti by A, A, YAW=Yev and Y09 Tr 5 PPi .IUSSLANj, per,, P st' Belorussii Ito Pa:r 19V)i PPT 51-52t JOSS 36334 zaj e USSR tc:)n 'T, ,ai 66 306,,T34 UiDe ar Wild Coraollan ChftTiw la t1w C=Ifig Wusk4T oil' Dmawtago bv et all str"Mot parip ago== I ovosuchasusulam ACSI J-1~47 ID 22D%000667 JtAb 67 3IM71 Fqztiul Variiii.tiuns in the C15 of Sulfur-Bearing Lirestone of the Cistarpathian na,~ion, by It. ,z!. i~urzayev. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk _SSSR, Vol 183, `7~c*40 196S, pli 931-9-3-r. AGI P - '-'-I . " a- -2-, '-) I 'r- V Sept 69 3910489 BMW* of slaulms AMA Famatim at 00 DOWU Of OWURL IL SXT mp. mmus" Yoko ivkmft Sint ]w JMI E. 14. Ihirzayev 3wo" Standairazatim of G 1w El me iftwoomm. RtJSSZAN, PWO im"MOU Aksliew4 SSSRO �g" G!Rmfjc-badm" - no 4& JLgWo A3mW 'ropopurble- Camand G23& 195* 1968o No 4 USSR G909 Fab 69 37397U