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The Fringe Variation of Capacitors of Finite Thick Plates With Application to Magnetic Calculations# by H. Mueller. GERMANy per# EX21H = 9 Vol 15p 1961v pp 286-293. NTC 72-10145-IOC A/-Ii 5 /1 -j -/ /-' j 2 Apr 72 '31 GEREV WI East BNOAM No 229, 14W 19696 im /,4 L L Ce, ES-3 Jul 69 Probl=s of -PoUvian--A~Iaultum-v tro- i~ftx Um 13 pp cArvarnElIT usE Uny ma!t avkaSH, r4). ioryaea, 13 JiLl 1965t sipple- Mont Pozes 1-40 JFIO GUO 833 IA - Bolivia Eccn 286vOlt Czaa~ioslavak View of tua Principles aW gictivILLy of USSR ForaiGn Policy., by Mraslav Vueller., 3.0 ppq CZECH, Per, N3.ra ely-8-1 wo, 25, 13 ueec 1966., pp. 6-6. ins 39675 114 S / -I 1/ 114 ZI E USSR-Czech pol r, ab 67 317jQ)2 I (D. Application of uplosive Slurries in Quarrying, by 0. Mueller. GERNAN9. perp JIL12ARUgs, Vol 21& No 10j. 1969# pp 388-392 RTC 72-60290-13C July 72 Mu.'e-L L =,.'6d,d,e Imad ~ bagot s ln bleamulM Lis 16f the Xyftowteorologiml InsUtute.. by - -- XM*40= MiUVO CUVats, bg~7i.--i-i- OMM,p pwp mm ambdubtm Vol 130 BD is 3965* w. WO 69612219617D saz4kvsav*dm &4v 69 388,,&6 P 110'w, Ile v- /2 ~ Subseriber Computer Systems* Part I# by Ro Kueller, GEMNI, perj, - RalAnzaparbst so Vol 119 1969a pp 455-463 NTC 72-12417-09B July 72 ~' Subscriber Computer Systems. Part Ilp by R, Muellere GRIMN, per, Inavtromisohm Dalsaggr v Vol iip ig6gp pp 536-540 NTC 72.12ji6-09B July 72 R. NwIler Cobalt an an 0eaWational Resenatogen and as Coupltng Allergen With Chromitm and Nickel. GERMAN., per, --tcq~- Vlachensehrift Val 154v 1 p pp 270--282 RTC 72-131 sept 72 ~~, x(-"-Q-~ Technology of the Preparation of Organic Substances With Nicroorganionev by R. Mueller. GIMN, par# Chgaie-Inmenigur-Zechnik, Vol 38# 1966t pp 813-825. NTC 72-10536-07A Apr 72 IA~ -.wTtos 1-~, L~zb, 46L,- Ile ,kct 0 .f Pron-es-termne Derivatives, in 4 41 0 Particular Chlormadinone. On Uterine Fibrooyamns, by P. Ifueller. GrIMMAU, per, Strasbourg Madicle, Vol 18, No 9, IS67, NTC 69-12611-060 S c i - TI FM Aug 69 388,486 Lot lzuallty prodc w= art 7 pp. or. --- 252.0-~>* AlIq I t o . 1. = = i =,w- P. VA a-we I . q .wAj~' ;, , ~ F6 ~il 5-U a * im, .... .... ....... Pmmcotlc C=vWlng of Mae Betchp by W. folelim. GMM.p pWj, Vol 1002 30 :Lbp 19bT* Vp fxU-blT. IM-6946 3(&UB sei4m ftterlau lbb 70 403on6 C3jLv4Lca3L R ri enew mith AvIcol SL, an aMetIts Supm"ant %th Protracted Effect, by R. *Aller-Bmtov. OwNs perj Magm welt# 19652 pp- l-M9--*=- RM 71-f2TO-W Masti~oi in, -MMIAP Ma-Tratirp(vto by iGMM-b ver, t-Mn~ttoMiL Vol -60,, 1970, IV 78h-796- .Aodification of the besign of Intcri;tediate iicat Exchangers for Sodium-cooled Reactors Using Ferritic "aterials, by fl. Sclinauder, R. A. -4ueller, 28 pp. GLIOlki, rpt, KFK-1387 jXEC/E-URFNR-92T Jan 72 ima;ian T ai dni-, ~lnuals art 1 'd ~Frt Tj~ 5313 0623 67, ic:l%*c or Tr. 1073 PRIE-11k APPROVAL OF C(Y~*NWT-", ,%~,AZAL S;W) SySql~,~IS CTfINNU) SCi - 1 l3t 7.,'cv 67 343,935 ;,artic-1c c:-.;:tic-a1 Qmract4risittcs of as-, static Doijtxtioa in a Mavnctic Fiald" by Rclf 1-.*,. fJut~ller. CHRININ', ptr, Zeit AnLjew M-)ri, Vol It., BbS, AEC LICRL-1rans-10214 f:ci-Ph- S jul'y 68 3G7,416 juruwWo Qc Aerlwr sM*j NxbWla an Bfttlug Sn"Im* W W- Mwkuev-FJL4p V,. Wultsoup 16 otwko OMM-P *worm Beim va 39.9 196% VP A$"*. MA n666-uft U/ - e-11 5" M NOWSAU Ad 6T 3334 5W ftatws 13L Gloom& SWIMW x6votle IRA zurna" DRICUOMM OWAUM at the stmatum CC 03AMW siod at Vie later OwAaWs bT W. W. saw" s- Awroubv re awwo A. sbag. GJ946k4p VWO "g-a-A M IM." bngvaw Va got IMS, 0 902-3.7* 1prooeftities 'and App.Utatlen of Poly4wathane Transfer LUDER Vol~:22, pp 269-276,1971. cSuo NTOL72-14902--!UG Feb,:7i3 Jan .~TFA: Jill I 11,11i'lif W!, ct Omdma AxialMds far the ir rg*M Ins-hv by W. Iaim*mw. Q_ Vol 25,p 1970., 6,062 AiTform Firef ighting Lquii erAn for the I'ariliur,-,- sud Tunkern St. Michaelis and St. Petri, by G. Nuenstermann. GOVERMUM USE WNLY NAVAL SUIP SYSTEMS GERMAN, per, Hansa, pp 842-843. PRIOR APPROVAL C(O-01AND Vol 103, No 10, OF COMMANDER, May 19", Dept of Navy NavRiips Trons ho 1110 p,/_/ Nov 68 364.445 calculation 01: vie vuergy Mwtrix far u Coarlex of Impurity Parmi.:17,nein Ions in a Crystal, by F. 1. 'turtakllavu. PMSIAN. Vok 4- Nau). SSSR, Vol Mo. NO 4, June 196-13, 867-80. (Al r c' 7Eb 70 401,?42 Inclusion of Orbital States in Indirect Exchange Theoryo by F. I. Riftalchava and I. G. Maplan AMIAN,, perp Dok Ak Nauk WR, Vol 178, No 4., Feb 196B, pp 8-15-71-7-- The Am Xnst Pbys. vol 130 No 2., August 1968 F, I-, M u F Tq j< 14 o V A sai-physics Oct 68 366,077 On One Method of DetermIning Fatigue Life of Air- craft Structures, by S. 0. I N. F. Chekbonin. IMSSIM,, pery IVUZ. AvlatarLoomwa tekbn:Lka No 4, 1968, pp 145-1w. - ITD-HT Spalal 369-70 ~. A. '0'~ Jan 71 ji i4d- 'Z! A x mwil . . ....... ... ....... im Ila. Mabmadiysv* b. waroo"Ir no-IOU Ak-gwgk -=4-v Vol 190i ED 4* 434*1 KwAvo-A, Don IWAY -M-2?4 4000 ~--omlalf-lsrm a",-d LA--Qad-i;- ~-- --ovcmcin U-,GG ~,17GU-.AAI at C4varal Univerridty, by Adel hiLdimnmad, 7 -pp. GOVERNIIE14T USE ONLY SPANISH, np, Ell 12 Feb 1965, p 11. JPRS GUQ: 651 L.,li-Venentela POI Mar 65 274,964 &~Alne- (Aven an ii= to Ir-prowe tblvcrsiticav by i'aswi 'Abbas ~ih~dw 6 ppe A,'-i=cv rpt# &1, Ta Calro* IPE, Feb 1969o pp 7-9, 11-81b EdUc Apr 69 yn- 9350 -I I , lr~-. I I IT, I I T I I rl, t1fil; 1!~ V IT 4 f I i I FJ I [ji I I U 11 '1 tl!~ I J I j ! I :~54cbtton WD DO-Rmpbasizing ry Bumni les 0 psi in;g r .0 Vocationcl, by garbil Nab ppft AUOXP' :np* I -SmSbdad, 15 19701-ji-p -3,7,o JIPRS 52$13 Pol Feb 71: ........... . 1; IfIffili'll: fit I Arab tv TA ppo AlOurals 3 Dee 1971* pp 1. am IPPOLAUAt .10 Inva 4w, Tcd&UD# '20 FPO Eft,"W 3M 5. loco ir ~ -~~ -- - - q(, Aybrld flabomft in 7bi Mwwdqwsl IW F. J. Rabop R. Bcbxmcber. am=, Dw. Stemg lbabrlcbtanp lb 41, Apr Iwo tv n3b-23,V- NZ Me: 9M.Bl (2556) SoL.MJW Oct 69 395#330 ~'-iaguetic FurvImg of n1bular Ifork, A Contribution t0 thO AmalYsi$ " the Powing Pr*4ms3,, by A. siWdbmnr, E. V, Fluckamtsin, GOWAN.* per, Uamdar, Blache, Vol 8,0 No Zj 1967, PP ftK-52 Sci - Chem 340,097 ;rrltm NWuIttifion GM111 the i7-entrni tho ERrmlomedit of Yugoslav !;Ociatzy amli tho MAGG*$laV L~WWIW, I:Ur OMOr PAIKO, 21 PP, SER10.00AM3, per. Dmitislivrbo Oct 1966. pp. 62M33. JPRS 39,15D Jan 67 31 062 The Notch-impact DUctilitY Of FOrTitic S. G. Iran, Part 1, Fundamentals. by H. "Uhlberger. GERMAN, per, VDI Uit. Vol 110, 1968. pp 729-737. NLL Rof: 9022.4 (68/240) Sci-Rat May 6 9 380,802 Ifodel SimiLlsUon of Bath Hotim in Inch% Lou Oxim1ble Fumaceop by A* Yublbmw* GMWj pwp agaz~~ nougg-a Val 27s Oct 19699 pp 39t$-hW* 00 At Tram* 1097 ma fob 71 Souyid.!,Radi~~catd)6.11 by Submerged Exhaust, by ChVistopli !Iuhle~' 89 PI). FOR OtFICIAL USE ONTLY GERMAN', piir. I"iuller-BBII GMLBIi Rcport 2605, Coiitrr~ct 1110. der F,-unciema.vdstor der Ver y 1, IFAVES'A'11P Trzins. I.To. 1321 Jul 72 !FadU-U; l-",, "r'UV3h=to--.AVS i)ropagatjon jhraL,,,~;h The !VoFvptaLw* by R. i~uWmjson. UF- L&I"I" rare, KI. bagbor 2M&at,2, JL965#, pp tlj~einbW LIO 10, Alca Apr &1 35(4589 InfluOtce Of Residual. Stresses on the Fatigue Strength U~debr: AIte.=atiAg Stress of Steel Springs, b~! K.H. flabr,. GEM-119A j. pe3C6 Stahl Bisen, Vol 90, June 11, 1910,,pp $41-936. Sep 73t; '~~qes Soeialist Party Ideology, CP Leader Disc by Pranz Muhrip 5 PPV M a C -~,Nj per, W S_und_Ziel, Vienna, Apr 72s PP 125-126. JFRS 55979 May 72 CP W.Ator.A%raisos AUStr.lan Peoplets Party, by ?:kanz ~ Muhrl , 7 pp GERMAN, 1~.or$ 1,7egund Ziel, Vienna, Doe 71P P-0 JPRS 54952 Feb '72 Tv, StoluD 3,15 ALTO 14 PAW Mie 17 61-0 11. io m V. OWN izavi DUmaws situatim of Swiali= Todayt by fftm eltrie 12 pp* C'mass parg Ww UrA AAA* Viannal, No 99 Sept 1969* pp 42.5-433- ims IM50 AM 69 YA*292 Uffect c4f Residual Stresses on the Pelinviour of Steel Frrirjrs Under Alternating Stresses. by R, -1 j, Fully, GERMAN; Perp 'Stabl. Eisen, Vol 88, December, 1968, prp 144 -14,1555. UISI 72921 sci/Mat JuIv ("g P 7 -,756 -- - ;3- ' ~ Muhri Addr'9316B Communist Party Central committee Meeting, by Franz Nuhri, 6 pp. GERMN, Pp, Volkentimtme, Vie=a, 12 Mar 72, p 3. J?RS 5.5637 Apr 72 -~t. - 16 C-12 Leader Appraises Polish Party Congress, by Franz Huiii-i, 6 pp. GERMAN, per, WeES und Ziel, Irierria, Fab 72, PP 50-52'. ,TPRS -55434 I-FAr 72 pwfib' SAV~VOtAt MAsts Liberal Con-manis' pp. by 9, P, Veg xmd '7"iel,, viomm,* Jul 71, pp Sep 71 is Jjwqp,j~~" "MF 14 'Ili;" bliticuil i~~u ac-.,DoAc to tw*ral LOWAttool b;~ I'Venz flaihA# 23 pp* per# LOA0944TVk usmas 22 July 196go PP 7-10. J? M 41562t) IC*f-O-AI7- Mt'-Ar-l wl'"imtris Pol Aug Arl) 33*9626 gecm in tAe "z4t~ sual t2he AusU-Um Worbom, MY46--mat, by wazn,. i-To 4, reb 65, JPEG P9.43) POI Apr 455 277j.549 Mulwi ID&BOJAWOM P*Ut:LogA Slt-jaUon wd PrIcs-tca a:Z AvsUlmn CPj ty ftws.t'k3~j, 12 179.6 cmimum, Opp IN-AMEM-P eq rsw 3-965* Pro- 3-6- JPVS W63 aim 65 i Xftm KW)ri Addreams CP an 3M Arxdvm*su7o I by From Makwie, 8 ppo GRal". 33P. mt4 0 via=, io mov i968o p 3 jpg tv. 103 WE/Austria : Pal . Jan 69 -V20280 /~--wo -, I., 111:- ~l Leswns Fmr- Franow Austrian CP Cmnwants on d_q Ifth Congress of the Frinch CP, bY Prm'-' lilahrl, 5 ppe GE"RAM. per, I z-j.rsg und Z191, Vol 24, NO 2~t Feb 196'?, pp 60,63o irg-31 39971 POI 67 3194439 7- ~Ltstrlmn Commmist Interpretation Df Developwnts In Czechoslovakia, by Franz Huhris 5 pp. GMUAP, ps-r. 3~a~trwm. Vienna. 16 April Ma, p. 3. jMS 45,430 hy 357,934 Ieao)er of Jhwtrim CP Favims Austrian Domistic PoUtAeAa Smm, by Fram Muhrlp 3A pp. GESKO, npj, V03kostiump 21 JUM 196Tj PP, 3-41, JPfS 41T60 EF.--Gernww Pol Ava 6T 333..183 $i9ldflemoo of the 2Dth Flerty Congmss, by In= PhdwO4 10 ppo GUM4 perw ~W und agle Vlema, Vol 26. No 30 mar 1 Fp 113-IMO M , -Austria Vol A%y 69 3789464 -.. i i-,Urj,'-,, Ai.1- as a 'tiOn af and '.e ~j, . Ix:ir !~bchazidcal Propori.ZWEII by -; 42 17cr C---t lgc,-:?, scib.z. t, 351,021 -H, 60144mob fto 60 3A399 *Awl At, OA412 tmt-!4AAa vla ntola-lAi4 la-GA- 1391 IS A . sm ism Vit,**irJbnd, by "Abd al-Jabbar Masin, nmgldaa~, 4 bpr 19722 j"io~jb np~o Q::wy pp 10-31. amzs -I A ir'l a Mtd in. and TheIr to lAnvor slooluo latesna by IL S. Nd*ARW. mmunp vwj, ag Ak ftyk map Vol IB2v 1b 40 IsrA m *4W." ma an N" so* Vol 9i, no 5j, 108 u CD thr 6.9 376o404 A13 JUVOGUEptlan Of a DOULtMr SIDgalAr MMteSMI Egation With Spod&3 QmactW AU=X in tbe Mass i ; . 1,9 by U. N. HUMMM. nwmms .mwo ftk Ak Do* SSSR# Val lBe,, No 3s, 29Wj. W Z. mw An MAU oft voi 9j, m* so x968 U. f" . M U ly -tg P- 0 \/ 69 376492 6clontifle _rgod2ation of labor: Jmthamticsf the E-,twtrmlc Compfter..., by ft. emiskava, 8 pp. M-3-SIAH, per, PAROMEfticfth S563R, No. 9, 3,968, pp 9-116 Mr-i 47063 SCA-LISC Jan 69 3n*885 //r," /--PlI \1'11~,:~\,, -~- s" ~N-,\ , --~- < - ,,, '~', c-:-, Gh~_ng,Bs in rturaj population Stvacture 'Toted, by msbmt mu Jac ie j. 7 PP - MERIBO-CROATIANs MD. Borba, Bolgrade, 16 Apr 721 P 10* .jp,-Rs 561", .Tan 72 ~~Io--*. by Caracas, 22 Alpr 1971, pp 2p, Ll