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RispILILIMad at CwUM CmadiUMS and Oseed of UU*t "MOM= sm continimm CasUgep tr A, VArlyo= eW 1* HOhl JWAVNWv Vol 5kp so lip IRM 760D s"-fttft-l"s Fft 69 Impurity Skinisistion Pargovounce and Operating colAitious ia VarLoo Contactiog Notbods BoUvAm slag am N*talo by A. Morivame, JMAMMI Porp UMMAKIM Vol SS, no 9, Avg 1969 v Ipp 777-798* *STBI "it sci4bt Get 70 CL VI ~k ,oxg W 412 i . I I i i 'aut rimmelmim AN W~ pal FOR m 9 4 mi Ji5lls, 1154914 j4vb ~2 p ua IA116 I / sommoa QPpAimtl= in Lith-mida DmarlbW4 by V& r-At4almoo 7 We Idpissmi, pwv tqmmlg6 J=e i966p pp 3-5J*. im 4601% \ " ~, I c I ~ K q (L, W-'- USSR pa Auo 68 :)52,W6 JOILIrmlist's View of ?m-sent-DAY Rali, by Pierre Marlat.. 22 pp. rr,V,W-q:, np, Ll-qmwdtep 22, 23, 24, 27, a5j. '?~) Sept =d 5 Oct 19~6. -11-NIS 3J-1435 -Acrica 314,005 _mUmn F~realdiqnt Speaks on Party t~attors, AielmtLona ,Ith Francov awl the YaUmn ::~.~Conony~ in hvitoz-vtmm '4th. Comomist Joumallst, by Pift-re Norlet, 5 wt L"'RIOICII Lfftmanite. 6 oct 1966, P.~ r Africa 11:00n ibv 66 313.705 Physics of Solids --- Anoualous Uiffusion of X-P;.ys by barium Titanate, by Barnard Morlon. FRENG1, per, Cozp. Rendus, Acad. Sc**_, Paris. Vol 266D. No 13. 1968. pV 663-866. (102)-69-184-FRLL--MIT/Lin Available from NITC ce-'fl7alej May 69 380,409 log in Production of AuxUiaxy Earth Work MTdpramnt, byjC- Morn, 5 PP- RMVM, np,, otroitelIgNM Gaze!i~m 24 Sept 1S65o P- 3- RES 32630 usm placm nov 65 291,107 !I111 Tocirtau ummen Convw+Ar F&Us to StOrto by JU Acro, 5 PP- IBM CAUM~u Mogoow* RUSSM& IV@ gleduill 8 oet l9we p Z. iM 49M -M - Sol-lfAt NOV 69 3969362 -"~\ - 11-~ c4notrwtion labor Nuist be Safe* by H* Morov t) PP* RUSSMi,, np* StVaiteltma gsgs~�, ?~bwcvf, 14 #r IWZ* p 20 JMS 3"65 IULY ?2 P:rogrems in the uti ion of Atomic Mnergy for the Gmexation of Electric Power, by I o , 5 pp. MW=;, mps, Koebmalma Fmvda 6 Aug 1965P P- 3- JPRS 32699 MR 5:i-Blectromics ilav 65 291j,152 0410 flualagi 1q4pmsT"&t7 'Mmused-O tT T-Uxatber Invostigntiona 1,14garding %lbenmew in Fe-SI-C (11) lk2loyaj, b J. 1-1. Moron, B. PlIcb. GEAVIIIS pors, =slca, Stntus Soliclla,, 'Vol 16, ~e~ 20 1%16. . *BISI 6771 sollf'Intel-Inle Jnn 69 j- bj, J, with vinsmic is the NnOwtic Field tbo Barth, by A. A., MSMWW* Ossms 'A 'Mmitot. mdom )"aftIIs= 1" 19650, pp 3L30~V6 /Z. c N C, %j Nwir I)ata on Water Circulation in the Southeastem Atlantic, by K. V, Moroshkin. RUSSUNO perp Dak Ak Hauk sM, Vcl 188g No 3~ 19690 pp 681L~~. ~- AGI JULY 70 K. Q, MC)ROSH K it,,) wAter U.88*8 of the sea of obbotmk-o tW K. V, L) I ,4ov*NbAft* 98 ppo RUMANo bk* MdAlm 1966. Vp temmumu im 43M SOLOFartb Ba job 68 3ts.m liducatIm w3d F"tgmdmate Tr~g or StALITs for PavchUU7 in the UW.. lutorraal=al $ondmr *T tha WEO far the Grow-rdmation *9 P9CrChUtrI* -SW9iCGR and of P-VchUtrio 491wr-, ~y V. 11. I%rosov. RUSSYA.D. m_ere VA*wus janistry of PubUe Health r4wf* 19~ FPO 1-12-6B 0 P, 0 L,/ Fob 6111, 349,805 Adriatic Fishery as an Economic Its Perspective Develepaeut, by Morovic. SER80-CROATIAN. per. Nase More,. No 2, 1965, p 72. Dept of Interior Bureau of Conmercial Fisheries Office of PoTelaft Fisheries No A-28/nay 69/186 On Loan Only aranch anu Dinko Vol 17, Eton July 69 388,663 FU T .M0ROZv A. RU STATE MARKS OF QUALITY FOR EXC6LLENT MACHINES STROITELINYYE I DOVOZHYYE MASHIWY, NO. 5, 197 29 P. 5 FSTC-HT-23-0717-73 Tm-.xrmr Grodits for heavy Indmstry Proposodm by Aq Iforose 9 Pro RUSS100 per* QMMWM !Mftsko Mmum Y M"o Sept 19694 pp 12-17.1 JPRS 49560 a. usm EOM Jan 70 M6382 Rolation4bip B*bmm the Effect of Iwdsim -7 Ra&&U*n im tbo aw~ of lifts Inroatims and the Viram Dosio umd U Imadals Us Aulmasp by A* Do 90TO14 Oo P* POSM14 8 PP* RUSWAqw pWq YAMW, nualum Re 50 S" W79 pp 9w-06. im ""4 Sol-$ aud x jwk 68 3W0948 Cressbar Systda IPSE-1000 for City Ulgrteve 4 ~ - sa.41111ic",J, by 1. th. Novshaviche A. L. mereas 11 pr* kussIm, %Or* vastan svy*ti, Vol k%Vlv no 70 Up", JPRS Mas 41. mc)(~-O-L) . Sci - El*CTIVOlk 312040S : ftt " 4(AEC-tr-7300) 5EFFECTS OF 210PO ON THE OR- GANISM. GMoroz, B. B ; Parfenov, Yu. D. loTranslation of ji)eis- tvie 21OPo na zm, Atomjzdat, MoBcow, 1971. 20170p. 341)ep. NTIS. 26blomed; translationS 2106 28STD-48 29P NSA REVISED CARD nw lkxWling bhe bobavicr of illy"rajal ia. Oltm~-l at ilill-i Itac-peraturas add Rinnll iry (;* Ve Vbxm, P-4 14 Zolent3wo 4 .-)P. laziAldt rpte 'M institut oacki-ii-t-ii i Ana ~Iftwuu milmala MmUr opm.!22~lwlil a m a Gaim, v 77MLINKE, "bU. pp 24 46 Al;VFTD*Ml-Z3--j57-,W b ~ IV? scilirata.rials 1-dw 70 or 6 !,koow, &+- voordebto xaw. aevmiml '&~Count of j P-ks tir i-orce'v 1-7 '4.*qaow* Poe Isk"R. 367.337 C&vft,;I-wbwtz7 in 2971s, by '_7. -ra~;- rac ZW_tjMlns VLJ 02 X I j^ d j:zethod, Lit; ix.!02,lozp V. V. Odlull'Ovshl-ly- 12 P-P- U, 2"coreti-ches'l-i-c i eks 1909, ZILI 425 206-71 qc-a' 20 pp. WMAIR,, per., VaterInuriia, 30 31 .1-Inz p1p.* "04-3-f2w Jm 3MIF 1=9 mol-w)h I'Ll Q5 aa-049M Ligwoving Agricurtural constractioa- =1 DiMCL=iwt,loa in the waaimq by V., Morot, 5 pp, IUMSUM,, nAs Mae 23 Apr 1966; P- 3* J.11.90 3564 ~. M 0 ~-O-Z- IPMR Ticon jun 66 30129T.3 Improving Agricul Construction and 1jechanization in the Wlauine., by V. Morozi 5 ppe BJSSIM,o np.. Pravda MSm=j. 28 Apr 1966j. P4 3i MRS 35671 UISSR Econ jun 66 301,978 Appanatv::s wialt"i or :.5tooll 8bwt or Fuw to lyj, anci ,,;., 664:5 'VIAWR c~vt 65 2889612 V~ I. Moroz The Mars-2 and Mars-3 orbital Spacecraft: Results of the investigation of the Ma-rtian surface and atmosphere. ORBITALINYYE APPARATY MARS-2 i MARS-3: RESULTrATY ISSLEDOVANIY POVERKMOSTI LATMOSF URY,MARSA -4079-1973, 19 pp. *NASA TT F 14,814 feb 73 Pr of the rroasurownt of the tntvr amtont of the Mmtian atmosphere M7&.' by the llwa-3 autorzttic intarpZwwtary statim. V DDUAVY AXAMAHT RAW SS.TR ol 2D0, Ro 4, 197-9, pp fab: Os feb,:111 Infrar64 Spectraphatmetry rai tile Nowt gm the Galilean Satellites Of JUPIterv by Rom. V0 RMIANO per, Astl4m* 7 1 42, No 6, 196SO, pp 129M=. NASA IT F-10v02S )/I T, //'?a rz~ z- Sci-Ear Sci Apr 66 Ok C) P., V. N. Moroz Spaimning-Stock Characteristics j, Spawning and Fecundity of the Parch (Perea fluviatilis L.) of the Danube Delta Wators. RUSSIAN, parg Ventnik Zooloxii, No 4, 1969, Pp 49-54 NTC 72-12543-W Sept 72 c1laractaxis-Tic oi~ aw; 6'cpawnias lJor4, sl~zwldui; mad FocWtUlty of Perca Fluvistilis L, by V. N. Maroz. WUSSIAN-1, paT, Vasudk ZOO!Wy, il--o 4, July-Aur; 1969, 49-S4. *Dept of interior xFpFF V sci/B&ad Apr 70 Measurement of tbe Spectral Intensity of Light Scattered by the Cloua Particles, by L. B. rxaBillshchilcov, A. A. Morozhenskiy- UHICLASSIFIED RUSSIAN, rpt. Mezhvedomstvewaya Konferentsiya po Voprosam Iss1cd-ovaniya Oblalmv, Ocaakov i Grozovogo Elektrichestvaj, 5th, io,66, pp 14o, Va. Navy 2517/NRL 792 Sel - Geophynica Uun 60 230 k0 uaj,orrAty " ~Aport, A=immts by Ao lijorowvv lie Agqyovao 3 P-Do pers &#:b01 Isv -;Oscou, i4o 9a 190s pp Ji: ii$ W1511 Icon Apr 70 406.063 An Appeal fDr Y~iurig Vollimteera 1.1-a dolp tlie A=,tLe ReLrion, by A. morozrw, 6 p-pj MoSTAR, np, Koe=mist Voormhennyk-ri -S DID ,L6, Aug-i9~, -PPt 53-55-2-~ jprs 35i46 , M4626 V UMR U. c, a n mv 66 312,635 ,~wAc*-,jdmctom.- Theory arA TQcbrdMI App"-UC---tlGw* by Yue I'almrov and A* Njorozovs 7 PPw ram9im. pars Z2WmA!a -!:~gMvmbi No 7 t JulY 1967 pp.f 3-4* JP16 42370 MISR zici-"Rumd.cs Sept 196? ftpamuian of the System CapabLtLties of Standard pro&r-tiom cemputers, b7 A. A. Wrozovo A. As KOWZBV* 6 ppe IMSSEM, per, MakhanizateLya i kvtmatiu&MLV-3 Uf2ravl2aWa no so 1968j, pp 51-53. AIR/PTD/HT-23-92-70 6. a - No /-~ D .7, D v sci-slec June 70 40 Int-arru-ntion AUta a i4wmetic Tape cyale, bYl V. X. T.U=etGWp A. A. P=-ozov, k . 970 BUSMIR, per, Fekhmlfatsiya i hvtamtizatti-va Imalga. *~-fP-1906, PP -u-A-7FfljxT-.e 3-1412 -5T I -NIeL .Rol trurAcs lklw C A -esona=a G olctrizablon of Nuclei in tI-IO M--Zmotic Ield of' It-ho 'f3art.21a., by 1- rozov, 7 pp. To ",' 3c "I'll . 01-;, T univoraltot. 4Q. ,ill ZT, p Ya 111 il (MItTly.7 :Lc,*~V;v 30 A I T111/1"T 23-6 73-67 41 2? 353o230 Jan C-19 W ",ovd, -09 at oiro Oft Ph, liigh-Curent Plasma Accelerator with )09' Closed Electron Drift, by A. I. Morozov, A. Ya. 91slov. RUSSIAN. per, Zhurnal Eksperimentallnoy i Teoretichesk ~Yflziki, Vol 7, No 7, 1968, pp 224-227. AIR/FTD/Pll'-24-384-68 A. 1. Morozov scl-Phys Apr 69 379,54~ i-IfRact of .13clu-idary Cmductivity- in V~--U 1"agnatized Plaorna, by A. I, 1.1brozov, 6 pop. ABSIT14, paar, Zliumc-a Prikladnay ~bldaaniki i, 00 3, L%8, pp 19-22. IM) S-696 404-69 1 - va-Z.Od .. 7- yl~~ A july 69 384,267 ThenwMeleao- SYMUM With DOM" Plamat bY A. 1. bkmo4;cw. t8 pp. EUSUAM,j per@ Y*Oto* Ak OSSR* Vol 39, Ila Gp 1969p Vp 28-30,~ AIM-CM-6afi Get 70 statloowl moom and ftwqe~ for Moir -- denuan in m3vestlestiow, by A. 1. M=a=w. 23 pp. 8=10j, xvt~ volguw ---- Do los2ed v .-M muma, mmu Ismold - PP AWnp/lo-oh-W-68 sa-luml WA 0', (P. BOV (%j 396,lM CIM lZa Uj, V=vs TuApaya rep M6 P 0 Z- 0 71 iiii; lut PU ly, '~T-l 577_140-Wi 3,4 bl.) --jet i.."D ~-I- -r fC AJ U: 1-),~ ILA, v4(sl -iz 'a ill at uct '--crceriv, ot al, 1.0 Ti f;alzbur--.4r -,z:z,-triaf n6r" 398,379 The OctDber Amolutlax und tko -SovioUip -by-B. Noxvims. 13 m, MEMO# per.. jqgB!BM lb- 9m- JUT* IOTP pp- 22-3:20 ~i~ 42i34 13. M090-7W um pol Sept 67 338sSTO ~-.aasurement of ;,"oon's suriace Layfir L-Y Autwmtlc .3tation Nmna-13P, 'py A. A. 3.orozov ,Ii ;,;. I, Smwodinav# RU~WA,6, IJMS 124-OV-0 Ul*R, Vol 1790 '0 51, -sy 1968v pp IM-101yi P910135068-i -:3CI Toeh Info FAcuity Scibkstron Astropbys 359.335 MsaevawAot of the Tains Swfam Dansity by the Automtic Statim "LWA-13"a IW A. A. Moromovs, Xt Lt &wrodinov. R~Ssf". parw D* Ak Hauk SSSRv Vol 1-79s no 5s 1968t, pp 1087-10W.~ The Am Dist Pb" Vol 13. No 4k Oct 1968 0 ScVPb" flr~r 4A Iligh-Curent Plasma Accelerator with-- Closed Electroa Drift, by A. I. Morozov, A. Yu. Kislov. RUSSIAN, per, Zhurnal ukaperimentallnoy i-Teoreticheskox Fixiki, Vol 7, No 7, 1964-, -pp 124-227. AlR/FTD/MT-24-384-68 A. 1. Morozov sci-phys Apr 69 379,544 Eff-ect of Bouridaxy Ocnclwtivity in Uall L";,-ugntizeed P11-Isfila, bY A. I. I~brozov. 6 14?, 174ESIM, par, Zhurnal Pxikla&.ci ?-bkhaiiki i TBkhnid-ieskcjv, No 3, 1968,r pp 19-22. M S-696 404-639 july 69 384,267 Tha=vmcimar Systesm with Dome Plasuat by A. 1. UMMOV- 18 PP- estaft A MUSSIAM, par* V ON& SSMS, Vol 39, no 6, 1969v Vp 28-36. 2217 SCL-Pbwa Oct 70 plum accaumetwo ana Pmagects for fteir AFAAONUM In M A III P I W A. x. u=orxw. 23 pp- msxmp xpto BWLI*ft Nw v I M r 4 eel-ibmi Bel 396sT29 wr (59 K~Z 7- 0 V '151 r I IT; 11 T I' I f I P 91 Il I. ilct, Cyclil:s 1-Ug ct-A :J IN, r'!I:,. $W! til-0 Pr*t-."iXlLiWl Oi -ltC L"arx); -My 1-76-6. ars -. ~! "-- ,4 Ir.1 I E,.,Wtf 01, aaari: k:;XU&-W, Ct oI~UY. W,:"L INT J:,Nia. UE: Lrl-,,~~-'--M',-,~-I%ri! oil "XII, INOR 'i-TV ire ~,A:.owiw- no awd ,.rwim a c 69 398,3-n- The Octa" ftvolutUm and the ftvleftp by B. nwomr.p 23 PP!, 7 RUMW~v per# K_Omunlst 30- 9v Jum 196TO Ippe 22-32o MG 42131i 6. 114090-70t1 um Pal Sept 67 338*870 tic relalr %~-,it;) lli:tad Papci--, iL*) , ~Urfuzijv, p. rniviz. Prow". -1rowim (UpmrLmmtal sti4y).. by b, r. =115 scl , -rvtt Apr CS5 neww - of - was"Ing Catal"t C*w=VLUM in - QFA45dU6 BOW Fftd*to* m by B.Fs MWOSW and V01,204 jo-1'4-zTip ZW3- 66 3Wj296 RA MUkOZDV, B. 1. RU TECHNIQUE FaP INVESTIGATION AND EVALUATION ;3F VEHICLE CGNTROLLABILITY AVTC1MO6IL'NAYA PROMYSHLENNOST', NO. Ili 1971 PP. 12-14 FS7C-~-T-23-2571-72 77TFF Aw! Y-Y) f'Y) C) R- L) 2 -~ C) Roluns RVAOtmeo of a Beardmg Vdth puatic Bang at tho Start of Notion, b7 B.~ 14. Harozov, 11 pp, RUMAN, rpt., a Polim-rov I Primes4mi3m Playtassm T a 1969 pp 161-167, ArR/M-W-23~-373-71 Oct 71 ~ .11 - .., I . ". r, . ;,, MMI.- 1 1. 1 -- - ,.I'. ~r mur -14- , tovtu -0 v 4 ~o 41P - iie-nMaiD In Cotacoaml, by A. G* Tadlin* zo A, obMwo 8 oussaws pgwo 9 P lftm~ w - p ~5.N Wo 30 &9690 p OAS jKleal lkw 3%0369 ji Acculerm-eter i`rror Due to Vie Cross *-.ifect of the .;ensitivity i%xis, by h, G. Ilorozov. jiW.,;jAA, par, lavestiya Vyssl%ikh Ucliabnykh Zaved;:ni Priborcs-trovellIve. V61 11 No 2, 1968, pp 86-90. , ~ = , c,, , 1 71? "' /-,, 6) -> c; V Jan 69 573,5S7 DWAAM Montbly MVIewo Twontr Yeoxg of UtAted BoUms 113~~# Ixr G a li=owwp 3.5 lv~ MVBMD,. par* mom lkmlolwlm I no2h&ID- I I I M., mm 30 loj 19051 iv. Id-W. JP113 MR 0 Q 0;7~ Pal rkw 65 292o365 by G. I tbro- pp jams. -111 IF: bbremic Pqych"trys by 0. V. M=Zovs qu 9 pp. MOSMS M4 MOM Foub"t-rus 290', W. 2.41, 4el-V3. - - - JPffi 3W25 MOIZ6"v. ussa Gel-B/Dl Apr 66 298.,353 Feb ~b.*. la K-Drozov 9 pp. The Scientific Organization of Labor in the Practice of Combat Trainjigg by 1. A. 140rozov. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY RUSSIAN, per Morskoy Sbornik, No 2, 1969, pp 69-;1. !)IA/AP/620-2-56-69 USSR Mi I 1 Mar 69 577,223 Two-Gkomei~'~ Dials' Analy"r of AMPUtudo- Aase-FI "-Uomy CharaAerisucs* by Ko I D. hotrozov-: V.~ N. ImbI=mJdyw 9 pp. R U-S SIAPI. V.Ibr"9,vzUcbeskay& Aktivnost be-r-~---Phm A. INOSOCU, 42 Zit tJ L L 0 :2 3,r- J? -7 q 3 'hug 09j 361., Jol