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pmtt,--ra ar Flow of LiqUid VWMI 44riM3-, the 116.2idiPleation Of Killed Steel LWAss Irr H., Mori JAPAITM6% par, Tat-ou to V01 52., NO 3., :Lc,66, pp 419,42 EM 7359 Sol-mterimu 68 .362,104 iWsorption Rates of Blown Bubbles in Molten Metal, by K. Mori, JAPANESE, per. Teasu-to-Hagane, Vol 55, Nov., 1969, pp 1142-115-1, BISI 8672 ~\ June 71 tlota ammas and =t4al ro"Iro= O:r ftli4~10 Mebm ftmd on rfttvltx=on o2l Lammlop bV S. ftensa., X. uml. T Naulmazi *Dti- gm elm &LOW. ftb ADCO, !-) pp.' 044 or mftoftw amema I-e -ommaccul *rflw 0c paffelip ftwmftm #A-Z)*J= on 396AP t4e 1,1-~,raohite PreciL~itation tioll ilL ilail4--able Fe C-astingii a Speroidization Agant, by K. por, J. Japan Inst._ 1968, i?p. 1237-1-2 2. *'Mill; TT 70-57993 sci/r.atar --~n 9~~ ~' Aug 70 and Sulu- Treated witli ".1-ori. 32, i-;LU t~Lt; 'Lioilto- in tiie !,i;iAlloaiAe Fe a i;-p~se-rcAdiLzation acgent, i,. ;.;y per, J. japaa. Istit. I-atalz, 32 19Gaj pp. 1243-1245. *IlisS TT 70-57992 sici/to.ater b;~-. -c"YN AlAg 70 uryo,senics: A TyqTical Appl-ication Field of/// Light Alloys; Characteristics and Critcal axanination of Testing 'O"llethods and Examples of Applications, by L. Mori. ITALIAN, per, Alluminio, Vol 3S, lo 12, 1966, pap 603-614. WTC 69-12664-20L OlLi Sci-l"hys Au g G 9 389,503 Intensifying Action of Intrauterine Devices on the Contracting Substances of the uterus Musele,, by N. Mori. JAPANESE, per$ Khoo. Sank& W4nkn Gaidmi. Z"Shi Vol 209 l%8qpp 1172--~L173. 8:Lz].--06E F*b 72 4(AEC-tr-7302) 5NUCLEAR FUSION REACTOR, ITS CONCEPT AND PROBLEMS. GAlori, Shigeru; (and others). 1~ Translated from 15NiRMW~~~~ 13: No. 5, 275- 95(1971)- 2045P- 24Dep. NTlS. 2Gfusion devices (thermonuclear); translations 2T'BA 28STD-20 21P NSA REVISED CARD 0 or M= (v) In Dwium lk-umWamte 3-01 by s= TjtwU=j, b7 S. FAft. -.0 AMOWd %lees Wa 16P 1967s, nm W: out W4179 _4 i 24.,; 71 WAIF III P 1111111... TherwadynawkicPropertics of Niobium and Hit1des In Stools. T. Mori JAPANUSE per, TOt3U-to-liagana Vol 54 761 1968 CRI/D 730 Carbide an No 7:763- sci-mat July 69 385,904 lharwdymamic "havior of columbium CaTbldo# Carbwitrido,& Nitride and Sulfaido in Steel. by. T. Mori st al. JAPANESU., p*r,, Tatsu to Haimp VOL uo 110 1965# jp Z9314U,33. HB 68" z sci-M&M Jul 66 304,395 Y. mori Heat transfer by famed convect-ion in curved pipes of square cross-aection. Part I., VzeoreticaZ anaZysis for Zminar fZow. JAPANESE, Nihon Kikai Gakkai Rombunahu VoZ 33, No 255, 1967, pp 1836-1846 C.H. Trans 5724 dee 72 11M, lilt INIHMIT1,11111 IN ~` H; I %,"VIIIII !.X.!Ij-; S t Wy cg f F a rto d W- I-VO C t- I VV~ 'i f-0 alt Irmsfor in curv" Pipes, by y, Vori, et al. JAPIMESE, Per# Japan Soc Moch r-ARP I'VOS91MUOUS, VOL XXU* Xo 230S, X96SO, rp 132 =-Uu. NASA Tr F-10,73S GOVERNMEN"r SUE CNLY OCI-Phys Pax 67 320,834 .%biA': iitaxi aLs ect 6D vxdawn P631tioda and AdmirdAtrativo .5hartm oomWgs, by 'islowmaba rm-ibm. 7 pp. Frial-cas IMP* - 23 Me 196?, Pp. I and 2t ard 24 Aug ppo I and 2. 67 A- CLkt~,"-, xlbteill#*~-lglasl ApPlications of the X,!- q!eotron Trobe Analyalms. by -AM4R;L%*A:t:LOpj6 W3960 19710 pp 471 --'479 NTO 72 114816-ily JuAs 72. IBM 911, MORL~_ ~ETTI~ I T EXPERIMENTAL ELECTRIC PROTOTYPE - MERCEDES-BE NZ QUADRANTE APR 72 VOL-7 NO 7 P 37 FSTC-HT-23-0152-73 P-rowas f.-C Tap ftemim jtx steells, by It. 1401-ikom et al. sullms'. wv Tatou to #MGvg;o -Vol NO 3 19r:o,# pp "3-446. -aw h', 112?,o r I' 14a Lu 6L.., sci-mfth ind". OIT ow Bw clat. 66 mp3as - I ---- 9ftect of-Wfo=ation on CUeleation Of-CU-Al Cmplaza in CU-Al Alloys, by A. Movillo. /--7 FRM:11, per, Revue ds-fttal June 1968, pp 427-430, *Hat Sur Stand TT 70-579S2 sci-alm Jul YU 'k - K C) -r-~ I I - I c ) viou e~f C-Dvla' V-rktcr U. Gavrilov's on He L. 3 Africa, by Jean-Pierre Morillon, I') pp. MMI, per, Est et Ouest, Vol. 13., no. 3("-1" 16/3--_) sant 1966, pp- 4-7- P12E/N? E /,~I e'4 61Y 4 AfxAca pol 66 5 par. tat, C-. ou~fmt, so 342,~, !6-3i V-1-Y ppi. 20--12- JPBS 3061Y) ACilow-ftjor Pol; 65 21.11a71') I . - C. -bv The Stability of Gas Flarms, . M-17FACII, per. Rev. Con. Thexm., -pp 1029-103S. BISI 7Z21 zscl/mwt -?\ MaT 7D .17-MOTH10-sla, !/.//,:,-) ... 1, Get 7, MR, 404,195 ftvotr of am so"nowum cc .-,& "O& jMV*~,a tW As Me mrA T. VAW16 Built" va 6u 0A 29* - "to W* w Spos yjw* famm ~W6~4)-X) 16 ~ - I old 510124" ft% Gr 31430" ftrjWd bkotbi, IW A. NWAOtt To UMOIUW- ft-, MP..,r Vft-r DML-ft-p WA 63s, SOP 16661 sum %2*2 Y. Morillon MA4 amuo OVA owlao Fab dfj ~Ioldi4tu 4~4---tAstarkce ariC- :Iro~icnn iotics of Internald)y ItAlloy for Electrical by 1. HOrimoto. Cxnidized Contact '41aterials, J. Japan inst. 32 19GU, 597--601. a-T 70-57985 Sai/mater Aug 70 4~ b-V x. In PPO FESTMwo xptl te Rm~ da la Vimitor, IVA.Stl ma -C-SL'Y lc~r iet O~aMbpy 2070. RA-SA :22"u F 1306 GOVEPUU-M.T VDIRE MY liww Stmdard Ro&cet BqAVmmts by J-P- Pbrin sed A* BlEmp 6 pp. OOVEMM um MY pows,t per'o la B"h-orybe b2ms-u M-- 9 pp 28-eg' JPM5 GUO 28M ~T, P, m 0 P, 1, A) Sol-gpmm teabaolW July 68 350#928 ~~' 13, 13LP~'U~~ Methods of Connecting a Hasa Spectrometer With a Gas Ghr=atograph, by H. B, Hor-In, EMPEM, per, Men2dez LhXSWuQa dII!Rq&qqj, Vol 31, July/sept 1967, pp 157-t6Z. C.E. Trans 5M Jan 72 . . . . . . . . . . Nbrin Stu~y-i6f them fieZd of inmrology of the pr--g?zv-.t waman throt 1, Me; ZymphobUrat tranoformation test. I 1 1 C.4, i ul 1, et olhatotriZE Mot 70, Mo 1, 19?1, pp ~MASA F ~14,591 Sept: na, wa-,kl-Twiperatura Flui;tuativns During Wyllin In a 44waing Tubes by it. t1lonrM GMRMJENT USE GKIS "MI&M, per Chemda-Imniouro4tchnik, Vol XXXVILL: No it Dftm, pp 73-760 PZOG036467 Mar 67 320,345 Ur.e of Ciji~plutors In Uac-11car Pi,,,ver Illustrated In FTench MF,3 1wtaliation., -rjy Ra Dbrinp 12 pp. COMNISM USE Ony FTMCa, per, Epargic Uuclerdre. Vol Vill, no 5p Jaly--Aaes 19w, pp. 3101-316- JP"ACS GUO 2201 Hav 66 313043 UUUMUOIL O:C DijjtUl CoMpUtOrs for Startij).~. and MmIng the EDF-3 Atomic Po"r Plant, by F. Morin. 12 J~). GEMAN, per-, Nww Te r.0, 8, 1966. pp 26-32 AEC-T"913 SCI/Elec Feb 68 342g4gO Ergmt of Umt Tsestnout an the cbenm In l4w.boulcal PzqpwLl" or lavMn Moray by Tu. F. NbrJA- 7 lp. Rooffmp lpwp Isw VUZ TakatU'iw amod gjg7WT$ JqbT, Vp 35:3S. lbv 69 396P757 H 1-- (111 4(UCRL-TranLL-10600) jEhfISSION OF CHARGED PAR- TICLES AFTER THE ABSORPTION OF SLOW NEUTRONS IN 22Na. Ehehalt R.; Morinagat H.; Mida, Y. laTrauslated for Univ. of Micr2a, L&R~T-e~noe viirmore Lab,, Livermore from kjZ. Nabar- fbE~; 26a: No. 3, 590.;L(1971)0 306p. UDep. NTIS. liphysion (nuclear); translations jy20H 26MN-34 29P NSA 0 ut ale 1 -i-cjl 15, 1, 3.966, 3",-48. v 7032 L.J it C-9 390,956 A/ CLI, yq Aka-ry* Lao ti~ Ot~zt ruraact~. i)i 6851 A/, 0 a- Zlcihiinr-~,fi it it; Cost-oil Siurxy Injectim into ul"t faum*0 by 110 marinegs et M4. JAPAMENi, per* T-090, S9 MAMO Vol $20 No 21, 1966, pp 107-113% 90 S$91 JUL 66 3032877 Awd=04M-IlAd LOW-Carbou Stma lb"411. by So XWIMW04 in ale PWO main Ag ammo Vol 54 lp fun 50A 3 B 0 -7, LY FREMCII,t per., .Toune Arrique., Parls, 310 Sop 72, ~rp 45"--fo. J.DRS/L 4331 l3rond- iographicaZ Findinge in Lung Tranapl=ts in the Dog, by Morino F, Olivero S, Vezzosi R, et aZ, 23 pp. TTAr ,IA-11, per, I'linerva Radio~, 110 13, 1968, pp 422-436, Dept of HaVyINIS 2462 Apr 7.1 Pul-~-~onitry iicqiotrzu.,s;)lant, by F. 'ioriitu. ITALIAN, per, ;jucrva ked, Vol 59, lft6, pi; S277-3287. Feb 70 400,213 llewstaais in ~Ixperimemutal F. Morino, S. Olivaro. IMLIAN, per, Mnarva Had, pp 3267-3276. Dept of NavylbM 1441 Sci-BM Aug 70 wng amograft, by '~ 0 Vol S9, 1968, r-:~ .~-Yj Clunaf,.os in the Elect rucardiograiz in euhwnary Ilemotrujis.pliums, i)y F. s. onva 24 pp. ITALLIN, par. Maorva ij~d~ Vol 59, 196s, Wpt of NaVYINNg~ 144%) Oct 70 7.7 -.' Z - ~'Z Z~- t ~- ' !L -'- Effect of Air Pollution on Pift-Ting Corrosion of Stainless Steel, by Susumu Morioka, 14 pp. JAPANESE, per, Boshoku Gitjutsu, Vol 14, No 12, 1965, pp 535-541. AEC-Tr-7290 Jan 72 IsVWIU=tdll stmaes for the EfLact Of -2, q5Zr-95Nb to AlbdLno Rate. 1.0 by To 150rightpo JAPAILPSE,o VCkl 21g AOTS 1019,660 pp Yi-Wo NLL Wo 4616,625 AW-tv-97) 'i . m Sol-Bfm 4an 69 3?29620 ft Toshi MORIS ~: ni-lure! Gf- C:Uropft Roct;:('~t i tFY J. Aulrluar-'L, 5 pp. GJ()VjaiaiE'[?'r usc-~ ceip-y por, ~aj. 5, prx. -16 -Dec V, P.. Jitti G,' 4,9111 1980% Tie Awompace Transport, by J. Morisset, 9 pp., GOMMET-7r USE OWff FURCH, per, Air 9. Cosmos, Vol 5, 1-b 201, 27 May 1967, PP- ?0-72, 12B- JPRS GUO 2452 I?W. j-SSc7' Aug 67 332,435 WleyAt, JJ Oafte,'UM BODWA iT~Moa b7 %1,~; OLT NN\ -2 Pocket r Failure of FutropoL i,,07 /-r,, ton .-WHIM, . ... ........ .... . ... ... or,"wiftn. 14 d B Im-.ovv mnt, by J%acquou :6 -pP# Id!ill UO wil" Icnim Mll ol-lix. . .4 I-i; 170, rio RIM I. tMilpsymm!m3faill ............ 11-1, ......... R.M." q~.!! 1 HP 6tvltioo an seen in ti--,e rirtl-i anti Sixth PlOvw, tq JaCques morloi3et, 5 Do. TJ$Fl. ONTly Fa rMOD ji)imr 'iklr il~. Cooma. Parls, !"o lt06, , I; Ol I 0t TIK Doo . MR on Gas Centrifuge Process DIS01113sed, by -Tacque3 Morisset, -5 pp. M=1 (TIMM-14"ll USF ONLY per., Air P- Cosmos, Paris2 !'To 423, 19 Feb 72, PP 20-29. XPRS/L 4101 Mar 72 Finali ck up of the Mdrchettti 'Toto~hmobilell' b y Jacques Moriseet, 9 pp. FREUCH, p6r. Air et Cosmos, Feb 1971. ACSI-x-1863 FSTC-liT-23, -1213-72 Mar ~72 ----------- And BE 111HII HU1111"111113, Full: Mug The~ ynx ),The Gazelle and the Super Helicoptei: and:the 25xocet Missile, by Jacques Morisset, FRENCH, pd-r. Air et Cosmos, No 391, June 1971. *AC ~qot-- _1962 '79: IA TY max 72 k-D~'tbo 121=pa 11,1001mts by. JaMuoa V=is m-t, 10 --op Air. aosnos,$ No 410, 1971, pp 20-22 1053 '011 - ILB-Ilani& r-Ock-ets Fired from La.-.Cw ~uece, by jacqu" l'-Jorusa. 3 GI Alld :fla~w COME, 13 aldy pp 18-3.9. zaue Tach -74 Aug 6rl E~io mscusnions ul'ect on acnuir.G- i-lauvj fv~ltota., b3r Jacqws Pbrioset, 7 Pp- GOMBLIM USEI. OWLY IrRMM, per, Air & Cosms. vol 4, no. 153, ,)5 ime, 1966, pp. 15-1 JPW WO 2103 Scl-Aero sapt 66 3013.,210 za,do-k " ca~, ar-pattills-sate into- StatiorbiLry Oxtitp by JacTues MoAsset, 5 p,)* WAMOM um ONLY FEE=, per,, Air et Cosmo,, no :L44'. 19 Iftr 3.9566, pp. ]A ~]Lq. JPW WD n51 TZ-Frame Sci-Aera blay 66 299,v852 "orissct, 5 rip. GOVENUCV~SNT USS. al-iLy 2117-NCIE, per, Air -, cognos, I~hris, 6WI~ pp. 16-1.7. 43. Sei-space Technoloay A ~~ ,, r i I GS, 3 5 5, CZ Roland, Mord-BooDowl s Ground-to-Ar System, I by Jaoques Yorisset, 8 pp., GOVEMMU USE ONLY FRENCH? per, AIr at Cmawgw Vol 5, No 203a 10 Jun 1967, -pg--2-f.- JPRS GUO 2505 -j-4 C- 111 e I //V aR I 5-re wr-France MI Aug 67 332.780 ot lW---!;m ir Fiettau. nl4pta- aal the 11104surca!l Ptw-lmt., by J6ccpAes Moriaset, 14 pp. CXNBFIGMIT tm 0= FWC=., per., fdr et Comos, No 1400 15 Feb 156% ppo 21-25j. 0 a 29P JFHB GM n39 4r 66 "a-mol"It. mruruad to L,10 in 5 TrA3eot4D&%WPW I Tnto mowLs"tj, 9 WO .111 ~- Ano va am VDIMM pwp Air 6 Costm, No 139,p 1966s, w. 2041. JM 00 U03 IJ C LA e WR-ris" 'Y' Sol-Aero ftr 66 by JWqms 22 Feb 296s977 by Jp-cqucs !-~G=Ssap *ILn-j ujv?,:. rZ 1~21 31 M W;Ly F.Ui2'144.1.4 Agr 14 L" Vol I, %o. 17-7, 1U [%xUI"bftr-rr=(,. Jacques Morisset Jewi~ 67 51 &-1 S!'; V7 I'.. ~ J%.L LFW.L p Wj W40--%&-A~W ~-# jfj G(AIMMEIV ULM MY FAWHP pers Air ot 22!M DD 136jo 22 Jan 1966s PPi 196-27P 46! ipils Guo IW5 w1ro-Frome Bel-Aerloopme 66 Jq 7 L-fes 296,844 use of Pine materials in (Iron-ore) Part 1.1, by A. Merits, at al. JAPAIWH# per, Toton-t Vol Zectom 50r, 1969p p 8440* HB 8093 Sci-Mt June 70 Sintering, 550 No 11# srittim p*cture or Bmvy fteel SmUcos,, by D. Kato and 9. NbrIts, MAMS'p per. Mbm Kevgbvku OMMInd g Vol 156j 29690 Vp 1-10_. View. Arddt. I=t. Japm, B= 73V ime Irl The Omp in Tbxqmutuve getmm the End Paimt Of tM Blow =d the Tap in the Basic Chwvm LO P"cessv by Sb. Morltap HO 11inbatap JAPANEW-1, POTs. YOUD to HUMOO, Vol S11, No lot 19650 Its .6716 Jul 66 MeM tj, o r W 31~; up, t s uto ifn;umev Vol 'o. ~-366. - NCH-200 306 Field 7C 1. Title: Partial O)ddaUon ... It. Seizaburo Aoki, -Alorita, Y.: SDbukavvs, Al.; Ynmamoto, K. Fujisawn (Japan) PARTIAL AIR OXIDATION OF LPG N%qTH Ni CATALYSTS. Rept. I of Partial Oxidation of Hydrocarbons. 18 Apr 65, 31p, 7refs. SA-SEXI-3-10-1. Order from SA: $31.00 as SEIG-3-10-1 Trans. of Seh-lyu GakkaJ Shl (Japan? v3 n10 p791-6 1960. rU0t-I,Tvuu,surc IM4asuxvL~eitt USia,; ;~;owieunuuctvr Stra-in L;4Ltos, by K. Yasuuaa, i-4 Koritai, 11 JAPMEaL.8 rpt, 11th SZQ Oil aigh Prossure, Chemical Soc_ ot Jty=k& 24-26 Uct 1969, Conf--69IU48-S AEC/SCLj--'I*-7j-0210 1))I, ~) ) eu~ .,~cij(alofr ~!&r 71 tj 'al: Joan o r, %Bf logical and The ntermi, on 10 pp. (~%.Ierajcpl Irleappns,by Guenther 13EP.r-WiI'j, per4 T r'u- p p e --- naxis, No 2, 1970, p 1pp :HAV/STiC 3261-72 Problems of Theoretical Geodesy, by if. Moritz. OSTERREICHISOM ZEIT VEPIAESSUNGSWESEN, No 3, 1972, pp 80-95. *rWAAC -, 6- 1 'Al- ~' ~ ~r JI Mar 73 r On tM (;&WWtic Refmww Systm W67~ ?w 47 He Imloriuq MEWYA's pwo zolvidgaft fur vwml~~ Vol 930. NO 36 ff" l9wo m 81-m* ACIC TC-1429 H. moritz Sol- ..- 370,540 r--ravit'y Fm2lAlm my-' Adjustamt by -,*.~4 -Amltmo GE'l~:614 p-mrft yaul St fur 1,01 -.0p AVIC Tc-ly,;2- Jun 68 11 A 5 Con fva . -Blill he 3.- ur-u - - ;I oi Trie 1-707ti. -s v c AUC Science's Feb 15F, .tl 9~ Ybe Signiampw of 1111=7 for Goodow. bv R. klarltso GM-Amw I)MV AllaDmaimay Vol At No %. Aug 1,967v pp 319-3Z3. AGGXC w-1.40 R m o 0- i +7, licill,*th ,jui 68 361,12011 Basit Cotoideratioas on t-he Bouguer k0- 841 ductiono by d, Moritz, Gualkli, porm Zoltscbrift fur vormssung= swasmi No 12# S96'v lip M- 960 t~1134 z Sci/Larth Sci lis r 6 7 318,546 L~Li jk~4, per, CjkcL,!jc-laj,, Tecim. t,uVr.iui,l!E;NT WE ONLY JII 41, jci/(Uzcr,-, .,v, G v 7,J s~ iiuul. ?i-F! G--. -1-1cv ULi',i,0J, tier Chor, In,,, Tachn, Vol 41, Z~W 142, 196~1 G64LA-b.-BT USE GNLY ye 72~ sci/1-.,uch -,ov 7d A Beat Tbbe of Nww D*sign-ThO Screw-2hrsad, ArtlM Bmt TUbD.* b5v K- Mi=l'tzp 9 PP GIN". per,,. %!% MR ~-= -T*chtdk Val 41 no 1/2v 1"., VP 3T-40 AM BPI= .~/ ;~? . / /0 July 70 by %MUD %ban =Mp W&A lams".0 9 Iv- V" ut F* 2-P Im Yoshio 140pawAm 39%vW9 b;r SULPOWL =and UNOOMO, Mae umus 10 ma IMW no JAFAMX# vlor- 1huL lb u ism lia AWHW T9-W yoshio MORIWAKI 32~v351 m1w 61r J 5,42"11 FUlul I ~l if M"', 212 !ca wd ftI4034muMm Ilrooess xal 193 No 2D3,p 1970s IWO IB FO. .72 L 1--, 13( axu 0 '-et~4u to 1~~,izrIF3 rQ'Cl 5A, a7. ln7-113-4 70 rJ Wo-,607 tmprov.--)d Calculus of Cooling CuuditLom and drmat Rate for Coratinuous Casting, by A. dorLyama' Is K=hL. JAPAM-88, par, Tetzu-to-Hagane, Vol 551, JuL7 196~~, pp 632-688. BISI 8;034 4- m O'n- /, Sci-mat Aug 70 Mqnwity Eladmation Performace and OperUting Con- ditlow In Varlow Omtseing MetbdU Bebreen Mag and V*talp by A- Nbrlymm., JIMIMM per. Tetwa-too-Boaftes, Vol 55.1 NO 9j, 1969, YP M-* - =a 8671 k ~\ . Nw", C~ Jurte 71