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The Toxicology of Radioactive Substancos, Vol 3, by A* As Letayet, RUSSIM, bk, 19670 190 pp. NLL (Pergamon Press., Condon) Q , (I , Sept 67 340,,285 Methoft of $tmWng Inawtrial Dot m-i t1lie Y5' Incidence of PnewmemLooes,, by A* A. Lotevet and Prof* Ye* V* Wnftrinaj, 108 pp. RJSSM# bko LA= MLC~ Proizvodst. vemm Pvli i 2abolemmmi Pmvmkoao- Mr'b 1965s PP- JPM 3453a USSR S-ci-p/m Var 66 -,-A, 9ge" ruczn I -Know by fleaWs by N. B. )Atchford, 5 pp. FOR OFFICIAL WE ONLY RMIAN, per, ~%rxk% Sbon*k,, No 14, 19660 pp 43-4f." 97oo7oz-v DIA AP 1-620-2-ollaft-INT N. I-- - ~ ,:.- 6 4 ~o t2 d ussoplil Jurt 66 3O#ol7S Doping Studies in Solid Oxidesq by V. Leteo ,,I,!0 G&MAN, par, Zeit PhXs Chem, Vol 59, 1963s' i / PP 91-108. *Nat Bur Stand 'rr 70-57.319 sci-Phys Jul 7U \3 , L c:! r- t-Lzarent I 4;uclear 1,(Ymr k1wit Loscribrads Iv U. ioterrier, 11 ppo U,~L U14LI yor, Lmrg,,io maleniza, raris, Jul i(,kq, pp 26,11-275. -,.uel jai e- icah Oct 69 392t66L D, =tional Wvulance of Autamta with a Flwl ctute j by A. A. latlehankly. MWIM,, per DA Ak Hauk SrTR Vol 195, Uo 1, 1969; PP "', The ft Ind of Mwe Vol A. No 3,, -%Tt 1969 p q . L -:7 -~- ,,, "/c ,, Z- j~ "'. I 0'at G)- 3)4lo3o Syntax and Semantics of Foxnal Languages, by A.A. Letichevskiy. RUSSIM, peT, Kibernetika, No 4, 1968, pp 1-9. FTD-IIT Special 71-2 1 1 1 t ( . / , I L. ~"~ ." --,, /" ~ _. ~ . (:,7-\- -L , ,, I I ftqe9a 69 rql ~ " ~rs A --:) D " -~ 3 7 -,~, ,y ega 09 CR 96 Ica wa XMIN CN 0u 06WT-JWI dd c%a Isr 09 I'M TOA em VVE RV Im OAU ,avimm osrpmrm or ev A gem, vo= milk &WASF=s aws 0 N "AROU VW*V WWWWWM 30 GOWMTft a. a-, "~. Cl6.Lk, The Basic LangtLage d the layd cc a ~~Ic Codes ty A* A* IsUchaTsIdys et ale 4P. Pp- RUSMI., perp Swgiw- - MktemgUchgdW Obes= IDeChWiTS SM i EffdCUVnUa. Orgai4gtoin yvaudlitellnozo Protmog, No Is 1967, Vp ilO- 137- MMD-1-2-24-323-70 Aug 71 hbout Secim-ntial E;~,I-imsicn of Tlqoribiuic lial(luages, by A. A. letid-nwakiy. 12 pi..). I I-AUSLI'l Ao 6f 1967, 1-6. Firl) S-806 382-69 69 388r627 The Use of Alumina Sinter and Iron Ore Pellets in Open Hearth Melting, by V.N. betimin, RUSSIAN, per. StAl',Alo 12~,1971, pp 1680. BISI 10143 June 72 'file llwc~)Lmip-usts in the- !"rile of tae lixterprol4e.'s of Sxiallsm~ by A., Letnovp 13 %) t kus's,1q, Mn4avg, gLoao,41m-l -oavida. otnoMkondya 1b 5. PAY UO-6, - nP JPFS 363722. Africa ja,-, '60 3-Y4 Sonlet A, Jun 73~5 C'elleratiou ~Ocattorill~-, ;.dti i,.usuxance I)v V. '"'. ixtr)Mkov 3 1 M P V -zitd, 5,30 At)- Ap W-67, 14T2" 14520 S 7k) I A New E*erimental Method for the of Precipitat'on of C in Solution G. Letourneau. FRED^ per, C. R. Acad Sci., Ser op 1423-1426. IqZ5 TT 71-53035 Available X3S Only Study of the Ildnetics in Fe., by C, voi 266, in,681 Q-, - Junc 71 Autowtim to inamse tho kroduotivity of Labor# by Ao LOWT* 5 pp* RUS51"t port No 521 Lee 19681 p 36a JIDUS ii'ab 69 Flight Dynamics and Control, by A. M. Letov. 322 pp. RUSSIM, U, Dinamika PoItta i Uprnvleniye. 1969, pp 1-359. AIR/FTD-12-23-639-70 e- ~- tl~~ ', --j - vu ~A . ~)\ d ~\ may 71 Vie --ynthesis of a zqvtem for ~.ptima -Aabili- sation of' a .,-~Ipaco ~Astionq by A* !Aw6,9 13 ppe li:15:AAJNs rpt. ta2qr -Sk, mr -~ca ab 6-) R. A. Letov I-lie substantiation of a coding system of econovdc in:omation in an aZl-union dassifier. 7 pp. RUSSIAS, ,'Iekhanizats-iya i avtomatizatsiya upravzeniya No 4,, 19690 pl) 12-14 ATIVITID-1VT-24-2076-71 oct 72 i1a Cryimrcial-Biological. Characteristics 3 of the Navaga of Balvanskiy Inlet* by V, 1, Letovalftsava IMSIAN,, per, Mato;isaly,SassiM Uchonogo Savota rMRO ".0 Hotul'tatm Usled V 196% No ot 1966.-. '111, 213:213. -w *Dept of luterior Fish and Wildlife Service Rureau of ConmCial, Fi3hVftC3 USSR fton Jun 67 by otonio Lottlari, 7 ITAIIAL~-N. por, Prablurzt ~-`eb 69, 139-145. 11:011ticat ter LVNIAIMI ftmtlvg a u0sanocted 13 14vw in Are" Or tA* btaux Avd- timtmp by L-e 2v M2dbbiM# Vo 1* Latuchimip T. a lewam~ M381P.U,, s*ro u0 hlp 191% DO-4 Jul 67 StuOy of Hydrogenated Nickelq by J. Letuertre. FMICII,, per.,, J de ~Mique., Vol 27, No 7-8. 1(,1663 pp 109-112. *IUIS/BM TT 401AW "I / - Sj ~,q.3 A-milable MM On2,v j- , L at ct e P-,t e e ki-Atice Trzoport TmiuV the Jubilov /011 evailbitioul, b.V A* C-.3rW*W sksi V, LotLwi IMEAB., pars Ilb Flot. R,3 4,0 l9bu'~p p,p 3)jio. Dept of' Hanvy = Traw No 14-3, Fet-Misc J."n (19 S. V. Letunava Geochendcal Ecology of Silt end Soll Microflora. =Lop rpt, Abiogmz I Naeh!~= Stadii LIVOxyuts:u zhi=i~ 19w, pp 198-201. RTC 72-13942-ObN Nov 72 DhgUsh Titler Unkf by V. A. LetyaMno Ve 00 solovyevo RUSSIVII, bkp Datori2.tata 7,hitUdkh VoWphat 7 pp 393-397. *J,'TD--W 1-23-1033-67 Fizika Goreniya i Vzryva Detonatsiya Zhidkikh Vzryvchatykh Smesey Pri Ponizhennykh Nov 68 " ~. - , -i:,.tl in"s -,it loa i Vv'x~rvar Vol 3" 1967, Orplills"ation of Fiodical Resm, 0 Follcwin'r', CIZ-1-1 At-tac',~- DOSC2~1~,Od, 'bY, DO Lot:,, 10 w). SIRM.--' "02? fUOP :1 1-0 "I I I mdi~Li, Vant r) 67"1' ~' P 'Iml 72 Tho Ladle" - A ;iow m!,rutcllwgieal 'Pool* 'k*F P. betz. I "Vol 1) wro OUGS c i~o 12l no, _V? - '37 9 X 3 7Y am Nov 72 Otto Le uchter Study of chamicaz evolutions in lfydrog~h-Air mixing layer, MIICR* 9 j~,ce Natio,=Z -d.'Etud6e at do Reclumches: Aeroaratfales, T, P. No 981j, 19.71 INASA TT P 14a633 jw? 73 A Of Silift-11M FaMaj, by PWO am an R.M.200 Vol To no 4rh Me 19w# PP l3bT-I~W3* CUM/C.L T=W 5176 ~v Sol-?Me ftt 0 Vvthods and Instruiaeuts for Neasurin-,, the 1-1rovertics c-47 Flauesj, by 13-f. Leuckcl,, Y. i4aud. .f UiRkIANI, fer, Arch. Lisenh., Vol 51"j, Nc. 2, I:J-,Lruary 196S, rsp ;JA 4,f o- c ke~ I At.r 69 379,744" optirdZatiWil of Processing Mackinorys ~16 by Ii, Lauder* Gumm. per. Uiemic Ins Techns Vol XXXVIII, 1966, pp 241-246. Chem Trans Sv Ho 2841 sci-chm Mar 67 320,W6 fteqW-Conservimg RadLant Air-ConditLonLng Ln Industrialized Buildings by Means of an ftw Type of InsulatLon - Part 2, by H. Lauder. GRKANq parp HaLz - Luft - Houstachn, Vol 14, So 12, 1963p pp, 415-424, 0. A. Trans. 303 --U )/ "~- 14 Sci-mach Dee 70 lii~"'Iuence of Urystal StrucCere and :')ul?cr- /0/ structure on ' Properties of PolypTo- J. Louourivilk. Gi"RNAN, per, i'laakromolokulare Clicuie, Vol 109, h;67, pp 204-216. .~M, 69-1253.9-071) Ij A/ ,;Ci -Chem Aug 69 70-13417-09A Yj-c-JL- EFFECT OF ORGANIC VAPORS ON PRECIOUS METAL MWACTS. PTT22~i!lf, Y. 16, n. 3, p. 142-143, 1969. CTdcr from NTC as iO-13117-09A, HC $ 7.60, MP $ 5.80. 20 rAl2t G== Z=0MAr IU U10 QWStV-" O~e iI 1 *0 BOWAunt lbrid rm=vt by Bmno "Fu-, III up* (=up MI.$ Rlu~lcz no 51 raW 65, 1,,Vo 63- 722*4 JPM 30256 M. ~,~ EM JNm 65 n lb ""l realunt Absoltm car wetwW= 0~ vith viwo= Emm 3D auld W=v IV s. ftw"o U.-U. toxia4w. C, m W, -, x . W, ftmuca, v" ap :16W MT. WE'* W2 W"Im-rMn um Bw 09 vidustrial Nothods Applied to Ra-vtIculturov by .7. Tottsob~mro 6pp-o AMIP- .'i IDor Pautocho, 4,1 rartodba,"I M ~v~a a tnor, Im, 5 3 15 Let, so tie Tile k=t or W&41tutnG In VUze-r in the Am Covered by the Central Asiatic DirwAim-Finding, Groupp, Vj 11. 1. Lcutdn EOd Le N. Ar~blyevdkw,, 7 sop- per, MeinuiW.M. Gidisimiamaft No 32) IMP ppo 31-34- ,T Vs 34 W; USSR Sot-M/A Fab 66 n05,351, f.V;ezvatG Of tt=% r~rvo." Tpy L. l.-i-t HJUSM por7 Blw.'-7211~s Vol X~ 7b I., ,"ontrLbatLon to the ~,3'tudy of Ar4ou cantaima In nimraiv I of K-A wti%f by J,. .1, 1~er: Caeteml A%ladaz, ,lu;y 196d, pp 22-24. i ~54 63 - T'j tim Ut-n,ltlpm 01- Applicaile"ll It* Oil ~ariea Vol 207, 17 cleochemical Ecolou of Mt and SOJU Hicroffloras by S. V. Latimova, 6 ppo iOSSIAN., book.. Abi%)gaaoz i 'UmbalInyve oct~au. ?,*pj-yutoii =-Ldml 1~689 p 198-20le USA 'r .11-13,9M ,A L ;Bci/biosci nov 70 . I I '. I :iI 64. I : I . - u sw Incor7oration of A 0~14 Gabol of YVIIIEkan A Alcohol kita .-Irotoln and I.Apoprotein Fractiona of tho !-.1-lood of by 7% Loutn7 aya A:-~J, nors, .,ok Ak 'Taul., 71ol Ocl., lo 2p 1:4;.- 19-b(), Pp k) - m I L e- k 1'7 C=bmt of PzoWn ad 'nUaln a Traetiom In the MI of the ZoUAlml Maconj by No X. Imtolaft" MWIM., wo D* a a* W& Blachmap va W4; 110 51 J= 3-W ~spp =- 50. CE ft,b 73 English Title Unknown, by H. Leutz. GDFd,LhN, per, Zivilschutz, Mar 1968, pp 82-86. *ACSI J-6802 -t1 A"I"- June 69 U V kj C" Ij H. Lelutz Structural Civil Dafewep by H. Loutzp GMYAN,k per# iTa-.o&.wltU2 Ib is 1967) ~- I PP 21-25- AC~;j J-1901 ID .1,1.04M267 11 1 c &Ehr-oomoxw M1 Ity Gf 326,636 i1c Principles of Doolp and CmStmetion for the Cenan rwidentLal Sheltort of the DMIC I'mtectim TyW and *f the HeInforced Protoe- tim Typp by Amm LWA18j, 9 pp- omas Perp MvuIWA%-F toolle 7/3) J--I- Aus 1967# PR 213-268,p ACSI J-V13 ID 2204059]L7 Sal-moehp TVIIJAJI CIVIIlv aw MAW rnur,~ Feb W 347#483 tha use 0t aeowme squtmut in 5mvivataot bY Y94 D, UV, "I xe OHLVI USE f-2-W ~ lb 11 =24 lprp owd" 39650 IV 6"3. wowotp-v Dl% AP i,62DO) aqW-IM , ~~ , ko, le~v W,Lwua jai 66 304j302 Tnatsfusiulii o;, Lluul~oLyt ".. by A. LevnIler, per, ActujlitiE!:~ i:cl-ntol, m" 1960", lv~ 711~ 4.1 and ~"loatrol In 1:1-rotiessnsw by Yu. Leva~fa. J() p-ps, A' Til ViA D y1j. L Cl Fell, 5. 3`9 96 gs 072i PP 744%~ JPRS~ 570001.:.': Immastmout Exparlemoo In the Dvmlaimant of tne allr~,arisu M"Ca wuary awille tt". oocmd rive-ll= Plan, 17 rvao --Mmrt Tdvw 1&odp wd Camlzr Car.3v,,,,, 3.6 XT'J"I'MA, %U601i Vb.-l V,)g ,Pl., 729 xvve=ant J3~Qmzlw" 1u remoliopinz, tbe cb"-L- iml !4Qk=+.vy,durttj-, Vie Oavond Five-You Planp L7 Gryda botmberq T=,i leml --ml 16 !V. r Vr) J TI, 341.3 itelationship Detmen Catdl and Llasic Technical c1laractoristics of Traular and Trawl$, by Kh. A. Ltvallds RUSSIAN9 pors ubuft 911OZO Ru 30 pp 34-35. *Dept of Intorlor Fish & Wildlifo Sarvico Burosu of Comercial Fisheries imrocu of Foreign Fisheries Sci - U01 Am 67 A S&aII Steel Stern Trawlvv, bY i'~h, A. Levalld. !%IUSSIA,4, per, SudostroyeniyO, No 7, ivO, pp 7-10. '~o 2614fa) bopt 0~ navy NIC Trans P 'elk a S ci --~Ie C.3. -ay 69 U2,745 Jan 73 ). ~~' xzv-,Lal~ Computation of the Gravimetric Geoid on the Territory of France, by J. J. . Levallois, 9 PP. FRENCH, rpt,, International Assoc of Geodesy, Communication Presented to the XV General AsSemblZ in Moscow, August 1971,, MMU-"Tr-1835 GOVEMEM USE ONLY Sept 72 61, On the Analytical Continuation of.the Spherical Harmonic Expansion of the Earth Potential (Part 1111, b-~, J. J. Levallois, B'Pp, Filowl, rpt, IUGG-UGGI; Association Internationale Geodesiel, Paris, 19 1 (Jtme) *AGIC March 72 Def 3IOct Ions of the V0061IN'l by. J.1 J. Levallois#..., 80 pp. FREING Per, Geodesic: Generale, Vol, Cha~terl XIS 1970, pp 315~706~.- ACIC-T%-.-17S3 GUO Genc-,~ral llleviuo of Goodetic ;'Jeaullreraelits, 103 by J.J. per. (-Zoodesie Gcnejulia, U6E 01,4LY ,n-'CIC--TC - 17315 Nov 71 ,,"Soto on the Convargenco of the Develo; went of tiic Potential in Spherical Ilar- monics, by J. J. Lovallois. PRENCII.~, rpt, Paper Presented at the Trieste 'di-i-65-WE Geodesy, -Way-i pit -J, 'j, 4E-VALLOIs sci-Eur Sci 14L U L~~, 6 9 Sore Remrks on the Uno of E-ulb mWels In Theoreftwd GmUmtry, by J. J. D-mill-ols. Ff=Hi papar pre"Ated at the Ath cewra Awnbly of the lateMatimA Assoolition or GerAeayj Lmrcev Bvitzerlm9p 196T, 12 pp. *ACrC TC-1343 0 Oat-Zirtb Sol roe 67 oetarabatian of the Gravity Center of the L~cwn and the thjw Sealaxis of a General Mipsoidj by Jo J, LevnUoist 11. Wfouro kwica# per,, C*5dMy*WU 112 ~cmadg= des MaMa do Lagaft-dag dos Slkn a _Z I Vo-1-264, No 109 Series A. ltr pp 491-492. AUIC W-1440 J. J. Levallois Sol- Dac 03 370043 On the 1967 Geodetic I'leferanct., Systein, by J. J. Levallois. rpt, Lakjei~ PresenteJ at the Joint I.Nmly"Osiun of the CE:;F'!-5.sJ*Lc"-n ~'djustment of Eu ean r Oa( n ulation anc title Comission of the EurMean Satclfft7c Triangulation Yet, Paris, 24=2.1 I~CIC TC--f-54-3- Sci-Lar Sci julle IG9 30144P, ibte on via commmm ao of the DweloprAnt of thD Potantid in G*rical lionjonicaj bw muted to tbo Wiesto a=$ rot) Pro ,- intamatlowl ra"agmlon or Goo'des-vt 2T-30 NOY 19*1 6 pp- Sol-Eex CSCI Oct 0 Jon .713 Classification o.%' Flabos by their tat wid Prouln Contant, by 1, P, Lovanidwe RWSL4140 "* Va 449 NO 100 19688 pp I)Opt of interior Wroau of CommaroW Fisbarlos Iftneh of Fomip rishuries Classification of Vishes by Zeir Fat w2d :7?j- Protein Coutentp by 1, P. lemnldw MMUN., per, PAnoe Mm, Vol h4v No go 196B.. pp 50-51. *Dept of Interior bareau of Comercial Fisheries Branch of Foreigu Fisheries sci-BIV Dee 63 Incubation of ft-d'Aftle Salmn Pon Under F,.eld Conditions, by V. Ya. Miml6w. M, OW p Irro VOTM-Owt Eltiologin Vol 6t r0 I( 'V.-66, pp 71-~6."0 *M-STT TT 70-51031 3et 70 L-1 I-') Inambation. of Pacific GeItion The Un&-r riel-a ConditIons., by V. Ya. UmMov. mnswo per3 V 101 MLYS Vol Gt 110 1,(?0)) 1~66s pp 71-76. am *= TT 7N53031 Available BCF Only On Wan L e- v /.~ t6j Oct -to V. Ya. Levanidav Reproduction of Awr SaImm and the Food Supply of Their Juvenilea in the TrIbitarles of the Amir. RMSIAN,, per, TMookennEddl Nauehz-x2=T_iss3.edavateTskiI InstLw nvbnRgg Rho jetva I Okegaraf U. IzveLtWo Vol 679 1969v pp 3-= RTC 72-60541-06C Oct 72 V C/ Biology of the Caddis Fly in the waters of the Faf 3act, by 1, M. Levanidova, OMAN, part GidrqbiqIogiEL&mkiY Zhurnals Vol S. NO It 1969, pp C4-67. Dept of Interior SCP/0FF A-37-March 1970-No 41 On Loan Sci-M&H June 70 LA-POM . . C- -kAIX31- flj~ ~~) POI k1w 71 !?cruviun Ft~~_;viat 1).Lecuss r2int CPSU Con.3rons., by Cesar to-vmio, 'I pp. SPAMIGi, Unidaa Nj IUIV), 3:1 junal 10; NJ 101, 22 Jv--IY l9ubp P# 3- JP.TS 3T513 S P jc e 1/,q 312 3 3' b