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V, The SovIA Armed Forces and WMW7 Science- by Vo KuMovi 16 pp.; RUSSIMI Wo Samm". Moscow, So 3. 1176b 1973t pp. 76-W. ' im ~859? 4r ?3 ,\~ ~ V,;~Ill~ Plans for Developmmt of :5tate insurano4,ve Viewedo by VO &UMOV, 13 pp. RUSSUN, POP. ~ - . . 1-,oscow, i-io 4. Apr 1972# pp 3-120 JPRS 56051 Ely '72 \~ . Y\d ~~\j Increased Couit Role in CurbiW i-roduction Defectag by Vo KuUkovfi 10 pp, Ru3smi, Pero, giotsidistichofta 4&mnost', Moomw. V0 1. 1972. pp 3-9. im 55559 Apr 72 V. A. Kulikov Dependence of friction properties on the technology of Viiammiding steel friction disks. 9 pp. RUSSIAN, TekhawZog~~ya mulostroyeniya i audorcronta, No 121.. 1969., pp 106-111 AIRIFTD-AIT-24-2149-71 nov 72 V. A. Kulikov 6icsearch on the friction properties of the obocl ti'liocyanided fr~ctimi disca of marim waluctiai geara, by. V. A. Kulikov. 8 pt.). RV&;IM, per,, Tr~L~, LcningraA~kc~jq- iiwtituta voa-?-.C~To ti-misparta, h'o 108., 1969, pp 35-39. iia~j 7,~ ctsdn~- T as k s o uvratldan otallitro,els, to ~or 1-~6', lig fat P. Y'llUkov, 5 !J!lq, i.,ro-shlonm.-tl v '"b "'? ~Ay-jxin 1,W), "Y can, ,?0v C ti xmm, P at- i mat n I W4 c by G. 1. L. F. pp 11='ll psn-. ~,Uly Vol XI., No ~~3 icn,'Ac ;.ctJ c U -4, Q, IV k", :~a Vie li'vfiry of f4ulla Wiasi-VA it) J!aa 68 14 A Theory of 'MPerc--WuC'UvW In- A ,(v I ~ .to Js Bali's 13 Pro Fp ~'f F-VOT., T5:1-4&;~6 7 AD 679 389 1. 0. Kulik 6cl-pbwa feb 69 M1047 9cl)- to-mlop.-amto in tivil k4ation Altlino,,29 b~ iuliho 13 me M6~1'kt rorg Grazwans!Avs Aviatai,~a, ~'oscov, l'o PP jl':~-F;5 4%-93 Aug 6.-,) m 30 A-jr 6a-,etcorological QoIldit-lons for Incrrmsini, the -Metivonass of A".ral 11 -ortilizont, by 9 pp. per, -otoarob~,, a I ridralvl,~~4.iv CL jan 315. of je(Ar~omts in t"lj;! 3~4 3 7 31 Book tieviewod an Prait as bmntive ihotort 13 tw A. Kumovs, 6 pp. AUSSIVis Per# UrSk MWo AM 1969t pp W-W. 00i F . %J~ JPHS 490118 1-1 /u-tckt),)- V . us"a SQ,W 0--t 69 B, V* Kulftor of Affamot Syst4w in the Anterior wd Uldae B='n of Wards (01~~ spa).. by 9. A. FaUlwo Rwra.. 1*r. pok. Ak. rauk s=,, vol 18T.. No 4.. Aug 1969p pp 952-955. CB ma 70 (~r , ~\, A* 3V Thermaj Disassociaton of Chemical Compounds by 1. S. Kulikov RUSSIAN, b1-,, 198 pp. NLL REF: 4583.9 IPST 2188 t:). k-11- ~' ~ ~' ~- o ~- ) July 69 383,386 1, .19690 Meet of t1m OVWn CoaWnt in Iftmiog Steel on 108A bUu*mt by 1. V. MAIWVO H=UH per. IV. vm Chom Ibut No 4 19690 pp 30-~t BMI jFf; sw,,,t - AIIG 70 -/-, Irno V'il:zt Counwo-ito on tie IiZoap by Fowtwtin,-' Aleltwjoviclt KuLtk w" X-4 pp. MIMp bkp MM M roGr=avty am LUM pp 5-287. 3333T F j Jan 2A. lilt vorrdation am! L~pmtrm Aw.IpAs ol' valn ao. b~y- or# Aovs iq'o 3v1 a pp 1014-112o JPF~; q ocl-i] em, 'Tay 69 2V r'tr4*W-TA%nOAaftt =U4 OC VU'41= rANUAl be V. A. sobtwj, a. V. galkw. Im's 1)* , - )~ Liam Va ION ib 5~ !,Ya* % w ~ - I . I ArN VAr 0 n, s IV ooblus- ~Idlv- and Raftsixticsi, by Prof. H I tie Ko. RPO HJBMBJ, Ms XqWk MLbjMLtrWDiZgs 1-10 1j, Jan 1%6# PP- W-W- JPf 8 3WBI ~, e ~~( j / ~o V, USSR r"Con Apr 66 a~olo CesLum-137 ACCUMUIStLon by Frashwater Plants irt Uperimental and Natural Condftionss by N. V. Rulikov. PUSSIAB, per, Dok Ak Uauk MR, BLol Sci ' Vol l7dq No 6, Feb 1963p pp 1407-14Q9. CB K - ~ - ~ L, L ; k,-' o V Nov 7J Illo l4ec'minim of the DISSoclatior Of" DOM-TV, bY L40er Rafflistion, by 0. F. M11-4L'Otr. "~ 1w4" "0v"' BUSSUN, per, Dok Alf HaLA MOP Vol v0 3.~6% Dent of Mmy APL/,r&J T-2419 k L, L c; J, .:W 70 the coyii,osition chanisl.~: of ~;clizclw -it Ath Laser, by 0. F. EtilRov. !:U.;STAI~p ,,cr, Fol, Alk .aul; SISSE Vol IS7, ~,o 5, *1!01 It j-1471 70 arvin of St=ttuw IU tbB C4)VW Of thO WWt %7- Blbwim OU and Can Biwipp tq P. IL MAlkov. mmms D* Ak RMk l9m~) P. "W. . Mi, Val 161o go 2j, 0 43Do432* AGI P, ~ , /.~ W L " k 0 V Apr CO 378#715 Iiarizantal Pulsc Colurm, ty per, june StmgtbmiW a Labor MedpUnG irrgOq t7 V. Kuukwo 3 pp. RUSS=* nps allds ~bsowq 3D Jan 1969v p 2s JPRS 47tV ~ , k) u I- " t~ o v USSR Soo Apr 69 WI.Iln blika7 Dismses Role of Peoplels Aosessaral by V. Kulikovs 5 PP* RUSSIM4# npp Imlga Moscow# 19 Feb 1969s p 3. JFRS 47*683 V, USSR Fol Apr 69 378t%3 1, A 'al Tlaa Soviet Peacwtv., by V. raaikov, 13.21 I?P!l N.- iWazin, per, K-Mmni-s-t-2 mo 4., 5 112ir IX56., lip? 91-96. JlPtO 3 3503 i~ /~"// UICSIR soc tip r 66 239Y355 DwnlDp7-,~mt of Inmitivo Fiznds by Under the ~. ou ~'cono:Ac ISystv-, I-ky V. VnID-ov, -vr, '10, (let T.5 3~.) Uname and a rd3e In the Prosperik, of the ?;o7k,m,, V v. vuukov,, 16 pp, Ilwsm"t pp "OW z J= 63 3W04% ~ . M , t?, L4- L ', ?, c) V Nolse I=jnity of the lhmrical Solution of Inverse Dynamic Problems, by V. M. Kul.Akov. RUSSM, per, Tr Inst Geol Gcof-1z, Akad Nauk SSSR, Sib Otd., No 46, 10,6% ~Ppj _77- ~. ATS-R-J-590-2- Apr 72 N.\1. Mrdnation of Defective Industrial Froducts Uscussed, by V. V. Kulikov, 8 pp,, .RWSW, per, S 7 1 Kaphest'jo, MOSM.T. No 2t 1,0729 rp 3.6. JPPZ 35535 Fir 72 afficial urges Zely)v i~orccn,iont, lyj V.,.r. Ic-Lilikov, G Jan 6P,, jORS 44,679 a,-", 2 co*issd 0mcut ad Aut Knitka md the wwrking of Ore Depositsv by V. V. Kulikay. RLSSIM. bk,, Sawmastnua i Pavtorna a Agarabutka 292 pp, NLL R 39778 SCL*M&N Jul 66 Sol Development of Ukrainian Yetallurgy during tile Present Five-Year Plan., by Yao ICUikov, 6 pp. FusSIAN., npp Ekonmaicheakaya Gazeta,. No 8, Feb 1966, ps 14. JPBS 34953 USSR Bcon Apr 66 299,169 , ~%t~~Urgy .8 bY Ya- i' H,56-S.M. np, P 2. J 1"Ps 55195 ~ , to be Ymthe? Developed in U-~i~raino, &ullk-ovt 5 PP- Pravda URrainy, idev, 5 Jan 19?2, Frib 72 The Ukraliden Met&Uurgy and Mulw, rndustrj In the nrot Year of the Sm nve-Year Plan$ by Yao Po Kultkw# 6 ppp - 'WiGe - -- WMW$, perp msw&Aql~o mm Jwll,*eb 19660 ppo 3-5. JPFO 35393 ~cv UMR Econ Jan 66 301~647 Ease In the EQWmvut~oi Mummution of /(Ik- the ProbobtUty Dmity of an ErEpdIc random PnMa., by YO. I. NULUW. =SIM.. p"'I Icy VM Ila, Vol U, No 12, 196u, 0 1303-M- Dvt or 3M AWJW T-W lbv 69 395#734 ,~tarvf~o r)f on i-.,pm *d.r Lots, 1-1.-,4 i an Tu. iru 'Ov. P* v vt h On Testlug AddItIone of Idthlum Salts Uben Electro3,yzing Cryolite,, by Yu. V. KuUlmv. M=IM,, per., Tsv Metal., vol. 42, no. 5, 1969,. PP. 58-6T.-- IM 71-12949-ir JULY 71 ftectim of Poly(VtWl Chlarido) uith Ar=tAe Aminest by A. i~. KUIUMA. RUSQlki por 11 Soodin. Va 96 f t UI&G-Mg ekta No 9g So Ag 19671 pp 18B4-ILWo ATS W-4918 Accuracy of Daterdaing aeud Bowdaries by RWarl, by 61 to Kulika~a and Go To Nikendrova# st als Glangs Geofizichovkqa RUSSIA140 Porlp T'rLdla Obsemtorlials Lellingnal, ria 17jo 06,5# pp 9alB, 9=413 AFTIL T-9-531 Sci-Ear Sd way 66 301s265 Possibility of War Datervination of Visibility in Fogs* by 1& 1* Kuli- kova and B. C. palagiat at at* 9 P* RMIAN# per# T WO Glawn!z& GaGazichm askayn ObsmaTOMM, LOWAgra-d& Va 173t 19659 pp 2136. 9100120 AFCRL T-R-SS4 6-5- Sci-C-ur Sci 4 Astron Apr 66 297,756 Characteristics of the Blood Protein Composition of Horse Maokerels of Southern Sean# by N, 1, Kulikova. RUSSIAN, per, Akadegiva Nank VkXAingkoi SSR. Instrtut Biologli Fivdennvkh Morive voitAv- No 151 1968v pp 147-158 NTO 72-12228-060 July 72 I-ImeaptIm w3d Wwlo;r=t CUAO 30~, In"Ams Unt i-bMI I Luutatoo Wba k b~! Vs 414 5 PP,, rut-,"4Aa* Mrs nu- VA stago of ~;Imvlotlw of but punt Lasm,lbedil IV GaUna KuMovshpo 8 pp. RUSSTAU# per# C~jcwk Mowm, . No 35# Aug 1909 pp 16-160 JPRS 4W99 (4t 69 3949603 I . I . I X, 'ool~ 4: . I . il itily'"7111"I'll U Inalcator Instrument for Dotoridnation When to Chamga a Bit Prom the Wear of its Protective Coating,, by L, F, KulikovaldU, V. A, Brajzdlwv, 5 pp, RUSSIAN, per, Izvogtiya YZsaWsh UchaULldi ZavedonM. NOW 1 011713, no 6, 1969, pp 88-90. Oct 71 o,-.- l4x elem 1-A"f J. Kullkmad Effects of the Magmetic Lag in Iron Pdch Ki-Zn Ferrites Containing S=31 Amounts of Cobalt. POIaSH,,per, Przeglod M&tronlkip Vol 10,, No 1~ 1969, pp 24-29. MC 72.lW-20C Nov 72 J. J. Ku3lkcywski Limdting ComUtions of Visma Perception. POLISH,, per., Riska ~~emiya Nauk - jBstLtut Aut I. Prace Vol 77, 19b9., PP 3-132- 29ei4 t= NTC 72-bO()24-W - Order from NRC as C-32089 Nov 72 AIR/F .1 . . Fob 72 Mo Fropdhties of Mckel 21no llctuln= Ebrritas, by DiMLLin ~kl, xmayok4t 30 pp. Pa-ISAO par,2 Przoiasd lacktroniu, lb 1~ 1964$ pp 27-36- ACSI I-q,--I-- C ID mm-wlqjXA I~r om J* L, ellvili- Cj " L ..KUL I KOWSK I.W 110 LXPL-RIMLNTAL. ASPHALT CUNCRLTE SURFACE StMUNI S USING SLAG GRAVEL D kO 6 0 w Nl c I t~lij 5 1971-1-, 117-119 F.S I C--HT-2 3-,j 2 31-1.1 Machanization of Large Dragnot FishliiU, ii-, q6 Great Lalws and Reservoire, by V. V. Mi-lina app CIMMM: vlyLj Tai-p'tjg:Xak Hsi-p; Yen-chlu V7eiJLuau-hui Ti-chi-tz'u Chluan-t,li ffui-i Lun-wen-chl, Feb 196""), pp 219-42-1 ql)ms 401706 3`3073 Sci - Biol &- ILA A-n,- i~,17 Discussion of Rocket Propellants (selected parts), by D. D. I,'-ulinich. 44 pp. WSSIM, U. Slovo, o Raketnom Toplive, 1969, pp 37-82. All,'/M-111T-23-873-70 -) -1 1 -0 "4" I~J . -tl, L 1 , e. I jime 71 A. Ye. Kul.113kovieh Demmation. of Stratal Boundaries and Identification of Semdstcnes by Meaw of Digital ComputerB According to MActric Logging Data. RMSIAN, per) WK!aya Geofidka, NO 39) 1964) PP 107-113. Rr, 72-14o58-o8G Now 72 Chan,~,as in Acetylchaliw~ Llystem in Ul ~Xxl oil' Rabbits mcL-r tim Effett of C~.,Mnie kttion of ~~-mzcnn my! Infrarcri ImUlati-on I by I - P pp. MOSLATI, Nmr, GUyana tvaia i rrofeacionall- Vol, 10, 1G., Oet I~xk, ppe ull-630 MSSR sci-!U~4 Feb Ul .317,120 ,-,~,- 4(SLAC-Trans-149) SEFFECT OF NONLINEARITIES ON BETATRON OSCILLATIONS IN A STORAGE RING. jKglipA- nov, G. N.; Mishnev, S. I.; Popov, S. G.; Tumaikin, G. M. joTrans- fa-ti6n-of-a Russian preprint. 2030p. 24Dop. NTIS. 2epartiole accelerators; translations 2y2DG 2eMN-28 29P NSA 0 4(SLAC-Trans--148) STUDY OF THE STOCHASTIC INSTABILITY OF THE BETATRON OSCILLATIONS OF AN ELECTRON BEAM IN A STORAGE RING. 6KOPAR~V, P-kt; Alishnev, S. I.; Skrinshii, A, N. joTramlation of a Russian Preprint. 2051p. 24Dep. NTIS. 2gpaztlcle accelerators; translations 2r20G 2OMN-28 29P NSA 0 ~U ;"i~d :41-, L I V jJ"T.It., 121 07 PAgulw Vacaupositions of Hatricas W Sam AppliasUmal by Us 9,411scho G&OU. I two 1~mwiwba Lis matike Vol Ile No 5# 1968# pp W~-W* me L4pt of Navy APL/JIIU T-2200 Jan 69 3?P-o 31? Jull 72 The ~jssaons or the st am mpormwAtyp iV r- JKUUS'~~, Tomabr-Wdys 14 nip. pert "OSCOVIlp NO I)F 3,,; 324 6 .14tz- Books on Stalingrad uattio i~ovi,91mdo IV ~- KulLsht 9 PP. RU6:;IPyAij# jxr, ~~~ LIO 4q 1969f n) 255-261416 Jill,.,; 4-1655 V A/ U, I,. 5h - -A ft MWAMI cow"tim or the Ardm 40w,= Swift at ma Alftu Blow and lu croatlutim ?20&&Ap ty To. A. SAW.* A. L BmubUS . mmm, pwj, lbk Ak &a ssm VWP pp W04= " Vol Mi, No 4. AM V t~7 . /9 1 k Lw L " , s // 4r 69 378,s9T5