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Do Ani-,Mls Havo intoniconw?, L. V. Krushinql~, 22 pp. R65S;13"Mil rmg &-IMEO-blo PP 2-130 JYRS 46t935 Doo 68 iv 1968s k-i AppToxI--:ttio2 TjworMll fOr Vralytic F Applic"tions, by S.L. KnisW10 14 1,101, A '%auk Veil Per, Ain Math k5,0c- Vol -10, ~,o i 23 0- I-IOdUll Of SUrA.MeSp Ly G. L IftnJAL'alo rMsm, 1mr, Lok "M NsuL SM. Val ;83., 1~0 4,, 1963: PL) T'2-V4. 7w Am Both Sao Vol 9p 11o 6~ lqu#3 S , ~ ~ k e u Ski~ L I u9 376.,,D~5 ar M Sow RKtrwal ProbIm for Seblicht Analytic RMCUOUSIMby S. r, nUftI. SWIMO pwj, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 182j, IYo 4, 1968# PP 754-VT-. Me Am Math Sm vca 9. No 5, i968 ,~. L. ~k u -) 1~,q L W 69 376o01 A Contribution to the Problem of Dvpanbnee of B010MM49de an the Moaull of Riamm SurfsaM. by S. Ls MMUftItp MSIANP per. Dok. Ak. Nauk s=o Vol 189P NO 3p 1969, PP 47247"g. ANS Vol 100 No 60 190 c MAY TO -A Class of Extremal- CAmiconformil. I.bpp:LV) b~y S Kmqlmi. iauk R -hthex QU531A.111, Pero Dd- AI-C ,sss, N Vol 179s 1`0 5s 3.96us PP 1042-IU45, '.Ile AMh~L nstalamumi Society Vol 9, !.to 2~ 1968- L I K )p Li S f~/4 L oct 68 363#524 Extreml Quasicon:fmmal Mappings with a Given BOur4az7 CmTespondence, by S. L. Kraskall. RUSSIAN, perg Dok Ak Nauk 53BRo Vol 1750 No 3, 1967t PP 525-~~- Am Math Soo vol 80 No 49 1967 s - L - t~ k L, -sk 19 ~ I Nov 68 3A216 Research an Refractive Structures uv.-r sea by moorno Pafractoucter ~.aunsureuents win special Regard to Meteorological Aspects, by G. Kruspe. GIARMANP per* :11:aricl~!e des last fur radio- noteorologie und Maritine, Ilateorologle, IT(T I i , pp 1-YU4. *Dupt of ANavyjAPL/Jl(l J-1317 C SCI-Atzaos scl Aug 69 of ind"trial rietbaft In Cattle BE491M# by Kbruw Krotww* 7 yps MMAUM# W* taoo-admt W 14jo act 1967s VP 13-374, jpps 4340 giAl~~S'ro KrUST~,wov 29-bageris ftou Jsn 68 346j,443 Aotivitioe of the in stitft of Geophysics bumYede by 'Abomir Kmaumve 7 PP. LA;WMIANI perl ktzVz~Q- i-atvmUqhgg~q _ spisanie$ sofial va-14- 196,90 vp ',-W-982. ifits 50643 L lea c,,-s t 6 Sol-scientists Sol urgm Jun ?0 42 3A~ Vml- X-t-% Tbo LVXMAk%r State Eoonwlo "so*Utlon 13 DMIODW at a Raw lutol ~y Fr* N-motavo, 5 pp. Mr"Wil yws LwAbx*.:MMg ~o 90 Sept 1967s pp 11-13s J128, 4360 hn 66 348*W twwXtic plogeaman in awav, lin-tv't iq rultetlo XiAxur 9 M~ It I ,o 7 my 4"Am- , Dw, va L It t I d,!& 1965." m?, 32-87,,"~ ~w 0 a-1110 31:21 P~A all. ('~~ mp"v 1&3 h-amtion and AdvwUsinG ActivitUs RaParW# by Svetmr Irastavo 9 pp. WdAalov M;p LWOLM B-momiat soplat ilo 5, 4imy 1969,p pp 14-16a JPRS 48514 SV,,T-C-)2~p, 6CV57TV u.,-Lw,m-u Eo I 'm AUG 619 339o034 =01 Aumm T.! -a in It fev,/ M-1 wmma )7p. Tb4 $Utg$ W%d Nt4" fV"1V$Mf4t Of '] sar;"7 ir, Ralzml-4 by ft, IZAAtrovt ;;. UmetAnov, 5 ;m. w1wMAX6 par* aLvWMZb "b 5f, 11,3U74T 176-7. vp J. Kruszewski Means and Incentives to Fmoura3e Personal Responsibility in Industrial Production.. 1rj M. Ymter., 5 Pps. RMIM, np, Ekonamicheskaya. Gawta, No 39., a9 SePt 1965, P- 34- -1PRS 32933 USSR Econ Nov 65 292~M2 A Wubk-Pulse 10,yutm f(;,r the :,-'P-=l Lotatio., a--,,d of Qrx4bimt!o:-. EnsL-= W"ith Ga.& TUrbozllan-Gi. :Uv. V. 1. lLmitov, 1. V. 1,00. GOTEPUNiNisT WME 0= per, lzveiiti3m V'J"Upkfilh ucheb, pp .~,Cll pro~pulislol- 0: d lAxis Vus Sclontists Walt In Solenco and Lichistryp V, I. Entme 9 pp. RUSSI Y-"tnu- Y~3ft ARI porg -3ff- - ~hk&f 9p 19699 pp JFRS 49964 T Sai-Solentists 4~ Sai Orgarw 4~-~ar 70 OP.# 379 l'aurlptivn of Research ktivity at Ifig.7xv 1*1uc--tlOzlal lault.3tions, 11"', V.T. 12 p.-* ;., per, Vestiflk Vverbegy -0, - -.1 1 ~klll I 11D. 11, 1967, 56-64. I ill's /1.5 a ~5 7 Possibilitieu of Univarsity Etlence V~cpwideki by Vo I , Krtttov, 'I pp? ful"ISLAZI., per., tTQqWk.VysgLe-Z 'L7gko3js The Up reav 19-G6P P17! 7-12- 4 o -,,,(4 live Apr vj loaLo A)W syvarum af tile sw in u-40 9.5 - 20 R. by I, A. ZUW4, 7 , , ~ 7 AT per,, i0saich 1311104L Vol va, ,W 2, M7s, 2711-279. lach Infor FAdlity n v v utroA 4 Astrophysics 0 524o247 Uri Zr~4 Llj&,_.~', T 13 L-,)r b.4 3u) s-Jl) -b_~ , '1~12 ~_t .)C, Critica Owtod 0-1-1 ibmt IWIOuczi on a I~ws= t) Awvl 4xn .LWVIOI smuu: tq F. amtowt v. all. Nr., CIMe VOI 531 1" AvC, bar; w ,SystNs Analysis in-Maintenance Service, by J.A. Kruyt,, ;-GERMAN, per. Stahl Eisen Vol 92, No 21, 1971, pp 1183-1187. BISI 99514 ism 73 oi' Wc.-ter in e Chv-rmal, by A. PP. tcr, No pp -At atiui cti tio bar ~-ti;isivvu~ ii lp aw. Cr-~ li tc; ~"A'tariaL~ (as 'N! to V,- a os Wy t Tvad -;.dOV 41 -Z ay 70 lite inwstiVadun 4cd GrapldWp"m for I-rictiai "md bar in UbAaadca 'Wits tAWr, bol V. 1%;' cl 14-20 Ccmputer OAmuts Programers at Chockere, by Yuo KruzhiUn, 7 Vp. WBSWP Up$ MRA V0.510.8i 19 Sept 1967.. p. 4. JPFS 43174 Y(,I-. K ~L-Z H I L um Bel/m4etrodes Bleetrica aw Dee 6T 346j.257 A Class of Problems with an Unknown Bo=dary for the Heat Conduction Equation., by S. N. Kruzhkov RUSSIAN, per,, Dok Ak Muk S-S-S.R, Vol 178.. No 5p Feb 1968, pp 10s6-16ju. Me Am Inst RWs - V01 13, No 2., August 1968 S. tj, i~k Ll Z v Sci-Physics oct 68 366,073, Finite Oifference VAthod for a First Order Nonlinear Equation dith Many Independent Variablos, 4y S. N, Kruzl*ov, 12 pp. RUSSIAN,, per, Yxchisl Ratemat i Matem Fiz V01 V10 No So 1966, pp 884-894, CIA/FDD X-608S Sci - Math Sci Fab 67 FOR OFFICIAL USIF ONLY 3170691 Vertical Su=b= of the Tmtratropical Con- vorwm :14W of the Botern HoElsphom end Weaftr ConUtIone In It., by To of'o Y",uWAova., 11 pp, WWXAti.* per# 11,G&2g2]a i GIAM12ap 11b, 3.- Aur 1967, ppv 43-50o Jus 41406 UWR Sol-Mo July 67 cc,xr,jiim~ l-,7alutions u5 t1te couchy 'Pnablel iii flic, f*c,-r .,-~tm-jlineur Equations of First ~.rdcr, by KrIIzIcv. E1,11,61k., 1-cr, "'o I. Al, N'DUL Vol P"),/. X 1. "'1, 29-32. vc, 1 10" !4~ 4. "LO.Y-Auct! 1969 Q -7- C% Ta"I 70. .1 00, 1 " A t r2 7 Linear atd widinear Parabolic Systms iii the 111rinel by S6 0', Nruzkov,, ITSSIAN, per, Wit, f&. INLILIk Vol 187, ?-,'c 3, 1969, !T SIO-513- The An N'ath Soc Vol 10, No 41, July-Aug 1969 2, Jan 70 4COP055 Crop --,-d vizatlaer -~Oport, Fjcb~ U-51', bY p1). 5,2 Crop and Weather Pqvrt,, April 1967., by Dr. D. Knimbiogel$ 5 pp. GEW-M.. per,, Feldwirtachaft No. 60 jum 1967,, pp- 335-336. JPR3 41585 D A'. & XR-GerwW Sci-Agric Aug 67 333s193 V. A. -ETJ*k:7'SIAfli, ;P'40 34-- I t ww gz. 15 cUm ocLs o- ~Iie lmdustr~ unlor Vic Mra Oyot= Df lllamim~ cula MMARVN~p ~mr: P'Alticimaka vrDslva'- 11) ll,w 1~X,6., ()K-j u m 0 V 66 Coweraing a System of Ewnmdc Indicaton o:r the kmapmut and PjawlM of the Work of IndatrLal Enterpriaes, W Ceorgi Mnrmv,, pp. WMAMM, yer, Piom Ltwlmtvo i statia- t1p im l9bbp pp. 14-2t,. ,p go 10 JPFS 3" ZE-Dulgwria t Oki I Econ 1, ~M- 6, 6 296..934 Ventlution DWLGW for vork With Esdimctiva subsunoboo bij V. M. Mmv"tWwl 43 w. rmsusl bko V mimmt" &-a =40-U-9 pp M-pt 62 NOVY VW 2%%-3151 71. VWUUtUm W3100 9W WWU WM WiOgdAve MbetsnM~s bY V- No mmoib~~# 43 IT- JUNW,r bkf V-wAb*b*W-o UJ-74# 195-a7- I*Pt cc havy ulc'204*140 ftlo &a 71 CaloAations of Height of Ventilation Stacks Cor Uwbargft Air GmUdaited Ath Radoa&Ava .Iatoriolo,, by V, H, ZrVohotdkovo '15 pp. RUSSIAN, per. v*&!p!k!h!,rAn isoMme Tekhmike pp 3D.34,. j~PRMWM Ite -',tcr A-Mlooh J= 68 3W.953 Coq?jtl% the DISWbutlm of Thebileace In Jet ftmms, by T, P. &%Vftbdhwa ml Vo P, TAtow4xdw,, 8 pp. Ms=# pro Truay Obsergmt=ft. 0 pp 0 3103f) JPM 3W09 UMR Sol-ED/A Apr 6-6 20,150 b ~~ Contribution to the identification of iilglwr Fatty " C' kids by ho-ans of Cos Chrorm-topraphy wid Cv-phic Evaluation Mot'hods, by J. Krupcil, 0. Lis~v, 13 IV. CEPIWIN',, ytr, 1969, rp 393-396, Luept cf interior 14CF/OFF A-36-Feb 1970-No 141 Oit Loati !~!ay 70 owounba tM 11MOUreMaUp by L. ru m4man. Www, pars T" Mo Vol 122 2.- 1963j. pp 22-M~- W: MAP (N-130) L. K . K seto!tth & ftdp WE* 69 j:jcy,c,-,ts Cf r~,-gicrctical 4 hy .:j. ynVIC.M. a%~X:,Io jj,~j .1968# 310 PP- A . I ..IL 5, r- le U-f I avj 69 -nqf516 1. 7Z :;oscarch oni Rolllu;~ 4;;~et4l(; Under varnin-, A- M.Ala, 1. L'. Pavlov. 6 _~~* Ki U., Ak 3. -:aY-JIMO-- r ataja bU'L-gr of - g ltwa i~auid I Ar, Vol a li,2 IU L/ 12' ~Ojjjrj~j 'vi '"AilLulill'if Titizli~ T A, A.U 4- 317--f' ~) ell ~Z54.;~'! of Crulditixis o~i z,.~ca- -nd 'Ai by %t V. i~xu-,bl, -'A-~ctakiy, 16 (~~rc~Za 77=7. 73'777dllcp-,~ 'v ilk lc~l um pu~ U Apr.U - 10 vl:ctr 196% ",rj rXtr D-.o ivq-.~~tqq:A u, Jim 1~65, Blam Alk; Kr a Lor P'O llqv 67, No. ? Jan, 6S, 47-lkl. ,rop mid, ~,tather eptenbor 1S, rpt, I.PV2 t I -Vytse tzst -.atbUnt pp 47A,76 !301 Agri ,,an 6;,1 T-12vjws I ---s "-4, G 4Tn-"Cl - " - v 01491? sup eogfi-& dd *Q%T 140o ow;w larq olmor4amea vied ,owns') 'Idd 9 f-Ee2Munq ea .i v ~. Aq *lwdv8 mlavs~m Pm do4n C,961 Isuftv G Crop and Weatbar Fepovtt Awguot 1967o by Do ,;rm.- blegels 5 pp. Gi~x -viv parv I Ambany ;!o 109 00t 1967, pp 5in,.,*5Zf3* 4313o, ky U M 6A,e c" e /j 1-,~Ov 67 3430152 Prop cad V%thor gar tio, PoTitxl 11"i :',)65, uy 6 pT,. vper., Dip 9M ;,"Con nec 65 Weatmr and Crop Rqmt for the Period U octam, - lo am-emw 1~k5o "by D. ftmbtet-*al2 6 py. CM-vM,, per, Die Dautmhe Laadwirtschat$ no 12" 19650 2 pp, JPM 335Ti 3, 333 anti ,.'oather ."c?;)ortq cclobor 1950, 1~.y Zra.,it-iogol, 5 pp. 'Faluhzlrtoc~wft, ~-o 12, J ~-V, 561 ,ciboric 29, 3 5~ Al Cxvp wd Wfttber Foput for ib'a Feriod of 11 ftadAr - 10 Dece&er lAp 4 D. KruL- btegolv 6 pp. GEWM# pgrp MG Dautedo Lnndwlrtsm'iaft, SO I., Jan 3:99-#~pv~-f M 31M e- Feb C-6 2bo615 CTOP amd Vftthsr ftmt, n Moldber 1965 10 Jammmy W# by D. Mnzbiepls 5 pp. GMM.. per, DIS Deutsche ImAdrtwhaft, No 2,t FWb 1:9 =vpp. 1U-W J-PM 3" Econ Apr 66 29B..049 s 'Y CM wd QSUW RVats Oetober 1967j. by Dro Do Km*lorls 5 PV, =m% Per.. M"&A&Ls~s 1b 229 Dft 1967j, pp 6e3-624. irre 437ft eci-Agric &Z 63 ALM Crop aW Ifttber ftortp 11 Jan - 10 Feb .1966.. by D. Mrablemls 5 pp- Gwimp pop Me Dmtecbo IdwaWtsicbefts, NO 3. var 't pp-s 159-1b04., jpps ~ I UE-GermW T, V, U P, I ~II c- T-I I rem Apr 66 293..153 C. =a wnther arpvtp 11 febrary-10 K"ch / cl lzo by D- MMAMOVII 5 VV- v so GRms Var as Rago iewmaw.-haft 4l Apr 1966,p pp. M-2W-. M 35353 Q. m 6 1, C,5 ,- ~ ER-cm-mv Em t* 66 300,.166 Crop and Ii-cather Report, 11 May-10 Jime 1)(4), by D. KrmbiaGal~ 32 pp. GEIMN, per,, Die Deutsche lmduirtne'Aaft, IR) 7, Jully PT)q 771-363o illiz 3c3rln ) '~~ UTE-Bast Genimny Econ se-')t G5 crup on-a veatfaer iioport, 11 'Ttvac - D July I)W', 'by !,,p, GEWAN, perj, Die !Xlat 13,~- if-W 37615 El FIE-Corrany Scon Oc t 314113 Crop mid Ocatier Eepoxt., 13. Julv - 10 h,,t~uirit by D. Yx,,mbleuel,, 5 pp. f , I ` pev~ Jie Dalatccd,.,--~ L-andmirtac', f4, ll,, )t sel)t ,L966, 7,,;: 463-4G-4--.-' JPFf-, 37)4c E CE- 3 5, r4' licrorcraber I Crop and Went-tor &3part,, by Do Krwribiogc.-I. 5 pp. 1, jan JX;(), pp- 55-56. illps B, y ocan nab 67 31:f i G)j and crop ""rt, inscambor 17-66, qy ,,-,Ii 19 ? jr-~Illl W29 ;~war 6.7 51.9, 563 Crop and Weather lieport# Jamuiry 1967p, by D. KrumblWls 5 pp. GMRAN, per., FeldvIrtachailt NO- 3. Mar 1967: PP* 167-lbU JPIB W451 ii, RIE EE-Cera-my Scl -1 i -Agric May 67 323.,3B5 m,oatbw ot 196BA969 Anter Suasm Smmmricodi, Itr D. XrmblomoU 6 QW-Ally rar# Bost DorUn. No 51 IV j) , em, C) L Vo jull 69