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H&W 71 . Xw 71 1 ;.ole of AntUam AgOnt -"mroatIL-g,- in oho,ylloal pom suppreQui6in, by I.,: A% 'Iaul., f ~'Z I A 'T ~:o I- , re) Significance of Epeirogenatic Curves for the 161 IntarpWation of Spatial Distribution of the Geomapetic Fields by Ve V, Kruglyakov, G. t, Kruglyakova, USSM, per, SowetskUq GaologiLa No 11, 19u6, pp 68-77, ACIC TC-1194 Sci Mun 67 5 si I pressure of SaturaUd Vapor of Liquid Ceriw, by A. A. Kruglykho V. S. Pavlov, IUSIANO per Ukrayins1w Fizidillyy Zhunal. 111,01 101, No"O': *,NMA TT F-110269 ~;CI-Fjlys Dec 67 Railrmd Car Lnplo7emnts llaitp lhulago Capaoitys LV Go Kra? .~W* 5 pp. RUSSTAND, npo lb9ow, 17 !.V 19699 J?i6 Sai-.1-babs Lid, Civ & ~br BDM Jul 69 3%9816 Aressm.:, by Akoldy ..rugor,,,;tch,, Mpe nor, ~Xamova Z~Iezr't&, ~0- 49 viv. vocarlotaw WA AWPIS or Zkdauqa Lwicla 0? coubwoun chadWa " Mou- Armljm% I'l tw 4000 row"m CS=Atp tv YO. P. &tAwwar~L-, V. D. &t3,,,vj. 0 LV. B=wp Dm., 5=01-04001-0 UP IVOTS UN Inbibition of the cellmiroo &yrithsia of FAmo. glabin b~r SdUWA FintfAms of ~,ariow 1~5rpw of 603.19 by JO I~r&,* GIAR.Ul pert 1100hin MdO.Nfto kol 1456 11~4o 20 1967 '1466-W" 0 11-25-67 &ci-E and Jan tlx~ 3469951 /~/ C) - 61 450/72 f" 27 Aug 71 Evaluation Research in Jamaica, by G. J. Kruijer, 37 pp. DUTCH, per, Tijdschrift voor E-con en Soc Geografie, June 1961, pp 147-156. Sept 71 7 7, 77 ft 7 7 .7i 7. 7--, now %maul Ins ftowlah. SA. A61 196j,ftl~ ra 19TIS 121"216w CB r-actur ,v I*x!'v-rilunv~ ill t1w laroducti-cw into "ruductifill of ;Uir'-dard Starlfdn.~ 11iltdzvento uN L. i. ~ru3,cvsl.ii. lamii-ov, Vol lu. I'o S". 19 C 17. 1 Jul! P9 A c Vlatula and Wor idveva and Their ~fnuoata a1'4 `~Lntsp "zoam"Ist. 32 ~norl Con Jan 19611, .,p 3-12. p 'd a, t 3 Lvukmki MS== monm In inoeatift Systemp by Hiclul KrakowWdy 10 pp. Polaut nvp Zvdo 220g!mp wamvp 25 14V Wq., ; 4. JM W354 M-Poland pol Jay 69 336$M5 4v .nillivell and Aanislav ~bUtorlsj 8 CZILA;,.~ and All. la'.M-e-LAAr, -~o !-Apga lonoUmmt in -AmMU In 1966, by ~ir, craUsek and -It*MslAv 'ImUtarls, 3 mj~, Me =d porg, -P-ree i~o 3, t-m Is67. ;n, Y91-349. 67 Comparative &mmdnatims of the ]Rood Volume and Blood B91mce After Heart anay idW Use of the Haart-Lmg Machinej, by D. Knmhaarp et. al. G&W# per., &2MAMMWA Vol 16, 1968j, pp 507-512. NTC 71-13624-06B Feb 72 Corros ion-Meehan Len I t4ur of Squipment, by z B. B. Krumanop V. A. Krupitayna. 98 pp. RUSSIAN, I*FpKorrosionno-Nekbanicheskiy-lznoo Oborudavanivay 196a, pp I-IU4. AIR/FMAIT-24-78-70 ~~ 16, ~~/uOlvo-jcjj -0eeb flov 70 crop wd V"ther Mporto July 1969p by D. KvmbleMl# 5 ppe GWIWO pers I rtwhaft brung sko -- a hhat t t40 99 ~Qpt i 9', pp 'P39-wo, JBS 49D40 oact 69 394t?4,0 1 Crop and Weather Report, January 1969, by -17 D. ianimbiegelp 6 pp. GLIUM. perp L~ldwirtschaitq iast Berlin, lao liar 1960,, pp jefts 47804 sci-Agri Apr 69 379,357 Crop and Vesthor Report, Nover-bor Ic,43, by -Do Kmabicaels 3 ppo per, II rtachaft, iast Berlin, lf;o 1, Jan 1969, pp 35-56. JPS~ 47515 :-Ar 69 374 v,376 G rop wW i~wthar Ropmt# Eebruary 1969o tV Do UwMnelp 5 pp. C,I,,RAW,p per, Wddx!*Wjaap East lbrlint Do 4p Apr IMO pp 199-2M. JFRS 47994 Li Ol L Sci-Agri May 69 381o969 CMP and Wmatbar H&Pwtp Da=bar i968# b.y Da Krunbieple 5 ppo waml, pop,, kalmr.O.CWIF i~"t Wrling No 29 kob 1969s pp 103-104. JiMS 47s688 Sol-Agri A-, pr 69 3?B,364 tic' Crop tald 'Weathm Ropat, OoWbor t968t by D. grm2biogolt 5 ppo om*ls FaIddEdlea East BorUns wo 1968M 375-576- ipas 47926o n, /,~ b I c C3 c sei-Agri Jan 69 371688 'rt'eathar Relv",ti, Nirch 19B, by Krunibioga 1, 6 pp. -,er, Setelmirtachaft, !%barlin, 63, M-240. 45,511 -15t; 616 :~erort, Jail 68, by ;r. p "I 3 I to 311 by All IPJOI. i2ul I fil Pac 71 1.. N. M. biupenio Dkleatric constant and density qj the ouNotanee of the surfaca Uyell, of ftk= RRIJISIAN5, rpts, DielekWahe8ka 9,09;whestva Rovarkhwatnogo nloUa mam Report P r~78 2971, 40 pp. (OAll TT F 144,369 so N, Wedo Radar Studies of the Moons by N. N,' Knupenio RUSSIAN, per,, Radtotokatsimwye lecledbumigg 1971* pp NASA IT F 729 mw 72 Oct 7 .1 Pi6~tic Deform tion of Iligh-Holting Metala, by A, V. Krupin. RUSS1,11el, rpt,, Ll Chas ,MU kaya DoPbrmatrAya Tui,oplabldkli I-Totanov 1971. Jan 72 affect of tM medium on UO sttucture of zircon- iMM, by A, Vo KrUpLov 8 ppqk MSUAtip porp Takhool noplovkikh Matollov i Eats 82Lamf 140 286 19689 pp 74-79, NASA TT P-12s783 Sci-Phys Jul 70 -Strength Stue Fatigue Strength of High by V. G. %:"rupin, Yu. w. Kabanav. RUSSIAW, rpt, Soveshchaniye Ea b3talosti Mletallov. 4th c prochnost mota-lov pri,l'siklichoskikh Nagruzkakh.-Materialy, I , pp 147-151. AIR/FTD/U-23-783-63 V. G. Krtipin Sci -Mat Apr 6~1 579,804 lity"Us SyAt(n lbdfW a 120,4* CUdcaUy VAdntoloW RMoldnealft and itsvenUft of 14POUKOU0. Moord9rat t7 T* fl* tolludm* par& ~Vtl Rav 14L iF ib 0 0 w U Jan (.~:) and i4atbor i-wpcrto ~4W-Juw 1969o bil L. ylMdAsmit 5 PP. U-tMA."I'le riMo -L()Mft~~# iAst WrIbs flo 86 Auz 19690 pp 391-3p. Mts 46815 D. J-~k -,Lb 13 sort 6.9, 3926%-5 51909(A 69 DO< OTT ~-69J da 6696T luu,zq! vir" 'tlV'-arlD add 5 O-LoPeTq--rqy *(I A4 6696? Jeqwaq~ 1144odog ao%vem td",#i T* N.. KyWina Hervoua System Chmgeo Dupirg 120-Dwj Climostatic Hypokimaia and the h-ophyZaxis of Hypokinasic Disorders, by T. IN. Kn4pina, RUSSIAN* per, ZluanaZ MaympatoZogii i Paikhiartrii. VoZ 72, Ilb 1l,, 2972,, pp 2612-161? HASA TT F 14,0225 mar 72 Ao to "ore \k~ nil~, ~,A 4, 12 c4 /Ych~ I Pough mmins zna-,~Strj in ItAl by Dv* b mu CM, 1;o 4:1 pm,m, ~erp Unds-ona4 !%V., )965; pp. 101- * 30590 ilu.-PolfW4 PIWII am 65 9347fli ~,;eav of Zquirpanto by Se i-'O 7 canuol or moQualsw I'udty In moAroutic t,34 Manus, tv U. mmiso D. a%*'. WOM Vvi Va .11, 1b !9606 Iv. 137-IL4U D, Mv contlol Of mwuolyw Purity in mactro4tic i -,, 4 am PlanUq by W. &UVIMs L DUDM- POLM., pwi. 204Y I*Wo mewl Vol 130 HO I 1963., iv. 3-37-4431 m sai-Mat Aug 69 389p607 ~,, - K~"(?kc,,- sme CC Cato-% DOM mmoko at al, 9ps Vol 320, Iwo ............... DCA ov~ 47 7' -, /, AIr sci-M Oct 66 310,485 Zino plant In Kyrd=Uy BWgorlao by I/ ~)'; A. D. XVUDI:(=- POLMH.. Per,. BAY 14oule JJW.Olm Vol 131 no u. 1968,, EZ a. C. scl-I'llse Doe 69 398i2lO in i4nrta iua aril Tcm o.-R,-T, 'Irm'd Kru'r KRUPKOWSKI, A. Process of dendritic cystallization of binary alloys and the migration of atoms during homogeni Archwm Hutn. 12(4):343-61 (1967) (CRL/D. 872) v //-/, - /eU/~~ / I ,Ilia --'tracturu cl-' -0-Ml if-.j[ 7;.!L6t-CC)V,, h)67o 377,U9 L4 Plionolearboxylic Aelds of Corn Mays L.) s by 'T. A. Xrsupnilrova RUSSLA',*I, pors DO'k A'A., N*azik XSR, :,',Ot 2ci Vol 160, f,~40 6,-7-3iiiin T m 0 \j F) ~~;Ov ilmWing of SuppUes in .'Alitary Constructim 01"t by 5. 'formilows 1. ~rap:Atakly, 5 rP. 81 -Jkh"~ 4,)V4 69 Alitary %;motruction .-roam',ums Consioarw, by ~o irumitsidyl pp* rAma Lq 23 Jtly WAs i,*), p 2* J13 E!r, I z %k-- 4-077r. 771-4771M 3 75 ff.. K. KnqVA)V mechanism Of Fracture Mugging, in Fractured Porous Strata bV the Injection ofVater COM Ining solid *Cmdeal Pmucus ana Effect of Partlelas upon.011 r4covery. RMSIAN, per Del2v No 2v 19719 pp 2548 IM 72-12611 -Wl I ulnnts for Ietectionp by R. I'a*upMW,, r 5 pt, - HiSICS'll"Ut, npp Kras=vn Zvezllp 32 &M 196SI; P. 3. Mrs 40907 ~e I~r I(- p p 6, ~/ USSR I-All June 67 ~P 3, 5 1) lmql, bry Yo. 1* ,,xumwv, 7 PI- *~cz MLSOMA= I./L".fl pore -o 4, Apr IRP-711, Ufftt Of 4cmll A&nUons of 1=4 Vlokol ml C(Aalt on Wo 1~90udcsl ProperUes wA Alloctrial 16(rhuativity Of AIMAMMIS by a-* Gohbshtj%4 vuz too *4 (68/78) 1,--, 1 hifoat of SWn AddlUaw of Cwlunt Irmo Uckol wA Cobalt an the PAcbsideal PrqmtUs and BIGOUlica CO-Ahativio or Ab=Lutmt tV 1, go Lnpotkia & go Bo Gddt*deb* RUS&US pw Vol at 0 ~Vmcw- -SMM.9tm 19660 60-629 tiLL Raft 9W.4 (67/113) Feb 68 349o631 Frequency-Contrast Characteristics of a fiber Optic Elematp by D* H. grupp, Pwssiaa. per# No It 19660 pp 21-26. *PTO Kf-Z4470w67 Sci-Phys Aug 67 326,393 a-pendituras and Costs or Soil TlUi% m-,,d Cultivation in GM AEXiaLLltura, by Dr. Go Kr,lppj 5 rp. GME-WT, per., reldiartneWto S..) 6, Jurv-, 196,.),, nv- 313-314. PL X 3 5 Scon t,tc 66 30FbO3 ,,.,~iterjet ropul!-,j rill Svrjtc~1113 11Y C. Krty.-Pa, and 0~~x- Tn'Arbucli. STP, 1]AVSTIC- for 11j.gli S! eed C. BnMdt, .9' ipp. Vol 62, pin 229.-2-) r.9 . 'To n 7'~ Umak klootAcs ltojwuon Junj i'mas 10 Pn. P()rg "AV i9590 pp W-U2, jtj~~tl 3M- I 69 ginvftya TonsSoms fm Lenin's Last Dkmthso bv N, 91 5 FPO RUSSIANO nN 21 Jan 1969, p 2, JP16 4?96W w C5 a ld*GMpbic Mor 69 'The L)OV4opmeat of colow"Lo4lons In tho sNOW44 k I sew* % rssiANO, per*- MIS pq 81-650 PAW 71 Lvmsod oW for Ammiuts ortafato foracon# by ~, X, Krupskiyg 5 ppe RUSSI&WO part KOIC4 i MAWP. 0 I;bsewjo lio 80 19699 pp 21-23. iles 49304 sai-cham roe 69 3969452 L -it Sji*ctra of ultxe~,viulet Region, lby o. end Ei~6. ~;ci. 114 The Effect q lietting on the Perfor' muce of Oie Sintering. by. F. Kruse a,nd E.L. 11offmarm. GERNIAN,, per,, -Stahl Eisen .1971i 91, (14)], PP. 833_839.~ BISI 9625 July 72 StiuUm with the Use OZ PotentlAafflftobe., and E&W-current i*thoda,, by J. Kruse. QW-AH,, per,, Faigmak-Technik, Vol 18, No 2v 1969., PI) T~-Td- Sci-Mothodo Equiywnt Jan 70 OR 8688 GrOat Britaiws EEG Entry an Advantage, by M. xrusa, 15 pp. GrERMIN" part Sozialistische Aussemir-techa-ft, East Berlin, M 72, p5-15::23. ,JpRs 5561gt Apr 72 Contra& Nervous Vinutbut" in CM143ma thfor T Mork'y with the LAM&-aetiad Sulfanalwaf Sulf- qhcaylpyrasoleg, by As Wthas and 11's ~=se# ot alo 14 V. GERM* Pori, Vol US go 1, 1965, pp 63"Z0 CF5YI TT 4V sl~~ , 'let AM 66 _IV- /)- L,-, L-:- nroproof Textiles, bY W. Fxuso. per, MeMaLd TOXtjlb )ILOI Vol 1~91 No 2 - MCM , 1960, PP 203-212. !JMC 71-11323-11E NOV 71 ~~N ~~)- - Civil war Battle in Par Mat Comemoratedo by A. 1. Krus)mmovo 5 ppo RUSSUN, up, Kommollskaya , Moseow, 12 Feb 1972. P 2. JPR5 35580 Apr 72 English Title UnImoump by A. 1. Krushanov, 11 pp. GOVEERMT WE ONLY RIUSSIAW, per) ~brakoy Sbornik, No 31 1969$ pp 13-24. Dept of NM7 NIC Tr 3206 f-) - , L-, re" k-c ~I ~ f>j C) (-. Ii May 7.1 C &e4-ee~~ es., A RUSSIAN, np & per, JPRS DC-12977 >d S-462/67 r7 USSR Econ, Pol March 67 318)123 Investigations of the HIgh-Temperature Thermodynamics ofihe Ca- -0-C System, M.S. Kruphchev, RUSSIAN, per. Izv. VUZ Chern Met., No.4,, 1971.1 pp 24-27. .BISI 9465 Sep 71 ivy 22 iu by MO. Ago 5 Fr* 16110 ~robllen of Linear Fra!?m-oln- for a of Por-Attations a.-O Its ApplionVLovi ia Outt.-Itatlon of Wne, by 1. 'l. KrashmmIdy. IODrllya WOMA , ---s - -- - '70T-1- , vv I =1. Pp The Work of flaLlvV AdtdUstraUons uDler t1he New Syetem of PImming anl Eeonozda Isaumeumt.. by Petur Krusheva4v 7 pp. RMARVAR, per,, VJM3 Eputen tMM2MP roo ir Jan 1966., pp - 16-M ipm 34763 /I ji~ 11 s )e I/ s Econ Apr 66 293.-303 Uo Secrot J-,ar lgainst Preedori. by A. Vrtiships~,jy 10 p!). I I. .............. RUSSIAN, 111), NO'-lsO','()PSlRya Pravda, 20, .111 Oct 19,05. US IQ R h, 1%ov 65 A Study cu the AMU of tM Dolpblz tursiops truncatus (Mltw) to OPMte with the Empirical abo"Jonslity of GoomtrIa npno# by L. V. is Uskil - FMIAR, porp D* Ak No& s=, B101 sci... vol 2D4. ' 7V No 3) Nwj MR -P-t5-750- M Feb 73