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Hopnmt1cm In Acwthocyclops VlrMU (Copepoftp Cy~~) by G. Ta. mmb$ WNIM., per. Dak. Ak. No* MR, voi i87p iio 6. Aug 1969, IV 1W1442: CB M47 70 G , 4o7.,66o Nov 71 -9 (191~-W5), 1567, Coast -.1 Fishieg Cratt in Pol--va, the GDR ~ml MR, by Jozef Fivr,. POLISH, per, TqckMk~i I Goopalurka Vol n, No 10-Tifl, IM, rp 15-16. *cmi Tr-6T.56324/13 Sci/g-..rth Set Ocamagraphy Doe 67 J kual, i?cmr Cm=pUan in Agrimatum Reviwed. 7Z b7 Jarodav K"pdkav 11 pp. U&CIII, pore I*cwmimoo Lemd-gr4tAo hvz=o SO N ktr 1969s IJP 76-W- jPiz 48139 I- i C~~ ~,'t -Z~ ~ ct I., 'kill "i'f-L161j, -5ci-Enargy Conv (Dorc-hW) kmz~-- Jan 69 382#266 Epidemiology and Treatment and Purulent Diseases of the Lung And Pleura In a Pediatric Hospital, 1936-1966# by P, Kreplere EUROPEAN, per, Archiv fuer K1nderhei1kunde$, Vol 178t 1968p pp 29-53. NTC-70-13269-06E Feb 72 KIP Vol -~Sfcct Of tai tile az uc per "Ien Acad"~ Condacts Int-arplawtm-i Rettev Faseambo by I.Lbor Krosak, 7 ppt GUIRAO-wr USMI MY ISLOPI, per, V mtpUt UMVI DD 2j. Apr 1)63., pp 103--U2- ip.10 00 S923 Scot T55 362,5416 -1 6~ /tX~~ -- Determination of the Total Unsaturation of Butyl Rubbers by the Mercuric Acetate Method, by A* Pe Kreahkov, RUSSIAN# per# Kaughuk-i. """fts Vol 21+v go 10, 19659 pp 55-56. NTC 72-10930-11J May 72 ifrlnclv,les of ~Iianvemmat t~ tlnD Lonimn of Mists, ty. "T'll !-r, P!)v fill pp. 9,611 PZODWMW 02 scoolvatylA= tdth GtWW CMVILD& b6v B. 2. OWllk=l V. ." Mrw1a. LOW10t Vw,# V* Ah ft* S= vbl M. rio ~, 01*, 19(a, vp I'ma,=30 , zo lb lust or fts Vol 23P lb IN 1,90- li I I ~ . . '' ~. - - 1-- 1, ?1 :'' ?~ Itu a) 3 0 2; V55 Pair Convlatiow in Polmalic Yblecules, by Vo 7., F 4pain RMLU., per., Dok Ak NW~ SSSR Vol 177., No 6, Dc-- 1967, pp lP6-1309- An, Inst Pbys voi 3p- . no 12., June 1968 Aug 68 361..o4,9 C/ ") tbabolow or aVercooduettvity, by V. 2. mmain't 7 pp- RUSSIM., porp R&jW,Ak%ftdj MWk SSSR, Vol 165p No 5., pp- 105~-Ml. ans 34a4e USSR V I - 4e s " t~ ~ sci-vft Apr 66 298t365 A . eA-~~ Thermal Conductivity of Rookes Measuring Devioev and Methodep by Me Kreal. GERHAN# per, Fr2lbIgger Foggehunaghgf1a. &sibs q# Vol 238, 1968# PP 95-100 NTO 72-12384-OSG July 72 itor4cals for Lnproving l4bor 1~-roductivlty in ,mistruction, by A. Kresss 6 pp# per, Okmimilka Swatakoy Plzml~j y ~.iav, 'No. 3, 1%98, pp. 43-46, 7- RS 45 5 4, w, Me "cc 1 1,~av ~~ Processing Parametern in tho Stretching of Polyethyleneterephthalate Foils on Poll Stretching Machines, by G, Kress, GERIMN, per, Kunatatoffo, Vol 59, 19609, pp 252- 255. lmc-?1-10771-1311 Nov 71 md o&I Grati cultAvatto-a ill t"() by 5;0 'harass., 1.)Pv 43x, to0wift dor -)- ze- 53 6~ The Effett of Residues-of.-Ziegler-NAtta Catalysts on the Properties of PolypropyUhe, Part'4. Reactions of Phenolic Antioxidants,with Titanium Compounds, by J. Kresta. GEOM. per, Chem Prum, No-4, 1970, pp 167-171 -ATS/CJ-5697.- pM Of iall." :-v .,a In !7o .3 Ci 3 6 31 'Liao (~Ulltrie-ss Ly nO UJI 67-63 IM p-mbleL,s of Export of Ccxw=er Cloo~) by Jaradr Y-mata... 14 pp- GOVEFsaw, USE OMY CUM., perp Lujmew flospoUrattt, No 12., Dee 1965., PP- 38-46. JPPS GUO 1039 V-1 'Econ mar 66 296P723 CY909hOt4m&tri* ImstWlOn Of Na+-Y.+-JtcUvatedt W+-DePenunt Adowalm Tripboopmtwe in the Hat YJAWp by T. V. KnolneklWas MIAN., W. DDke Ak..ftA,Ssml Vol 16Ts NO Ip Jul 1969, pp 23-T-M9. CB May 70 -~ _~ , ~( (-,- di (2 History of OsciUstory Movmmtts In the ftairs ana Adjuent Regiono of Asla, by V. N. Kmatnikov. RUSS=., bkl 1965; 199 pp. Iorwal lbmgram for Scicaific TraarW-ions) Zerumaem. ml sci-E sci :u1 66 30.006 Calculation of the adhesive bond of an airm craft structural jointg by N. Kh. Gizatulin and S, S, Krestovskiy, RUSSIAN9 perp IVUZ, &ylatsionnam& XqMpika, Vol 12p No 4, 19699 pp 158-161 FTD HT 4ecial 327-70 Sci nov 70 G. A. Krestov ThermDdynamics of Structural Cbanges of Vlater When Ions are Hydrated at Different Temperatures. RMSIAN, per, Teoretj2hegWa I EkpMr1mntalnava KhjMW Vol 5. 19699 Pp 415-4199 CSIRO-Trans-10789 NTC 72-13431 -M Oct ?2 ~c! I iLLY;.U Uc*:It~) D6 3 U2 97 sopt 71 t.-%~ d zin I -1tv. 2A Thermoelectric Effects at the Boundary of Solid and Liquid Phases of Semiconductors from Various Groups, by A. N. Krertovnikav and V. A. Evseev RUSSIAN, per, Dolt Ak Nauk .95SR, V01 178* HO 5, Peb 1968, To 1051-1054- The Am Inst Phys. Vol 13., uo 2,, itugast 1968 14 , ~ , /~~ E'5 Sci-Physics Oct 68 366..094 The Character of Phase Equilibrium in the System Ol 2Te7A92 Te, by A. V. Krestovrikov. RUSSIARp per, Akademiya Nauk Izvestiya, NeorCzanicheslde flaterialy Val 4,, r"O 10, 1968, pp 1904-1905. l-',,TC-70-13198-07B Feb 72 jilvestir'stiva of tho TholmiaYawAic proportics tho Ter4avy NAtolue 4*to* 140CU-5b at 01* $Octloa S4,331tb Itl IYY the Wathaft of E;4FF,, ~y A, Le kgwv A, No grotmakav, S WSSIMS, Per$, Zhumal. Prik "*,~% Qimiio Val 381, 'No it 12650 P~, Joz, (~6 Therwodym4ic Analysis of tlic Not Rolling of Metals Under Vacuum or Inert Cases, by A, N. Krestovnikov, et al, RUSSIANO per, Sborrik Modk, Inst. Stali I Splavoy 41, 1966; 169-193. fib . . . . . . . Sci - BUt Aug, 67 338t346 at A- :1 I t ut ~z-l ti t1 3 .1 41; f9MG, en. ~r C', 9 1" 72 i;euding Analysis of a Thin-aalled Structure Taking Short-,rerm Creep of the Material into Account, by S. S. Krestovskiy. RUSSTAN, per, Izv VUZ Avlat TeLh, 71.1c 2, 1967, pp 58-66. Pent of Navy APL/Jj'IU T-2232 i,ar 6.9 376,242 ilctevahbif,, the !~ervico Life of wi Aircrtaft Aureflyrimdc Vuatiur, by ~S,. 111S,clivi, por Trud), Lazan. Avicatsiumiyy Institut, A v a ~ NO ~~I* E;660 lil, 13V-147. AD 67V 717 sci-Acro Feb G9 -wety in thD qq~p Of Fad Bob W4 .,eawaa Of DatoraWIM tbo wov EW*Mo by ve, K"tto par* sl=omiw S%bV$ 8 port q4ttb7 PO VaL%* 1967 pp 576-W5I Jul 69 :iai-Amah A . Apr ?i : N , y", Nx4t. ~Cra~~ VIII, ON . I tha I;sf) of Ale by V. 7 ovi. -!A cnmtn, 2" ~'ov ".-AP Turbulent Boundary Layer with Blowing in a Com- pressible Fluid with a Pressure Gradient, by N. S. Krestlyaninova. MSSIAN, per, Inzhenerno-Fizicheakiy Murnal, Vol 16, No 6, 1969, pp 989-1001. FTD HT Special 220-70 Sci-Phys Jul 70 icac-a- AAnt Siting Improvements Proposed. by luo S# !~rdlnina, A. S. Nekrasov, 5 iv. RUSSUNP per, Enwmdika i FlaktrifikeLtd-ya, Riov, Vo 2 rT P j7 JEWS 56247 June 72 of Vila Camtraction oi' Social- iml In t)n;, countr.1, by F, Irax-avow, 10 Typs np, Kra a zvmla, 1.1. ipm-, I. Pul 0)1 at p 0 U-MOW. V. L" =sun* .pW#'4*';Ak SM SiodW16#: Val ft 4. A ~ . . - . . 19. ion IV, MY ?I Properties of Malate and Glutamate Dehydrogenases of Tabacco Plant Tissue Cltureal by V. 1, Kretovich. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 188, No 4, 1969, pp 707-709, CE Jul 70 Q. -~. KrRc -F C~'l i c H Pa. e Effect of Light on Clutemato Do- hydrogenase Isoenzymes on Fee Gerainantsp by V1, Lo Krotovich, AUSSIOp perp Rgk sk HjUk SSIRA 9192hJUR-s Vol 201# No 5p Deaesber 1971s -1252-1254 p p OB June 72 .1 1 - 1. ". p. .. ~, I - .. .: . I. - I ! . .,.!, .. . . , , - -. .,;. 1, . - , .. ,- ~ i -- .1 ~... '': I ~,, I . ~ L ~ , ' , ~ , , . . . . . I ~~ -m - -?,~,! -.. ;~,~ _ . . L ., Properties of Miclato and GliAtwatc Do. hydrogenacca of rll-obacoo Fialit l'isatic '~retovich "Julturoa, by LO t~ A!--,T , por, 188, "0 3, "'D icA Oct 70 ?"oto hoift faul AMIW Acids Of "Uteativa" aw " In4afteativoll baprin llodulog, b7 V. L. irxotovloh RIUSSIATI., per,, DoLe Ak RAW: SSSR Bloolh=. j~ vol 185, !Y,,o 4s APP 1969s C B \**I , L . /*), P~ *_, t c> \o, ; Q, ~ 00 t 70 Gifect of Succinic Semialdehyde un Uptake OE Oxygen by 998ftr and Bakers' Yeastp by V. L. KretovLch. WSSIM, per, Bak Ah Nauk SSSRI Dioctlem, Vol 178, No 4p Feb 1963# pp 955-9S6. CB V - L . k Q ,- -b o \j , o 11 Nov 7U UtUizatiou of Glutamine Nitrogen for tim Synthesis ot AmLno Acids by Bakers' and Fodder Yeast, by V. L. KvetovLch. RUSSIMI, part Dok Ak Hak SOR, BLOchems Vol 173t No 39 Un 1968, pp 713-721. CB V - L . )< R ~e-t c v ' o ~ Nov b t~a 70. V., L . .,tt~R p- -t 0 V ;. z, k . I r Purification of Plant Halate Dehydrogenase and Regulation of Its Activity, by V. L. Kretovich. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR9 Vol 189, No 6, 1969, pp 1389-1391. CB Jul 70 1 - V, ~, -~ T~ E-70 V I C it Regulation of thwolutamino Synthetsoe, Activity of the.Yodder Uast Candida tropicalis,g-by V,,L,-Xretoviche RUsSIANp-per#:Dok Ak - Vol 200, No 1. September .1971, pp 233-23 CB May 72 Allosteric Properties of Plant Flutamate. Decar by V. L. Kretovich, RUSSIM, per, Dok Ak NauIr. SSSR, Vol 189, No 5; 1969, pp 1129-1131. CB Jul 70 \; . L k~ r~ & -(c v ~ c ii Allosteric Properties of Plant Malate Dehydrogenase, by V.'L. Kretovich. RUSSIAN, per, Dqk Ak Nauk SSSRj Vol 189, No 1, 19690 pp 207-209. CB Jul 70 Q, L~ K Ti C2 -~ c) V ( C iq Keto and Aldehydo Acids in the Root Nodules and Roots of Legumes , by V. L. Kretovich. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 188, NO 5v 1969p pp 1174-1175, CB ,7u1 70 V L f