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Clnlt~ral ~~.ncrotsry of -AwCi n :.'ationnl '-6 '~UtuuAs t i. and f-bJoctives. by P-alm ':qUla' 9 pp. no, Kansal ~natisot' 24 k>v 7,* 26 !9S6, .7 j 'nr ;:,O*ur on iievolution, Rmolting 'Youth tcl~vftcd, by muno setala 9 8 pp, I'Ll-ilsm, per, _,(qMlDksj, rieltdnid, ,.o 2. 1969, pp 7144- 479),-6 jwe 69 Phy31co-Technical Aspect3 of Tablet Mah- In&, by P. L. Satho P. Spelger. RUMM41M. per, Pharmaceutica Act& Hot- votiat, Vol 41,'1ro-7-,Yr6t~-,-PP T C W-10932-060 ,T May 69 IIW, 6~1 lip Ca All rc U.;p Effect cf FhaneewticA Fonm1atim an the Biological Activity of Dmpj, ter Is Seta2w. imm, pw, nonsuppadmigo-For-mmagio-Q, Vol V8., 1969o pp 529-539. NTO 71-ihii5-o6o Feb 72 t X~ - ~ 9 /,~~ itilao,,~ ruvrAwtional Thoor,- i--v Iv E; Pr~se` by ti. 1. ~Sotro'!s 15 ppe am 6 M. SETSMKU Collectionand Elimination of Dust. SANGYO KOGAI, Voll, No 10, 1971. RR 73-1021U-138 Mar 73 Ady 72 i;ffect of i-iorking on the Change of Penwability ORO uf Austenitic Stainless iteQls, by --let5uYa Fujiwaka. JAMINLSE, rpt, lPPJ-bT-20, March 1970 *ALC/Oi,"qL-Tr-25b4 Jau 72) Trie InductIve tiaatiu~; of UEKms anid Plates ~"-as of 1,14itionalizing the RoIIIJ-u~g of Shvet Steel, by (I. ~:o Seulea, et al. per, 041-ader iAeche rtelira, Vol 19, "'0 5, pp 267-272. 0. Tratis 3`11. IS c ~:a t Sept 70 Ude of AvittlM OU ftbibe &ems as GoWma ') of Peacm Power# by I. A. Seaiu aW- D. L. FVMwvichs - RU,~Zl% per &MIcbeLki sta, 1965a, py 4749t~- ~. _jM AD , ?b 3j, ACSIX J-1303 ID 2204-05D166 & Propulalon Feb 6-11 30,poln C-auSe-1-~ Of Pulse FreQuency :Dccx,(~A, Ail, FrQsciurc- )y r it fur p 017FICIAL UST' ONLY 11 1 4 V S I I I P r I ci I X~ o . 1 '0 2 6 J; 1 7 2 of 3 V.-I 1"r Ltm -,A 1 3, 1%~,,, 4,'p 3 -- 12 ay on ft AM, - of lakft A m q q m t of 990da Fambam at Fmwummm of somw Sn meaft a VIdW famml fW MW o1 &0O by IL A. SOMMda. mmms 0 ft. 1M96 no g:L.. Wal N b3-btu am ftf: qcgL5A (ILM Sd/Atm mw 69 i ~. F. '5e v, A s t i nm 0 V in 73 ~AjestLons of Automation and Computer Tachnolofy in tba Works of Scientists Of the RLga LanLn Komsomol Institute of Civil Aviation Cngineers, by N. P, Sevast*yanov, A. N. Sklyarevich, 6 pp. ,MSSLAN, parg AvtomatLka i VychislitelRaLa Tekhnika, No 5, 1967, pp 14-16. 71"R/eMAT-23-71-7i i - June 70 Arseilic 11-1 i,eCc-nt J-.Jael,; tita Pilirtbuk" V. Fe .0vastlyarjov, 1A;ll;~AA,, bo~ Ai~ :",auk_ Vol 17i,, :.4.) .3, 96 8 j, im 1 7 U iJ , AL, I F, v C, s C~,V/ 69 375-&, 1 On T2 . I. ------------------ :~ - m- ~- : padiminar, DRU an Bour Inucatows Of Hka Danor Center in the Musz. Vallas by momp per., Em sviannul ikulc-hM Toslad GidrOml -Inolt, 110 UP 196Tp PP 151-155- ur J, &~ . t; . t 4~- 4,C f I Combinod Effoct of X-Ray Irradiattlon and acrowaves on Bone Harrow, by L., A, Sevantymova, RVISSIAN, por, NauchnYe Doklady Vysahoi S-1koly Aoloilchoelde Hold, No 6l 19G9, pp 46-48. VTC-71-10M5-06R, X 6 Ilov 71 l3reli.-dnarY Vatm on ",dar Indications of ~iuil FrokAieine Cantors in t),* Gissar Valloy, ljy T. V. Sevastlyanova. RISSIA, perf Tru6y* Tashkeptskiy SndrcQzi&tSiy Nauchno ISSIcavatel7skiy Wdromteorolotlclwskii 1115titut,$ to 31(46)9 1907j, 151-155, irt.31 r.7 sci/i: ;,I~iy 703 407,094 ki add - "Al 1, 77717, 69 Raw. 94-40.6*4eo PoUrisatIon of Two-photon Fluoreseepeol, by A* No Sevokeakoe 19"IAND perp uk Ak Vag' Bast, Jay Am Vol 2000 go 2#~.Aoptembor1971# pp 311-3139, in last of Phis. Vol 16s No 9,p Varah,1972 Apr 72 Depw4ence of Degree of Polarization of Forpbyein Fluoresome on BEdesion Wavelengths by 'k, I.Y. -.Ovdmfts V. A. Iuwlw*ov. POSIM13, por., Dok Ak '1-kMk 35SRj, Fizildt 11 "01 179s VO Is, 1-hr 19bUs PP 61-64. '11c Awrican ImUtute of Physics Vol 13j '410 3,9 Sept 196B, Oct 68 368,9382 Dagenclaum of the Doom of P*lartmtIon og IrAlacad Zmtsxl= In LOW on the Awle Betvew tile au~wtion of Faurimium ar taw x,=uq7, TAEAt mid the Aids 02 the aw=atorj, bil A. N. Seve!mkol Per- DA- Ak- 14A 8=~ VOI I&fv go 5., AuS 1%9. pp 1ON71M. Ia. Irl0b. or Pbp.p Vol 140 Vk) t',$ Ftb Ip70 Agr 70 1' 4;D6,6,1~5 Polarization of the Induced Radiation of Phthalimide Solutions, by A. H. Sevebanko, L. G. Pikulike RUSSIAN, per, D* Ak Nauk MR, Vol 138, No 6, 190, pp 1263-1266q. Amarican Institute of ftsics Vol 14, No 10, 1970 may 70 Polarized Laser Radiation From Solutions of Org~c DyW, by A. 11. Swthenkop A. A. Kovalev. F., TIUSSIAlls pert DoIc Ak Nauk MR& Lziki, '01 179s KO 3,, 1-hr 196dt PP 562-565. T Lhe Awrican Institute of Physics V01 23p 110 3s, SePt 1968. Oct 68 363086 V 4, C- Iq N. Otite Fluojeacence of Lowviscosity soutialm, RWSIANj per, , 'Dok Ak 11auk'OSSRS, or Pb" Vol 1980, No 5$ June 1971 pp,:,063-1065s Vol 16w No 6. Doe 197t, ax, 9 on Efftet ot m*md the Pbotodoetrie PropkrUn of Sat*= Having Krxmaa *41tutl= DW to Re"Imp 1w Aq so smuldoo et #I. VMI% PH IR Mod '701 XI Do 3o b~ 6"n RAM W F-101W sel-fts Dee 66 Effect of Ultrasonic Vibrations on the MeebAnical Properties of Metals Undergoing Torsion Testine, by V. P. Severdanko., Ye. 1. Boyko. RUSSIO, rpt, y2;Lymie U11trazyukovy1ch Xolebarw Na Mekhanicheakle 8voystva Metall2y Fri IqPytaniy&ICh Ha Xmchenie 1969, PP d2-85. *ACSI J-9771 *FSTC-Irf-23-657-71 MY 71 The Effect of Sarfac6-Activs lubriewto cm the MachoateAa Propaties of Cold4lolled Aluminum ~y Vo Pe Saverde*os Le 1. OurskLyq and N s V , ftsk. 8 pp. MS=., kks PI-GaggLeum Rdosmas:Lva i Obrabotka M&.ov Daylod2a 1%9# pp 107- 1120 AIR/YM/&-24-62-71 Sept 71 Rwistame of fted 40 and Brass L62 To Dofoma- tion at Ummted TeVeratum, b,7 Ve P. Severdeffikoo 6 pp. Humm" Irbq Y - Auk. P;AmOh"kava DlkfgMLt ,wo 4 nh," M&aU*v Davlc&-Nlp 1969', pp 67-T1 0 AWWRT-23-96-71 Sept 71 Latteloplewt of imelear ~Wor Wustl.5~ Usellused by Auewtin ;;eveik, 3.0 C&Cii, rpt, im )-lague, 4, pp 52(~-522. .vra~~/L- 2985 CA 69 37U.--,)73 votatirotr Proparotloria. tor-IhIvIesale oo=wroial Breeding Discussed, by Bohumll Sevoiki 9 PPi,. C.Z,EC.H. per, AgroahmUl Pragws Nov .71, PI). 349-352- JPRS 54957 Fab 72 PR.rasynaptic Can(Ut4ons for of Pstended Feri(As of Muka;', Air Pollution J., the Tmm, of YaivrLrv*o., t-y A. 1. 10,eveahs i7a MMLO, per, Tr. N-i Inst. Aerakl-b.6 Vol ML I~el 53-P6,4F (7144) S J-,J,.j 63 ~, ~, 'Witer ;Aers ~jjmdst Theorit of' ~ firacm-Utys by -Lucim :~evas 6 pp. Fall.,,~J*q npa I'-,ttr-vqd ~-arlsv 7ar 1969, p Ut J. 4ml Apr 69 -,lenc% "O-1,Lv ibution to by Luciea O~uve, .20 ipp. -ucr, lz llauvellc ;q-,rj! 63, ~r-. .39-45. o c 63 7, -)29 Commentary on First InstaLlment of Theoretical Studies by French Comunist Party, by Lucien Seve, 6 pp. FIMMH, np, L'Humni 24 ame 1966, p. 3. JPRS 36490 VE-France Pol Aug 66 307~875 The Sclum" I mmula for the Equation dvl)ff + b-w - 0, by M. V. Seveleva. RUSSMp per, Dok Ak Hauk SSSRj Vol 177o No 3, 1967v pp 531-5N* Am Math Soo Vol 8s No 6, 1967 M Dee 68 354067 Detemintiou of Pasidal Stresses in CoMosite Msterials., by V. P. Sevardsaop 9 pp. RUSSIM, rpt, OproWW9 Ontatog-u3m MMMELe= v ~c mzterig!p., 1969, pp 77-81. .MtitsionMkh ACBI J-9753 FSTC-EIT-23-e8-71 v JaY 71 Problen's 01 Cold volu, V4* -'Ctols Field# by "!Sol Loklady ALad a i 1 1" 'Ixz, 1 13# .~o I - 11 , / z '~ The Effect of Ultrasonic Vibrations on the Physical Properties of Metals During Torsion Tests, by V, P, Severdenko, 6 pp. RUSSIANt per, AN BSSR, Veststt_ ervya Fisika-Tekhnichnykh Nanks To-4p 1969v pp 82-85 AIR/FTD-MT-24-787-71 Har 72 "yr DetwidnaMon cif Emidua Armes in 0ouposition HatWialsq trr V. P. Swmiolws at al. 8 pp. RISSIM, per, AN MR. Yojtlg �H= azika- Z"MW lemlis No 4s 1969j, pp 77-41 - AIAMD-HO-23--653-70 AW 71 -IM 14-li:Iumau Of Ultr,-sci-Lic Vilxatiuls cn tiva iss of Lubricaits DLu-in,, I bae Caipmssicii of ---duAnuj, by V. P. Sawardeyko, V. V. ilotrako, et al. 6 pp. stsi. ~'l !RU4 -:;ar r Via ~ 1, L I aa lizika Pah-;jldd)lly",Lil ;ZltvLk, illri 2, 1316G, pp 103-105. 1-D/-.11-24-143-69 F3 aL /f ~ ate r i ~U-s jm 7-3 A ~';oth7-,d of InvestigatinC Ve DisturtOution cf ?Iaratic Defcmmtlon lAzing Dyter.-Ic LoadInf,,,j V. P. Severdenho Pxd R.. 11- 3 IW,SSIANp Tper, Ali PSEM. Vz)l 10, No 1916k, 347:At"~:- I Ic RestrW Arbelan Rete"Aalwa Position of bMp by Raw S&mrlcbe, 7 Dpi. GOVFXAMT USE ONLY iwmnwt MIP M SISLO 4 jum 1967,, 8. Me Gw LAgColmbla Vol July 67 329.,994 L.oncarvative UmAdate 5xA ~plmld by rI-rio -,-overichr, oreel ? pplq not ibvotaq 12 i . iis 4-3614 artu -rosWrus Jul~ p 11. Golo 01 -f ~ Aug ric i-'twiies lAl'(;;,l 0101:0r~i I~tscii Gvs Uvi ~~cLil; 74* 1, w's cip 76 Separate Rw*tiM of the qo Signals in the of selective radimp en the sqxwt-wave Fadio Linkso by Aj, Mi. govaino Le 16 Vsm)kwskop# 9 *kV* RJG,STM,, per, Vestnik " r %1 MWv ND 2f 1%60 - mmi JPR3 35o865 R, -kA, Se Q e r i Y) um - Yom 303#375 im 66 An EVerfuce in the Use of a CambirAd Autcutic Amplifleation Control System Oponting Fne a Pilot Sipal and From the Sideband Spfttnm,, by A& R& Sevorlu,, 5 pp, MrSiAN. per. Vostalk Svyasig Vol XXVIg, No So 19"* JPRS 37476 Sci - Electm 309,P Sept 66 Aat*WUW In tAW hU MWABA R041141 OYAW '77 a* 1094AW PMW GOGUM !CBS# NOUVAWA by Gwo 0. asmy Doti v4 41P r4 1241 1967.1 Do (Ira) Co A5, ON R"Nuramt of &Vtwe Are" With t4w AresmeUrs bY R. Jokwo Dt Omrln. Vol lb Lo 19651, IV 57-M. 20340 L) t r SeA 66 WoV4 ~-'. 1. Sever-~n Vo a person of nhort- (impact) ovcr~o) c Trans,ferability,, 4 . , ec (,-~Ucntion of a ckoice oil' inach(azical r-iodeta) 11USSIM, Aviatsionnaya i kosmichtaskaia maclitsina, Vol aj 196.9p pp 209"-205 A;VASA TT P 14,571 se,pt ?2 sipiticance of Hydrapn ton conmatvation for tha Efeects of taidnote and its DerLvatives on Myorkwral Tranmissiou of Stisulations, by S, Ye, SeVerLU* RUSSIAUI W, Dok Ak Hauk SSSRI BLocheml Vol 17), Uo 11 Mar 19639 pp 221-224# cu S. ~ e . s R- v e, (~ I k) Noe 7U Of- i~ijl'an a%a I hy- LZ Active MoIntanowe W ;~bvalo*;Jlcal ""i0m, by S. Ye. sew~.-Iuj a pp. 'kwomll fia'd7z WAN '~io 7.2 ja Tjj~' Pi. Sep, 14 ml cl:r~ Lu Ina; aj- SiguLftcance of the HvA ton RatLon for FunctLoning of the Sarcoplanic Radculust by 9, Ye. Severin, A. A. 301dyev. RUSSIM9 part Dok Ak Ikuk SSSR, Vol 1639 So 6, 1969s Vp 1415-1417s CB May 70 c - ~s , Iv c \ 5L 1 's L.,Q 4 it 4 0,.#. 4 m 9~ June 72 New Products of Tracaformation of Cholic Acid by Cultures of Mycobacterium aucasum 1210, by L. 0. Smrlu. RUSSW$ per, D& Ak Houk SSSRk Biocheaf Vol 191, No 2, Jul 1963, pp 488-490. CB L - 0 - ~3 c \) e f~_ - f3 pr 1 OV 7U N Oxidation of Dego;x"ilolie Acid by Mycobactorium :,~hjeosum f3t-Mln 1.210, by L* G, SoviDrina or Ak au S S! -z' J 0 ~10 9i C B Halate DftdcogWase Of Corn ROM;# Leaves aG4 Seim% p by T. A, Sevetsaya. RUSSIAM9 pert JX* Ak IRM* SSSR, Dioehem Vol IdIs No 51 Aug 1968, pp 1284-1207, ca 7'. 11 - c-, ,, e - ,~~ t,,j r 4 ~ ~ Nov 7U ;~Whods *.C ,zilsine the :tdll- zatica of Uxed A saeu 0-t GIAGS i~ottle llanta. by 1. 1. -0,mr1navoklys, pp. Jun pp -lot by DirvetV of US COdAMa AM aectriflosuou of Agdedtm In the r66. chawsm ?,*no et the TISSRI by ~q III* Sevemove 5 ppo RUSSIANt pff, I I nokwtuatdsa buuUmuehod."O 7T '57, P'PAA.151* , JPRS 4V93 ampaec Peb 63 A 0981 A, B. Severnyy !Iagnetic aaytmnetry and var-tatiorw of t1w general magnetic field of the aun. 69 pp. RUSSIAN. per, Izves ma AN SSSR. Xrunskoy aat4af~zicheBkoy obBe2vatoriya,. Vol 38, 1968, pp 3-51 AIRIM6WIT-24-1445-71 sept 72 /9 - /3 --)L~e L /I 'Pr Calibration of the Records of a Solar &petogmph., by A. B. ervyw 41 PP. RUSSIAN., per,, M SSSR* M="A Agrofixicheakan 2bMadedat InsgUya (AcadoW of Sciences of the u Grimm Affuvpbyldcal Observatory. News),, Vol T%1967 pp 22-50- 'X: MDIMT 239-70 M 71 on uys 30=0 ac savir -manue nads rlw stnxtum or the rIAWS, Bb 21 Mv-4r Ini, vpr 2X7-232* ,jM 30649 W*R--i A .5tud7 at the FiftUaft Of UO 1.14~*Uc flold Ath Depth In W 5d" AUWLihMs b7 A# aspmw,o RMSIM & per# ~b.~*~ Val 33* 1)65* PP 3-"# Nu m 3650 0" 6-t Fad-saiting VAblulam 132 Am= lary", by A. S. Sevwt"v, maims PWq A*. Ak. ja 1* 0 pp Eu-m4o sms, Val 187" No is, CB Apr To 407p656 11\ (- ') .f:- '1,,- \~- ill \~- C-~-, b~j