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On Ombined X-,Uy and Hicrospectral-AnalytiCal Determination of S"Llest Grains of Om Minerals, by T. N. Schadl=. G&MWp part Neugg A. Hitter. Abhg Vol 102p No 2, 1965, Vp 115-122. *BISL 8707 Sci-Mat - 0~3 English title unknown, by T. N. Schadlum GERMAN, per, Jahrbuch fuer Mineralogie, Alhandlungen, Vol. 102, #2, 1965, pp.115-122. *NASA TT F-121862 The Gombined X-Ray and Microspectrographic Determination of Very Small Grains of Ore Mineralep by T. N. Schadlun. GRRKANv per,, Njugs Jahrbuch fugr Muzalode.-M&a4lUgeg, Vol 102, 1965v pp 115-122. NTC 72-10141-08G Apr 72 ,11,3 o"Quelm of Pudm Lauml alrust Cmpomxt.5 In Wlid Pal P4dtat )btornp bw K. Odw4owp 4. bmebul+A* GM*SP woldgmbwm . aUbLIA2W $HMEW-WARSO." 1*1 Jon 19653 lyp 1-35- A= J-2481 ID 1634(a5065 Sai & reels MY r- 326,646 Intoxication by Urgwdc Flumphoroue Ccn-,cotals, ?i by A. Schaechter and Wo Ouda, 13 pp. W=Wp per.. Nedicins Interm, Vol 130 go 3., Far 10o PP- 2J3 A- JPffi '3;-)71-'3 H. Sc~)aeAtel- EE-.I&=ia sci-B/14 jua 66 301055 F+ - S P-, ~ pr e- ~- - ft. Treatma of Argina Fectoria by CmUd Sinus Derve Stimilationg by A* Schaode GFOARO port PeMWSW modizinische Wochwmhdgt Vol 94l 1969, pp 1717-1723 nc 7i-i532q-o6D rzr 72 I ordpiftft mot fulftula&o In izm-'~we f p1mit by oe kudMg A* SdMAW9 5 FT. Vac-A-rig tap* do Atkil", iAst #mltno 26 4m l9f~)o 1) 3. JkRs 4cM I CL A sbot ~Smy to= oat 69 31,49739 XCw% at a sdwwftl z4bw am ftm *M%VW MAWOU Nowt -1 -.4 - IW ftebw OdwWws, 33 9.0i MWIp VW# ibifta 9g WIMOM =d la--- 11 1 -111 wo 4R% vp 300 347, AW Dieter Schaefer wt9w 8d - BW & Had i= 6? to a T n o 135,4`3 Amy 71 N Effect of Nudesum am the RAOL, of Reduction of Irm 03ddw, tr W. ftwdeta md H. -D. sdiaeor. G=Mj, per# AMW anowm9mmamp Vol lot No 7, 1969s pp 523-530. NTG 71-14lo6-lip Feb 72 I-vastaoi,icuts oi via Promi ,,4se of cto 11 Lsiws" by ,4tmiauts with eiucloar E,.-iu C,!LI`W~s Vol 4,, 4-to7, F-llm257 Jim fjk~ 348,02 00 IM and AAerwV Tadwro (AM Am a Tatum) by Bm-Mriah Sdmmtftr,. 9 po. GMC% per,, lowmatim4LD ftr vaztehr.-4-2304_1 014 -T No 50 id wo 9-55;-o 155-159. DU L11-167-67 a /Vs - M Sc- -C, Fe *y 67 326j,194 4-n. ~o it a C6 -vt-j The Naarland P efinery, by 'I. Schaefer. GDOW4, per, I.,rdoel und Koh le-l. rdp-a s- Ile troclici-ii c I vol. 21, no. 6, 1968. pp. 331-334. NTC 71-11029-07A August 1971 I Aza-~ 1~ Treatment of Cardiac Arrhythmiao With Beta Receptor Blocking Agente, by N. Schaefer. GERMN# perp Medisinische Elillik, Vol 64, 1969p Pp 1037-1041, XTO 72-11059-060 May '72 Friction %*&d 10imts in Stoal, by F. C.lchhom, *~:.. Schaefer. (;~Rkoksl. ver, lechalse'le Mittailmu!"Oul 'ILL Reft .1;828.4P (~,~.7464) C i a t -~ay 6.1 Action 1.41ding of ools, by -'* !~ebdnfcre OL-Rii-IN.1, per, .1--thwelatim m-0 SchnrAderip ~61 20, 9, i.B 7644 .:~CAw' At i ab 6,) 374.515 &dldit)6 Up FrUUCu %alftj, by R- fthwflar 0~~5- G&W"# per$ AHFAIM l1rui - lamlom Vol 19, w -- - w ut I pp 533- 35 ILL Her., W-V (32639) ~l -, ~\ ~ ",c Scl-PW%wAOaLI July 63 360j644 op. tize ';~ravesrtvs a vie ~:kat ti~c rriction -0r# I US '73 MOO c i--at %~; r iv Is 01,,, r An ABC RecordinG Station at the Airba-se, by Wauptmann Wolfgang Schaefer, 15 PP. GMMEUT USE ONLY GEINAH~ per,, Z=MEMAII No 8, 1969, PP 675-677./ AR,I/MTC/BT-23--603-70 -Y Est1mtIon of VarlatIons in the Mcdeture, Ash and sul- p1w Content of Blast Furnace Cokej, by W. Schaefers. GEFXU) per, Stahl Eigeni Vol 85~, No 23, 1965~ PP 1509-1516 M51 10567 Oct 72 YA"UMNA oz amit 2nmfer in R)CI=t Bogr". Put 2. Hemats end CocowUm vith TbOOMUft! CoWfttiowl by ftpn Sdwafitr. 30 pp. Gams avt2 Ph.D. lbuls. am TT F-12,t561 sci-prop & Riels ion TO u Nm-18 Diffusim in Lead Glue$ by Us A. Schaeffer. GMW~ perg Z. Glwkundes vol 42f 1969o pp 493-498. *MU/10 TT 71-55313 Available M38 On3,v h, - # - 's c It q c -C. -F e p MLY 71 Concentration and Identification of Staphylocoevus- PerdellUnasep by W. Schaeg. GUM, per, Zentralblatt fuer Bakteriologle, 2nMdteu- Vol. 2140 1 70) pp. NTC 11 2-06M 60 ~j C' h C~ e, a J July 72 ..,- -.1-- ~------ 7be ImPUmtory Disseaft of tba VkwlnMv~p by H. 8fter, E. W10MMO QMWv pW, Edb3lrotbe= %bW=lOm Vol 21 1967.t vp i-Li. ftt of Nvy Thm 2940 C,,A,O-Z 1~7, ,ba 70 3A982 lmdustrial Isotope Qkeea# iliiy .~uldtova eacriboci. by oaLwAr . lolalf , 12 pp~, perg - a-AAAx7d Aut&aty (nkT94. earsaw, 14 June ~p 241~~7. utw"i stmm at the Wds" of sted cylin- aws with LUdtod IndwtUm Hu%Wolftp by AV sebarw & je Rao UNW,t pap RLEQU Vol 39p No 2,11968, iv *M3l 8917 c c SdAlat Jan 71 Socondm DifAudw Moot an DW to liomm*mw Chup of the CondiWmoo by D, SoWers GEF"Hs per# Plasit M&* S*Ipp pp 92"* *JBS rL ?0-57333 sol-.,,At Aug 70 M-M-Forriteo hdarml Strom 109 1965v -D, ()~7 IF~ Som3M of Um VOW an Us Fleld or Avb I UPA"4x*Um, by IL 8*mfkw. ommj, Fw* mitt va 490 Nb 3Ap Vp 2&36. dM/0*20 2ftne Sift ~/ r~-haJcl-q Sol-ftt govt 69 3DI*507 Rol"onsiAp betwou Sow 7b~vlml au4 Zac~ml Pxwwues or ecal Tar Pitch ml its cheacol cbqp=Itlouj, by Ho 00 e4wer OWM# Verp Rr4ol =d MWAe Vol 20p 1967., pp 416-419. NLL W-' M3-845 (393) g. C- - s (2 1~ 4 iL C-- sel-cbm Aug 68 362.1196 Sw 72. ~ I . . 1. ~W NVA Troop Antiaircraft Defense, by "I. schaf'er. /L/ GLRAAN, per, 11-1-Ulitartlichnik, No 9, 1067P pp 422-423. AIRjFTD/14T-2S-499..6S Schafer E-Eur Mi 1 Apr 69 3 7 ~,, , 7 '), 3 ,,~,Chanqes Ultra-struct, atic of 't"--iv Liver in P, nt l7p.r with Gill)orts I)isecnse, ':)y V,.,,uzsa, ncr. 54--70. ACS I --I' - 10 17 Beitr. Patii. Anat., 140, 1969, Feli 72 French -C-rille ' Colour Picture Tube, by 4- Schaf f 70 Der, Funkschay -np.473-4, 1967 o Man h, Set-elec Mly 69 58S 710 .34 Ds"Uvftft~ T"dowles or the cofffenti=1 ArtiUsvy (Prdblms of latenretattac LD View of the atbiUtl" of a emll Country), by M. schafftra, U ppe One, Pri malmi"Ot 10 3) 1967P pp 199-20'$. ACSI J-37U ID 2204W567 sel-Nil rob 63 Use of Raw YALtwi&U In YAnW.,l sobarrairt, 6 ppe GUCAN# yav# ftEwdeep-Asy Vol 196?s pp 573-.973. sd/Ear sci a oom,% Jan C-S bg Rr~ L?v li.,o III 348o264 owltatsm vmp in Pal-b**im Amantus of aid aNdmi by v. sd*MU, spot# atmene -&61M J~w NM Bar: 5w (=) W , S C H 4 7- sd/p-ropukab Mar 69 376,,915 i~a af fusion in asa wyj ~a2~~A typ tia2~; ~ 0 Glasev b!y !4 ~so~~e fnero (U40-CIZAte - it-040e 1~6?1, P!) 253- 25?. *,Mki '1l 70-574?3 ,bd..4t Aug 70 fi. The 91actrLe Heating of an Ludustrial Suildi-na, D by F. Schalchlim. GMUM, parg SlaktrUitataftrwertungp Vol 44, No 1, 196~)# pp 205-208, O#A, Trans 443 Sci-Meeb Jul 70 C- C- F--- - -~~ ~4 ALcq Li N M, 5,- k,4 (- d F, C- ~ A C=t1d Sinus Stimulator with Inductive Tranamission, by 14, Zdzldach EL; per, Elokt=med1--in, Supplemntp 1969, pp 77-79 1AV 71-15333-06B mar 72 41 X-kay Flasn of Shock 4aves in 6olid, U.4uij and Gas by lwdi Schall, R;4vN, por, Z_Angew 114ys, Vol 3, No 2, 1951, 41-44. *AI'CAA,'N'L-Tr-2S69 Jan 72 provislamal Rovults, of exp*rAw"Sal lost$ up Ue 4(ficacy of AvAibioties 4nd CASOCUS PA04a Soma for prophyl W's ad Therepy of mma GwWwo edove also#$** by V. %loam* G-0 Schallchak GERMHe W. Webrow4alabeho No to 196fis pp MC, AC41 ZOV78S ID A u,,,r 6 6 Cl. ~,-Ul conefit the 4v~ P.Wes uts$ L. ~,cbv-Uort 140 pp. (i ANt Ml, jul-AIIIP 19"ryllt Pp 195-~2:v;. DIA 41 664-V) A. ~Lha- I i~ i;~ Leon -ha (18 LOW-WIGA,Od SOtbW *f i;DIWIAtJZd tbD AWiablUty of Msatriatf ftgy, 4V Fo W'o 00 5*Wilor* A WLW-, Vol 16, An ww-v pp 357-YA 9 A* Trms, 461 ad fob 71 Schaltenbrand, G. Athropodborne diseases of the Skin and Nervous System. DEUTSGRE GESELLSCHAFT MR INNERL MEDIZIN. VERIWIDLLNGEN, vol 72, pp 975-1005, 1967 NTC-7214543-06E Jan 73 IntraoNmative E1ectroqNgr,%-pUc to DrAemlne tie Vitality of Dw~~ Sc(-~~xuts o:~ tu, Sizall Intestine in tie ',)ao tard in Kau, by Y. M. G&IN'lix ~erj 14zi~m6beck. Archives f~)r Cllniccd c urnal Zim,mr~--zsovtation and t4c C-crmn, Ju am."Z95 -- I "T or Vol 31up l:)(-.ijj f 16 Cwwdst MoMeso AUUUn 000~ty In EuroPlOs by Lridn .3dwf 0 5 pp. i~LwANI, per$ w" urd 7401. Vion-al, ."0 9, -Sept 1%9# pp Lk36-439.p JPR-Q 49250 Fol 69 Commist Writer Urps ReemailUtion in C54oh Crisis& by Ervin Scharfg 5 ppe a.Rt-Aw* per@ Ua?=* iiov-Daa 19(t. pp 13* 14t JPRS 47020 c ,~E-Austrla Vol Ilob 69 373095 rivati~.axs or tie Un4wlincLl ;ctial of Zn 39 22-24 190 127-93 zitz Deteraination of the UastiC PrOpOrtit' Of C1835.76 Fiber Reinforced Plastics by Means of Elanic waves,, by Helmut Sch"r, Ilenwt. Schittko* GERMI, per, Kunststofft, Vol S6,j NO 12,0 1966,, pp 824-828. Dept of Navy tr S277 M tr 2365 /,VI U Sci/Materiuls MAY 67 326t723 MUSUVWe t Of thg Fault VIVA in 11V Syate= WIthout Applying a Fault* by F. Schar. MW%, per, Buii. hsS0c Suiazz des Slectricien-2. Vol 60, June 1969, pp 53S-53141 C. E, Trans, 5231 i)oc 70 I." /, j ~,;- " Prophylaxis and Mmapy of Postsurgical Pulmmarr Infectionse by Je Scharas EMOPFAN,p pers Mlizinische Xlinik Vol 630 19686 PP NTC-70-13296-06E Feb 72 L Scharafat Fropoed for an Improved Method of Fractionating Soil Phosphates. GMW,, per, FhosMqMWy_Mj, Vol 28, 19680, PP 272-286 CSTRO-Trans-10776 WC 72-13455-07A Oct 72 I C \,-" ~~r- Comm2rAst Vriter Contemplal es Nixon, 9 Visit to Peking, by Erwin Scharf, 8 T)"n. GERMAN, perl Wagund Z181, Vie-nm, Apr 72, PP 141-144- TPHS 55979 May 72 1.~Wil 72 lun 71 1 C? Writer Appraises ~~Cia ist Party of Austriap by Erwin Scharft 7 PP. GEMNO per, We& und Ziels Viemao Doe 71P pP 417-41919 YPFA 5032 Feb 72 I am 71 a? vViter 14"Unow Rifiotion liesuies by,: Erdn SobArfl, -tell, itermal s,". Pori W*og md.a." 2W-3000 54233 by Frwin Seb"fo 9 ppr und 7Ael, Vionna Oct 71, PP a5l*14C91'p 3:3 Nov 71 V-r,,','/Autjt-rlm Har 71 6 , JC-IW4 Use of the Chromtogmpble b trmal Desorydon of Adsorbate 1n DeterAning the Specdfle Surface of SoUds, by R. Scharr. POLUE., per, EM~i modems Vol. 48, no. T, 19619, p. 407-410. M 0 71-11010-07D August 71 70-13373-11F , ~rf G.; Gruhl, W. 'ME INFLUENCE OF PRECIFITATES C'N T.IiF RrCRYSTAL- LISATION BEHAVIOUR OF M-Mg-Si ALLOYS. Zc'Tsc,,.rift fuer hIctalIkunde, v. 60, n. 5, p. 413-4,21, 1969. Available on loan from NTC bs 70-133-13-11F. $ 5.00 Service Charge. Hydrogen Absorption In Higb Parity Aluni=s by G. Scharf. GEMMI., per, Vietall) Vol 23., 1C,49., pp 205-209. *NTISAW TT 71-55300 Availbble M38 WZ Gr- - 1, , , -~- JulY 71 Study of the Effect of Pmealing Tevq3eratures on Rem7stal-lization of Aluminum Alloys, by G. Scharf. GUM,, per, Almuinm vol 45, 19690 PP 150-1-55. *IITIS/fiBS TT 71-55301 Available M38 Only '~~ - s Q k Ii p- -~ July 71 So~,low In lAnded PmaUm h= AWOL 0,,$ NW" as At 99.91 by G- OdW- amut and alLaLkp PWO, Val 900 ft OD3*mgo 6W am Tam 5v 3084 G. ScbW sa - Choubtry Aw 67 OJU invemouar's 0'r %ft "Alt Opp Vottation In ksmltik~. th-a ~IwA"Pwtwm ~%foltkob%*a MOO 414) ~AtNMVAIAI ~vw to ~Alcmuts the leak4ataro Astribdier, la the '4twUas hY Is Bawl ~464mrfv Port ~46 at Nn&umv or m"tamn-Boam melting - Part 3a - Bnoorstion Pboamona In the 2OD-K6' Mactron-bow Ndti-Chmber Furmce., by GaThardt Sobarts Fred Rawr and Dieter &MMergs 25 pp- CMINS per, am Hmtters Vol Kil no 1,9 1966, pp. 19~47. JPIS 352W ,,Ck~ 04ermwy E-cm i= 66 301,,&b Jae 72 P'lullowilig Transfusion of Irecmpatible lood, by !Z, ,-cl-,zrf, KIM, Pol 19uS, 4-41-69 Gormn Ilinglo-'~'ossel Ilid-Vat-or :-rrad, by J. Schnrf o GMUV719 port Inromitionon fur Tdip In -ti llvft :4 . lacbwiq 30 s Vol 25P 170 3/1)~,, 19(-,b ~ip--10-4--IT2. 60-50211 k Discontinious Grain GroAh in Cu-Ag Mop,. by W. Scharfonberger. WMj per, Ywtall, Vol 23m 1969.. pp =6-1134. "M/NBS TT 71-5-5298 Available NBS Only W - s c ~ P, Q -~ e t,) I ejej CP, JulY 71