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.101ving ed Isclution of Carbidos by is, ~jtval In Nitric Acid, "Y t. t'i. Sauer. GMIAN, per, Arch Elsenh, Vol 3F, lqG7, pr, 429-431. J D181 610 !~.Ci -"at ~Msr 6P 37(i 2 ~1 S Invagtigation tr the hLtrLdo APPOr1rig III TOMarl Inn AlloVs aW',*'bel7 tt*11110al rTWrticb, ~l a. R. ~~ Auer. tr6pl,"Ap, Per 4rc-#,--Aksc Ycr,'! Vol. pp as ai Etchait for Special Steels, by !I. sauar, it, F:hockL Wr4ii ' perF Racby. Raid. No3 3 & 4, 1967, i,,j 641--645. 131SI 6578 jan 70 399p899 . Q,L vi LI-ilt 1. 21 Z ~Piiv5i!~, Ui i7',, i~tu4, 'JhU U54 Vi OSCill/AtOr of 'Wib Layers anal ia Sci/pily .,nr 71 VUMW mmogwo" vw (1) 20 vlocoat4l or saup I-OWWOMID) Ap"m at QN-04 ago& ad Gowns v vv amp IF* GWWAW4 3 W. mm. awt idalm 29 saimuft - v4 Iso 19K W 134-13F. MIUMPT A= A w4v F, SauermM 344a 6d J= 6T OA the Present Posidon of Systs"tic ibservatious of Uquid Alloys (on SptsmaUcs VII) 0, by F. Suwrwald,, at al, WOM, par, Zeitschrift fur ~Wtallkkudv, Vol S7,0 1966,, pp *AEC 2393 Am 66 One OU&l the j~~VC-13 Z,:~ A A. A* ry-,) 12 41 . ~,W)z gj Siaie=es al. Ast--A., Apr 65 I'lurd er Of Revolutionary I"dor 2zp1sinod, by Yaria Eugenia S&Ul, 10 pp. SPMTSR, nP, Punto Ft?-ml, Santiap, cbile, 14 Q- i*r 1972, pp 1 19, JIMS 55674 Apr 72 ExUod SoolaO44 M9W9WG I%iti#g R-Utulv* by ANU WgOnSA SWIt ? Me SPANIM9 pme SUMAGN 30 Jul-5 AUG 1969, PP 33. 35l 6;~1-2 Aug IS)69# pp 29-3D. Li-dalti poi 5%& 69 MOM Yw~o ~a-bmat to Mt, L J Nuclear, Choulcal and Biological Waxfare and Protection, by Milond Saulic. CROATIAN, bks Nuklema Hemijsko t Diolosko Druz)*&& 1966. L*ft- 'avy tr 5270 CNI tr 23S9 Military Juu 67 3271,630 madrild asd Its Rapidly Giming InJuStrisl Expmsicu,, by lots 8. R. Swap A PP* FOR OMCIAL USE ONLY SPANISH, per$ MotiLogis y flookcids4p No 2340 ism jqw. pp 254-n5. DIA LM 26046 r f ja~lt~ scl-Elftt Jut, 66 SUS120 Geographic Distribution of Hake Fisheries, by V, 1. Sauskoo RWSIAN, per, Ryknog Khoz No Be 19660 PP 7-10, Dept of Interior Fish and MOM Service UCFO, Bureau of Foreign Fisheries WSR E. Cm Jul 67 3320,922 IiM ueogmphiml l4stributim and llisidAr, of Alvar fiuk-eg by 'to I* ~,Ouslan. RZ61ATi, par, ~ol 42, 10 3, lSk6, ;yp 7-10. 1;qit oi Interior ~ivh and r4lcLWa Ziarvice iJW 9 bvmu ot 1,oreign fish"aa Jan 66 346 g 8yj Contribution to the Problem of St,,LIyi%s Atlantic Ocem Currente Using rata fro;,. IhIltidv D10Y Stationap by Ye. H. Sausimp 14 pp, fUSSM, per.. QIw=!SjM Vol vi" w 1, jau 1966 PP,, 53-61- JPFS 35110 USSR., ScI-ES/A ,mV 66 2~~9,423 CL/~L-U-L Installation of a PeriCleG ElOctrOnic 1~xchangc at michelets by A, Sautelt FRENCH, rpt, Commutation et MeCtroniguo, No 27, 1969, PP 5-18. NTG-71-10543-17D Nov 71 ~,Iusc ?Jllt!-~Ut. J)v Ose j i 1 ;4, 2 112 English Title Unknown, by V. Sauter. GERMAN, per, Zeit for Physik, Vol 203, 1967, pp 488-494. *NASA TT P-12fl6l Feb 69 StQgilization of Bone Tissue With Ganu-aa-jkciy~; Cobu, by Sautin M11, 9 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Ortop Tram Protez, No 27, 1966, PP 56-61. Dept of Navy/NMLS 1582 ~rx Apr 71 iZ Ij "The Surface Treatment of Stml in Relation 7Y to Active and Inactive Coatings,, by K. Sautner, GERKUN, per. Dander blecheL Vol 10, No 12, 1969, pp 720-72T.--- HXS1 $322 sci/Hat Gap 70 \~ , I-) co~ ~- SAUVAGE, M. Observations of sources and reactions between Oartial twinning dislocations on X-ray topographs Phys.Stat.solidi 29:725-36 (1968) (Insdoc T 11211) )) -) , , i-cL -' L--~ IOOD Mle Reactor DeaiSn Study of a Trandung can, 'jY If. Sauvage, FRFUGH, rpt, FrLace, Commissariat At=qge 1965, "C-71-10599-18I Nov 71 ).t,.It nr.~ ~.e,,voltw by atl SAUVAGNAC, B. Design of large boilers. Problems of quality. Techq.mod. 60:511-16 (1968) (SEC) ~. ACLU,~,~ Study of the Mechanism and of the linetios of the Reaction of Priming of the Polymerization of Cyclopentadiene by Antimony Triphonylaothyl Hexachloride, by 0. Sawret. ENGLISH# per# igurnal 24 P24YANX Saienest Val 7, No 3. 1969, pp 983-987. NTC 72-10456-07C Apr 72 Ecmz~~c Aspects 3f the IntrxLeAk.1cm of ramUrill'i In Silvifulklitae ema F-mant Exploita- ti-~m W.3rk in by, l3ba. P. Swm wri lr~i- T PP- MASMp Rovio-ta. Pa-&-~njor, V:)l 310 No 1, Jan 1:966P var 36~ M-Rimmia a,.,)n J-21. 66 3 A, 3 S3 i,roposs in Prwision ~e~as Degm-ibodg by Traian Sava, 5 pp. AUAIAiq ripe ALgtola Lucharestt 12 Jul ig6gs, P 49 sci-iivaj Iwo GIV 6, Var wig Pt 6119 38199260 Puto-Ation ',~zsnarch in -;,uDx.~Ort 0~' "i-TV natt% by 'indan Va. PIN qla -wimmew, (, oy I Jul:, 61 0 A prowAft of m3awn eftKaiDa. end A sircle &JOW., Of eamic owivatims in the uwr~ by TO. P- GWMVDWdy#. 5 pp- 1=0 vwtalk A%ftdi PAZ k ~SMR NO JPf6 3%,3D Oct G5 ljicreasin;:~ Cie jurface, Life of Ilydraulic llhmpv, ~y A. 1. Savmts, L. I. Lovtuii. aad A. F. Volasyn. per, i'lektrausaya ~~brabvt:-,a 'aterialov, ,~'o 40 19670 F.Tb-~~-220 X4. -Z Jan tb9 5730554 PoItticians laterAevea on Plam for Inde- pendent ftwittub, by FrMois Uav=UeBp 5 PP. Govaum Use ORLY FHMII,, per., Mrl go 52, FOb 10., PP 21-23- JPFO GUO 1153 Africa-liauritl%w Pol ray 66 if Al~ Yar'u., Sm, P4 F) R I ~ I -: ~ 4(EURFIN11-939) SCLOSED GAS TURBINE ClIM-11' FOR A 1000 MWe GAS-COOLED FAST BREEDER. sSavatteri, C. ~ (Kernforschuigszentrun), Karlsruhe (West Gery~av).__Iiistitut fuer Neutronenphysik und Reaktortechnik). loTranslation of report IL KFK-1409. 2095p. 24WIj. NTIS. 25Work Performed under United States-Euratorn Past Reactor Exchange Program. ,Greactor engineering; reactors-power 2T18I, 18L 28MN-80 qP NSA REVISED CARD 40 klylvat1w.-Un w Pn DN' per V Wak LOS=. ~i~rtcordngs in Cattle LeUveriss tiscu-saacs by A* -lAvchmWoq 5 pro aii)SIANg rpts I eb 1969. P,-) 38-39. 4783? 69 P3 117 d-Gat Prowetion for Wspace ~,,hipaj 17 A. T 14 ~* uim)qm6 RUSSM, por* Aimwa cp 30-333. of -avy tv 2602 3A,215 /111) DO=* of WSH Amna4d by Nudor Arso*l, b7 F, Savahadw, 6 pp, RTZ31ANO perg ~ -Man4vm- ~-Io 90 Jop 1967, pp 32-33. - - - _ i m 433U W51i F, idl DOO 6? Aj695 4(AEC-tr-7326) 5CIRCUITSFORSTUM-INGTHE INTERACTION OF IRGH-FREQUENCY FIELDS WITH A PLASMA IN LINEAR DEVICES. 6Sarchenko I S - Yampollsicif, 1. R. (Gosudarstvennyi Komitet po Ispollzovaniyu Atomnoi Energit SSSR, Sukhumi. Fiziko-Tekhniches1di Institut). joTranslation of report UNP-18895. 2018p. 24Dep. NTIS. ,~physics (plasma); translations 2T201 28STD-34 20P NSA REVISED CARD Comparisog of the Rheological Characteristics of Non-Newtonian Systems, by 1. V. Savchanko. RUSSIAA, per, Izv VUZ Ueft i Ga&, No 9, 1968. International Chenical Laginearing Available from An lust of Chem En-rs ,!. I . S (--- h F_ N ~ n June (it) 383,453 CU&r^ct*rlstLc* of the bftUan of a Plasma Dub to LomotuUmit Tramm" wa -null. 910=1 WdUpOU VAJAM6 Flelfts b7 Go A a DRIOW =1 14,14* "VobftWp 0 pp* AMANP per# ~ fit* AMA- Vol 10 W-,)&- 111)UPOT Ox v4 Tr-*19 IYI, M, S:(A vc k eki k c) get-W rept 67 341034 Fifty Yaws of the Bolamodan PubUa llealth Swv:Lm# tV N, Yoe Svr*bwko# 8 ppe RUSSW, pwa, sgnllkm IN'* lit W, 9 pp 55-61o JBS 4380 Jan 68 346o?.33 Bolorussian. i;:Illblic llealt'n on .%nniversary of :,-,ovict CE" 1~cfl Induat" by P. llu T - "o, 7 pp. port Ulzonamika 3, 19,`i3o 2&31. J'P~,S- 4`5t 974 L :362 I V ,) 1 - U I : i i j F L U ~ !' t. ~ - F P HY'j i i,,4 L 1k ';','Lo t: I I; i "- I i- '1 1. " 1, 1 .'., h - L " !"; - ''k;: I I iI ') :- I' , 'I ~ " L, 'i T 1" L S -~ ~~ rA, ~ I j -", , :, - v L u v y y ; r " ~ y ~ I H!-- i I I y -1 V ; i- . ~ - ~~ I ~, 1, i, . , , ; i T ~%) K f' -~ I y 7 ~ ~ I ; V i .; f~ ~, ~) I f. i- ~ , - [ , - : j - - I ~.., f , soienuxu Libm Org"Wtion smomms M84 t!v V, 1. Swabodws 5 pp. ausom's pwo ammo Anksgi'laws ).bwms go 4 19690, pp 7-8. JM 4=5 V, ~c L) c / C i I /-~, 5 USSR rso W, id 69 304)o9()5 savchooko V. P. SIpUlance of the, Llobstmash-Butme Utian la the IVUwatlon of Neural Gas Depoolts -2-5, 197 GURM n=SUX=ft No 4, Vp MC-72-14928-000 Fab 73 ..,... ;~.,:~!-,...I I Certain Ircliki-s of, "',intimizing of ~Ascnnt,-~ ?~Ctial, by Yu. 1-7. ~3avd 6 j.~j. r.)t, -~uifarontsjya po lltkmidies~ccv ldbemcti,ke. Zeruvm# 1964p ilriklachyW ZaJI~A-d 1 115-122, -729 438-G9 july (19 304,300 The Ptublim Cif ~9~llity of Autamatical3y Do- siped OaWAwsj 19 ty Yu. 0. Savcheako md I, V, Safonov. 21 pp * RUSSIAN, per, S*admr, Tooriya Avotcuatov i MOtodY FornaljwTA=jjj Alnta& V i aLfft4a * 3., 1966, pp 63-104* ~FT~D-4-24-10-71 Aug 71 Conceiving the quesum of usitig the lh,-Mw 0040 to Imream W RelidbUlty on K%Mvtic Tapes by ru. a. Savabeakos a pp. per,# -Z URrWMo PIME&IchankfVU T&hnr&l lq~ ~syr. 10F.U0. V-jbo-lolj)-Cj----v im. .13"7 , Ga/Mectrordes I Mae %,V July ,e k1sy 72 Ev=tim of b2oating Construatim iimme 4god. ~7 bor V. Smuchike ? pp. Rwliuio par@ kAwaobpo,-TddmlchmkXvq 99-hohostya S=- Meow, ho 6. 1969. pp 8-9. !M'mi V.4 UAI~ -qcd-k*&* kid,0 civ & -Ar &Igr Sept 69 3MO462 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - VC, M, Ff - The YAII=k Rvar ~ A New lidang: Object, In the MWk S*84 by.M. X46 BSVCb*iwl lummolarl Vol 47o 8s 1971v VP 90-2~* ADVpt - of Comaw TM proteatta of um of uw MWA On -, ~/ *ajott by *- YAI- IUMk*- va hejo so KNUMP 1pro mm 2. 3,06, Vo A&U. No ot utu*w no &a& WJIAuft Swwjm lw* anew at T~ Fisbulm sel-Im Oct 67 *3#10 Lxperience in Training Hight PersonnelP oy S. F. Savc1luk. I FOR OFFICIAL USE 014LY RUSSIAN, per, t-lorskoy Sbornik, No 5, 1968, PP 6-6451. ,iay 69 39, Editorials re Turkish-US Relations, by Bahri .Savci, Senator Sadi Kocas, S pp. TURKISH, np, Cumhuriyet, 3, 4 Aug 66. J-352/67 Aug 66 3090006 uperimental Verification of the Plastic Limit Analysis of Plates and of Shells in Soft Steel, Section: Metal Construction, by Marcel Save. FRENCH, rpt0 Center of Scientific and -Te-c-h-nIcal Researches 0~ the indi try of %tal Fabricati 1966. 9233091-V AEC WAPD-tr-29 all Sci/m4m Jul 66 3050794 y in 5 ppe i June w(milt"IN, yiiG~~ pp JT 't 1~5 i ,i~,4 ot 1-2 A over at -A pt"Wowl ;;z;i;, "W W To smA A. &XV11M, 5 we ib 460 MoVA wo -.900, sm 19678 p 13. as 4363k - C )L41 f ': 1 ./,: ',~ VMS I= As a 347SIA -FESHBACH METHOD FOR j(BNL-tr--605) 1HAUSER IMANY-PARTICLE NUCLEAR REACTION& j~ql'_eyj ~. E. 10Translated by S. J. Amoretty (Brookhaven National Lab., -Up(on, N. Y.), from jjYadern. Fiz.; 15: No. 2. 272-7(1972). 201,13. 24De.p. NTIS. 2iphysics (nuclear); translationS 2,20H 28MN44 29P NSA B. A. SAvellyev Research on the process of the presoure chWe of fluid in an axial-reciprocating pxv. 14 PP. WSSIM,, per, Trudy Kazan. AviatsionW Institut. No* 1109 196go-pp- -10PUM. MWFTI)-MT-24-.1232-71 July -12