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8014" ft 49 339S612 Al~,~4- IV Z- A Cwtritation to the Th*M of ~-Functlons of Three Variabless by li. H. Swdakms RUMI". part Dok Ak Nauk Mt Vol 1?5t NO I 1967t pp 535-535t Am Hath Soo Vol 8t No 4, 1967 N. t~, s,.)/jjop,'vvA Nov 68 354,219 lovestig-tticas -.)a the Crows W-.rklvg Cmlitl'laa ibo-irA FishiM Travle" 6&1 FftezarTrivIsrs, by G. E. Saa~mstxk~qm. PM=, par, DI Vtutu Heirm 1-brokiel 01-smak'j, V-71 177-~3, 1966, PP 231-2-14. OCYNT-TT 67-"4/79 Bal-E-irtb Sci & Oot~=~Vlpiay D.-e 67 'Solution of JC OZ1 Mr SANDER A GW LASER-TRANSMISSION SYSTEMS AND MODULATION MET HOD TECHNISCHER BERICHT DES FORSCHUNGSINSTITUTS ES F T Z SEPT 1971 A 465 TB FSTC- H T-2 3-2480-72 C. 54n)4ee Antibiotic Therapy of the Nowborns Experience idth Conbined App3leations of Swdaynthet3o PenicMin and Caistin, by C. Sander ORMA1.19 Por, Arcbiv fusr Xindoxhei3j=idq, Vol 176, pp 229-240, 1966 DTC 71-15301-06B mar 72 The Influence of Rain Drop-Size Distril>~Ition on tile Attenuation of mm-Waves at =5.77, 3.13 and '2 . mm. by; J. Sander, GERMN, per,. ~ Kleinheubdcher Marichte, Vol 14, pp APWIIU-~T-2608 Apr 72 111foriflatiou Processing ill tile Functional, Visuil Field, by A. P. Sanders. G LIRNAN, rpt, IZF-1~67-6, 1967, 16 pp. j'I'ASA TT P-11,408 2 -4 r sci-b4i'l :May 60 582,649 1:1tenull 1--ntn.-Aiiiation wit), Tritiuc. 1j) ;41,'~..~A,i,, lici-, St rwh left the n- do, Vol 137,, tl(-i),j 790-704. 70 rig of POP, 7-1 Jul 6.? ThO ~-MVK)Ct3 f0r iAO Or ",Y-thntlo f."Ilro qA Aclis -,an- nv ,~. bly mdt Trifon !,.-mi7lioriov, i7 uno T)~ir, Alskogtonansten nmika, a "I" -50 so kl~ 9-0 .3' 3, 5`7 i~bit zn a ~,~Oautt of o'myictimi ul~o ,ra-cul ir i.qmxl~t, 6 Trani;:v.~rtlp Av '15t m4f U, 69 3M,141) pkwde&a c 8 Of IMP$Si*tb*rrAll 4=P Less Thm HB 100o bW Re A.'&Mdoro S. A. Aratymmo 8 pp. RUMUl, pwo W.OAM AMdadj lauk S=b Acwms, No Is 19739 PP 5N-56. JPRS 58347 Her 73 S, ~t"4~ r3l~ I blay 72 . I a r' 4 . 011 t.";(? ocaw~:",Cqlcj of lchit,-ifudinal ,a ~,,J i I at col"CO-00 vollo, 4C P ',I ;i" ~;A I, Prices of Electricity and Industrial Coat of Generation in the Federal Republic of Genmy in 1967) by N. Banber MWM., per, Rluckauf, No .105, 18 Sept 1969, pp 941-955 O#A* Tram 09- )7. L) aug 71 BriL!"Itwes i-roftle or ta-L. ijay a4rj2--jr. Of t.,X? Plawt FArtilf 1~y Go Va A. r,*.. Fju,,. ~Lxlr*My, and Go I. Trifom-m, 13 Pno Per, AMABUYS rim I -,Y.M=o Val I). Ma D". 5r. pp. 1270-rf7~- j,FiZ 37,J?X, J M N Oct Wl Frofilukg the 05vers=1C E4~ctum 'awUst lionaeo lay and 1. J. f*;4iOtjrfikaYA.. .-,6 atre lilloralli IMP 1~ so 4, 67 Standards and Methods used in the Surveying of Urban Road Traffic, by P.P. Sandonnini. FEEK4 perp to Urade Vol 45,, No ip 3.965) PP 9-20- 19MIA P. P. ~ e9 lvdc. /V/V//V/ Sci - Jul 67 334)057 ~V-,IVA ~~fi-VVr Development of ftst-UGst DuArIS 1968-1971 lReviewado. by Auria .9&nd*Vo 8PP HUWART"j, pert 1H.22-11 0 B~Upest, Jan 73# PP '55-63* ,TPRS 58230 Fob 73 OrgeaLmatima ProbleLz of Pt~~ Agri- eUUiml Produets; bj hae Sandar, 11 pp. MECAMM., lor, Eamimemai IPPEP 140 7, Jul p94, 213-a7# JPFZ 33335 IV: Jan J7 20 GOUX*ft Of Cent.4,VQ Stockpillrig of AVd, catual Pro&tmmp by mme sanowo 17 pp. MWAWd,t IMF Smut no 70 Jul-hAg 1905, pp- 03D-947- JPEG 3W4 Oct 65 290.,996 Sleigntiac Reviou a- !,)Gu octa's 0 pp. !-"o 2DI Ir pp IW-2450 "T i)ZA 4-z, 62A69 ,V:av 13 353053 ittrut of UpArmic 6 pp.* per, jy~omtica si I~ec~rmdMq JAy-i",4 19699 pp 143-146. Jan 7j [Yi-(L GAB/Trmis-419) BWORTIGATION ON THE 13LOW- DOWN OF A TANK FILLED WITH A SATURATED STEA14- WATERMIXTURE. 6Sandri, Claudi ; Premoli, Angelo ?(Centro Informazioni Studl Esperieftze, Milan (Italy)). 10Translated by W. Buykx (Australian Atomic Energy Commission), from report 11 CISE-E--819. 2015P- 2tDeP- INTIS (U. S. Bales Only). 26reactor cooling; reactor safety; translations jy18I 2OMN-90 2,NP NSA is ChIlan Report an ~O AnV '-,VXer Training In r,olAvu# br Peat* $0ZIAP 7 Me 26 MUM , owe 1' ;V7 1967. p 7. Pi~; 4y?5P, jan 68 Itraian coumvdat lievimfe AUA- QOng-most kropw4 by hosto Sandris 6 ppe nALW49 npe Vurgua Rome Z jot 1969o p 30 aas 49191 15' 1~- C~11~ 0~~nc Af-Wagarl Itep POI i-'07 69 396,161 ~hvllv 'Joliviar, ~yy ,LIV Uile, 1-1 ct 6~ 36~i #472- ,-.)I . - I , . ( , - , , , " I-, , The Paramoter Ilmddity for Ufferent Conbinationa Solvout - Sorbent In TWj by s, Sandroni, TROCII, per, QMP-1.01MMa. Vol 2,, 19659, PP IG5- 171, HTC-71-12372o= Hov 71 Dmlopmt of Fcmip Traft SmveyW, by .21 I* Santhue 9 pps RWWW* We bm alds"sto lio 40 Jul-Aug 1%9p pp 32"40* JM 49M8 ,,-- "mania Eem oat 69 MMO PWUtlons with :-;ociallA Courttriao lacixvo.'~o by Voidlo ami-rup 11 p9e P" , .-I-WILVe Two ur-afts p1) 5-70 i -,c,t '32 ppq ll,~651# P-n- 33-35-p. Sca 4 t" TUA Car Xw TwmaoW in W N VS&M va'I A* *MWAXp Wt &W" Av lAs Vq,* M-31, Tensomtric Ilroporties of I 11ii'm omd Shaped ~Ao Cry3Wc of Silioant !:~r ianddovag I* L ~'Ar'AMM# 6 v A. V, L p. I -kr 4if T liLV31A', bk* An 4 fax :Z.O~khu~ I AMNW92mo L%kg 114-1?-1* M01855684 sept 68 364*9X, A StAy ot the ftrfmame of GUI= utraU Coon on Altwastisig Cunvnt UA*r SUtic and rynomic Coaditioms bv A. V. Samtdm,, R. A. Palwaldy. T vp. =stop pw,, AN UkrM. LIVOVskly POIltekb- lb 2s J, IV 2_3w29. AIR/M/JN.93o~ a -~4 fti-fts NOV 69 395II&W Idbbon 4yatab of '.'dUcoa and thoir Applicatim in 6 jp.. pp 31 ,AOINNU AmplMowu"o-Aw ontormd, A*, 0, affewit. of a I ; ,,,~ectroacujdc , tudy of Lxitation of AM,,; iv a tiollou cat:106is-Ath Dc'030 ;Ulwo as lk"peadn' oil tlu iv~,Iied Paver, ay u. Oe~..-W)-t)ayuv. ~,er,, I'ioscud Wiversita. lies tnfl~.I;vriyal 11 141, Feb 61) Unto Arises an RegaUtIng by NasrUn Sanstrag 5 ppe POLI&% par# Pro I-Z"Ut Dm 1969# pp 19 ?w Ilas 4m B6441" Floon MAY 69 -Ack ~), Econcoda Risk. dwave 23 liar 381*842 L- ~ /I : a-f; vmr Elc~ 116~ 3)1~ wzo :ylll)k wtara!. CI= -or 20- 2, 5 101 Jay C"4' The Effect of Block Sequence tenrth on "lochanical PropertioB of Polyether-PWyoater Condonsation Block Copolymer, by 0. Sangan. JAPATIESE, por, Son-I Gaklvdahi, Vol P-I), No 100 1969l 7)p 455 UC-7 1 -1000-5-111 110v 71 iarty ~&."re Andped to W lactory ilorlteres LT cho --w4sitaisrob, 6,ppo 1114 . I ~ro Dawn am aator. t-4o 6o 1 iq UUM pa 48035 ,,eon 69 331 s7W Pivergencc of Interi,ointion Processes, ijv doh AR 14mi; FS.Sits Vol IE7,, ;';o 2, 1969, 278-279. The ?~utlh Sw Vol 10, !.'o 4. July-Auq 1969 o Jan 70 40(jo(145 97v to tr.,prove P-mflight Prep%r.~.tlm, by S. G.7/ slailto. WMAN, per., EMLolSbaraik, ISA, pr 51-54. %ACSI J-3751 LAI ID 210405W, ,;~ ;-4- vc ,- Sal-twomautlas Dn 67 'icasumnout of Polarization of Low-Intans.: ity X-Rays, by ilk. A. Sanin. R per,Vostnik Mosk Univ, Soy 3, Fiz Astron, "A:5.1 TT F-12,195 a , q , &-ta~-, S c i - P hys Jums 69 384,128 constructive Real avd)ers and constructive Punctim bj,ac~sj by N. A. Smin. MISSIANt Hc,, 1968j, 325 I-ps Tar, Math SIOC ,J/ li. -'-S- lqAl / Al 1"1 6 9 389,512 I I---------------- P, j,. A 0-wa-L-11 ---~ 6-\.\~\- &'3- \ Ma7or Disousses Problms, Progress of Ajdabiyahs by Tahir Abu Saninah, 9 pp. ARABIC, np, al-Thawraho Tripolli 6 Jan 72, pp 3., ?. JP&S 55080 Fab 72 Uwkh n=to ixmftt frm imf QrOdt 3y~mmv by i'l, smiyawo 8 pp, aussihilt Part Lk"b vo 'ing"llatmia Alm Atao Ilo 129 19669 pp 16-19. Has 48M USSR Econ Jun 69 382o140 Ellstory Of monw i= MANYMM System L~#OPW# by 1,16 S"Lv# PP-0 T Lu"Llwis 1969, pp M)f ulat astor* ;~O 50 JMS 50931 Jul ?0 Agnifficancc o~ Unth llati=l 'Ongress ~-Wo=tc-l by '-Un i3ator, 1~0 If Do 47-52. j ul~ 0) Y-~'? . toy 71 IndatriAl r4te.-TA-Ism !~Jwit non u.-A ll~-,- A*Astum ce SdoutMe battUTtim.. b~r L. Y-.0 �M!lo,t 7 pg* IUWMI, Dw 190J. vv- ;4 irefe 3M93 ncoo L -3(~[ lx',Iiq~wa~tv 09 tho joiry" I roifilitoar wl. by 8 pp* port And= f4ft Digummod Iv Milean Foralm t4nigWip bV Anol Su ftpUap 7 pp. GovM-ILAT la SPANDMg ripl, Ll SantUgog I Jun 19690 1) 43. JRS'GUO )D63 f - -liala 'Anancial Atuation Anov "'arvey of by Jon ,,ann, 5 pp. per, Lo ~awkm, %~ov 19U'), v.), 51)-,51, Tit con ,Aar 1/0 jja&m~ja,u Polyqthada in Sabjects Hipgod in Undawater ACtivUrs, by P. Swamsul. 5 I:p. ITALEMp pw.9 . ital. plol, - �20r. Vol 4 5.o N 0 7 m 19 6 9-,t -p-p- YJ -9-WI - NASA-W-F-1 1h222 Jay 71 Filzu'll-N, Of .1f)5 ctriaeat W.-alds in !,I-ne tlw~ 't~o alow BOMULtV PYbtftl, tq ftraOl- J~W Per, fimansm umq Ila mar u5o rx, Api- 65 AMIYIU of Iff Ql~ 440W Wd WbM I --- m 24 OWN4 tv Z. ft=dWW4, 1. amp" 35 w irmak rop Aw ,at vo %V"ft an AMU. N$""# TjqWA%p la Nov- a No IqGL Mu7WI AM ML 1261WT Jo Samier OJAW sa . mmlow JAM 67 COrMI06 Of RIOUM by Ci re Uatiog uqda 80lum 0 00 1& 60ft# by Jwlt:" Rmaor# !440 c4m*txj, 12 pp. ,pow'so m%$, CD-3-3*3,, oet 19U. P911"163 ret 61 3 347003 Square Root Extractim for Andoommiting Spimng bar S. S. Sarmikov. RMUN$ Pere, Dok Ak Nouk SSSRj Vol 172, So 1 p 196? v pp- R-3974- - - Am Math Soo Vol 80 No to 1967 -q, c - c /.),.0 to, _j -1 1 , k c v Nov 68 370t293 Repreontations of Contim=3 C,4r=ps in Terms of Unbowmded Opemtorsp IV S. S. Sannikov. RUSSIANO parp Dok Ak Nwk SSSR Vol 177P No 6v 19679 pp I I a Am Math Soo Vol 8v No 6t 1967 C . c :~~ d /V N i, t< 0 q Doc 68 354l400 Spaces of Test Functions and Gencralizzei Func- tions of Index Typej by S. S. Sannikov RUSSIAN, per, Dolk Ak Nauk MR, Vol 173, No 4, Feb 19W, PP 8_00-TOT The Am Inst Phys. Vol 13, No 2, kugust 1968 Sci-Physics oct 63 ~ u, :1 , ~ 14 (,) r,~; t o q The EL=Ucs of CoMW end I= VolaUlizatim VAIN U8 BeftCUM of UV4d UUWaroU Mmop by yu -, 1. SmdkDv. woun.. Pa. p It Ait UA ME, MM TV&* I Val 204o No 30 mw 1972,t pp 655-"- CB Feb T3 efftct of dab 1*104 *a 414shiago 4*0 fhftft PUftt** k4thl I'Att It OA stwy of vAtious ft"Woft& In usic Qqom W fwm-ce-& FA&ftd se Zow Tosaper- state %MwIst IW 1, sim"a"I xo.&wo, JAPMUE* Par* T*uA to kJ444mes Vol 510, 60 100 190, i"1170"Mr, iD Jul 6b 364s373 juvestigatioa into VaADUS Phenowna in the Basic Oxygen LD Purnaco. Using Room Tempersturv W~&Is,, by T, Sicatmaq K. 5=0, JAPARESUg, per,, Tetsu to HA&M, Vol 510 No 4, 1965, pp 752-755, iig 6629 'lay 66 On the Products of Deoxidation [of Steel] with Aluminwa, 1~y K. Sano, JAM&SL', per. Tots U-to-Haganc 1 1701 55, NO 11, 19G9, Le&E-U-re- ITS-, -133- 523. ili~ 8113 Sci/Mat S 7 0 -T - " Ps o n on - of U"olxUm of Deaddium In UVM lro~ anki "Nobom" at rommum Of Oxide bwbolones. by K- aMp 0 so-& Vol 550 NO U, 1969P 1316 a WA ftobt ~ mw TO .~-Ii)dmtlcm oZ (.Arbon ErW liqddl Of ~arbvj ;,j()Xjt!O + Arf;On ~A-l !-,ixtumslp I MO at al yk"M /,j c ha%)act Properties of StainlesL; Clad 'teol!i, Part VI of 'A Study of Steel for Vuclctar Reactor Fressuro vassaw., by m. sono, JAPAxiLSE, per. Vol 55, No 3, 1969, Lacture iit. 8013 Feb 7 1 A stuay on li*WMX aw Logo by M=AQb, q~ 8=4 aFAMM,, part Batawl-bRiEt V01 1% 1,40 3; 1965P vp 110-a9. mi Tr-e4 ShuniciLi SANO 324p#& c4i - -IAwlm 3019'1'm mw 6 7, stma" as the MAMOUS "u ous by Gail. UWA" %Rip mig veft a oldnew PI D"ONSWo Uo 2s6sAlh-UftWmWVI- pd Add IS OUs by To IND. JAPAYIN4 jor-Aftoft famama of im-.29 BMW I Wimp lwp w UWARS W at aft"a na ad MUM BftvuA xrol zwom of ruqdp llsbu*w ftl4ktVd&U act 67 3430155 Itudi4m om AwbuvUe WMU OUs by Qw-UquAA (c, 1 1 , 'a, 1, 9"m a %*ova now x=&mtuu Atmetwo Ml* or koo#32-trl- no 16 1 ~ - I I Coods AW As a ColoUtUlat at v"k out bw To %a* JMAAU% USP. jammma Mr- 0 JAP W# na m4 viuuft and" wx am= or ft4do nAbod" Oct 67