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Find rif 4-4iratilijite in Eastern TraitsbaJ.10, by S. Sukharova. RUSSIANs twert Dok Al. Nna, 'S.SSRP Vol 187, No 20, 1969, pp 70 GODOV1KOV, A.A. and SAKHAROVA, M.S. Interpretatio the chemical analyses of sulphides and similar minerals. GeologiyaGeofiz.Novosibirsk (8):89-94 (1963) (CRL/D.9 SALAK, A. Effect of sulphur on the properties of deep- drawing steel sheet. Hutn. Listy 22(5):299-304 (1967) (CRL/D. IOZO) i;tilizetion of Ultrahi;,~i Frmx~ucrcios lo- 17;Z llro~uts I,.)- N, ye. V. LORSMN. por, RyLi.-ot 4~1, ~fo 10 557-SLt. 1`c~,t cf, b!torior (.I-, Loan S i 'Ject A-11-1y, 70 ISgintlan of Mtnft& RW=olw ftr Pgodwft TWbw&Wo by 5. U. SOMMOM- unwo Iwo .8 Vol 45A, 1b 100 tuffam or 400 vp 57-59. ow "dw DWFM of Comwela rlsborl" Office Of PONIM RdArl" ;7 sla-m"h Dac 69 ~. . '. .. , i - ~, '. . " I q,~. ~, - .. ". ~ -1 41~ 64,116idi'. - ". '. ~ .: t:. Use of OrigLe of Autbignic Plagiocia" in PV*dmctiv* DepOlitf in the Middle of the Unt Siberian Plains by R. S. Sokbibgaftyev. MSSIM, per# Dok Ak Sa~* SSSR. gar Spit Vol IN, No 3, 1969, pp 629-631. AGI Jon 71 6ffect of tbe Tectonic Factor on the L,-if,,enatic Alterstior of the Clay Cement iii Sandy Silty ROCIS in the P"ftctiva Deposits of the .iuTi.~ut und idzluic Vartovskoye Ardies, Westerit Siberie, by It, S. SukUbpareyev, RUSSIAN, Ior, Dok A Nauk SSSR, Vol 187. Le 4, ~~ay 70 407,0~6 2~1 Ve(-.t)f.,jrs i1,, tIlt; Cover of tize i ost "i1ji.,rian, ri"in. by An hit ib.,,- arevev. !,,4jk Al. ,atik Vol IP..q, 433,43b. T J~.Lrs 71) 4 o I) , 004 On Binary Error Detection, by Yu. Kh. Sakhin. 9 pp. Iq RUSSLAN9 cpts, AN SSSR. lustLtut Tochnoy Makhanikl i Vuhislitellnoy T"nikis 19699 pp 1-12a AIR/FTD/MT-24-161-70 kk '~Im a t 1.1 4 !)ee. 7u ~cx ~a its~wnwf, to SLULilat'.an 0~, C; %I r .~, ~ ~. ~- -C a 0 IIE~,a In-a V.~ f M-1 WWMUP MIM aV% VOL ~2.v lcX,'6'o vp I QI jif Y) CritioUim of VritUigs of Valm-,ly Taralss, by ; Axkw sokwAp 9 ppe MMUSI, npj, Kawamalftm prm"AR, 8 Fab 1966, p. 34 JPfG 34257 , P,)k/) ////" ~ 1~ 1~ ~5/~ // UWR Pol Mar 66 S)G: 595 Criticlam of Writings of Valeriy Tarsis, by Arkaiy Sakbnin, 9 pp. HMLAS~ np,, Komawl'!Lwa Pravda 3 Feb 1966t P- 3- JPfG 34,257 USSR POI Mar 66 293,595 bv*c*"*A P=ible 'os* of mAyUow, i,atted ':~~Ot Llcnalts Tmul i loldnZe by 18 10 5a r;~67, e, interior &erv-lco c3wdl wid A~rzlvio inja" a-P-11*1 Perld*tite Udmi ", Ii. Ua BmIt W.' UM Vol=* (aMiUm. ISI&AB)a by V. G. ftkhloo S. A. Sbabou. MMUN, per, lbk Ak 2M~ MW 3, Ilo Is 1968J. pp iqq~4M ..s Val 18 AGI V , (~.. . So k (q Jk) C) FAr 69 375P'145 TM Discrete and Cmtlmlmls bpears of the %dial Dirac Equationj, by L. A. SWdmovichp RMS10j, perp Dok Ak Hauk SSM, Val 185, Ilo 1, 19693 VP 61-64 =~ r-le An Inst of Ptwa Vol At 110 3.- sert 1969 L - ~ , S f) '-/ 1~ 6 ~) 'c H oct 6.9 394.,034 Locatin- the- Points at ~,'hdcn owlaro 0 T',ccurs to the 4inilinF Insulation of Electric 'Iscidnes in t)ierntion, "#'.L. ,WfhIIovsM et al. ivr, Uegkt. Stantsit Vol. 133. 8# pp. 73-75 (Aup. 1962) 71 Admatava of speolalimd camaw ilemagodo bV Go Sakhno7oldyv 5 pp. RUSSWIt pets kkaggadw UWE No 459 xw 1969-o P 17- JMS 4940 u S S R. Econ Jan 70 399o264 Q(Msumr 6006 Supply kroble= Dismsedl, by ~i* sakhnovskiy,, 5 Pri. AUS61Aiip np, M~& i-~ogcowt 29 j.~ar lgfg, p p. JhIls 47983 USSR i~con 69 .43V 3810V bi'mine Landstic evelopnMts by pp* pere .0r.&OVIAP -oscoup 'AY l-,Z)o pp 9-12. con JU3~ 6~) Sihamikvine Avm kw-evo liomkor Aeuvitiest bY Hbig ~'-alchmlo 7 PP* (;~ US6 WILY I P&4A, per# Aeopm ghmW do kVemog 1-Lem lon2a, 16 Jan 1969s pp 13-151 17 Jan 196-99 m, 0-191 18 Jan 1969.' pp 16-Mi 19 Jan 11;X9, pp 273-.041 20 Jan lc)Cg, pp 11-13. UMtMI AOPOrt W SUAW*WUlS AOUVitiOgo by Hing SoWm# 14 ppe uUCIEWL.&T USB OMY i'&!Wfk# por, kmeW Elm" 4-jtraogop Plm-a PenN 3 Mar 19~99 pp 10-14l 4 izr 196-9t pp 15-n. JFM GUU 3D5? pol Jul 69 384t947 latsh works for ttleatInba Liberation. 131/ tW Abu S&Phrp 9 ppo A14UCt rpto Uairo. 21 L~r- 19036 pp 6-79 U* im 47719 0-,~~ 1A -1flM:fiw&'W A;,--zAI;Z Pol Apr 69 MA05 stwics ov the iteuctiar, of chrceltn ~malt witit, -C-Lrbu-xyl G=up. 3. Ijiftercilces iu the Ponding, Power of Chromium t.-M Sevc~nj 13rds of Auino-Acid's" by Y. SaIrl-L-10to. JAPANESE, per, LeaVIer ,Ici, Vol 110 No 2t 19656 pp CS11,10 95*02- Vol 170 No 3, 1969 July 69 ,ale ArjdlL--~- -CmIs by 1.3 llar!ar, alkjL, 2:1 a. 21 S--ap -"65 p 3. 32651 2, )l ,~7 "i EducatUml P*for% by Tomaim SWs 5 pp* FFMH,, ver, 12M F. aam:w..,4 Ito 450- 451; a4f-Aug 19671 VP 13-lb- ipps 42559 AMea-Chad 8m Oct 67 IS- ~, C~ ~4 Sa k0 342s809 raftowASUAD of polyrwft JV c' is PO Akctu*K*- auwui"- YWIP ymmkmmuia no 20 tga-9 7#3i.34&0 AT$ UJ-405 Socialism jumcing T,;uurd C~.TmwAam I)y 1.1o. SeLimm", U Irp. limiu, Pero m~,. 2, 196,10 TA, je.% 4,33461) USSR P'A Apr Wnarsh-(- is, tile 11,01 .azlic "W'siG airam, by 1.1. ~;akov' 17 pp. S C O"'T Jan 63, Im. 70-0. i S, R Political issults of the Commercial-kkalamtory Timbing of th6 Aw-bUek So SalmUfio 1"Mearch In. stituts for ItISMASS 4nd OOfi*aGgmpby* by Is S%kovotaq Rissime vol 43* t,,o 21 196?t PP 47-7 rapt of latOAOr fish &M 414W* 69~oe BCFO Ewcau of Forsip Usbarles ZZSR icon Jan 6B 3469895 D `7 &Sulu of the QmOrcial-Explocatory fts"ng of the Azov-&lack Sa4 Scientiftc Rese&rch Institute for Vishories and Q"84Ogrqby& by 0* 1, Sakovats, RUSSIAN, por, UbUOC Khpks No Ig 19670 pp 4-7,, *Lopt of Interkor fish 4 wildlift Servica Uureau of Com Fisheries LS & Ow3no Remau or fto cw~~&Wufttory Flahw, of tw *"utjm* su sciatMe %wmra in- aUtate f*v, ft*wiov md Osmwwpw~ t7. tW 0- We Mm mawafto, val 430 ,40 It 1967, pp 6-So Dipt of Intwiar anon of CamwvW Fidwiss -T"wh of Fe"deft n*Wl" usm 0. 1. Sakovets EON im 63 3W*5n Juvelopmrit of Lkw~~w. SD-kcArots, V. 1~ IQ r v o ol" ~~-,tcrlar SoLe-ovets C Imms" COOK"I" RAW mearth in the bum 00mo 1* 0. 1. abmus MISS-04% paro AfM 12*ji:p lb 6m 1966.. pp 12-14. *D*t Of 1402JAr Fiab Md MaUe awvico Bar*= of Oommerml Fiaherles BCI-B&r Set my 67 A4~' pp A RanoUiptic Mridaet ftvW=t ~y 0. S. Saks. RUSSIOl, pwq Rl~ Ak kkuk ISWRO Vol 17?l So 4s 1967p pp 786-7899 An Math Sm Vol Bt No 6t 1967 ~ - S , .5' 4 k- C ~ Doe 68 354,378 Hydraulic Resistance at Turbulent i'~Iovemcnt of Finely Dispersed Dust Laden Air. ~y G. Ye. 4bz - PUSSIAi'l, per, Inzilkenerno-Fiz Zh, 11o 4, 1963, PP 633-6~18-.- FTD-S-54S "If ? - 'Jay 69 380,898 The sAentifio and Technioal wnferenca on the iilgh and SVerOdgh Vacm Phydos mid Techmlorze by V. SakWwrldy, pp* IMSDIMI!, por, Ato vol. ull, ~io 31 1967, pp. 24 JPRS 41,o96 ? A', jm) 07 n Mn r..avd a ",)DOvev~W0 U* ramotum CM,# T" VWVW14 Po and 4-4. n*v*1-5 (11 Do Aa P. s6ksomw- a- 3 19659 rip 6- -6- Problems of Space Biology, Vol 9, by F. F# Saksonovs 603 ppe RUSSIAN, bk, "Problem7 Kosmichasko Biologii, Tom 9. Ocherki Koamichasko Radiobioloizii.11 1968 NASA TT F-604-72 Mar 72 Stability of a cylindsical dull vith El"tiz filter vader astor"I 88401 PreSturiss by 0, A& CoAmto S. C. SakSGROV. 6 pp, MIAN't Pert It !Ucb Ucbeb lavw, Mist ULU, No Zw IVWp 18-43. ku, V f-011 UFFICLAL WE tNu por, 4'etsu to I'Spow. 51# a 49 5110 344 P .47 Ai. bf: the Nis Gravii-aetry. Absoulte Determination of g. , by A. Sak-uma and J. M. Chartrier, G pp, GOVEIMAM30T USE ONLY FREIL"XII, conlite International des Poids at Meadures, Proces-Verbaux des saances, ~-HJ Seri( Vol 36, 57th Session , pp 46-50, 19G8. ACIC-TC-1678 ~\ , C~- Jun 71 Aj,%pearanc* of Champs in Gametagenesis anti iu the Sax CYcle Of the Piak Sabm oncorhy. Acus Garbusche Outside its natural 9"geo by U. F. Sakuni, IWSSIAIM Pers, Vote! iolol!& Val VI, z Ikht No 4# 1965# pp 6394SI. MIM Tr 66-62001 May 6 7 326,952 Sfrecu Of Polyeawim fturimu on the Valamtrito (POlyetbql4M Rings ReYD2.t 90 naw BLOM),, by U. 80=gw4mu tit JAPAAWp per, one aft bi k9mid va 3BP 3.966,v w .1351-1355- am-Iml 7-22-63 M-S,MLOZ (4 f3 14 SPA-M Beyt 63 Swelling of Pbly(VW1 Akabd). Fftt 1. Relation setvalm 14DS Wes and CrystaUlrdty of Pay- (vItWI AUchol) PLIm MwIng lIffereat DWws of Polywerizatlapp by I. Oakamda. JAUMS 96r# XdbuwU p Vol 12P No L?3t 1905j, pp 506-510. ATS-JS-185 40 Mar 70 3t862 Development of Glaues for Luw-aack~;rowd A bicuummumts - Chwmcteristics of Classes, 9"' by SAKURAI, Junji,, SfllbATA,, 5i"zichis ot al, JAPMESE, ~qjt,* INS-TCA-,20. AL-C-ANLe-Tra23-285 sci-Aw B&A Pay 67 5260213 Ilevelop%wat of Glas"s for low background soasuremats - Chavactetistics Of Glasses and Vial-taking Psvblera. bf Sakurai,, Junji, Shlbstax, Sinkichim, at alo JAPANESE* rpto lutitmu for Ifuclear Stu ~niv. of Tcky;~ 'Twashi hachi KitatUMO-GAM, . 110 - M-TCA-209 19U# Vp H9, HUM AL-C Xilom4r-285 Sci/Nuclear Sci may 66 a itoot* vuw Aoqtdatiw [Avdolpiax ~trutallllfr Art Cationia Polywrisation of P-9--thymstyrene Under Electric High Tenslonj by 1. Sakurada SM. Der Dbkmwl. Chem, Vol. 82, 1965, pp 284-T286- GB 39/RO =11 -T , S /9 "Z. L, P, fl L) /~ sci - Aus 6T 33T-565 The ftemagaUou of Noita Kocim Aerie-Attut, by Sakurai HirmU., 35 pp* I - 5, 64- JAPXM., per,, Ail* Mimi, Ilov 19G 750 PRO MIA Jan 66 )3o)31 Sakurda, I. Graft Polymerization of Acrylonitrile Toi-,,ard Polyvinyl Chloride Fiber. NIPPON FACAKU SEN-I-KM,!',Y-:SIIO KOFN SHIT. Vol 26, pp 1-12, 1969. I IUC-72-150/29-11E Feb 73 -1w $Noun"= 8.(;, mm to the ftv&wum ce GNU-vp ant-off ulvas tv V. sobas Z. mmak3owen. N. '- Do 100 196G., 13P 36T-3TZ Z,Lftf: 9M.06 (54a) W. S o- k- W 0- &d.Mb atpt 69 391sOn Auta"t olso':Matoi~p -by J~ sal"ibski 11 POLISH sper. raektr6ii"' Vol. lip, No 9, 1970 pp 364-368 ACSIA-W" onc Sep 72 of the Twentioth Coliturv, T. 53 rps POLISiii., thr, ',!a-kiety Y~wml XX Vlcku~, 1968. pr 158-212, 238-248. AIRPTD-it-25-399-70 7 1 to -urasivc Ca3t bte,-.l ,jy Sala. per, Foueerie, '-o '3, ".U~Iu--,t ~pp 344-354. 6889 S;~ 4, ~,ay 6.9 36'0, 397 Unimax Character of HoteUing s T 2 Test, by 0. V. Salaevskii. RUSSIAI,", per, Dok A iiauk SSSR, Vol 180, -`J:o 5t 1968, pp 733-736- The Amer liath Boo Vol 9, i.'o 3, 1968. C) - V -'S '_9 L /~ E ~ --. /~ ,I ~'Ci/'~Atll 0 at 63 366013 'j- 12-0& Vilma iApin Intumdowed an tAle of Modern Womeny b.v Y"erva Salado* 7 PP# SPANISHO per# - W20-01wmli FAVAut APr 1972i PP 4.9, J,-vRs 56304 JMG 72 20=Wle fty"low at ftimum ammavho tor Dro , ft"M saimplop 5 w lb, Tu*t 17 Jay 19670 xmuw, pro loavAb pp,p I & 31P JPU hart ~ALAWNl III-sumaLs sm 3353,866 sept 67 Doe 71 1. Fatigue Properties of Low Steel, i;y A. Salak, CUCH, per. Strojirenstvi, L968, pp 122-127. ~ASI 7317 sci/'nlat "\, jk- Sep 70 Carbon Strip Vol 18, '~O 2, I ~/-- Influence of ll~'atural Strain Agin.-, of Lal.i Car- bon Steel on Electrical ?(,--Sistance by A. Szday',-. 1! CZEC-1-i, per. Z-71 vud prac VST Kosice, Pp ,JISI 0,1-,illl June 7 2 Toughrass of- -Smi-Xillad Strip Steel of the Strem. th Gradc 52hp/=Z, by A, Salak, CZWI, ,cr Sbernik Vadeck Prac Vzs skoly TOCIE, x6siciachi: pp MI - 7663 Mr.y 70 406,769 July 72 -) I Low f%viuct ~~ity of Faterprisom GritAcicods I , bV V. WA913ans 5 pp. hit ~~&o 3 -'),a 1968, Pp U 3. JPRS 469 W,~ q ~ S 4L d3 G 19 Aj Ljhumnu !,- G= Wt (0 -465s193 i ~U~A -~ ~ prioritics for r a Tnduati'",r, Geology Outlinod, by Viorel 3alagemi, 5 -,op - ,~jojiA:,,ijAj,,,, I-m, 3eintain, lhicharost, 12 Jan 72, pp IL, 7. PT RS 5-5,340 Mar 7 2 at !~Il x"":EASO 7 L,;p. oy A it 7fae jkt=ic B:,*. and the Arab-larwli Str,~gGle~, by Ualm al-Din, 11 IPp. np ,, HDy 1)66, PP- 5.)-640 al-TalVah JPRS 363"Si - I~ck\) CXA- I Influence of Ovall Col,.! Dcdormations and Ageing on PachaniCal PrapQrties Oj LO~j- Carbor. Steels, by A. Salak, CZECH, per. StroLirenatvi, Vol 19, o 12, 1969, 763-T6-7. USI "ar 71 CINI- dok da I- h, 5 5 s Cc Patige Prqx~rties of Ja~-CaA)ai steel !:;txip,, !,y CM-*01,, perl, Strojirenstyi, vol 18, 'Jo 2, 1968, 122-127. t'UsI 7317 ~tJ s ci/i ; aLari als j arle 6 9 .-JL..Mi.~: V. *j.-"! 76ul L~,3 of z;dphur an tM FVel*rties of Dwrs. u'"Mw dwa zh"WO tv A, !~auk. MCh. Pw. LaUt Um ',0l 22, No 5, 1967. m 29s~-Y*. t, m I 'tev (~ sci-, At !4v L? The Lffeet of a UgM IbU irsas aW of Againg w the ~--,sobwdml PropmUse of Aftlss by A. Salak. w- pw# llaU, !o l2l 19660 pp 689-392# ym sd--~ at i4v 67 y-epeptim of HOM Mmud-Stmi LWatal ttr A. i4will PWOMMMSM& Vol 219,11.0 71060 pp op Law Iii " -i 1. _,, - i - . 301jllet 14b 68 34%W-3 Stt.dy of tl%e Catalytic Activity of the Cnj~,pol' Cw?.plex of (;UCYL-L-R-ALANViE Ly I'lonniiii, ED Experinent, by Yu. 1. ~~,Iakhurdinov. RUSSIAN, NA Al, '4UUl, VOI 1850 :-0 50 IS69, p~,, 10941-1097. U L lll~ ~4 ~, ;~ C 110C 09 39a,321 The St&bLUty &M CgUdytie Aetivity of COMW Caqlem of SM P4014n; by SolsklaMinov. 5 two D* Ak M!M-sm. Vol U, ftl~119TJV 34-3b- SU IT F-12,650 a~ sa.cbcm Feb 70 401167 Stsbility and CatWUo AcUvIty OC Copper Coqgsm of Soo MVmVUAmp by Yu. 1. SmIekbMintw. MWIM.- per) Vok Ak fink -.^Cgnj Vol lit fb U., 1963j, pp 34-3b. 0 M- TT F-12,00 SOL-Mam sov 69 ~f flect oi -V~adiaticm ia, tl;v Cistab,tic ktivit) of a Coprer Cum~!Icx of- ("Iycyi-L- -Alw4inc, t6y U. 1. 'Sulatihutilitiov, A. P* "orisova. RUIS(olAii, 1-cr,, Do'k, A iitiul, Vol hiS, .-o 40 LIve ci; u A A~ ~4 0 1 G 0 ------------ /~ )-, ,A ~11 ) Prosont"Day Radtw I'lotliodc for Making l-',OtcorOjoL--,Icaj Oboorvationa of Clouds ana Claud Syetoans by 13. !~. i"U.*W111INT, rpt, Olwynayck Geofizicheakaya Qbacrvatoriya, Tritdy, No 231, 19G3, pp 3-8, ISITC-71-10415-04-2 'Tov 71