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Rapid Mmometric Analysis of Openkarth and Blast ftruace Slags as W11 as Other Silicates, by 1. Sajo. G:MHAN, par, Zeit Anal Chemia, Vol 222, No I 19661 pp 23-50, *M1 G400 sci-mat Jul 70 TO XWwW And" cC CbmIal Tmeorwal-as. cbmp&A.- S. I=Utlm at the FAMetioDsp by 40 co JWO"p L. saito. 94. ?am=$ vwr -114vto as 111notitat Fmcaid !k _fttroU at A=02" do ConbWAibies wftva 200 go li, moo pp 27-93. 110359 Sci-Cbm , 4, sa~ I/ a-Y Sept 66 310P379 "on-ideration on tiie re of S~v1-:,abo. to 6393 3, 3 3 Z Perudawc to the DiSCUOSLOU m ,''1413 new viev /0~ of Basic Particles, 'a " %IC~ICIOIP Pr TIP* CIMMM, per, ) J~:n 1965, PPO 19-3). JPW 33237 SA k Ad p~ '~ A C, '(-A i vl-chim Sai-pays DOC 65 2'~ Q,. 5 6- 1 fieumt 11robleras in Corrosion Provention, by YO Saw* JAPAXLSE, per, Journal of the J!ggaese Society of ~Atertals SciLace,, Q1 15v Fab WUbm, PP 1-110 *HB 7162 jwi 67 Proseut-Day ProbIns in Corrosion Prevention, by Y. Sak" JAPANESEI, part Jonval of the Satioty of materials Sciftes? Val IS* go 1490 PP 9M. P.0 7162 Avg* 67 336#562 On the Deoxidation of Uquid Iron with Aliconj ( -) by R. Sakagasti, et al. P ~ ~' JAPAH-~'-S,~J', per, Tetsu-to-Flagmia, Vol 55, jun., 1-46), pp 550-575. BBL 3v44 cl(~' ~') c i - M a t I - * ' Oep 7'1~ a,-c*ddzd--icu Of Iiquild Irm ltdth Siliccn,, I's 17,dkagafL r et al, JAIIAESE, por, %,tsu-b0-ITPYa)e,, Vol 55j, No 7,, 1969t 1,~) 550- *61,SI 8044 sci/paterial,- fd-) 70 Investigation of the Kinetigs of Cmplex Deoxidation with Aluduan Silicon, by R. BakagmLv et ale JAPANESE* port Tom to hagam, Vol 53, No $1, 19670 pp S 24o 11B 7096 Sci - Mech Aug. 67 C, k-t clidcal Elvaluation of a Oomgex OpthaWc Solution Contiining Colistin, CUoramphenicol, and Chondroitin Sulfatep with SpecW Refermce to the Latest Bacto:riological nndir6-s RelatinG to Suppurative Lesions of tho 4o# by K, Sakaguchl JAPAIMSEg port Nippon Gp4ra Kiyo Vol 20t 19699 pp 743-747 NTIC 71-16410-060 mar 72 ~;iaxi:ll Tersile Tester I'Or 1,*11-hit; i~jjtes, u', o uclli. Pi i er, '.'.-dryo SC -i' 'liaxial Tensile Ttster ior i1at Plates, iiy per, J, zioc. i-ater, 17, No, 175s t Ouc 6') M)0043) Jim 73 m - S 4. /~ t3 U- C k" Study an the Behavior of Sulfur Between J~S md ZnS by an Isotopic Exchange Method., by M. Sakaguchl. JAPARMEs perj, Nippon Kagaku Zwffl., No 89j 19681 Pp 248-252. -RMS TT 72-53144 Aug 72 M. G)q ~ 11 L,~ t~ 1, Sinta-ring Reactions of Zinc SuMde, by M. Sakaguchi. JAPAIMSE, per$ Nippon Eg!!g! Zassbi, No 89, 1968, -op 258-262. *NM TT 72-533-43. Aug 72 .11 .qi4& WrIdMW I M&St FUMM) Tuyornp by C a IV, a" at 410 53t F4 3p isum', ver, Mm " gomm V*' 1961s pp iOwiQ-s EM 72" 0. i I &A-M 343,059 oct 67 J. q;.,) I - -OU&w 0: MAzh RSSUtatm Sinter1ric o. ~WWI R-YWMl by T. 804ip et, ca, 4ZU~,j We jo Jams" Pblxler 1 0 p Vol 12 1965. *m $130 Bel/fiat 7 , ~- Apr 70 A'MUcs On tin- .-lauh. 4% lvdors, by I . ~' a4ai. 14, C:L ~k= Caltomacrox kroescto Andum~ 111. LrL"lop/ Unuld Wrombm- &IW7- 4 per, Pao-lw Ilo 4,o 1965, '736-Vi WK, T, Pro"am L"Chied Of the Hi3ftre of Hav6smse Om and PyrLtat by S. sAnivi. JAPAMSj psrt Iwate Dowo HokdW Vol Is$ 19fist pp 91-96, *BM 8316 SCL-Mt June 70 Determination of Columbium in iron and Steel by i 'I Rxtraction Spectrophotmetry, by T. Sakaki. ~1-~ APAN99.3q per, Nipgg Kinz2!al Vol 33, No 9, 06j, pp IJJ2-1043. *BISI 8272 sci-I'lat - May 7v \ , L~jr Lxtraction S oe ctrophotoni,~o try, Ly JAPL4ESh, per. Kitizuku, Vol 33, 7zo 1969, Pp.- 1092-1098. ;r~I61 8272 ,,ar 71 on the Dit If "ation of Him Awudsor atoblm c1 i In IM and Stftl by the 0 - trIc Mtb*4 by T. SWmUm aummi, Per. ism 1IM21EP Vol 32P Bb-9p 1.9wo pp 913-914 DMI 7%W --"\, SeOmt N" TO 4o4,po% Jananeso chvmist Party 1~rrphasicos "'oed for CD!ljAA?v Rmidotdmi and ctwl&qls;i, by SO' , aK Toshio, 16 pp~ JAIIA17-21-i-', np, Akahatat !I. oct jqi~-~_, p, 5! JjMl"S Y-Y125 TZ,'HIc) Facti~Analizzi In tic japamuse i"n"'IL-N-Aclear by 'C'n-1-:~- T-1silij, J.kPjllrt;SE np, July I ~ Jphs Tc:s A 3~ Oil Beating Le"Is in tho S-W Parts of the Baltic Stnes, by K. A. Sakalauskas, RUSSIMS, per, G6010A i U011 pal ljxh pribultikio VOI 1, NO 2, pp W-13% NLL M 3798 ON WAN UN LY Sci-E,ar Sci Jul 67 Potential Gas =4 Oil bearing Sedifontz of the Middle Upper Ca*raiu in the Baltic Statas, by Ks A* Sakalawkut RWSIAI*', per. Geolog i Neft Pal UZh Pribultikio VOI It NO 29 1965* pp NLL RTS 3800 W LOAN U4 LY Sci-tar Sci Jul 67 330,592 2 ft Put piva bv Olwoo-codainimc GCOUPS lb US photoly"a of polstb"I by To. P. 0 = ism per,, tradY_M UtSM, Sw B., Vol 1(48)9 2967o pp smi Bef:gm.84 (1625) C T, 9 e 0 SOL-Chm Fab 70 401o495 A Letter ffm QLMbWMo bY C-YOshO Sak~t-O# ? pp. (ioGiU.-lir, 11,31b OSLY r1i Vol 59 Pero 'gen isn!gm iso 20 sept 19(>?# pp 172--1770 JFRS GUO 3D35 i-h-Cambodia Soo Jun C-9 SAMOTO Fundamental Study.-Of Wet Pelletizing of Iron Ores.. JAPANESE, per, Tots,u to Hagane Vol 57, No 4g 1971,1 Lect6res 22 and-IT =pp' 22 and S 23. HB 8011 Nov 72 kwiL V-214WSIT CY LT;-Ly, ax lCot, ~40itiaiaj %:Xry J Cal c r 12, 111-Z kay Effect of Rotary Vibratim on the SolLdLficatiou Stmeture of (Steel) Ingotag by Yj SakAmoto, at al. JAPANESE# per* TQtsq-t2:&j&suQ,, Vol 55s No 3s Paper 840 1969s pp S84. aB 7852 sci-mat June 70 ;"escarch on ~~Jimiiiation of Static Charges by the use w. 11 adioisotopes (Fourth Report) , by 6akanusid. i olizuki. 22 pp. JAPANI~SE, per, Sango AnzenKenkyusho ilokoku 'jo 15, DG7, 111) 1-10. AIR/1'TU-11C-23-813-70 Foil OFFICIAL USE WLY. FOIN, INTERNAL U,1- ~)Xfill'l Ti'll'. I bi','PAI,',Ti.-L'NT OF W.AINSL- CNLY. TAI6 DOCUTINT B NOT 11U.'LEASMa- TO DEFENISI"' 1,1')CUI~-I-ATATIail CLA-MR. july 71 Q aougo-" IR A 10, -9 mudblum pivaeassa Is & I lk*-= a"% bw F. akknal. WWW4 P3~ Bou bet gam me Aar= aLl Vol 36 A14-44%-Taff AW~. **%% TV M00163 V. a. =am= Um Q&T 504-Afto ^a (16 ? - ;~4~ et al. wi, s. i,~ !Riga 1,067. 2~64-ikj. j:~-. S at --ot 6,j Studies on the Treatnent of Lor Oracle -!aP,r-anoi3e Ora: 3rd Report Proasure LoachinS With Additionn of 11-jr1to (Iron Pyriton), by S. ol,-JcArl, ot al. JIT"JUME, rpt, Ivate Daimaku. Korakubu Kenk-iij I Uo 13t 1965, PP 91-96. BISI 33100 Rov 71 Role of the Spleen in ao4cal RNuorisistancet by S. sh. swmquo M. G. Miksplym, 8 pp. RUBBrMs per,, Biol 2h Am., Vol 22., No 10,, 19699 pp 20-25. AMI K-0252 S - s 11 - s- r'. k ~! r~ ~ r, ~ 71 !~cscarclfl on ILiwunopitarmacology, 09 t;h. Sakanyan. GtG,Vi;ll,,'I-';!,iiT USE ONLY No per, Vateriuariy 394,067 C ri 0 S LL lffftts of A=wtic Stimn" an Odnea Pip (Rqw1mental Studies on the Effects of long-Term and fteated AcmAic StimmUtion on the Inner Bar and Pituitary - A&vnal Cortm System),, by Sakashita, Kbinosuke, 86 ppa GOVERBM INE a= JAPAMOR, rpt. ARWFOW/Iff-23-253-71 SePt 71 Effects of Acoustic Sti=li on Guinea Pigov by Sakashita Keinolukeg 86 pps jApAnn, rpt, pp 1665-1701. ACSI J-9274 PSTC-IIT-23-253-71 Z,g J~ ??- 's A 1, t9 ee ~t~ O-S (.k