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Testing of the i;raakdown PropertieD of Core !~andsf by W. Pohl and 11. sa'lmeister, cER-tm, per. Giasserei Rund., Dec., 1969, pp 23-28. i,"ISI 8817 C- . 71 ~ ~3 kA -A U"~ A F P, e~ S 4 f~ Q. R" 'I Hamburg Paper Outlines FRC Ylilitary Potential, b7 Fred Sagner, 6 -a . lp 1 TE 113 RIMAN) Per, AUSSOnpolitikt llcnburg~ Feb 72, pp 6 -M 72-779-- Rs 55816 May '172 'Lop t 34: a 6UNrz"Vil4c Jet onj a ".urrncz~, , i4- A. 13Y ~ilk.ya. July 67.3 161 O"ll 4-1 j iapin~cmvnt of a Supersonic Jet an fA Surface, 5-V ~y A, Yo, sagownym, Uni '40kho RUSSIAN, per& Vast MOSk V4, Sor "lat i , .,;o 60 D", Pp 91MUZ: *Oejit of *NavyjAPL/J4U .1-998 P , ~6 S, a C I o m ~,, -4 L f j - -LJ- !ici - Sci - Atronautics 'Jul 67 ~?a ug-tUM-~'I lIrl't in t!v lr4firdt'l" ls~ "a Par, k~~_.stmk, t%,.% -uk!lazlif,~ls 4, 0 ~T,)--D' 4. 1. Sagone Microelectrop~wresie of human ez-gthrocytes: lqvortwice and use in OR-GYN. ITALIM, AnnaZi di oatetricia & ginecoloaia, Vol 89, pp 128-13? *NASA TT F 14,587 aept 72 zwao or couteou 9br TYdALmlitalwo slataw (carAw 4stam), ty x. 0. aleaw'-w. No 36o W/Un YA%b (10)42T-Q)-W4WQ lin TO 4Z4p3U IslatubkUto 40ta-Lalft ae*tpodo kith tusucc %nUr# by Le He Aggsat R='M Vol 1., 91 - -42- Iwo pp 2131m"o lall 9=414 soloaw 31*074 xt, or Interlor -.3areau of i1rcuich of Fdral~,n 'Vishorips T, N - Q,:,~ (~e7 u -t 0 A)DVR Geneva Nommelat=e Of Lb=t=mted lVdX'Dcarbc)ns # by T. 11. Sagutonova Russms part 12222zmm JT&dcheskoe omool # @MAI Vol 120 lio 6, 1967. pp 690-691 NTC 71-15M-07C mar 72 --Unlaitin C-rdla -Foz- ;'rnb action. in "Xitu-I 71rust-9 by TvIeb .1.1,-libmi, 0 r" TC J np 1 T-4~ Presso do 3 or 46781 353,101 1011 '10 v 0 ILIP 403 Tramus in isdica Rwearch mktedo bv ~ 4 Aotor ~ahlemuo 9 pp* 141 ii,~ port hMA_qq.~Lj=o, iWbArast, Jqnr 19699 p..., 3~~. i Vi~6 W3,751 \j " ~~-,C,- V, k e'~~ ancl 'I ,.:Opt 69 39197V1 llmmitarj OpwAors With Abaolute2y C(mtimom Spectn= on the Urdt CI=3b$ by L. A. Sohnovic. RMSIAlls pers Dolp. a, Muk Mo Vol 1812 ITO 3., 1968,j pp 55U.561. An MUI -Sodjety Vol 9# No 4s 1%8 L W. , "; v & I-, v /, c Jan 69 - 37' x243 On the S'pectrum of the Radial Schrodinger Equation in the Neighborliood of Zeros, by L. A. Salinovic, 24 pp RUSSIAN, per tht sb,, 67(109). 1965, pp 221-243 Amer Math Soc Tr, Vol 61, Series 2 /- , fi-, Sq A '-'~ ) a / -I" 337,023 Sci - Math Thermographic Analysis of Honocalcium Phosphate and Its Mixtures With Wei= Nitrate, by X. T. Saibova. RUSSIAN, per, Usbekskit jklmicheskil 1hurnalt Vol 10, No 4. 1966t Pp 58-62 NTC 72-11443-07B June 72 b~ 7m?# L~~ty~!-M ,.d Air 6 ~ ^1 71 Cozamim- Verwas the TawJAngs mid Practices of tqe M".,=) by Tj &ddbayw.. 6 Pis. SU,%LA per,, SwIn I 1~-%Iiano no 40 lq&,~ PP! 4j"512 0 JPM 35704 T SaAnpv MPH 1, Sac Jun 66 301,"T AmIYOIS of tAe Teachinus by T. Czidbayev, 6 pp, TW USIAN) parp limulm I Ral1ri- ysp Jf 1966, pp. 6'34-. 9 DO 'bat 'bes Vio Koran Teacl-,?, by -to yciv, por, 4aWca i Relil-,Jya. 770 7, '1111. .11 F ~.NILI I "I E__ y ZOO oct Karm T,,=aes Intolerw= and ilyp--,--risy,, by To Sald'gWmp 7 pp- wSSM, per.. Mauka i RaLU No 5., t!qy lqk~, ppe 20-P-3* ip-in 30)3 109 IV u 11.11 6 R ll"~ sopt Tile ullequality of liax.-en as Pmaciaua by uIc Maim., by T. Gaidbaycwy 6 pp. BUSSY-Allp per' flauka J &~Jjjjjn, ii,,) 6, j.,me 14 -17 Jr-Evo )75P7 e Y, USSR Oc t ~k 312, 343 ~*tb*ft at 4aux ty XUR31w, * io 66 am~ 4)914 MA2 'roblans in 1-mi Agher .1l.riucatior. by IAU al ;;alicli. 5 pp. Lbaffx2ads 25 -Oapt 6-9 9 -0j.jdh%Ac3tic,,U o' Z': i, 'it - Levol i~2(liuactivo ;~;IbtvS. :4 !.-rt 1. Selection ol, Like P~aw ".aterials, by j. Saidll, J. 9 01 10, 19LO, 101-16-1. V C/ 0: L-Tr- 4., 7 o Jua Tj Statistics on Jet-Stream Complexes Over Soutkern USSR, by K. Saidnazarova. 13(o RUSSIAN, per, Tashkent. Iniversitet. Nauchnyye Tru , No 270. 19 , pp 67-71. 1 _qFTDjhT-23-3S0-6G K. Saidnazarova Sci-Atmos Sci Apr 69 379,795 P.M, &A;ciO\j Some Causes of Beepcges in the Annulus of Gas We-U.a) by A) M. Stddov. R=IM per Azerb Haft Khoz.) Vo:L 46, No IP~ DP 22-R. ATS-Ri.58plo APr 72 h9lueme of Arzoding ar -Ilicon In AntimyW Vt;or an the Dendty of Moor Dicloentimc, by i-,.. 1-i4 5old3v. F,ussim-'s rpto AW U5,35,Rg atift-:l Oki v .,. pp 7-68 CAL' ~:Uj Jc 5--o- t. CJ6 Distribution of Benthic Forminif er, in the Pacific Ocem, by Ho H. &-idow, RUSSIM., per., Okecw,1agLc, I Vol 5, Ho It 1965) pp 99-U0. wmv, H /)I ~ /? / 0 c t/,4 Sci - A w. 67 3:~i,,953 Cfl'~d't'ul] of in `zater. Cr--)Uvr~ v"r1k) by W ~S I AN~ s T.,(.,r, bok Ak ~,auj, PR58, 1-~n , Vul 455-Zl.- A G-9 Ile o r'T:, 13 (-,ova. 1.-y 99-Ilo. _o! 42211 Dynamics of Astorbic Acid in a Biological Body Wder Prolonged High Oxygen hmposurts, by I;. Sulki, JAPANESE, per 11 J!g J,Aq=&o !,10d wid PSYChOl Vol III$ M68 pp 75-79. N A F-10,746 GOVERNNVIT USL QiLY Sci-WA, I ar 67 u0, rA 3 ContinuinG Prablem of FAucatinG Gypuy Childrent by Fruntisek 'Ailer,, 6 lip. CMCH., par, Ucitelake Raviny; No. 12 Jan 1967) Us, I 13* Mrs P374 `-~ar 67 317,2 Influence of Deformation and Fracture Characteristics on High Temperature Wbrittlement After Irradiation of Some Face-Centered Cubic I-letals and Alloys. By G. Sainfort, et al. FRENCH, per, J. Nuclear Mat.Vol. 30, 1969, pp. 222--233. DISI 7544 Sci/phys Dec 69 398,8G7 thO Plawdng ar Retall T,,eq :L~,j """PrIsOst by 8 BUWARIAtio per, VI No 6, "49t I 55. JPRS ,70ar"Min ioPt 66 Rleotr:Lc OW Dlesa Trqztj~x cc nim State P4UxOad8,9 by Zma S llj~~ per, to Bubw 6 pp~ Guagu's so 1, , los PP- 6-8? jeft4ur, JPRS 3*3 ~ 1) M 14 'Rg EX.BlIMU EoM Jun 66 304730 t T-.~o Initial F""Astiou and (;Mth of Intormetai- lic Pagses ift f.UNZH Systems by 11. MAL)JA0 A, :44~~A TT r-140942 toOVEW41-AT SJ4 kWLY Aug (07 A Ddla"On Of th* 17QMgn TrElde ftlc" under the am FOOD340 SAtSm OlVenp by Owr&I fto Apr 1967,.pp. 6.9. JPRB 4U7.9 Rem JUY 67 329*9G4 CrystaUine Structure of Ce Al Sulfides, by D. de Saint-Ginia. MWMIq perp C. R. Acad ci. vol 2670 19689 pp 1029-1032. *NBS TT 71-03010 Available NBS ftly Jme 71 PIP PokkavnikAt.. :c 0 t~ St. :r 0 ~j ROBUlts, Prospaots of Industry and Con- stmcti*n Discusseds by Ion St. 10,-1, 10 pp. I RONA1,7ATTs Per, Problmo Econ=iae~ Bucharost, Mar 72. nn 30"!C-- MIS 5~Obt ~Am 72 Development of the Produetion of Polraers in BulgaAa. by St- KWunlzhiev, 10 pp. WWARW$ per, Pdroda. Vol 16,, 11o. 2. Mar. Apr 1967, pp. i(;Zo. JPM 41792 57 r-u X v/,~) ES-BLagaria EWU Aua 67 333,356 1'~,7 IA 4 7.1,1 L pmb2ma FolatUg to the Uoo and V41utsuanoo of Water TAUM aW ftwrO in baWUj, by Ghompi St. Lasam, 8 Vp, D)MARIM, per# vo 4 aw 1,967, pp 97-We cll- o il I ftl-. cwl %a,, Oct 6T (2 i t C7 lor no vm k,, Jd- Synthesis of Cbrysotile Fibers With Addition of Alkali Halides Empeciallv Potassium and Magnesium Bromides Under Hydrothermal Cluditionp by Ho Salto. JAPANSSEgers Yo&Zo &Xok&i=jhiq Vol 76p 68p pp 224-239, NTC 72-10520-11B Apr 72 Studies on Fishing Grcmd,, Fishing Gcars, and Fishing TecMique in om-beat Madium Trawl Fishezyv by 1, Saito* JAPAUSE, perp Upiwirs, of the FacultZ Of Fisheries uQU&M mvemiti-0 Val V, Noole Ove MY. Wptof Interior Fish and Wildlife Servico Br-F, rmeam of Foreign Fisheries sci-Ear Sci 4 Oman Aug 67 Jv- On tho Temaile Characteristics of Tobacco Leaves* Part VI. The Relationddpe of arade to T*nai3A3 Strength, Elongation and Toughnooz in Fine-Cwed Tobaccos,, by K, Saito, JAPANME, por, MA(m SenbMj Koaha ChIM KgWgnqho Km= Rh-oku' NO III, t9691 pp fl-20. NTC-71-12049-02D Nov 71 ,4~ -~ a L ~ ~- Ott tho Tenaile MWracterictics of Tobacco Leavea Part VIII. The RelationWdp of Grade to Elvztic Hoduluo and Avorap Stiffnew in Flue-Cured Tobaccou, by K# Saito, JAPANMI3, per, jjh2n aWbai ARsha. Chuo fer2SMOho Keplcm Hokokus No II% i9G9, pp 29-36. RTC-71-12051-02D NOV 71 Lresive Wear of Working UlAug LTD Futuace, by X, Sultaget at, JAMSMEO, pets Tom to halope, 19656 pp 727-b =. h5 6742 -/l k I'J 0-lic- R-Japau Scip" Apr 66 of Basic Oxygea Al Voi 51, Ho 4, 298.879 dec 72 M. Saito Gbanges of bar size in rotat7 straightening, by N. Saito JAPASM,, per, Denki-Beiko. Sept 1968. pp 279-286 *BISI 10039 my 72 ,.xtra-, Vu lta,,v cloy', 1"V~ A~& Electrode Oxidation Reaction of Formal- Dehyde. El*otroohomical Studien on Chemical Copper Plating# by M. Saito. JAPANESE# per# Kinsoku Hvomeg Gijujsu, Vol 16, 1965v pp 300-303 NTC 72-11820-11F June 72 ~-o ovilorts On tho C"sU%tic" 5imt of the cktAwl clithwayo by aUji Tow"Wao IU-409 sattol, apmsto Pat ftead co"trwoofto KO 2246 scrA 1946# Pin "as PIA LIN bV046C par VaTit 1., cou 4 0 L41 (17 3310754 on the Horizontal Novement of SallOOD as IS-6 Indicated by the Surface Gillnet Catehes, by S. Saito, S. Nakano. JAPANESE, per, Nihon Suisan Gakkai-shi, Vol 53, No 7, 1967, pq 641-050. NLL Ref: 9024.911 (39) SCi-9&"-! Apr 69 379,925 Dewities of Pure Irmt Cobalt andUWMI In the tbiten States by T. Sultog 17 p-ps JARVM9, per., Ni=-- Kin2sim Go!*AI-Ship Vol 31, no 1% 19672 pp IM-1110t. Doc 70 40A41vi-~;v of VIIII I$ ruductii Frou t';,.c ;uf /06 "Acul V;itl Silicon Olt pan F41 of irlV#5tiL.Ai0ll ilttO bVilAViDr of Vtoji4ottml ~%tocl, liy i. j9IMBL, rotau %IVA ilai~~Kllvp Vol S20 11, L#6;j, Loctum 109, p, $45. 67 2 s so"Vior of L*OA4"106 pn4mas irt 79 tu geod"UOR [of stool) With Aluo4suso Part .1 of simmstigation tAto the t1ohnior of DmIdetion Praimts in Am ad Sts*10,9 by to Uchlya"s, 7, ISsite. JAPA-14,9t,v per, Totso to husas; Val sit No 101 1965* PP 104,19540 I s 699-D U 7, SCAWO"Itm 401 firs am ft~lor., In Alloyod" ALol Digats A&I "alanc.-L'p- Of I.OVIK405 ~'MlAe !~Ot tv T* 'Xrt iLIMI, vat"'Admuou of Poar %Wdrod to Iadto ftre- 60V In SqWft MUdood flM the rme*A 'I ImV of a Mw Fadlo aptAm Uanc, a Tommaptube of , U ftm" bV Y. Salto. JUWMP Pwp SSUD t0 Hwu VOI 15; 110 39 10, Rp lm. . IU Bef:8313-4 (SW 5760) Feb 70 44,543 inn 1973 studios cj; carbovitstion of Pviy- c7q acrylonitrilo Fiber. Part Vill. claaM~cs in Tanslic Prodperties with vlmeat Truatauat in Air-ExaLination 06 Preparatioa Condition of Flaze-proof FiUe!r, L. ~,Yvzmi6-~tj 176 "Alito, a t a- yd4a. per, Vol "Tc Rily 6i~ A rvapid Themometric Analysis of Open Hearth and Blast Furnace Slags and of Other Silicatei by I. Sajo and B. Sipos, GERMAN, per. Z. anal. Chemie, Vol 222, No 1, 1966, pp 23-50. BISI 8400 June 71 17 )6-1 &Imwmomtdo 4*tasAmtlm of ImrAmUtu In f,,st&Ug, b~~ io -Ao wA B, Sipm, ..", ~ GWA,N# pat Ili.: Mm lio ~# 1967s pp 246- f9k 2 680 4ma 59-)~ sel*~At DW 67 Natural Pignents in Citrus fruits. r-art 1.(~7 r ~ range and ~I*adsrtoe Corotoroida, ~,y J. li"Och, L. ",>&JaL~ GKRHAN, per, Zoit for Lo4cjs;aittejuiAvr- Sue';)UUg "a Forsc"~ ~11.. FM. 69 384 r ta -a t Ta s k a ~~o! i f r o nt- i,~ ig bv Dr. jamos Lu4novies, 13 cor 1'olmmri VEOcOe-i A-J-1iftft 5.8. 68, TIT.s 45,352 ta r y 6J, 357 7 7 7, U, ral-l Gi k%zma ~z L: