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Rmamy Dmity of GTavimtrie statims on Mrst Ana second order 1*"l tam in mm- t4axam fleglomp by Go P, safowv muk WA, ~~ I 196Tj VP 15-17- ACIIIC TC-1471 804-sarth sci Sept 63, % 9'D J. The Psabim ct Aais~Miy of AntmatiesaV Do- dpW QWA=t is IF W, 0, Swdwako arid I* V a Satemy.. 21 ppo V%"- IrAnw4wo ims"t -Ct aslax" M191k 1 m3ft no" i9mmumoz= lb A, 19659 VP 03-104e 10-71 Ant 71 J, 4.e The P"U'a of thbly MAP Of Bow am&* 1000 a--&. by at Ho Broft od MPMMMWP 14 To adowTo ppe =Sint PsWp DAN& 1967 pp awt 71 j -r~ a4aill The ftobbs of at sol- uu d*" Mow ARtmaus v is$ as updw*A aud L Ve Sarmw* 17 pp~ Howas Aw- 4 deems 1 846ml mimm No 50 19691 pp 89- 102* MMAAV-24-352-70 Sept 71 Ultra$OnU LOMUM Of tbO HDVSMeUtS Of the cardiac valves and m"Clo P-ow on the Dopple. ZMCt and Som fteatoo by Yu. D. Safoww avA ve He Dube.- 7 pp. =610# perp &MUSW Inoy MRA4 i blediteftm. Bar 19W. mp 123-M. JPFS 4564-1 L I jay 60 fi0o659 f. Officier's Mmdbook on Military Hmekeepings by 1. Safronovs Ed., 28 pp. SPRAVOCm mmm PO 70181mm MMAIGTVU2 19682 pp 137-164. PSTC-HT-23-615-7o Feb 73 ;-Uitary ija-mftok. by 1. v. Afycgjov, .'AWo? 19c-fli'l Ip Cov-.r to 4,538 progmis of sciotk-st"~ Physiological in- co"tibility in Appifs by Detarquation of Protein spectras by v, i, satowv. MSSIANq part Dok A Saa 9LgR,, Botan Scia Vol 1360 ft 4# Jun 1969, pp 974-980. CB \J - I , "; A - -~ v t,~ 0 \/ j r) 71 Cyclouia A*Uvlty In UO TVWIO&l I Ow Of tUO ftano wt Atummo omm in LY L I. ls~ Ift T. wala". mmu3s pwp Trudy Im Gift Usaab f%IAVJ Tmtr ra 5, 1967~ IV U)07-(. ff-&: 50WAF (M 7634) ftl-Atwo Cd wt 69 D- 502Y), imerso 'iha=,zs on Vm liwt Apprwetintlai rq' swictims of a (11=1,16M Variable, it,- or 6 S -", GOLUBKOV, B.N. and SAFONOVA, I.A. Use of jet compression in desalination plants using surface evaporati Teploenergetika 16(10):71-4 (1969) (GB 314/W11 275)~i- a. Mme Holmelaal To so tt~~- Vol p p st xx;q OP~i ,-~Sr Y7 Plastic MbrACMU Frm thO VIONViDt of AuOrmat., by E, Safr, Cual, por"IWO a MRAGO Vol VII(IS), NO 90 Sopt M7 ~pp.. Rit'a" ACSX X-M Jul 06 304,243 klw&,-Zy 'Wjacp by In, Ao !-;09171n0 Vol 700 MSSIA'vis Poe kl~~~ab~ 1966o pp 7.5=83. 1,Ll Rogs 5WAY (703D) ,9*1.Atrwo Sel Ftb 66 cz tho skauum of the i'all4tatiamsy sinao limnsloml Fqntim or the bmga%-o d OZ=O LV xn. A. ai%;am. iuslus pme Tmto 9~IWo Vol 700 W60 P? ?1-74. - - . AL 1bgs 522811AF (73%) .climm sai Fob 60. ibtor Transport Manion in Civil linedo ty A6 5&frmm# 5 ppe RUSSIA69 pore Voyawme ZrAniya i-~W 19690 pp 22-23. JPRS 48431 Jul 69 Lefense Lat- "-50some 3869475 Mftr Tt"UPPOrt durUk,, Disgarml tm-d svpw,a- ll~l 0. %0100~ by A. Sm-r=vp 6 pp. I IM per, so 11, Nov 9765, ;;* -W'" M-" 2e-aa.- PRIS 301 q . N o ~, WSR fIll Jan 66 293,T4k, 's,4r-Rc1~0V Sci/B&A ion 69 354on soviet walki%.-, Drag"nes., by RUSSIAN, per, Gi.Jxqtck~mlcheqlo-,-q StroiW- il,)# 2, FOI) 1967j, p-pe 44-46. Apr 67 321pi4) Al't 'Urgal 'Ore aociall J. - 39, 7 lip IL 7 It, ~Y~C! 7~ - 11-Aructural CL=Wv oll I*tal ArWx Faeowic- SpUt AUOyUUp by Tuo If* 'PetrMp to I* wtamp and Yu. P. FAICSIUS w) rp. ,wb,A% Vero _ Otrabotha I PLaktR _ MW MOterialm, WO 20 19650 SCJLFrono~ Jun 4-2 1;-- L QmUty Control Sy" for ivadwUm of Napetic Angular ConveAm# by L. Ko Safftwovs 6 pps R-73SIAN, perg p4hikh WAK LUMMM Vy NMI& ZEN4011-t ad -- 00 -- - Lentivade V01131 NO 30 19?2v pp 7(P4--p JPU 36235 J=O 72 its it ILI MW ClWcal Aspects and TreAtment of Toxic Paoumonia Causod by the Effacts of Nitrogen Oxides, by V. A, safronov., RUSSIAN, per, MggEow-HaditgLuakii Zhurnal, Ho 20 1967, PP 2Z-34. WC-71-12,312-06E Nov 71 V. %. siq~ectjo\l Evolution of the Protoplanetary Cloud and Fomation of the Earth and the Planets, by V. S. Safronov, ?-06'-DP, WSSIMS blEt Fyolyut!M RMLanetno Oblak-a i M ObrRMTLd& Zenit i mmet$, lyaq. NTIB TT 71-500L19 wA Tv F-677 Sept 72 Yu, SD~~kowov t 0; .-Lix.c .11-,urface and Voltme llrcj~crtics of Solutions of Votassiun- and 6wiw, Salts Gi fluurcf-,,-~Ubstittlted Ali,~;Iiatic Acids,, by A* A, Shits p A* A. Sairunova. "USISIA, vvr, buk Al, ':nul. 9.011t. Vol 180.. ;o Ci" S ck F Jan 1 *vjdw of Fl* 1w T, X. Safrow". =SUN,, Ta lb U, 1969: pq 65-69. #Mgt of Inter x7lb" IT 691-5SKW/U Jan 7o - at md=m nwm~ at ew*w use a Mau as*=, - 0 (QMUOW) OSTI A. IL go L ftbown. =19COMPA*2900 co Aw an sma (gag) #0 an , MoUp by Vol Ut6 W 531 0 . -I . G ig F 0,-, 0 N~ c \A ~A tisr Q) SWOUB U. L Safronwa A study of Feynana diagrams of the first Um orders for some states of light atms III. Nmrical calcuj&tions of contributions and diagrams. MWIM, per, Litovskiy Fizicheskiy Sbornikj Vol 7~ No 2. 1967, pp 303-319 NmA TT 1? 14s4oe julY 72 Yu. 1. Safronova Investigation of Feynman diagrams of the first and second orders for some states of light atoms. 1: Expressions for contributions from the first-and second-order diagrams in terms of radial integrals. 25 pp. RUSSIAN, Litovsk. M . Sb. Vol 7, No 1, 1967 pp 53-72 - NASA TT F 14,403 oct 72 ~2v Pastures and Llaynelds in Ruw~ ana mair ContrIbution to the Foddor Dem., by Oro fiecAdor 1, Sam and ih'o reader Gh. Ang4m-l-* 3 Im. 3D. RUMARM,, per, Problem &ZLeple 19670 pp. 1-90 Me 41396 Ae a-, d- e t- IM-Pwmnia Econ July 67 3291"(36 ,~, Ta "O~ ~,0~7,!rmw . , .1, ~ ~ . . - I . . .1 . e.: - . I .. -: 1: , ~L. :0001, -.- fin ac monco=74 iv twsva aid Of at Ive 00 qwj ja 2s mw'. 'W"s MfA 1 7) 1, -Tol , :t,y, ~.j ,f , , ',,~ Imstlation of Vas ftleUm Lou In the RoU As"ly aud to Taque jamop CoeMcdont bulb* DoILIM or a ftw-Migh NMI 'by M. He Selymo X98WP Port SW'; & Te IMs FP 62943D- RM 10&2 "Oft"" Jw 73 E.-~-,nburL on Lawal; 5 pp* F IL'Awetsim ull-fMAIII, per, , m N ;~Ct rr.- ji?tn TA -a' 1,. ''f ~ High-Speed Pulso(I Peforrotion ai e hethod cf ]',c1icv1iq,, Stresses and Eliminating Deformations, by V. M. Sagalevicb, 8 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Vyssheye Takhnicheskoye Uchilishche Ustatoclinyye Napryazheniya i Prochnost Svarnykh Soyedineniy-l Konstruktsly, No 133, 1969, T p 0 =-. p FTD-MT-24-1171-71 Aug 72 AWASOMAnte Qt a 4pbuical amll Dming WeldIng of Mradar JoInUs, by v. m. sagavvict. 16 pp. RUSSIANS pws we bysub2dw Uchilia%", Oatatodmm NarnubwAya i gw_m- W U= I KGRAIN"Blya No 133P 1969, pp 92-104- LUV"D/iff -23-M-71 Sept 71 1wmastrig the Fatigm Strength of Spot- Welded iaWdMLM MA Tltmi= AUay JoIntaj, by V, R. assmiftich w1 D. B. Zolotmv, 7 pp. RMVS., per., Two MeMat go 220 aw 1965.. pp. JPBS 35419 J/9 usal Sci-11111/14 Am 66 3 0 1., C-X Tne !,-,7~cct 0;, elt~1-17CrrAIW VU C4w Oro~lvtliv!; ul -::rM,iSite .;tculss 111 Yc.. Institot Llcrnuy ,;o f-,3, 90-~15. 7,3 4 7 75 Methods for Introducing Redundancy in order to Improve the Reliability of a Finite Autmation, by W. L. Sagalovich. RUSSIAN, per, Probleaq Peredachi Informatsiy, Vol 4, No 3, 1968t pp 62-72. FID HT Special 352-70 Sci-Mach Dee 70 Cyclic Codes Corzacting Uniform Error Packets, by Yu* Lo Sagalovicho 6 pp, RUSSIAN. per. Problemy Peradac4i lnfomnatsii, Val Ij, go Is IWSO pp 117o121. FfD iIT fib-29r,7 Jul 67 3300718 Co 1# rsilW.1 C-D pre T. Begara lbasurement and Record of Crispness of Pickled Vegetables. JAPANESE,, per, Nimm Shokuhlu-Kwo Gakkai-shi,, Vol 16t 1969t pp 350-354 NTO 72-13284-W sept 72 Moserism and Peronism, by 1~~-Oagpotump, 31 pp , GOVMMM U39 ONLY .VAN=p np; Fi Apr4ky 1966,, pp. 14- 18 & 64. ins wo u68 LA-Argentina Pol bby 66 300,t198 Nessedsm wA Soci&Usm~ by Jorge S%utume, T,pp- - GOVIEMMM USE O= SPANWIlt up, FlqWw Apr-)iaY 1966, PP- 10-13- RES Guo 116-8- IA-Argent ~~eL- 7e.- , Pol May 66 300A97 la fieutml latmo by No sloguam. mmrm, npl, inutlya. 7 & 18 *Ytobw 19(9. Avt *f ftv w Mll.-rV4 -M. -A-/ wo KU Jon 70 30.-983 On the Ocean of Energy 69th Year, by R. Sagdeyev. RUSSIAN, np, Izvestiya, 4 Jan i9og, p 3. FTV-S-526 Apr 69 380,608 Controlled Thermonuclear Reactions: Au Ocean of Energy, hy R. Sagdeyev. RUSSIAN, np, jzyestiya, 4 3an 1969, 1) 5, Col 1-4. Dept of Navy/NRL Tr 1175 Sci-Ijuel Sci July 69 I a Tw,oijill Stellanasor, 'by yev, Z4 y. I A'i , urs z1a. ilri~ !:Qk TVI'a ;-iz, '~u o, CILIl)-t, c A Paradox on the Diffusion of Plasma in ToroLidal Magnetic Traps, by R. Z. Sagdayev. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSRj Vol 189# No 6, 1969, pp 1204-1207. Am Inst Phys Vol 14, No 12, June 1970 Jul 70 R , -Z ! ~; 'q C-3- D G -( 7-7-- V -;.Ui~, Vol 0 J~Ii I* Num l"d at so I" III I I is 1w jam pi ftp* vmwa~ ".M- Ts 3964 IM 3,9-3X- 11 mosmsift so Wtokkub Tr 3M Loan Jean Pierre Sage 0$0 0 .4d - PbpdC* Avg 67 4(RFP-Tran&--95) 5PRELIMINARYEXPERIMENTS ON STRESS WAVE EMISSION DETECTION. 6Niwa, Noboru; S~ ehhashnii lclMutaro; Hatano, Hajime y(Tok~o Univ. (Japan)). ansl L'=Translaieor ~w Chemical Co., Rocky Flats Div., from Japanese report AE5-16. 209p. 24Dep. NTIS. 26materials; methods and equipment; translations 2111, 14 2SMN-38 29P NSA materiais of Comstruction Prabl"s 171 Encountered in aeveril. New Processes for tho Production of Electric Current, by K. sagalm GEWI&14,, par, Uwaie Ing Techn, Vol XXXV1110 No Sv 19WO lip 509-514, Mom Trans Gv No 2640 qav 67 7S ~-~ex# I'duiCi "Olu 15, 1%60, 464-472. -,~-2 3 lo, ct r c n i C~, ~jf tw .1-A p bi A Lu '~~,,Yta-r Dar ~Arc;~ i ..Ieu j m-U.-m C, au 1 Ju~ wi-IM) J-- ?d -L~67 9 aw % I* Vam =4 AoUlbawwo by ftftr f;sorp yp I a go ft= lum Go CINWAAA Dimppp InI&P am# 12 04tow 106 r2apwRi c tAL as"" 7/0 e mo us a Opmw qp D, um"twe ftert Pal TRI41911TIMMOOr 1966. 5 pv "(;Vulutiollaq Situaien III C;1j)i Forui"n 1:olicy ~..Utivosv 6'.. "'cur ;i,, I'ler ~aorc Vol 2, 2S Jan 67t .'%"Y - 17630 A Trusistadsod LF OscilUtor for V3 Reaurbg Pwpms, by We Ssgmr~ GEW,Nj, port Padio Und Fernsobftp, No 100, 'me pp 296--797. ACSI 1o9713 10 2204027076 w - ~ SCIO elect may 66 j*-r)(")'Jav- -Jxio,(', Dialog Betuean Catholics and Commmists in Yugoslavia, by SERBO-CROATUNg 20 Fab 72s p 3; 16 Apr 72P p 7. JPRS 56263 Tomislav Sagi-Bunict 18 pp. rjp# Glas Zagreb,, 5 il&F ~.Pp I', , 17; Jun 72 igh fAces ~-,.(Uqcct Bwk ImIustry Froblwas, by i4wr-W-Un ~~mbumvAfj 8 ppo np, rpLand .12 Nov IW, p 14; 9 _ 1, *ov 1968, p 20-0 32-16 Fo- U-19 i, p Igen nm, IcAt p 16. JPI;,3 4?275 -con ieb 69 374048? T-n,a ilarri the ANational ,)r. -etcrinara" I r7'.T' ILI Duvelop"d 'roblems of lood Indratr-j 4scuum by Allmos ~~Aft. 8 pp. ~:UJ,Apuiiv Part L! Ar'sklm-6 J, Z:) CL *an Aur, 69 i~-~othoft to Z*nve t%giaultmml outint biwaswdo by Vur-1w SOCIWO to PP. L, ir.-UiARIANI port imrwat. '-70 91, 19684, pp 942. JeAs 370#055 'As Nubft4ft =d Proonive of A6dwalWml Pro&ICU;p by Dro Vile= SodWs IT ppo MW.A=p pwo ftww." E.Mb.U.P Boo Uj ftv 1965,0 vp. 31-46. JPFS 33682 peon rob 66 295t246 ilasoaroh and Rosilta at -the ll,,nfzaniar~ hisuix,to of Lcononacs -19YWA, bo, 9 PP4, per,, ilary-ar Tudo~~* 5s :.'ay 19659 PP 358-363- JM 32071 Ec on Oct 63 29ot47o bamab&k"" ., Z.:, - m a ~ : . -. 1: ~. I i~ F. 1, SF~~ ; ao\j P, OPtical Activity of Uzbekistsa Petroleum, by F. Z. Sa4dova. MSSLANp per; am!sLa MR* Uzbekskoi ssR. poklady Vol 24., No 1,, 19b7l pp 41-43- nTc 72-14452-ob Jan 73