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Aw 1. Bocor, m W-0-1w USSR A Conttibution to the studies on Dm-opin~t .;-a Light Mada Soiln, bY R. ROMska, of Tillac POLISH. per, Soczaiki Gleboanwicze,vol DO, pp. *CPSTI TT 70-55064 nar 70 ..... .. ... li~v. blvik COPI .72 Mm ~ em"Un or swift anusaw A-2 vixts in ow skok fo *on$ IW imw ammy. I INN M-n! .. a sox=$ aws ikow TAP'- lb 22* 20j, PP T)3L- xoz-w ID gmw*o )(0 ry-I VOUZ sd4m s4pt (o ZMj290 L-, 9011 Itair"Milner Reports on His Visit to Soviet Union, by La- Ronj 5 pp'& - EMEW, npy Zo Hadorakh,.Tal Aviv, 3 Jan 73,, p 40 -- . .1 JPRS 58504 . . Apr 73 ~. In I ~ ~ A-.,tme~;Tbir, ~jcueltw In ~Ivl,- 7 1 6 Frmch Cbmunist ft"rter Describos 'Me --;.,Ar in !,brth Viotn&tr IV -,be* ronco, 22 pp. FR'Z,NCIf,, tvI Lfj.~~toj 17s 21* 22 and 23 Har 196?. JPIIS 40645 FE-lbrth Viotnan Mil jun 67 325,V4 hwric*n Assrowdong Tmoody of TAOS Discussed* O?z by The* Rmo. U pp. I 'Im" Froalt rpto Cabion du fEgId 3960o pp mmo -,trial l. JFFS 47%1 Tq C o P- 0 ik)c () Fol my 69 3U*607 Marine AppliCati=S Of Fuol Calls, bY G Gilles do IS Roadep 17 pp, FiBNOts Ptro LO ROW kgrid0e, NO 222, 19650, pp 764-777. P=17267 WPt Of Navy ONI Tr No 2160 0 14 L E 5- e /a- Scl - Prop & Fuels Fab 67 copyidua Speciml Problms of Artosftsia in b-ftmtt;, b-~;, -) (-,-, Zdclolw PhnWo. FM=p bks 1969* 156 IV* *M W 70-55M'%44 A'Milable M Oral 2d-7.,;:aL.qw Ro,,jJ,-o scl/wi SePt 70 Ro (1461- Sadatfs 'Now Style# Libeftlizes Egptlan Regim by Pierre Roudotv.5 ppo FRRNM* p"', Mv" promaite dt I Poutiv-04 ArMG93MGj MrIs. pp 12-17 50379 Hat, 73 R~.U-) Arabitions Behind King Huseyn! a Penoo Proposal Discussed# by Pierre Itondots 5 pp, FHEIICHp porp Crolasance don Sounes Nationo, Pavia., MaT 797FO 10-13- ' ' J-PRS 56226 Jun 72 The Practice of libbdIsm In Africa, by Pierre 31 Rindot., 11 pp. FFMH,, per,, Le Mais on M~riow, Vol lo lb 5, pp. 46~-)- JPrd3 36r(2 pl 12 ir V-le 1~ 0 rj A Africa soc jai 66 3-A164o SM VW4 IDO UPM. QMUtjy In the Pro&wtiW of Hafto and Televisift Qftsp tv iomm C'i~ so 23t 2 J= 190p F#w 4,p 5- JM 31WD /v RONGINE DE FEKETE, M.A. Metabolism of sta rch. 1. The coaversion of sucrose into starch in the cotyledons of Vicia faba. 2. The conversion of starch into sucrose in the cotyledons of Vicia faba. Planta 87:311-32 (1969) , - (CSIRO/No. 10039) The Growth of PlurimiMarmonie F=euicm and the Distribution of the Values of Entire Punctions Of Nurv Variables., by L. 1. Pca-Adn. TOSIRIp perj, Dok Ak r0& SISSIR, Haths, 'Vol 179,0 No 2, mg" pp Zgo..Lgz. The Amarlooz 1,htheretical Society Vol 9., No 2p 1960 Cot 68 363s4.on of a Fuction 4(rit . v Gonvwc vith Hespmt to lalt - L, I. Ronkin, RUSSIAN$ parg Dok Ak Nauk SSSR9 19671 pp 10284031. Am Math Soo Vol 8t No It 1967 9 rn) s ' P 'nrng by Vol 172, No 5, L . 1 . P'010 K I* T'j Nov 68 370t346 An Amlog of the Welentran Canwical Product for Entift Rmatims Of sonwal caqaex VariAblexp by Le Ie Romidno ~ RUSSUNO part Dak Ak Nimk S...S.SR,,,, Vd i75s No 4l, 1967v pp- 767-76~. Am Yath Soc Vol 8, no 4t 1967 L ~ T - P- o i\~ i~ "~3 Nov 68 3A225 vmv od WSW DwAsuous tv W SWRIV41- / C~l no 472 *mob 2T-3Ds Mwo vwt nonnsmto In& 19Z - mis w: 5296 03D) M , R o 0\3 l'o ~ fj I j h46--% 411oft" w 69 AsOIT Qvigiu of Stress Corrosion Crads an 18-11 Stainless Stool as Studied by Elvaran and Optical Microscopy, by A, Rmuquist. FRENCU" per., Cormion et Anticormsion, Vol 14 j, No 1,0 1a Vp 3.8, NASA TT F-116Z59 GUVE,RWP&NT USU ONLY sci-phys Doe 67 347t574 Areas Occupied by the Main Genetic Groups of Recent Sediments in the Ocean, by A, B. Honov. RUSSIA, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR,, Vol 179 . No 3. 19680 pp. 701-704* AGI d . S . IC 0 AJ C,',/ Jan 69 -M-345r ,393 - Y 0 -L (2 - (2,0 t~ +~ /9 NJ e- s Eng.11sh Title Unknom., by R. Rontanges., 9 pp. 11 p per., Fame Des Corps Do Santo Vol 7p No 1) 102 IV 3-13-120o ACSI K-0250 Nov 71 "irLb of the 21utwium !~,arkct, I-,,y Fcinteix, 4-t al., !A 1-1. ZOV". 31 jwc'*~ O"IrLy Zrieraic Rudc~,,A-rc, Vol. P, ;-'hrls, DIte 61, pfl. 2716 sci-~iuclcilr Sci. wnd el; "n(; by Computer oi bute !iwiplied' by a Proces 11 1 ',lass Spoctrometcro by P. Ponteix,, Fid,"Ric-ll' perIciliT-10 Analytique, Vol $1, !..'o 6, 190, 290-295. AiX/UCRL-Tr-10361-69 1~1 Doe 69 Frewh Comwalst FvOluation of ""Idor Am Atli ::#U, f OurisUans end luesiralAlity of Uydted AcUon.. by Jem Ronyl, 9 pp! FIRDlicil, PVrl, La !!Z~le crititnu"p. !~O 178. Auff.-S~t 19,56. pp. 97-10fo.. JPR..3 /V' SOC oct 66 313.57,'~ Me Connection Between the Potential For the Destruction of the Passive State and the Composition of an Alloyh, by M. No 11onzhin, Ve Go Pedanova* RUSSIAN.per, Dok AK Naul, SSSR, Vol 180 , No 5 , Ame, 1968, pp 1161-116T", CB 14) - a/o /7, 0 -)-? a /,, 1, --, , Jan 69 373-.U9 Polamgrapby or Atocdc: Absorption? An Appraisal of Two Cmpetitive Techniques., by R.Rooney. GMMAN., per., Mas-und-Instrmenten Technik Vol. 11, no* 3,v 1967s PP* 11W-158- HE 7D-1703T-07D 1( , (7-4 June 1971 Autamting the Photagrammetric Swvice of tho -SKI P4*.harlW JAM flegeUra kr P. A. Looss 11 ppe GMURANg *t# dep Ugger- --66- 1-15, ijf TOJNTI-423~- AD 845 o62 P. A. Roos 64i-iar Sd lob 69 3?30023 "Iftic cvIl s 17 -.Is(, -iatc ri it: vsc.,w, t-4 )'107 Concerning the limadliny, of Larp Tankers and the Govositiop of Crows of Flags of Conveniences by Je Roparse FWICI,, per,, jomal do La mazUe Hurebundom, 27 April 1967,p pp 910~-911. Dept of Comm Maritim Addn,' Rkur/preach/kil Jun 67 3274,24S P134 ~Iarlne Ani- aals Pro4ucts, by ii.-J. Paparduss K. ROPLO. 6AAMAN, 1A, PISCIMahl, rluhol uud Audere Jureau of ComuoTtial Fis',)orias Offico of Foreign Visheries a 3 * A -28/Aay ~Jn Loan Only Jaly 6Z9 ii 66.,, 4 ,lisi, Titio Unknowns by L Ropelawski, Enp 2 p. FOR ODFICIAL USE WLY POLISHp pur, Gospodarka Itibila, Vol XVII, No 2, 1965, pp 3-5o *M-STI - 'IT 66-57038 1, sci-Itise Feb 66 '~ ir 9- L; & I/ Single Parcicle Statos in a Deferred Energy- Dependent Nucleus Potential, by Peter Poper, 321 lip. GEN.'M', pur, Z Physik, Vol 195, 1960, pp 316-342. AECIUCRL-Tr-105,14-71 Sept 71 TAo buccal Architecture and the Stomato- 3.1 genesis of Ichtliyophthirus Multifilis Fouquet, by 4. Roque, P. do Puytorac. FRENCH# per, Protistologica, Vol 3, No 1, 1967, pp 79-96-. NTC 69-11265-06C July 69 386,972 t.? Do Stwdly at a DwU* ParrdttiM tbO Arwb V"Mring or a aRtWdte AeUvltyo TV IL 90qwsp Bwtb*Uu. ~ ~ paj, du Potro2s at WS m The Rolo of Bw&s in Afriamn Davdopment, by Plerm P*qaes. 5 pp. NUCH, POrt ODUMt83 et ODntinents, Vol 59. ~b 5, Jw).'Kar 1967, ppl 1-5.1b. jam. 40513 AFRUA Scon Vey 67 325,4711 7" &O*Xdt Tats4a or the lvm c,-astt ),.7 bor Pkft" BVMP 10 IV* s Vert, Peamt w,i WM W, Mi Ap%vkv4u" 137-*?T jpfs 3a95 pf ,fgf~,i ~qjxc~ wa-hwwe fto AUG a MP955 Wfoot Of S= 004podo Substanoss On the IMIC CMV=ItUs Of tjw smwU Fiber of tin Rat Awftp by 0. DWIVID., X aWMOIJ"* NoM Vwj, Ard*bw s the Vol 67s No 2j. 2b5"=- = 69-25599-060 416 on 69 Study of tile luflUOUCO Of Pnporties =d In. clusims on the o-Asift =d Prwagation of Clea. V89"o bY L* RIMCh. at al, FRMGI,o per$ Rev. ~*t. Mg1j. Sci 0 Vol 63, 1410V 19660 14p 94i-ErT70"" *BISI S632 Jun 67 FE le, Endan'vcrmtent of the Neonate by Pronatolly Adwiniacred Drugs, by R. 1"osanalli. GERM-MI, per, Monatschr kinderneilk, Vol 116, Na 6, 19(-)8, 11)) 25~-,-Z%z iffs-G.7-1515 April 72 Letter from Tecimical Committee on 14aterials of the International Comaisslw ujj Large Dai!i;~, luy 'N' Rosailovs 5 pi). kUSb1x.q, LvttQr irom Um. Rosanuv, Committ" on Vateriais vE U11 Large Dams, Moscow, French, 20 Ma; 1972. April 72 Conalt,sions of COU ROPWOSSt"tivID's HestlM CaUed bbr Vati"I Finance Com- mission and EdUW503 Ca,=Il of NAO" Erat by Je ROMIOSP 7 PP-b M-MMI PWO-7- 20a Brit Nw Era) v NO 51 &%,,na 1963, pp 85-90- JM 31410 LA . Ar.,entine POI kig 65 2869671 'fAu vuala 31wja, Luban,,- 6 7 i,z Q. C) S n S 0- k; K) C-) The 3dwealein-Henoch Syndrome, Description of a Case with an Ummual Etiology j by F. Rosaschino IMMI IXWI Kimm Patialacap Vol 19, 1967s PP 234,6-23W NTC 71-13130-061-E M= 72 bt* and Tutim of a SgrAd Uadm (Ato ~Olvo for llgb-SpoW kUtM Tuuwl# tV Ph* PAmts 24 pp,, FRaicil, rptt at dcLT", of kavy WI tr 24a 3ci--~iwh i4ov 67 MOM I= - e C, a q sco- ~ -. ?,~ .0 On the Use of Some New Antibiotics in tho Thexapy of Newbo= Grad-Negative BaciM Infootions. Part II, BaCtedolagical Stixliesg by r, Romschino ITALIAN# pore IU= &dlatrlml Vol 19t 1967t PP 1763-1766 M 71-15128-060 r.= 72 ftlaing the MOM Of Diva /". .11 azd IW= In Agdedtunt by Lo Hoscs~ 7 PP, mum, per, adtoa wc'aUsto4 No 7j. 17 Pet 30, p - im 346W 0 mrxztwa I . os:ek, BOM Apr 66 NR2970 1,10dern 1-4etilods Used in Crude Oil Exploitation, by 1. Adonache, t, 10 pp. 111IMNIAN, per, Petrol si Gaze, Vol XV, No 8s Aug. 1964, pp 387m591, jPRS 27,360 L.'E.-Itummiia Econ .Jan 65 271S676 ROSCHDENKINg B. BU IMPROVING TRAINING FOR ANTIAIRCRAFT AND ROCKE T PERSONNEL ARMEYSKI PREGLED, NO. 6, 1972, PP. 110-114 FSTC-HT-23-1126-73 ()n the DMIOPEnt TrwA ct the Specific 'CaPitfil EXPMM f Or Cbeadcal Ments under the Ina== ef Ilbehama Prov"s (n) by U--L=t Roober., 9 pp. GMWs per, Statistleche Proxiso Vol xxs, go 229 Dee 1909 PP- 519-522- JPrS 356T itm 66 302075 RICT-ruscrautior of Austertite Forrmitiou in liyj~U-Lutcctoid S teels or Piq:ramse Iiy S j- A, 'vese mtd ',t;. t3trassburp. Uflt'.W., Etuhl Useit, Vol 7u, July 26 19S69 ~~jk 976-903. 01 691"16 Jut) 69 K 3, US~ weldability of oi&Wtmgth strutural AI SUSIM, 2(fict of Welding Conditions on F Uoir khavio=& by At R0594, mms, Pere Stahl um. Vol 86', ime 2, 1966,6 pp *HSI $041 19, eos ~f sci-matorials Sept 66 131 The Possibility of Increasing the StTenflth to of Stool by Thormomachanical Trontrient, by A. Rose, 11. P. Hougardy. URAA13, per, Zeit Mletallkundo, Vol 58, Nov 1967, pp Y4-f--752. BISI 6363 sci-Hat Aug 69 389,532 Rosponse of SUOU to Host Tunuwt* by A. ROM ~6 MWI, Par* C.I.S.Cire 0 NO so 1966* pp 6210 Z-2 ~ 118161 S006 P. p D',C 7-'- Set-materials sopt " Lutootdd Stmatume in it. P. amsordy. awlilt Pot fW&M &g4-. IWIIW3 P-. (--, sai/i +- .~A iim 68 1~ stwl, by A. Rosoo Aua 196?s pp 552~533- 370,,1()9 Representation of Austanitc Forration in 5ub-Eutectoid- Stcels in Time-Tomperature Solid Diagrams, by A, Rose$ w, .5zrussburj;. GERMAN, per, Statil,Eison. Vol 76. 26 July 1956, rp 976-983. *BISI 6036 /~ , /I'd a~~ 5-ci-! in Mar 69 v Effect of Certoin Elements on Iron 97 0 - Crystallization During Solidification, /I by A. Rose. GERMAN, per, Arch Eisenh, Vol 39, Oct 1966, PP *81SI 6907 Sci-"at Mar 69 Tba 1*34ablutl a2 Mdk. ~~ cowtvw. tual fteau: 2* waumm ac W4116- o=uu= on DOWVtow w IwArsAb, -U:r iA. rmu mwp per), stem Vol W6.,, 2,.T= W, G53-672. .DMI 5--,41 A. Rose 314,, hkl, 66 CIVUS, ad Itr1w m4ba"Irt" 62, outoctoid stractum in Steele by A. ~Osv & is I-, ao~. -'itk& kai~, , No per* Radex bme, Aug 1900 pp 529-o533- *`!L-31 6453 i 1- .1 U, ,- ,oik C , -At juac 63 Effect of Certaiii Eleuents During Solidification, by GUMN. per. Arch. Usenh, pp 793-7979 M51 6907 on iron Crystallization 76 A. Rose. Vol 39. No 10, Oct 1968, /? 0 :3 e- Sci4laterials P0, 69 3750330 of th,, ~Jloyjjjg ~Lam-mu~ lf-uring the D-andritic, SoUdification of Farrouc, by A. Rose, et at. G.12AAII, per, Arch Asenh,, Vol 3), Nov, pp ii29-336. BE"I 7575 ,~Ci.-M,nt ~\ , ~Z- ,'~ ap- T j AkyL-- )0;;~- atiua c& 1, k~l Ether of Tetrabasic Carbonic Acidv by Burno Rose. GERHAA, per, Liebig's Annalan der Cheide, Vol 20S, pp 249-234. *ACSI J-6300 *FSTC-,'IT-23-640-68 Sci-Chem Mar 69 mamt4o ftuviues in 'TtMO~ ty J- Awfu TMI k7 -d* 2o t964 pp 161470--, opt es -lavy ac tv 2515 4ur ;5D,197Z Ou the DetOrmination of U Layer /C~O Absorption for a 2000 ka Path and Its cadpoints, by G. Rose. GMAAN, per, Archiv der Elek- trischaft Uebortrujung, VOI 19, !io 2, 1736S, pp. 103-11. 4-0c July 69 "'...'Propert ie&:,oj IUUBtmted List of Comm' arA S*Ientiflo tiuas of Flalms from the Guu of m-doo in lAtinp Spwdsh, kmi=s, wui&irjirh, by hUton ie4 go"* 46 13p. jRUSSIANO It* jukOh9da Zatyp 1967s 231 pp. JM 46*74 '41iHoA1 !~ov 68 Y709 126 i 31 '5actiols" by Lwso~"Ox* c i, r; L a wdwir,ul mvelowat of swra &Qply - /~) A32 Obligation of the Electrical Wastry) by Meel, 9 pv.~ GHW"p per,, glaktr1*2 Vol 19,, No 120 Dee 1*,- PP - 47 JPFS 34101 19-But GermW Uw Mar 66 295,,912 lhe Rubaland Rdirml-d --- ULa'Oclc'-U DCV*lO?zkmt Md , 0 of Ito Ef lwluattl3l AL-aauras for the lwrcaj .Ucjemy~ 4s VIA 1,J, NO I., 11,956, 7-16 DU LU Iiii-67-1 Vaur-cerwny 34 10 W Cron