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1964 a Olk th 0 Toolavidlo purse saiming itIOD (o ~ ~,Yts k miyal& ~Isiavaskoy IL0,11hor ~O'' , , no; nil lk(6)&. 60-64. In Rw&dam. Y, Trans6rtom in ma S4-4~ Pit" ecF MAR 2 9 1,965 riginal A I ~i. Ch,ijc~ed.~p Wbo p esswe of' retrigmated mchims F,aocvll4tllL,t Itli!! t~w age!! reislonlo ro ramobott promesbutoohnogo &VIO 'olvi li-sykh W"Um dvu)&*tftp4woh&tO9* ssh&t'.Y&). v 0~ ~Zivl al t 40 6 In Rus, a on. ~riinslatio6ll in sk- z MAP A Ir tCIO C~ecked SP ....... Doibiah:. !AO 1964 RationiiI ~zp~ +Atica of natural souroes of vituain A (0 A). ratsional*nota tepAltovanii priradnykh listoohnikow vitamin& Rybuoe rhou"Ysivo, !S(6)t 78-81~ In Russian. Translation in pr(~gress MAK' 1965 Originol Article Checked ernymhe+,! IF,, Anto"kin, and VI"Wr Beledy. 19 64 Frm thIisIBpesoli'ex of the partiaipwnU cif the camforence of ~,otmg Far 16:9t fish*rmm (Ix wyetuplonlY uohastnikov slot& mlodykh rybakovi"llnega vostoks). Itybnoe Khomysist", 40(6).- 9-12. in Russian. Transkficn in progreis yl~~-n- 'D. C WIAR SP Original Article Checked Purse Seining for Herring with the SM-400 Trawler, by A. 1. Kostin. RUSSIAN, per, I!ybnoe 1(hoz, Vol XL, No 6, 1964, PP so. Dept of interior Fish and IfIldlife Service Bureau of Comercial Fisheries USS11 Econ Jun 67 329,087 New Forntia~rs of Fishing Kolkhomes of Sakhalin, by A.!,A. Taranov RUSSIAN, pdr,, nos k1oz, Vol XLj, No 6, 1964,, PP 58--~'59. Dept d,f Interior Fish a~nd Wildlife Service BCF, Hiureau~of Foreign Fisheries USSIZ Econ Jul 671 332990~ PP, I of L I d; I an I u of is on the Icelandic Purse Seining by M. Ya. Groysman wo Rybnoe Khoik, Vol XL, No 6, or ife Service arcial Fisheries Sci4Misc un, 329v083 V. no ,71 of sci-4. Juin i., 16 of Interwdiate Pressure of Re- %chinos with Wo-Stage Compression, Wboys, *a !ybaoe Vol U. No 68 19640 OMP Prior [dUf* Service wwrtial Fisheries 329,081 Exploitation of Natwwal Sources of I atilpn4l R'j I ~ki by G. A, DoIbi3hj, Vift 116� 1 IMIO POT, 1"poe Khoz_, Val XL, No 60 nterior D, p itildlife Service a n Biw6au Commercial Fisheries Sci~]BUI Jun167 329007S - 14 Book re~i o Ivanov, At2mtio Voy!Ae. Li~l S oday& Qv&rXry-&"V-.-D63. moo Xhazjralst7pp' la(6)-. 94. In Russian. 1964 (Atlacatiahesidf Tfanshiliorm in pl"rsu j l0riginal Arl,jcie Checkeos.p, Presdint Status and Future Propacts for the Cc"siructul~:*Lon of Fishing Vessels,, by G. 8 Tar6nt"evs RU$SIAN, per,, 111(ybooe Khoz,, Vol XL,, No 70 1964, pp *DdIpt of Interior Fish i and Ifildlife Service Bureiu ofCotmerical Fisheries USSR Eco", Jul 67 ~ I Ilie Industry of the Far Last in the N6wiStago of Development, by Sh. Nadibaidze, RUSslm,!Amrl- Rybpoe Khoza Vol XL, No 7, 1�64, pp!~6-9. Depi of Interior Fisli and'' Ilifildlife Service BUT6au of Commercial Fisheries ari F Hast L. ton .71in 67 329,093 The: lost powlete Use of the Resotwees of the N;oi4iDZU: shing Basin, by A. 1. FilAppov, RUSS AN r Mbnoe KUL, Vol XL, No 7, 1964,L-pp 11. D I of Iterior F?e* 0 sh~ and Wildi-fe Service Bux,ea,u 0~11 Clommercia; Fisheries LJSSR~ ECM i ita 67 329,079 Fiis "g: 'th Electric Lights for Azov and Aild oVxe by I. I. Lazanov, , ~ "I RUS IANO per$ Rybuoe Khoz, Vol XL, No 7. I I I awr '9114 0 pp 36-360 Dp t of Ifiterlor 10~ r .i 151 andIjkldlife Service BUrOau ot, Commrcial Fisheries Sci~'I= tar Sri ~ i 11 Juni67 329,090 Elecir magnlp'tic Plant for Sea Water Processing, by 11~~ Sh!~-~uWov.. RussIAH, pai, IVbnov, Ehosm, Vol X10 No 7, 1964, pp S2-$4. Dept;;o' Intpriur FWi d IdIdife Service Bureaui;o al Ffsheries Jun 67 329,100 i New uhifo and Insignia for the Personnel of th~ Fis'ing Pleat of the USSR. by N'. I Gory 6v, RUSSIXN, p" r Rybnoe Khoi,* Vol XL, No 7, 19649 pp 5,1~4'0. Dept of Into or Fish ~nd Aldife Service Bure" of 6merrial Fisheries MR tLi I Jn 67 329,08j4 7 7-7-11-T . ...... New' ieldsilfor Fishing Kolkhozes of Saklalkin,, by T41'anov, RUSSI'Mij, per, Rybm* KbA>z,, No 7 0, 1964v pp 61-62. of Interior pt Fis~ ' d Wildlife Service BCFj Burea6 iof Foreign Fisheries i I C1 Manuka tutir t, g Sausages from Frozen Yellowfin Tuna 10 ~ Z 'I 6 , )r A, Yakovieva, G. S. Khristoferzen. RUSSIAN &bnoe Kham,, Vol ),L,, No 7, 1964, 7 pp 69-1 0 Dept o n6rior Pis i 8'd W~idlife Service BU U1 of qpmercial Fisheries sci-1101 i Jul 329.R106 .Con~uic ifficiency of the Use of Production P.6ii6vr ors in Trawling Operations In the Ba.relits; Sa, by V. I. Zakurdayov, fdk~sim, j;er. Rybnoe Xh2E. Vol XL, No 7, 1964, ~Si-84~ pp De~,t!Of I#tCTior Fis,hlland Oildlife Service Bureau of~:Commrcial Fishories USSR' Eccin Jul 67 329,107 P liams i,~ Calculating Costs in the Fishing ud#try, 1by L. M. Guzhavina, RLASUi~iw ~,6r, Rybnoe Kh2.s..,, Volt XL, No 7, 88 1964,pl pp8 Dept ~f Inierior Fi,sh and Wildlife Service Duna~, of tDmorcial Fisheries suit Ecoll Jun 67 1=329,084 Ou:C6rtaln HeaUts of the Work: Blac~ ft~il nshing Madustr7j by, RWS*,, ~er, DILaw XhoEzp Vol 19649. pp 0-8.- Deptl of Interior Flok and Aldlife Service Bureau of Oommercial Fisheries USW &on' may of the Azov- I. F. Denisenko., n.$ NO 81 326., E151 N6vi Data on Indian Ocean Fishes., by V!. IV. 19~krasov, RWSIAN~ per,, U!2oo KhoL., 'Vol XL, No 8,, 1064, p~, 9-11. beat oVInteTior i , Fish and Wildlife Service Buitau 'of Commercial Fisheries sci-B&M Aai 67 329,094 p p no.; ifor"tion on within-speckes Differences jthe~~icipeuserid Fishes of the Mwpian Sea, A'4 rkhanov. 11 ' I r,.r. 14rknoo Mori Val XL, No 8, 1964, 48 )f inter 16 Sci B/M may, 300,6202 On Fishing assal Types Designed for the Fleet ,, I IVI Fishing by No A. Avdeyev# RUSSim: '0 RZbnoe Khozv No go, 1964, pp 31-32. Deptl~oi Ini irior Fishl~a6sd I~iidlife Service Mr. j6rea~! of Foreign Fisheries; sci_ Jul 67! 332,911 Pf Lers jbn a Vessels, by V. Krutiov,, gU~ AN iper., E8noe fho!, Vol. XL. No 8, 196t~-~ -p 1460 p 0 Deft~ fI;hterior and r-Ohl lifildife, Service Buiviau of'! Comercial Fisheries. Sci-4i,jech Jun 67 329,088 Heikings gre Attracted by Electric Light,, by G.! F"ilimonov, Rtw~ims, pel's Lybnoe Khoz, Vol XL,, No 8, 1964, pp 61-6L~ Dept of interior Fi~;~ andlilwildUfe Service Otl~~au of Comnercial Fisheries sci-Bui Jun 67 329,078 Ne ~UCCQ of Sakhalin Fishing Koklhozez,, by~& A. Talov, RUSS Ali , or, Itybnoe KhozO Vol. XL, No 8, 1964, pp'6 -62.11' Deptj of 1,~terior Fiiiijand 'Wildlife Service Buiv4u of' Conmercial Fisheries, Sci-Ear Sci . I Jun 67 3290104 Tako mxl~ Go S MwiStoffraft. 1964 mmirs ixg i ~"eo ;;am frocom yellowf in tuna (Ixgotovlonlo sooisolc Hx*l!nN"leu*g* Zbeltopeiogo tvatom.). Fqbxoe: 0~ st!r6, 40(8): 69-70. In Russian. R.Yc~.n6l... FEE 1-36E, VIC T- C 0 ck SP i9inol AvIttle CNeCked .... .1- mg Mmy InquisitIves Men-Witted j N. Sabel 'ev# no 8 Per mkwg KbO!p Vol XLV T3- of flMife Service Oomercial Fisheries Sqi~]Jehav,orlal & Social Iftyl 67 326, 866 andards ot Amortization for Vessels of the IT Fie it, by A. V, Sorokin, 1 0;0, ls~ 01 p &bnoe Khoz-, Vol XI.,, No 8,, 1964,, lei P,p so- 1. Dept ) lnt~nior Fish W3.14ifv Service utwea6 ~Of coinwrcial Fisheries USSR Econ Jun 67 329,102 Rr" V. 1~ 2964 ~f f id mw of the use of production refrig"Iwa In 1000 19 1'' 1 lirstA I in the Barents Sea ((Yb likencedchoskal 01a sni'mail ii~illsovmiya praiuvadetv.mmy refr4shwatorov trslo46~ 246 v B&rmtsevm more),, In Rmialm. ranslation inIprogres PL 480 .... R.YA FE6 ?)C-F SP riginal Ar~icle Checked ......... A t ofor Fisherman Walges . by 0 Syst L.., ZliPyatip. RUS,~IkN, ~er, PVbnoe Khoz, Vol XL, No 8, 1964, pp -1-94. Dvo~jof terior N Fis:h land I ildife Service 4 BtF,,, I.Ourve of Foreign Fisheries iu USSR Econ Jul 67 332090-4 Tb ihe Workers of the Fisheries Industry, RUSSIANO PO''r. Rybnoe Xhoz, Vol XL, No 8. 19640 pp Dept bf Nterior Fish ~nd Aldlife Service BCFO Wrmiu of Foreign Fisherios USSR Hcon~ Jul -67 332,906 Azbe. v*P' ana 14 immarov. 1964 ins! cf; scoUnatt" plak Whon in northwu Etwope i 1t;0 ~iklimwtizatvil gorbustA n& *wopelskm jotnue zt, sivot 40(9)t 7-6& In ftsolm. T,.~6s..Iion in progtess PL _ _ .................... ............ 1965 /5c /- 8p Original Allicte Checked- 1964 via$ -boo*; ii (AmWakWa The i Cftso dsurlaus2 - mw fort s. lm ,lugs ni 6ho bj6.gxT5TTO taos 11~0! ~2(qj; 16. In Russlika. T& UaAsl.oi In PrOgress PL 480... F [I 4 L L O-Ll L" SP Ort g incl As f i c1 tCheck e d. 0 6 0. 1964 n6.6'! ~j i OGWV6131 fOr ~4 ip repair in aOtion (Romervy sudareamta v ztrii).I~ ,I i noe~~ Zho"afstwo. 40 9): 34-35. In Russian. rl"Idlion in progri-sr. OL 480 . ..... ...A FEB SP Originol J~Itlclej. Checked.. 1964 vessels of tho 81W t-ype and Of side trawlers S=e"ta"a, A rabo suday Up& BURT i trolarov bortovago 4bnoe 13~;~~stTo, :LO(9)s 51-53. In Ruwalm, t T ahslaticn in progress PL FED 196$ SP ~original Ar'ticle.. Checked 1964 ~jVtc:kv -of a 'ual when elootric potentials am present ~im water Rs t Wmlw4ista pri nalichil. elsk-triobeekikh ~Iybvoo Khox7alowpo !R(q): 50-59. In Russian. In Orogross PL 480.... 1P, c SP original Article Checked amp Gp~ 80# 714 A* RAAQh-~*cbwgbpv. asp6otb, I t or "ing Us, with blamirain ftw proma-vW fresh, ad Illds s bicadtolum 11 "1 ' sv= Obblaubdommal I-yby)o 00 :%(9)t 60-62. Is Rusypim. 6fion if) FEB SP iginol Aruicle Chocked ...... I I I 1964 kmb*v j:m ~A Ille,' 6~ i; varlat tCrtSI effort in auttilIg tuna with a knife th Oge (Imeamie udellnyidt usilil pri remaii stma:noshom a ~r7aWm lezvim). bnae khai"Ystvia. 40(9): 62-65. In Ruissian. lation in prc~qess PL 480 FEE ~1966 Originel Artl0e Chocked i . 1, 'i . 11 1 ~ a! IL Motor. 1964 16 The~ eomow a .atfloisney aIf a I vebmixatics and mutomatim of is cat'abl!06' flm~"g v9suols (SkamandabeakWa ~ffokttvmostl dchwdtaimii i xN+mmtizmtsil dabychl ryby n& suaakh rybcprowg~ 'avqga~ h0i a - ~~ rbnoo lholix~Nst*,60. 4o 9); 73-74s in ftesialm. ranslation in ptogrez :~PL FLE&i I j05 ll~ Z) C tnoe 1ho"Yety , o. 1964 ldnta~('~~Jz fis~lwbia can be exploited with advantage Intal ' rry'bib relultabolOnays). tnosAmotyalst"'', 40(9)t 75-76. In Russian. T n in pro Oress PI, 480 FEB SP iginal Ai,hclle C6acked ....... I win, V-~ v shikh drozef). 1964 oar pl,' ybnoo 40 9): 77--80. In kutml&n. ion in Ao L - L FEB a -r/L L iginol Arrii~le Chieckep :! i U I 1~.! nc~~ pi I fxtv~l 1964 A bapok ihe 4~.~6*w of the flabiq Oollectivvs (Knigs ~A 'Okon bciio~wwteklkh kolkhozar). noe St 40 9): 91-42. In Russian, .1trallon In Prot re 0- U(-, SS L: A 10 F 1965 RC/7 Check~dsp setting Pux~e-Sieneson Fish Located by Seiner's Owhi 9cho-So6der,, by L, P. Gostomyslov, Russi4,. Poi. Rybnoe Khoz, No 10, 1964, pp3l-34. Dept~of Int, mor Fish a~a wildlife Service BCF,,B4reOuIiof Foreign Fisheries i Sci-Navi Jul 671 332P dos Fish'i g Tactics and Optimm Decisions, by 0. .1L Tishifiskiy, 1. 1. Gubarev. RL~~IjWj, p r,, Rybnoe Kho No 10, 1964, pp 44-47. iOf in:Orior EA bept, Fish and Wildlife Service BCI'O~ iurea6 of Foreign Fisheries USSR Ecori Jul 67 332,9" Yudano, 1964 The~ I a of Arctic cod (Pishchevaya tsennost' saYki). Rybncef -uya vo , 40 (lo): 69-70. In Rus s i an. TMsfaliorl in progrilst PL 480 -,151.7 . .. . ..... .... FEb SP iginol Arlicle ChqCked 4' Koval I C~ 0. 1 irive~S6 tion (Issledu"L-Eliya 1 'h , Pybnoe 1, oz,yaYsl ic964 if the technology of nev fishery objects 1 tekhnc)logii no%,ykh oe(!ktov rybnogo ~romysla). 'c, -4C (10): 71-73. In Russian. Tirms1alion in progriiss PL 480 FEB Original Arlicl:e Cheeked Bulkin' ~L. S. 1964 Ways to lower, the ccstl of ;,.repruceszirig an~~ h~.r-e:itlng Atlantic ~he - lati. s 1 1izhenfya nr~beLtolmcsti ujubrabLt;ki 1 ~.;burk' rr, r4 r t d! Rybn~;e lraI,t;~vo, 40(10): 80-8, In Fussia Translation in,progreus Pl. 480 ..... FEB 1965 RC Original Artirte Checked ,Ickseev An e 4 c oPges Kh,,ryaf.,Av(:, 1. Ya. BerenshsteYn. 6 4 ysir of the work- of two SRT' -. during fi~h-,,r e~-kiiv analiz raboty dv,jkh -,RT zzi n)r 40(10): 8-4-84. In la531an. ii' Plvgresy Pt E6 SP Originni Atticlje Chetked -- . i j) 1964 perience (Basseynovye shkcly A bas h, lehoo !.of adva"ced cx peredovdkg 0- Pvbnoe 4,0(10): 85-86. In Russian. in prog, ass PL c-&9 FEE Ige5 Originol ArticLt Checked 3p nov~'!A. nd Ir Shirokov. 1964 Inves:tio#ing~,~~.erves, introducing aal. new a,lvances (Izyskivat' zervy drya I vse novoe, peredovo*). Y 1! a st up bhot 4o io): 86-88. In Rt; s s i an. rogretss, PL Translation in FEB 1965 riginal ArtIicie Checke~p Rybno~ kh ',:zyaT, 0 1964 ~f the combined commission on fithing in the The 6th se3a~ Danube 1,ia ers sessiya smeshannof kanissi po rybolovstvu v jVbnje Kh,)zyaY~Avc,, 40(10): 95. In Russlan. Translation in ptogress PL 460 FEB O,iainof Ae~icle Checked Se1e e lopers on Fish Culuturee by A. P. Ivabove V. M, Ivasik, at ale RUSSIAN, Bore 1"nom Khpb Vol XL, No 11, 1964, Del ilof 1011terior land ~idlife Service B Bureau of Foreip Fisheries Jui 67 3320932 ~ j on 4e U61gical Value of the Proteins of the Food 6sed in Fish Culture, by AW ~P Ivdhdv, PX IAN,,perj, Rybnoe xhoz Vol XL, No 11, 10614~ pp P-18. Deptlof 14terior Rib 'land ifildlife Service Bureziu of 'ji'Comoercial Fisheries Sci-*4m Jun 67 329,08S i tA Therapeutic and Prophylactic Prep- M iLate a at. 1,~sed Directly in Ponds. by r. ions,, V. Sa4m i JutiW Ivisik, B. G. Svirepo, ANS IIper, Rybnoe Xhozo, Vo2 PP if Interior and ~,'Aldlife Service u of Cowwrcial Fisheries XL, No 11, 329#086 AnAjiparatus for Incubating the Pelagic Eggs of 1-shes,~- by & 1. Zotin, G. Y. Popova, RUSSIANI, Oer, Rybnoe Khzo, Vol XL, No 110 pp 24-267~ Depit I lof "ierior Fishfand Wildlife Service Bur6fp of 4onmercial Fisheries Jul 67 :1290108 Gosd V I P* 11--64 il.~ echo sounder during pur3e seining (Zamet na Se it svoy ~k6ci bt 31 lk-ishelikovom love) Rybnoe ZYA.-~,vo, 4,0(10): 31-34; (11): ~4-39- In Russian. in prlogressTL 4~ ,FtB C Originol Ai:ficle SP ~ i ,~ircked. Sett -*So no on Fish Located by Seinerts rurs I! Own!E, 0-,S under. by L. P. Gostomyslov, 10 RUSS~Sli.N, ~r,, Rybnoe Khob No 119 19640 pp 34-39. lit Dep In eri Filhi 6d W,. Idlife Smvice BCFi: burea4, of Foreign Fisheries sci-~X~v Jul 6~ 332,906 Aut lpati, 'a or RefrlpratlAg bastallations in U167nablizatry.. by A. B. lktrsell,, RO#W,t I~perj, By-two Xbot-0 Vol XL., No U, 1~*.. t Opp ,:4 and'Vi:uuire service BurOau ar Ommerclea Flabarle.a; Sql--'Xech~. mv!67 326jM mlioch Wi0al Characteristicis of New Flsher7 t~~sj'~bly R. A. Madar, L. D. Khobotilova, oe mmix. V*l XL &1s.- , No 10j, Per, UK$ 1~65-Wm ND Up I jpp 65-68. Z4 P-P &f ~pi l,andlilWildlife Sarwim I irtmu ;i Comarcial Fisherios mayi67 326,862 &I Characteristics of But Cb4na by M. N. Vakhrumbem.0 .g Xbox. IbI XLj, NO 3.1,, , s, a fto ,71. of Wildlife Service Omercloa Plaborles I sdl~mm * y1i 67 326,,875 T~ell dmme~cial USe of Algae, RUSS AN* bnoe Khoz No )L1, 1964, pp 71. 1 )P Dept of I brior Fisii and 01*1dlife Service BCF 4ure ~' of Foreip Fisheritis 4u ussit Econ Jul.6,7 3320979 ,of B a~ 'debydes IU &K*"& by A.' i. *'l%Wmya, T. M. labo4na, IiAlollior, Wbwe- Mot- Vol XLs, So 4., IMP Wild-31 Service oomerclAl nsbaries M4 67 326;,877 I pp b I I iof b 11 ~ amliwil"e ME H" *w 167 1 e the Iftroductlam of Larip Flah- pgAjUso~s In CoM?Iaa SpMt Pish- 0 0 Rm" MMA val X62 so lip EL - saindoe Oxmrclal Pleherlem 4354 326A .ro U61veloj~, Ship-Repairing Bases in the Karelian ARP,~,I by 1". S. 14akhantkov. RUSAAN V I~Br !~'b 11 91 _nOe -Khoz, No 11, 1964, pp 82-83. Fish and ~t-~dlife Service DCF H,ure of Foreign Fisheries USSR Ecol~ Aug.6j. 3380251 I Tw ''xatlon of Labor and Wages on k1shing Org"I Voss a dir the BM and "TrapIA" Types, by Yu ; A tkDVp R per., MMm Xhozw Val IL,, No 1l,, 1964, WSP~AN# 84-86 POP'ti Of -rior ni~ andlW'Ll4life Service birmalu 0 Oomerclal Fisheries *w 07 326057 conl~,Once of Crows of Anov and Black Seas Leading VOL3 tilst by RUSSI,A4. :r, noe Khoi- No 11. 1964, pp 94-95. Dept~qf Int rior Fish 'd A dlife Service 13 aul6f Foreign Fisheries BCF* 0 USSR Econ Jul 67, 1 334916 1116 Pificance of the Volga-Ural Canal for 11 1 In~26 inpI!Fish Productivity of the North casgi 2 b iG. N. Zaitsev,, N, Is, Kozhin, RUS a ~ybnoe KII Vol XL, No 12,, IL964, I a pi, pip pp Dppt~ 6f In~,'erior Fish and Wildlife Service 11 Bcr-,~ OureaO !of Ffireign Fisherie:s 332s,Rn 971 meib, s at Fishing Distribution and Behavior 6d ~ "A 00 0 1 in the Northwstern Part of hte 1w if P~ad . ic 0 an, by N~ Kmdius, RLISSiAN, '~er, gyl#ioe Khoz, Vol XL, No 12, 110~4*; Pp )-13. 'i! of I iterior D ep FiA I and' I~ildlife Service BU.,iBureau of Foreign Fisheries Cw-j nc!ILI 332,92ft4O Norms'' "r ihip Work In Maritime Fishing Ports and *M~~ by Z. Aleksandrova,, V. Ivanov, RUSS Im, P~,,rx noe,Khoz, Vol :(L,, No 19,, 1964, pp 218 30 Dept? f ;a brior Fish! sad wildlife Service 1: of r-oreign Fisheries ureau LISSR 1-,;CoA Jul 332,915 1964 Zbn e K.,, 0 A tra I Jaa~A ~;h of 1300 meters (Tral na glubinu 1300 t v bn-jelPaj'c.ryal-ti,(-, 40(12): 35. In Russian. IRY Pra-lation in Proqress.pL 480 ~f SP iginal Ar,IiOe Checked ~ 1 11 m Ilie 'Influ seleo~ivi pp 4~,~46. Dept! of I Fi3h' said BUO, pu" 1: con Jul 67 a of the Catch Weight an Trawl by V. 1. Toolmachev Rybnoe Kho Vol :([, No 12, 1964, ~dlife Service of Foreign Fisherie.,; 3329963 On t~~a,ll ment46: by A MICCT4~2 Y pp 47-4,9. Dept~of In Fish asid 19 BCF, )3~rea Wity of Applying Celluslose Treat- Resistance in the Fishing Industry,, 0 Rybnoe Khoz, Vol XL,, No 12,, 19640 d1ife Service of Foreign Fisheries PaifIrawlang for Navaga, by N. Andreyev, s. 61 dvski~j. RIUSSSXI k. Ibrbnoe Vol )(L, No 1~, 1964, Khoz, 5D. I pp~ ri or wpt a f in" Fish~ and W~,Idlife Service BGF,,; E We aO of Foreign Fisheries ISSR r.. C on Jul 67, 332,916 I11 stq;~pp~er,-06ok - a New Device fcrr Trawling, by~V6 P. iL'ukin, RUSS -AN, [per. Rybnoe Poz,, Vol. XL, No 12,, 1964, pp - S-SC~~ Dept of thtorior Fiih! andlWildlife Service BCP,,; Bui*b.Lu of Foreign Fisheries sci-Materials Jul 167 332,944 Method o-' D!4-cntJrlnL; t'nc 'ic.L u -L Fat Content, of Herring-, by I.N. Simonova, L. K Da.~-ydova. RUSSIAN., per, Ryb . 1,2-loz. Vol 0, No - 12. 11 - 6 c7 GB c. Au. if-Tr Equip Antibl' RUSSIJ pp 6& Dept i Fish i BCF, I ent tar Industrial ManufmMure of Block Otic ''Ice, by Vol XL, No 12, 19640, No p0r, !~ybnoe Khox 7o. f lkerior nd Wildlife Service ure a uof Foriegn Fisheries Sci-146ch Jul 6-i 33Z4936 The Ne*O fbt,& Single Method forRegistering E turollind Making Calculations. by P10 EgO odskOv it 'V PO!,, Rybnoe Khob Vol XV, No 12, 19614pi p 71,~74. Dept:of Int rior Fish,W~Id 141~,'dllife Service BCF. Dvreawlof Foreign Fisheries LKSR Econ Jul 67 332,927 Pubi c Norq.Setting Bureau of the Astrakhan Shi a d IMI S. M. Kirov in the IWive far Higher Laboi rod~,~tivity,, by G. A. Tak,tarov,, 1 Russi , pear,, Rybnom Kho Vol )11 NoUV 1964, pp 74- Dept o Intbrior Fish aind Wilidlife Service DCF, BM'au1iof Foreign Fisheries Idth 71"aft YI& vmd" vctr~ Fftm ghlowar-op va 400N0 TT~j At Mine of M"Pruw 40A,VLuuft somm wr 0 Dara6 or Pweiv noberiAm act 3k3vl62 Zhivae 64 1 ~ 61i bi ic, e nn. ng- a wide wing (net I (U tsermogo b i i a pochin 1 (1;?).- 78. Tn Russian. Rybnl:)e Mi -Yay~ (,c, V Pto9resr, 480 FEE, oc inal At hc ko Chc cked .Sp. *'a Fty 1964 Bulgal~"~" d,!" an ooeanic fishery (Bolgariya razvivaet okeaniciielkoe Ftybnoe kh~,'t,.Yafr4vo, 40(12): 83. In Russian. lation in pi,ogress PL 480 ... - Cd- 1065 SP Fi 114 in CUba. by Khumi Torrente. SPOU s I RbSSIAN., pur'. Mnoe-Khox Vol XL,, No 12,, 1969,, 8 I) P Dept f In~erior F i s h'; d Wildlife Service BCF&:. ~ureao of Foreign Fisheries Sri- Jul 67 332,96S 1934 The risher.!: reconnaissance of Iwassi-sardine and forecasts R,bnoe kiioziaiistvo DQI'nego Vostoks, (1-2), Vladivostok: 11-19. R%18,*:I 1i). Trans 1. Arultole 11. Loulcaghkin, 'ar- 1954, 14p. , t.--peser" pt. Another transl Camper Paul, aval 1. Calif. State F~ah Lat TernaInal Island, Calif. AVLA. oil. !'Oun - Wash., D.C. OriainoIA61cle C~ie Rybnoe' iseledo (TIIMO) Tranal. calir.. Avail. on 1935 V in h4 USSR during 1934 ~Mia'fe-v6, Dalnogo Voetoka, Tikho!?)ceanskii nauchno- t6lsk kinstitut rybnogo khozi.alstva i okeanografii (0). 6 -66. In Russian. VdIA! A. Hutchison for Univ. of Calif., rA Jollo. typescript. in NIXF3, Wash., D.C. riginal Arficli, Chec~ed 012 jj"rp of 64 Crab, by D., V. CL: RUSSIAN, per, Nrb!n~c c a ac &rsTi i 761 XTXI 1945, ~np IN 9T. Dept of Interior Biological Lobmratory Bu of Commercird Seattle, WaGh G" ju.i. 60 D, i 3:y "U"I-Or's Of r-!:- Fish* "bir S. G, 4",Ussc!r- UV-, iwsu.,-l Ryb-no-o Idlczj, Vol --LL/R .N US 2',-R, 255 Od- S c il VIG FishwayStruttures in the SoWet Union, by Z. M. Kipper am; M9000. p i 0 i I I sd-NifiCh, Didust, Civil & Marine Engir NOV 66 I "Seveinianka' io the Schools of anS Co-19, pers- 71"y'bov0drtvO 1 wa~ V.-), !A;", 'RUIM"IA3 196).,i PP ~9-30- wL BE. 4710' Mal 23 it r; , .-R Ilj Cc nids in lCharkov ObUst, by G. Shkorbatov. RU :W, ~tybovodstvo i lkyholovswo, No 5, 19 Dept of 'Interior (loan) vs~j~~ Biol 252,157 C( pli RAt," ~E PR'ODUCT I V I T I ES OF: CTENOPHARYNGODON Yp*'THALMICH.THYSq BY F4 SUKHOVERKHOVI A K EN ~Aj 10 PP. AN'P' PER.,~RYBOVODSTVO I RYBOLOVSTVO, NO 2, PP113-16. 20599 Z3.1 238,552 I I i i ad ~P j, . ~; i a,In Prom .oting Fish Breeding -!CtEb=':,. - " 6 p a , I'- I, I , 'Y p ~ ~ jovit" , - ' ' ~ k Rybo~v~, .9. - it,- -- , - 260,089 s-6811614. Selected Articles-From Fishing and Fish Catching. rip RUOISVI-, ce:v, !\)rbovodstvo i RybC,10V.-;tVol 1:0 31 196,41 pp *jpf-s Sci - Biol J~ul 15)4. 2 F odO. I ~Ilqre, -a Compodon of In-Igation, , 6i 8 t Ke SM l pp- jg2n4MMLR_Xb-o-jQYAM4- p 3, pp 2:4. JORS12 11 &W 260.01 Fauna of the R US S NA I U~S,S:~11., by i,,,ri)y, r-4oscow, A. N, Svetovifiov Vol I X, INO 01'S 63-11.071 PST No 993 the Nordiarn Seas of -the UOSX., by 1 Fish jcd k.0 40 !drl*h6i, 617 pp. RUSS bk,, Rybj Severnykh Morel SSSR, Moscow, 1954~,` L4'r ing 3!-W611D 0 1071 f-2 s4cl E1101 & Meld Sci A1*,.,1V 6 A lun 260,389 Fisher; fo~ Sea, b- P. lu. 2550., 1:170