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i l~ Sttatir'~141,'.'- 4' tcpi- Sound Rocovier, by IDA U I)p U Y. .;.) r ~LD Pull tmimblation. ilu Sk I :par '0 12, Dec 1951, lio., N Psoil lmdspem2br, recorder, j~cieratlft~ 1-ii'lectromics,, recorder conce~,nirag X4't(--.,a-ture on Sound-Recardl4gj% by V. BI-4 UMLSBSIFJZD Full %,r4uslvi~,Aoa. IR :LAIT;! rA-,r~I,,-Rvdkos. flo 12, Doc 1!?51,, PP 57, 5B. ItTIC-7-TS-7812 Sc$,eut:L.,~,"i.c -TO.,octronicup cound-mcording, radio-etSineering Soblad tbe~Zcenes In American To-lvvi-31onj by V. Libimhu, 7 pp. LMLASSL'r=) ]RUSAIAlti, lmzt,v radio,, IV* 12,p Dec 1951s pp 59, 6o. ATIC--Ir-TS-7012 usm Scleattfic .- ElectronIcal, tolovisioc .......... Rad1b, t r-Designere wbo Were Avar4ed Second- 0 le s 6' DIpI 'a es Part1c2pents I'm the NIntb All- Union Oad:W, SlibibItIoup 6 pp. uicumirm rull tiN=24tlou- =SST4, re~.p PAdio;, so 12p Dec 1951, pp 61g 62. Am- r-Ts-7812 USSR Scies4tic - Electroulca, radio 119.51 Biogm~,bic )6 I I i Full Trailslation of Periodicai Rad:'o, No 1, -`--52. 1 R'USSIAN. ~por, ~.Ra&io, lio 1, 1952. i ATIC-F-.TS-7818 i i J.y ull." 11-1 Yll. zn. Full. DEIVY3 at - we Pl6t~Spee~~Up the Paco of Radlofication, by V. Vadillev,!i9 pp. URCUSSIFIED Fuu tre'uslation. RM11"S W lv:r., Wio., No 1, 1952, 6, 7. ATXc-F.,Ts-,T818 USSR ,Scientiftc Electronica, electrotechniciaus,, radio WL.A ipresont 4o rubibits to the lOtb Radio Ex- 4 liibit.L6~j b.T!V,. Kondratov., 3 pp. UNCLASSn? F FUSSIMI,,ii per,, Radio, Bo Is 1952., jq* 11. USSR llociolog-~cal Mibites radio Suzgestipna tbl the Participant of the Tenth All- ~"Jnion irthibition of Amateur Radio Designers, by A. MZMIiWU!li' epp. =Lqsslr Full tra6slattLcm. IMS-SIAN., per,, 14&Uo,, No 1, 1952, PP 13-14. U&9R Soclolojp,~cal -~ Bxhibitlon, amtcur.p designers ",Onfjejr~accolirM the Readers of the Journal "Redio"y pp., Y~ull innal4tion. IMSSv~lft pe#1 Radio,* No 1., 1952p p 15. ATIC-F-V,;-78113 Socioloocal Conl~ereuce$ remders the I-'O-jjzr ciut-pa c and IR C, C!:~ 1. ual t LiuC vi W,, Olr UNC LA I CD NO lo 1952o Iv ItT:lc Z 13 i: an. ~c ora(1-.ff -u -!,Pomp -.,rcc.V c u uc or col~lcri,, by TY, 27 cl AT! C F -)l S - 73 Suptrhpterodyfte Receivlug Ic-'et, A Battbry-01;erated 5 PPO I unpuss"m Full tri-IInclihtion. RIM-MR., p?.vv Radiov go 1., 19521. pp 22-23. ATTC-F-TS-,78iB USSR Scion.t1fic - Ele-ctroaicc, rodio, battery, rzecoittng D2 Be o Amshear Short-Wave Operatoral amd The :91 h Operators' Contests,, by A. Lyaahkov,, PP ERIC n7m ASS Full tirzu4i RUSSUNO Iij Rsidio,, No Ij, 1952, p 2h. ATIC-F-TS-7818 um soci*Xoge0l - Amsteurq cautests Electronics, radio,. sborlr vmm,, telegrvpb Frleidbbip ilea Between Soviet and Ozecboalovakla Shor~-Jlavq kixtbuslasts Am Stretgtheued, b7 3 Pp. uncLAwrrnm Full tranal4t ion. RUSUA~.. PO., ~!-41op 30 1,, 1952m P 25. ATIC-F43-78V USSR Sociol(igical Prieuftbip.1 contests /-136 C. lub Bhort~llave Transmitter, by B. Toatneakin, i I , pp 6. 1 UNC~Wxrm ?u11 triinsUttoa. RUSS UV~ pai R Radlos Do Is 195210 pp 26-30. ATIC-F-Ts,-T81B USER ,3cleutlftc Electronicss radio, tranmitter ,tionj by P. Goldomokys 19 pp. Pull trminsln~lon- RUSSWI per~~ PAdlo, No Is 1952p pp 31-36. USSR Sclenti:Tic -Mectranice$ radios receiverss circuits Y1 V~iivs Moscov Broadcast".. 5 Pp. MLASSIFIED Full L~mnsldtioa. 37P 38. RMST.Alf,j paro ~~Io No 1, 19529 pp ArIC-F-TO-7818 USSR Electronics, radio,, televiaiva., receiver :*:jYaC'hi'OniL# tIOU Circuits, by D. T(beifeta,, 10 pp. Full -~-ramviaticn. r=91ANy ptor,. Radio, No 1., 1952, pp 39-41. ATIC-F-JI!S-7818 USSR Scleatiifft Electronics, television, circuits, receivers,, oscillators 130 A Rect fie 11M Voltua XultiplIcationp by A. Dolnikj, 7 ppi 9;ASSVM Full timanil6tlon. RWSIA~,, parp ftd:lo# No It 19521 pp 42-43. ATIC-P-T.";-T818. USSR Scientific - Electronics., rectifierp voltage, circuits Lav-Frt~Veabjr Amplifiers. for Radio Broadcact Eccelvers., . :6~ bola B. Arancon,, 11 pp. UNCUSS3710 by 3: Full- tln'nvm~tlon* Ir-P., BadiOr 110 1, 1952P PP k8-51- ATIC-F-TS-7818 USSR Be-tenti-ric -Mectrunics., radio.. recelvaru,, amplifier ~:.,-dlo lv~,ves,, lat by Prof S. Khaikin., 12 pp. uncumpuD IUSSM;$~ perp Radio., No Ij, 1952, pp 56-58. ATIC-F-TS-7818 Ccientific - Electronics, radioO wavesp energy, radiation 7 Full Translat'ion of Periodical Radio, No 2, !,-,-~2. RUSSIiUl~ per, Hadio, No 2, 1'~,,52. '-952 ftdio Te~4xnical Literatures by D. lCalantarov, pp- tR~CLASIJVIXD i per, Radio., No 1j, 1952, pp 61-62. P=-F-TS-7818 USSR j /.29 i4-- lent UrIc - 191ectronics, radio, technical I I Masters of their Worki, 4 PP. RuEsi"10 per; Radio, No 2. 1952.. p 3. ATIC-IF-T&S-7828 itilits Army, soldiera, battle ry e74 Eadio Com"icatiou in the Soviet. Army, by Col P1 Odtrnov pp. Full tr-~Mwluttlon. HUSS1144 perlo Rad No 2. 1952, pp 4-5- MIC F-TS-7828 USSR /5 milltmr2r Axmy, r*Aio, comuunication on a M~:Cl Full trtai ATIC-F-TB-'TS28 USSR Xilitan, - Paxomilitury,, DOSAAFO the Teatb All-Union Radio lxhlbitloa Lmvelj, by H. Pavlov, 3 pp. lotion. wrp ligadio,, No 2j, 1952s v 6. rsAio, All-Union fteffilstr~ltion ~6-8-Started for Radio E&Ibition,, by v. Kudr4m, imhovjI2 A. KliwatovA ,;er., jN"lo,, go 20 1-952j, p T. ATIC-F-n-jF828 us" ~ocjcjorjvkj -,lxhjbitj*ns,, reglatzatiou, radio ~tftndijag S61entist -'- On the Yll'th Anniversary of Dc4hl of A01'4demlclam ff. D. ftpmleksis, by F. Me- Pull trlLni-lati6n. No 2, 19523, pp 9-10. per.,_Ai4djo AT-TC-I?-TS-7828 cicientific Dtogmpblc, - scientist, acade!mician 10 lD6t6llat9-3n In the r4manodar Region, by 14. Tuv, pp. Sims Pero Rloator so 20 1952t PP11. ATW-F-TS-7528 T,135t8ll9tlOms MR Krasnodar regiono radb organization, operation I I I, ~ ~ ~l i % .~Arclc r- liembeis Help In the Radia InstallQtion in lcollcho'lz~toj, bg G. lCireav., 4 pp. rall PTJSBVM..~~ per,, Lladio No 2,j 1952,, lip 12-11t. ATIC-P-TS-7828 U=lt Military Famiumilitarys DOSAAF,, mmbers, mdio, twtamkktims ReedLcr;s~" coni~ercnce of the MagazIne "Radio"., It Fall triinsistion. nussym, per4~ Andio, No 2j, 19520 :p 15. ATIC-F-TS--7826 IISSR , Conferoawv readert 16-6 i Weve Gwidea.' lby V. ;obelev, A. Sclo=ovitch 17 pp Full trall2slaiiAWn. Ito 2, 19~,) RUSSM11 ;er~ Badto -2., pp 19*23. MO-F-TS-7828 USSR SclentlTlic -~ZLectronlce, radar, imve guides Receiver Built Fim Factory-Made Partsoi B 11~metsniu, 10 pp. Full trtioqla4ion. RUSSIANIp paro Radioj, Ito 2, 19521, pp 24-27. ATIC-F-TS-7828 /:fT F Scientific -~Superheteradyne, reoeiver,, electronLcs Preparation k6f Radio Operators for the Cc-mpetitionas by S. lkizano~'dk7s, 5 pp. Fail trizalution. wwuff per~~ Radio, No 2j 19520 p 28. ATIC-F-TS-7828 um SoclobogIcal redloj, ccmWetitiove,; operetore Club Ttp~. Sh6~h Wave Tz*usmitterp by V. Tzatr6en!dUp 1 0 pp. Full timiDlation. RUSSIW.,,,perj:Radio, No 2, 1952, vp 29-32. ATIC-F-TS-7W USSR /9.21 '!Bcientirfic Vilectrontgat abort va,re, tmasmitter Use OfV~,ubeB 1~35C In the Second umsi (Heterodyne) 3 Vp Full traidaIntion. Husnutp por,, Radio,, No 2.. 1952.. 33. ATIC -F -TS -"1'828 USSR 169 Scien'tific - Electronics,, tubes,, T16dio., Oncillutor '.r L M "C x"hwllr~' C's) Lmticrl on 33a ltezW Txft~e-ti, by 0. S-.ul- 1-c4' Antrekban, 4 pp. 1952, T, 36. j No 2s, u IS 111 radio, battery, t-ubes 'it the drdjo~wkldze Rk Folytecbni,: institute of Ovccheiksakl~ ; y R. Tamnovj, CS! 10arkovo 5 PP. I i b Fall trmjU8lQ-4o'a'. 17-USSIANi per, Radio, No 2j. 1952pm 34,p 35. AnC-1?-TS-7828 USSR 160 I.cAmUftc -Clectrmice, biogmVhIc,, instilaute,, 'PolytechnIc Lime '.~1111`11e`c it concenij outest fbr a tr Television Re- : ~i to 1! , cciver,) ,i tovb1m, 4 pp- rull trapsiat0m. RUSSIAK,,~, per,,' ag#io No 2s 1952., p 37. ATIC-P-TS-7W8 ~3cientlff.c- Vlectronical, radios tclevision., re- ceiver "~Oclologrical Contest., mdio R~ception in the City -of Kaluga, by 4 .1 ~-v I(. swoill:kov BOA "ull tru'uslation. RUISSIAIWj~ perjl Raaio _j, No 2. 19521, 1) 38 ATIC-FJTS--2fiB 7&28 ~cfvmntiflc - Plectrouics., radio., television Lll!c,'~I-lb~!X,n PIOD.-Ou Television Brordcas-k;s ri,~ C) Y by B. Levumdove'!gy, 7 pp. FlIll I.,XtIMILlition. 'WSSVUt, j, P"'s Rq.-CI;LQj HO 2p 1952, P.P 39, 40. ATIC-F-TS--1,828 Scient'l-ric - EleCtronicsj, televialon, broadcante,, radio 166 Improve6ent '6f the PAT-200/220 Autotransformr.. by pp. Full tIS3n3lation. HVESIALTI~ per, Radio., No 2,, 1952j. pp 41p 42. USSR Scientific -RIectrouicap television, autotransforwr 14 7 Cceplit 6tioLim fal, an Riectro-YAwmatic Focusing Sp3tem, by P+ ~ora.O'Otst-Pavlav, 3 pp. Full t~ansldttioa. =3SIM, pet*4g Radio.0 go 2, 19~2, p 43. Scietrdtic BlectronicsS eIeCtxv-=GmCt$Cp bf Noise of a Receiver by M. Nraikov, 9 Pp; Co6patation of an Output Tmusforeer for T Laudapealkera, by B. Lobedev, 5 Pp. Fall tranala-41on. RUSSM,$ Perp flo 2,, 1952j, pp 44-47. UM Scient.121t: -- I'lectroulcal radio,, reveiver., trans- former., loudspealwrs 171 11. cation Of Tube L6W, by R. Yjillnin;, 8 pp. Tull trillnulation. RIUSIST.Allo pe:ri Radio., No 2s 1952s Ipp 48, 49. ATIC-F-TS-7828 ISSR 7 ...cientif ic - Dlectronics, radiop lube xal of Basdwidth,, by M. Efru2sj, ut=tIti Con't ~~~iav 110 2p 1952s Pl? 509 51. .l.'cientiXic Electranica, mutamtic i radio, receiver, 16 UnImMall Cmrxective FilterY by A. Friedman, 3 PP. Full t~mnslativu. P'uszIp, jurj, Evdloo No 2p 1952, PP 52x 53. ATIC-P-TS-7628 Cel e!Uq;1~41JC Electronics, radio; filter, A. CM12CItailace 4~nd inductance, by Pn)f S. r1lai'mil-Ij. 20 pp- Full tznL,mrlation. ELIESTAIVY per,, ftdlo., No 2., 1932,o iv 54-59. ATIC-F-TS--7828 USSR ~Scientifte - Ejectronicep radjop electromagnetics anten=s Tccbnictill Gcinsultal-. ion, It Pp. Fall trifirxla~.Iou. RUSSZAIT~ Per,., ~Ladio, No 2, 1952s p 62. ATIC-F-TS-~ffi 7828 Scleatiltic -'Electionice,, mdio, receirer,, technical I-V 7 Neu Dooka, k pp. ,rull tiviialatiton ~ RVBSXMI.,~ per,I j p 63 ~ i i .!adloj Wo 2p 1952 I -11 1 1 ~ MIC-P-TS-7'828 i USSR / 41 ? Econ=tc - FebUcatton, books No 3, lo52 15 ?rocecrdings, in the International '1-.a.,do '.~roarllra.-3tin- L Orf-anizatiol-I 12011 CD -- sl~ 1 1-lay 52 ix r, Air 2 1 Al ctio ~~WCMAXUCIG 032 Outside TW-amlcion Brmd- AN$ Rmdiojp Yo 3# o=, me, pp 2W30- DU It and am maso DSII T-233 UL"iolmo brmdcaeto 0 nordi mc; R, -TYl." 11 dio, NO 3s :L9'--Z--r P:P ~:-Z7L ~"-3"). ~'ter tor ion 0 IDY pp., UIX! IR S' ,- -~Jj`) :ptl r'I'lirl I Gj r0 !--act:ronicc ~1-1 0 t loll: -of Pbonoc;ralph b., D. -', r , UNCUS:~fMa'=11 11 . , 1,-icr, Rn6io. lin 3,. 195'e", r-1 ? ( ATIC-7 -TS-TT7r:-r-'. L'- !,, 1- ..,. .. - 1 .- P- / "-"), -11, J~ Supply) by Fluwar jsupp~y souzces) Piozorovulvip 6 pp, UaCL4ss:1Fl!!-"j porr, Radio, Do 3., 19r*2, p-p AT IC-1-- TIS-78j9-RE Ec!.crttfic 2-lectron-Tca 1,314 '-DYE, - BolciaLncil:~', 5 rP., _7 y Jr, DO P'. ficcdemician A. Y. R USS".1.1Q41 RE4 i0, NO 3, 19:52, pp ArtC3-e~b~,I, #1om ~Ruusian Periodical 'Radio". no 4, 1952, UNCLASSnr= ~10.USSMNJ. !no De'r., nadio DO 11$ 1952., PP h., 9., .12., 0 33-47,, 3-.64. ATIC F-TS-7681 U i; S R Scientific - Electronics 41 41 NOV 53 CM FullTranslation of Articles in Radio n w 7 ATIC 71066-2 CIA 1905032 . I 11ji !~~i )Fftd BTY-20 Udlo Unit ft,m an AC Network, by (b) XWcovlna t1m Squlymeut oC the &akb4 lftai6, Vonits VY-2j. by I. Fonm, Ih =5=10 per,'P M21o JUne 1952. SclentIfic -l'iElectroulce, netuark,, realo, equipwnt Dee 52 =/IZX Radio, Nb 7, 1-952. UNCIASSIFIED RUSSIAN, 1 per, Radio, No 7, 1c'52, pp 5_1'7, 19-20, i24-25, 3 146, 5 -57, 59-62 6L.. ATIC F-TS-79'--T( USSR, Scientific Flectrcmics Oct 53 ?0 i~ 11 TIC - F/ -- -------- ict nadiotachniquo In .1951, by A. I. Per- mussm' no r,, Radio., No 8., 'UMR., 1952 -F4 S- Dsl 4 and see alco DSI T-227 ~Aj - 'Scientific Electronics, radioteelmique Nov 5p- article* ~Z ~952- UNC9 6 - 38, 4 1 Ian PeTioaical lzdio".. No q.. No 9a 19520 pp 17-19A 59-61r. by-.. 117 ATIC F-TS-7954 ieatific~ Electronics Ilov 53 CTS t1ion tls~d Brmdcasting in Albania., r~r, Bago. Uo. gp 1952., p 3-6. sciA Tr n,o 6o5.11 i-SAX oleca at Ivanorop by 1. samokbin. i 106diop No 92 19522 PI) 39-40. 7A 605.14 Jun 54 CTSA= / ;j 71pq adz ~be RoAlo Telegralph Opemb3rq UICIASS i i i r. RIadio, No 9., 1952l Pp 57-58. , :0 I i SM Tr jio 605.16 i ~~cientif ic - 81~ctronics //if ;? "74;2 ,~~ bm ; ii i I Emdar Receivera., by N. Salwtsl~y. 1 LTACLASkkED RMSIMP w jimrv Radio,, No 9l 195,!,, pp 48-51, scTA 6(6. 15 Scimuttfi~c -Illectromics :un 5L CTS/Dzx Att~zitiork ''to rTminina of Bpec:Wlistc for ioz R~dio denterc, UMIIASSIF per, Railio, No lox 19521 Pl~ 3-7. SCIA Tr Ho 605.17 Scientific - Elactronico