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Prograimiing, Progranune for BESM Coraputers, by A~. P. ti,shov, 115 pp - pimi uyushchaya proarrar-man U31ya RUSSTAN, bk, Prp&qt r .,N7..,'i,odeir:,tvuy,ashchei elektronnoi schetr.0i .......... -i-M-R.......-L".." .- - pzishiny, USSR Acad of Scien, 1195~~'~. -'~-Fergamcn ins May -anc-ii,~e to an 'ut.cri-tic Alorrxmulc~--C- Up ij -v;71 of Exemim-tiona vor the 11. 91 Au lm~,ah 143-itarjr Traucpo~ A mderky. imani cl Lk, 3 '7, Butrwwe Nzwo for the L..M. Kagonovich M4#urr*%nsPort AmdeW, 26 pp (ID 2015331) r VCW, k, p ry 800~: !sRdVA*Uou Leningrad. ACS; I G-6285 'rogr=s of Soi,:ondary school ror IS56/1957 Academic ear., Mdt&ematica, 38 pp. UNCLASSIF3ND USSUN; pampbIet, Proara=y Bredney Shkoly na 1956/ .957, ~iiika, Mo6cov, 1956, PP 5Jt6. US JMS/NY-L-195 Educiation MathematicD From a Vivgri= Micildne to an Autamatic Plant, by M, A, '4hmbv1%Aiy, 5 pp. ,0 bho Pxagmw U ravienilye f~etxllc- ~R8zhuslAikit Stankar Gi "57 pp :54-371;~ 9 Comte ircia11 Exploratory Fishing, by IV. BL Iudovich, A. A. Baral, 303 pp. 1 RUSSIAN, thond, Promy lovayiya Razvedkaryby,. 1968" *CFSTI TT,,7,6-50028 USSR/Bcon Jan 70 399,727 i pace i"Wgnotic StwVimq by P. Yji. Pytlyevt 26 pp. -P-P71-103- PI,00120168-V i I 1- 11 scilphys I jul 68 360,109 I Oriqin. ahd Evolution of Parasitism in IIYT*opt4ra. Parasitica dnd Development of theiriPauna in the USSR, by N. A.~ Teionga, 12.2pp. RUSStMi, ibk,, ProiskhoxhdenIe i evoly~ltsiya Farax Itizma R-N-a-i~io-~ -N&ezdnIkOV i Fo 4- Ykh 1e ikh Pa!!ny v SSSR, 1952. CFSTZTT't -55074 Sc!i/b&m may 70 Or:LgiL!, Evolutlon, and Structure of Wtesor Swarno, by B.,YU. Ile'vin.9 65 pp. UMCIASSIFM RUSS b jilFrolokbothdaniye, Rv!~WMAY-c4,,,A p 147-190. Str p ATIC F-TS-9228/V scl - Geophymics '7S1 Feb Select6i Tr"tlam an AtAwl= In an lai~m- Ow"ll abrist in the mot cc by M S6 vp. Foos= Pxo mlowsmimj4v i: *~ =ww#n%b-- bobtmtl, thrlstl&-otra, 2932,, ]V am-ft-5 D Boo - Re~4aM - AtAftlan Aug 59 ~ the UM., Saida", 1 6-15. 74~ a ,t- 1760 The Orij-, ,,in and Class Essence of Christianity, by V. K. Amiosov, R1713,SIPY, pamphlet, Prnis-Iftz.11deni e J Klassova Kbristianstva, Moscow, 1~')92, PP JPRS MISR Soc - Religion; atheism JILl 59 -ts le, i 0-rigin of Saline Soils and Their Regime, by V. A. Kw~ada, Vol I-~ 509 PP- I .RUSSTAII, bk, Proiskhozhdenie i Rezhim ZasolemWk.1-i Pochy, 1946p Vol I. iNTIS TT -(0-60160, ~Jan 72 Origin of~Saline Soils and Their Regime, by V. A. Korvda., 311 PP. RUBSIANp bk. Proiakhozhdeniye i Rezhim ZasolemUkh I Pocbv,, Vol 2j 1947* MIS TT 70.-50170 72 , VII) Roinforced-'COucretc Ifintor Constr=ticn,. 73 pp. bOr'6QWkh i Zheleznobatonuyk't~ jt; re r VA m 4*,YA, fti Tr Ccater RT-1646 untIric .4&m'qMv FN71A)t C-RI AJ M-pla The Froftdttoo of Forrms AUt7a Blectro., Meimllurgy,, by V. P. Elyutins Yu. A. Pavlov, P'. Lav*4 13. M. paeksoov. Russ'lap il3k; praig Fenmoplavoy - Bl&.trcxnmt&UurglU, 1957j, yv 1-415., 43"37- 9T 15 Dea 60 Proi~~v6dstvo -,11nozema (Aiumna manu'actw-e), by V. A. Maz&-!"- JI-166ii," 0v, `950, PP 504. (NOTE: flas been ex.-,,I.oiLe.:-., ;.n AF 66-~643) ((.,eofizila) 1962. rAciox~tific Results (Itogi flauki). ij)t, Ilroizvod.-,tvcinncj.-Izdutellsi-,iy ~!U- 1! II.-ou-14lat VINI'll, ll,~oscow 1�64, 167,1,. Ixeir Bkhvb of Froduaing Rolled fteel.. by V. iw,=,v, V. S. flLavk1u,- P-L pp. Nalt4rowmv 13-LICAILIJS IIA -t, IW~.pp 3,67-IM, Sjowolm FTNITT-63-T.L6 '6k of lbefts IW I. V. lAvubkIn i xmiix., two Kormvp Moscovo 19559 303 ;~, cul ~ ~"Tml" Luk ,$,IA!l 3 71*;" .0 ma Roorlaide i &d.-i 331ma0a Jan 57 Cl!~' Production.1of Short-Life by T. A. Kondurov, Radioisotoocs in 1',cactor 1). A. Yashiiii. I's ~t, "Iroiz l'orotkozhivuslichilli ~Iov na Roactore VVIZ-" "!o I ad i oi. zotoi, *AEC Jall Ot, p m 'D ~-;ED ! -i L RODUCT~10,11 (IF lm-IEDIC,14AL PREPA-ATIC?l V EQUIPMEhT ITUIS IN TIHE PERIOD EY A. (31. iATRADZE, 105 PP. RUSSINN, ECCT, PROIZVODSTV0 LEKN-,STIt~E:I-L~': P-Z,~EAF GG, I I PP 1 -64. jp:-,,s 14-, "1 US Z, Abstract iFroa the Bookp Pr~duction of Mineral PertilizersO by A. DuAcvittlikiy RUPSLO-. bk, Proizvodstvo MineralInykh Udolbren-ii, lqcl~cov.,~publ by'Govud ftuchno-Tekhn Izdatel' 1, 1 K4micbp L:tt,, 19A7., 247 p. CIA D homlr USDA '77 148.~r 56 ~CTS/DF.X .II II!i :; I 1 ~ i Ift WOOI vv~ T',! I i i IMiqASWIZD ootm I neou I AMR, 29W smonas&b-ft" proamts ma =0 T910 =645 DW X") cm 15~owing of Materials Into Standard Crr-tes, i~gg, Stackingg and Pljwing Onto Bottom- I'll B" ST USE ONLY : rpt Proizvodstvamiyye N 1 1 havila na, To-1-T-n jLvbz, pp ZZ-Z3. Z-23-27-67 67 330,721 'S. Xiathcrr~ A, A~ IWEISMO poro PrGizvedstro I Obrabotk-- Stali., Vol. xxv.:rl,, moact4., 1.957., pp 0-78- (DC-1699) D~ft I' - IRIM/mot &-o1; 58 TwOlcrmturcs of Xrmipicnt Relucation of f,41-,tal 1; SoUd Cmrbon, by V, P. Myuttlir.-, *R. F.. Yu. A. Fevlcrv. rp'~., I~Li?~z.ypd,stvo C~rmbotlm Sta-li Spla- G0Xla(:t,1c:-A Of FaPe-a No 38, V05--oll, 19058P p *F54 - B* -, 4597 59 by k, Y, lltsh-~mrnr, v, irpt, tEc~jzyodat-vro CrbrabatIZZ. Alp.4~,;v, 13c).D.LN,!tion of Papers To '~S; p I T. 195L-;-~, i3p 196-20B. Drutcher 4598 pl-UXU1141455 .a i5MOria ~u IAWIO Q*L Mold WIth glcp6tAc 6wrent.9 by T. 1. YavoysUy,, et~". 104VIZVD"tva I otmwmtka SUII L Owmak 36* KaeAuur4;L3d&t,, Kwcow, Sol KID/*t TrutizOar CeAm Into ftlid Solut4cm Purtug Tmfto-Aicm him6tIM of Cbromium St.Da1z, by T_ ff. ximm, 10 P_rc~14,vofttvo I Obtribothu St*U Val to-Imity4t Plob NT.Fevtz of Surface ImPregnation of (TJ_C -Base) ll~rrd ~~talm on Their Scaling ReDiritance, by P. Jglyvtin, et. al. rj:rt, Proizv Obys Htmli 8plavoy, ColleOion of ftpers No 38, Metallurgizdat, 1-1958o pp 427-432. Brutcher 4592 ,Yun 51,) -T%e Production and Treatment of Steel aud Au'Oys Syrrip0t; itvq ?,8., Part T ~ -i -. -- 11~ Il- V.V- HIS681AR p bky , Frolzvofttvo i !' Ibrabotlia S Itali t 49a1mv SboraU X=nlI,, 1953. 2o9-244; 4o.5-419i 433-583- ATTJ-' 14CL-59-5/III ITSA~!! DC.si2 ju 61 Desuljihur:l.,,,,ati oil of Pig Iron Out-Ade the P4 as -L li', lum P K. So RUSSIA11) of S Le.- and pp "K-HP, '3030 Sci Jan ol roductid% Irk6ustormation and Din-tribution of' lectric I?owe.V in Aircraft,, by V. 3- Kxleb&Mn,; r 2. Marozov'Xlyj Z. x. sindeyev,, 14,L) pp. P Msporpdjp~*uiy~ kay Xnf~rg~ya na Sawletakh, Moncow P-U .9 -*56rvp -287s 3a-316. ATIC F-TS-9207/V Feb 5 //,7 T T A .4,i w I do,POR FAIENCE ~54, PP 133 -147 lj T~it Wim.1-factiLve and ]Repair of Dies w3d Attach- V"tfo, In'r V.,!*- -wedm.-lov, A. V. Tolorov, 81 pp. RMVA bk. ~~ V*"tl9vodptvo I &%-out BhUmpm 1 "Cov 1954P PP 80-120, >10,i, wx~UIA 63e555 1 95 .4 ATIC F-T8-SX*9/V set -,R~sr Oct :LjoiP -2 ManuNctu~* of Synthetic Fatty Acids by B. Ala*v. MUSSUN, bk, Prc*zrodstvo SintArtichenIdIch mAil~v~ Nil-slot 1960,* 123 PP- Sept 68 (SF-2308) THE PRODUCTION OF ROLLEG STEEL SECTIONS., BY 1. S. fPl[%,EDIN,l V. G. DROZDo 15 PP- RUSSIAN.' BK$.;PROIZVODSTVO SORTOVOY STALI, 1961,:Pp 5.14. JPRs 151o6 USSR ECON sEp 6-a 210.,196 Pxocl-uctlai ok Ucchols frm lletrokeiri and Ca-, .,~ztv lat~eriai: IB. BrLytis-liteyn I )y 7 V. Ldi-n-Ollc6 2 35 pp. 414 rtov iz Ncftymo~jo Proizvodstyo ~~l !3'VrIya, 1964,, ;~:) 1-200. Mrv.7751 VI-23-606-6 B MCI fu-sls july 69 Effect (;')f MeltdnL~~,- Teiaperature and Practice Upon Nommetallic Inclusions in BearinL St,eel, b, E.s. Kalinnikov, A. MA. Swim~in. I:UJSSLUI I~roiz Stal, Moscow, 1.95 pp 2S)0-297. pe HB 4201,) Sci - N-Lia/me.i- Oct UC The Determination of the Pressure of a JeL 0. Gas on -Lhe IvIall of a Furnace, by V. I. Mitkal inriVY RUSSIki, per., Proizwodstvo Stali, Metallurg, 1956, -x-TIL T-5141 Sci - RnSr jul 6o ST.EE BY is R U~S;l Scl- OCT- A 'M PER, IA,I* U j I ON BY THE ELECTROSLAG RUIELT I NG MET" IOD, 6-RNZON, A.. F. TREGUBENKO, 231 PP I PROIZVQDSTVO STALI METODOM ELEKTROSIALA- ~AvA, 1562, pp 1-237. JPRS 21290 ~The Producti of Steel and Castings Under Vacum, by D. G.ILyubotskiy., 5 pp. r lusslos, bk, Vn~gvw i , qm'.3t4li 1, otlivok v oxmu*a~ 1959,01 Pp 7, -171. 9U6QI OIC- WL 633 usm Mar 61 ;a CastWg, by 9. B. Geyro, 7 pp. bk, Prolz StaU --- Sovirem_,Rn -#Pnfi!RP.Yv 17 iscl)- Mat & hwt ~Apf 253,447 u6er by M. a. G)yro. 6 pp. r, stait" s vreMgMyyq Sposo moi m oli ia 0 6 3, -pp- T5~5 7.~ 0l I ~cl fiat Mod 253,448 Alloyo et al~' RUSS14 Titana on Welded Tubes From 11tanium and its ~by ~w Ye. Tretlyakov. R. V. Golovkin, 49 bkl,,!l, Proizvodstvo p YeOo~Solavo;. 191 Sci/M*c~han Engr Sep 67 j Trub IZ v!rn A * ppp 1-34. 339,561 rzy