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bte i6ation of jee Load Encotmtered by Ship er Bladek,'! by M. A. Ignatrav, 14 pp. USS per, Prbblemv ArktW,. I Antarft.W pp PRS! 033 TIJ011 iAu 6 2662033 ~4 lating Mhe Strength of Sarew Propeller pald , . !Wffla~a s, for ships,u sed in Ice NAvigation, by ignat* 1 yeviAl-ppe ~RJMF EAN J, per, Problemy Arlidki i AntarlaJld, N01.1 1196.4, pp 75-,82. sci ~n Aug, 14 2650159 Porbl6ms of the Asymptotic Theroy of Honstationary I I Vibrational by Yu. A. Mitropolskii, 391 p. I P RUSS*N, Myno., Problemy Asimptoticheskoi Teirii Neata~sionarvkh Kolebanii 1964. IPST-467 Sci-Phys jul 66 3042482 Syntho6isin~; AutomtIc Control 9,ystwo , bi- 5 , P., (~Afn~bcdn f V. -rilizarov. RW510- ~V Avt=t &-kh lqvizav 1964v PP 211-233 NUL RaT: 90V. 7 (184) Axie. )61, 8513, 1 ~~ t C 1:(, T17 C t L.--7,: Ila C,; 2 i-f- c a L6.4s of Formation of Alkaloids in Grafted TobaccolPlants, by G. S. ]atin, 26pp I I RUSSTANp, per,, R-oblemy Biokh--Imii v Mchurinskoi Biblogil, 1949, Ho 1, pp 16()-187 Sci - Blol iwie 67 320'-.,737 i i ~ Studies ori. the Flora and Vegatation of Ifigh- Mouni-ain Areas, 303 p. RUSSI'AN, per, Problemy Botaniki, Vol V, 1960, 2 75 p. CFSTI TT 64-11063 sci-S4M Jun. 66 on the Upper Tbrtiary and Early Qmternary MDsB kom" of the Central Volga Region, I ' 1: by A-~L- Al~rawova and 1. 1. Abramov. . i :1 RUSS BAI&Dlkio 1962; voi 41 ~ *N. Pp 7-17. al Ris 2506 (On Loan or Purchase) Aug 65 2872133 tj I' 's -7--r- / '~/ Ii- /-j~r , -/ ~' a! beterndnation'of SimUsulty Between Phytocoenoses, u Ch. fd t Ptoble 'Botanfld, Vol V1, 1962, pp 83-94. r IK CSIRO/No 6374 Sid Biol: 250JO8 7 641-1 man 66-T-26 B-9203-D 1 26 Feb 68 subtam-mem stmetum cc Some plant Of 6~~ 11 ~ the j c 202*M an Dollskvy Lyakbawddy almd BY: V. 11),' AldWalrom ft= pjj*jaW'4ftmoW 1962, No 6, pp 148-1w (13 pp) Auudm aft'; fcw vdso. NmwelrumUtm and tM 1 mom, reedy copy. one copy B*t,i can be out. Please retwu the otber Intact T.I.-vaniya T I ' - . na Tramfuzif. J, . , td 021,MY _uClacvc),v - C TFlDii--.-TL Cematolo 11c I LE, A ldcn, JLI! o,f=av,*r'DMacdon aril Propagation avepropagation. No S. A.; A. 7,had r* 220 pp. .P qpm Enp 267,435 Probi rbs' it. Wave-Diffraction aLnd Propagation, 4adit ~V&Y6 Pro0agation, No 2, by Z. 1. Tsartkova, qn 230, 1 RUS iN, b r2 lem Diftalao i Rasprostranen VO roo ktntq!te Moscow,, 1962, ~D TI Pl. pp JPRS ~125 Pci p6ys I Nov 64 268,845 I I I I. Prob Ckf awe Dirfrwtion and, Propagation,, b, 'ft by 3, imm IB3 pp ales Euma fraktall. i LbUrostraneniya -1 Di pp 1-164 1 1962. Volm j: ~b UWR ~ SC14;1~cti=lco Apr 562 Finyll AL19 610 ressrir~tioi*,i o!, --.Loc=cnts and r, pe ra , U.,:;io . rablem i~:olgovqclhposu Tiocppqqt JAr i zm' A 0i Movement of Large Meteoric Bodies in t~p Atinokpheie, by' V. A. Bronshten.. 129 pp. AUSM AJ bk, Pr6blemy Dvizhentya v Atmosfere u0i Meteoritnykh Tell, Wscow, 1963. 9225816 T F"'247 T ci-F. Sci & Astron c 6 :269,378 Proulerlwc of Ildtion of Artificial Celestial Bodies. at,t~e Conference on General and Applied I Problems of Theoretical Astronov.Wj 319. POST EDI RUSSLL114, ~h, Problemy Dvizheniya Is1msrtvcnn,' Rebesny)rh Tel, J.bscow, 1963, pp i-,'->94. 9695362 GOVT UM, ONLY 'Sci Earth Oci rov L' )4 26Q,, 448 n th6 tence ~of Total Information, Geophysical mapedd Data, for the naL "O~G6oi quat of UPOO of ~Ariiftc*iul Earth Satellites, b T, a Bh8ptrOm. B y'DvitheWya. Iskusstverinykh 6 Te4 1063.- 20-25. w tr 1, avy tr I 4/A~PILT1138 M lls~i ~os"ace A lb It 6 2680000 1 I-A LIPCCAINV, DF*,0NIf-,MF', HORMONE Dil PANCId-lAS (I.ill(-)C,l ic ttl~. secollil I lorillonQ of IlIncrea's). I -111. Order from UITS, IVIY! r CNItS 151.60 TI-62-2183~1 -1 raw;. in Fil0lWil Ofi i G, n, r 1$11 tj 1054)' vJ, li.71-77. T f( t'r wii I C or IA 4 - 17 12 '1 - V- 62- 21,'351 1. lxii&t4, S.M. 11. CNRS-III 111. Centrv N,mOtlll Lif- h RL'ChL'l_ sciclit ifirille. P:1 I i.-~ Leit6s, S.M. javiislieva, T. S. I MtTHODE DE TETIMINATIONDE UACTIVITE BIOLM, QUE DE LA LIN)CAINE (Niellwd of Deter- intnarion of Siol icnl Activity of Lipncaic Prerwiration-1 (Mll 77j. 6p. 5refs. CKRs Order from Cn-S. ETC' or CNRS $1. W T-F-62-28352 trans. in French of 17-ndrok-rincAr IL I n4:,, )Y DESCRI Ill C)Rs: V. 11, TT-62-28352 I Leit6s, S.M. 11' J:Ih!sht-V:l. I s. Ill. CNRS-111 7- 1V. Centre N:monal de la Recher Cht'';, i,'fl.TifiQlIt', Plrl~; 62- 15127 Pavlova, !l]; 1~. EFF Of- 'I I H: GLANDS OF INI'ERNAL SFCR 1: - I ION ON ACTIVITY: If. INIIII-0i AND i Diskossfi, N'livanic Ill. 1',-r gamon lm;t. 1GT. Ill it.) 7ficlez na Vysshuyu NervnLlYU D!yalel I lt6l ) -'10h-). fNIIII-9:1, Order froni OTS SLA $1. 10 0 2- 1.51 -Y;' i (it P4Ubl'.'jjl'j I cdoillMoterapl, v. 1. no. gland.,, Socretion, 'Nervouti ~~tZlClll, CUrim, Conditioned re-flex. T7*, '!. 8, Tim 1) for jJ el~ 19) PI-I I- by 6!, IVOR) rr~-rj hvblmq--&A*krlZ,i WrAMOter-,li, ll.. 14:1 3, .1-956, Yr 49-53- 'n 64j AM W-.2281. getWAo oT Detemining Corticosteroids in the Adieiml G~snds and the BloW Flowing Out of TW~; by k. A. Yudayev, Yu. A. Pankov, K. V. Druzhinins, 22 pp. RU04,01, appro ProjAtW..Xndokrl.nolo&i i Goimanot4 ra I Vol 11, So 95 , Pp 100-109, Sci -, Bt,61.o&v,, Mealcine Apr 57 CTS/dex No 3-2 Hormorla~ll tive Tumors of the Adrenal Cortex,, by Te. *Mov, 20 pp. RUSSIA-4 per's, Problepy Endokrinol.ogil I Gor- monot"pii),::,-#4QP5j, M68cow., 1956-io PP (1-71- PM/X-3172 Sci Died 12 NOV 158 prophootaette Truspiants or the ftftcrInm Glands by 11 6. 14, Fakmem. RUEMBIAi., Per,, Froblow Endakrinol Vol 11, t;o 6; EM Ab-14.9 Sol - Ided NOT 17 / /, ' V S' ya. b y RUS-svA. PQrj- )56 PP oi]ccw 1?0..Dcc mx~ 90 Med Sep runctibrial S" of Higher SeSments of the Central . 1 11 lerymp 14.;yst~w vad AdromMitultary, Activityl by V. pp. MWIAW~ per,- P"~41eW Endokninol-ogli i Goromono- terapiA voijin..' go 3.% 1957., pp 25-311. FDD/X-3192 Sci 1 Trachjj~, V. FlUNCTIONAL iTATI: OF HIGUR SEGME.NTS 01: I'M ("%.;N, 1.-1,L! t,~] -SYSTEM AND ADRENO- PJ17LITAMr AC.*711%qUy., ' ')p. 1961 ) 3, 43 ref s. I N11 I nb. 9y. dr,jer I I on) (:~ 1.1 D: SI-A $.'. 60 6i- kill 11~1 Traits. of Pz,:;bkni~ Lmloki ir'olstgLLI i _G -jagioter a )1) l,'ZLO11. l7wd,liar, *1 ti.iocr-t Brain. !i'..s1o;Is ot lix cl I it t:11~1 -3 1. ti H', ~11- r) L,il 1to a mat io~t,l Jvir ,I OlO pi~ri7oz:,-cidrviial t;vwcm. Equilk, rf 'I It'. aalI I '7~ '1.C' .11 :a - Io;1 ~)f I b,, has I cP1 (Kt ~"W~ accom- 17, V. , , I I"). i _') (ovcl ) 62-15122 1. Tracink, V. 11. N111-9c) Ill. Nicional of k1,',. Off-'! jUrimry 17-Kd4osterolds In Various Endocrine Vietesvev;' by A. Zekberychews. RUSSWJ Por# TrQU;aW,ZmUAwino1,, No 3,- 'Jan-Pob .957,0 pp 90-107. NIB ILOO loci Rod S--2939 Tho ! Fm6tiorkal State of the Jkdrenocortex UiAler x-;' I T Ray Irradiation., by 13. B. Pmylova.,. A. E. Rabkina. RUS,SIAr1,1' :per, aqb:LqW ~pqokrinologiy i Gonnonoterapiy, Vol III, No 4, 195T, pp 3-9. V-111/571 a of 10 Y041-81 Developmut of Eodocrimloa in the 0 by it. A.!i,,lVaaivkov&kj, 14 pp. I V Vdip )~crjg Problwqr Zndokrinologii i Gor-.nozxAempU,, lup lk) 5 m FDD/X-3513 rty Ytior's. of!-qoviut E'verimutal Wlocrinology,, by S. M. IW14si, A. Eakinv 24 pp. ~~rmonotcrapiiv _e L'Mokrinojo ProbI 7. .q~4 ,_V Vol nio 110 5j,: FDD/X-3511 59 ances. Of L5Wtet Science in the Field of Histophysiol Fmdocrt6e Fuiwt:Lons, by D. V. iUeshin,, 113 pp. slims jP ppobl EMqkrinologll I Cyormnoterapii., 5P 1957,p pp 27-3~ ,71 )N I T1 .1-: 1 "ZI it-, 171, -],~j Inx P 7 ..j .P,iorty Yeats oj'-~Soviet Clinical Endocrinolo&y, by Ye. A. Vas-,vukov-a I - B . 101avin, 13 PP RUSSMp iper, Problem;( Endoci-inologii i Gornionuterapii, Vol III, Vu 5, 1.957, PP ~9-5b- Fl)D/X.-347() !Sci - Med ,itpr 59 certain Prab.Ur-3 and Taska In the Study of tha KqebgpU~ ()f Tionaml ActIcs, by V. P. Xmi sfflkrenko 16 PP& : RMS106, per, Prob EndokrUkol I Nmuawterap, Vol III, No 5,, D~601C*V., 1957, PP 62-73. US JM/1DC-L-j)q6 usm Aki 77, 2,3~- Nov raturnuatiom of the F Ion of the TbyroM , 1%1 Gland bj~ 2=ilatlon of I With Cho Urine, by AQ z0 pp. Russum,j per,, Pmb ftdokrival I Owsomzerapp Vol lizo no i~pp-:*Oiis, pp iia-n3, Us im/Da-L-9sri set Z17 Now DO-U40 The U&IfLookoce of Zetrogenic Samones in %be ftthogtiesisibf louieniap by A. S. Kobyz*vp 7 pp. iRMIAN, ~per;., Pmb Radakriml I GaMmotemp, Vol 111, us ippa/De-go ;um Sol 4-10 Nov 58 (NY-1652) !Data on Adren6lienemia Nith Certain Functional Conditions of the Nervous 3yetem, by M. R. C,zerova, UNCLASSU'IED 'RUSSIAN,bimo per, Prob emy Endola-InolcCii i 1 .1. ~ 1 Gormon(A6,apii, No 6, Moscow, 14cv/Dec 1957, pp 3-11. *US JPRS ;Sci - Medicine, endocrinology S-4108 (NY-165,D) On the Pkoble6 Concerning the Participaticn of the Coretx of the:Cerebral Hemispheres in the Mechanism of Adrenflilin Action, by I. K. Zhmakin, UNCIALSIFIED RUSSIAN,~blmo.Der, ProbleuW Enkokrinolceii i Gormonot6Tapil~, No (1) Ploscowj~ Nov/bee 1957, pn 22-24. Sci - He6icine, endocrinology t of i on rr 12=15 I' roortax, by V, *b.1 IV.. lb 2p 3ai - " IZ Apr 59 AAremocorticotxopic Tbramne sa-A ftsic Pivaessan of the Carmbrca t4a lu Zsp*M*i*,p. U py 14-12. JPM lrW(Il-X( 5 Activity of Certain lionional Preparationss Following luidnazine Theraphy, b.,r A. V. ,-.,ia:-nova. RUSSDUZ, rer, Problemy Endolcrinilor-ii i Gormonoterapii, V(~l- IV~ 1-956, P.:) -22-2-,- lilli 4-57-u -D (Loan Olllv~ Sci jt.Ll C,., .D (2957-9) Sao M=Victlon or Adrenalin and AdrvasMa-Like ~t%xt=;M in !,+,he ftlze of Norma Ubbits and Duripa, ip %I 1OW7 2mratoUatorinemia rpm p~vslisj by Pt A. t*Ux=t 9 ter,, _I;t:i ;L con%= ren!U .. V,I set - nod Ma a I (U4M57) ~Ifte p"to6sivo am vmmpmala WINt of gnus"s on Itba Afttli(6 of 111=UMW VAUAUXMB in -Asivals MA rIAGIAtu I 002mm- Sci No ik Apr I I 1 Smirnova, A. ~V. ACTIVITY OF 6ERTAIN HORMONAL PREPARATIONS FOLLOWING AMD1.'AZINE T14ERAPY (Aktivnost' "ekotorykh Gormonal'nikh Preparatoy v Usloviyakh frimenentyaAniina7lan) tr. by W. M. Feeley. Jan 60 1101p. (refs. otnitted). !PSC no. 58-1979. Order from or SLX $1. 10 62-24325 Trans. of ProblIemy Endokrinologil I Gormonoterapti (USSR) IjESCPJPTORS:~ Blochernistry. Pharmacology. Hormon i. *Chlorpromazine. Tranquili7ers, Drugs, 4 et Thyroxine, Duain, Epinephrine. Hyperglycernis, Metabolism. Piychotr*dc agents. The activiryd insulim and thyroldin is decreased con- ilderably.agnlr~pt a bac1groundof the effect of aminazint i1ne, Mv bperglycen6 reaction of adrenal Increases. T110 effect of oll g!jk'C.'W; Inel"INAism i.~i inhibited siliglidy. (A~ith(110 62-24325 1. Smirnown. A. V. 11. PSC-58-1979 111. National Institutes a Health, Bethesda, Md. (BlologicaiSclences-Pharms- cology, 77, v. 9, no. 1:4 Dftv of Ur.Wcal Str*es i First A 11-U]~ion Conference of the! Academy of ~X-dical Sciencep USM on the Problw of Tisaue Incompatibil- ity aitai thet Transplantation of Or-Sens and Tissues and the Cmiterericie of the Academy of Medical Sciences USSR on tha. ~roWkm of Ragneration &Wl Cellular Reproduc- tionp ~.y A. 'A. Voytkovich, 10 pp., RUSSIUIV pvrj, Prob RWokr L GoraDnoterapii, Vol IVw No 3a, 1108culto pp V204244 us ims/ Sci o- 14.-dlclne IN 0v 58 ;7~~- e~~-6 10 0943-3) at or oog*440 m P sx x3m lo SupuramLl RmU at VhrL*m lodaft Aftm 4&4 by go A* tarlnio It. B. Bakbwt- W. tm Ywo, ftablow amlis %1 IV,, so ho, Nowav 1958, Us JIM U)76.8 59 The Rrqhy3~4ctic omd Tmsupeutic Actloa tx~ somtolimpip Ho==e In raMtlom Affection., by D. R. Co;itft'nklyj A. Te. ftbkinst, B. n. U pp. U= RUMIAI~ pop, Probimmv MdokrimlogU i 0 Mcacmo 19!61 US JMJ 1077 -N Yeb 55) (1945-1) The *taw, Mry Status of the Problem of " a cc 800crim GlAnasp by U pp. Us= parjo PirdbIN&V i N6 4,0 Nkiloowj. 19581 us JpRB IUT5-I I%b 5 The ltff~et or Cortisom cn Thyroid Glago Yu. B. #keb~lskym, 14 P. RMSIMp parp- PrOlaw . MadokrU4;.oglLx 'o *4 :01 1958 5.. pp 1544. AVr 60 Vol III, No 2 BLA 59-20993 BD 6' ~20" (DC-3131). Semen: Grfgor'yevicli Genes, 3 Pl)- problemy Endol,,riiiolo-ii i RUSS11,102 Gormc.-hotem-pi j.,, Ho 6, 1953; pp 1,12. 113. JPRS-L-202'--4 D USSR Bio sci yiasc Feb 1.10 jal 19 (DC -3b92) - ch Maich Problemy Ji 21c; 2, Ixanolwtorapi . ', , pp 22 ............. .. JPRS 3360 u 9 ISE Biog jan 60 ~ ii *1 - 6o, De14-r3mirstion of t;4e Basel. Metabolic Rate by the Saexw~oelectric Methad., by P. V. A. R. IfeSpMP V. Bichkov, 19 pp, Ito pr 8D.87. ,TpRs 961.6 C.L 0 Ju.,L ~ 61 1.9 (DC - 3 -39 3 V -a '3LL-,rl'i].C)Vf-Ch Baranov, 2 pE-. Probl~!rn, Enclolzrinol Lid pi U5SjAjj NO u, "'159, i)p !!h Vo I V, Jl:'PNS 32~,I~ USSR og (NY-3803). %be Role bf Endocrine Glands in Processes of Pompensation ar Functiorw of the Organism, by Ye., If. *rarmizaya, 13 PP- IRUSS3:AN,, per, Problemy Xadokrin i Clormonoterapii, V101 TE) No 1;. 196 , PP -3-9. im 2686 ,9ci - Mud, Endocrinology 'Jun 60 lho St4s or Nodmm SdAdU In AU=m DAnced m &M-We as vfftm FMIods at Rabbit h4smomwo i oddL.Spleft XMWrM4 pwo Psob3Aww Xm"&vft I vu V14 3ws, IN Sol - Ska & Xmd Md 7-5 d-2.94,1601 ~ ( I.-i .- -~ 5-1 C S ) - it Coirpexiekin of the Action of Total X-Irr'-di!!-t�CrI rpd ACLTell6cortAcotropic Hormone (ACM) on clortico.q,t.i~iroi(I,Secri~tion in Rabbits, by L. V. (~rlova: ir., 11. Rcdxionov., L. I* TQI'd 8 2.11, ,y, gndq~xln i Gormon~)t,.errxd, 1JUSSIAN: jer, lilrobl(~.q Vol vl~ 1!1(.,: .o 0, pp 33-37- im 2687 aci - Illed, En~-,.(Icrinology j,an 6o Tho nl' tll~- 1'11h`-l)it'()-ry Ef i7c c, (o-n,J:'.-:!-:)nc cl Rcfle--z Activi 1,y 4:) - 1- Galoyan, E~ndc::-inio :AL t*v A.4 PAT) Vol vi T.,.T J-02-105. "'cl c I-J. I %L 0 7, Ag 17'roblemp of Endocrinology at the Ninth Congn.,so of Physiologis-It'X,, BiochcmiGts, rn& A~ A. 21, RUGSIAN per, PKQ &~4-.Jy- Gormoricterupi.i., Nrol Vly--~O' 2, 1.9,oo:, pp 120-1'2'5~ -P .j. Bs 5u6 Jul 0~1) S-554 The FuncitiOT11,13. Condition of the R)rpophysie and Adrenaa- Cortex Under Stress in yuang and Old Rats, by I. A. Eskin.. N. V. Mikhay-lova., 9 pp. RMSSIAN, perj ~~I?q:em Gomonoterapli, Vol VI, RO 3) 1*-), PP- 3-3- jpRS ~,463 sci - Ned S ep 60 5 5 ITie Content. Adre--aocorticotropic- 91f.,rm,:)nf~ (..ACTH) In the Afierwf:~ypophyses of Control an,3 -.rrvuli~iteri Rats, "-)y 1.1. A. 9 pp. I RUSSIX-11, p-ar, Froblcay Endokrinclo~zli -11 Gorrionotern,pli, Vol VI., -96 '3~ JC'60, pp JPRS 5464 S -554/,6i0 T"y - h 5,vt vie Role of the Hy-pophysis and Adrenals in the Regult-It.lon of Systolic Blood Prea3sure in Imdiatcd Bats) by A. A. Grafov, 9 pp. RUSSIAN, per). Problem Gormon,~era-pii vi, No 3, ig6o, pp 22-26. MIS 5465 Sci Died Sep f.fa S - 5 5;~ /&:) ONTY -4WI) The Effect of Ionizing Radiations on the Adrenocorticotrophic Activity of the Peripheral Blood of Rats, by E. R. Hagxuzyan, iO pp. RUSSIAN, per, f:;~q~~gj Endukrinolog i ormonotq!rap, Val V-1, N 3 1.9,6 pp 2't-a. 0 'Tplis (i) med Aleshin, B4 V. and M EFFECTIOP I ND STRUCTURE C rom CTS or ~ L. A. 4AZINE ON THE FUNCTION rHE ANTERIOR LOBE OF EXPERIMEWALLY INWCED ininm4na na Funktall I Gipoftza pri Nakowrykh defstviyakb) tr. by Wanda M. -efs. ornltte~D. PSC no. 60-696. $2.60 63-19721 19 -6- J&5-7 7:31-p.-- -37--W IFTORS; *ChIozprcEnn7Ane, Drugs, Psychotropic 0111tultiry glar;a, Olleaction (Psychology), otropic Sonnonel, Thyroid gland, Thyroid Scl~ncem-.4%krmacology. TT. v. 10. no. IQ 63-19721 1. Aleshin, & V. 11. Us, L. A. 111. PSC-60-696 TV. National Instirums of Health, Bethesda, Md. ofte 01 lechilicid Service% 554/6,0 (NY-4571) Zinc dontent in Some Objects of the External e,ilrvironmefit and, in Formal and Path6logically k1tered Th~yrold Glands, by M. M. Ko-valev, 17 PP. PISSIAN, per, PrqbleuVJ~,~d i I. ............ _.__ __q=nQJQZJJ, i PormonotetApj~, Vol VI) No 3. 196oj PP 52-61. JPRS 5467 60 , -5514 ; S /60 (NY-4571) The Function of the Thyroid GlAnd in Diabetes Mell,~Itui3 According to Data Frcxn Radioactive lcxl:t,r.e Indication and Basal Metabolism, by Z. 1, Tsy-Likhno, 8 pp. MY,.3MkN, per, Pro' S _Ay',Pp~okrinolog i )"'i;*60, 86 Ommionotorap, Vol VI, No 3 iL) P U-90. Sci - Med 1-; (! P 1"0 JPRS 5500 The Yerirombil#y of tho Reluato-ftcephalic Barrier nO the Sorption CtLarw,.,tw_,rirtics Gf Dmiti: Tisoue iu Fxperiwntai Thyrotoxicosis, by W, P. MAa'PO5hnikOVBq 6 pp. __~3okrlm i Gormonoterapii, HUMVIij, per., Prpblem_W Er Vol VI, T40 3s 1960-s-, P-P Jkla 5501 (WY-5193) Bffawo of 4eortiaom on the Course vf E x-peximattal. Injuries of the Skin Induced by lgetvAlad~a~ionp by X. V. Svyatukhinp U. 1. waraigov.v 11 pp. , wSm"Pa. por, , ProblaW Endakriv. I Gormonaq.-_a ii, Vol me) 4, Jul Sci Had JM 7658 Feb (NY-5193) A*-tWAv-'-t,,y a Ooempm "A" in the Endocrine Glands and Lisrew ae ~'Hats Following X-Ray Irradiation,, by A. darebroralmva, 19 pp. RUSSYM,., per$ Wakrin. i Gormonotempi:1, -6- -fo,.L Vit 'No k4, OAITSW-1~,Z ~;A--3 im 7659 Feb 62. Effect mt Ionizing Radietion of the 'Adreawarticotropic Activity of the Pci'ip';2evc0. Blovd of Ratas: by Ma, A. Larica, 6 pp. RMW, per.. PrablevW RMOkria i Gormonoterapii., Vol VIA No J.Ywp vv -- -- JPRS 7660 sci Feb 61 (51-5336) Emvmm Thampy of Carolwm of tbo Uanmnrv GUnds, I by B, la4;omj, TIUSSMIO.. pWo ProblM 2MCkrLD L OMVDMOtGrILPILj, Vol n~ no Soploot IL960# pp 'l-6. im 7287 Sai - Ned 63-19046 Drjzgal()v1cl1-F.j,rorx)vfl, S. E. '11-113 171'AT 11 UF t,!h-,,1WRN RABBri-s IN ALLOXAN 1. Drtzgalov1cb-rZorova, ' INDUCET) 1,AABETILS AT VARIOUS PERIODS OF S. E. RAffirl' (Sooloyanic Navorozhdcnnykb U. Naval Medical Sclml, KrolJkov pj'i AlloLtpnokoni Nabetc, Vyzyvacmom v Betheada, Md. Raznye Srold lk-reniennosti Krol'cldkld~ 19 Feb 63, 9-,). rafs. ocnitted). "1 63-19046 -der f vxni OTS cir: SLA $ 1. 10 1 Tra, im. of ,robl crfiy] 'Endo4jinologil I] Gormonoter- ~ 1) n DESCRIF76RS: -JUbbIts, 'Alloxan, 017)labetm oprcV=CY', R-cocition (MyrAolcygy). Anarxia. Birdu E'Inbryoss, MetabAlmn, Pathology. 711.~ PUq,OS Of LhC present Investigation was dic rAixty of the SEat,~-, of nei-jl-orn raV.)its of ralA-4E mothers with (111010gical sciences - - allcccan diabetes, biduced during the Nriod of fii-ipbuta Taxicokvy. TT, v. ICX no. 2) tion, during the 1mit-d placentation and at the end of term. 14~0(!Hon LO h1;l)hYZ111 was stikiled on the ncwbc,~n ImmoAlately after WrttL (Iff -53-38) The &feat of lexontum and Ditasol on the i-,,.scorb~,.- Acid!~ CovOnt in tbo Adrenal GlAuds of Rabbita WLV-~ HxPerimerital Atheravolerosis., by N~ A. Bovikova, 6 RUWIOI perj Prubla" BWakr.L.u t GormomoWrmpii, 24-26. V4 VII Oo 52 "p JM 7288 Set - mud . 61 inui 41 (14Y-5671) Data Obtained From studtas of Basal bletabolOm and Thyro4d GIsud Function by Using I13D Staps of Athoroxia loran is and wpartmosive Dinessep by K. K. ftmlovu; 11 pp. I.ra 1. Garwo ot rapiij, RMI") per, Prable SQ4 I 1P... ~e or Vol V74, so 60 im (NY-5671) Patho=brphological Changes of the E~ypopbyuis in ApopJ.vXy mrA RaftenUW of the Cerebral Tissue as the flv~ult PT by Yu,, T, miltlYarvp 17 VP - IMSSTUP port Prdb3 Aw,U401trin, I. Garmorieterapii, Vol V1.0, No 6v lk~)bec 1960, UMOOLpf 34-YR, JPRS M9 Sol . Mad 7q~ Yzr 61 t" oil and 111he, oll' A~..J.mazine on the Furic -, c:T, t`,c laitcrior Lobc of 111,~ ,o,,'- i~3 u 5'k u in Sorfic. Induced T;.. V. Us. 'T 171 :C r, 12:r Endokrino2or-ii. -x-r on-- -to ray) . ........... ci 63-19707 Vartxpetov, A. and Shtfman, L. M. PMERIENCE VVTrH THE USE OF TETI-OBROMLE- 1. 'ntlc,. Testobion lecit crr IN CLINICAL PRACnCE (Opyt Primeaenlya 1. Vartapetov, R. A. T,estobromletatta v Kiii1cheskol Pr&ldike) Er. by Wanda U. Shitmu. L. M. M. Feel . Mir62, 5~. (refs. omitted). III. PSC-60-2772 PSC 00. 76-277~2. IV. National Institutes of Order from O'I'S or SLA $1. 10 63-197(Y7 Health. Bed"da, Md. Traw. of rroblem Udokrinologit I Gormcwoterspil OMR) i DESCRIFMRc;,' Drugs, *Testosterome, 'Bromides. lNerapy, *11oTmones.Sex gWAv, Secretim. Sciences- -Pharmacology. TT. v. 10. no. 9) OtfL- d of the ayijopli),sis and j%.cro,,*--,,~aIy, L)3, Logi*w. I'llusill4i"IZ, pi1r, ilrobi Llidokr i Guri~iunotcr Vol 7, ipp kNY-6372) Sp3jarlm, TtB Biological and Thawapeutic Properttem,, by V, P. Kondemaremko, 1-1-0 pp. RUSSUM, per., FroblemW Rudakrim I Gormono- teraW.,vol VII, No 2.. Mar/AvIr 1961., C JFM 9369 15- C>. -7 Sci - Med Jun 61 (BY-042) Oortaln-Data on the BLological Effect of Thii.rapautic Doses of Radioactive Iodine lk bul~crawasa uDaer Nxperimental ~ ~lditlmsp by Yu. A. Romanov, 17 pp. A*U$p per.. Ptoblewj RAdakrimi :1.961, pp 22-31- JPIIB 11109 Soi *d * 61 (NY-6742) Ch k' . 0, ~po Im the Hypolhoo-Adreml System Ubftr the Effect of 33M Ionizing Romatioxw I I Woh thp~ Qqpmimp by V. X. 1:9~r, A RMSM Iwo Problmv SudcOmIn mrqgi~," "V61-M , A) 3 IT 117-3-24. ipm lu6B Maid lovard U rk - -D 18 may 66 New dataion the functional morphol,3gy of the endocrine glands :)-56pha~ic system By.- ID. A.~ Zhdthnov From; ?I-'ob.L. ~'Udokr V 7/4) 1961 PrP52-62 pp) Russion eat for vda: Translato andlype 1 orieInal copy only. Document may be cut!ft-i pMte-up- i1- . n I t"he o Pz 1,--j IT Or., 'Nov ile P OU~WL $;f MSOH~am Mcom tho Effoot of lafflizivz AsAimitoll=o 'bV W. P. ftimove., 8 pp. ADSS.rJifl, jpipr, Pro ipm 1 rt 26 Tom, ?-Jrfoct of tbo, -Pypcp~l "imis Of B)Loadl aerum in lk.,M-Alat-ad. 6 the somatotrople on the Frot-etu cw~paa4ilou oad tfte ftriamiatory i;r"oue, Aulmas, by 9,. It. Bagrewyeans, per" 6, i1cm'-ft-C 1961, mitx 52 J?fd, 127P6 NV-6658 I ft?jo(-*rim GIvAs, by P. m. Kapiaa, !~--k Endwk du, I Tfo 6, wim.Dea 1.961, Vol VIT pp aim ~ w A .26 Vied.: