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V44 H. Z - 6; u,-e v I C- N R(-ff i'-f-M 12--~,S- tat Vol 10.. page !i97-616 (1946) tud~lnal 4ibrations of bars., by G. S. Shapiro. ABC Trans (avail Brookliaven) VA-1 .67 J..? 1 F. L - Fra ti ki c- fi 3- S- 1. S-o X 7- 5,, C,, 07), q~ -7 5L m Ft FRIK MIATE I iMEKH Vol XI, No 2 Feb 190 10 pp "ReciprocaljAction of the Boundary Layer on the Dis- tribution of Pressure Over the Surface of a Body in a Flow": Loytsyanskiy AMC F-TS-12j,.O-lA- AF-226948 15T1 'RIKL~MAY~ ATEMATIKA I MIEKHANDU Mar 190 VIP.L XI, No 3 6 PP I'Dist~fbutioh of Pressure over the Surface of a Body of Re,~oluti:,A in a Gas Flow of High Subsonic Velocity" 11,I. Eterman 4941 .1-21C Proj ~2,~07 AMC TRANS. F-TS-i222-lk: copy i .n1files' AF-226950 21T3 h i unpubOL ir b* Casoode'af Airfal3A in Viscous rhdd, by t. 0. Lqrt4~kly, 19 pp. a 0 per.. E!rjk matemat i Neigh, Vol III, No pp ~ 1 1 VACA 11--rs!4a r0 Feb 52 CTS to ~~Sil aaam way p R-493 .astl.c:i Const,ants in the Nonlinear Theory of . I Elasticilu"y, RUSSLU M- U MATEIMTDa I MECHIOMKA, v0-1, XI, I - ' 19117, PP 4 S 4 94 m *JPRSfor AROMA Sc-i - M~th 15 ',,:a::- !-.96-L! A. OLIN ~W'd &M A. 1. lWarlle limad"I t4mw7 of the egidUbrium of 6 ~b"s I llml; 565-M Bel Amem Llb;, go %V09W PRIK MAT I MtKH Vol- XI, No 1 Jan 190 19 pp ToscAlltation of a Wing in a Subsonic Gas Flow" C t '% LAemr F-r. D AMC Tr~ins A9-T-22, 1948, 33 copy Ordered from OCD 9/849 AF 226965 ~ 1~ T- Brown 4niv tran for AMC BT92 ~ . 1! j , H i PRIK M.A.T'EI IM EKH Vol XI, No 1 Jan 1947 "Forcd,slActihg sonic iGas Flb~ill LiA. Pani 4 pp on an OscMating e in a Super- D c, 1 AF-2269~6 AMC Trans --!,A�-T-21 1948 11 pp, (copy in fil6s) 8T94 PRIK ~L4TE I jffXH Vol XI., No 1 jan 1947 10 PP 11calculatiori of Potential Flow of an Incompressible Fluid'Past an Airfoil of Arbitrary Shape" S. G. Nuzhin AMC Tra'.ns AT1-2,NJ76 (copy in CI.A Lit) 8T99 PRIK' I~I~Ai'~E I' 4KH Vol XI, No 1 1 an 194 7 10 pp P-M, an efarallel Gas Flow Past an E13ipsell L.iK. X11driashov AMC Trans F-TS-120,R-lA copj in! TilE~S 89,lo4 s n st a Wing by S. A. -.-t,~ -ev, 29 pp, -I et, icvic,~I:, I~ur rA-Xilj~j Prik, Mat i Meldi, Vol. XI, No 1, 0 47 p; X Sci Trans Center 1V,-.051 eronau. q kc Ch 04 thei1ift f6rcle sonic, pp Vol 11., 1 VP of a wing of flulte *pan in super- NstemUka. I Malchanika, 1947 Set Musem Llb No 52/09W JA4 aw Act 7 Ot RIK MATE I MH VOL XI, No 2 Feb 1947 pp 113uper's6nic Row About a Triangular Wing" M. I Gurevich Done by~Amc F-TS-12 -1A (copy il~ files) AF-226941 15'1a3 so A. I tlanovIch o"Ste tWatUa Qf the e4LU&tjMS Of a i 14k 9 ac a flovp pp pwo jfttemtjjm I Makhanikaj, 1947 Vol I pp ~215 - 222 Scl Museun LLb No 52/0995 i Mekhan Vol 11 No 2 Mar/Apr 47 Nonst~tioaary Motion of Ground W,-,ters with a free Surface byiT. K. Kalinin (deceased), P. Ya. Polubar- inova~Kochina. P roj:, 10007 ST-323 FDD1110328 SR I-to-5i 4,11s PRIKLAENAYA MATEMIATIKA I Mar 190 MEKHAiq_TkA VOL XI, No 14 PP "The V i ile o ry of a Finite-Span Wink: in a 3upersonic Plow" S. V. Falkovich 7- 4941.120A Proi ~1~4 Done by~iAMC F-TS-1215-1A~ AF-226glig 20T3 Equ& 0 Lotion of a ROcket, b.Y F. R. Gantmkher., L. 14 ltsvin~,! 21 pp. RUSSM peq~~ Prik Hatemat i Mekh, Vol XIt No 3o 1947p pp 30i Sci Trans It Center RT-314 Scientifiic Matheautics i / 01 If 9p CTS /DOC: ?riklI;I~IiIa,,-a ~~atematika i Melchanika Volume XI !~o 3 (1.!ay~jun h7)., pages 313-328 Asymtotic 3olutdon of li'an Der Pql's 7:1atiation A. A. Ibrodnitsyn .,,'nscow) Project 112,-`81~ CD ST-256 :37z. 9 52 :~ h6i I i Mm" k' han, V01:11p page 339-50 (1947) ; 1 11 i ii 1. ;I On vari6.tion&l principles in the theory of plasticity, by A*.A*! Markov. i i AEG Trans (avail3rookhaven) S~, 'I ~_ An Ing Wing of Finite Aspect Ratica In kaw pn , by M. D. Xhaa'kIndj, S. V. P-1 k F Ov a 13 I)P. RUSS-II(W Prik Plot i Mekh, '7o1 XI,, No 3, 1947v r.p 37~-_37 ~ci -a C-enter RT-497 Oeielat'ific~- Aeronautics dV Thi Z'PCt 0 nAudble Strltl& by Xi.~ A. Rikbratulln,, RUSS I mw9h.. Vol li't me 88 per Prik Mat AFT 1947;1~ NLL Her 70~ 4C*S,088 k6tio f a goo at bmmrsogmic v*loclty,, 9 pp tum I Heirbanika, lqhlj,~! 116, pp 459-9" Ocl MUseum Llb No 52/0991 -7. Riz, P. ELASTIC CONSTAW~S IN THE NONUNEAR THE- ORY OF ELASTICITY (Ob Upru&,ikh Konstantakh v Nellneinol Te6rii Uprugosti). 11961) 141p. I ref. jJPRSj R-493- N. Order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 61-19573 Trans. of Prikladneyal Matematika I Mekhaaika (LJSSR) 1947. v. 11, 'no. 4, p.' 493-494. DES0UPTURS: *Elasticity, Theory. Oeformation, Stresses. The possibility is indicated of selecting a(,ditional else- tic constants In such i way as to describe, with a con- siderable: degree of a0pro3dmatlon. the relationship be- rween the defdrmationi and the stresses in an isotropic body. (Autho IT) 61-19573 1. Riz, P. M. II. JPRS-R-49.3-N 111. joint Publications Research Service. New York (Mechanics, Tr, v. 7, no. 2) am'. .4 T.A.1-1 ~_Ic.. j I Regis c a Delta VImg Ja a ftersordc Flow.. by. 9 KAI chp and F. I. F"Mk1, 3 pp. Russ ~I Natemt i Mckh M PrIk! Vol. )a.~ No )+.~ 1947., PP 4r-Fj#yO* I #M:U~itled ",tes: Rational Advisory Committee fcrAiwbnsuUcx. i,c~l --~uram- 1283. dcli Hww= Ub No 5112151 - LonJur) If -I- IAll AbcAk iawo ~,mcqtpts of aluatims of a sj7t-ierical She,A by '~e Z. VLasov. 9 pp, iu:z,g~l, ~4,r,, PrikLaChaya lztevatikca i .-Wdianika . 4, -- 0 Vol 11,, 1146~5j, 1947t pp 521-526. ~u ~ . , I i sci/riddiai en(jr irar 6 376)t514 The fifovh~tion of Hatumlly Twisted B'saw, !'%4~rllzdze. 1 [-.* by A* RUS~;W, 4. P~rj IVC-da~*ya ;,ktt i Nielch. ol 2.1. I~o ~l 194rr!~ 11);-P lq(=.W~ f382!)) u 1. �r 361,606 3~~'tions of Eqaatims Of Gas Dynamica., by 1. b4ly 12 pp. MYSSIM' -per,, Prikladna7a )Wt i Mekhj Vol Xjp 1947. S.L.A. Tr it-549 7 9-4 M4 57 T-7 AO Px Visddl-'Pl"'t,ic Flow at the Impact of a Cylinder on a Plate~ by F. A* BakbshiyarL, 14pp RWSk~n, i?~r, rvjkl2~Li~ Mwteutatika i 14ekhanikap vo i P.1 No 1., pp 47-52 Ms~'-TT-64-19346 sc i -math, m 6~ ay~ 325s975 of an El"tic Medlum Taking the Into Account., byYu. N. Rabotnov,, ,Ollbimo per Prik Hatemat i Mekh., NO li PC il En6ineerina 71/A4 1955 Sci Mw Lib 110 55/1178 _~4 e9 Prik ~ M~ : 11 The DrA I M6Juw Vol 12, page 63-8 (1948 l~ #14 of limiting stress, by S. M. Feinberg. ,C Trans (avall Brookhaveri) OA`t6~ i6~' of Anivatrapic Slualov Shells., by S. k l' Aubm *Pumgr=p U ype RMIAN, b~UD POrs; Prik Matmat L mekb, Vol XIIP 3.50 rl s-, N&CA TX 3A2A Oct. ftv%bm G.:Yu~~ nolldse survey, r th ;work publlsh*d in the USSR on the :f t znAiiag of thick and thin platess 28 Per; mteastLk& L 190, Vol 10 -10 1,9 Sci Ameum Lib No 52/0987 PRIK, H Vol XII No 2 Mar/Apr I'Propa~Aioniiof Electromagnetic Waves Along Two Par Single-',donduc't'br Lines" 8 pp 1. Kuznetsov Proj 153j, T-221 OOw- 30~49 ~hT86 lb9-N i a Problepli of'.Hurwitz for Transendent Equations, by M . C a Pyr in SIANY per, Pr,ik Matemat i Mekh, Vol XII., 1946., 301-328. Physi6s, Math *JPRS J'or Army Rocket and Guided Missile A.Eency ID On t i wa at lly6MUuo=iwa GrIde With Thin Airf.,W-, ti,*-rbitrv-X7 Shape.. by 13-t A. Bugaenko 23 1 BMW b1bo Pori,. Prik Wtcm~ L 14ekh, Vol XT-Tv 1~ getef Oic Aeromut an 1952 CtS J LL I I.: G, Oscll2a or system with one degree Of freed= it &.'is of Lyapunovi, 63 VP RWUMSS MtoMtIJM 1 Wkhaulka,: 1948 IAN Vp Scl Awoun Llb So 52/1001 r PRIKLAD~14A-IfQf~AT T j~M VOL XII, No 6 NOV/Dec 48 4 pp "An AnaloLy Ferjaitting the Solution of Problems of Flat Faiisticoplastic Objects" L. A. Galin Brookhaven Nat'l Lab Upton 11. Y. Guide `iTol 2, NO 9 3ept 49 19A9T)18 of syst~ with mewwal 6egrees of ell to syst~ of Ly%ouwv,, 30 pp sktemtjjm I uwdmAkes Vol sel shmeum IAII) go. 52/1000 1948 The a Of a R"Idd oyllnftr in a visco- . ",ti PIN ~t- Lo' by F. A. Bs)dntdyan. ftJUa Wt I VomWp Vol 22,, No 6. YP -Fpv--f.Wo AnAlalogy pr the Plane Elastie-Plastic Problem,. Y' b iL RUS re~i, Prik Mat i mekh., vol xii, 1948, 0 pp 7~V% ABC Tr scieh~ific~- Mathematics ux lpir, 33J TTon fmrmation sod the Problm of in of an Gee'll-tor With "Combined 4ov it -1 X. A. 1949, Sci. Uzomm Mb No 52/o365 F rical "Follow-Up" SeifL'6~ci, in an(] Syst b3r P RWS;rA ad Yaterat i Iqn., Vol 13, No 1, 19WI A 6~ nbOrob&j. Hants; Royal Lircraft Eatab. Llb~~ ~315 Ip 61cl Yxz3e= Lib No 51/1366 R London P r i -k. t6mat i Ytek Vol 13 55-78 1949 Lunts L~! On th& propagation of spherical wjves in an elastic- plastic~medidm. Avail at BNL!iAEc 469 29 June 1951 EquilWrium iff Em Elastic Axisyrj)etrically Loade4 'ttick'640'alled Cylinder, by V. K. Prokopov, 17 pp. I IdOSIiMis peti, Prikl. f-lath. Vol 13, 1949, pp 13.5-11144. Ai:C-UCRL-Tr-"l02i6 P911255!;68-V Gct eis 3o70677 stat Lliscade of Airfoila ta %a Stream at onic, VSIOC~ty., by L. GW. Lofft3nuokiyo 30 pp. Vol 1142).1 k 1, 10 PP (Ow Uutted Stafts i Natiowa do=, 69 for Aeronautics. t Tsc~n~4al km 33030 pf JbukDWId Formula to an AiTfoil of 'in Compivasible Gas StrMM With Subsonic G$-JQrt%yamk14, JL6 pp. by, (Bee UnitAd States: .rcw. Aoi~tics. Vol 13~0),, 19496 al Advisory memorandum 13o4. L-n ion .................. Wtabjl~! cap,'U'l lAry WaV*S- Ott SqrfaQ0 Of S&Parat'on. of V6 y1go dai-~bykVe- A.. Borc4ing Y. P. -Ditya RUSS r Prik Ustamt 1. Makhj, Vol NO Vff.p. b VACAIN 1281 - 1339 -Sci Bus. Lib 50/lt# D a M* fA i Q.&Y Lvr -if ic Ptavicil -pr 2.951 OM I A t ~i ' 'I Di6irib !on t f Strm;ses ill 021 ElaStiC RLd Wi-t;; Cur4iii'6e'lar Aniuotropy Under -the Action if Sbmtchij'a Force and Bending Momentz,X by S. Ru4mi ~'jjer, Prik. Mate i MeWl.. Vcl XIII., 11, 3; giv:1 J-P 113 ~7-316 Se f.a hAtil'it I'llynics sel.. CTS/mm .0 Un)oav'Ang, by, K~ A, k I I U2 11 j:,G Pr Itft I lvlstny~alt, VC-1 :t 94!"'1 Sci Tr Center FT-2605 k Mat i1 Mekgalln' Vol 13, page ":167-70. (1948) elastict-pl"iic problem with a nonbiharmonic plastic Ite 4 S.~'~ Parasyuk. AEC Trans (avail Brookhaven) Equi~britii of Flexible Axially Symetric hoaij~A njilck Walled Cylinder. by VA. Prokopov,, RIrSkAN,! ir,, Prikls4mya M"ejutika i V471M. 1949, pp sci-IOhys may 6 7 MMUOD Of a DMV cylindrical i494 C03 Tell, : P. boodstrov- No Vca 13 MAR., 1090 Sept 16-9 39IP573 04, am 73aw over am, Infinew Ing 3.y4o~x Lonk by 0. A.. 1M9 't. I MqmbLs NO. 41 tan -boa: National (See UnIted Oft kdvJAc ~Ccuw~ttee for Ammuce'.) 1298. 4 4 .pprOX46te Ma X4 PPC RUISSM fil r,, 13- 111 5P-,- 5 COMi-b t49 L- for Tr6hilicallIt cd~ lntegra~ion or Landnar !~snnla- ible Fluid, by L. GY. Loit7yanok-t.-'.. t i thkb 7~1 1.9ah-59, Id I Steces Mritional MrIco-r- 1293. tj~ L~ V) On a C ''a :PIC ~wj a Stmight T-varicit-don by .r..v ewj lyn& hov; 9 pp- AA RU S; G I A Nper,.!. Prik vate I ffalkh Vol .1.3, 19451, Rp 537-11 B0 F ~With Separation About a Circular U0 b Y. R. Beramn, 10 pp,. RUSSIAN b1"T,..Fr1k Matemst I Mekh, Vol XIII, No 5P I~W, 43-546. NACA 11-10138 Sci Tr C. RT 905 sclettific i4 Pbyaicsj, Flow lel 6C;2 0 unyubljrpt,ilavail on loan only Oct 1951 CM A. A.; ~ N"urov, 7 pp. RUSSIANS blip . 19490 Sci ~ phrai" -Tom 57!C'TS at Prik Hatmat i Makh, Vol XIII, SAM IN 1426 Irora411- r -rinm , With u .~T F -..!,.tic Rodf- -:2'096 Section, b-,,, B, T,. 71,ik M-ternt p r5ty thloil-valled, rods, -by A. L. Gol Idenveyzer iL-khaniks, 1949,. vol 13 so 6 r 101 11, 80 6 PP 561 596 Lib no 52/0128 on the by i Of tbin mA tbin-valled rods,, pp xum:~A! per vp.L JL3p no b Sci uu*e Lib no 52/OU7 1949 vol 13 No 608 Bucklin ,gr Stages of Elastic Shealls, by 17. A. Alumiae'. 'K- RUSSIMI, pex!, Prik Matemat i Mlet*nanika, Vol XIV, No 1 1 1, 50 pp 7T7 *SLA Sci - dbem Oct 6p- Almnyac, N1. A. ~C& Tlij: 11-IONAL PRINCIPLE OF CASTIG!AANO 1-0 -1-111: INVEISTIGATION OF 'ITHF. POST-CRITICAL ~~FAGF 1. ~hmiv,ie, N. A. bi-- THIN-WAI'LAT) ELA,'~HC SHELLS: Nll:NlORAN- ivm. 119t"!] il.p. 12~~rols. Ordei from D'~S or SIJA S1.60 63-10252 Frans. of j9SO, v. DESCH1111*0111-Z slicll~. *DeforinaLion, ztnaly~:i,, ca culu~~ (A 11a.-Litions. 11SL' Of tile gCn-ralizcd vz, ia- lional prilic IPIL, of 0.4lighano in sDiving tile foil( mng pjohk!ms: (1) ~Utcrtni,natjim ot thc critical I (md; (2) cylindl'W:11~ bLJL'kfMZ (If A COMPI-t2SSCd fl;11 1111tt' %N;j 11, (M. 11i. o j, I. (1 ! ~ 011- of - ilication of the Generalized Varia-b-ional 11'rinci7Dle API: of Cas-W t:-,li an o to Une Investigation of the Iosteritical Stalze P T11 j 134'alled Elastic Sbells u a 0, Tj ~, by E. A. Al, e. RE. STRICTAY ;,'~IB UM 014LY RUSSIAN -,Der Ilri',-. '.Iatemat i 14ek-hani'La, ',.'c1 '~"IV, No 1, JTB s14 T V o L>),,7 Sci Chein, Ap r 3 [eat; ir f 6i :in a boundary layer on a body of ,41-1 .evolve D), ~ M.N. shvetas 3 pp ~K"' JitemAkA A *ekMn1kR-,, 1950 Vol 14 pp 11021 10411 RDss1:Ajm ~er Vol 14, no. 1195D sci S~qum Lib no 52/0131 (n2I A 11 1 Grids p IkY G* Be Olt al Processes in Bm-Linea 0mail3ating item h jmkk Dognm of X Preed-om,, by Th. A. xrQjmpj3L. lUty by a First ftTroximiLtion., by D. *1~ 3p9. WMANVIM It Prik atamt i Wkh Vol XIV, No AM F-~M-7338 The Pro of slastic$ Visc(nis and PUntic Shear 114ii . . I * in a PUtep by A. If. XDChCtkcYv; A CQUforzal Transformatitme,, by M. Z. Nsrodstq~iy, ID', 1. Shermu; A coqact Solution of the ParaboiI6, in6ogeneoua, Limit Problem, by if. N. Erugln~ 2 UMLAW3WIM 9 3;0, Fun tra=lstioia- RwsiAi, bimpil per, PrIk Matemat i )b E~ Vol XIV, No 2.,~ ri '1.1950. AM F-W-7338 Nat Y Uns able Systems Umler Control., by A. M. Let bvlv e Integmtion of Some osci tions,, by N. 1. Brugin., S. L. Sobolev A 14i on!1 asion for the Aimaysis of Thin Elastic Sho i~in the Post-Criticia Stage., by N. A. A16zgw 61 pp. UML4SS3Fn:D Fu3I tra slat ida. RMIA4!I blmd' per., Prik Matamt i makhp Vol xiv,, NO 2.9 ]a vlAp~, i 3.950. AC F-M-7338 sci ikth --taare, -"T!;T` D i Mehl"- Vol xlv* E0 LIJ% INzwy r-Lr 721iBuShIps 5-08 elamutiic 4!mQIopp-:; The =of I. A. Odiug in the Fields of' Creep and, ti!o'n, by Tu. N. RdbotwN, 16 pp. Russvl~.'-W, ,,,,Prik Hat I Makh., Vol XIV., No 2,, 1950j. pp ?19-..;224. Sci Trmm Center IRT-4" 19 ScieTitific Physics CTS/14 I" of ftt~ttc ~ftdff of Hollow t Loop -by D. L. Abt*Wng, 24 pp. b I per prik jktomt I. Nekkv Vol nv, NO! RUA 1319 3c D" M3. CTS ? YO Prom PerWrbaticw in sk Viacom- brid coullp3jotio Rods by it Via sa Doe 68 37193M DanlicrVa6p, V. TEMPERAWRE Tri EsSES IN AN ELASTIC HALF- SPACE ARL*G AS A CONSEQUENCE Or mir- SUDDEN 14tkTING OF M., BOUNDARY. [19021[9~). (foreign text IncludEK) I rcT. Order from OTS or:.' LA $1. 10 62-18562 Trans. (USSR) 1 14 Im. 3] p. 316-318. *Elakiclty, Mathematical analysis, 62-1856-2 1. TWO: la';Zicit% 1. Danilovuk-nya, V. L (Pltysics--'niL,rnW-5-ijaiiiici;. 7,r, v. 9. no. 6) office of yethakal &I"Itts 3. Theary Of the BlasticitY of X 'a, by 74. M, rri dman, Valli ii a n It.14 t-I on. PI.., llijeko 1550., 1101 lh, 110 3, pp Sci Ma Lib No 52/1396 Se Iciatari"r. matilcmatica fl-uousll.' 102 C 3.1. QY At On 1 or the Method of Shvetst by L* SO Oim Vpr~ PWR Prik jktamt j. mokh, vai iry, ig5o, P0. 44, W-2331 SCA SA A~m Feb 52 CTS kw&Ubie o4 I*= mlys. jW wpuYL rpt. Ou thb Non~Linear 1heory of Stability for Elastic ium of a Thin Spherical Shell Loaded by tributed Lateral,, Escternal Pressure, Tv~~Ehtari, R. G. Surkin. RUSSIAN, per, Prik Mat i Mekbj Vol XIV3 No 6, 1950.i pp 573 13;t~i .,ey Tr 369 Sci Phyr:. 28 Y~b 10,63 The Plastic-Elastic Problem or a Heavy Mass F6wing aNerUcal Cr. Indrical Opening,, by 10 PP No IM,, ~Per. PAUL- Hat- Nekbi1m Vol 14,P 1950.- )' 07 .2- - F9.11355167 P -5� 1 AW AP-TrI, -1571 Bel-rXechMnical NOT 67 344,254 Malldnaya Matematika i MekhanilAm ! I lumle xiv, xo 6 OTOV/Dec 1950), pp 619-634. Pkro~ect CD No. ST-283 IlReEzulatiOn CirL-aits with Links Each PossessinC. Sev&re-l Degrees of Freedom", by B. V. Bulgakov SR &vote: translation by SaT. A-or' 51. case., V, of,ilia-Problem of a Center and Focus in one N.~A- Smikha nikov,, 13 pp. RMSIM; bim~, 1950" Scientil-ic -J Wtbemties Mat i :meih vol xivj, No 6,, Sci Tr Center RT-761 -,I A 16 for the SolutIon of the Stability Prob- em of blin b6klo, by L. M. Bunicb. lNaUuWjy Peto *.tEP-t t Wkho Vol XIV., 1950s, 670-~71. JqavY Tr 720/Azftips 507 ftgimering, thin WwUs -ftb 53 CMAM 'ial Problorm iri the Thooxy of stability oi L .oils ~y- N. P. Yorugins 12 Itpe Priklad t-lato i Duka, Vul ~"Vs !Nlo Is L5. j ppli227-2S6. 9697593 yac' 65 2 87, 21 72