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1-104 iiip, viotod to Practical Use of Scieritific PUSO'k,14 1i'V, Pravda, 31 Jul 64,, 1y 3, JPRS 27263 coil 271,S32 lj~ Dal the Way to C~alziLw of Ui* coommm Idovememp 2W.4 jxug JcAA, pp 1, 3. it vsk np, k"Moo 10 t LSS r: V Well-Being. 5 pp. AM 19NO p USSR OT 64: C, .4 0;3 A-l IP-1 vc)"' For Fle-.k4ible Econom-Lc Administration of Ent'etprii6s, by V. Trapeznikov. R U!~,'; iMN ,np, Pravda, 17 Aug 1964. *j pits Feb 67 J-8WA4 nic Siath of the Dicraocratic lar'.., of J~UXajsti*Ln. (ITY-9351) RUSSIAR"~ up Fravda, 1E~ Aug, 19G4, p *Jpall UsSR )l Pol 3ep i ii "I I a the GraUest Force of Modern 6m nbm I I~m :9 pp. t-~, I- :~ - -T. Lr_&vd4_p Aug 1964, pp 2, 3. - 1~ N. USSRI 1: 1101, . sep O~~ ~ 2,66.926 tuih-ic Rc~:ctor on C~:terpill,.r Tr, cl:s. Repor L or., ii Mobile Nucle~r Power Stu., bicn, b,-) V. Gol(:)vl: cliev. IMSIND, -'er, Pm,vdiD, 1~6)i (30il-11 J'.uL;us-U'- ITU Tjl.-! ns n Vol IIJ 0 1) IT Sc-I- 1'141, n, q .1 ~ ~, 7 J-5,7'.-17 xith Gurley FVm Review$ Motory of American i::o Wnw Panyo EMzWMth Gurley Flyrui, 5 pp. ELU pl!!g& I Sep 1964, p 3. WAA~~ Soc ol .O.p i Dec 269,833 i i In Connection With IMao Tse-Tung's Talk ilith a Group of Japanese Socialists, 10 pp. RUSSIAN, np, Pravda, 2 Se, 1) . 1) 64, 1) 2. .1111118 126276 Fl:-Asia Pol FCb 65 Conwadl AcIbard Sorge, by 'Viktor- 1,;ayevsldy, 7 PP- RUSSIJJ%", r~p, Lnvda, I~bscow, 4 Sapt 1964, p 4. J FiL6 5%23 APr 72 i AoM n Nms Apmy Caramms on Mao Ti*,-Tw*la Falk I 'Ith JVanm SxbMws. 5 pp. 1u 1 10 Sep PM p 4. Eam FE4~angoba. CbIna, Japan SW i: Dec & 2M,83,9 While the Comittees Y-Q-11-larsbak) 5 1)P- 1 RUSSIAN, np, Pravda, JP49 DC- 12977 Sci - Electronics Mar U-1 i Arb-ue., Icy V. Dorosiichu~,-, Moscow, 18 Sep .1,03'4. 31), U-(12 11-1 1 . I -- "" a Of tile LmiWst Party, 5 pp. f J tu" No uh Eavdk 19 Oct 1964, p 1. I I i IPI i ~ 27029 i i ussf-ii ~ Pol ~ Dec 04 270,100 n-le Militant Organizers of t-he [Aasses, 5 pp. t RUISSDV~., np, Pravda, 27 Oct 1964, 1) 1. JPRS 271,15 i i - EISSIZ ~ p i - 01 ,Mj-i 65 271,165 ,Iri ie G za-A ganneT of the Builders of Co-witmis-1, T.,'vwda. 1 Nov 64., pp .3, .1. JMS 27294 Pal I )5 271vS7S tlliims Are Traveling the Road of tito Octobcr, Ossj'i414, np, Pravda, 3 I'lov 64, p 1. JPRS' 2725S an 271oWS I No. ~~,'-100 Is Prenared foi- i to iouriir~,, , V. 1'hlyt,:!_An. IToV 11 ~-) ,19 ,~" RUSSIA171 TIC,11, Pravda, I :)h I 1 .1 111' 1. ETC-7 1 - I I P.92-13r,' I Nov 71 I I i Transl~tionl;of the Pravda Editorial p 5 pp. RUSSIA~'q, np~t Pravda, No.7349.-g-N-ov 1964. JPRS127,326'! i USSR .- --Jmr-651 271.9477 In theiIVangimrd of the Struggle for Conmiunism and 06,ace, 1i.6 pp. RUSSIP~%', nj),._~ravda, 10 Nov 196.1, p 1. JPRS: 27390 USSR Pol Jan 69 271,649 As Alonlg the Leninist Courso, 6 pp. RUSSIMfl, ilp,o Pravda, 11 Nov 1964, p 1 i 1.1-.----, i JPRS: 27423 USSR Pol Jan 65 271,666 Chemicalisatiam of Soviet Inehistry the T itific ftois WM 114Lp Solve ,.*W '6 ppo lpt mEds 16 Nov 542, pg, 2* he I( to of the Seller in the Consumer Goods ' 1~ ppq dujry S 1%, np, Pravda 17 Alov 1964, p 2. U an Ic 2761690 Ti7wislation OT the Fvavd~- Editorial Lo -`5' J, '~iravda, 18 1-~oveiibcr E.Ussilals 11,11)p an The FoVcLt~s of~ the ~,orkbiL Class zu-o "troiiLcr ill !AlMg J-0, ~-i.p, I-Tavda, Loscow, 111 1~64, i. 2'J 21, lj-.- U- The v- tU 2ca-c-c of "-ic Ler-inist Ul 15 2C., i,ov '65 2112, i1 a Tht~ WI-ty Oil! tilo 140TUII& People is Strull"'t"A. uldli. ii; tile pp. Pravda, IG Dec 19641 1, 1'1~ ;IS nli 1101 ;Z72097L') N i i i I 0~ ~~ 272,744 i . i I ~ I I High Requirement and, Businesslike Attitude, c A I yj PP." p np,.Etavda, 23 Dee 1964, p 1. SSA '01 1 ieb 2730290 se arty of 1nd.ia:AdoOt6 Now Program ? h )Wess,;:Ln': BdObay, 6ipp. r Ptavcbil 25iDec 1964, p 3. 843f M-11 ia P 273V898 Lis t, of C j~didates the,Ac'adem~, 6 PP. RUSSI,4jp n 3 P R,'!; 21601T Bel) 65) Sci-.'Iisc for Active Membership I.-dth of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Pravda Ukrainy, 6 I-lay 1964, List of Cahcliclates for Corresponding Membership With ilic Academy of Sciences of' the ukrainian SSR~ 12 pp l(UZ)SIAN, np, fravda Ukrainy, 7 May 19(4, pp 3, 14. JPRS 26017 ~~ltlcal TL %-,i, Pravda uj~=djiy, 10, n t 1965 Plan of Grwzth of the noW of the Ukrainian SSL, 8 pp. 11u np, Praydr. Ukraia, 1-3 Doc 1964, 29~'57 2762769 lit 'Dy --~Yoni Dream to Reall.ty. Onyon, h 13P. T?l ScE. Si) Rosecirch JF.RS 1--W44, cotiol Odd t don ifi the Uzbek SSR. 5 pp. RWM p1' a"~uft 29 bc~1963 p 1. (Table of Con- MRS 23067 s 248,132 RO~cili e Covers Zeiavshan, by G. Dimov, R Vostoka p 24907: _26 Apr 1964, 9,SOSgl un op~ of Chemlcma h0unryIn Cena-al Asian 'com MIC Reomle 5 Pl?, u ~N, np. Pravft Vootoka, 13 hUy 1%4, p I Aug 641 265,099 Futute'Specialization of Agricultural Production I I --- in t1e,Uzbek SSR, 7 pp. RUSSIAN np Pravda Vostoka, 15 Jun 1964, p 2. JPRS 27,346 -USS11 Econ Jan 65 2710500 :4 asut~lj to Ensure the Profitabillty of EverY OZO 6 pp. 9 9 1 N, np t 1964, p 3. S Al Pravda Vostok4L, 3 Sep T,~Osn Oar 276,665 6,~' 'ji-an ~incl skyrufac Soviet jz56'~ iiL oC u ZI) Pravda Vestoka, 21 :~%:uv l9o4, I_u. Ueb 1.;6 2 74 3fju A.. 1e coaunts; S. Nj*V&Y signof 10 pp. Mli i ~j PI~MVUA - ONIMP po -doro pp jju?-IJ21;~ am& (NY-U29) qd~tiongi' and Norms For The Planning and 1, 1 i1 wtr ation of Cities., 23A : ~ 1:1 RUSSYAW,, bb,110 Pmvila I XormW PUmIrovki i zooti4ki MIS USSR Xwn Sci 4, Sep dl~~ Ua, 1;. st :1,9,r,6 J-5225. ,.ula ions floverning l4jail Shipments and the Rel, t Operatip'n of INlail Cars on USSR Railroads, RUSSIANI bk,:;P-ravila Pere ozki Pochty i Ekspluatatsiv tj.ochtovilkh Ilme-,onov* na 'Zheleznodor:sbnoi Seti Soyuza SSR., mb~,~ow, d956, pp 1-33. *JPRS USSR .Econ -60nimunicat ions Aug 59 (Dc-6322) for the TmBporiatim of lbfto- JPRS low.) 3aS- Ou CNf GlMd-%Ict in a Contaminated Area: ,-)-,7 V. Medve6evs 38 PP SMO~Wv 'O%, Prarkla Povedenip vlZarafjzb*nn= Rayon& 19~8, ~p 1-48. JMS" 5932 USSR Mil i / .3 Nov 6o Rules,:r li - -Arms,, by lovi and Minim. RUSS bk PrAvUa - xSnj I by Is. FSXgjk_ovg&,o_ ruSMA 0 a I�d. 119 pmem. ACSI J-;917 ID 2264014661 SciA44rials January, 1968 341,885 -~6/6o "DC-3532) -,uiatliins ft.'j- tbe Technical Operution of InterwCoan Tele-obonew,-Tel.-Itgraph. Cable Lines) .130 PP. RUSSIAII., bk I BjwpluatA~sii t q4g. p koy Kabel'rVIth U14-y H,,p~4# ,gorodaoy Telefonno-Telegmj T k~j ,%V'p 9593 PR 1-115. JM 3441 USSR Econ - Cormami-cations Sci - Yiectr:nics Jun,60 i I 0 Dc Lc&al Aogub~tluns of the Boviet Aim36 Pc~--r;C, b:~ 7-van F-!Ildoro,~ioh Fobezhimov, i4, P*,P- RUSSIAlip bk~ FravovWe liegulirovarkiye SLroitel~stuva Mmli i Flota, 1960s PP 3-1.45. JPRs 618q usm Quentlaup on the OrgmAzation of Scientifte I , in tho Mi3R. by F. 1. Fedlkln, 2.9-1 pp. !~WIOSTXN, !Dk, Fll;,q-,Tqv"e Vc%msy Organizataii V--uclnp~r '~,Iaboty v. $8841, 1958.0 '356. d, MS 4660 , Prw Soviet awk Ou~pi Probiems o--p wsrv Vith the Ruropecs PwVle's Demarac = i Be X. QIrMnp 30 j3p or "Ible --- of Atwoupheric 135 pp. To As Faaamy ad. KA 594U.73 mum= rl. M-4 00 Aita,of Alluoible Ooacon-- tIons of Atmmpberic ,~ 1 1, LuutwlUl Wbk 2j. V. A. Fjamwvp ed,# 163 pp. J, lbs"O"Mo " 59-ZL174 mm Lts of AllvabU Cmeentratlow of Atmospher-io ; ~ .11 d LutAM;d,q Sm'Ok 3p V. A. Fjazanov,, eIM -pp JbGCW40 1957. MA 59-21X75 SOL itm 6o vabU Camentrattem pr Atwepwie by V. Z, WAK iftsuqumv M vp. Sol Gea"Iet Ryozan,~, V. A.; ed. 61-11148 uhirrs ',& ALLOAARU (-ONC.Emi-RATIONS, OF L Air-Impuritles ATMOSP111~;RV Rif L.UTANTF. &)CK 4.. ir. by 2. Particles (Airborne)-. B. S. UvIne. Jan 61. iMp '14 refs. 3. Waste gases Order frot 6 OTS S 2 7~; (1-11148 1 - Ryozancv, V. A.. ed Trans. ofrorlo. jjlredej.~qq,Q . L: I 11. Public Health Service. %kashington, R C. travaly Atnnoafer~-,~~jiayitznetiiyj Moscow. 1960, Contemn: Limits of allowable lead concentration in the air of Inhabited locallififFt. by hi 1. Cunev Basic principles f6r the tletermination of allowable chlorine concent ration in the atmosphere of inhabited localities. by M. T. Takhlrov X4.11t.r, 11, ~. I tho determination of limits of allowable concentrations of 'dichlorethane in atmospheric air, by M. K.~ Borl"a Sonic Inventigatiorii for the determination of the limit of aubIwalble ocrr~ejn concentralan in atmospheric (Efigne~"-sanfiation, 7T. V. S. no. 5) (over) !V 62-11605 RYAZAn&,. A. pd. LIMITS Of ~iLLOWMLE CONCENTRATIONS OF 1. Ryazanov, V. A. ATMOSPHE Ic ANTS, BOOK 5, tr. by It. Public Health Service, B. S. LevJoe~ MmOrI43p. 112 refs. Washington, D. C. Order froin OTS $2. ~51 62-n605 Trans. of n0no. [Prddcl'no Dopustimyc Konsentratsli Atmonferfiyk~l gra azne I Moscow, 1961, bk. 5 Includes runs. of glena I Senitarlys (USSR) 1957 J,. 221no, 8' p 64 ~6- 1959, v. 24, no. 3. P. 70; 1960, V. 25. Ino: 7, ~'92-93) - DESCRI DRS.- 0 t 'OR e, *Contamination, Air, Impurities, er 4, ol, Measurement, Counter kiaz' ea. In'' al plams. Waste psea. Gases_ filk ealthj~ yelology, Man, Animals, Lead, Les,:d d1o Idea, Mercury, Gasoline, Vapors, Ole' !kce tee, Chlorcqxrenes, Sulfur compounds, I Ideal!0 a, Sulfuric acid, Acids. (Engineeri* Sanits;tion, TT, v - 7, no. 9) (over) ogi-f S-1- KI "OtAlaft of RatabLis4ing the MsmLmw~ omomatmuous or AtILOWAore pauution tW V. A. ftvmmov, 31, vp pp Al I i I re i-.'.li0: Atlas of t1w Georgian SSR, is P14 AuSSI ~N-, rpt 0 Pxvdisloviye-Atl" Grazinskoy ~464, pl) ME ACSI 1-8638 iv 220,4GS7365 W'SIVOCO'gr I~pr 615 298#604 1 ~ ,6/6o ectin4 Crushed Stone Ballast From Fouling, RU39IA,N, brochure, Predokhraneniye Shchebenochnogo Baliasta ot Zagryazneniye, Moscow, 1~60, 0 pp. *JP?13 USSR, Edoti - TransDortation, rail 5 De c 6o U. S. A. JLJTERA~~VRE ON Alit POLLuTION AND TT-64 -I I S74 RELATED OCCUFATIONAL DISEASES, VOL. 9- A 1. Levine. B. S. SURVEY, rn. I-III: n. Rya7snav, V. A. L & LAkIIII6. 1963/~4 [232p] M. Title-, Limits... Gmut ?tt-hP`-M170 IV. public Health Serytee, Ordef from ~M $3.110 TT-64-11574 Washington, D. C. V. Grant PHS-AP-00176 Trams. of ULCM I*M tlxpyq roattienLratail -ida DO" At Itiof A' Powable (L !.Xwd iM Minos ert "A c pollutants) Imoscowl M2. bL 6~ iL963, 7. by V. A. Ryazanov. For Mue af~ cvwtezt~ see the "Periodicals Translated C or' $04, tion of this issue. DMKIPT : OA aspheric pollution, *waste pses, tion, Tow c1ty, StandanU, q uteri M ry 4 bAustxi medicine, public us 0 itern, Physicilogy . ~111 .-Sardthlon, Tr, y. 11, M S) (overt) Office f T~chni-l 4-1-. TT-64-11116 Zhukov. V. F. i~ I MMODOWGY:00 COWARING T11V ECONOMIC.; Or 1. Zhurkov. V. F. DIFFERENT CONMWTION PROJECTS (0 Met"ke It. MtIL- Mowing ... Ekonomich~skogo 4ravnentyx Varyantov Proelaoruairogo Ill. NROC-TT-1064 Soomzhiid~i) M. Aoiv~ tr. 1963, 17p NRCC Tectml- IV. NRCC-C-4331 cal tran~. 1064: NOOC DBR-104. V. NROC-DIBR-104 Order fro"i NRCC ~sj. 00 NRCC-C-4331 VI. National Research I i~ Council of Camde Trans. a:f ooao. miedpostrombnoe Protaivante mmpiet- dt'Siruciuris) Mo6bow, 1959, p. 21-38. DESCRIMR& OMmgement anghwring, *Economics, 4COOBtr6ct'lon. Ar~dc regionv6 P(-rniaf rost, Maint(-nancv, Costs, i TT, v. 11, no. 3) 0111" of T~bnlcal Se"Ic*s rg'-gub ,? ztx~,, be, (MY-2723) - 7-or6co-sting- 3 to 7 DSYS In Advance, by A, L. 11~1ata,':125 Pp. RTXBSINI~p blr~p .130spoj pA Tri-Sem' Dmeiy IAni1w 1958. r-medabtlud. and reaulatIM the Ileat Regim of t~!c �UiTac~~ Lswow of the Atmospberep by M. x 'a ~i aer~* u pp. ~j Awr Wteora wo Yo-RoW-38 Sal - Goapl#,s mar 62 14P 101; P 7V1 Revolu~ion (11-oup and Lorents Grcup Representalions and lh~ir Application, by A. M. Gel'fazms, R. A. Minlos~ ",- A. Sbapiro, RUSSIAT, mmograph, Predstavleniya "j]~W.,-Vrashchenii i Gxrv, ~)W -nTYE,- *pp Preven tilng wid Eliminating Accidents in Structural Drillingl b)-A. A. Sinoplis, N. V. Idilelmikov. RUSSIA14,1 bk, :flrcduT)rezlldenie i Likvidatsiya Avarii v Strukiurno'Polskovom Burenii, Moscow, 1964, 178 pp. *S FCSI FY-1965 sci Jan 65 GPIZ Ir*1vomtta*, ct ArtiftotQ-1 Iftrth 7 ~: -W, ur dy 'JOIJA Modine, G. A, Leykiav A~ N7 Ls- $L p9., *~;okvxsmt lko~!'Zmmll I ~AW., Bborall- Statsty. L:-,, Part X. iii-8, pp lite Z 1B t1imsOtleattam of the Outer Rn:atcz tL)S, Acewdira to Obaarvaticuo 4r pmss~- Siaiimu Qt'tba First ArtigiaLsa An-th astoUlte, by YQD Lc, Al"' , Vtp it. F. ftuafteako$ B. S~ SbApirop t LOW M, 7. Oowpihut" pfadu "Itel Dom 1toal zwa--b6Ah a p=c6bab"yu Pam" Sawat I.Augat AmI* I Fakett SbartWt ftatcy& lho 11,7 Iq act A.,be gal r, i (J-. ) c - 3 9 o.-L L~To 0 " ra .va.rato I-or Estab.74siliv,, (For jx1tam A Lt-tc SYnteCtical Ano-1.3,sis, by (~6u-k, 71 pp. 'I, JEW 3,344~ Oci Msc r 4/ 117 S-8~5/64 Prelimina,ry Technical-Economic Estimates on Com-d lex Utilization of Nuclea:c Powxcr for De6allination of Salt Water and bimultancous Gen6.ratiOln of Electric Power, by N,. M. 6inev. (NY-,0315) EUIGS.IAN~ rpt, Predvaritellnyyx! Teldiniko- Ekorilomicheskiye Soobrazheniya po Komplellisnomu ispo~ llzov;aniyu Yadernoy Energf: _i Dlya Opresneniya So1enYIj_i:Vbd s Odnovremennoy ITyrabothi Elektroeniarigii, 10641 30 PP- *JPRS Sci Nucl Sci Prie4icti6n by the Commander in CmA)at,, by L. S. 1 11 ;1 s~u,p.ykop i ~ 7 pp - fusslm,,;Ibk., PredvikRlm komandira v boyu 1A. 0 1r JPRS 40907 ussli Mil 1; it=' 67 323P520 coraverilion o:[~ CraPliz, intO Electrical .~:i 7nal.:, by 1'. P-,D. bk :i1 roo'braLzManilre (Iraf trickles f. I 4 Tf T Of C all. IROAaw of Tx~ ;rormllUm or OrthoGonal Projectiormj b~, T. ~nmviko--,,y 'I pp. 95 17 pp - Read, Iib Sv Sec Air Info Div fl'a Conaress oriaca- Voltv4p Oorm.-i-ters 73 PY-RIM bko rlnwbxvxpvqtql,4L 'ATM2.=.Lni X!%AP 1-102. 'Tab C'~# 3171510 otiatibin of Obstacles, d-tc)-Eand. Combat, by N. Throwinb Gfcnades, and I. Kharlamov, B. N. Sbtp-ndchl'; RUSSULIq ~-ik, Preodoleniye Prep~atstviy, Granat 1. Ruklopashnyy Boy, 1c.,56, pp Encl to R~i-lJRI-58- ACSI I-L858 'AID 20(~-19'161. 0 Jul 63: tbi Mosonts Ing. D"Imeat bw 16 IL Doe IMF 11 m JIM MC6 l9mis 22-Vu~, 131a is 332a 2M Aa 6T. TH OF PHY8'fCS IN THE t)SSR (REPORT FOR UNESC A. S. Ak"TOV., 36 Pp. RUSS-I 4 5 PREPODAVANIYE FIZI.-KI V SSSR (DOKLAD Di L,U U~~Jqtsk 1~63J;PP 1-39. JPRS 19J66 us :80C JUR 3 2 2 3 "281 ~7' lml~truatioz ascous Xor th~,. j'tL--A4o, by A. A- VaWil'-Ye'f) P.? - 1 6xzl~ 19T; w 7T-z~- M.Is-gi6-D 361, Atheim a 'w, 1y The RAtuaton ~pf KeUls., by V. V. Mwloboxr, Zir~-,ev,, ~'634 no f.-uss-TA15:0 jbk.~ 0r*R9OVani7O HOtftllOV,t 19591 PP 1-543, 7855 SCI - var 61 h, 4~f fte"j, by L. V. Pfosormp, OM b~jj ft-OWSOU Ana THE: M~AGNETIC AND DISLOCATION STRUCTURE OF ALLOYS, BY :B1 4 pp. V. MOLOTILOV, L. N. FEDOTOVI 2 RUSSIIAN, RPI PRETSIZIONNYYE SPLAVY, NO 25: 1962., I I PP 5421. JPRS ir- 67 59 scl-~/m NOW 62 215,233