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PRI Alt jj JI-11 Absorptivei:Activity of Root Systems of Plants!, by~;I. 1. Kolosov RUSSIAN, monos, Poglotitelvnaya Deyat-el- vnostvi Xornevyj;Ji Sistem- Rasteniy, 1962 Sci/b Mar 7 0 av chmics and the Forecamt of Weather tv I .i A. ruibei v A, 9 pp - Russlit, p6,r, Fogodap Xx No 6l 1941p pp 1,2. Sci Tr Center RT-2619 Scientifie - GooplWaice Dee 5~ cM/bSX POL:'Onophbra, by A. V. Ivanov. *CB J-17:7~ ih e-lic~ld~r ftisip, by ALWLean& Tivandwikiril bk. ~~chnwa Pblose, mosecr4, 1963, IPVp 1011' A~/SF-,3506/SP8CJLQI Nikolacv, PILE Dpl%llqr '~f Order fr Trans, 01 Marp. I FAilro" irlicki., C-ov, 3 94P. oDc.nutw 1101road bridges, rtiction. 1~ollo, 62-12996 ~nj f F~~ tEngt:wcdrip--~ 37. 8, nu. 2) i I : . i 1 1 1 ,"1e" ', YA blo&dU% at ~, ,i=s ~ bCr V. V. ~ i " I at li i JLM a q=xmw Operatimu St R&ilrload aolx*kovt V. M. molagla j ~ um ow I ~ i I I I I i ~11 6f the Bolken at 1ll&A*XL8I =w6rft"No Md Its on, ~ I il A~ ' p is me ftrmmwvp IV* J4~;; ~Mvw-,~ ma ma"gov a .am Z i ~ ]kb: mom" �R U-1 q, 0a Mosom. .Fis Loc im by Hydroacoustic Devices, by V, Azh that E. V. Shishkova, RUSSIAMNO~ k., Poisk R GidroWcusticheskimi yby PriWtami ~1960. ScilMotho4s 4 Equipment Nov 7 343,339 DVcoitl3., by V, '53 PP lad bk,!! ftio;i, ASC Tr-45'10 S -71/6 Indica Populcite-'-d 14. 1. 14ft# I%.i.-)ns ~~f the STmitary Conditicin c;f the Suil of Pll-tce~) by 3. L. Allf, Ye. il. I~Jiohustir, Pertso~: sltunyu., 11 - 1. Khlebni I~uv, RUSSIW, pochv.'-'~ bk;i Pokazateli S,,nitarnogo se~`,~n'nylrla Mest, 1959, pl? 5-11C. *JPRS a.- Feb; 61 The ~"Saviet Conquest of the Arctic., by V., D. 124 V9. HMSYM,, paurbletv Pokmini" Aftt:Lldv Moscow, 1962P pp 1.155. JIM 16332 F=n Rav f7) ~g 7 n9 Of InaCCOOBNO Eleacrit, by yants# A V FoJcWo JA3 pp. bk. No, e2ko-flim ~Sslmmm 3 pp 1-192. -IM7475 284,386 sr, I IALSj AND TOXIC SUBSTANCES, BY 1. L. '8 Ppe V FOKINp PO1KOR61YE NEPRISTUPNOGO ELEMENTA, pp 18~wlqo- JPRS 21673 Ao,69o F, ,)-I ov Pokrytiva iz Tiu!~opl:lvl,il,,~l B(A' If)," t,,ed 6 1 re%dew L .41 Uil Coatings (Metallization)., by G vo rt., 9 pp. R ~,,bk, Pokrytiya FA~ annyta Metallota,, 05 pp.- 7 Readl, Lib Sv Sec Air Nnfo Div Llb cong The Basis of Polarized rzhission,, i-IN' P.P. I~ec4fi-J.0,V. Polarizovannaya Atomo, ir -istaltov, I(R. .-Icl:-(, .,U1 i E2 CF., Gagarin9s ~Plights, bY N, Denirov, S, RcTxarl,,.c,, so PP Russ]."', b~,p-Pajet Gagarinas Ux-k4jy,_ =1~1~kovmstpj e d FTD--TT- 62-844 'rj ~>o a lil i f-r ~ ti--; iritib Space, 'bZ,,- Yu. SxkL'3ush-',:ov,- )J i POJIT: B'DITIAM, bj:!~ Folel-r v Kosilios, oor94 IITD-4142-6 -7 bh. - Zl~~ GV UBE ftll-uc C-,I) 99a"v tw I. JL nutmltwl RD t 33~ 99 Fps m,lriI 903W MD4?-6W3L5 ft 63 vukc~ EL , ~L uW KorcbaRIN A. A. ) Gwr NY., 1063, 4&P fmm = Toc Wca, bir-, 1000 Ifertnout N. Vll~ , ~Wlit"'--drtj ton, 5, D. C. 1 *C mmw~l [POICY Geobomnik;a,, Moacow, RMORG: -,PUt, -EaMy, Soil., --Dotiny, TT, v. 10, m 12) 63-22W16 1. TULL- Geobotany 1. Uvrenko, F- M. It. Korchaldn. A. A. M. Scrtpu Tcchnica, Inc.. Wastdag, i. D. C. Zpdpout,. by P., 1. Pqabm., bk~~':POUTW& B=lt*&UWlt TokWAka., 3-959- AIXI R-SAI ID WaD9 Wo Jkm. m 61 or TheFeldspats (Phase Relationshirls, Optical ~ !. ~ 1! Properties,jand Geological Significance, by A. S. marfulAn. RUSS AIN,, bk,,~ Polevycyshpaty, Fazuvye Vzaimootnosheniya, Optichelskiell8voistva, Geologicheskoe Respredelenie, 1962, ~ 2~73 p ~: R. *PL-480 OTS 65-50091 Sci Sept 64 sect !Of ~"Xtmats an the Scil (W the rnterstrip by Al. S. l8lailm., 10 pp. 9MBW) 1955, Pp 155-163. Ora 60-22A69 ~-a - Geavve ~ma I ~M- No 266 Useful !,~nerals in the Service of the Seven-Year i i Plan, lpy,V. L' YermolYuk, k 3 PP. RUSSIA111,11bk, Poleznyye IskopayeiW-e Kraya na Sluzhby Semiletki, 1959. (Call No FIC 337 K-4 R23) (Extracts) EX05( USOR Econ ja-n 0 Army I-lap Service fts., 'u4- V. V. KoriWisk and S. V. w&, 61 pp - bkj, KiL3 ~&rLUty,, "A, pp- 3-72- i .ui$R -IcLi-MAM a~n 66 i 2)3,920 LoiwiPresb'I:ure Polyethylenes, by N. M. Yegorev, RUS,~ IAN, Ik, Ea Polie-tilen N-Lzkogo Davleiiiya, S(i Fuels, Chem *ATIC MCL 6c)6/v MiNotronle lwatrummt ftKr measuring the MDio- 0416werof by M. 'fa. Br=. U 15D lo.. Lq64., PP 138- pers, :00119Mf M h & ftulp 385,,TrB goof, 6*A *Jjj lJVULM8qo--~,-SUTJi)GUT2us A-11slulatio '~j u[, 1 0.%jt; --jjv,)q-a!jvuhIod m6ij Lj77r-Kj-R --stlual M I 9F - F.9 '.).IA ;it) SAA) 1110.1j Jap.10 Lit f-W.dIVI 'mo pliv sI 'jjj~J.10j)U;)(jjlo)S a[)V ~iuliu!.I,j OlUl lSU()lIL!fljl.,;),%uJ puv p I! 'Allitip'l )III Io -molirptillo-I Nl 'V -WHO 113(l Mqov ISCIN0119 OtI')F-F.9 PLIV -A 'd lul"ilL(I-XI v -d 1--;bumall Blocklfl*chi4s in Bmulaims. by V. D. Glusko. MM"g por, Poligraftclmkoe F~roizvodstvo,, No GS/96 HRY 63 .2 DAAG39-67-F-i449 NaVY (TD I"week) ! poli;~r4filchd"koye Proizvodstvo, 1959. By: A. L. Pcq~ova et al RUSSJWII est for -wds: R--1664-D 4 jan 1pu,F No 3., 8-11 4 pp Translai~e- atul type 1 original copy. Document can be cut. ~v of *,ho Composition of Etching Solution on tht Dcp,~h of Etet-ing and the Proffl-c- of PrIntin II.-I'C'molitsi, bY P~ L, P581AUIYU, Proizvoestye, No El" 1901, pp 14-i& Roi~~. 5828.,.4 1963 (LIG,414) (Loan) prixiting on Coated Papcr,~ by fAl. 1962, pp 11-V, 3()~)3 (10 4171 (T,ne-j- 7-- D. A Vkaoarma% L &. SW Lowba. P. QUAL OF BL~CK-PRESS AND OMIrr UAAIE;- im-noN n= ~ i!qcRmAsm li%sl lisp) Order fro n O'M SLA P. 60 63-205,53 qmW= PmlZyodK" (USSR) 1962o P. DESCRIMRS.- Otak. Pdzdvg. Lidogmqhy, *Cutou black. opmw. gidsm-utive WAMUMCO% modawcal 0oluerwi. 7T, Y. 10. 1:0 1. TIUMM. EL A. R. Vamw=06 L & M - LAWbV6 P. & omcs w Tack" sortt" (NY-i83o) STATiJOF ELECTROSTATIC AND MAGNEXIC COPYING METF66sp Yto L. ND41ROVSKIY.- 7 PP. RUSS~IIANI PiRj,-P0IlGRAEIU:IESKQU PROIZVODSTVOP NO 11962 1! PP-2- 1-23. JPfts 15093 USSR ECON 210 Rep~,oduc,tion of blulticolour Originals With Luntinescenxt OLItlilICS, by E. 1. Klialugin. RUSSIAN, per, Poligrapficlieskoye Proizvodstvo, Voli XXVI411 , 11-4o 4, 1962, pp 2S.-26. NL.L Ref :5828.4 1964 (1.0,508) (loan) May, 04 63-12636 Sellvaiiav~ Yu. Pii and Sinyakov, N. 1. OPMAL D,ENRI! IN REPRODUMON AS A 1. Iltle: Screen polnEs 11 A F"UNCr*4 or. 'iur- "IFACE Anru or scnimr I SCIMIMN, YtL 1'. POINTS.' C 962] $ '' U Sinyak-av, N. 1. PH Order fio ATS $12. ATS-14P66R Ill. ATS- 14M6P TV. Associated Tmimical Trans. 4: ~a ss I Sen1ces, Inc., 1962. n6. li,* p.-111-13. East Orange, N. DB,9GRJJrMRS: 011hotmigraving. *PhoEWaphic plates, PrIking, Cqx1cal propertim Denulty. v. (Material 10, no. 3) 011'10 DI Technical SeNice; The moit Inoortaut Txeud3 in Scientific Researcli Worik Ili thoj~ VNII IP Pa in U63j, by V, S. ~Vat.ohin. RUSSIA~f pgl'*, fAusxaftch*fkm.fjv~klTqstvo. No lo il"Saii, pp 10-13. NIX Tv Bulliptin Vol Ve Ka I-D" M3 Set iOdsc _,?- e1_?, t? _Zj/ Nov 7-7 7.' ll~ A 14, VE I LDING FOUNDATIO14 IS 14EEDED CH11. NE BU 1 "tF BY I yp 0 RAPH] C ;jNDUSTRY, PY CANDIDATE OF AC! T E C.1i t I, L I EiNCE G .,P. SM I RNOV, 7PP bs's 1 R -~ P~ ~~PO'LIG~AFICHESKOYE~PROIZVODSTVO, NO 71 , 1963 i 4. JPRS 2126-i A~Rlj 1 Et6NI OCT 3 11 ---------- ................. Pol~ia(L'Irlzat Gwaba.4fi,dia KnoiaiXovski RUSSIAII blc,i! I oct 6(:) i of Ethylene Under the Influcmce of in by S. S. Medvedev, A. D. Abkin, P. 1,. 22 p1). ep 195~-?. i vii AEC Investigation of the Physical Struct-ure ofiPolymers by Infrared Spectroscopy. Pa.-A II. Dichroism Pnd Orientationp by i G. "n'lodarski. RU,':)SIAI�j per,, Foliiuery., Vol 8, No 10j. 1963, -370. -I)P 365 NTC 72-1043~-l 11 Ap ~ 7 2 Mboretical Basis cf the Mepirical Coefficient n, G-uneisen 8 Formula for CaculatinG the Ch&ract,~~.r-is,tic Teniperature, by B. N. Oshcherin upp. F:JUSSI104~ per,, Poroshkovaya Metallurgiya) Voil 3) NO 3) 193111 pp 12-13- CFSTI riT-6!,-u3-c6. 3',`2, uuc-j S6i Metallurgy A r 67: P Povder, Metolillxgy, by S. A. Tsuke:-man. bk ;Poroslikovaya Metallurgiya) Ak Nauk SSSR.~ Moscol", *pp Sci M~njllAct Dec 6o by 1 .58, PP. 9 ViJ, X,`T: pawall V.9tpJluiW; ~:125,436, pp Sol. 14--a. 27 T by S A - Tsukervlz~ W-tw, .1112"~ ~,' !00;714 154-1,570 AMC mr[A-132/v Regi ~-"taxlties In the Blntar~ng of Povoora CoMowds, by G. V. Samswnov,~, RUSP,lA-%!i per, Foro wrtanur"iYa. 10 10610 P.P 20-29. ML RTS fa:~.q 4 c C- - 7- r o L'),W 6 ~~- Mal.' 63 J atalation of Pomw Titmiml Cazbi& with Llt, JH',AO an& OMer-Oobeat of ooppor. AU~Px Vo I- Rimmenbop B.D. Lasnik. par$ MSUMLR~p Vol it 19610I.Do :1~ 11B ion o" o EFF ECiTOF G 1, POWDERS., BY . I RUSS11AII p PE VOL I! No I EOUS PHASE UPON THE ROLLING OF METAL . A. VINOGRADOV, 1. M. REDORCHENKO. POROSHKOVAYA METALLURGIYA, T~611 PP -61-67. SC I IN/MtT AUG HB 5580 2o6,987 CORROSI~ 01`1:~'~IRON-BASE SINTERED MkTERIALS IN 3% SODIUM CHLORIbit SOLUTION~ BY L. 1. PUG194, V. V. ROMANOV. RUSSIAN' PER~~ POROSHKOVAYA METALLURG; VOL ly NO 10 ig6i., Ppj 6e8.7 HB 5581 SCI - MiN/MET, CHEM ocT 62 212,095 "Llou 113C tho. Theorj of Visc*us twjqj,~ -W tIv. sin 1% a Of Powders by Hat Prealing., by G. V. Sawsww. Implaa :Per., polxmhkov%ra lieta3lurgiya., Vol is No :41 Itc6l., 920.3053. ;JW/Tl- 5572 Sal - whys wqx 6,31 EX'E'UMEN!"AL METAL-~ERAMIC ROLLING MILL,, BY v 1!;~ 5.0RADOV, 4'. M. FEDORCHENKOY 5 PP. RU 311 AN ~R; E.QROSHKOVAYA METALLURGIYA~, NO 2, 1, Pl' 101-107. p JPRS lc)253 .1 SC MAI IIAET i6A 53 2301,012 B a I of Sintered LAwded Bronze, by ib Y~a Paioshkovaya. Metallurgiya, Vol 1, R S RTS ~13~6.3 set. JUN &K 64 261,142 an Aluminum 'U. N.1 ~emenov. i r Mettdlurg,, Vol It 265,910 U-V--1:31! itysibal Pit~rtics of Ulals in tl-.#--, tl~:, Dovcn-Czabai, Siliccn- U-(X aid 13orcri-si 3iocri-Caiticn v by vo Al GO 35 L4), 4 Porcxihk2~~a I-btallur~Ayci ,Io 30 1961" 15" G 3 M 1~,Avi ii5:64~3-1070-68 Ikov 397,284 ol Z. .7~ itN1, 11 o ro s hk p %r J3 Oll h c. -11~ Lt V. I'l-v6pil, 6 96 .1 9 '1 6 72 Y) FIT) 2 73 s j. ml), ,"he 10--Aing ~6f W~talltc Powders Into Thin, M gh- `cxc) Iq inov. i if StLA: p, by Y. N. So= X`31! I.) kji~ per,, PoroahkovWa )!-Aa1].urZiyci,, Vol 1, -73- NLL J4. 3644 2, o el Appaiw us estigating the HELrdness of ~Ietals and XLloys over a Wide Range of Temper- ature's by Vo A, Borizanko and G. &')'* llsarenko, RWBIAJ.V, per, j~g~qh tAt biauk Uk, vol _A AWL 1, N6 10,61. PP 9!P101- Sci-.Uoth and ~iquip 4r 349.33V InvistigattOn of the Wetting of Graphite and Diamo d by~' Uquid Metals and Alloys, by Yu, V. Naidi G~ A. Kolesnichenko. RUSSIAN,, p6r, Pormhkav!7~ Metellurgiya, Vol 1. No 6 i961 pp SS;--M"-' RB S940 Au & 61 zamw. CooftletAviV of lm3b-Yolti% Bcriclen, (*XUi.409 Emd Mtrides., qy so H. L'-%,ov.. 9 3m Rnu3bkQ:v I. - I'm EB Pal CSWJD J,leth6de Visu~elle d'Etude de la Clixietique dIO.--qrd;ation et de Decomposition des Oxydes sur une Si~rface' Metallique, by N. N. Ovcharendo. Russm to~,FMTCH,, per.,,Egroshkoya a MetalurgaJa, Vol IV, ~, 196-11 PP 37-41. 9207: 9 Reverse Translation CEA No R-1691 Sci I'say 63 Deterid ng lElectrical Properties of Graphite at HijbIbio6ratures,, by L, P. Milltseva., B. N.: mamr''v 10 pp. RWIAN# psr, Poroshkovaya Metallurgiya, No 1962, 1 pp PrD-IT-62-1708 SCL-Wil may 63 SintST'IM 'of FOAM 11 Steag AUopd With 1 and R' m CU%Ms by INI. PQtrdLik; RUM Vol I IRB %a the nold at Jwrtivated in mad j&tqb^ajw oC tba 1w 1. No va 'It MM U 3943 Y717 Fob 'Ot1,r.,HXOVAYA 1ET.A.LLVSmrYA Powder Metallurgy _oviet *hl Metal Cerriml monthly) ~rbm-tlation besins with 1962, Vol. 2 time: ca. 6 months Or-Jer fro-n: Plenum Publishing Corroration 227 We3t 17th Street h New Yoric, N.Y. 10:)11 971., t 150.001year 8 30.00 single Issues 15.00 aingle article reprints dd 5.00 on over-jea sub-cription PoRosHK7AYA IMETALLURGIYA 1962 - 1964 COVER J'COVER: PLENUM PUBLISHING CORPORATION AVAILABIIIF LY:ISEIZIALS 1 i i i i Aug 05" i 3m-forming Materal for Pinishing V. I. Miseywa. PbUmermy Plankoobrozovateli X07bi. 1961, pp 21FO. I B (on Loan) 287,193 PA MIT 1111ilgRONIC MAMCHAIMS, BY PO iov ~- 694 PP -ICH:~ND,R:IAN, j,. 13~1 L'i Wk~ S NEORGANUCHESKIMI GLAVNYMI I MO L: '15Qs 321 PP. 02 JPRS 2 72 SIC, 11 E~l "AM 237,441 J WFENY MOU SO' SMRl RUSS I AI'l) BKO'!Pl 1 �61 ~7pp ~6 scl M I Nlk. ET NOV 62!1 iENUM AND MINOR MUAL DEPOSITS., 13 PP - L 1, M~UA ERI 41 qjMX;JjE-�.TQRP;HD -YA- I yjcqp7 ZAIMYK41- IYAy MOSCOW: .46,6, 47o-472, 48o-483. JPkS 15987 216.,257 CR-265/�2 List af!USSR~:Participants n kfi 4th Sci Sess on Live Pollio V~ccine, 1,,,6o. RUSSIANS bk, Poliornielitnaya Pererallnaya Zhiraya I Valdsilla, LQ,!SO. 4~RSMY-7375 S i -,misc USSR Biog 12 Dec 62 "77 q Poly*o Rus$~W.q 194!43~1 fti id oleo of Wbeat., by A. R. Zhebrak. rp~~~ YUky 20ftlIts , 1957,, 3-5 wd T&bU cC Omtents). 9096&6 uso T& ij-1311 BioI Iftb, 62 r~nxnll lta~a; 110 YnN~ TOM I%ar. F-- "voi-,:" 0 la, tll.6 World of cybziractics) by M. 11j. I J. p T, JPRS 2670 SC5 Jun An R~X~ll Industrial Training., by N. A. Kialov., P. jxqj, Politeklmicheakoe (Ybuchanie, No 11, 1'.)59, Interntl Arts and Sci Press Soviet FAbleatLon Yol nj rio 4 USSR toe Apr irdr4r, of Pupils in the Tentb anti Flebrenth ackes 1(0,,-'.cPw School No 6CYT,, by V. C, . Kaplan, 2 p. PC-6'*Po11te.Mrd.ches)me Obuchenle, No 11, 1')59., PP Interntl Arts and s'Oi Preas Soviet Education i Vol 11 No 4 0 C Apr,(X" '19k r- p- in Livestock Breeding, by A. V. Apr 6~) rP PolittAdmicheakoe Obucherde, No 11,, 1959)' Internattonal Arts and Sci Press Stwiet Education Vol IT,, No 4