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Pvoryano%~i P. A IE EFFECT OF \K),NNIETAI,LIC INCLUSIONS ON T145113 FAILURE HARDENED ShK-hl5 S7LEI, J)-anic 1,14ta IIliches). Ikh NIklyuchenii %, Zak-nlennoi Stali (Ill 5 na, OsWostm Vykrasbivanic). [19621 [271p. reign Eext it ijellideI)l 2refs. der f ronv, O'.i','; or SUA $ 2. U) 62-20457 ans. or 11(kjfillipnilz~~i~JSSR) 1953, no. 5, 1). 13-1(). SCRIPTORS: *Ball bearings, *Roller bearings, *Stet: rdncss, ImoUritics,! Fatigue-, (Mechanics), Failure CLhanics), Strcsse.,: C! Purpose ol~ tile prtl~cnt work is to tile rt:- ionship boween theitiz,~, ,hapu and nature of non- taffic. lnclu~;td-ons an~ A fatigm! failure of Vairdcnckl 'h15 Wllhc6ing f-A;Ial with hardness Rc ~ 61 to 65, ler alternctl4, streiis. ac!rnery-:,-h ,iaclUnc 0arts, Tr, v. 9, no. 11) 62-204-57 1. Dbory-mov, P. A. Offkt ol Tethpicat Sent"s On Dlv~xwimlog of COMORM48 in thO Ro~ao~"*tj(6jog of ftyor*d radIal Tbzuft ROU-er M. I. Wellshtqm, 17 P. mwz~nlp I*rj Podj!~XVW4 1953,, No 8. mA 6o-3w26o se Apr' Vol j, *o 3 ade of Plas t i a e LeE~r-JI gal by V- K. e r ft c" . ht "I n kc PP., AF-673853 j ShesternL iz PlRSt!7;a1;5, 4. i; SIM puT LIY I ATIC r, Apr 58 2Q"L2 68 Adbx l2ti~ drakwi by A.'Is ~mtly&!:,avav 265-2""'4': P~isn;p Illbook-p P(Ovialmoy '-3ostaipi P03,mlli6ov~, Vbscowp 3061 ll!~ ~ !I:! / w 1 i PU63 tab. I~h mr~*elsv Cott= oor;y ol,' x,-!,wrt 66 B"HI a ei* lb~ I u mosixyw, ko ."M 230. ~x n As the Use of N. flessonov, 1963, pp 6-47. 251,635 1,111de-jS4 tel- Obsom.-ati ons Frol~~I t1w -:uvcr- I It PocimLni)YYU.- iNaidyLLJc-)Iiy~: iz t~~ta bno r 1 2 1-2 7. DeP t vq~ 1 u I., 'tr F) 5 7, 1 t 5, 1 (1 Cil -32;. ? .ble Craf-lea., or t,2 3*-r,il,l!l b', 20 m ATD sl-~1-3370- ofl t4ti~fl~~ wid Transporting Equipnont, titlook for the UkavelDpiient of till'.. 144, Ane I'lanufactuTe Of Liftilill Imspoitinji iiachinery, by P. 1. i"UnAstrovir I'll sslAli~v pptp Pod' yenno-Trm!L-orrn oye orwi.Wimye, Yoccow, 19rU-,- pp 54-92. Ej 22040-21165 6s 2902 1&7 wt,160k for CIO Dcvelopl-~)Cnt or' tic :-iciine l!w~,iiia:Cture of Lifting-TransporLint, :*achinci-y fraz 1959-19658 by 1-1, 1, ourmistov, 5,u 1,i). i-i~nl tricia wi.. wax do-O~,Iiya, lltioscoia,, 1960, r.11) 1-37. JL,.)i3S12 F~;Tcll 391-7VIS-505 1- 7.117 iD ,~ILW,302.1166 SCi [-~R,,~ uct :0,5 2 6 u'" 65 L) fdr lj2de~%gr~xmd Gms1fication.. Irr 0. V~ Kraglov. perp -%\Asemusym Oexlfilmtsiya Vgley~ Dept of' laterlor Tff7o 9571 30 104 341~ Mosr -~r 7 59 parls"mute.-ro in-fluerw-J-1ke tile ty of Stations, by 11. V. Lavrkr;- Tj,(,,14yyj Dept cd' Tnterior Tff7j IVIr no io6 59 ton Botvew tho Jwrodynsmias of IR/gw3 LCOMrs =a the Technological CbAmt*rIst-ics af b7 K, .A.. IConovid-1. .por, POdzRm!V&-.G&zJXIkstGiya U~T,1,2y, Dept oj" lutQrior TIM W' 57, r1a 107 `7f No Pro~ 1 of Control of the Prc-tesr! C)4" lid 0~'PiMmtiou of Ccalsp WX by X, A. pt of, Inte6rior ITVJ V511"? Tic) 191'* f- orr, L .4. ~Umtlaod Lp� (mleulating Lossu of Air, Coal,, and i - 1, .., Uhdarbroand Gemificztloa., by G. 0. Gas blurft~, MO iyer., Podzommya GaziffistaiLya UgLoy., No Ij, pp ~!2246--- Dept ar Intorlor TS70 257, no 119 *Mi 59 WormtIon Iner Und4ji-jground Gaalficatiomp by Lashiner,, of Uslei ip-'88'24' 89- Dept of IM; M Zur of Mines Central m"aper Sta Pittsburgh, reac go 3141 7,3 37 May 59 ftploitqtlon of the Sub-Movccw BUtion 0, by F. D. ftlish. RUMSS Po"01=78 amsifikstaiYa Valey" 'ZO p"I 195T!, Dept of lot Z!m Of MInes Sr a' Coal Res 1FO 65 iIim~m' co tions ror the orerstlon or ons (I Acm At the Mnew Area Podsmgas PUnt, p Podsommyo Casifiketelp %ley, D"t of %at to Sw of Mines Ir of altmimme Coal Roo 66 met fta: ilvyhon of Bow= in the Undargromd of Coalp by I* Faberovo 7 P. RUSSUX~ Wj~ Podz Gat Ugley., 1958.t No 1, pp SLA 59-16737 vca z io 10 A~ly, K~7 ,)f -taoatric Clur.-mvii for Vor Urulargroual ~cisiftcaticnj, C 9 p. 1957 P1,411 57 -6b. 3., nn -i; i fo, T-b and Cam 0 (,,:)utni platenens of Vinoirt Of 'fool 13*am kli~rm the Resulto of Openin~.; 1),9 Tixm-t~l ~Icnomtor No I at- ~rlvictr-n-:-,t U. at ' i V. N. Kast1k. RM411M,, -p'~rv . i wo 1"At. m 6.iw* Doe ~Wz=Mya Gaziflicatutya . , J? 3.'958, -Rp 1-0=15. Dt~,pt, of Thterlor Bu of Mraza Cmitral Exper Sta p. 54 to 1956, 3 5 RUSSIM, lay rnis,-ov, peul, Fb~Lzemuaya ioazifijuLtsi~,- ll,~rlv,i 1,%D 2', 1.1)15,1 '' I-- ; pi? 967!6u UsSiR Rcon ~iov (,)--I I I r) I J- to RUSOUii No 2P' rial 6ults cyt %be.Underipmuna Coal iift' at TAsiabouski in the Years 1954 - ~111,v .,t Jby~ V. &WIOv.. ML ibk# soumya G*zIfiJmtjjiya Uglya,, 31 38. Zoon 27 juni~l An H~j;rerii"--t on 'thfo jolairA of VarlUL-ql aml S., smv~lriz lWaholve in a Coal Swap by 17. aws lovol No 9j. ITO 50p 5-1., DW, of Tztzrior vilrf, No 83 Set 1- Ek),-tm~ ftfals MA V41 7 ~59 rule 7-11T-lu' 01, Static 1w. Frewlure 1.z au U&-'fLn grouml, G&a-Geearator ou tho Chw-aC-tQrls'4Llici3 o-T F I il tho Frocess,- by V. S. Usloy. Vo pp 51-54. Dept of liatfirior TNT, 1951, So 153 Ci anar Now zG! Mref!ta(l DrMing uxkl tWi. Us4E~ of !Wa spo6tro"tv for G" Analysis In V. G, by No lwj~i" ;p Dopt Of laterior n1l) Wls go 1.33 set mapi 47 e lho 01, Meratric C"urk-Qw. ror *rul-Qc":;.l of Gastfication; by E. A. ftyaravich. Ladli aq~ 9!,, Pqdzzm=q% GaWlkatsi3ra Ug~-oyt ~ i IXIII. NO 2i 1957#1! pp 67-T4. Dept of Enterlor TVITo 1957j~ -No 114 set jxjoe,-~~ ov 59 of Coal SWM G.4aSjfjCatjO!-L il"I OE imUcar. of the Ovel"burdel) vu-jiliq '430 0- I.X tho kower A-cscov Basin, Irf X. e,,. Tarch,!~,,niuov- per ~qdze=yu Gmanifttntaiya uslet, 'i"! 1957P Dept of Inb US Bur of Mime Central Exper Sta Pa. Ttr 512 Pitts. or pressure BicncerB for tlrc maq m" I~h-Aticass byM. T. ShIpJxO~- RXIS Fodmemar Gazifikstaiya ~957, 'PP 79-M- Dw. of Int US Bw of bdnes central ftyer ate Pa. Tr 1-33 Pitts. J~~, 59 Tb.6 Tp6d-zem~#&I Mobile Mtion; by L. A. rumrc~e~pklYjl. lwssmil, P~ ~cuevma~a aaziflkatslya ug 3~,Vo Ili *5Ts Pp Wpt of Int US Bur of Central Exper Sta PittSp Pao 'A"r USSR as a Method of Coatrollina Uaa by V. I. Belov. Russ 1; PO&,Immwmya Gatift'Latsiya UaLay, 1957,11 _9049- ~P~ Dept of Interior TN?s 35T,, No 70 Sal ~Nxellll Kwmat PhP- T-anatratiDn of Gaaer- F-celm au Gewrator :[nto the .-)Z- M, Y It Bbilift, Of SlQarat0l, 11DI TPUSI-~- Gazifikatol-ya Uglei; VOL 1:1 1-95trt py 100-10. Dept Of int US Aw of Mnee, O=trni amper Stu Pitts*j Pa. Tr 513 Sal EW J= 59! Prop qlo~ a ei Idtma ArUlne lPr= a Diacuzic;lon- an t~,ke;.vra~6at State wJt L=dl&ta)ftt=4j r;70-- for 4blp Dwnaowat of Uaderlp-our-A aumif'r. ult H41a -Vrm the 23;Cd-2ath -key ;Y A in i~,J" AcatAW or Sciences;, XX by A- 'M, pUcii:a-, ~~ Tm- iiI ij RUN;, p*r, Podm tW GallrTgatauTa tyaley, A. NO Dept. of Juterlor TNT) B57J No Sc4il IDIQ~ Aivponsk "Jftdzeu;px" Station, by V. V. SIXV~: per Podzmmya aaziflImtsiya UgIct., Iro $x '057s p'p 13-16. Dept of T=L U8 MW Of AinO13 central Exper Sta Pitts.,, ft- Tr 52C 55-1 Vhdeirgvc~uxi Oasincation of Coal Accordjmg. to a sch~ifi~ WIVIi Frolimimary Thermi Preparation Of th~~ 44Cal ~~m and its Two aided aaalf-'ent.-Ionx by, 01 ~~O: rms ~~Ov pDftei=*% OaxIfikRitzW 'OfrIcA,, Vol Ixt". 1643.46 IqT Dept Of Int as Bw of Kinds central Exper StR Pitte-a Pa. Tr 529 J~m 59ii Research on the U, G. Proco3i:3 in t,h '111 1. donerator at the, Sout-1 AVinak S'LatiO:17 by 1* V. V. GZ-48=707. RUSS J. Y~r,, Podpwflmys Gazif1katstya Ugloy., '2P Dept of 1-aterior TN71 857, No 151 Nov ?-or~,4,4 ir- V4=s of CoutroUlzg. a the Ualc--- 0-01=4 G.Fi~,--irication Process,, bir K. r.. Lccnc~;~-, ch - OY) D*x. of inwrior TN?o R5?t wo 107 Sol ru~:Ls) saracm Ov Gf .404eture ,a Qnce cst:LOU,, by 'aZ Bmall umr*rgrwsd GaAfl 'b e Perl 33-38- 59: D&pt (if interior Tflyp 3570 VO Ty 93f~LV=S Srma Cold Test Rasata of the No, I Exinbrimental Gas Gwwrator of the Sbatak Stet "Po!L, e-%4z".6 by P. N. FIAV, iu 4zemaye, Oazifikatsiya Uglel; RVS~STLAK,, per,, go vot 111) 1957s ii 3843 Dapt Of Ica US Bur c4.' Mims Central 1hyer Sta Pitts., :Pa. Tr 525 Sat - 31W 59 AAam An the -Drillina og Liclined B-LI~elolea in Ia Clocil, Scam by D A Sokolov, A. A. Kiel xor-'~~ev ~ 14 p ITQ 13., 19 W, PP 59-65- 13LA 6o-2'303'1 Sat - Vol IV; No 7 I ~ ;c4MMt-C,j.4Y Grants fox, FiU~Lrg the Space tiroumd t,~e Pima6 :Eu G&q/lUr Boreholiaa,, by V. G. Smiraz.-;, V4 x. im~lwleheva- Poftamiop. Gazl�th,,-,ts-4,-m U,31ey, J, rp Dept Cif Interior Tw7o, 1,1571. wo 136 iZ~ 59 Thle SlIrLtak1~0nder&risomd Gosificetion Sl-sni-liori A V~r of Pover Undertn)dngq by--P-0 -r ROSSWIS ptr,, -PtAzezmya Gazifikatsiya Uglei., v X0 ca igns PP 3-4- Dept Of Ut US Bur of Rings C=tral S"r 6-ba Pittoop Pa. Tr 530 Wat k Jun xesults. From GifAfie44".-a of the 1. iwatoi' at tho Limictuanf-It c-,trA-loyl a u 40 c IT 6,L-1 ~0. IN '),9 5 7., Dopb of Int US B= of Rims Central &gper SA Pitta.., r-n. 141!r 5.--,4. 59 T~e; Rp:Latjow,'jqIup of the 4usli+.y and Quantity of LL(a Ga'I~ I irm: 4-1 ~by- ths UndergrourA Gaoification of Noso y coal~ljto Gnalogical and Itydrogealogical Con it oni3ji0>y it. Antonovo 4 pp. 1, . RUSSTAtip pv.,'pp Podz Gaz Uglay,, No, 4,, 1957j, pp 17-19. 81A 59*1()205- se~ p Vol No 2 ll~*~ --,iiirc rl,iltratiou Linkage of Borel-iules With Mdh Prezsura in Hard C(~-al Se=G, by I V. A., Sm:).,-i~~nclv: E. V. Kreinin. Gazif; Poftemnaya 'ilimt0j.5a ugley, Vo p-p 24-23. Dept of D-terior Bu of Mizeu Centrall Ermer Sta Flttsburg4, Pa. Tr 557 Deq, 59 Strata;F3 cati.6n, ~,y T4,rp .0, T"o G:r Solvikvg the F'ca'-Ic4 :L --I' lllool~ kinderMund Gasification. by 1.~ A. 'Llw. M, per, 'r-aftemnaya r npt of W" us Bur of Itinas Ceutral. B3o,?:ar Sta Pitts*.# VA, Tr 535 Aui 55) Of UnAerfa*0und aefi by Vol #p -195-7-, Dept of Interior US Bur of Mlms 1*,,zral AbWerimat Station Pitt-sburgt., Pa. Tr 3i6 Sol Tw 55- 7 Phdl~-Aat.ive Wthods Of Preventive Super- vik~nx blab the Drilling of Inclined Boreholes In al Coal, Seam by D. A. Sokolov, A. A. KU PP. MOT^ ~per, Poldzemnaya Cez, f ikatsi5m UgIcX, 190 3., 1995" 7, pp 59-65. su. 6o-230-31 Sci Val ~ IV, 30 7 AW 162 The Chnigue of Drillincr lfer~.lcnl imd by V. S. a r, catrLoa of Coul , 155'i Vol, t. 5 1 SM F., S c ;43~ 4 V al 211 "u 70 '7 Plethols 0:10III Determining the Economic Efficiency ot Unale Gasification of Coal., by He ULL Al"h pp. rp Podx Gaz U&Uy., 3,957t Plo 4.s pp 63L-67- StA 59-1M06 Ii J, 32 Jul Ag" underl O~w ificatiou at Coal. Tbo SCOUGMIC Advau"s polus Q)WgvG In the U.M Of Coalp by Xi UlM NMI"., veri~ M,*U,w valet# wo 19573, DSIM UU (lent) M. WT sal - rw~ Aug. 99; 9f~ c i, ~Iif "An Zconoadc Analyn4it -of by A. I. Yovajej No mow;,!cw.- PP 71, In- Bu of IlUuez CelLxul Pittsburdi, Pa. Tr 5 39 Boi Futhe la ITS btalnina H:L,7..r, Ctaorif ic Oaz Tkol preo Cato, ofu F.M.6t Xdarj~ymnd Gasification of Coal, perp Fodzemnaya Gwlrikatej~ya U&Ley, Dept or Interior Tirt , R57, Hu -f AV 113 Geophys .Vyyb,)3,aat. -tt or thO COmbustion CoArep by H - V Lavrov, No pp Dot of InUrior Tw7j. 957j. No 3-05 Sai Chom Nov 7 l4c)ij;t~jj,'is Br.,ji&;nqa in the F~rwesa of Underground GrAsIf, by A. A. Agroskin,, T. H. auhotin- A*', radarov. RMIANO pm~, Podzwmftaya Gazifitatsiya Ugloyj A Dept of Interior MY 7:. 9 57, wo 69 Goopbys Sol Thu llea(iwOiTativt~ Ve~thod of Ceri-ying 1,4(1 ljnAa~grot4d Gasifleatlor of Caa, by P. T, 1. 1 11 Ko alsnftv~- Russ:= j Podmeawa Mazif Lkatalya ugley~ r W 39;47., 9 PD D~V4 of Interior ij, .50 99 C4 59 the converoion 0-action o.~,- cal'tkin tUrtaox"do With Water Vapoiir Woon claz in an Underlpomull G~an.--raLul-3 V. I,:. B. Trifcnovc.. tr pvr, ?odzcmua.,ya V- ey, V A' W. o Mcx L;A-.P-L tx~ interior Du of 1.1,Incs Central R,-.,,cr Sta Pittsbuz-Z;4, Pa. pa~. 1~19 stabl.lity 1~of tba VlAergmund Misificeiticra PrOccas ii, tki"a Un(~,e,rground Gas Generatim a," the 3 Yuzbno I fzen&%& Station, by 1. D. W-**Lu, V. 'V-' Ab uh Gazif llmtslya Um Paz JGV Ito 195P~ Dapt ot Int US Bur of Ninau Central Rxper Sta Pittuburgb.. Pas No 343 a"gim~y Resats of Test on, Irselined Directol pby 7. Pruikcrjsk,4,?.,,. I 1958A! Va,;! 11 wo I-, pp 43-47. EM 59-18364 A9 APe f voi IR 8 Di-1.1-Is iz~ Pr I T lB lolllp Tio 1, rLi) 51-54. A'le 3 je-v CAU thc: r-:ec#e*ajj in NO 1 jtj~al of the n:1=., IT/d ~ktatioa., by M. 1, lystinov,, P. A. Russ:U41 PodzeamWa Gaz:Lf ilzmtsiya U&Iay no 2p pp Dept of :Interior TK7., X57., Ito 147 set Pualm NOV The b1stri'WtIon and St-mto of S,19L,* aw I-,ccjjjcg M~-QAVII Jjj ~ths. Gmification Vold,, Lcc~~rdi~ ta Material 06 tLr e Gwuuig-uo Of XXPOI~iufw ~Al Geal~r~tor ~o I ev G. TytAtin. GavJX.'%k,,&',ziya Ugley, N 2 o Dept of Laterior TN7, 951j, No ih4 Sal ftle~ /0 NOV ~59 . I: I nila: Ircont'l 0i Gola G"ifleati" In U~-_Zz-_ amatkrat.-Drii in -the Wimbasep by :E. D. YuC*tri., V. V. : 1 1. RUSS)MR ~Orj, Fo4zemaW Gazifikatsly-Im UVL-.Y; Dwpt of Lmtarior TS 7, 157, No 1-52 Nor -4z, - be 2m,)-once of Mill. ";'o ),95B un 38-10 SLA 51,-~--.'LD757 Q'I- b Sep 13!-) vol. Sio I Use Of Xlectric Cu-=Qnt for Firina Unau:-.- 91~06ud G~mratorm, by S. N. Lyahdres., A. D- Dopt of' Interior TWTP V,)70 no lu Kati 59 Ma~qrrimunt 6-,n Ittd-raulic DiSruption Of R BltuminOM' 'v It. V. SIMMO et al,~, 21 pp. EKWIN"No Pit-r'p Pudz Gaz Uglayp No 20 1958 SLA 5.9-15133 Sop Vol 2~ '90 2 1 17, Pai~b RM91, act cd Umlargrouml cAiixwr&tort3,, by A., ~Omzr., Podzmnap GazllTUtalys Uglay., lWi ipp 9~11' Env Dept of Int&rior W7, IMP No 1PA 72~ Ncrv Thv'll liqihav-im, of the Roof Durl mg C-z caliu-n 1: lap-lited Channal in a 3hin COW. Fra;~.q tha Resialts of Cyttairr up Gena.Mtor Igo. at L-isichausko by V. Xazu-'i- ~Xl-- 04~ -. 0 - __ 31" Dept of Intgricr 190 103 The 7hqirmal Enlauce of the Procisms (-f ZMergrom-cJ Garilirf,,rmt'l.aln; by A. A. Apvskin. itusavi UO .10 3j ~,9,0~ vq-'-4i-43. Rov 59 1 i I Dept of Tntarlor TNT: E5-0 No 102 A. AgroskAj, Order f min, Vff'S im i;I,A I.i. H-) rjFjej rx). D M' R Tm. ORS: N10is-,ure, "Iliennni OvitY, SPecIJq(: *Re-'41-Aanctl (Mectrical), Diele--tric Sh?Lle. I-he coamc,"~, of tbu~-nud cooductiviry of coal r ises shirply a~ mbtsture in~rcase-s. In casc;s of high nwis. wre romtteitt, I the aw~,rrial cooductivity variation curve Mrtms OU~- !11*he cp(pcient of temperature conduc - tivity Cd cc% A so ses considerably e moisture can rl Waand, reaching a rna~jsdttim vidw- V. Ill, (over; Of,;.:r i f Tr:~, liew Data!! kor Uaciating rgr Gmeratorso by po th,~ WSL7.'.Q.V DsNL=X~v k"t X. F. 44- 4t Dept ol Intarior TW7.. V;7., wo 74 mm Ptoto an& Perspeauves or the work the rleatiama of jb~, BalI~ic CadbrMWAS Mal by M. Ya. Oubir~X-l i pp. NO 3-9. 078 60~-16588 Set 10 62~ Vol ND!A Arskiv 1~ A.IK. &i or&-r mw To .41 lqsq.~ udl.: 11 STRA Lc oi p Yumhrnko. V. P. ~Imls ov mvto wVPRY BY MUNS OP COM- IM. [19601 Op. 27 m4g. 6t-ims 4_CpWj*KOjyjk VZle7 WMR) 61-10728 L PetrWeim-Recovery 2. Conibustion-Applicithwu I . Arsby. A. K. u . yu. V. P. Samoa rr, V. OZ the SW%ftloW UDftrVround Pro1~issUi$ pf 0oaftstJbl MvQmsj, by V. ruil &6#"Myl ]R* We Pltftjl L L, Yarbewv,, Im"Ams, 1 P'l ers IftalftUatalya UgUy.9 go 39Wp pp 10. 10 Wr Vol ftA OTS iSow-16587 60-16959 Arnkiy, ~A - K, o4d Yua,.ko. V. P.. EXPERIKIENTAL-,'INDUSTRIAL RECOVERY FROM 1. 1. Pefrolown- -Recovery Fl~TKOL14t.TNI STKAnJM BY MEANS OF CONIBUS- 2. Petroleum- -Carnbus"an TIr N. 11?601 (gkil 6 refs. I .Araidy. A. K. Order frorn LC cir~ SLA rMS 1. 80. 04 1. 90 60-16991, 11. Yurchcnko, V. P. Transi 01 rGdZ16nAVJL.GAAIftkfjgy4 Ugley.(USSR) 1959, noj 4. p. 69-72, American AnduwTial experiments are described that werit "de by th~!Genersl Petroleum Corporation an the Souitb,'-Berlld" deposit In California. Of%.. .1 T-L.4-4 S-4... (E.,nOrpeciring. Tr. v. 5. no. 3) May lilide"'.. 'bund.11"'Tatem 131 the USSR., Part II., 344 PP.- FWSIAN# btr6 PWR2.pv~M V& SWSRP 191,")3. ])T ,A : RT 171-69 3c:i 4, av 613 1 Y.) 3s 0 34 . i Proaass, by Ae A, R~w 454pj)e hk, i)odzoloci)razovat:,--llnyy Proltes-, 1937, TE 69-55088 Sci earba ~,;ci !1W 0 Rode, A A The Podziol-Forming Process and tne 1-wolution uf Soils RUSSDIN,; bk., Podzoloobrazovatel'nyl Protsess i Evolushl,,m F'6chv, 1959, W. 147(/:)' *)?L 48o oTs 6o-21835 Dec 61 !o.~` soadz of Trees and Stir-abs --Oil by X. Shundlillu, rpt,, PoilzotoWm h Posoca 6ci_ym, DrOVIC61i !dl i =mlkrjvyJdk llciro~j' 111".4), ta CR-5~ 63 Traih TsJm Off , by A. P. Tsarenko RUSSV~I.l 4,60eLjet, Poezd Otprav la-yetsa v Du Moscowli 19~2, pp 1-142. *JPRS USSR Ecoii Max, 6, Absorption of Gases by Active Metals., b.-- G.i!D. Gieboys 18 pp. WMIAN~;, bk, Pogloshcheniye, Gazov Aktivnymi Wrad 1"I IS7-0473. 96U301 FTD-TT-62-,17u4 i-m*s 3 -3 63