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MUM-- to ji., -or Ep, (:I (M(-5-,"38) Elastic SeatTing of High Energy Electrons With Nuclei C I by Chin Ring-nau, 12 pp. CHINmt per) Vu.-Ii Houch-Pao) Vial XVX No 1. 1959P pp 25..31. J?RS 7815 A-pr 61 Ito* c t lhyrk Of L the H'Atiou.'s sciantific ~,y chi:,l "llp, 'Ten-nin J~A~ -PaO2 Apr 2.5k0., ims 6491 Boa ow, 6i f DiJect.,-an With J.,y Cliolir,, Ilsiao-lou, Cbl.r., llfii~i-ying) XI'vi, OPS 1-1342 The LaboArir.,,, People Must Be the Ma.sterr. of I Pachirle-ap by Chin Usuch., -9 pp. CHIMISE1, per,, Hung-chli, Tio 9, 1 May 196D, pp JPRS 3901 Hcoll ke D'V-' - ~ ', I " d' 7 ) Spoa6 Up Elootrificationp by Chin lsuah-ch'r:n,,j 6 pp., CRISMEj my., Jon-ain Jib---psoo 10 Apr 1960j p ~~2- 6755 mar 61 (NY-5913) Tbe. Effeat cof Urthquatm Ou Dams# by Kuo Ran-penp 5hia Noun-shu, 21 pp. CHI='&. psr., Li-haush Isush-peo., Vol IV, No 10 ig6as pp 36J;5. JM 7881 Be i - Phyv *y 61 1.5~q ~~-; z jq0j;lOns CI)nvoyed In Budahist udying)p by jcrjpt%j,ro.q (jottings Taken in St Chin Hul pp. V,11=1ij, Par, Holeu-tai 1"o-linuelip 140 5p 1960o ,pp, im 424o 'Fill I - 80- JEL,", 61 limlut4o,~sv piaUeUca or Roomd3lation of CaAa%Wmtiaw~p IW Chin Jan# 2D pp6 OM=l j, perl Itsin Cld*i-Wn# -No 7s 2U Jul 64o JFRS 2741520 AMA-china Soo Jan 6,5 X/29029 P,ot=y 4L V3 CIO . ............ 1.23 e a "i R,sdio Observations of the Diffuse Ilebulae NGC '0618, NGC 6523, and NGc 6514 on Decimeter Wavelengths, by Chlin Jung-buo, 4 pp. RUSSIAN,, per, Astron Zhur, Vol XXXVIII., No U', lc4131, pp AIP Sov JU;tron - AJ Vol Vp No 06 Sci Jul '02 !I.-Iticlum of Chi=g KIlulg-Yang's Revisigmist lwght ca Literstuxe aud the ArU 1. by c, hin IM, 5 PP - UMSE, PER, Tu-shu~ No 13o 12 Jul 196o. AwConDmp Hong Nong Selectiono From China WiDland Magp -No 22- 22 Aug 196o )c t 60 (N-5345) WM Wjor JLChiCTeIWUtS in wouroj$armacological Rosetualch., by Hou Pin, q*p._pQ-(3bnUg., Teou KaUg., 18 pp. Cln=, UU, Cldng-ehu Chien-kuo Wh-chou-uten 1-hawb'h K'*-hzwh Chleng-chiu Lan-Nen-chi., Vol 1,, Dee 1959.- pp 195-M. JFAS 7128 Sal - Mad Feb 61 of Corydaliii B on th,~ Centra.1 Nc."vc)'-113 U,UD Rao.-ehang, Tam mi-Ag, TMIF, Mrl-tsl non, or, Mheiag-di Hwch-pa.,), Vol XXIV) No pp ins 4911.9 Sci Med ~, 1. cm 'Bconorilc Ikocourl"rig by CW--n (,WDI~-Mi Y*n-chiilp 3p 1p- jpR,i i56oa -'-ixne RiAlbations an the BoalaUst Bystem of Ovuerablp 3 13y tftie IPljlo Popplop by Wit Ob-FISAM9 Chlon CRA-yugns, xg V'JOITIER, Chbas-dA Yu-oUup lb 7p SM 196e,, 23-32. im 15ftq 0 c, .. 4 (DD-V37). "W=" i aspi"Im am" xmmt Belp cmtruoum In m"try"Am Avicultuft) by ablis IAM-oba) 6 pp. '11m 1 "P.0 Fws chms-wo ft-ml so 3) 1 ftb 459) w pp 9, $10 jmo4ln-P Is - CUM 9v" 710 ftl Aug 59 A )h-,,lWjzarjp Aaa4slis of' Cotiza 'Um Price in Ou Cout-Ilyj by Win Uu-f"p 9 pp. CKWA) Par~ Cldxk&cbi I%*-cbiu,* 110 12) W Den, 19594 Amerft"p Bus Mmg Ext chum Mkiniml Nag X0 203's 7 ftr 1960 F2 Icon 2 Aor 60 (SF-1493/9) An Iii-ilAm.1 an the Origin Of the 3IIIxL--m1:)."::oII Mot S'prings ("i, UCLMY'hl~ by Chin Lu-n:;.en, Tj.--r, TJ.-chVIi X-Limg-c-bleng, ti-C.,111h, 31-33. Oct "S.-I, :3-4;24/64 pt-j-~* JbI.Lel 2J1 TAwlatar rexivers IV 1*09 Chb- cmw BE$ CM-dwt HO It 1963s C,k:i Ap'r 6.4 di nov the lPin=c Of (L POOPle Ccoa'm serves D"trlbutim.p bY Phick pp. CRIMP p"p Hme-ch'i., go 22P 16 Noy 1960. Serw c::4 Watorlm pWj., 6.8 71. XOVUMo swe Kcma Vbl 30=9 So 3 lo am 1.01 v P.rmt 1.1dVA VID 2'-!b Dac M"O 6: L 11 , L (" T, I ~l ~ my ~ 11 Provicite Wiss Movements, Strength(m Enterprise Finnnre and Support a 5tfbutAtin#.,!d Leavi Foiward in Producticii, I by Chill I~Ihlgy 15 pp. CRIJIMOrs', i~p, Ta-kung Pao, 13 Mar 1.)6O, PciPinl5i, P 3, JP93 5(YT9 FEW - ('11trilk /,z RMatilrely Sqportlmg Agriwltwe In Political Tak tole num UVarbosUp by 9" bftng# 8 pip. IV., -Tee-xft iva-pao,, i Deft ig6o. AWwWou.9 Bang Kaug ft"w of Chino main1w Ib 2399 1960 n - CUM Ewa An 61 ("il:l vIp j:r- ,7r.'.- '.' - .'. , "' ", - " I I I y I . . 11 i. ~- .1 ~ (Dc-4175) -3rang Chin) 57 'PP - WjDrk Rsport) by Ou :LAI, um, ow CITMIR, op', ")nungiarg JlA-Pal)p Apr 1960.. pp 3A -, jpRB 65;d-,*o FE - ChIrm 413 clan (13. cefoluu, plami4 =A vvjjdos ca ?No Lev" to Ajj-j=jt=a liechmitatiomp by Sma-cb'ip No To 1 Mar 2960. AnnIonftal B=g IbMs frm Cbiza *UIMA M46 50 95 Apr 1960 Im I= 60 /,/&/. # 3. 0 (DC-3957) .- Ths Big Chw4a in Graoslands, by Chin Pai-shmn., - 5 PP 41 ==Rj, up, Jon-min Ab-pso, U Apr 1960,, p 9. JM W7 - FS .. China ftaft 5- - Z,..! Oct 60 / 4 ~I- I , .~ I . 4 (BY-3530) Ton Ymmm of YO-Ohap by Min PW).nbMp 11 PRO CMMM,v *$:Pp Milo-tsu Tomi),-ddebs lb WOO ftlAw 10% VP 9,3026a im 15314 FF - Ctdna a,(.z / V// sm oart 6p A Study on Realth Conditions in Norkers, Residential Area in Jih-bui Hrin-ts`un, by "hin PIPI-huan, Rcueh Chi-Jeri, 2." -pp. prj~r, Jen-min Pao-chien,., Vol T, No I Ma'r 195% FL-iPingp pp 281-28,7,. lm 5o~ 6 JuL 60 'J Sbanghai Antibiotic Research Cmmisnion; 1953 Report, by Wang Yus Tung To lun, Min Vei Sung# 10 ~pp. CONFIMMIAL CHMSEP perp Scientific fjournalt Nov 19541P .8nal to IR-205-55,. 30 Jun 1955- ciA D-286325. A ~' '//~ A? 679393 Scienti.ric - Medicineo Biologyo Hiecelluncous Oct 55 CTS TT -U-6-1,143 1,1011 4B, 1211 Cht:3 Tf4cv4;-H:I- '*XITf(7 TIM % TIDN 05 BjIM)CLIKIC JTOW~. Tr. by .14. 11. N9. :%af, 65, 29p. 17reN. EIIIIII-65-23; 117. Order iviat cv~zrl, R.A, or CTC: 11C$2,01. NIVRI-50 a~ *F 1-311S. (if (:11'1 16IM49 11~,Uch I'm) (ChInt-se People's V-i 112 0:11-4-1 19K', Contrzwt Al, 19 Q~v AN-9. .'op) kill WA ly-i'llift fully I,tdhlv n-litirduct4m. N,Iwl. lit-v, W; Llnp.fp, Center JAN(!; I . a -A&" iml Autowit BW*w* by Po 0 Cabual 1 . ft=- --- Avtoowtidmux! WWI Ia" M4 P = - ,L'-" Ow 3o pp 1437po . R-Wff Aug 67 study, -"Ibwor IwIw sysaw IJWWS General- -5"y is* vi~iig Functiva moth". by w& WJAI~a 0pot* TAM !M wo ilaw" Pao Val 110, to 2* i;64*~ pp 61-7-00 64=6 Fab by ch'-11 PGl ~'y np., Obn-min ,Tib-pao~ 8 hial p 213. 66-23 Ifeb 6*,j, Tho ,?,W,,,t-pOjnt Ghaptev" for Agrjxixlture~ a6 AppUed IrD tIlO. Increame of Mmat Production) by ClAn Sheim-poo 11 pp. CMUM31, k3p., Jbn-mlti Jih-pao,, U Apr 1960, p lit ims 64(g irk - ChIms Boon jan U I , 0 IOSW 0400 q.-OnILL wt # 30 (IqY -4419) Ideological Remolding Muct Be Accelerated, by Ferq,r Ti-finien, Tien-I-ping, Chin Shih-ju, 10 pp. CHINME, np, Jen-min Ah-W., 16 Apr 1960, p 16. JM 5307 FS - Chims Pol / 02 ~7, yc~7, ~ oct 6o h-lunr Spare T-L~ie RAUX-11tiOll ill ",,jle conriune-s, b.y Chi-11-tstij. np, Jcm-riri Jill-pao, Pk~lpi"(:" CHIIIES, p JFBS FF pol J-tn 1.1)00 "l, , -1 .; tilt t- t I Of 13pi, Te n -in i COII 4:Z M Haye thip Soviet unlCm and Coarallaigit china Reschad on VaderstwidiogTp by ~h41.Sfju,~-'r," 7 PP. MPnCIAL UBE OnY. MPAIV 28, per, Tdho Hangellau,,, Ito 24 16 Doc lWp PP 39-43. JM 8158 F& - CUM Econ "ja Q The CAII RIr.4:1mmqI of the C~1111j? 8-th centrpQ. Committk-ru, (The Phil=v of the Big lous~q Fbrvmrd Compal pn)~ by OtLu S:miikluix 16 Vp., 0JIM199; par, China Weeldy, Vol Y,,TVT.Tl N~-, ITI, 14 Sm. p 19.w. UwLm Reseexch Servict 110 waterlm &md Novlow't Hcwe 1 25 Sep 1959 F2 - Min& poi Oat 551 Z ~lr) c -45.04 1 XevT *bNond ku thi) Nodartization of tht Ohiniee, Cc=w:dst -Aa*uy, by qb:Lrj. Ts-kiai, 8 pp~ OfTICIAL Urihig Ony ,TAPAXOBZp por, Tobo ftigokkanj No 21~ 1 Nov pp A-37. JM 68.--;l FE - t7apallo China Mil NPI'Alaff-T Mar 61 (NY -5713) Studies on Uw6se Planting of Com, by Fan Pu-jen, Xo Hui-tut*, Chi 11, Val-eban, a2 pp. .j-'- CMM389, Vor, lum-yah ftmh-imop Vol UP No 2., 28 mmy 196%, pp log-i36. im TR5 set - Diol i= 61. /5-2 ac .-I Ccnr pilim, an Biagimbering and Prof ile Yap$ by Chin CHJ.Flu')"Bs rcr~ sbai-,vaL, Ti.wlhih~ No 8., 1959,, PP 1-7-1.9- JPM 7677 All 6:1. f ixatima in ~U,, U., :per, r rw t d J I .1 4 DETERM, I NAT I ON OF F I BER I N WELVE SPEC I ES OF BAMBOO GROWN IN OUR C-CUMTRY, 13Y CIIIII, TZU--k-";-IE;,,, 1 ~ PP. CHINESE.P PER., LIN-YEI-I 100-11SUElly ku ly 1.1~)2; pp 1)7-72. JPRO, )(stj-5/ FE . (,Iill,,,A Ecot., DEC jlluhUO~-~4 MI.-E U Uriod Job Q.L' IWSVUDing WOrl~ Performance and Recording Work PoInts, by Cjj'IzL, 3 PP- npx Jen-ndn Ah-pm), 28 Jun 1961. AmCanGan., Hong Kcmg, Smovey of CILLrm )Wm-tencl F-mar, No 2.537 14 jul 1961. FR - ClAna Eron CIO Ot lip (P il Detendutim of Travel Uju of Baao Waves BoWeen SbWwAd and, Moscow# Itntolset Etc* 0 Cbin won-ChInge 12 pp. CHINES-Ei, p(4 Olvem iumebggo, k1eking. Yol 12, I No 2p 1964t pp 19?-203, JPM 53DOB VAY 7L (NY -5642) Production of Higher Aliphatic Alcohols by Liquid-Pbase Air-Oxidation of 2110-3200 C. Fraction of Byetbatic Paratflus, by Li-Imil; LI Sheng-ching, Chin,.,Wenf-ahu., Lu Poi-chang, 27 pp. CRIS=, por, Jan-liso, Roush-pao, Vol IV) No 3o JUI 1959.1 pp 253-257. ..TMS 7820 Sci .. Chem '7P7 ATw 61 condenn the IL-hahtiat Slander Againct- tho,; of Gov ntzt r4antoluti oruirie a by ChLi 01=41, per, Meng ClAh RGUCII Hsi, Nu 9, Dept of State,, t=3r,cn'2-rn Hong Kong, Ext from Mina Mainland MAg, No 3-07 12 Rov 1957 FE - MAIM POI Feb Inolation ato Determination of Influenza Viru., ia Gb~aahwt In 1958-1959: by Chtn Wantlaok Vtag KwiIi-Vien, 10 r,TF31M'S?,). c11UrA-h:aa 1101-klo Ton-chih, Vol virr:1 ft 2, 1960$ pp 128-130. JFW 9355 jim. 61 : , I:il.-. ~ I d I '! If . '' '., t . . ~: t" , ..'C! ": . ;.. I , , : , i I . I . 1 1:;1, !, i, I I . . j ~ . I., - 1 : AMA ir, Urlm -)4" xid;,usp P~:Itirwlt in RLIVIc.,n) KLUI-c.-L'un Reueh-pao) VOI IXY 96'..99. JT-P,q 9543 J6 q Unconditional Stability of Syeteins with Time-- lags, by Chin Yawi-shun. CH33MBE, p-:sr, Acta Mathematica Slinica, Vol X. 110 1 , i.,-)6o. Amer Math Soc Sci Jan 1"' 220, 54.1 0 - - I '. - I I -- -- -.1 0 1 nauvg, g%jall Xo a Bad Piece of Literk Writing, by Chin '044en3 3 PP. cHIMMM, np, Tibet Ab-PSOP 9 Oct 1960f P 2- im;m 84 18 Irs - ("hina /5-r iil,5- i ~11 Pol. jun 61 McOu'v It-Chicniomeabs in Chinese PharmAcolopy., by Cbin Yin-chlang, Stwq, Mw Yu-cb,~-ri,- 8 pp, CE.M.'FRO) ptr, Chung-chi 1-klan, No 3.0, 3-95(,-)W, JPRS 3479 Sel - Med Ph&xmcologW jui 6o Ovy-53115) Nev Chiriat Major Achia"iOnts iu Fbarmscological. Iteacamh, by = Tin-ch lana,,, Swig Chan-yup Hsu Tu.-chuaO 0 pp. CRUM.. U4 ChU4-cbu ChUn4mo Wh-chm-nien I-hemah Kloobnsbi M1408-01ka Lva-ven-chil Vol 1, Doe 3.939.. pp 167-1& - JM 7128 / -3 /J'V Fab 61 (PIDD P-757 3 9 rv.-I'dint sttbw C1.64 Arture of C10:11nli o,!! WAr Y~F7- cjjMI,9%, qut per, Sheng-11 K'o-bouth Cbin-cbAnq pirr 1.95'F; -,typ 23-3(L Vol :j: 1, :1q0 I US s c xvv Add an Iketem Plavor to Acelawde ,!nA- !?Mat 01 pp. CSTO-WOO Iyar) Che-hsueh T(m-ubiur 2T0 7? 111~A,4--- 20-1Z. im 16kk -w QUM PiA - !Uhqm-.),ry 59 P, (DC-35c2/' A - Rel~lvg on the Xsemee lo the Llfc-Line of -.U Yorli, by ;Am~ Wu-al-44, Ch'la U-cMup Chlen Li-yw, 7 pp. MIAWRa Pctl',, 5 Rung-aU) No 13., 1 JU 1959, 16-10- JPP43 -917 -D Say Yr OPI-3403). 1j".1ontro-I - Reiwte Signalling Eoul leill,-J.I~j lo( Min Yk=-chllalgp 3 P-A). u1-, uua-Imem ljoln-veri) vla- 34, awg P4i6 AIX." (DC-410T) Raise to rav Beights Renearch Work an Philosophy and Social- Beieneet by Ting Mwag-ebmi. Chin Tueb-Itc, et alp CHMS) app Jeu-miu Ab-peop 10, Apr 190, p 17. ims 6755 Fn - 012ina Soc Mar I'SI I ..V, , ~ t);. I low "Ob 10 t% II -. In tAst'.d~ Uil 91 ell"& a4w-luk, Quo T.1, rp Alm 11111-C41:11tat ?r=tfx=*,L Agip.14catiow of Sbort-Llvod Fzdloramllid,~~; in Ac+4%wbion AWysiap by Bo Chimc-lia: uiuaolxa~--bi.v (it, al., 6 pp, GWIAls xyto PrmoUnp of tbet CWoranco cm ftagftwl. ApgUestims of M=*t,,-LVe Re4io-Uotor-i Produced In BmaU Maeuth Dwitcamp T40V 5-9p Practical Applications of Short-Lived Radioisotopes in Activation Analysis, by B. Chinaislla.,, L. Muffolottii et al. GMMU, rptp Conference on Practical Applications of Sbort-Life ]Radioisotopes Produced in Small Research Reactors, Vienna, 5-9 Nov 1962, 8 pp. 4ic' Sci Chem 20 Feb 19063 Chant;,ocl in ar in Ui~! ing on lj~- A D Ch 1 V n]. 66y, A!M:'l, laot. CA, Changes Ih the: Coloration of Narimi Flounders (Platesma pla~iasas L.) and Capelin (Nallotus villosus villoBus Muller) Wer bq?erlmental ConditioOsp )~.y A. D. CbJDa ina*(Pwp~~- RIM UK,, por Dok A Ikuk SW,, Vol CM, No 1961# Pp. 1;43-3,545. AIDS set ftyt 61 V.Warai,,mo ot the boorY (LIA APPIAQztlc)rj 0l.' Dloorevio A-utasatte SyAtwo, Noscaup IS59r, 100 Apr 59 Coaftrowe f* Invorimm Soory and its ApplifttiOn i0 AUMMUC DOWides, by I- A. Illiew"t )PI, I- chimmo pp- RWOWP po;,* Avbmt I jolow1hp Vol XXI, No 80 19598, vp 1AO.U454 Dutru Sm of Awr fti Apr C* 14f X -7 7