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HO Relations Between Heterogeneity of a Solid Solution and Its Mech4nical and Chemical Properties. COMPTES RENDUS, vol 199, 1934j, pp861-199; 800 words. Brutcher No 179j, zo-4 j , CHEVAMP P~ Revue du NickeL. vol. 6, 15 figures, 4400 words; 1935. Austanit-ic k1loys with High Strength at Elevat-sti Tm- peratures, Brutcher Trans., Order No. 223p .114.40 Iset.0 m'liur4o/ Oei Now Prooodures for the Study of %tanic Diffusion, I by t6x-r! I ve WA Albert Portevin.. MNCHp A2* 9 dev Scien"s. Comptes Randus Hebd E;Kv Vol 2670 IM. ABC T-rio- weoterh~ iuro~' Sci Results Obt,"d in the Study of Metallic Diffasion by the Multilayor Natbod, by Pierre Chovanard ani lavloir MNCH.. Aoi&via des Saiences. Cos~!f Rendun He 0 o1 212, 1941, ABC TT ))ry Corx-c)aj(w ol ji-Aeo-s 'b.v fi;U,-,ud.y . - 110, CMvmard. arrrO~k~. DY 3 _------ VC x COMAM I T pr., But) NXI- (.1hom by, Sci Determir-mtion. of the Diffusion Coefficient in the Syot6a Felil, by Pierre CbavonLrd.,. I 6H Nis -comptes Randus . 3, AoAft- Me 2 Hebd(~wd4~remv- Vol 218, 19". IEC Trew Nev ProoMwes fbr the Study of MstaW by P~4" Mavocard, Albert Pertavi-as .,., ,.1i, -~ 4 pp, MMO per: Ompt" Renduso Ifol COY , 1938o pp 71-73 o 97 IP-2DB4 &AL"kkaft dit aldumw IW SLUW, "Wag am"d in ;, 0 tbw OVOOMO IV Do S"MOO-t go ~tlle4o- Aw.4i ~ AL ftvmp 43 m .0 lvk~ m4mrs 909" Alic re-M5 Sol ., Oft Am 0 we'V43T AnslA,io Rydroaen-Doutorium MUtureop aud jloclv~- 64, Ordinary-water Mixtures by Warw of 414"o~,'Spdrometerj, by Quawd; jo G~orono H. Both# 36 YP- MOM00j, Vt~ Cog-Ao so 87, L951. S.L*A. Setedif to - Chemiotv ml 68/ft 655 141 1 ~ o i~ -~ tLL: L-L v v -~m it's 0 S, %,:(!tL tru ixtc- R, A s - Stud,! of '2r.111. Incorporqtion in Clei hs 'I'rJ.h,rtlx,axy.-PI-Moth,ylindole~ by M. Cbev-n-m-)nt: pp. ~!;TM'Mp par, Comptes Ronflun 14,ClAd in 1097-101,11). J'j Vauiton 6f the chonariasommso lkwina somatic mitosin, it ; :3tud~.rdj in !Living CaUs'Cultuml In Vitro by ~fjx!;.-o~copyl!sud Pbase-Colmtrast WcrocinemtoGraphy., teart Il)j, iby No Chemmoutp J, Amderic, 26 pp. Vull translAtIon. Vol MU, No 20 19520 VZOIrp pap Arch dS pp 25!?-2770 7 Scientific - Medicine Sep 5.3 lavaatic~ti on the Choodriosomois of Living CeUe by 0~6 Aicros~4y Phane-Coutftat Mlencinemtography, a9 r It it. M. Chevremont, 27 pp. Full translation. per, Arch AS Vol IJIIIv No 1t 1952, !9.110 ;pp 109-129. NIB ;'Cientific - Medicine L',! p 5 3 M P!np,,PrtAPtI and stnicture of -Innir , by R., ar,(I othera, 7 P. -IRT-nicil lo 195)? Val C-CXL'vI' 1, 60 Rem Cholara: A Note on the Variation of the ~w Virwp by Zottoer,, Chovrier.0 6 PP* - I ~ 11 - -! k FOUT., per, Maroc Wd., Vol XXXI., 195 y PP 469- m. A SLA Tr 881/1w Sci - Md. 1.2 ~ "1 57 NO I XR1. it it Glonlw~l ROhtd Aw Wtondrft the Vlmwei=3 J"000WItim OM44 Its 4ptUOAxm to varrms Ujoys,* plorr rarilepilruo 194~40 jsn LIP tat), Zr4lxmuw 606 Alx**U Sattuas Priaires et des Etthera WMI" our itKuutlon de U(Vl)i PU(IV)p C-6 (M)p at IiU(V) par le IMF a partir d'%me Sol- uticla Ahrl"p by Vo Da C%Kfftabaaim, A, Sis 9010V, no., et Olo 5 VP,- IILImua to Fmazo pert ftda"ldmo Smp Alol inji ilb 4s 19Q# pp !)Dk*9D6* 9(C,&W MA B-IM6 Thmme 5- - _-p -rheoretical. Values for the Brushing Energy of the Chains in Solid P)Iyvern W A4-I* Oubanov, AeDo 9141WQbAIQv PA HMIAV) perv Mika Trardoto Teda, Vol V, No 1.0 1963p PP91-93 Aner lust of P" Bov P?7s - Solid State Vol Vp No I ai Sol) A i Of 2 by At L- K. CheVYch8 J-94(j. Rjl'k-,s:r,JQi;o per, Zhut Prii, 0,1111, 20()-,2()6. T CTOS; lic 12 Cat,Llytj,c Uydr1*Amtioi2 of Vinylacetyleav ror the ?reparation oflutadiew. I., Oeneral MOW RUI*g Of I�Ojqa~jye ayftogglatJOU of Winy3ACetylOU8 in Solutions by Is V. QU=Wvv A. L. Ja*bamkLy, K. K. cbU*chb.'Um, pp. RUSSIANP perp $hur Obahch Khim,, V01. XXXX, No 3,, 1959p pp 8244109. Oonsul"Ots aweau sci b ZIIV' Apr 60 .~f 70 '' i!'iI:~ Synthimis BIrmn Cyanwid.fic rvertvative tmd the GeccmAary Pznjz~a =4. it.... Deriv#;tives,: by A~. L. laebana4, V, V. Markin, K. IF. chevychmlovvi~, 4 pp, BUSSIAH~ mo perj Zhur Cbibeh Khlxi,, Vol. W11, "Lo f4,P .1c.?56p pp 2433-2435. Conmataaf;n Buret%% -- ~J~ Sel - Chemiatry Feb 5 8 ft"Stb vituwm Polpon, as Affeeted by xnte~wu!~rww Intmotimo by A. 1. Oubonovi I A. vol C2*1 qmhobwt 7 iv. per., rlxiim "bordw Tola., Vol V., W) 9p pp Amer last of IlWo Swr Pbp - G*.UA State Vol Vt.. 310 9 set Alit. P54P551 ltrauaf; PD:Lvimr UzdDr Gu Exterval. t"I"I j!ll'o,]-~,-L*Ac my- oe Otivertgth;, by A, D. Ckimm~ ~-V) 5 -,)i1. .080M., Xmr, FU Tverdop Telm., Vol V., No 4 *r.. Gu t-Avu v tv TI RUSI:TAN r: Is - C', C~ 19 60, NO (NY-3436) The Effect of X-Irradiation on the Level of Nucleic Acids in the Liver mid Spleen of Rabbits, by L. Cheyka, Ya. Nosek, 'T pp. RIMIAH, per, Medit Radiol., No 12, 1959. JPRB 2743 Sri. - Ked Sep 60 The Beliavior of Aluminum txwrArd Ammonium Nitrate Under Various'Coaditiow of Purity of the Constituents., ia the Preventce or Absence of THTj by E. CheXWj 6 pp. FMICH, pert Mem Poudres., Vol MJ PP 139-144 1948. SIA 3289 Sci - CIMM Aug 58 -- 7~) . '41 il. l/ Pro*latirj~ and Properties of Jhe Ur,,,uyl Carl~q~ate~", by M. Bacholet, H. S~Swn,, 1 m. brfui3, ~T. C. Oottlette, 28 ppo FMCIR.. p0r., Bun Soc Chim de Francep IM034 1952p pp 55-60. S.L.A. scielitif It - Chemistry MB 64/Jau 55 alo "lit CCU "XII iM, 16:49, (9 ibr~INP t Ic ih bw IVA -'Iyrogerdc 4.:ents and ChlorpromazIna, by J. 6 pp. M!'NC,'*I, perG=pt Rend Soo Bioltt, Vol CXLIX, 1955? 475-480 Par 5R SLA 3o26 V I! 1 117 1". 4, A. Tetauw Twda wA Formlf 'b~ M. CImWroux,, U pp. I I Plif rill .4 P"* Ann Imt )?WtOwo ftL LUM,, No 3v iw~o pp 3510-369. Assm Tech 8my 27M akii 54 Too et Al -~- Inveatigationm of Experiwatal Bortialim in the Horse, by S. LCWtqj-Tp L. Illcol) 0. alramd, R., Oovazier, M, cbeyro=j a pp. FfMWH.. parp IMU Aced Vot Tra=a) Vol XMO Ito 1953.. pp 391-399. Asaw Tech Serv OU,3P Jul 58 Ow*,j6&nWtic* in CUSIUMI NAialMo bv A. 4 LUO 33 vre Ck S# 2939(m New '-Types,of Vegetable Preserves, by A~ 1J.-Micyg .41,tj pp HOOSTAN) per., Monsemaya t OvOoMbeSaShil PrOm, 19631 PP 16-18- ACSI 1-2337 ID 2229412 525th )EE 1h Bel, - Arti-I My 63 Doublo SWtio ScatterIM of DeftorMs In a NagWtl* Flold,, by 0.iR. Xb*UIBWIII*x 0. D. Cbeysbmrill,k pp. MSIAN pero Zbor Rbt" i ftomb FIS) Vol Xwp No 5(11.$) i9po pp no Amer lwt at Pbqs saw ran - im Vol vm(mtib No 5 Sol - phlys H" 59 g " ~ ,~ 02- X~ayer, 212 pp. Stabi-LIM OJ,' t4ot'o") '13Y 2' G. Che 'vost 20( PIP- C)ycl-,~ s b', 'US t nIc orlticall, ji-AWky 0~' Toplumac. 8U.1ur.-tivity L12 LW a- JD41WW3*-4ro2.L-r, ii, Vlto'flga" j CNA(AA1Wr'4 Vol M) III,,, ook l .'11!36S1172 lkicted.raft lwith Dmlwtftau Difoisiont by B. cha"Ipratcas o2 ppe rumat Rpto 60-ac-17. KIM IT F-12 t:191 ~ I ~ /., t. 4 (- /~- txe If. Se L-skero may I L) News in tba: Mintonance of oil Wells, by H, 1. RUSS: 186 bk, is to jr PP -87. Tech & Com Tr Bhnx MI George Voelker 2135 Spruce St. PhiladelPhill 3j, Pa- USSR SCI - Fm1m scon Mar 3.956 as 4,20.00 l'uIrl, Ilu ObiLAW aI~tl , iXTQ: - p i 11 ft~til of stomoo f juio4i'litant 1lost CIIINL( is, 1) r,,' pp 204130. : Noun (if on Observer and Sligoo, by -Choi Chomp cidn's and ot 40 Scl -01414 PAP 67 J-4760 MA 'MMter AU- Mks a SI tio=d tmp rwint UU YeArs, bY 1~ Tst 01 *=go Np. per., MR-UU YOU-CUlAo 20 kp 19"s VS - Chim i10, AM 59 Viewing the Excellence of Urban Ccunwipu From the StandpoInt of Labor Work, by Chi Ch'eng, 6 I)P. CHINESE per..- Lao-tung, No 9, 3 MRY 19(,0, Pp 7-10. ,TrRr3 4CP-'? FE Econ 9ep 60 z B-900 Ark AftlyiOls of the GrOAP 60 tbO BOMOM, Fm%l= in the cros by Mang Ytm-chli.. 6 PP. (IDC-2728). ftmature (4 the lydroowbm Talw=lo and Xylene Llot 1= or ft-shm awes., Cbu V=g., ChIl *Mg.QbUDgp OHM= yer.. Mdb-yu Lion-abibo No 41 9 Apr 1958, pp 43, 12 - Chl,oa Iftan Aug Irn, "J~~ Isolation of a Highly Active Acylase I From Swine Kidneys, by CILL Cheng-ik, V. N. Orelcho-vich, 5 PP. 11 - I MMM, per, 331okhim, Vol XXII, No 5, 1957, ?p 8-18- B42. Consultants Bureau f3ci - Mod. Jul 58 &~~ X27 Phroicoebomical Proportles of AdUmso by Ch Cbo*- VU . T. I. OreMovicho pp. r o Kokbisp pp TM-M- Vol =Up No 50 IMP At com-loatfl awe" Apr Or Acylase i Action. -ncl SPOh"is of I.-Auf--tYI8,Ianj-nel li V. S2, j~ia, 4 o- L, A, 5hchuk '00r) r 895--W- DiOrdll-mp vol- 0, Lqj Moll Chem 51) On aw W. act of the Andno AcWI Side Chilill =I of the Acyl *tdicul ou tho Rumm tdc Syntbesis at L-AcylmdUo AcIft by Acylase 1. B. 1. Orekbovicho L$- As ftbikinap ad mmg-wup V. B. Opirichevp 5 Ippip WA.TAN Pert BloVxtm) Vol XXXV.. W 4.. 1959, pp CD Sol aw 6o ( BF-nO2 ) First kU-CUm Scientific Oonfereme en Bio- aheodatry.. tr g1l 1, ChW-vu, 6 ipp. OHM= aro K'o4WRwh TImg-psoo Vo 5.. 11 ft, 1960p pp 1$7u, JM W5 sai IP Obd lur &L M/S W/ .0e joinlai m the gmselty Of OuTying Out the lyle, torrom Bach MMording to Me Abillit~r em4 to Mich Aeo6rAlUg to RW MMO-i by Ch'i Ch'l-ebeagp 5 ppo CM3MF par# Vaai-ching Ym-alul No 1,, 15 AS 1959- (Av*iUble OU TAb) Ann4k*Gmo Ibn Kma lbet ftm ChUx Ininl" fts, No 163 6 VT. 1999 --7 :: P my W /a (Ask" cmus"OtLows 14 to WOW contre"Otta" Of ow ftqpbo 1w 4m WOMM6 6 W. MMAmi swi, 1410AN4 12 ime 2958p F 4. a 4=Y6.0 n cl CUM ftl ~7? d ~,r JIM 59 Qa P-rovt auIlo Dif1wrauo *f View On the Primil- bi' Or VL(Iltlbult~~.Qo a!4wl%uq~ To 4WLI.1.3 ky Oil! 09~ ~3 10051 '40 Aj- i IW a-- 1. .0 llc~ jvv~p Age edam LID :3 ,21he Great Sipificance of Enammge of J~qual v&I-xies to the Prement Socialist Cmitruction A Ow., Country, by Ch'i Ch'i-shmg2 4 pp. CIMME-P up, Khang-olm Jih-ipao.. 17 Apr 1961- Auftnftn) :Iwg Kcng B=ey of M31ma MaWand Prec3 No 9493 3.0 my 1961 13-3 kon ,nm 61 Caqmtetl.ort "Mea by Chi. Chlh-T 9 CHIMBSE0 pear, Shul-ven TI-chih Kurg-ch'eng No 1-959P :I~p 29-32. jp.,Rs W.'a Sel Ileophya eaefi, . b~ I. L. Knuily a I I t ti Shush,,-,Jvit~j Ed Chih-Y~v:m Ii pp. 11M)SIAN., pell,, Doli A Nauk SSSR, Vol (,XXAIX, No 2, CB Oct r-)(:) Studleti on tbin Granular Fuoed Iron Catalyst I'- Oojaparluc"Dc oT Vskrioiu; MsthodB for i"'reparat-lon of "ranulair 1~`n-tnljotf;~ by Chi Oh5n-sh-al; Chang 4.4in-yang,j 27 r?P. CHINE-6E, pe.- ul~an-.Iivw Rsueh-pao, 1 lie, Jul 1959, pp ',?24-234, M 7820 S,A - Chum 17.1 Apr 61 /5 w ;Law,641 a w# 4 I JUAN MY-58113) I Initial Studien of Frinclp.'A1.C-:i o-.9 Aroals in Chirs~ by W.Chimn-hao, 9 pp. I CHIME,, p=2 Shui-vat Ti-chih Kung-ch'eae: TI-c-lithp No 3; .1960, pp 4-.6, JPM T839 Scl, - Geophri --a iva 61 /.5 /, ~(., a (rc,-546b) Clr.ccJ,,.C:Lcatl.W --,,id Diatributioa of Alte-cic.- Bulni in China., by Wen Mauazaa-liau, fllLm Chnne,-jen, a pp. CMESB~ rex-j SIbui-van TI.-,uhib Dxig-ch'enE, Ifu 'To 2.9591 PP 1.3-16. J'm b9b7 oc -t 6). liC! CA *0 am ow smun 24#4y st ftople to DUUA 3fts" on& U Tr&ado= a" VWWS~L ft"ru, by 191 01 am-ftuo 3 wo ORMMP 4P. Od-woo-ba M-PN4 IM404wie-t's, 17 zoo xqw) p 0 Coo I UW/U-D Peoplals Ompm= to a amt Cration of the aar Awen 4t Cblna,# by OU Oblua-yi) .2D pp. I- gor,, MM&oh'l,, ib 5p 1 Or JX0. A02OW"s W4 RM9 I Ut rm abins 3b4D3=d *g* no elo 9 *y pa Jtm 60 ~795) The Tementatiou of Control System In the v6rio~ 4reas of a Mine (China)) b Hu Tzu-yingp 9,; pp. h6u,, ti Yen, tbrice-mo per, Chvng- -yeh T'ung- hbun,, Oo A Peipingt U Jon 1954, pp Up 9. CrA/00-M-591 VS - China Boon -'.lndiwtrYp miningo control system MIS 691jun 55 of U i (NY -61M/2) Ratiloally CheASe the Izad(!rshfip Concept and Mobilize the Hue of Worlmrs., by_g~LCoA3., 5 pp. IrMBRAMMS , nP i Kbaz Dan; 28 Air 1961) P 3 - JPRS gf&^ FE, - Vletn= gcom 1601 flp", jui 61 WA shomm"to 31 (NY-5525) Relst.ions X*tween Qm~lty Qmllty and Cost Of PmAimtioav by Chi Cftgj, 4 IPIP. VUTWMSSg up,. M*n Dan,, No 242>7l 10 Noy 1960r P 3, JM 7338 FE .., vistuou soon / 3,~, a 9~~ Fab 61 ux -4 015 ). C=iot See All the News Sufficlently About All Fang) 4 pp. Things --- Cannot Speak the New Changes, by Chi CH-0,013-Ej npj Jen-min Jib-pao. 7 Apr 1960, P 13- J-PIRS 31M FE - Cbina Hcon Sep 60 -1) ~,2 6, ~ ~4 ~,- (Ily-64002-) What is the Significance of the Productimi Caqpaigm at Duyeu Hai Fautory Plant7l bly Chi.,Pongp h Y!P. vn,-,#,mAxLqs, vp., Nbam Dano 29 Mar 1961, -p JFRS FE - vietnam. &OA V%~ JW,. 61 in 1961, In lN,hj. f,'mg, IT) ~ap,, iftim Du No 4236,., ic~ lipmi 2.6 Tbe P'Oe of the lAst Vietep by Houns-vew- chi, 6 AN04"M6 a,--6L b& 'VIP-.MAME8E)rpt,jDvsp no 61. CIA 1) 1405505- Dev -1-05. Wpt of State P4 comultimpl, All JIM) A DISGUSSION WITH PARENTS ON FOSTERING GOOD STUDY HABITS IN CHILDRENy BY CH HUi) 9 PP. 'I CHINESE: PERy CHUNG-KUO FU-NUy 1\10 % 1962j PP 1) 2. 1. 1 JPRS 15982 FE - UUMA SOC, Nov 6,c,. 216,2q4 and IUghtaou-s Stm;gsla of thr., Sapmnene llaople Against Aw, rica, by Chi Ylunrl, C-11"WIGMt Pit, Kuo-chi Wen-VI Yon-Ghtu, NO 6) 0 3 IStvDv PP P5-31- j'.m 91 Pol Dec 6o "04 thO ftlM Of SWONUVO 10itlgtiVO UAAOr tk* Wdm)A, WW4 by Ck!l Jb-vft &CA Mang 8 amw,o 30,* IV 2-3. n POI Oct ftlo-W Poop ft""S 90 ftb 58V U&IMWDC-"3 am w,.aW/s "'fine QIWGUMG an the social"uVatem Olt owmaw tbe Vho)A PeopUp by Vtl Cbb-RLIMp Ob'48 OloltmWo adas-aM Yen.*bd* No ?v =4 196ep It 23-32. oa t 60rl I ft"Noto *000stm Vith A-- 4w1 att 2kV*tt]A ft Uw irr"~ Ar"t by Ch 1 41* 04 5196 I$ :j, Avkmst I U&MOMP Vbl MUMo NO rso4rv w U33-uop ZOA fti im 62 ODOV600 Po I I If 33-9 ; 7 Ad-%mne.,es in Synthetic Drugs for Schistosomiasin, by,.Ml Ju-,,l=$ 16 pp. U111114105, parp Vo-lujueh Vuag-jeol Nu 3; Fel. illz,; 1960 pp 1.33-135. jpRs 2679 r e -i Y dl Pbarmacoloir,,y may 6o W=.en of the l4jnoj,ity Races Raise Lhe Red Flag of Commonism, by_41i K'uan, CHUM-13H,. per, Mlil-tzu Tuan-chieh, No 12, Pelpintr,. 1958, ~~ 9. P"E - Ch ina P"~)l *JPP'S VAr 5~~ to loft ZI-XL , - -*-, , r, ()G~4Lz; ao I.Lnz Vol )LTJ,) Ang 60 Ilya, .. ...... River Besir, b,( ?.;~A Ch I,, No 3). 1960, 6-9. JW, 6:L !-I.j I(: lol.) ctirm 0j.