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In Memoi7 of Comrade l4ang Ring. 6 pp PROBILMY DALII&GO V05-TOICA, l4oaccow, No 2, 1974, pp 252-256. jpRs 62512 Pressing Problems of Contemporary, CIdna: A Roundtable. 24 pp PROFIEMY DALINLLO -VOSTOK.A, Moscow, No 3, 1974, pp 19-38. JpRs 63409 N. E. Borodin-Prominent J'ovict Corrounist, Parti- cipatant in Chinese Pevolution., 1 p I',,qOJ3La,IY DALTIJEGO 'VOSTOKA, I-,Osc!ow, NO 3, 1974, pp 205-209. Jl~)M 634o9 Lew Eaterials on the History of the Sung Era. I p 11COBIE-1Y DAL'hlrC) VOSTOKA, Xoscau, 1~o 3, :1974, pp 210-215- JFRs 63409 Xonograph on the Japanese Wforkers Movement. 1 P FRObL&,IY DAL'i~; "loscow, 1"1c 3, ],~'?4, LGO VC6TOKA, I pp 216-218. im 634oo "T W a 7 i,orcc of Arms and by L,:coy)omj.c J~nsl vement. 4, pp FROBIII,ff DAL','IESO VOSTOKA, i~~oscow, IQo 3, 1974, . . . pp 21 B-220. i r~ 634o9 fis Socioeconomic Problems of the Chinese Village. 13. pp FROBLEMY L)AL-'!J.-I!)~O.VOSTQYJk, ',.'oscovr, 1,10 3, 1974, pp 220-227. Hr(s 634og ,Colish Scholar on the Ano-American Problem. 5 pp PROBLE,ff VOSTOKA, 1,110scow, No 3, i974, pp 227-230. j.pRs 634o9 ~~hc lraternal Communist and vlorker Parties hlxpose. 5 pp PaOM,~Zl J;Ai,'Ni~GQ VOSTOKA, 1.0scom, i~o 3, 1974, P7 -231-234,-. jil!~S 634-09 Di5cus5ion Conference or. the 114. May Zovemcntl! 1 p PRODILI,ff DAL'NEGO VC6TORA, !~-',Oscml, N'O 3, 1974, pp 23?-239. jpRs 63409 In 1,110iriory of Comrade Otto Braun. 2 pp 6(013a,lff DAL'NiLO VOSTOiU, Eoscow, No 3, 1974, pp 241-242. jixzs 634og '%'ew L . -looks. 1 5 pp MT OBLL,'I-PY DALI VCBTOKA, h'Oscow, No 3, 1974, p~ 243-246. JPRS 63409 TOTAL RESEARCH MANPOWER POSHEKHONOV, YU LANGUAGE-RU COUNTRY-UR. 1.~,1 4.,., :,1-i 1. -1) i'.. i1 PROB. UEYAT. UCHEN. I NAUCH. KOLLEKTIVOV #111 (SIMPOS. 8/170) 95-98,1970. STC-HT-23-0608-74 3o,mvl'J,Tov~ 1, v. //PROB. YLI-MIT. UCIMINT. I Flo= 770,00, Dintropy Analys-~,Ls of Sciernt-ifl.c. cal. palftorns~ PI). 11 O~ 1 '71 --m T,T,- LLrj-,r),K-Ly, Tujocii. .0 !J-E u //PR-OB. DEVE. N C, 0 ell 0" lle3eal' ell t1le C-ju-,s-,060 f -71' ORIENTATIONS OF RESEARCH STAFF TO CHANGE OF 0 CCUPATION: A SOCIOLOGICAL CASE STU . ., v~. .:- ~-(- ~-+,)b N) j I I KUGEL'y S. A. LANGUAGE-RU COGNTRY-UR' ' PROB. DEYAT. UCHEN. I NAUCH. KULLEKTIVOV 93/f 70(NA SIMPOS. 6/70) 160-65. STC-HT-Z3-U6U6-74 SOCIAL SCURCES OF RESEARCH STAFF RENOVATION 0e,'..'. ",I I, -~.. c t *) il~-/, KHODYREVI V. YE LANGUAGE-RU COUNTRY-UR PRUb. DEYAT. UCHEN. I NAUCH. KOLLEKTIVOV #3/1 70(NA SIMP)(8/70) 191-98. f-S TC-HT -23-0 605- 74 Yxasillnikov, V ~ VT Difraction of Waves, Created by a Magnetic-Dipole ~ystcm of Ctirrents on a Sphere of Variable Radius 16 pp PROBTEMY DIPRfMSII I PJOPROSTJWrO~JrZA ITOT14, 1072~ pp. 192-201 AIR/PTD-TIT-2-1-79,9-73 Abdyl COYTTission Chairplal.[ Dismisses l'-,ecd fc)r Partf, 114 pp. TTT, T irana .9 5-77777717 - -- 6 3 3 To 3, Ilay-jun 74, Burqatin, A. F. The Effect of Physical Exertion on Transcortin Binding of Cortiaosteroids in the Plasma - PROBIEW ENDOMMOLOGII, no. 3~ MaY-June 1972~ pp. 13-17 - fASA TT F-15,258 Bukhmm A. 1. Infusion uropaphy in the diagnoeis of adrenal changea. PROBLEW ENDOKUNOLOGrY I GO)MOTERAPH. Vol 15, No 2,t 1969,, pp 48-52 NTO ?4-20064-06,F ON LOAN Sertive charge SYMMIN; ILAS lo~ROBLW ENDOWNOLOGXr (I GOAMOTERAPIVII .-/-/1973*voolgsyoool,, Zinc met4boZism and tho activity of alkaline phoophatase in the kidneye of white rate in alloxan diabetea and in mpeated acWnietration of insulin. pp 61-65,NTO 74-10276-06POO Problems of Heuristics, by V. N. Pushkin, Ed. 1 201 pp. PROBLEMY EVRISTIKI, (Collection of Papers), 1969. NTIS TT 72-50007 Mw- 7~ VARIOUS UPROBLEMY FIZIKI I AKTIVNYKI-,i VOZDEISTVII//. --/--/19700V ---- ,N ----, Problems of Physics and Artificial Influences 106 pp Book, Trudy 19, Institute of Experimental Meteorology, NTIS-TT-73-SO031~~ Moraohevskiy, V. G. An experimental study of the interacting forces. of two Zarge drops of water and solutions. 9 pp PROBLEMY FIZIKr ATAIOSFERY, LESING-M, No 1966, pp 139-142 AIRIFTD-HT-23-304-74 Konashonok, V. N., On the problem of an analytical appivximation of the restructuring of the distribution spectrum of drops of c4ouds with an active influence on them. 6 pp. PROBLEMY FIZIKr ATMOSFERY, LENINGRAD, No 4, 1966, pp 143--147 AIRIFTD-HT-23-305-74, L. S. Role of Distribution Mechanisms and Sources of an )~trios-ohcric Aerosol 8 pp Problemy fiziki atmosfery, Sbornik 5, Izadatel'stvo Leningradskogo imiversiteta, 1967, T)p 2110-2114 FSTC-IFY-2'-.1735-7P XWV~ L.S. 11PROBLEAff FXZXYJ ATMOSPERY11 V--affoon't Ametatio mocaummonta ofthe vertiod ,ast4ibution of the atmospheria aemeol, 6 pp, pp 5943,AZRIFTD-ET-23-.2116-740 I IVLEV. L. S. //PRO13LEMY FIZIKI ATMOsrERY LENINGRAD// --.1-4119.68, v---- X006- Measurements of the distribution of atmospheric aerosol in the surface layer 2 pp pp 71-78t AIR/FTD/HT-23-2118-74## 77 - - - - - - Bolshrihova, L. G. Concerning Chemiliurdnesconec o Modamine PROBTLEM FTZITU ATIMSPERY) -4. 63 106,0,, pp. 78-86 INC 73-21527--07D 1,721S 1,73-103.75 EFFECT OF HUMIDITY CHANGES ON THE OPTICAL AND MILROPHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF IVLEVP L.9 SPAZ LANGUAGE-RU COUNTRY-UR PROBLEMY FIZIKI ATMOSFERYi #81 1970, PP 112-1 23 FSTC-HT-23-0412-74 Ivlev, L. S. Experimental Method of Studying,Atmospheric Aerosols 14 p FROBMff FIZna ATMOSYERY. SBOMM 9, nr. 9, 1971~ j7p. 28-36 AIR/FTD-HT-23-807-73 - Ivlev, L. S. Study of the Chmaical CoVosition of an At.1nospheric Acro;3ol in the Bi%Tfacc Layer 12 pp PROBIM FIZM ATIVIXFERY, % 197.1, I)P, 39-47 An7KD-IN-23-0023-74 PROBLEM OF STABILITY OF AEROSOL PARTICLE SIZE GiSTRIBUTION IN THE GROUND LAYER IVLEV9 L. LANGUAGE-RU COUNTRY-UR PROB. FIL. ATMOS. LENINGRAD NO. 8 PP 123-8 FSTC-HT-23-1423-73 zmya -XIDS. 11PRMLW - nZZXZ A"WFSRr- SVOINJI 20// pra toms of physiop of the ab=phoro,, 14 ppo pp.92.10$,kfiViTD6fte.2&leji.74#0 INVESTIGATIONS OF THE STRUCTURE OF THE ATMOSP HERIC AEROSOL IVLEVt L. S. LANGUAGE-RU COUNTRY-UR ta.U~ ~AT~MOSFE~RY (LENINGRAD), NO 10 PP. 92 THRU 103(1972) FSTC-HT-23-0917-74 %W * ~A C~ j - - ((, Y-I ALRuSOL ABSORPTION OF SHURT-WAVE KAUIATION. GAYEUSKAYAI 6. LANGUAGE-RU COUNTRY-UR PROB. FIL ATMUS. (LENINGRADit 910t 1972? pp 86-92. F S TC -HT-23-04! 51-74 ZWARgVs V, M. 11FRORW* FlZrXr Amwirle. SBOJWZY. 20// Seleating the optidaZ amstants Of water and fad for eateuZating the chmwterietim of aoatterl"g and absorption of radiation by water and ios aemeoU,, 8 PPS pp 104-IlOsAIRIPTD-HO~-23-1840-7400 I I SLLUT ILN UF THE UPTICAL GuNSTANITS UF WATER A N[j ICL f U~, THL LALLULATION OF SCAT ZUL(jl,~i-.Fvf V, I LANG LJAGk. - P11) C6uAffiY-UR !)!.Ut,-LLMY fi/IKI ATMUSFL-kYj J.0/19-12t 104-11J. L H, 10- 74 oj%(I