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7he Webanii by D.Iltz perk pp 199,201. Sel .0 em Apr 5i6 i of Coking of Coal in the Plantic Range, Ij'ol XXXVTT Brennstoff-Chemie, Al 1 1956, Dept of IntAtrior BIJT of Hinell ,ectmde Processw,W Ileir DescrWon nadcWt Model, by U. F. Franck, j, 24 plis Mr. z E-1day-OLMA9, pp 156-168. 200883 gj~~qaistl-y o- tile 'TJSSR (A 2~ Year :Literat-are S',-,~---.7ch Of tb(-I J-)'.It'pal Bi olfliiniiya J,~y 1,7 j7. C,, 'I - I -- u -C, -P OT5 jan t-2 (Iff -6085) The Proi~i4rj OVIFinancing Economically er~a 1~ U na e,v4ope~' Areas, by Z. Meek, 19 pp. MM-M XT per, Finanaijej Vol XVI, No 1. 1961, 66 JMS 9177 FAur u ia goal av Pa: L",tE I 51, Ito kid Total Oxidation, of Methane Rj Ramo- wa Ha-Wrogeneous Pbar:icti Fdrt 1., by G. Salvi ~r; 14??t9no., Vol XI: Wo ?-1 1957; em 50-70. of the Hip by Interposition of a Free fto by M. Fiume,~ 3 -PP. PP 310 )85. acid BiGic Jul Archivio di Ortop&Aia, Vol LXV.. 1952, SIR Tr 6-32 R a-,.re!u Sibl R. ation-Mechanical Ef fect-g la b.Y M. A. Jbkul'skiy, Yu. S. Lsz- uri''I. i, JK. B. Fiveislkiy,, V. T. Kozin, 4 D-r,. w 's 41A'd; gr,, Dok Ak Hauk SSRIR~ CXXV; pp 1007- 195 1010. 5 Amer lut of ,"hys sov phya bocislaay Vol Ivj, rk) 2 Sci De On'b Five RUSSI~Nl~ No, i'l-, sci Oct Aon of Antiprotons in Matter, by Yu. D. pp. ,~Zhur Eksper i Teoret Fiz, Vol XLII, 799-802. ipp AIP Sov Phys - JETP Vol XV, No 3 213~195 11Z as of I& H& p 1,74ir'l 16990 am luminous sad an m Rqxri- 1341~ to DowsuitWto that *8 Motion t1i"11 O=gw tbo Volodty- With *LPA PrRIMIgNim in ftdr in"riorj tir 20 pp, III# imwt Anal 92 gas at I 3rd Ser. p U66 1957,9 ip 355-404. 3623 r7 i~,~ Over voltep Ui the UbMtlon of 03WOW trod& In an AIM34 S02UU04 by Aperip zhur Pliewt VOIL =VP sro 5f (u=)s, $67 -5,731 ANO Tr 1247 (22mistry The*fect~ of Basic Triphenylm(.-thane Dyes on the Act.LVI.Ity oT Certain Enzymes, by N. V. Fizhenko, 11 pp. RUSS lk, Voprosy Tsitologi--"L i Protistologii, S~o r''ll,3*.k ll,,:.~ot, 1960. 61-31010 OTS Pi,-48c) Sciii jun:'62 by A. D. par, Vo - TIP", i 7~k.' ee 19610,. pi) 7 71-7-71'" Sri Ile lak a V. yj ist4we (NY-2637). or the Actarwmin of Graon- and B. .6 the Denstw=t Actim of Neat and by~li- D. Bmm, m. M. usvetayevs'- ko ~14 pp. po;j 231tolLog*a., Vol Io No 13 1959.p Aug r at sibeftla OWNWO tw 00 ve IV* noon", .U*X" 971 PIZIA 19 ll Effec of' Allo'' Higb Br4char T-ans., R.11 sen, v01. 59, 3 tables) 140G-word abstract; ranadium and Chromimn Contents upon Low 5 eed Steels. ~p Order No. 832~ ^01.70 The TIlrkfj the 'R~001, the ICop ntri RUSS 19621'' .-Ipp p Oct Physiology In the Ligbt of V Plant Long of the March Plenary Session of iCormdttee of the GISU., 5 pp. No im 1r,288 ~WrIr Ld t~!Ij O-P T~c:caa of Fflter,~ by C~ Pi7zo-Itj, Vv% lza CIAM-ica h' L' Xiulustria, Vol XXV; pp :2-65-266. AM Tr 16go Chemistry we Nitrogen Mationln Pure Ctdnwea of yCefil by miroslav'Dwakt 7 pp. ~O raw-,, MIE.~~Ca Palmd Val vm' T,T-i TAPE Oi,d& Fleld.14C W. F THE FM-CHANNEL IN MAGNETIC ~bR THE 625-LINE SYSTEM. 23p. 50 as TT-65-11556 6t fuer Ruiadfimktochnik (West 1. FLx, H. U. Haberma=, W. ,MR 615 'o.'al Pot., * al, V 01h,"VU,211JUi ye~T2 Forok Y'I 2. titj "'V$ Fm P-P '3~r--) A.956 an~ ~~'Atlantic Puct' by Cap B. Fjoarli., 17nD HMUBGW,,~ per., Sorgan Foravar, No Ut 1953. G--2# GSUSA G-1810 I ~ 3 3 -P CTS The I Acidip in Rmw Um-hia Fluldq 'by ~R PO Wisebartp 5 pp. pait Ar--cMv foor mologe voi 1653, MW Tram 310.5 Dept l~or Vs~ v6VIII the operation of an Electromagnet, by Z ftrmeldetech Werk-u Gera"bau,, Jul 19200 PP 139,141. SIA 57 -2282 war atou tv lift Cliwilat, machirms "rectiag in a Nev way %atiplicationsp 'by Jean-Paul 29 FUd ~.; ot, So I90WA62 (!Mi=s Maim)- 08 Dept at Commerce Ment Office SCIDUtIf 1C oor Dirior I I FRIMCI ScienI ~f Uranium SwIfidep Uga.p by..M. Picon, dompte Rend.,, Vol CC:Dmlp 1953t ~er i. ic ABC-tr-181.2 Cbemistry I nt ~~.n I I ~di a,-., St P-ge Sin Formation of IT,.xnic Acids 33heno 01) by W. Flaig, J. Salfeld. Ty", !10 PIT) I-iternational Conq_reS3 of Soil Science, LO 6 8-656. CSIRO 670C, ATJ 2., :1 TI, an SCII lkpr,.i 1 mistry of Organic Substances in Soil ir,47hysiological Effects, by I.I. __Flaig. Interi-Ational Society of Soil 958, PP 37-54. CSIRO 42-47 ---------- (3106ri L-Xch ge of X93-md Y,04~-in Heon, by N )'A !..,P&M&g, 3 pp. Ru5s Mur Eksper i Teciet Fiz,, Vol XLII,, OS 62 721-7~40 pp AIP Sov Phys JETP Vol XVI 140 3 Ci Oct 62 213j,187 ! 2, 11 o; I (i kc, a,:z (C~ Sci thic Col I isions of Jit-h, Xc 4) by litla lic Atoms On G. II. Ogurtsov., et, C-1, El:s- Te ore F4 Z, Vol al~ 72air -per i AIP Sov P11'. I; - jE a- Vol 1".0 200,564 00,1000 in aloes u1mm p"Issip or kd 3W Bows by I* P. FJAkmp 0- W- Ow =DPW 1 24m" rial, Vol Xtif AV ftv a7z JW va 3avpl no 902p742 f-iacondh 'y" Eliasio~n During Bombexdmnt of a ~L-tal .1 " C 4,1 1,,).,v y6l iply Marged Ions, by Yu. A. Dumayev, ,arg T R1MIA thrice-mo per,, Dok Ak Rauh SSSRs Vol XCI; FIO 1A 3;p PIP, 3 41 rv s F-Lr ;`)c tent' IC 4nuclear Physics 573" Sep 53 CM y Tc- -,M'" ca, ture Vv~ V Fedor enko., L . G . Fi I iri-~ a Dh-,) p P. t i RUB z, Vo'; :CC~, No 1, )S" i!lkl -,-n,IZhiar Tekh Fi 19602;~ .8 56. Tech Ph),5 Sov Physto Vol V, No 1 c Aug 6b Ton5za,4 Tons . s Fill Or bn oflinart 11 vV W1 1 " - E, p6r 4 1~0 RUS EJA P mvn-d vov A6 Nees by Multiply Charged Pedorenko, I.P. Flaksp LX, I pp,, Zhur Eksper I Teorat Fiz; Vol 1960p PP T19-725. A] P Sov 11hys- JETP Vol XJ 641TI I ! "IrIeCU'ran 10~v ~ fln i ! I L.:G# I)71~ IRM in ., 1 Amor Inot of Pbys Sav fts-Tech Pbys Vol ry , 'No 9 ' -1,- 3 5ura. by* Triply Charged Ne-~' and Kr and Krypton.. by 1. F. Flakso onko.- 9 p. Zhur Tek-h Fix., VdL XXIX,, No 9. 0-nog. -OU' on -.11 iZl3tiOU Of lUeYt GaGOB bY SinglY-011arigaI2 3 bf Neon and Mriptoni, IW I. P. pleks, 7 pp. 9 6r., Zhur Tekh Pi.", Vol xMj No 3,,.1961o AXP Swiet PbZrs vca vim No sci 7.4 -j fid 1IF lea"' ur~,~Vajjof the -Captum Cross Sections of Singly wa~~ ti~ Zoas in TheIx Own ftaea,, by I. P. na jj~!; it. 1601aveavo 13 ppa RM Zbur Tbkh Fix, Vo2.XXVM, No 3 PC 1958 Amer ]hat df Phys Sm Pbys - Web Pbys Vol Ina No 3 Sci Doc 5 one S. 1950PIPP I *a, of Cross Sections ror Capture of Mactroms In Simgle Collielow of g~d Zons With Atom or a Gas j, by 1. P. ~SOIQVIOVP 10 pp. r# Mw Tvias nz, vo:t xvitt, ft 3, 9-622, Amer Twt of WY A" - Tech Ph" Vol In't 1;0 3 Co. Urj* FwS'c-i)v1i, p6 151~ and Ionization Proceccea Occ=ing Aumin; a of Ir ro&mu Atoms imd- Tonc; W-q 11~4rOG--n G H. Ovart'sav, 1.) -P Umr %-I:h Fis2 Vol. YMIII~ No 6) 1963) Mier 1wt of Pjap SOV Phys T\-ch ly"Iyu Vol Vill, W-0 6 61 E"Jxr-01,4 A-~ ~eu on Mp-tastases of the Rat Sarccma, First a- 6A Lpfluence of Age on the! Origin of Metastaoes p, -,.n thin Lyr('~h Glands, by J. Flaks, 60 pp. ct7-RM;, PBi'.P Z fuer Krebsforachurig), Vol X=I, 1932, Pp 06-512!- NM 7--9-70 ock,~ ~V&d! ".7ep.1i ~O A~ SHOULD WE USE IN THE DEVELOPMENT 'RIC POWER INSTALLA.TIONS., BY YU. N. KFJMVpM2 11 PP. FLAKSE"N E-Rj, TEPLOENERGETIKAj, NO 11, NOV 1962., P PP13 1-4o JPRS 16843 218;6io !63 er M ato in RMlon VII (lPmer'Developmant in .01vanovo Region),, 4 pps, by lue Flakserman., WSIAMI! ~pers Elektrlfikats~ya SMp 1931P pp 42-45.. ll't, III I Mdl tbj,SIR-2501, AID lecrt Ici 8 ricity 57' The~ P41f n ".'u't,. sci Ch F6 Do of Uftniumg by Mrius Ficon, Teafi L pp. ro Bull foe chinkp 19,38j, pp W2-7W; ABC Tr 35C4 S V, :SL I bfjC-1~itY-1w6 q .. ik-twork by .14; on. tr s slati I-To 3, 1t, Vestnik SV,2=a=- I !)P SIGIA :710 V103-5-1 1-131,,. nt.,Alc Elect::0-aics 61 Ma.!? 53J Cr,.-',i Inf.b*nce of Smll Q%antities ot Aluminium on Cert6in P%6''hunical Properties ar Ilitrogea-Bearing Feir'i e lb,~?"Flawnt. 1957) PP 5371-554. PD: Rev I'Lat, Vol L ry tr 638 v6.15 X) sci,~-m t Nov'57 Oparati: 1-0156W- ITALL'a xx 1 VI T-dri-NdRfidAtion ar-d S!Crdpitf-cation of the v1d Ted,ftnique' Adcording t6 M Idbiz on the Pref'ront;)..' a-r--P-atI0fftb-- by A 0- M -' Piduiberti, 8 pp, Per J%-secyna di Studi Nichiatrici Vol A.~ 37- h-7974 051 SLA 57-1689. CKt twsr, Mom "A*mU*- 08 DiMs, Pali don go== AA memo- pp; rmml~ I V" 9 II I A I 1J'7 ;=,q &qqgma"-71qj 1 8691IN ~ I 11 a &,Afi~ 0 vmww~ - - No d" 61 ~,'~eelvorku at Ougree of the Societe Ougree, by P. Iflawrit. pbw), llevue Uai7eraelle.- des Mines, pp .11-28. 5."3.2 C-D,%OrluA-.lvlo Dotormimmtion ar Alualutura MIMIda'.j por jnov t, uo 9, 1953r PP 604-63-6. BlitlloU Dion and SurQ D-4 blo nmAbor given) s c. Sop 5,91: .1 P. QdU MA Propylimic Derivativos,, by L. R.' Flame azid M.. Fourez 9 yp. C:E#L/FDD/X-1440 Be ift Chemistry 7" JIA~JR'elal~ionstjjp Betueen Pnez,&v and Range ;ibete f Sm-11 and Medium Xneray., by J,Ati W.Igliw' 14, 3 pp. afe I Die Hattuvissenscbaf ten f Vol XXXIIIq part A6,0 280, Ter ~42/1.956 A ahemistcq,, FWsics %0 X-E 1. pp Sci Oct 3N-,texj'a'iwtion.of flaw Forms of Caubinationc. iq~ Tunasten Oxides W4013. and W&023, by F. pp. perp' Z Anorg Allgem Cheiri., Vol CCXVII., 1934., SIA 57-910 W, olet, Sadek. -,r Analyt,i 13u" 4 5-- %.~S iRO On 0. F-sj, MgWv Selective Detection of Zirconium by Wans of P~Toeatechol ~iolek in Pmaence of Ccupleonx, by 1. , IH. Flaschkap F. Sadek. GMUO, , per., Za fuer Analytivehe Chade., Vol: 0 19561 339-345. 08320 sa Chem JUUIU62 C xmetxic Titrations in a More SUopg4 Acidic lbd:Lum Back Tit..-ation . I 'uithII Biomth Nitrate V!airg Pyrocatechol Viol~t; by H. Flasebkap et al. 11 i OMAN., per., Z. I.Vol 19%3 jull 62 Cbem fuer Analydache Chemie,, pp 345-.31.51.5. "Room= I 91%mv pw I Ohouw 2shy"m - Aftuvot Xtvq, Damp 60 "nes xMift by liftrafto Kth bebm"It'la- AcM MM4, Me us at, 0 by RIP. "Mcmas 3.1 PP# N*ro6in P.4ft., VU I# 0~1 ~ ~111, kit! Vol acj P cb~ P341mUtrritlyzan vitil k.96ti-ir 11,44-tJ P!-,rt xr.T - Da-~,mlwtiem .j-? 0 i 1IJ,,:- -xi - tv LWAa nzI R - AVUDO, 20 pp. 61 65 f7. k- 3 50 6~-5 , I j4jc-totj*atjc~~ '11. 13met -L &~~ ir 7 pp. Gom, 14 r, sai - ~emia 'r Peb 0 With L-thylenetUmuilinti*-traacetic Acid. Titration of Leruk~, by, Ii. YLaschka, Vol LXM.F 1952),---ap 315-318. EIA !tr 57-1284 1.07 lid Jul a and Oombined DeUmdnation of Lend and Idtabs by Tl%ratim vtth DUodimm Salt TwtracatIc ACid), lwobU aid F. Biadltg. ]par,, Z-. AaA Chmo -19 12-178. 7A .0-122 1! m with Eftylenedlartino Tetraacetic -ect Titration of Mariganeve in Pare L~in the Presence of Other getmla, by wd A. M. Amin. ?UI,XochemrAr.taj, Vo:L IV, 1953., pp SLA 57-2.912 7/1 /,Yj- jcr6~itrations with Mylene-diaminetetraecetic j~XMXIIAcid: J., ~y R. Flj~ochka. GEMSMI~ per, Wlnxochemie, Vol MIX, 1952l '50 pp 549 RAE Parnbcwouah 5ci Chemistry A T' 63-169M H. W jakaMPTIcb, H. i OF~THIDACETAMIDE IN QUANnTA-nNrE 1. 7ULM Ilicecotommw ANALYSIS. L! bEnRIAMATION OF AMUMNY. 1. Ft-mcbko M 1196b) i2p. 13 Ms. U. *M*Ykb. IL Ordii ir6m SLA $1.60 63-16909 Mraw.:of ArAlyfim Chimics Ac,ts (Netberlw3da) ly.10, V. 4;~ P" ~247-233.! DEWRLMR AmIrawy. Sulfidemi, Cbomkalpm:lpi. ! ~ &. -,I. .My" A.UW.. A.Ityl .&C" 1 A;;47356 ' i tamid W e I s used for ft ciumitadve pruipitatim , or -W' 1 in ac sigutim 7be predpitaM in Its md 01r bi1iciff of CO it odift cc to dried ta a cm a o ' cni ls'p~ bv welljW aftr drylig at IMP ad va"g , w3b"FM I Mo results of udyds of sh-R. nod I Ismon 7T. Y. ii I ~L 77-64-10334 Ln, A. NJ., aM liclasek. A. Fln'M EL, li.j ~'OLUMI'itRIC MEMOD FOR IW- DETIER- 1. IILL-- Tetraphenyl borate MMMcIl OF POTASSIMI BY PRECIPITAnNG AS 1. FlawlAm, H. KYTASSWI,l TF-7RAFfiENYLBORATE (Elne New 11. Amint A. !~,:. Mctho~ls iurhU6l;in&13,dscheu Bestimmung van KaLium M. Holasel. A. nach 1~ alskinumtetraphenyibDrat). [19631 [10p] Cung 4 refs Order! ~m sl"% $1. 10 TT-64-10334 Trans~l of Zeitsc Air Analytische Clemle (Wevi i I X3 [no. 41 p. 241- 244. (Abstra ny Gem, a9), avalkble MRS. T~4assluni, Volurnetric aWyalr, DESC , Cjicml i-~i brecip.radoi-4 Reagmus, Pbmiyl radicals, )055C) In" a, Morldes, Borai -t ! I V's pr !'Ipitated bN of the tamphen)i- PI-ecipitate In allowed to react with l~)iStol I(Im. n)C I (C~-nilkq -AntlyticaL Tr, v. 11, no. 10) (cyicr) 0048 rRomrATim or wLrwR L TWO 7UNCIandft r"COTALMDE IN MROAN&VSB C&w 1. Media. IL "To Sj-tjaAnnI,t%CM Catbob 7jjGmCgLVWU IS 2;,~d MOMV"Yi4'. 11901 * I n66 S" 10 63-IWW' 7~.Xip. lot zwt~fttft mr) AMIL"Iscbel CbMMM (Weit CormamA1951, v. 134 iF6 W-1ft I C IDB=i'MR& $&A"% nuo nftww *Aeon"% 10 i'w)47264 no d %d" br" kalimetric Rapid Estimation of ~iq~after Precipitation with Tetraphenyl Boratej by H. Flaachka. r, Z. Anal Chem), Vol CILlV) e ,~1955, P 420. IVISDMO -T2234 icr 'I Acid iphos ij i WAM Ipp 1 iSci Atrations with Ethylene-diaminetetraacetic 2. Determination of Small Amounts of kate, by H. Flascbka, A. Holasek. 1,. per, Mikrochemie., Vol XXXIXp 10,52j I~t Farnborough 550 .'Chemistry awl, dumetric Rapid Ketwd for Calcium me vll~ H. nancUtz,, H, gy!x Jakobljovicb,, .......... ~er# ftd0z RmdGcbnllo No 3.o 1954,j Brutcher Tr No 3418 $1.90 Min/ketals Fab 55 CM 41 't C 11 IN Z ~0; ion. Au- ~ I 62-10924 , H. _f,laschkI ON AOB ANISES IN THE GLASS-TECHNOLOG- 1. Flaschka, 14. ]CAL ILABORATbiiY (L%er Schnellanalysen im Glas- technis'cli'L'n Lab&atorlum). 119621116)p. (foreign text inclu&dY 44 ra.4i 1 Ordcr~i'frb'm SLAII$1.60 62-10924 Trans'.! of ~Sprcc !saal (West Germany) 1955, v. 88, , I Ip., 188-194. no. 9,; I)ESCRIFII*OltS-' 4'p!ass, Metals, Titration, Solutions, 1, 1 Rcagcptk,~ Chem cal analysis. (Chem! si'.,r y- - Ana lytical, 7r, v. 8, no. 7) Dfflco of Tocholcal S"cos i~ d! I i ~Hicrotltrstlow Wtth Rtbylew Dl=Loa Tatra-Matic Acid 4! a. rl"owm. UMUWIW =M,I, ver, p Vol XLP 1953s 21-26. RU Tr 730 sci sap 58 i~ i SpcieWic Titmtim of Zlnc and Ca&dm W.1th Cox,4exm In tAe fmae= eff Carteln Ofter py# w r Gmu EmitscbrIft gUar &~~scho Chmdoo -19-53.0 jN~-= 3374 1,108 G.L.A. Tr Z46/3.936 oc~ 156 Ots A ft Vp!I4b set Be~ i5 ay Selective Method for the Photometric ,ion of Zirconium., by R. Fl"chmp IL Y. zp per, Z Anal Chem.. voi mri,, 1956, diel ABC Tr 2956 4z 7he red=, GEM".* Apr rbmvttes an add In iWnmtric deter-7 cm6,, by U. FIkwbkm,'M pp. Obl3dea Actim.)VID1 IVi, go 3., 11.1". Tr !02 lei nent of the 4~0- 3.9 Minute Activity of Flammersfeldx W. Ferr. 2. Naturforschj Vol LII, 19502 pp 569 5 AEG Tr lo6o par Physics Dec 1951 CTS vall P: Aji~ H IRM -mm pp Api 56 Ab Uactivated, Virus for Propbylaxis Lai t4ow IL lu Dogs $y J. L. Mitla, 8 )W, per, Nwdl Vet~ 4ibd., Vol V, 3$53, ScLoA.9 Tr 993 47 Lnep (Tat) Ble6ir6stal ?2 FRF21C 1959-11 8~ sel hlea maq 62 c Voldmters for Hidh Voltages, by 11. R. BiLU Assoc Suisse Blectricierx, Vol L; -~8W- ABC SCL-7--n *Iaity llo~jjrI4"Ipikic Study oi the F cry.,~ ribiun-Sclenitip. l s t. ~0 0 . ll~ Cheline Cuittardo Joall Flaulluuto 6 I I* *#,,I. k, IC. C.I~. Acad Sci No 264 Sur C, 1951- i r;- 1704-69 114arH 7~ pp:?I 6a Pig., by R-mat Flx=j 5 PP. t~jtj path Spontanorit Klein lab=at Ticrer IAna I i 226. Big CTS ul:o 'The, Ito by Emst I?la=p lip. IMMMN111knat Path Spoatanark Mein Laborat Tioro, p i pp ~2611229, Scientific Sol 10 Ibr TAVId Oft of Thiu, MAWC SwaftUe as md W"m Jws for the ftod=tioa owtoClvp by V- no~t- 9 (10) Ho loO5;6,#953. patent offloe no .1,e r-c-,,o and L,!:ao-ne Id'I'low Tharmo.-olastic jwticlos, by I-ai.; 9 patcnt) ik-). UUT. cap GWORCT, PA=,k 017FIRIM, Chem lib"o 63 3e NVHIRLWI~T AIR Sl Aug 62 Order iroii S.! h1u). 1( $46.50 Trans. of 'Zement-K [Y. 131no."~Ii, P. 5( DESCRII'TORS: *Ali If (Machinery. Fabrici TT, Y. B. 1 8) :1 1 f RATORS (SEreu Windsichter). 1614-27 Street. Orlando, Fla. ~-Glps (West Germany) 1960 Separation, Michines. ons and Accessory Equilvnent, 62-22390 1. Title: Whirlwind separator 1. Fleck, K. 11. Muller. S.. Orlando. Fla. 6 Offic. 0 T-W.41 S-i... MNP will Skln~ Tea~tq- In Urticaria and Quincke Is VD1 =III# 1952y qFM 327 d6hstitiltlou and Effect of si"pathmimetic Nov Comilderstlons FoUoving lubnts m t2ke Nmmml wd Demrvated ItAing MM*3.-aw of the Cat, by A. kelckei36tleia, 2 I.M. GM4 Arch Up Path Pbarmak, Vol MTJIII, i0lo-a) NIH 3-76 -62 so* - Mid 1~ k I! ~ ~~i 62 I'll ~~ 44 u; ;haf lwtor.v by NaLultwit fur Bari A L HIMLTn in PAPER CHRO ADENMINM 1' ptiOSMORO'c' TRACTI~NJO 119621 23,p. Order, I III M7 ~ Trual 0i Iii perjimen6~fi6] Gernmny) 19S DESCRIPTOR! PhWphate~3, I C =ebe, 41NI6 and Bike, M. RIC SFPARA71ON OF TE AND OTHER )S IN THE CAFFEWE CON- )G AND TOAD RECTUS. K-H 4520 miWaberg'al Arch[tv Air] Ex- giel 11111d] PlIal-Ilial'ol(oglel(wellt p. 404-417. hom ompotaxis, *Adenostne pvphic awly" S"rudaT4 mphibians, Prop, *PhyaWloa 62-17944 1. Fleckcmatein' A. a. janka. J. U1. Elka- hl. IN'. K-H-4S2D V. Kreap-HooLer Scleme Library ABsodates. Detroit. hU& A'W'J~ 3 (Chemist y-'Analyticol, Tro v. 8, no. 6) offic-I S"... J' -,-- 70-13436-06P Dollvo, M. THE EVALUATION OF ANALIGESICS IN ANIMAL i--~:EXPEMN!(~Nl`S. tiellvetica Physiologica et Pharmacologica 1 J- --- )7311. i953. 70-13436-06P: HC $ 7. 60, hi F $ S. 80. -65-32751 Fletshmap~ D. S. PATIALUL bECOD order: frthnlb.FSTi.~ as TT!-6 2761 Trans ,o dem1w 196 5. Field 9D 5 Oct 65, 7p. Brefs. JPJIS-32261. or ETC.- HC$1.00. NIF$0.50 SSSR. Doklady. vl63 n6 p]331-3 1. Joint Nblications Research Service, Washin6ton. D. C. 62-14440 ,Elelochman DUCTIMY AND ELECTRICAL r TA 1. Plelochmenn, If. 1111 (w SI.SurosIX R-1111t OV *1111: ,,, , j-N 1,10,11 V, 'V, rck. -Trailn'l Of Zleli hriti furl Naturforachlunlq (West Ge r ir a'n y) I I I." Y. 16& Ino. 81 p. 765-780. ii ~ ~ - DE %'C A HSIIO ml ductors, Electrical condtx:t- c ,4. Thet.06,Njuctivity, TherinooleartcIty. moilting, liver. Antimony. Tellurium. So I i da.1 Uqul 1 1115isre. TT, V. 6. no. 2) ybr,plc a 5011~ on.. 0 1 )f the Immemne qud Dec"Imse of the I L~ ~ - bw114, - Awbas by ComIne nod ll'~, '. wbitka or Nouro-smabi- by.~ 06ealmv by A. n**4aBUlap D. 59 ~r A~g& RQw Potbol u Rinrmw, Vol I p! P, SU 58-12 7 7 Thel chaniom of the Strengthening and Weakening of i'~'6 Rdedt of Sympathomimetic Amines by Cocaine andilmer Drugs., by A. Flwkennteino H. Base,, pip ;i IIII., pe~; Arch Exper Path u Pharm, Vol CCXX, 1954~; 'PP: 53' 7154. mm Tr 6-2',j. Sci'~ Medicine fUrmacology 74 Jul X19fli cin;teln' ~A~ Janke, J. and others. 62-17943 ON;TFr .9MVroh Or ADENOSINE TRIPHOSMIATE 1. Fleckenstein, A. ADEN()SIjsIE DMIOSMATE AND OTHER PHOS- U. Janke, J. -ERS IN THE CONrRACrION or. PHORIt-, ~AbD M 111. K-11-3779f . TTIE RRE S 0 t ITIE FROG BY MEANS OF IN'. Kresge-Ilooker Science ACE-M CHOUNE, NIICOTIINE AND SUCCINYL Library Associates, DISCHOL N'E. [1,621 17p. Detroit, Mich. Order iromK-H 21.25 K-11 3779f $ i 7'renr,.Iloftinid(.,n,ifiedtiioiio., n.p., n.d. 'SC till I RS OAdenosine phospikites, Posphoric acids, 13-ters,i*~Iusclcs, Succlunte3, 'CI ines (Biolog,'Ici I Scicii~,'es- -Biochemistry, 'M', Y. 8, no. 7) C)ffic..f Tech.k.) S-i'.'