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62-18960 Fischei~, 1.~, 7-ettl'er. H. , and Doiwa. A. "TT E, 1*~TERMINAT`ION OF u-nuum in 1. Fischer, J. D ~ kAM-5j AVN INTERMEDIATE PRODUCTS. 11. 11. Zettler, H. = FLANIE,'MIECTROMETRIC ME-n-IODS. Ill. DiAwn, A. 24 Apr 5~ 1'iop. , 11 IV. Title: Flame- Order fr9m SLA $1.160 62-18960 spectrometric... Trans. 'Callge~sellschaft A. G., Frankfurt a.M. IS Rept. i, o. 2114 rev. ed.. 20 Jan 54. DESCRIF11ORS: fl.lithium, Quantitative analysis. Mineral'', 6171ame'', *Spectrographic analysis. s s (ChemW1 ry - - r na Ai.ca v. 9. no. 11) Offitt ol Itchnic3l Scrylus 3w Of NATO aG UY k AnorL:tanlacbc Alj43Pm chemie., Vol. rip 37-4,?. TjJ, 'T 5366' r.1 IJ. facher ERMI per ~Metalloterflaehejp %poi nt, Wo 11/12 DY)bZ 1949t P.P 11T-121. TFAVftB T 0:10979/39% 19 c I e 4t i f I cMineralft/Metals rd-27-379 Plaut for Productioa of HI&h-TL'rl3iOL' -o is er) pp. pur Windomosci glek ~~, ;I trDtechaiczaa, 110 51 w=-, 64 1959; pp 121-123. ims-1930-N 164 Foi~ad Ecr6a lrx6dacturlag, Electrical Llduatrv 9ct",~ 1 ~ 159 Uri kkai Isommer,, and" nodwo 7 Ppe "17T iiii, loop Rdport on, the Cmf emnce in BudkT~a E, tNer the Mic Directional Iladio Communications, by Han schq:r,, 5- PPO perp Radio und Pernseban, No 8, 1960, p 248. umiA Tr-li43 Sd - ILI i-~trordcs lkin' 61 21 Sal y jorg 1c; oe copper mid GlOldp b V3 !UC,,r YP 16 Ylot h,a id Kro PP, p -TRMJE~TRY AS A PROCESS IN 1. 1. r 7VT,7 r i.1:-,:,' - EIRM CH iACAL,,A,'i4AL.Y';IS. 1:3 Dec N) r opp. om me,j) 'l) Order fr,*jqI,A St 66 0.1- ~11.4 !~ I . It 1, Tram of' (3-U.9rec" is~lld Berlich!v) (WeRtGern-lin.).) 19N), v~ l~k:; 110. 180- 3,1,,-. 16ical linallysis, 'Flannes. Ai~.al. ;humical t: ements, Ionization, Snccro- no. 01-- 0 T.O-i-l MI "The UP= Ptesmre Neasirremnts ),r! High BoillM Nat&U" of Bmie and Bruramr.. ~y i6w,:6 Pisober, 6 pp. ;imr pert HelveUca Mlmp Acta p VCkl XMI., 1028-1M. BA.A. pr 169 ik Oldra'wnt of Rot:k Zornmomt Durh!3 5hal',- From the Intermtioral Conferenu. 0t ii of saflaty In Muca r.escarach, 3.956, Paper. 6. Dept or Int US Bur of lieclammtion Tech lAb D=ver,, Colo. d, 4An 5q-,j C9/ Tests andT in'th Sep 1�39, Sci Aug'5~ 16 Results of the Transmission Range Munich-Aupburg Double Spiral Cable )ortance for Long Distance Com,"Ication iitioml Networkj by K. Fischerp 17 pp. Fernsprechdionstp No 19, per ;r 317-322. SLA Tr 57-2441. 16, pp Mar ~per$ pl;' Bei Aug 58 '&,r= Mmich to Augsburg, by K. Fischer EurqAischer Fernsprechdienat,, No 83-91- SLA. Tr 57-2445 ~7 J' Z 'I [D FREQdt~,~ CE&E 3 der fioiri ~1-~ $2. 6d I ana. of FrbOwem 11 Cdr 324-3U. to OF AR CONIMOL MOT [1Z) 2% is rd's. -18861 1y) 1961, Y. 15, no. 10, lowillators. *Quartz, Coils, stabilizera, Pulse mmstora, rcults. eam w1th reSpeCt to stability lent applicadons of ftvquMcy Mems of which It Is POORD" ei of switchable carrier ~exg or oacillatar r it few quarm widesi d3a nun*er of POSW5 :a. rr, v. i0. DD. 1) (ovar) I Fischer, K. mks d Tkb" $W*" H The G No Bel! A3W Qmd Cable# loy IN. Fischer, &mpaischer Femsprechdienot, ~~iq;p pp 50-55. STA Tr 57-24,51 pzodwiM AIVW&ts by the ~m cr Alp*-OW:Ut QLideop X. Vaster 1015 615. I Irl I 305*527 Emiss ion i I n Fis cbex. Go I .9p L P-3 sci luaoi Phu Bel) 59.i Voll 2, Wre-fied Spectral range, b~L! deB,, 3 pp. Naturwiss, Vol XLIII) 1956., sLA 59-a.o642 The InIll Op iO,56j, tae at thf,- Addition off ~Wtal Oxi&,i.,, on 0 of Al=iaua SMeate CrackiTv, Ka A* Flacharl,.G. Branaos, 6 m. pw., &d 091 Pa Male., Vol IX, No 2. 81-M. fmis 1'3cch ana Cam Tr ;7 ;2 ,1/ 9 71 tho~~ , cw the Volumetric IXteraImtIon of the C U t Fluids ard Solid Substaweev by pp OZRW~ 1935; 1 ir ~'Aqmvandte cheoup vol nvinv no 26,9 tific,-~ Chemistry NIB Fab CTS %CH-202';14415 !I I Fischer. K. CONTI"at"TI CORONARI, I Order ft;~m A T... p847-51 IkIll Field 60, 6C THE DRUG TREATMENT OF fICIENCY. 1965, Op. ATS-03MOG. 1.35 as ATS-03S86G Klinik (West Germany) Y50 n21 065046 1. Associated Tachnlcxl Services, Im, East OrmW, N. J. N Order Trans p,47-! Field 60. 6E A BIRION T(,'~, THE DRUG TREATMENT OF 11~INSUFJ`ICIENCY. ATS-03SSR3 r, 11.25 as ATS-03,)BGG o il 'AT$: Medizitili che Klinik (West Germany) v6O a:1 146 1. Technic i1 sclvlc~,F. 11w.. E.I~t OrAnge. N. ARM %a 392mBlob2mvetbm Ito ft ftlesolem cc Gown# I# mwt 352r&V6 lob- 8 boa 631 61 - - - ----------------------------- Hece nmainp Comerning the Electro-Chemistry of q l6olutions; CmducUmeeis and Standard 3.60 !J,;byL. Fischers,G. VlinklerD 0. Jander., Zelt fur neUmbegles, 1958, va o I pp 1-28. SIA 59-178M 4 tj a 7- eAlf voi o1,11 he'~qeatzent of ftticabs Suffering From I i I Cormary insufficiency With Clangleron- zie-.,trop,~bresist by L. 1. FlEicher,, 9 pp. IWSSIO.,i per., Terapev Arkbivi, Vol MXI,, to 60" ,9 p 21-24. 1 JMB 5813 in mm;bw air TQNPWGUM IV LO Fisch"* ----------- vea vi, IL964 Aq 41 7`0105o BM 39A 273vU4 mdKommdler, A. E. EGOCEN 71UCI LA)CALrLAIION. 1. OMCAL PD~Pfm~i LA)CAUZA'IION OF DIRWnON (Egm=icrlkhe LoiaHeatim I Mittell: Opdache Ej6zintrlod~ RtchtuoplocaUsadm). 70p (fip ts"m oi~'trm' sLA $6.60 Tr-61-14161 ~~ J~ ji : T-,!~~.' of !Zeitachrift ffar PsycbolVe uod PhysiolVe dir s - 1. Abt. I Zlel)t9chrlittl flUri s el, (Gertnamy) 1930. Y. 61. p. 57 -147. rr-61-14181 1. Fischer. M. H. [I. KormnMIcr. A. E. M. nde: Opow ber, 4LK IT-61-14100 I#VPMGATIQ ON VISUAL WrANCE CBGO-.ENrR)C I.Piwbw,K-IL wrANcE tMALIZATION (Untersuchimigen er Cettirm ( ji4of Ordw SLA $1. 60 7T-61-14181D Trsw of oftact(ght D~~ Opbth P. t 4) r r IT,, v. 136 sh 3) *WAG Of TOOMW NrW%U 62-17688 _FjmcbisA -M.. It H., and Steiger, CL PROCH~S FOR .. PRSPARATION OP POLYOLEPIN 1. Viocher, M. wrm Av RAGS 'OR tOW MOLE91LAR WSIGHT& U. Lautenwhimpr. H. 1196216'p.1 I M. gWpr, 0. oider tr6m ATSI~100 ATS-19P61C M Pan= (Germs y) 1 122 V. A7S-19P61G Tram. ~'of Germw i priuml putem smucatim 1. 122, 257, VI. Associated Technical flied 8 14prV, ~q~~W for piNic Impoctloo and puli, Some", Im , am ,a pi~u 62. 1 ~ ~~! , ormap. N. J. L P.~ 6ps Iynwn. *Bthyimm. Pmparwolk. (Cwml;t~y--o4llnic, Tr. Y. a. no. s) 04f1" of Toewcal S-roc-0 hL H.i Ca"i I 14G SOME OMCAL PERCEPrIONS OF mo k, n~l,~*ONS OP. MOVEMEW, AND VWAW THEIR ERPItgAInON (Uber Ehdge Optische wr L___ Bnmpnp uschuIMet und I 9nds Ordei MAISLA'$1.10 IT-61-14179 TMM. A qe&zi mc~he Kilulk (Germany) 1933 Iv. 281 IL DEWR ou, *Visud ?erc"on, Motion, m Eye. Ophthal-ology. (Diologi ~dewqs- -Physiology, TT, Y. 11, no. 4i W-6144179 1. Fischer, hIL K Dili- of 7~hnlcal Servicts EgbobintrJ a:nd,birei4 !Fis~~ GE k~ .. I. : I Vo Al TT-61 Jun'' ~7 Localization, II, Optical Localization on 'in Vestibular Ny-stagaus,, by r,, A. H. Kornmuller. 6S, pp. I., Journal fur PsZchologie und Neurologic 601931g pp 383-4201. 4894 a. F's e, 327,769 co,\r,I-:kmN,G -1111i QUANII-i-ATIVII -ri.:.w OF -na, A OLIES-11ON Oil IIRAGI'ii~;Al. IMPOWTANCE. (Zur Qunnfliativen Pr(J- fung de ,41Nist-r"'ait"ViSc3len Nysin us: eine Prak. 11sch w1clidge 1 1961) [1 14 refs. Order frorn SLA 11. 60 61-14674 1'rans. o(~KIjtnIscL-i W(ochcnlschr(ift] (GcTmany) 1928, Y. 7,~ w. 14,' p. 634-637. M."CHIPI'ORS: VistoT4 *Nystagmus, Diagnosis, I'Yci. 61-14674 i. pisciiL-r, m. it. p toc'ner. Max MMP~RATIVF, i-,6N ~pj -nw- -~ LATERAL INCU TKt,Nk AND OF Udntr~6Awg= t d;e'LA&li"'tSw i Tmas VESTIGA-MNS CONCERNING MiE :; OF rXE EYES AND LOCAUZA, 'ARwr VEIMCAL IN THE A77ON (OF TWE HEAD, TME ii P wvioix BoD-) (messende the Ceg~!Jtmg der A-4" wid Sc"nb-rca Verttk&leti bef (des Kopfes. des Summes und des ammuskat6m 1. '195p]. 160 . Tr-61-14593 van Orade'al Amhliv I&] 27. Y. 118. p. 6M-690. (Bio I sc Tr. v. 12, aD. 7) 1. Flecher. M. H. on$*- .1 61-16058 Fischer, Hein ch and Kaiser. hige. SWDIES d)~CERMOG'OPTICAL SPACE PERCLMON 1. Fischer. M. H. (Srudlen,Mo6r din Optiachen RaumsbW. [19611 f251p. H. Kaiser, 1. 24 refs. ~~ 1: 1; i "" SLA $2.60 Order from 61-16058 Tran of kUger's A~r , Xiv fUr the Gesamte Physiol* des IlLchen und dei Tlerej (West Gnmumy) 1950. v. 252,,p'1~3JI -344 DESCRIFMkS: *S e perception, *Vitwd perceptios. *Vision, Teiring eZipiient, Optonviry. Offic- -1 T.c6ic.1 Ser,4c., (Biological Sciences --Physiology. T.I.', Y. 6, no. 3) ill, ect-rollics: Chwracteristics D.. Ql~rl, )-fLan of New llicle-Den-& Araplifier r-Rulbers, by IT. I Fl~dhar, 3 PP- jr chon, No 21, November Gmv~ Radio und Fernn p 686. LBAKA sc-35c/6D C I WdWi trUM S' !d k*,' IP, 0 Cal Scim LT. 4 OR MACROPSPA '70 N A tT-CUUAR D;S"--,XBAN= CIF W (~j~ Makro;sle twd de--e3 Mitrwazilde SoCt loer -.t3e der Udff&wpAmd'Aj!'. ISP $1. 60 TT-61-14192 et Nftffaio&l (WIM&mod) 290-305. -,tU"lObDU. 11T. v. 12. no. 7) Flic:.*r. 0. yes;, eFSTIO S CL u1 .aUGG Of MaCropla to MiCrograph)~ an ca a Peadiar Ikisturhimce of At Somms by Oskar Fiadwro IS pp. IMIrg psxddatrio at me pp 7-61-141V 30S,36i (E0 IROPOA on Msele Statics, 91 pp; 1"pok on Macle Dynexios, 101 ppt by 6tto 2*h //CC~ ek, 7,r.--7 M r-t, publ by knotmizabon Institut Ilp ornitat., Leipzig, 182 pp. ATIC F-TS4?91/V Al Se"i B logy TT-61-14193 Flacher, R THE ESTIMATI OF 517B IN THE VISUAL FIELD 1. (Grdss6ns~hltztilge6 Im Gesichtsfeld). 11%11 174p) p0"1 't' IDC Order tic4ii S i 1.60 TT-61-141113 11 1 ' I T 61 ~on GrUls'al Ambilvi fltrl so 1191. T. 37, P. 97-136. 2 r, (810411'Call 5a 7T, Y. 12, m 31 M"m 91 T"k,*O Ion.. Detection and Determination of Es ters., R. PI-seber; 1.4. Klingelboller. (RUO'61ji, no 111/i2, b3 li PflanzenschutsberlLebte, Vol UVII; �(k, pp 165-1.76. GB/ 39. M 1.5156 Detecticin Thi'D~h'' 02 by R. GEMM 1961 Aug 63 pers !! 119 wwltitRUVO termination of Bde 'Esters in ogical Material, W. KlingellwIler. rchiv fuor Toxikolollie,, No 19, ~6. NZDIA Fischer. R FUR'nmm IS ESTIMATIONS IN 'TIlL OB]rcrlvl-. VISUAIII F'IE J) (%N'c le!rc Gr8sscnsclvitzungcn im GLsiclusft~ld). 11963 ]'[521p. (foreign text included). 2 refs. Available on :un f ri, SLA (1-14082 Trans. iWilli nuscrip- ()f [AlItrecht von Graefe's Arclu) ffir Ophilta Ilm Iogiel ~ dermany) 1891, v. 37. no. 3. 1 P. 55 - 9-7). 11 rl DESCRII Ol 'S: Eyt Measurement, Adaptation (Psychok 1,111Wmatical analysis, *Visual acuily. *Visual 'TcL'- i ion ~ ~ ce percept ion, *Opt jcr. p )pit 61-14082 1. Fischer. R. OfR- f T-Lk.l S-i of 'ligb-Chromium Steel Elests in the Arc Yur- i= -aa6e th N6 Oxygen., by R. Placber. Full irmnell, ~ou. ti "pev fltabl und Risen, Vol. LXXj fio 1., 19500 p io Brutcher J!r 2947 .clea,, lc~ Higb Chroalum) src fumce, oxygen Qf by 3 P:,-, - 7Y ik, 56, pp 01( -503 - 1.0 CSILRO sci:l NOV,, 1 /71/, 7,? ser. ,Mr,~! Neumann. ti.. and Melts. Ch. . T I ORY OF FIELD EhOSSION IN SEW ucrottg'. 119621 10p. 10 refs. from WKS1.10 63-10863 vik (East Urmany) 1961, of Annalen der Phy v. 6, 16o. 3/4, p. 196- 203. DFSCRIrMRS: OSeml, ondu.-tors, OFfeld emission. F.kd theory.~jTempersture, Penetration. i~ I ~ ~1 i theory ofifield emission In semiconductors for any I ~ temperature Yonge was extended to p-type semicon- duct6is, andlioirnulas for the field penetimlon wete der I'ed. 714: surface states were not considered. Physics--Solid State, '17. v. 10, no. 2) 63,10663 1. Fischer. R. It. Neumann, H. Ill. Kleirs. C. ! .1 , AiW I I SON It Tubbd IV ke. 'UG Ac -:l by "l, 11" Pracowd. -163-.167. JHO ons, Investigatiorm and Exparl- ding Apple Ml&fw) by R "Womm Band isanotalt ~fww TflanzemebuU., pp W-244. Onto ichm J AM 1~ la k; h Between Affinit,Y of Water Soluble Sub's "andc for, Wool and Their Bactericidal Acti-vity, by Se alnberg, M. Erng, R. Fischer. SAN sji~ r, Eymerier-tia, No 19150., pp 1923 19'~ (YjM Tr QIIT-260 Wo t- rn irope Econ 72? Sci Jan 195' CTS !V Fische"', 1 and ka~nnjg, Th. ATION OF STAGE. Ordei fi Trans.. i trie (we Embeddi The fibri able ni) I fibre and Polariie( fibre AS I dicularl, volvin~ I diff6rent (Materia CHMCAL FIBRES BY THE 4b METkjdD ON THE KOPLER HRATING 7~Jljivfs. omitted]. n SLA $U10 61-14565 2.1citschitift fUr die] Ges[amtel Textil-Indus- derinanO'1958. v. 60. no. 19. p. 830-932. *S thetic fibers, Identificat-ion. siibstani~es. Heating, Tests. Fibers. :0 res is embedded in a liquid of suit- d1heated 6n! the Kofler heating stage until iquid show the same nD (Becke line - monochr'binatic light Is used. whereby the ;&-d in t~6 Ipositions, parallelly and peryocir 01the oidliation direction. This method In- [I 1work t vikes it possible to Identity 36 h inical 14(-~. (Author) II i 11 Texli-le~,- TT, v. 6, no. 1) 61-14565 1. Fischer, R. 11. Kartnig, T. OM- .1 T-6.1-1 S-Ac.. TT-64-14624 Mei chir. R. &Vln~ Tc9h, D. COSORNM #hTHE71C SUWrANCXS VTrH 1. Flocbw, A. SAP614114-1JOKE1 ACTIV17Y. (LONI 22p %roft a. Tab, D. Ordic Own SLA $2.60 77-6#-141834 Tra's. at( un -ftrAloftbmra's)A 0 Expler6milli hthloboo undl (OvMOY) 190,4. 192, P. 473-4115. cai soma'm-ramonka, TT, v. it, so. it) 0"10 of ?"bow 80"M" MWA w TINK jk~ 1! Poa4ible Methods for the Devcia;ment of RLUy- Beal, ed Production Lines in Gang Sav Mills. ,by Flacher. per teglMlorde, Vol. No. 1, 23-31 ics r 1'5 C. Sal L Aug Aff 35-15-322 n ment of CarburWIft Wficlency of X= t;hop b7 0- Sabsibers, R. Placher. ipar, lisrWral-M&A & Wambebandlung, vo lo, iq%j pp p 89;, 96.. 9e-96. Hemy bmtcbGr 4308 $315.60 I .rthode for the Deviloopmnt of FuW- Troduction Lims in Geng Stiv Hills, bj aj i L%teow2p tj, #2 _ gie va 4.j No 4 ji. '11~ ~ I )- J~~, abe6 335,3B9 lum Ti It Properties and Possible Applications, by~ R~Udi~6r H. Va Khnn, W. Knorr, K. Jordan, R. :~'TTTI "c E. ec 11 M*tt Krupp, VoL T.I.L., T-I Jim j] Y. of '"Okaysst by Ue Mcher, Vol Ito 19339 Luftfalirt Vs6, 17) ri. 1;,-11,061 imp, 62 0 of llon-a Ihm Plasisae mid ~B Yomtlons., by W. PlacheT., 18 fwr Naturf(walmhuag# wA 6o-i8oh6 6P sa; IGynaccological Affactioas, by 17 pp, Vocheittliche Zoit3chrift der Ges- 1~ .706. I WO p7ol I. Ii ~ I Itle, Uakwm I v by W. Flodier. orp k! Bot. p Vol 51, 1963, PP 34&387. ol I i Ld - F; s c li in R Ju3,V lit~y.~ f. 80a ChIgridesand, Double Chlori4eis 'A n , gu 'OUP. fAmhlojrlc.,Acid as.g.Baois of Separa- j, W', 86id W. Fischer, UNCIASSnPM. per Zettschrift.Anorg Allgep Chemip Vol CO 191 ~'lm 114i-.367.-362. BrutcherTr No 3261 The ~M~, of the )biting ans Wting of Yztao ana in A RL(&b Vacuum,, by W. Fisch=# 0.0f r- aUI t1low RoUbtalls, Vol 493, IRo 3j, pp 211-220p .1952. M3/Tn Tr No T JKF.~q ~~n ific 11 Metallurgy Iwo.k Aerc- banticap M M=h 1753 All :T I am-~" UM iilu#vn lie V Institut Sisenforachung, 21A db~Zm; 1250.4wd abstract; 1939. ww~ Of Rate of Cooling upon Transf ornation ZW161 of Chromium steels. ; Tram, Order No 7380 1.25. on verties ~'of N*U&w I)Chm imd AbAdn= 2t-mahzr. 06 JWNMNMR 25 93V* Che Val ail 1,93N 1337 �U9 57-= 7 ly .20 t wike~jl by 4.' GmV4*rU1+ P. 2 F Oci Aug 1j.1e Insulated With Very Thin Foill 6 -op. 6r,, Elelctrotech Z-p Vol M, 163-165- pp SLA Tr 57-25T" of 'a pp Sp Sol !-~M/m xt-Tiin the Golorira~rlc Wtora4wtion p by W. Yisr;.-herj H. Bautlus, Metals pez*10; Ifeue fttte,, Vol vixii i= 1963~ 6,3 prt-~ Ve Extraction of Iwo Hafni= ,~ratt, ,p ConTpund,- by Partition. The lk-paration of twr c Mixtues by Me=; of Solvent/ ~oiv~nt 14~ftaction IV.., by W. Fiscber,. W. Ch. I Z. fuer AnDrgan Mhemie.. voi CCLV pp 277481169 CBIRO Ch'm 7-71 MAY 62 w 1 I i It , Ii I 1: F~ 1~ ~ ..I"t% In Masoo2w ]Pw4pg by W. niters A~~ ]a L Flov. ratica and lnrjchmant~ by K. Bier; at alp 8 998 i,,pev Chem ingmieur Tech, : Vol X'A=p Ipp 5t~ ARC-tr-5986 pasi;i6"h tit. Tanneld, i i GEMNIM P-M jer, 1961 2 I U-9 ;63 for Vulcanizing Vegetable Leather~ by W. fis ger teder, Vol XII No 9 ~,226. SACSIR/No 236 New Me:thod f Fisch~''r W GMVM per, PP 348 Reverie~,Trar Feb 5� r the Separation of Rare Earths., by Letz 0. Jubermann 3 PP. Natuivissenchaften.0 Vol XXIII, 1937, AEC CEA Tr A363 ~German to French so its APBUMNAM to the powma a A101 in at IL Omar#, 3 bF SM AWAOSM 1032* C, V) W49" A. za;- anknazu of the Group-Qpmific JZ~ ilit ~of Reaction in an Adult, by W. ~r, Rahn, 20 pp. Ynt, P9 z p~r F IminItattformchung, Vol 1935, PP 177-108. jj NM 9-2 m ronlatua by the al"C"tim or ! OUMPOUjhft wIth MjL~rwvlftda Acid, sob* and W. MaMlrp 9 pp. prg Anpv Cbmjp T'd LMP 1957P p W2. SIA 57-2698 6 r // 7-1 61 - 147, 19 W. i.,A%(:rrv i:oit m.-mi.-Nim-miNG %k. vnsrrlo~"s I.N' AND ITS I'Llimuit IMPRONT MENIi PRAC11CE (Das Erinut-rung- svcrnie~ -n an lit! mmme Ungen im itaurne und ~~emc welte~re ushildulig'durch Llebung). [19011 lip. 10 rcf~ Or tic 'fr~) 11 SL 1,. (,0 6 1 - 14719 Blol[ogle) (Gersilatly) 1922/103, %-. 77~1 p. 1-10. 217099 mm4mll OWS: cc pvrcLlit on. OlVemory, Aviation medidnO, Training, OMIC, of Teg6migel sw-.4g*s (unalinv4 uced) ftVim'Id PC =06.9i, ~pn 7 bmilii td ell ftWorties Rmg'ht Amt by Phoo*orous istim km Irm Allaysts by W. A. Fischer. krch Rtsodmttemos Vol 339, 1962, 55134 only 1parstion Of 9. of AM Rate of redwts frm i1quid lirOAP p Nih As~ Vol 266 senhuttlinvesong AfthiV PA --3R- 57: pp ag 7170 1 3380595 67o Ice tb* Forma at sudhe of tie veten 1111111 0 11 A* pag, Avab U9962 Vid :268 ion 19550 3%,421 pb by V- A- FUNhwo We V03L 27V ft M6f mcjp~--~ / fl. -1 hAA , I .m 0490 ;Qu" utian to the tiv"TaUon Prcklazi in 4aning 01 Im U14S iu a vzx~-, lfkt.;~; to Inwutigaiaw 4a Unaty Alloys of 'r. r6 ~dtks C Cos, Nis Al md ,if as well w; kA. 411,111, 4s pors..,"zdj Usen't Vol 5S8 ~,;py M4,, 1-3 3631 Lai Ir to on to tha Z.Vapewatiou 11raylou.; iu itll~ *ftnillfj of Iran AMY* iu u V=utf:,- 1~ ~uf Ila - Alloys " I= with ASO I by q.At Fischer, i'~ wrwlbac~l. 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Wahloter, M. iNplpoiii~,j DETERMINATION. Rept. no. 644 ot AND E. 111. Title: Verein... the Ste,6jorks 6~6mfttee of V(ereinj Djetfischerl IV. Max-Corarnwdeation 764 E(i en)i(Gttenlc~61. (19611[191p. 23 refs. - ; 1. 60 61-18,146 frd'nh SLA,~ O= St I und El:en (West Germany) 1958, Y. 78, Transll~ of ' no.' 10 6 4 (M x Planck [Institut (Ur Eisen .1p 'es for t many). Communication 764). clioi ~, PT DESC I RS- ISteel. Processing, Blastfurnacca, Opera, n, Temp arature, Oxygen, Carbon, Phosphorus 60 9 IS41 mangi6c6c. Slu~ou, Nitrogen, Metallurgy. . , The development, of an experimental converter (cc 250 kj4on charje to described. It in shown that the course of the m0allurgical reactions, both for Ab.' bluwi~g ind for 616wing with oxygen eulched blast, OffIce of Teel%-Ic-l lwvlc*e (Mem Iilurgy--r6rrousMctalB,77,Y.7.no.1) (crier) zone Melting Experiments With [ion Alioys and !I II Coam~-,rci a ~I Steels, by 11. A, Fischer, R. 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A., Hollywood, Calif. OMe* of Tec6itel Ilervices Nastum for sua I ilia uuwn, ~?,'jixcbw A M. VahlOtOr- . . . ........ n V01 Rury arutabair 0.90 ~L,-Iiir4 ii 11 RWuetJ t~~ Cx 1i.1 itrei h of Hl&-Puritor Iron ''by tba Carbon d Pmess and Notch Ifoughwas vs. Tempera- ves of This I=# by W. A. Fiocher, schubp K. H. Ift=son. perp Archiv BiowlIttenvesen, Val pp 567~Mv Hentry Ewutcher Tr No AN $11.90 3cl - Min/Metals; Chmiatry lfj~a~, 1957 ~ =9 /dex lxid~"~Ifioa' f Maid= from Liquid Steel in't-o S 1,V JL i fj " I gasioi,and;AAd High-Prequency hn-naces under Various sia by,i Bardenhener, W. A. Fischer, 5600 words. peal ~i Vol Xxv, No 11/12 19541~ 515-~5216 61 Brifteher No 3462) $11.20 -.eienila nerals/metals Sep 55