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Im6:xst-.-La3- Cmbines Are Technical-ly MIDded the Caabinu of Technological Thought,, by Hfarift POLISHj per,, Lar-znosc, So 9., Feb 28, 3.960, 1. Imb:x Imur - Pcxladd Reon Sep 6o 1,060 Achievements of the Telecummunicati.--is Iridustr,.r, by Maria Leman, POLISH, np, Lacznosc, Vol XII, Tir, 1, JQ' 1, 'u *JPR.3 EEur - PcIand Ec~-,n - Ted.ecommunicati(;ns 6 Feb 61 Disc-uDsion- of Plans for Long Di.,Aanc,-, Tc -1--commicati- - Polaad -1 by Maria Leman, 3 p~ i - p. POLISH; up, Laczaose, No 3., Januai7 18, 191/), p 'us-km R-6-3-15 Sci - Electronics Aug 6D / ~'-) ~ 9 f '~)) Z Sm Demlopont Of lIhO W13M-RrWl33g MWafftZyp 0 T Iwo IV N - I 'All PROP 4 -MWIM Ver, urw"=g-,, 1b 6s 1999, 3M ;r3fi- Aabs HirtaLlxwgica sci Apr 61 VFIS-' Investigmtion of the Partial Pressuree of HE i 1 31 C02j, and %0 Over Aqueous Solutions of Ammonium Carbamte at stwes of 140-2D00. III.. by B. A. 3~plotovs V. R. Lemn, 16 pp RUBSIA~,, per,, Zhur Xhim Provi Vol XVn, No 4/5,, l9ko" pp 28-~r- Scientific - Chemistry CM 75/Dec 55 Sel. Trans Center RT,-2T31 (NY-5855) .L1960 AghlevMULD of the Tolecasomicatiow Industry, by NXrlM PM-ft,oo 3 ff - ICaomils per,, LaanDwot Vol X3:Xg No I., I Jan 1961p p 3. am LEW - POINA V,cm kl~"-, 301 ,~,pr 63. fv I ov.1tivation at pUnts Uhder Xemon Lampsy by V. M. uiumo 0. S. nutawo 3 pp. IMSIMO ~. Pero Dok Ak Mw2k SSSR.. VOI =ao No 4, 1961, pp 907-990. AIM S(d -2,~~7 e, q46 q .A= 62 The Syntheids of AmouU-Ures Livor in T-arge- Scale donttiumn TAbomUry AMrattm - TI by S. A. iolot~w) Vo Be Tomm"u). Ao N. Popo", 6 pr. UMUX,Oper, Zhur Milm Prm, Vol XIT, 1937, PP 707-410. stA iRPAA.6 set Jul 59 loi. of Li u co u s o n a o P Cj,rl)Qimtc Lit Teyzmer,-iturgr- or Par."., 11"", , , i 14.0 ':'bur rnrus vol itljj,, ;-j,0 -(J, Be& Tr aa.-i Centcr RT-1019 chmig-rl, Ans"to of tb* Inows to the Diffftvut parilis or a costrifim" Oamp""Or. by J. loi *mob. pfts NU As* ftdh Mar keral Vol Uns IvApi vp 5ft-aa. ?IL 2 " act 1- Atro wy 60 114K, -9~~ 7 a Ion at vlawalw4on to the study 6f vel"Ilky rue In wdVIA of coutrifugal solo-# Sodomdl Le Mwatchs a. it 0 106 Vwp Nwh Awol, TiA LIMB 10* 21# IMP VP ft~,34. AWO MMY 60 General Awlysis of a Subsonto Flow In a osutrLfqp1 Compmosor,, by X; Contadckat,, Jr. le per,, 'Omra, go 86. TM Tr 4859 ViGusliz6tion of of a Centrifugal Manach. Incompreasible Flow in the Channcls Impeller, by E. Iftiliet, J. Le FRENCHj por, ATA Paper, 195 7. Sci - Physics YAr 58 TIL Tr 4825 / / /I 61, / '&' ~ Subsonic l7low in a Centrifgpl Campress=., by E. p J. 25 pp. -P FMUE~ P04W rmd at the ATM conferenoe, 1955, srA Tr 1494/56 Sci .. Phynica Mr 57 CTS 1711-.6-, .2 -V.;S- Activity of the Insulin on the Spontaneous Consuuption of Sapid Solutions,, by J. Le Magnom., H, Pieran, 5 pp~ FRENOI: parp Comptes Randus Socine Biologic, Vol cxy.Ai;, 19S30 pp 1753-1756, NIH 10-14-63 Sci - Siol 4 Mad Sci Nov 6.3 29 ~3 The Process of DiscriWAations by the White Rat, of AUmmury and Ran-Alimatary Sugary,Stimuli, by J, 4*46agmav.. 6 pp. FRENOIg per, Jounal do Pbysiolqgie, Vol XLVI,, 1954m, pp 414-418. NIH 10- 10-63 SCI - giol 4 Ned Nov 63 2,Y -~'z I Electro,nic kppustue for Ummarement of M"wtic Suweptibility, by J. Jmenot-Dublen., Bernw-d lima phe ftewlt 14 tows- . o4dol It pp, p p0j, J CUM Fb"p VCklLIII p 19% p pp l9a-w5. Wf IULZASAMZ TO ]KNOW NATIOMM CIA/FW Xx--302 Sai - Electrmics Jun 57 XAC MWZCFOKL UM ORZ C.I.N.B.) WA the WamomBand,p by 3, 0. Immns at as 16 We 'I .V~~Pwjp Jamml Vbt Ut 3b 2# 3962o as lICKNIQ rgwllqna W IWM. 9"Pfflt- AM 13V;h%Jte ad - JMA FA" Oct 62 axz~l Eroet.Lags with Uncle Ho in T.'anilandi, by Mar-', VIUMIC'PLISF,M., np, Tien Phong., No 566; 1~3 v-a-,,r 14C., 20 t-hY No 5:703; P" V, L the D6 od cootructitm of SmmU Autmatle With P*Wm Omtrol at Un Dre"on OM-P ft"n-- Tookel"I ftnqoo by 1. lamm~, 14 pp. =010, w pw, JU ATtmat I Tel~kba Vol xvn, No :LS am 1"6,9 pp !~-18. cu 5W19k ft:i Ana 15*6 Radiospectrnscope for the Stucly of Nuclear Magnetic Re sonance in Solids, by V, V; -- lAimanov, -3 pp- - RUSSIAN, per., Pribory i Tekh Eksper, No. 1, 1961, Rp 4p, ff ,~ 6 -47- IRA r 9r/ , 79,0 .lei Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in ElaeticLlly Defoxmt~d Rock Smlto bys T, V. Lemanov, RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Usper i TeoraL-o Piz, Vol XL, No 3v 1961m pp. 775-779. AIP Soy AiVe - JETP Vol XM, No 3 Sci 6 Sept 61 Qi.lad:rupole --,- w"J"r FkWletio Resoname in NaNCL -AgNO3 Mixed CrYstaUt 3 V. V4 Le4w7o 3 Pp- RUSSIANt per, Zhur Omper i I~m'st ftg-~ VOI -Uly-- No l' (,T) p 1960, pp 53--%- AIP Sov PIMPTETP Vol )m " so 1 sai 174 Feb 61 The SLatistical Acceptance Control (Acce~pt-ance S=plin'g, in Continuel Chemicall `xrod-uction, b-, Lemaria and 1-~lun Felix, ]-2' pp. C-UG.11v perp Chemicky PruiV~sl, V.~,l 1-1. No. 9, 3ept 1961, pp 465-469- JPF-S 12690 J~ Scon 62 AsapticiCanailng of Food Products,, by LD P9 Lemal"*ee 11 RUSSIANO per,, Kmservannya i OyashchasushlIg nay& Promyshlemosts Vol DU, No, go IMs pp 14-18. G0/96 Scl-Bial July 63 .43(0/ .7 j 3- Concerning a Uev Synthesis of Thymoldp by G. Auster- veil, L.. L4=OY, 5 PP- FFMM.0 W Bull. soce ch1m. France, Vol IV, No 14, 1927.. pp 14V~-457- SLA Tr 57--1987 Bel i= 58 6 '~- 57/ Tht~ D Ufe. zwz! Do t-, .- c Patterns o:V riermcin in j~ea-Lherzjp -tjy U. B. jr. L. A. lzbed.cv~ V. L;. 1,,.L r.,:~ 3 Utri ., pthr,. Dok Ak Mauh SSUF,;, Vol V.~U' NO I - 1.959: PP 186-189. Amor llmzt of :Phy~- Fov Vol TV, No 5: AOWW~a7 of Attln Pblymor Dlffert* frm F- T*ut il~ Ap A* VOSIU& Bo Ko LMnXb4kb'lnp pp. amiat per, Rekl!ft Xk&Muu am* 1964, I v4p 1 ,~90 JPIG 41505 19 -2 A I Axw 671 333#-266 Problem of Spraying for Scab Control, With Special Reference to an Apparatus for Measuring Surface Moisture on Leaves, by G. lanhdke. GEFHO, per, Nacb2- B1 Dbsch P.Flsch Dienst, Vol XIII., 1959, PP 127-134. 1~ VB/224/Z.F. 3779b Sci - Biol/Med jun 64 The bWbryptamine Content in Carciaoids of the Intesiinal Tract., by M. Ratzenhofer., F. Lembeck, 47 pp. aERMN, per,, Ztttcbr fuer Xrobsf2V 19%ji, pp 169Z955. Shp Vol Lx., NIB Scientific - Medicine 70/Jul. 55 1-1 in-ail EZVoct of Va-cainie. YLnul e-71,61 --R3~yia "alb J% TranspImtebAlity of House -AsciUm Tamour., by N. P. M=u77cnl:o_q As A. i=*>---rz2 2 pp. v WMX~. bL-m per.. Voprosy OWw3xk&.U-p Vol 711p -no 21. M 1957., P-0 1895 190- Pmrm Ifft-F 57 Dr-Signing a Traction Generator, by A I j. 8 pp. RUSSTO. OTLA 12738 sci - FbGr Jam 69-:~ / 7j" 'T.:~.41 Detandration Of Mi='*CO=POn9nts in a1-11 On lby the Gana SpWtr= or Trjoir R&ftojWtive lootoopo., by K. 14, &oWltn I 7 pp HUMIANy pws Zwwd JAbp Vol. XM,, ND 7j, 19Wj, jpp 821-427 35A sa May 61 ye ~ub Excitation Of M9bk-Z3-0;r&y ihmltrar L--Yt,3 in Even Isotopes of Tmgstenj,~D. 0. 1031harnv$ A. .110. Grin:berg, G. M. Gustnekly, X. 1. Rrelkbina, anft 1. Kh - :Umberg, 7 pp RM-SIM, per,, Zhur Mwper i Teoret elz, Vol MV, No 0"(12), 1959, PP 1325-1.334. Amr Imst of Fhy6 soy MAYS - im Vol VIII(35), U-3 6, Jun 59 CDulomb excitation of nucle2r levels in coppey~; genumimp mol-,-bdenum and palladium Iratopes, bY 41. Erokhina,, I-Kh. lAmberga 7pp. RUSSIC's, Mr,, Iz Ak :Iatdc &'6FL, o'er Vol XXVIR no 20 1962., pp 2o5.23.i. CTT Sai T%b 63 Coulmb Excitation of Separated Tin D. G. Jakhazov, D. S. Andreyev,,.K. !. Ero'.-hinr-, I Kh. Lem!)arg, 6 pp RMSIAN, per, Zhur Eksper i Tecret Piz, Vol MIII, No 6(:i2)~ 1957P PP 1347-1358~ Amer Inst of Sov Phys-30T Vol 603), No 6 Sai Pbyraicfj YZ ISpeci-ric Stopping Losses in Heav7 Nuclei in Different Substances~ by A. P. Grinberg, I. Kb. Lemberg, 6 pp. RUSSLUI., per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Ser Fiz., Vol M11, No 7, 1959, PP %7-893- Columbia Tech Sci Noct 6o 3 -~Z7 Nuale . 7 C12 IDduced ,,Jtr Rftctlons in LI by , 10ass by D. G. Alkhawv., Yu. P. Gawsk4p " I. Mk. Jambeftp 2 ff Wswaff.,:,per, Zhw Moper I Teoret Fiz,, Vol M=Ils, 110 5 (11)v 195T, VP 1160-1162. Amer Inst of Phys am pb7s-jm Vol VIOA, No 50 Eby$ Jul 58 r-,2- Mvestientlm of Oartalu ft3w of Angalaw Corralationp by A. P. OrlubwgO 1. 8 P-0. FOOM bim pws Is Ak Xulk PsOE4 8= na i p Val =,p No It Dolumb" TWh Tr Sol - p4pt" AVr 57 CTS (DC-486o) standsr,lj4R~Jzation in the Cantor bf the Developmnt' Fast German Povetr Induatry,, by M. Lemberg;, 3-4 pp. GEPJ".. ptr., 3wrglk~cbnik., Icil x, No 6, ig6o, pp 234-236. jpRs 6611 Ell= - k2knattm &A I&= bCr N. D. 141&wgv wsm,= - 3,965. 4 darm a , Pt amp IF IFIR fly2no or 2m Dogumm is 66 309#729 oCansolidation: An ImWartwt Link in the Instructi Process, by R. pp. 'M$SIAIV., per, Sovet Padagog:Um., So 7. 1960. Interutl Arts & Bei Press Soviet M Am Vol ills No -r UWR BOO j*ua. 6j. 'Amours Developing in Rats Aftter intraly-- ri tone a! Injection of Plutonium Nitrate (pu239), by z. M. Bukhtoyaro,m; V. K. Lemberg, 11 pp. RUSSIANj pcr, Voprosy Oakologil, Vol V, 711c; 1959, pp 14o-148. pp Sci Aug 6U Coulomb Excitation of Odd-Mavs Nuclei by Multiply-Charged Iona, by D. G. Alkhazov, A. P. Grinbergp G. M. Gusinskiy,, K. I. Erokhina., Y - n - Lembgras. 9 Pp - RUSSIM per, Zhur Eksper i Teoret. Fiz, Vol XXXVII,~ No 6(loi j 1960P PP 1530-1514-3. Amer Inst of Pbys Sov Phys - JL7TP Sci - Fhysics Vol '.DUCTI!, (10), !to 6 Jul 60 Y6 -7 Thi SMw and PrdAms of lhe Inspocdon Serviceik I by N. S*qpuwwlcs V. Lembes m / I:; SkMCROATM% --- - d No;'4, 196#, pp 209-9M.0 JFU 26112 F-H~-Yugoalavla Eon ,w(w 266,09 ~ Cbarging of -Raw Materials Into Mast-lh=aca SkIpe li~ Ikat C611veyws.. by Fil.. Lemberilmano .-:3~ V-m~~ ' *" 'v RUSSIO~ TAO ver, Stal.'W7, p 493- Co-op Tr Sch Tr 689 SCi - miu/wt !~ -ezz, f " Jan 58 11 1,amberk nt oi ne. MENICAR ONI EtZ'r--*R Olt RI WHY ME A. ME-SCRIP-110-111 OF A NET.' PROCIU=I: FOR PL:R- FOR\aNG 'MIS SLfRGICAL OPERA710N (,'Adi-nolro sur Vaiteroraphic, avoc Di Dcscription Wun Proc6d~ NouveaL pour Pratiqucr -zette Qtx-ratlon ailnirgicalsi. [1962] 14p. OllifEtal). Order from SLA SL.60 62- 1871 8 Tran~i. of RepertrAre G~n6ral d'Anatonile ct de Phydo- lolge Patholtydques et &-- Cliniquer, Chirurgicales (Francc) IS-10, v. 2, p. *bitcsthics, Excision. ical ir:,exy, IT. v. 1). ao. 'raction L ,JSSI_l ra,T nz for a BacteriL anc'l Jlscoui~ Yliquids und timu.' Fuon-E~, -~~3 Fr-,m 'MilL., by A, Umbke, 4 I~p- "31j~MU40 puv' eat application L 1936, .9a, 6o-14-757 Sci OTS, Yol 111, Tic, 12 3 Apr 61 Orn the SuiUbMty of Plastics for the Dairy I i Industry fna the Relth Ampecto.9 by A. Lambke~ OMMA pWo IM93" U13 w1Ttftb%ftUcM ?wwcbmoWxw1*b**& TOL Xj, No 3j, vv m7-232- 1958 Odef UbmurUm. 314 Albert Bt"ot S"t mabourm,' 0. 2 J, via. Sci mV 60 C.S.IA.0. Australia 11,4C :~wl gioloo Chormeteristice or the Tube T.-,pa Far 66 in' MW LOW-FnqWWy &Wton, b7 IA. Janoont R. L4mbkep U pp. Mm Gmiwx, V=, mwbr&cM*utei;bzdu Z,, Fo IIJ 1951", pp 519-523. 9046662 DSI3* - MM C&Wa T 87 G wr Oo (11 '77i) P, rilu-44rzi- ",-d-*ot 23 (;M!hF; par, 7e-,atr !%kteriol, Vol 11;555 pp Sol Ai Ls LAmbko, K. IME PR0ClON-PLhSnC-PR0CM 11%1) 3p. Ord" frorn ATS $6.00 ATS-33N48N Trans. of Tid3skrflft for] Textikekinik] (Demnark) 1960, v. 18, p. 64-65. 61-12967 1. Wndmdc fflxws--Processbg I Dyes --Processing 3. 71dw. Frockum 1. LAnxbkv. K. 11. ATS-3M48N ill- Associaw Tecbnical Serv- Ices. bw-. East Orange. N. J. aqm~ f SWAM RAsterials-Tumiles. 7T. v. S. no. 10) Math,ods for Fxtraoting a Ilew from a Synchrocyclotron, By Yu " ya..,IAO-ra pp. 14 ZLUSSLkl, "r. Ugpgkh pis jauk Vol LIXII, No 1-2, 1963. Amer Inst of Pb7s Saw Fbye - U"kht Vol VI. No 1. Sot Aug 6:) 3 -/0 , /?/ i:LI-a td t)'. Terihra 11 Ua3,111 JU.- rill.. Al p Sav i ~ : ! 1! i. ~ .* . i i ..r " 4604 T: !11 1 ; I ~ , i . I i . I I ! I I I 4 1 : : . . -.. 1~ -6 ~ 7,2 Nie Cantrol. Of the Economic Effectiveriess of Envezt=-nI- Projects, by Hans Wolter, Klaus Lemcke, pp. SIOMINP pert Deutsche FinautvLrtschaft, Vol XV, 6, Ynr 1961, pp 172-175. JFM 9430 ,c. cia yuil 61 on Razd Cbroden MUM of IlLgb T*oU# by R. pAl~,l W. Umobs. pw, zt inwr Pnktinabe Vatellboarbaltme.. lwuteber Tr 1385 $3-10 Urokm, fin "Schering" in Cerebm' AragioVapby,, by 3 pp. a="$ per, Fortschr OebieW Routgenstrahl-en, Vol LMTT,, No 4., Apr .1955, B.L.A. Tr W/19% Sel - Wdlaine 319A A'.1, d Notes on the Similitoft of &all Scale Models for StuAyin~ Seicbm 1n BLrbm-o, by IP. Biemaj. B. Le mebwite,$ q pp. FMCH.. pwj I^ houMe blani~., Vol Xp No 3p 1955.. PP 39eAOT. OLL Tr 1769 " , / 9 6- 2 Sel - st IbmOneemng j Ajw 1957 1. Freliming y R.marks on Seiches and Seiche Waves. w Problem and Their Origin, by- F. Biesel, B. La FEMME., per., HouiLle BI&Dcbe, No 5, 1955, PP 759- 774. D.B.I.R./27363/CT Sci - Pbysica .$/- 7, 4 -~ / May 57 CTS/dex j The Torviolamness of RDck IFi32 Breakwaters -tl.o i Periodic Grivity Waves, by P. Le Mermute. 4? PTMCIIP Pats 1A HcuilIe BlavAhe, 19581 No 2o 148,179/' p PMI-36L31F Bel rob 6o Val 2.; No 9 Pariodiq Gravity Womer.., 'by B. La per, Im Nbuill* Blr--.-.he, *-958, 1v-,;! '~Hb 3t vr,.j 256-269. Sol Ptib C-0 /a 7,9 7 "V01 2 9 No 9 11-1 I a rm fteotmom at Sook ftU bmsbpOerm to Parlodle WwLtylVmm0,p by S. ft MwsWp 05 pp*. o - m v.*-~ pws~~ s=e, i mman, vw. kn,, ib 60 1957., pp 903-929* Asms IS& Ow 870V ftl s= Tbo of aW4ddvg a waam inbor- or rA for the c to Dftme Of P"OU10% a ~E ntoo UMASMTM by:?,, POO FMPHJ do. LsAmoodatAm DO* Deb 191ff-- ms ci V. 4 No 10 Fra~oe Awc, im ms Pathologic Palmonary and Waastiml Lymphnode Maifestatims in Persons Vace:Imted With BOG,# by J. Le Kelletier., H. ftesarp 28 pp. .1 -------*------------- FRUCH, per$ Semaimes HDpitaax Paris, Jan 1951, pp 344-351. SrA Tr 2581 Sci - Nedicine j0Z 58 Puhmcnavy Tubaroul-csis After Virld-ey".-I in P-rsons Effootively (St)-ocessfVily') Veccin-te-; With Bit"", by J~ Le Mellatier, 5 VUNGI, I-)ar, F-.rv Tubere. Vol KV., No 12, VI-J t. T) M,r 58 The Between the Afaccim Pesc-dut amL Allergic'Reactions In Persons TnoculatL-~L with Kl~jm Var-clime.. by M~ P, Kozlovp A. E. Imak D. Narovd, It -m. RUSSIAN., parp Zbur Mmoblol 41dmioA lmg.=biol, vol mi No 8.. ig6os PP 102-3-05, pp sel P,ug 6-1 7t vio) V~-Wikity (Bg -522V, Ayjatow-q_topqgmphjcaj Investfgation ef the Ap)poarbes in Dive"a of the Am-tic Val-qet,., by A. M,, Millkinj V. L. Lcmenav,, 10 pp. MMSIJAX, per) GrudvVa KhlrurVya,- Vol !1,, 74-, Jullkv~ 1960, PP 15 -18. im T39,c~ Bei - Pi;ed 61. !.~ethcd wy y)17 '~) pp e sci r~-'c 59 Cyclic vet]:LaC.. of Coke Oven T, RUSSLIU,-, par,, Roks i n- im, lk--) 12, I'-",S)l Sci. Jul 62 17111 -,-. I F Tr. F ... 1: h1, t 1~ W, WPNMW , 0 0006' 0 1~ IS& v 441 "0"', 4 -46:00.01 *Ala 1 -14 I , . I A~d two a' 16 we %w sip To !ftlobwsa =a 0* 16 06 mms Avg ai, .,eat 11 x ) s -11C., mv!Atc wm;_-Lljtvlt~~ 4 t i Cl 1 ask "".-4 G. Lemesshko luvestigations of Experlm=tal Botulim in the Norge,, by R. Lewtayer., U Bloolp 0. Girw!d, R. OR*wder, iIL M iv# ev :; p Wrj Bull Acad Vet Itamej, Vol XMJ So 8, .: 1953., pp 391-399. Assoc TOch Serv CLUP3F 3111 511 I d. 0 Y& Lemerre, G. and Caprara, G. MENOL BY DIRECT OXIDATION OF BENZENE [ 1961] 14p. Order from ATS $16. 80 ATS-42N551 Trans. of Annfali dil Chimlica) (Italy) 1960, v. 50, p. 83-98. , DUSCHIPTORS: *Phettols, *Benzenes, Oxidation, Chemical reactions. (Chemistry- -Organic, TT. v. 7, no. 2) 61-25695 1. Lernetre, G. It. Caprara, G. Ill. A75-42NS51 W. Associated Technical Services, Inc. . East Orange. N. 3 11M at OiddatUM Of ]bmems, by pbmma by ~ - CSYMM- 01266m tonatni, wooll i , Am CM14 V" Le Lgwp pp 83-89- "on, ver . not Inbarlar Tr NO 17" &4 Jon 63 on Metallic polyinjr-gr C ~-: ,. - Damntre., V.- Mar----J 3-0. G. . , Per, Chlzica c 1-1 ':L, ITALL11,11 1956, 11-70-475. J, A 5ON 5 9 scl Jan Vol 04 30603 A" if . . ~1- - 7/~,. ~-- I'l _ SolublItty 4qA Adsorptlm of A"matic Ac*p "t oa:fttWo &W Pooltion of SubmWent b7 li F. MmoUnkop 11. L, Lmi ts., 6 pp.^ ~ ~7p ftu ftim"litiums RMZUj, no Zbw Obabob XbMij, Val XXIII# So 8j, 1953* VO 13U-2319- coomitants scustific amm"try Dec 54 m/= The Construction FRENCF. of the Pile, byEugene Le Meur. USDA per NC State College Vol 7-6 Jun r9 Nbwmwlp of jainwauns by Jo L"ft". pe We' M4~ -PP 3 -31.w WI kj, ReconstruCtion imd future Proupocts of HailvWo Uj"w4wop 12 pp_.Lma-m a) (xD nir 2AM). rEam, ftoncu Hatlowl Raulava, a=.. 1946, VP Tr i (mv 54) lconml* - Transportation,, rail a&L Jun 5h CW/= 0' of 47' I Machine For,,Xaklng Bales of Hato:rials Such no fty, i by O"ton-Augunt-ftul Lewdere 7 P. FRMH,p patento 590,662 1 Dee 240 grafted 20 YAr [gr-) I (al.] 1, appl. 25, pub. 19 Jurm 25. SLA 59-17W set Mar 60 V03. e.. NO 11 Ilu-5257) InveotmeWc, Beserves lu tbo lftcbine Industry, by Witold Leateswwaki.. 4 pp. FCLM" a., -Fracglad V-cbnicz,4vr,, NO 36, 7 Sep 19bD.. P 3. JM 77:51 zzw - Poland sem /ipe 23-6 6 Fab U