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Transmission of Scintillation Light Through Plastic Scintillators and Light Pipes, by V V.. Vrivitskty. 0- A.. lekaln,; V*p. RMSIM., perp Pribary i Tekh Kk"r., No- 1.- 1961, PP # jar ISA Mar 62 ZLaii'do lhok 3eattering of 2,A-Bov/z w - ntzon-e Tioutzror-sli by Yu. D. Bayukov, G. A. lf!ksin, D., .3 R"IM-YAN-3 per, Zh" Fksper i. Tooret Fi? lil Y'-, NO 1. 1961, pp 52-55. Alp S-uv Enys - jETIF Vol XJY, No I S Blastle and Quasi-MAstlic S=ttertng or 66o mev i pl,otons by Dratermap by 0. A. IA"inx 7 PMUgjp w perp Zhur Eksper 'A. Teoret YU., Vol KaL 30 3j, 195TP pp 44~44-4. Awr Dwt of Phys sav. ?by-.-JMT Vol V.* lib 3., Sav 57 (BY-300j-/i.6 The Bcowde SlvaUlaawe of DmlopLag the Production of xUDYS With IndiU14 -xbauium.~ and Tellurl=, by V. Lekslu., RMSUN, per, Naroduaye noz Kazakh, go 1; L96o; pp 131-83- JM 7ZT4 Um Been jan 61 00 the 21"tic Dwkwwd SmMering of 660- MAV Protow Alpimt Oulm Mwlei,__?,y, Lek- 5,lu sM Mmkin., Tu. P.,, 2 MMU~Nj, perp Zhur Mwpor I Toorat Piz, Vol M=319 Ito 5 (11), 19579 Pl? 1147-11*. *q Amyr Inst of PVo 9Wr Poo -JM Vol VIM), NO 5 se I - phys Jul T-he Distribution of Dispersed Eloments in Metals; by V. N. Leksla., L. V. Smirayagia, 3.0 RUSSIM per) Gornyy Zhur, No 3,- 1960, pp 11 -.14. JM r9 35 IJSSR .Ftoia - YAt&Uur& 4 mov 60 3 hes"d In tw vue Law" bidw MW lab so act two pp CeO.culation. of the Electronic FArunters of Metal-se tx,m the amau:Lte of Mamweawato of TMir Optical Con-nt4mts,, by K. P. Ourcvv I. E. Lekal.maP to RUEL-91"O pw,, Zhur Rksper i Tearet Piz, Vol XIIT-I; 710 5;, 19620 PP, 195T-1963- Awr Inat of Pays BOV Phys - JMT Vol XTI Xo 5 $CI jua 63 11he Optical Properties of Dilute Rhodium- 5 Platimm Solid Solutima.. by 1. E. Leksim, It , V , Penldm. R=TANj, per,, Fix. Nbt. I Metalloved . vol UL-T, no 5, 1962P N 799-ft- KL X 39% r, eb 63 Tim DeperAsnoe of Strength under Static and Al.terfttij* Id" By V. R. RigW and A* X. lookoveldyp a; WSMIs per, PIS Tvardop Ulm$ Val IVO Wo 2t 19620 pp 949-M Amr Inst of Phys Sov pbys - Solid State Vol IT, No 4 sa Jun 63 ThO ge!~. U0.74DW-1 EUbstltatim Propertief; o: Sestoutt-cama awd of bisthyltestos,im.-om. -~-,y T. y. LsktozwIw,- 5 pp, IWGSTMt,bim zer,, 'Famakol i Tooksilm-I., ilo2, a~ mo jan/F,-,b' iP 71-74. Me 57 ~c Operational "Dam Wit and Its A40 for Coftfollift GNVUU= a by 1i 81'. r"'.1191waviu, T. G. "MAN408, et al, 30 pp~ ~, Per* Vol lylmj~ OP FiS 9f AS-M JIM 67 327e3ft internal memory anti its RWU ~ vult for Automade Coontral Co s6 by Sh. G. LAUdM34 T. d Mumodme. RLOgAN per, AVtbbMkd3d I p u MUk Gru AW.R. Vat IV, 1 963, Vp 97 .. R13 0FT DwWT-6S-4M Oct 65 AI!chuk- Yu. I- and Rutslays, IL 1. S 0 MIM41 DE U CRYOUM DAM LES SEMS DO QUM,Quw AaDHSI~ORMNIQUES (0 Raotwortmot! Kriouts v Solyakh i;~kotwy OrgaslochembM Kislot) (SobMility. d Cryollti in Saks of Orpoic Acids). 9p (fox go toulocludeo 5 raft FR-2342. Order from M. 9TC or MRS $0. 80 62-26429 Trans. InFrench at 2burml Prikbdmd Kid-it (LISSR) 190. v. Im. 5, 0. 499-M3. !Z- DESCRIPTORS: Saks. AcIdm6 Carbon conVounds, Solubilky. *Sodum cmpmjm&. *Ahunlnum cmnpmmdl6 *Fhwridmk wMisetals. 62-26429 1. Title: Cryollte 1. LAI*ctuk, Yu. L_ H. Ruud=3*, EL 1. M. F/R-23412 IV. Cam" National do Is Recherche ScieKMqtw (Chendstry- -Physical. TT, Y. 10. Do. 10) oftt of Terhmal St"i. THE POTENTIAL OF THE MANGAHESE 01-1-1-~IOCE;.E DEPOSITS 11'.1 (~EO,"\CdAj -9Y R. D. ~ L- .'a _~lkrj~ZEJ, V. YA. EDILAS'NILI, 14 PP. RUc- PER RAZVEDKA I OKH.-WA !~EU~ PF JPRSS I C I I E7 JUL %S2 A HEM" ar DetwW-Ims by Calaml&tlan the CbmrsetwIstles of Pleatlelad P*IywbWI MUM* Compmltl=Wp by V. I. BedUam Sh. L, Wfichak. R=Wp pors, Savodakefe IAbp Vol =.TIp No 3P IMP ipp 30-3W Assoc T*oh Swv NJ-IM4 Sol - Chas Apr Water F-cvetivz~~%vo~*tr of pj4,L;tjcizEd COL.,c- Sh. L. 8 pp. P--Jri ZhUr Prik MbIP, Vol KXX; Fo 7, .195-1 pp 1041 - 10M. Iv- Oct rAMS the 2093 wr Plantidzere o0vuVift CID ft of Polywilwi ChlmlAes by lp. LwAko* V. L sedust PP. awarms perp Zbw ftlk Xbluo IbI XXX# So 31. Ims VP hu-4180 ftn Do "I ohm AM A.Ji ~Vll'i Synthasis of Acetic Acid Un6or JU& Pres- sure.p by 8 L. Lel I ehukr A. Z. Mwpovo 5 Pp. XMIMS Mdm,, Vol Vxlt l9kop IV 210-Ma MA 60-18h0 Sel Vbl IV; NO u itm 62 & ft"ww am am to Iftu low mwsft a goo, am di p lb 09 39& (3%0) (On DwIft 1w ip. .35. 366.1or OW LAMU) A u Solubility of Silver Bromatle in Aqueous Solutions of Sulfuric Acid and of Lithium.Y Sodium, and Potassium Sulfates, by Yu. L. Lellchuk, 7 pp. RUSSIAN., per, Zhur Neorgan Kh1m, Vol III., No lly 1958, pp 2453-2457. An-Tr-445S.', PL-48o Sci Apr 62 PST 381 2CDO, 26~ 61-18229 Lel!chuk, S. I.. CATALYTIC DEHYDROGENAnON OF ALCOHOLS 1. Lei chuk, S. L, FORM114G ESTERS. 1196115p. 30 refs. Order from OTS or SLA $L. 10 61-18229 Condensed trans. of Khtmicheskaya Promyshlennost' (USSIRY1945, no. 4, p. 7-9. DESCRIPTORS: *Alcohols, Dehydrogenation, Esters, Syntbests, Acetates. *Ethanols, Catalysts. Research sh(med that finely dispersed copper utted as a catalyst for this reaction brings abots formatior of ethyl acetate. Some principles of preparation oj'pre- cipicated and alloyed catalysts for this reaction have been determired. The optimal conditions of dehydrogen- ation of ethyll alcohol involve a temperature of 275-2850 anda rate of flow of alcohol of 300-400 ml per liter cAttalyst spsc4'per botw. The experimental results gen- eralfj apply to bomologs of ethyl alcohol. When an equirritilecular mixture of tvro alcohol* is treated the (chenflatry- orpnic, Tr, v. 6. no. 7) (over) (FDD Fundawntal Questions of the Geresis of Skeleton Catalyttap by S. L. Lel'cbuk. MISSM,p thrice-m Wv DDk Ak flauk SSM. Nov Serp Vol LVIj No 9., Moscowp 21-Ju'-n-1j)47v pp 933-937. CIA/FDD/U-2581 Usm Scientific.- Cbemlstry 61-16907 Lel'chuk, S. L., Wandin, A. A. and others. DEHYDROGENATION OF ETHYL ALCOHOL OVER I-el'chuk, S. I.- MIXED CATALYSTS. 1196115p. 8 refs. Order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 61 - 16907 Balandin, A. A. Trans. of Zhurnal Prikladnoi Khimji (USSR) 1944, v- 17 [no. 1,121 p. 60-64. DESCRIM'ORS: Dehydrogenation, 'Catalysts, *Ethanols, I-sters, Esterification, Chemical reactions, Ethyl radicals, ACCIZEeS, Acetic acids, Titanium compounds, Oxides, Dehydrogenazion of ethanol was studied, leading to for- maEion of sijbstantial amounts of acetic acid and ethyl hcetatc. Three-coti,iponent catalysts were investigared for this reaction, consisting of copper and alumina pro- moted wich u,,ideq of cadmium or titai,ium. The cata- lysE promc4t-ii with cadmium oxide has no advantages over the two-componont catalyst, consisting of copjxr 04F~..f T-Imi-I S-i- (Cl-wmistry-organic, -17, v. 6, no. 8) (OV(!r) Effect a Pxawrters In Cats3ytU !ebydxvgem-Uor- or A200bols I To Notmm ac IbUted to Thei-- Poojmi~a in the Parinue Was.$ bV S. L. L--I*Cbuk VD. ;t RUSSMp pw., Dak A; Nauk SSM., Vol XFAX., 1945s 652-* b54. 12L-2a35 / ", 1z0,6 Jar 62 Vol Vlto No 3 Balandin, A. A., and Vaskevich. ~k, "SKELETON" CATALYSTS AND THEIR APPLI- CATION IN ORbANIC CHEMISTRY. 11961117p. 187 re6. Order from OT~ or SLA $1.60 62- IM27 Condensed) tr"s. of Uspekhi Khimil (USSR) 1945, v. 14, no. 3. L85-212. DESCRIPTORS:~;*Catalysts, Hydrogenation, Oxiditic Con&n"Eion r~,actions, Caialysis, Dehydration, Organic! compo6nds. (Chemistry- -Organic, TF, Y. 7, no. 11) 62-10827 U. lalandin, A. A. III- Vaskevich, V. N. 54 omc. inwe and Vapour Wnsity in 1.)ysteiw Orgawailicon cmipunds. I- 71--t tbYlvhmyldichloro-ftlaae,, by H. 1, aakh- xowvj, N. A. Salamtovs.. S. L. MSSMj. per Zhur Piz Man', Vol ZXXrV. no 8'. '34-i-tho . 1960., pp 17 -Cleaver-Ehame Press Ar.g 63. zinvestigation of Vapor Pressure and Binary Systomo Wtbyldichlorori-LafLt:-"rime~~h-- C"ll. ,J~ i"-dl -- and Silicochlorofo=-Benzene., by U.I. Shakhparonc)V S.L. 1-ellchuk, K.H. Korchemska~fo,. 5 RUSSIAN, per,, Zhur Fri.'-: Kh4m. %trl Y'~,-V--=, pp 2699-270P-. CB Sci oct 61 The Influatee Cf the Efficiency of Plasticizers on the Viscosity of Polyvinyl Chloride Compositions, by Mi. L. fiellchak. V& 1. Sedlis. RUSSIM, per, Zhur Prik Xhim, Vol XXXI, No 9, 1958, Pr- A75 RJ-1639 Scl - Chem Jul 59 Ccmpatibillty ~-,ad VoIntility of 111-sticlisera, na& Gen*rg.*L Gom-.1uslc=, by Sb. L. Lellelnwk, V. T. Se-dllm,. 5 Pp- RUBSIM, Pe-., Zhur Prik Xhim, Vol Nu 6, !958, pp '007-891 - Consatnai~s Burao-u Svi - Cbem Jun 59 41- the 2fteat ad' PU&tlclzero on the PropivrtI4 of PolyvIaWl MlorJdo. ftrt 3. by Sh. L. s"Us. RMBIANO, :pw, 2ur PrIk IMup Val M=, No Sp 1958j. T90-M Aamm T"b Serv RJ-1459 Sel - Cbms AW19 Beat 11"Yana2wr From the W&U to a Turbulent PIm of Air Tastas a TO* With LwW Temprattwe Diffemae*s and a Iftthcd for Calou2sting VaU 7*wmtUr*O by D. To VIsayaUsiv To L. LaIlchuk. RMOUS., pev., Tep1mmaratics; 14 91, 195% VP 74 -19. BM 1714 (L4. Elci - Php Heat,E=hange From a WaU to Carbon Dioxide Gas With'Turbuient Flaw in a Round Tube and High I Thermal Loads,, by V. L. Lellchuk,, G. I. Yelfimov., 5 PP* RUSSIAN, perp Tsvetnye Metally, Vol VII, No 11, 1963, MRS 23730 Sci mar 64 2539793 'er and Hydraulic Mw Resistance for Hiab Velocity., ~y Isel I chuk, 20 pp. "MRSM, perj, Zhur Tekh Piz., Val IX3, No gs 193% 808-8180 Sci Trann Center IRT-532 4"47u#~- Scientific - B3;== o S/DEX 2111- of 31-1ver Brcmet~-- :%-n- Of flotasai= Braamte and Sodlim. In - e r5Lectrolytes WI-th 1,11:r. SolmbilitV- and &):Lubility Prodi:.ct oL:' by ta. L. Lelcbtik, L. V. Sumirs., V~ I- Darklamva,. 6, gm 1, .." .. - ,- ,%JS4qM P no per Zbaw Obstieb lQi:tm) Vol WV., No 9a Sm. 1955s, Pr, lM5-lW,-,. ciA c 42ic,~,3, C-unslo.tantc. Bure'ru Sci - Chei!dc-txy 47 -7~1-v 19 5 6 /D --x Solubility of Silver Dromalte in Aqueous Solution6 1 Zinc and Cadmium Utratebs., by Tu. L. 4elchuk, fppo t INAll trowlation. RMUNI no per,, Zhur Obsb*h Khimj, Vol XXV, go 7, 1955j, pp 1273-1276. CIA c. 42051 Iltmaultants Bureau 3 e :2 3 ~ Scientif ic - Chemistry may 56 CTS/dex Sol The Solubtlit by YU, 1~~Il RIISMN, ler,i, C of Cryolite in Salts of Some Organic Acidso U*, E.I. Rutskaya. Zhur PrikM Khimn. Vol XX:r:[,, 1949. CIAADD/X-57 Resonator of e Waveguide beyond Ctrtoff Type, by ;I I. V. Leiftdev and E. M. Outsait, 13 PP- I - -' RUSSIAN, perk ~,aldiatekh i Elektron, Vol 1, No SLA R-2329 Sci Aug 5' 0 4 1.41 Trans,fusim of Blood and Its CinVoconts in the Oftical Treatowt of Partal N3rp9rtewian,, by No D.~ Patelioraj, T, 2. laiekhaw., 6 pp. RUSMN.- per; Avblmw OOmtO1j*Wft, PaQ1 Krovi, Vol UIA no go 19",F v9 43AS* PWW=m Press Sci - Ned Sept 59 Rev53i= of Psanefits for in by :1. Dti.Inkov, V. Mayer, 9 pp. RUS5.U-B" per., so-talalisticbest."'iy Erml' No 1960., --.4) 51 -.58. JFR,S 2,146 TISSiR 23. "q I . --,v 60 on the Diagaosis of Silurian Tabulata uz zz= Genus Wlindrostylus Sokolcm, by V. L. Leleshual 3 pp. RMSIM, per, DA Ak Nauk EM, Vol CXXX, No 2, 1960., vp 430-432. M-a Sci Jun 61 1 -.~- -3 1.7 6 lsothemLc 'Inadiation of Bonfissiomible irA the FaiT Reactow by Means ot by Ii. F. Pravdyuk, V. W. Kumttsov, B. 1. L--:Leti,,~~, 7 RTJS.'3.TM,, per, Atcm Emerg, Vol IX, No Pv 380-386. CB Sc -1 o2t 61 (Ir,-5984) Dovolcppm~ent of the Production of Smtional Concret~-- Articles., by,N. G. Imlichenkc), 9 pp. P jt!E. i-t1ya Straitel'stv j Proqrwaemoati Straitol 1 okh WArW= niar kaw&Ofp Ekoarxd w=ax 195gy JPHS Lo4Lko 49 USSR fton oat 61 4 (NY-:-loo) Bom in Yakutiya, by Ab 1#li*?!t_ 1; pp. MUM. per., Vi3dW Transport, 211 Sep 61. JMS 12489 usm &0n mar 62 7-$--~- .0 This is DiftaLed by Business Interests /Ar Article Suggesting Formation of a Northeastern Arctic Steamship Company/, by A. Lelikov. RUSSIAII, per, Vodnyy Transport, MLSCOW, 1~ Feb 'c"7, p CIA/FDD Sulq 1`33L~ Econ - Transportation May YI UE; h7,522 lhlxt~ Years of Kavlon Turbines.. Parts I and lIj, by perj, W"W .Lkmf t ftSh Vol MIX, 1914,, 1:v 20:42. . D*S.I.R.AohT6/cT Scientl f ic -i- Engineering Mm ONLY / .,?,* / 7/ Klectron IfiscrucapIc Studies on the Wall of Lyophilised Arteries. First Observations on the Adveutitia,, by G. Lelliq A. Bonancme, M. Sappep.7 pp. GERNUp pwp Zelt fuer WisseDsch KikrosNopiep '111'r I# No 5. )br 1953, pp 296-301. IrIN 3_17 / - 7 Sci - Biology, Medicine ~"j Apr 57 mId*x Ot' Lorraine ores, oy m, P. Emery, 7 pp, fievue MeLaj-lurg, ITO-I LVII, 13-20. Broken Hi-U- Propictary Co Ltd (CRI./T.395) ttfl,~Jf-. Min/Mell IA- Ov -7 3,65- Isolation of; a Vizus Producing S.Vacy"I ia ia Cellultui Culwre. (Myxovirus Pemtinfluenzae Tt'Pe 3) -~ On ~ the Occasion of a S=LU J~pide='-c Among Infentm 111th Benign Acute 3!splratory Mamif eztaticnas., by H. Lelongj, J. 71alatte, 14. Cotlenko) C. Chanyy A.-IfMt, 15 -Pp. !*-'IUMCH,, perp Axchlves Francaise de Peadiatrie, Vol M. Ho 2p 1959, PP 1-13. 111H 3-6-6o Set - rled may 6a On an itpidemic of Subacute Infec';l0aa FulmOrlarY Ede= :Vn leautS (spumous broncho-&Iveolitia)) .Aoft% by P. I=ebOupa*t,, Mweel Ielcq;p J. Delarue, Joseph, 14 PP ~.Olyl?rjo!g., per.. Faris M.-Allesl, 5 Nov 1938 - NM Sai - lftd SWM 9ep 59 Viral PmmonIA of the A.P.C. Gmup in the Inraut. ImbUtlion cif tkw Virus. Anatem-Itintological lmsiom,, by K. IAIOMJ, P Impluti,, IL IJm_cfAAlIson, I* Tan VInh,, P-MM.9 ;L Cbamqr, 7 pp-Q9771 FRUM,, per., Arch Pmuc do FW:Wt., Vol XIII., So 10,0 1956. in Nza Tr 8-10 Sci - Mbdicing Aug 57 Corrosion Behavicir i9k RIO Ttuperature Water of Al-Fe-ft AUpp After Long ftat Treatmuts, lufluOU60 Of Add:Ltl=U of TI and ZrO by P. ;~~ j% molams 2 J. Ru*nguelp FMOM't ipVwlrn cu AqmCm OmT=Um of Pmactor lftterl&U., 14-17 Oct 1959.. pp 2lo-235, ABC T13D 7587 ft i - Kin/met 3 aw Q 7 -5-e Particular Structures Remating Frm Extrusion mud The:Lr Change Under Beat I tmentip by J. Hwftvl~lv P. Lala=- (AF 1o62839). FAMM,,per., RemAe do Hatallurgle, Vol LIlIp No 12 Do* 1956, pp 965-972. ATIC F-TS-9121)v Bel - Mln*et -,-,/ 02 e (/0 J Oct 57 Corrosion Behaviour in Hi,,;h Temperature Water of Al-Fi~-N-J Uloys After Lon'.. Beat Treatments. Influence of Additions of Ti and Zr, b:,- P. Lelon_-, J. Moisan, J. Heren.,7uel. FRENCH, kD, Brussels, 14-11? Oct 1959- *AEC Sci - Chem Ma-Y.. f:' 0 ALUW Sarfaces Trvmted of Alumlom as& BUbjectell to nmtjAgp by Mot by P. ioLmi. =A i. s amovelp lo pp. FPJWR~ perp Wv Ainniniump No 236v Oct 1956y pp 923-,930. STA 57-M2 Sai Aug 58 Corrosion In Water Of MOnOcnIstallim Alumint of OlsbFurity, by Joan Hmiawl, pi*rca Comptes Readua,, Vol Cf;Z;,jU, No 17 1958s, pp A81-2484. Ar6C-2r-.-477 Sol - MObt J" 59 R-3/63 Electric Paver Production in Brazil.. by Leloup GOVMMMT USE ONLY FRENCH., per,, Annales de Geographie, MD= Vol LXIX, No 376, Nov'Dec 196o, PP 594-611. *JPRS/EC-8382 LA - Brazil Econ Jan 63 Tubermlosis Mortality by Sex an& Age,, by G. LIBItore., 1T PPO IMIM,v per, Lott& Coutro la IUbercolosiq Juu 1945,, pp 41-57s 70-73- wA Tr 2567 sai - N"iclue ~-7, ~ zi Y Jan 58 Mechanism for Lateral Raking ToGethi-~r of Crops or Other Plants Lying on the G-:-o:-tnd.. j - j Cortielis Van der Lell, .. .0; 1 GO, RMAN USDA pel, NC State Jiln .1)9 J,ft IDL and 14nboqW, L. P2]*AMIICIR (W. THR RLMAMM THORM MANRUt 22ROMM AND TrrANWK 1196311 1p, OIP6 iWiftli 9 ii66 Ordw hiiin MA *L 60 63-14303 ftrw,Uw,s. cd (Zdbchrift Or Anorpnische und AnMnwjiw Cbm0el (Germitiq) 1914, v. $7, p6 200-221L DESCRWrORL- Mmium. OUrantum. OZIrconlu-, entmium, schlor"We. Sodium compounds, ReOwdon fMwmlmx7). P"Wexam Chunkal reacdoo& 63-t4303 1. LAdy, LX 11. Hamburger. L- (Cbwni"--bxwVudc. 'ff. Y. 10. so, 4) Preparation of Slagle Crystals of SUIcoa GarbIde and Contral or the Nature and the quantity of the Combfted Uparftlm,, by J. ~ A. UlYs 7 PP- OEM",. per., Ber Daut Ker Gess Vol )0=j, IL955i, Pr 229-M. su Tr 57-1go6 set JUI 58 Proparation of Monocrystalline Silicon Carbide and the Control of tbo Kind wA q"utlty of M9tM Built-iu Inpuritlas, by J. A. TAly., 10 pp,. GERMB,, per., Ber Deut Karam Gee, Vol XXXIIj 1955, pp 229-231. 3 CIA/FDD/XX-43'V NOT BELL43AEU TO FOREMY INATIONAW Sci - Chem MaY 58 on th2 -,I-~ T-,,re2tjya. -Ollcol: u wok ot DMee ogotna oewd*tas end Doolelow of artW omommp by 3). the 2bd p 20 Spa MMus qpf awobkly pwirl"I 23 Mmq 2962., vp g'- 3# im um ftv 6a 4 Tile Effect of Temperature', i ..-.-Jp Consistency ai PH inili~he Final Bleaching of Chlorinated and Alkali -Ilreat ad Sulfite 11~11) with Sodium Erypo- chlariteo by~Aakander and Stockmen. MMIBR, per, Svenkk Papperstidn, Vol LVIIIt Nov -1955, pp 775-785. ASLIB-0121 Sci Aug 58 71, jul 4'.1 a 4o"0 10 0 lbwl~ vu XLVmL 1"6o Im 1110.1M." "Irw! 7 0.- 1 1: : l: :~ i: I I I I . ;, k ! I Hyperphagia Produced in the White Rat by AltOTIFLUOR Of the Mechanism of Peripheral Sati4icnj, by J. _4a pp. PRENCR., pars CoWtes Readus dee Seances do la SociOto do Biologies Vol CL# tin k No 1, 1956 pp 3~-3s,: NIH 10-9-63 Sci - siol & Mod Nov 63 Voluntary Cmmmioug DDbjydmtiOn, bY *.- - sj41P_*jairf3- et perk 'PrWAM - . 9 A m It A-1 U.-O Va loll pp 63-64. ILA" Soi/Atws . i i i I i i : ftmotsom . I I: u 1. 1 ~ 'I" I i ; i 0~ . : i I I i W~l 9 " swum .1 1 7 . I i Use of SulpIdtic Liquid to Reduce the Rasietamv. of Quartzome Rooks to Drilling, by E. Lmmirn, 6, pp. Full translation. FRMCH, per., ftga 2ftQO Vol CXXI.. 1944, pp 33-34. S.L.A. Saiemtific - Engineering 4;094~' ~1-*le RE! 555- x PrOPwtLeSp MaPiftctive &W AppUcations of pm.filml am its Derivatives, by 2. Lemire, Iq IRMO-j. per,, Ind Chia,, Vol ]=Vl,, pp 116.1.1go 138-139o 1949. lmdec-TI749 set a. cbm Avg 58 ,~~S immon or nredmp by Imrs and jbq)Jmai-ve* by.3- L 18 pp. per., Annaltm des Nkaea Allv- Vol UTj 1924. 11 or 'Se 8MO~ 16C " ;entd ' : t Statil Pittsburgh,, Pa. Tr 123 Se I - Ch= YWW 59 8, , -5 '? If/ Bent*mlte and 'its Application iz. E. 4 PP FVU tr=slation. AWCH-. peir,, ftge 0=, Vol OXXI, No 19-20, 1944, P 156. S.L.A. Scientific - BuSineering Jul 55 Tbim ISU~izaticft of Oontrob lbthods fcw SUU641ot6rs, by 0. 40 pp. OKUNIFIND V4!II6% CONO"Ies Ivapt"Pim-t56109 OKI 0* )vfto~~trle, ep lm G-e. GOM G-3143 Ws= - ftwee Geograj&ic - / 7, Am 0 CM -A AM --i& of tieft Ewsheago In StAbjocts goal edito 1"pleal CUmatese, by R. Lamirej, ,o4ro fteo" "Opou st clivist Vol HAS* IT 1104609" OILT S"-Ato" Sci Jia 67 S=o&67 oftbe ExcitabiJAty of the ftsplratary ~jx Couno of ftumic Apnom Coumquenoes fmt=nt or Anmpode ftemes, 'by C - awn wA 1. Lelftlnp I V. 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