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"JO. an-1:uO., 1111 chumz--A-aa~ 1*~.'.t:l,.,aA.ox; ELI llp.~ Jvan-min Mms 6.-:89 (DC - Fro-n Capitalism to a Socialistic Systel,, -,,o 'a Big Leap Socialistic Leap Fon-rard, Iry Lei Chlul-lruo, CHINESE, np, Jen-min Jili-pao, Peiping, 1L Apr 19,~~D, p 16. *JPRS FE -;p ol ju-n (,0 '%%a out P-ort.11,10 WAAct-Ac C,- '-?Q1 3a&,) U72)., -12 liu V.4-14 vla 33 Oat- (N-3745). lbe Civ:u`a~lon Of Money in tile PI-Ople's Republic G'f China, by ToLing Ling, Haajai 3 a 11 pp- -RUSSIAJ9, monograph, Derxezhaoye 0brashcheniye Kitayslcoy llar(x3noy Respubliki, 1959, 183 PP. JMS 3317 FE - China Ecola ~M jual 60 mi a I(Kin liatal r4lt-- in a Stron~-- ~Lvwggtoc Field. crittlua IUCIAII. tL by dMlk-, ~*r, Acts tuisica ~Aniv~~f Yoi JLU j", 40 ]L9#A 0 1'eP IAX~PA 11, V'-A7~~ 1% W - 5, 187 Nj A Skqple Method for the Preparation of Diphany1scatt-L Mid.. by Bou ftn 54-drea, ]~%~ liaing-hwi. 4 pp. ,, ~er, Acta FbArmweutlcm Sluica, Vol VIT' CHYIMH Feb 1960, pp 105-108. JM 89.)6 Sc i - Chem I I~ilj, 4, 6 ~,-- Ar-t;A _it *P 5 3iL. China;s Economic Trade ReDitions With the Afro-Asian Nations During the Past Ten Years, by lAit Jen-min, 6 pp. CH-MM., per,, Kuo-chi Wen-tli Yen-clilu, Wo 6.. Oct ISF,9t -pp 34-37. JPRS 85 32 FS - China Rift Ito on -5- S -3 .i,ul 61 Triv* With Capitalist Co=trJLt.-oq 1~;r 14"=7=iuj 3 M If=Ej, Survey of China N&WAnd Press, MM, Peking, 1B Jan 1954. American Cansnaate General Hong Kong., No 730 IT - China Economic IOOM /bEK TmImiva.l. Revolution in PitkLng by Lai.gim-=Lug, 6 pp, J1W 9584. Boon. x lu,ig 61, Radiation of Excitation from the Respiratory Center to the Motor Centers of the Muscles of the Tongue Lei (Respiretory Tongue Contraction), by 'I 4 pp. RUNTAIN., perj, FIziol Zhur SSSR imeni I. M. Sechenova, I Vol nVII, No 7, 1961. Elsevier Pub Co, Sci oct 62 2 13, 9 7 -2 w A Pceitive Policy in the Socialist Reform of pp - Aaima Bur~baadry, by Lei 'J~ai-fU~ CHMME, per, Shih-Mien, No 4. 1 Oct 55, - pp JMS-1783-)i FE - MUM POI Jul # 30 VOC-3957) entifle Reseurch Ily USUW Prodwtion by Lai Tlim-c&wwa.. 3 pp. ~p MPI, Jft-Oln Jlh4ao.p U Apr 1960.. p 19. JM 6Oe7 72 - CblM soon Oct 60 /0,? 9.., * j THE C%IBINED BALANCING OF THE COMMUNICATION TRANSPORTATION INDUSTRY, BY LE'l T'ING, 17 PP. CHINESE PER HUNG CHII, NO 20, 1~62, Pp 30-3~- p JPRS 10'0'02 FE - CHINA ECOhl DEC 662 21 .- I C56 .Ott! ON 1 --Um in ow mattaml W LIK Totog MW 00) *ad Usme a (IM ow UM)p 9 w 202" 1p", swasm p viow *43-p $04WAS. 1"M .~ -f- A,4~ 0 2- " 3 9, ' ) ffj' 3 Y TochnIcal. Reform 0j., Railway D-n ei Tsung-min, 21 pp. CIb'NIZE, pp, Jen-min Jih-pao, -16 kp-r 'L'~60,- p 3-1. JPRS 5307 FE - CIII-re Econ Oct 60 ftaluation of Arable Soil Reamroes in Kiangsu Frorvime ozd Ways to FacUttate a Balamed lucr6"c In ProductivAty, by lm:i wen-chiz., ot all 9 yp - cant= Wo-houch Tlung-pao, Nol/ 26 Wr 7-U, ipas 9866 6 5 FZ - China J Neon Aug ~ A Repo;,ton Ark Investlgation. of -boil Erosion in 1 cen I Mmeu, by Chu Hslen-mp CHMS9,1 perp Tou-jmw Chuoa-pa2p So 32 ' 1958P PR 53-100- JPRS ;0' =36 00 i Thm Pemr-nea Viscoeimeter -u. j y U, Ifalb. : GERMhNs per., 9rdoel und Kohle., Vol Vln, No 12., 1955, pp 699-9w - Tech and Cam Tr 3,~- 6 Id $24.00 : scleftific - ftsineewinal FMIO Vleccwl~y lu~igw"-Cowomk ftgtms Formed In Martin purnn-6emosl'the QYSU6 M C"IJD , by P. P. Mozakc4~,, P." L*D*.. B. P. Mx;;;, 13 mmunp p"j, aw PIZ lbft.. vollm, 1939., pp SrA R-OWT Bel Jul 59 A Non-ovotroir- Nutrient Medium for Fi*bi:'O-)IE--f-;t9 FrOm Hvamir F mb ry T L,Abonzon, I up. rer , Voprnsy V If o:'o, ~nd,~ 19 5 370 - 3 7 2 . r i mn 60 llalbhe'~ m~atical Theory of Plasticity, by L. M~ S. Leibens ip2 pp RUSSIA1,11, piibl V.os cow/ Leningrad, 1,043. Ocafr- Tr, Soi Phys--;rs -1fath Jan 52 CTS Varia~ionai Methods for the Solition of i I Problems iii Elasticity, by L. S. Leibenzon, 456 pp. RUSSIAN, bk,, USSR., 190. NACA N-12h22 Sci - Aero (description oil bk shows Feb 52 CTS its .ise iri aero) lanpubl rpt, avail on loan only The XLectroslag Ramltlng of Si&el, by A. F. Tregubenko., v. (;. Spramkly, fl. A. Leibeuzon~ 5 PP- RMM.. per, stal, No 3, 1961 -, PP 233-238. BMI / 6,5- --1, 0 -3 set I/ Aug 61 OOM Or YK SKUtION OF TK IWVtK FOR OWWAN WFMWIAL MMTOFS OF Mimi - -, - - IK VMWOFMTIOM or s" pp. IFLM.Aft- IBM om AR wx Santa VOL CXLI It NO 3a IXR,p Ot AM WiTH 30C VOL 3v ND 1 $C1 IMMAT" w9v667 Exp~osioA Disaster at the Neunkirchen Iron Words. STAHL & EISEN, vol 53, 1933, pp 665-671; 3900 wordav Brutcher:No~, S.3. f o li'll r-- " ,- i I LEIBER, G. 1dITTEILUNGI,.`1 K. --U. INSTITUT LISE1,FORSCIJAUlX-j, VOL iC, 1936, pp 135-47 The lkea.ctioris in tae Basic ~)pexi-hearth Turnace. Bnitcher #370, $10-50 L~# II -D - RG Ar6hiv 40,4-senhuttenwesen, vol. 11, 7 fip:s. , 4 ta" les, 2 7100 worf:.,-.- 19F7. 'basurements of Temnlerature in Steel F-.Ii of Basic Open ~Iearth 71 irnace. 7-) Bri,tr'-ier Trans., Ord..~r '.'o. 4471, Ge ZB:LtschrUt fuer ihysik., 335- FIP-M-7;-~2 soi phys 1w 63 V Cll=Laa Abap--rj M id-th Toquil and Tottlow Compmdtm = Sqporlfles., by F. Iitdbotmdvr. MMp Vwj, MgM Machau vol. 21., 1964, rp - 101-103. M 71-1278D-060 of the paw of cr"taue by pero, uu&tA)u& der PhaLL-v Vol Sv *L. 1. p0, id"bilim"01* 1* C4 LagOrle4 43 pp. lbk* Usnumm d ddx~ 6 1 , I L-ly-w so-phys StO 64 265,851 Focumina Sequences of 110-Col3-Lsiow in Face- Combezv Cubic Castals at SmaLL Ang3 a , by C. Iohaam.. G. lalbfried.. 23 pp. GUM.. per.. Z FMslkp Vol 1961, pp 203-214. W9 U. L Atcodc RvmW Autbority AM, HarweU Tr-W5 Bel - Ebys Jun 62 71 9w~ List 69 Heat Conduction in glectrice-Dvy Ina-Lulal-Ang 1:9 Crystals by Guentber Ledbfi-,Led and Schloomam, 36 pp. I':-- - Hioselachagben in Gottingen aus rj--~m Vol lie., S m-, 71-93. oct ~2 WIN 11 at **nm3lY WOW Sxmd Umms an PlwUc m14%iwmwS;R9ft Iff 46 Lelbtvl"* 25 fWr P Z *1 4" Vol =V336 lb~ I =b4 I # 6L]j2 MA -0 IM53W-3~b- Jul 66 304s,4% DetendmatIon of the Aver*V Strata Pressure, by V. I[. vasaevskly"jeajp'?'~ RUSSIANO wo per,, IWt Xhozp Val XMIIVp no 12,p 1956., pp 26-30- Teeb and Comm $40.00 USSR - loon,, petroleum production Sci - Geophysicas geology Aug LOOM% A. L Mid KaHTM*IN4 L A. WrRIKMCIR OF RHOWSPHALUS 1A!Ws LAM W THE CR519r= MARME112.0 FMA DI MAK A. Mb16 tr. (19641 Gp 10nb NAMRU Trams. 77M7). Order from OM SLA, or WC $1.10 7T-66-JSW Tr3m. at Zo djogicbm"I 2blumall 0=10 194 V. 41, am I'l P. 1162-IIGL 1. tAdbmav6 A. I- N. KaUvabboa, L A. M. NAMRU-Trow-77 TV. Plawal WAdical Rmmtcb Unit YS& 3. Calm J.2 (Biological Sciences --Zoology, TT, v. 12, no. TT-65-63340 i I Field 10A Leibman. Vu. !A. GENERATOR OF PERICOIC SEQUENCE OF BUNDLES OF 1. Foreign Technology Div., SQUARE PULSES. 3.1tut 65. 8p. FTD-TT-65-177; Wright- Patterson AFB. AD-620 122. Ohio Order from CFSTI. SLA, or ETC; HC$1.00. MF$0.50 as AD-620 122 Unedited rough draft trans. of Patent JUSSR) 156 185. Patent appl. no. 722800/U, 23 Mar 62. Available copy ivill not lwlrmtt fully legible reproduction. ~6,- On the Chemical Compouition of Hungirian Bitumen# by S. Leibnitz. GERkis: pe:rv -Tachnik, voi 16 19649 pp 737-739. NTC 72-11226-07A Xay 72 I 0 Md. by- -0 of MMUS4MIJ, usbo. -- w -in Two by so X# udbillus 1. Omdoia=* ll~ i I v rMs Ckes ftcho Vol XXIs 3b 9t 1960r P=P700' popt or lifterlor Tr lb Ifia? ft:L. Jan. 6" Fonmtion of Kctm--.~:s in thc Gaz Phase 0,%:ida' tion 3f f-:- ;.Ie Low Tm-mpersturc-, Range, b y Gerhard Oh1mann, 'Rdpr GEMAAN per,, Chem Ber, Vol XCI.Tj-, 1960, p p 2567-2572. aA/Fm xx-.i.o66 fiOT WMEASAME TO FORRIGN NkT'fo,?AJ,,q Scl - Chem oct 61 USID R"IMA"I's LISS ONLY 62-14213 1,eibnlM E., Kthnecke, H. -G., andGawalek, G. b_W':fi_iE-PM.YMERl:FATLON OF ETHYLENEIMINE. I. Lelb-.itz, [1961] 6p. (2 figs. 44abIeq omitted). H. Ktinnecke, H. -G. Order from SLA $1. 10 6.1-14213 M. Gawale+" G. e Trans. of j[ournal Jr] Praktfische] Chemll (East Gerinany) 1958 [ser, 4, v. 6, no. S/~Iip. 259-298.1 DESCRIPIRAS: *13olyethylene plastics, Ethylene5, *lmines, Polymerinition, Catalysts, Hydrochl'Iric 11CId, Molecular weight. Polyrnerizadon expt~rinwnts with ethyleneimine show that, using hydrogen chloride as caralysE, Ehe rtfinct.on rate incxea.sen with mcreasing proton concentrati(m',. and the medlim n-joli!,:u!9r weight of the polywier ob- it.) 02' 7 G 4 4 mined decreases. 'Vith increasing txtivienein-Ane con- cenErarjor, the rate or, polymerization Increuises, b-A this soinerlme~ lenis to a pDwerful explosion WIICTI thU (Niaterials-Plastics, TIT, v. 9, no. 4) (-Y'-Lr) ZN:it_'Pl%Z Oieu, Vol 217, 0119 /' 74.~Z 41~1 Di-bWdro:~-.yttryl-Dialkylmethane,, by E. Leibnit;., K. Uumim, 15 Pp. GRFU~M.. For,, Cbem Tech, 1951, Vol 111, No I! ,p rI -10. BLA 59-3-5249 Sol Oct 59 Vol 2., No 3 ~? ~7 J:~~>Jg- -no Catalytic of Forcu~~ ~.Ti Example of the Oxida'Lion. of L;f ikir by E. T.P-Ibnitz, H. 0. Kcrur-,~c- T, 15 MEM-%N, per, J prakt Chera, Vol :.V, Bo PP 2-~?E-30), SLA 57-3-ji-2 59 %~ 0, ~ e4~ i 1 !:~;4* ot Newneis&=# ON Q* GNOMON 33DAP Wo A=',l hp%aa (rLad Cbmibw Pletwes Idth lat"- CIA9) 0,40 Tovd(* ~,Ilafvso Ja Late Pamats of 2 Treatment of Mmmi&ry Caminom, by Ya. I. Kcon,, 1. A. Loibovich, 6 yp - FXMIM, per, Vapro" C=OAOgp VQI VI, 5s ~, 1960., vp 98-ICLO. pp sel 1,941, -3- *~' -4 mr 61 , f e Durability cf Concrete Wi-h A,4ditives, `jy K. M. Leibovich, 111. Y. lrljSiHAN, b'.,,, Proc, Conf LeninGra-li, llh~ Al .ppllcation c O=ano-Siliccm PP NLL u M.'-Atod of !).24cer-minin~-,; the COrGILM-lPtiCn- Of Ccilidlng, by R. E. Loibovich, ',". A. Leitesy on. I 1,M,l per Koks j. KhimiYa- 110 6i") CmI T;~,r scl C h Study of the Fate of CO Absorption by 14onoethan lemin Solution in a Horizontal LzQcal Absorber, by S. N. Janz, S. B. Lelbovich, N. A. Malys1mvich, M. A. Lokshin, PP. RUSSIM,, per,, Zhur Pr1k KhIm., Vol XXXII,, No 10, 1959, pp 22D7-2210. CB Sel 117 Sep 6o D r !,n Conjunct nk - ['Z3 CDP under Conditicm~,, of :per, 7.,htxr RE-1k Milm,, I -9!~51 ll-7 5 - 97 6 6o at mam"Wo mos"46 tv 36 -- - - -.va 12s 1962p 1b Up r k-x, t/ *t 0 *a POW 0 3290.514 sold - TOBtUM Or US rown2atlm or Else- ~ I ,I m8 b7 F. Uebmwwr and N. wyer. a*", ~ "r, - 'trotmd.rAJsWw Zedtachrift., vca Minn- A, A* 14o M7p M V31-49o. oet. 62 Change of the Glycogen Level '-"n the LIver and Muscles of Chick Embryos under the Influence of Insulin Introduced into the NLood Stream, by 16& ~Q i i Leibson., 5 pp. RUSSIAN, per., Fiziol Zhur SSSR imeni I. M. Sechenova,, Vol XLVIIi No 7, 1961. Elsevier Pub Co Sci oct 62 ~ LEIBSON , L. G. and others. ~ fatty acids in blood plasma of its changes under the influence Zh.Evolyuts.Biokhim.Fiziol. i(NiRC/C-7910) Concentration of non-esteri cyclostromes and fishes and of adrenalin and insulin. 4(2.):121-7 (1968) insulin Seoretion b~ the Pancreas of the Ghick FbIn-yo, by L. G. Leibsons Z. P. Zheludkovar L. 1. Ghili~~----k---Ppa RUSSIANO per W MmPW BLO:L i Med, Vol. LlIt ND.79 1961. pp. 24-27 OB 301 Max 62 /'0C;409, f 1? -7 ~ / T, in the organ CondiUms and Ddif4)g by L. G.~ lelbson,, Ya. ,me Iludk*-;-6-p-P L' of Corti Under Restirw, Acousti.c StinWation, A. Vimakvv., .7,. P. MWIM., per.. BiOMIlmiya, Vol. U-VI, igo 1, i%-Ij pp 70-76. Sal Sop 61 CB m an" 66 J~ --- I Sa go ANd of Chick ~l M, - i. MPEMW m and Arbw I IW L (L tmP"~ - ftad_-Ms~ otdwo% *t sku M P04 IN mobal Wdildis === MAW 963s PP 373-30- ",9761 i (z~:~- PW *,photo CAmtest in Uw Blood at chick ftbryo6 Unaftr Doml CmdftL~ and ikftw laftlin A&RLn- L tl"'~ Le G. LeLbson. *~ 0 XAS Vol 9. 1963, pp 373-3W. L C- 70 wluaws of the Functlawl Otate or the M&Or Dlilulcu~'G of the Central Morwous System on too. DOW40yWint of Diumals Af~r Ifator. Atlvcdirw,~ by Yk3. 0. Aballect4 W. L. loibeou, T. B. Tsgr#' T vp. Rusn". per, PIM101 maw SSSR IM*a 1. 14 SepMvvm,, Vol XLVj, No 4j, IS69.- Pp 476-484. ftl - N" Researcb into the PhotopericKuc Dc~,,mvjojr of pine SocedlIngs., by H. "burdgut,. GER-Mi. 1)erj, Schwelterische Zeltachrift -,-)aer Forawwan NO ga 12t;B NADSn/Ref No 83.1 /-/ )- t / "L, L , ,, - a ~ , S-ci - Autat 67 336.,75D AbsozTtiou of Carbon 1;ioxlde by Ethanolsmines I. TbE! i&te of Absorptior.~ of Carbon Dioxide by Solutlom of Mono-, emd Triethanolmdues,, by A. L. Sbueeruou* A. 0, LeJbushp 12 pp. RWSXAA~ per$ Zhur Prik 10ilm, Vol =9 So 9. 1946~ 7p ~69-879. SIA R-1873 sci Aug 58 LEIB'USH G.., and SHNEEMSON, A, L. (otat-:~ Inst of TF77q'itrolgen Industry) The Abso tion of Hydrogen bulf de an-1 of Its xtures 11P i with Carbon Dioxide by Ethano.Lamines Zhur Prik Khim, voi xxiiis No 21 1950 (Feb), pp 1!4~- 157 Consultants bureau Translatio:i L".*:VlIL.,-,L-,,r. E, ~LG f r cix T:icci Ail Orienting Conatituent-Analysis of Broyn-Coal 7 Tar Throu& ChromtograpMe Dissection, by R. Lsibvitz. .MWJM., per,, Bremstoff -.Memle, Vol XMM, 1958j PD 87o9O* Dept of In". U3 ]Wx of RIMS 146mite arper sta Grand Forks 9, Dt,-,J-ztKI Sci -- Cbzm,, Rha Am 59 Twe lAf e 4' Istory of AuguiUml lutestinaais, by Otto ~eit~6twternp 15 pp- 90 ')j IM MO AOWP PIP CIA/JIMD/X-872 cg 7FF AW11cation on Catim Afialyals Isk Water and DoIlAr Scale Anal"Iso by J-9 Todek. ,~ GNMJ pws, IM Tor ftVs~k4ftsIbMItsw# go 28j, 19%9 vp 67-14. ABLMI-=Uh gal An " ?5,- 40 V/ Qsd=fxbW an AdM64ft GWorbsew for the Predue M~awel~eft of the Trw Siwdftc HeK of Poor HOM-Conftctlvg Ad -t- by E. 0. sdmntdt, W:m 16 pp. m0 F lammomki-ft" Of LIM and m;iuw ztln*[. Vol Vo 1962, pp 207-270. 92202-103 AEG-Jb-TT-3 S Id-P hys Jatw 65 271,81-4 InducUnce aW D=Wing of Woumi Capacitors, by R. L014M 18 pp. GEMN., per, Imbfrequenxtechn-fir u Zlektrom- kustiks, Vol LXVp No 5,, 1939s PIP 153-156. BIA Tr 57-7513 Sci - Elootricity ~J-e " 6 o s- I_ Aug 57 Underwater Television, by Raw Leidholdt,, PPIS =CLASSIF GERYAN,t pwj, Sieums Zeitsebrift., Vol MM11p No 4P 1959,w pp 277-2W9 Sucl to Ser No F:121-59P C110-.MIN RPr F"Tj, APO 757. Navy/CHI 5074911 Sci - Electronics Sep 59 IIPM of a ftal ma% i r VJL*b VA aft $o"& tD go or an --bomp"Is =d *a Qmm"Ag of IN umbn is A so& Vdak KM 71&4ktomt ~ 3b VP 0-71. MW TP-234 909290 lbw St DWtitimirAtIon of Strontium in Oms 'V-y Flame 3pactropboto=tryk by N. S. Poluetkav,, 14. P. Tc- A- Lb~do~mn, r,. s. Lauar, 6 pp~ RMOUNIO Zhur Anslit Xhiz,, Vol KIII, No 6F W;~ Pp 9;-703- consultsalts Bureau 58 Up*, of MMICSI ftaCtlao In SpectrVa Analpla y by N, F. ZddisMaj, W. A. FW., 1.18. A. Laidermn. RUMUN,, pms, Tavad lab,, Vol XXII,, go Ily i9%,, ipp 13D3-13M MIT LMoln lab act - Cbm jai 58 Telendsico in the Service of Ndustry., Reseexch azd Other PLesea of Natioml 3==)r., by Hans Leldbold-b. GMFM, per, Siemens Zt No 100 3-9.55; pp 6W-'10! AC-31, ID 2152--J81 F&xr - Goy-rany e, L) (1). NOX'wCglan Military Strategy (PiE.Tipberal Devense), b,~ L - Le idi t%. 110-TREM-MA-H, np, Norrea Handels Co Sjoefp-rtstj(3o-nd0?; 14 Oct 1957, flavY Tr 1550/aII-28 WoM- - Norvay Nin 11/3 Doc 57 Tbib lff*ot of Msetrio nolds Upon Hout Transfer in 1 WQd4 Mostric lumlatormi, tir Ernst Sokmddt, ow"o pots FormohmS avf dut Goblete do@ La-vidopsWww~1 Val IIK9 NO .110 Im. S.L.A. Tr U07 Sol - RLOArlettv. in Y7 Thermal Stressing of a Mandrel IoUring. -t-at Extrusion ,f r .Mb GER49M, p4,.!r,, Z fuer MetaUkundel Vol LI; Dec 1960, 6 (4-6,T6. BISI 2.'102 Sai " Min/met jLa 63. 16-111 0~/ Panbuddhim, by Walter Leifer, 10 pp. QFAW. A,CSv I, G-5948 r Ar Fa at Utim - GumM '.>'4 20/ Soadologica.1 - RalUlm %) -.,~ Apr 56 ft/dox 'Ace$$ by rr, Adfmn. RESULTS IN THE DETERMINATION OF DEW P011J, BY m. 1. LEI FI-M. RUSSIAN, PER, TEPLOENERGETMA, VOL VII, '"0 c,) ig6ol PP 29-32. NLL m. 6uii SCI - PHYS OCT 62 212) LEjONARDAIV R, H.,, ITMI Oo A-j, DE PfiJAZZOLO, A. Z. R. Bactericidal Action of Ozone - An. Assoc4 quim. argent. Sept. 1949, pp. 165-176& DSIR/4156/CT , e , 4 / --~ 56, i z e r) f s Intravasmilar Injeation Teebniques for Chick 1. M. P3 Emb*~s.. by L. G. ~~i~ew -isetakaya, 3,pp. RMIN., per.. riziol ZMW SWR imeni 1. M. sachenovs, Vol mmil NO 9., 19SCI., pp 116~- 1165. pp Sai 'Alsr Apr 61 Leijonhufi4 A. C THE COWACTED: SNOW ROAD. U1. FIELD TESTS AND PRACTICAL APPLICA71ONS (Dan SnUpackade vilgem III. IlUftrift och Praktiakt Mimping) tr. b] H. A. G. Nathan. 1960, 85p. 12 refs. Twimical trams. 90. Order from, NRCC $4. 50 NRCC C-3512 Trans. of Svenska Skogavardetbreningens TidakrM 1955 [Y. 531 no. 4. p. 337-394. See s1so 59-22123 61-12M9 1. Snow roe&--Test results I -Leijonhut". A. C. U, Title: Field... Ill. NRCC TT-909 IV NROC C-3512 V. National Research Council of Canada (Earth Sclences--ft , TT. v. 5. Do. 8) Axel C. SOME VIEWS ON~ Tlil:-, MECHANIZATION OF IiALIJ ING OPERA"110M9 IN THE FIELD OF f70REl,'*fi,,)' pli kickaniseringi.-n ov NEO~,.L)r L~