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A&MANSM Of dw C&rboo-Endtting C4dg)deS In the Piesonce of Ogrom-Rkh CAws6 by X. Duval. P. at &L U ROL F or$ &" a CUM2 P-hyst-que. Vol LIE~ Ir. * IppV. 19 -759. NA F-Mm $A TT Sd ;- cimme phys May 64 uu.s. goverment only 2:58.696 ~) - ~'. -Z C; 0--~ -~ Systevatic InvestiMtion of Research Methods in ChejdQa - neorixg p by -1. Le Gaff Euflopwt part Ganle gW&ue, Vol go, No 6, 1963v pp 157-163 = 71-1637-t"47A mar 72 Elbe ProbIc-in of' Ene.L-L~-,e tic Accowraxlui-.ioc, ol ?-*:,)T(.-- c-ales in Ileterog-encous Reac'Aons of Gas Up-n Salidsz, b~j- P. Le Gaff, 2::- L, PP. FRENCH) bk) Ecole Nationale Supericure cles Industries Chimigues, 1955. 9-,044()l Amer Meteol-cil S~c Sci Fly,; -2 &cperiaenULL Mathods for Studyirq; plechanism of Gas Rt-,Ewltion's oa WW. Surftces. De-sarlptior- of au ArranSeawant Using a "Nasa Spec ter, - -L-'y Pierre TA 9~4f 21 pp. rRHM,, per, 3 Chim Phys; Vol LI:El, No 4, i956, pp 369-379- SIA 59-10553 sel - phyu Sep 99 f,;7 Vol 2'. so I x 1717,17 Prdble= - of : Knergatic AccomDdattom of Moloculas In Hatnrogonao4w fts. Reactions on D- )lids, by Pi-rzm- Le Gqfl, 2-1 pp SRZ= per, J Chla P",, Vol =11, No 4jr !956~ Yp Sm ft 59 Vol 20 so 2 4A the ommoomsm plisawatzo fm Laymyr; an Read= Kota% Nf Plorre Le 00%. 29 pp. per& JOWMIA 4A A* fAYSIGUM, of" T-fl !~~ - EIS im live Thill I A;~,%radgs 4x-A ~)~- by T to Leo lZbotostramns". ~4 4CA WA, IM; Isoil ca the 001odWWU Steppe.. by V. X. Lgw -Z~Awj' U pp. FMIAN, per, No I'S IW., pp 13-26 PMO sai /s0/" -)'214 ion 61 A c qndi-ed anl-~, G.-- :,sF-ad 'i"olci-anco L,- lvx,:~-phdne, pp, RUSSIAN, per,, Farmakvl I Tokeil-iol 1959, pp S C.-I The Amlptla Effoot of 3-Pwwltrobwnoylmorphim, by B. I. T'480stev, 4 pp. RUSSUN., yarmaka i T,**Lkol.. vol xxi,, No 6, 1958.f pp ;T. CB Sai-*od Oct 59 9 9, S-~-/ mf-cmc.,UCN,.z On TM imap . wAiwlm OF mlo TEMMIR CP-rRA?Mf ~ By V. Tollstoyp L Ycotakia 10 ipp. RM- "*UK,. p "., Voye=Vy Veotzdk,, ft 3., IS63. ACSI I-1614-A ID 22COA21 If -1119, , natbeeit-i. end -Polym~:rizatim of Sy i Oxacyclobutane,, by I-i~ L--gotak-L., ti. !,hrkovich, 1~ Penchek, 4 pp TOSUAN P, 3; 10 ., per, ~~hur rik KhIm, Vol TUMV PP Sal oc~ 912 Feb 05 2 ,-0 4a of Amjo~ of us- ww Tr&as- -7 / ,, 19100"Sa.0 by Qw"b ~ f4mi*skv"ss, no lowma #4140 Od , Fran" NO 2, ! PON* - sec9t & - p 69to-3990 UA-ch" may 6* 42b0227 Solid Pot.~ssium Somps frm Neutral fate,. b7 I Legradi., T P. Beifen-Me-ftbte-Wacbses. 1922., V,01 X=p No 291. pp 507-5m. SLA 59-W1,89 sat Apirloo voi in, zo 2 ..., . 11 -.1 -1 N choraccelstics of BOMB ISWift Fl BE 2, , em* by I de Mevoqpte~6 E. japmok 9 pp. ~F RU4 rpto Branmlv~ Od 1962. 9225296 Sd-NLwl Sci Dec'64 270.080 pvoti~ssil of Data from a -niplication to the stu4by cui p. tl'A, CRA 328S :3ci -Pliy* Jklb. L-9 4 14 BONO& " vo sommodn of "am In the S y &am goo tw wow is onaL as :*Mp- 7i .0 av v 6 1 16 a LTO im., : , - 24 0 am if Y4211YA ;~~ ,b- Sol-M _V5lT69 am 69 I QGw.UiAtJLVe %U=lmtlM of Oberold Lactones, b7 J-.Vl-_ZAWvMdp J. R. ftwpalWo at al. IRMM# Mi. ftU %C Ma Riol;, Val XMs no U j, 19666 PP M-lW7- JO 4-3-63 Od - Mom ftl 63 '041 Z 3 ~ Qmmtitatl-VW)D**eXmImtUft of 81*roid Lactones.. by J.. Cl. J. R. PasquaLtul., et al. Amms. porv Imll Soo mdm noll, vca xm.. so lis 1962, PIP 997-1m. NIB 11--3-63 Sol M. amm Jul 63 all, J. EQUATIONS OF MOTION OF A DUST PARTICLE ENTRAINED BY A GAS STREAM: APPLICATION TO INJECTOR NOZZLES IN CEWENT KILNS. [1961J 15p. Order from SLA $1.60 6 1. - 18848 Trans. of Revjue des) Matleriaux del Constriuction et de Travaux Publics. Edition Cl (Frence) 1960, no. 542. p. 309-315. DESCRIPMRS: *Gas flow, *Particle*, Motion. Coal. Olniectors, Nozzles, *Cement kilns. Differential equations, Construction materials Industry. The equations for the movement of a dust grain are derived from an analysis of the forces acting on it. T'hese equations are applied to the grains of pulver- ized coal charged Into cement kilns through two en- (Materials. Tr. Y. 7. no. 3) (over) 61-18848 1. LeGrand. 1. H. 71fle: Application 161 om" of T*C6.ie.1 I.-A". New Hinftg Rquipwnt and Erforts to Laprave the Qur-l'ty of VA Product, by 1. tegrand., U pp- ARUPLANIAp per,, Povista Minelm,, Vol. XII; No 5; ma$ 1961., pp 2ol-2c4. SPIPHS 12333 Mar-RumaW.a r, con BinzZal-Me City plannins.~ ~:I, M, 14 .FMMCEp per., Indu tries et Trav-mr,: COOut.-mmer, No I (CmU No H'W%279~142i Tr)- .L96op YP !?7-35- WE - France Boon nov 6o mo; 16. 1660 Now* INS A as R. Legrand kngliih Title Unknown, by 1(yes Lo Grand. FRENIC", pit, Revue d'Optique Theoriqu* at VoFl6(8Y,--T9-3?- 241-266. WN-A-9A TT .344 pp May 6S0 IT-be Sooond. ApproodmUm for a Mender Ifing in Subsonic Plow# I)y a& IASMBJ The ppe FREM:4.. La Recherche aeranauti(pte, No 42., Nov-De-c 1954p pp 17-M. srA Tr 149i/56 Sci Aero, Physics .2 Nbr T Problem i~~, ~ to RnwoWw%ap by 9- LeGrive3j, 40 ppo WM am't pfdaaw 4u auto-ffiump 801 SPOW SM3 .j6y4V AM p4WV rUbt4W Aviation in IM wd v.%4=h Cvnjwwtw*v, " Le 6rcd 23 pp. UXIASSI by V4 v:eo pmms aAm to I Oct IM. X7 36010 it am-, - mutw jF%ct %0 /Y 0, SonegalAme Rolatims with GwU-*& and Nigeria,, by Charles L*~Qrosp 7 pp- FMJCII.v par, Burope-Framm Outrtmwr,, Vol UJ,, Now- 414-45, Paris, iml-** 64j, pp 10,13p 15-17s, 22v25.o 29-34o 41-"# 45-47s. 51-52- pol JM 27606 J 2720#98 I ,I Tma#wut iof Venereal Yoplatims by Podophyllin,, by 141 Piei,ird, A. Issros, ppo lqwic por ArSh. IWA RpM 8-wh p Vol In, 1947jp CIA/FDD/X-803 Scientific *dicine may 53 f-Ts / off L I I 7,GROS., R. An InveAigation of the Discharge of a Condenser Through:a Thyratron. FRENCTI, Rev. gen. Elect. Vol 57 (5), May 1948, pp 193 - 200. TPA3/TIB T 3778 P 22107 T Improvement of the Corrosion Resistance of bpeci~al Steels with High Mechanical Properties, by G. P. Legry, J. Montuelle. FRENCH, per gmtes Rend. Ser. C, 1967 Vol!,265, Dec' 18, pp. 1410-1413 BISI 6555 Sci/ mat 396,080 140V 69 16? ZD "? -"M 1 I -Jut& 'a obav~ u= musing set tor 7ow- -we--C ice tbI3 Frowsh P.T*T* M. LaGardep F IMIRAM.9 and 0. Pw.-In"p 13 IV- VMCH, per,,IWm Apr 1952.v P 7012. PeaWrichosp Vol lal,, No 7. MA 57--230 Sol Aug 58 I orawde Amsavou'. XKXV. IMAUM Of a-44bm In Orswdc too a Jbw amabotivity Call., rs, L. tobwp at vA ,963,p pp sir'll, SrA Ain- 67 322s,252 Omtr,130"00 to the staft Of Ircin pireepitation 'n -imp by 14 14m Half. I . 1~ ~ I V~rp NO asl Vol 6i,, r642 1067LOU0 PP qM'%V 71-OVP AvatlAble EbR ftly A= T. ~- .1 1. . ", lilg~~ ;:, ~ ", wmpwo *, 006 W. 4: I 4"toft Fwwd Zone of Covmx. by J. /NRL 9 q ~ f sci-:,I,IltA Mar 65 62-16R84 .Jwghiwdtr W. OLTRASONICTmING OF DEEP DRAWING SHEE7S. 1. Title: Maep drawing 119601 183p. 1. Lchfeldt, W. Order from SLA 1. 10 62-16884 Trans. of mono. J(paper) presented at a Colloquiuni on Deep Dra%ing, held in Paris, 23-25 May 601. Another trans. Is available from BISI 4: 3 10s as BISI - 1792 [1960). DESCRIPTORS: *Sheets, Impurities, Nondestructwe testing, *Ultrasonicg, Steel industry. (Machinery- -Maii, ;icturing, 17, v. 8, no. 10) offi-f T-h.k.l S-ic.. Om-Igin *f i3imaleate "llum In Haterothallic BooldicmWoetee, by V. lahteld. "M Oer, &&Wa. voi 64. 192-3. PP 301-51. tc=oo- 78o4) :.. .J_~ t hFC-~ I- C-1 'cl Sep 67 339.993 Resistanw, of Basle Refvocrtory Dricks to Corrosion, by X'205- 1-. by H. latmarm. ,tg. , Vol B13, Tio Ve, MWOM, W. TMU"trle 7, 1-96". pp 153-159. (G--A 139/6'ffl h3j.,~ L "Ici -'Iep 67 34 3, 0 ~,q On U1 VerY 11i6b Degree of Raftaing of Uranlu= by the Z0136 Melting Methodp by P. Albert., 0, Dimit-ror,; J. Le ReAcy and G. Chvidron., 8 ppo -0. .." PFJMM, Per, COWW3 Rechus., Vol CCXLIV, No 8, 18 Tab -1957p pp 956-M. SL, 57-30301 sci Aug 58 7/1// 7f ECHO VIRUS IN THE SPINAL FLUID H., ASEPTIC MENINGITISM BY 0. LAIIE.LLE-, :r, PP. NORVIEG I AN) PER) NORD MED) VOL LV I I , I -~57, 1,10 12, PP 424-425. '-w'I SCI - MED OCT62 21 --' - N,i )Jliq Orl4n of Mauclmtm Weellm In Beterotha2llc DO"40DWOet". b7 W. Le"Ildt. Gli"NS& PW. AMMUSU6. 90 64. 19213. PP 30--:a MiWlb 7N* U, - ~, c /, /- c- , ,~ - Set - Aug 67 336-769 A losomme or MWO&I -61, um AW" uo -0% dilmum aw 3001 .... .. ' - 11111111111we" be, am psgood4 *A~o VOL (40 ib at Herbeft L"I 060379 isat - 00060wr Iiiii 1w. Uramilam-Holybdemm Alloys With 0.5-3 Fercent Molybdenum. General Propertiez, Transformation Kinetics,, by J. I-ebma. FMCR,, per., Revue de Metullurgie,, Vol LVI,. No 5,, 1959.. Yp 457-480. Fulwr Res Inat Stake Pages,, Busks. Sci - Hin/~Ket Sep 60 Tr-64-16390 LAMW16 A. ACME'COMRASr 7RANSPER TMMY. 22P L LAhMmM A- 23rds n SIA $2.60 7T-66-IOK Trw& ot oo=;Am (Frawo IM9, v. 6, am 4 (P. r Whysice-op" Tr. Y. 12. am 3) oorke Antagonisms &tween Resarpine., Tetrabanazine,, Carbi~mte !a Nothylpentya'al and Their Associa- tion ~I_ith IMulaside StuUed With the Teat of the Audiogenic Crisis uf the Xcuse.. by Alice Lebmfttm,, *xie-Claire Bannel,, 5 pp. FMWCM, rpt. RIB 11-7 Sci - Chem, Had 9 Doc 58 romosing SMumces of 110-Colllsims in Face- centwed Cubic Gristals at SmWI. Amq3as,, by C. loq~ G. Leibfriedp 23 pp. MM, per.. Z-PWidk.. Vol CLY33., 1961s pp 2D3-el4. 909-3w U. M Manic Bmww Authority AM., Ruv&U Tr-855 ,Rm Ce 9 71 Lift 69 Scribim on a Precoated Due., by z. ievmrin. GMMPI per$ Vem"ounptocbnik,, 1957.. pp 49-5t- ftl - GeopWo Esur - 0e , Geog mv 58 AM Lib Tr Unit 6 ZZ ~-5-7 (FW~ 26776) ?he prdsam or Ind4eat4n 9 settlawnts am TOPOSMphft Me" 14*mmm,, 31 pp. w plro Tachnilk Ow"Sp VOIZOOSOU331P 'p Vol lill NO 50 pp 81A. CIA/FM/U-7M 3m~ Goo - Topognipby DD M i 6 'T*'e FIN%lem Of Futum vU~r..y by Ernat GuMMATI, wo per, Vormasaungs vo-I I No 6, 1`5erlinip Oct .1953, YP 5~3 CTA/~-PP/u _2 PIrlwiplue and Tasks of Inteniational Noice Gwntrol, by G. Lubinam. MIYAN, 1mr., W" bldeasurce agAimat libisse, Pppc ~, -2d ~ '- + i;-;?;,-, -~/ Sci - Alle, 6-( .-;36.,'(3.2 61-18422 Lehmann, 0 ~ [ed) KXLJOGRAPHY OF WORK NY THE MAX-PLANCK 1. Lehmann, G. INS-nTUM FOR WORK PHYSIOLOGY IN DORTMUND, 11. Max-Planck lnstitut. !JUNE 56. 26 Mar 57 [20]p. 222 refs. Dortmund Order from SLA S 1. 10 61-18422 DESCRIPTORS; *Human engineering. Bibliography. 'Germany. Physiology,'Industrial medicine, Industrial psychology, Nutrition, Artificial limbs. offi.0 ofrchl..l swric.. Sciences --Physiology, TT, v. 6. no. 5) tlysioloolcal Refloctions In acne Rofa Cocceptions, I ~y 0. Lohmism. MAN, per, WWA lbcbr, Vol Vnl,, 11go 4, Doc 1955, ~ ioi-Io6. SIA ABLIB GB39 EICL Jul 58 6 O~r 6 49 Pt Vnj, Optically Active ftleyhospbates, by G. ffusetae6 0.- UAIN mmg 10 P. GXMIP Pori J ?lift Chmp 19591 Ser 4. Vol VI-LI3 pp 224-234. ATB-95L32G Pab 60 Vol. 2 # No 12 ContAbAicM to the Chemistry of Thipphospbstes. pt 7j, AlIWI&ting later Cja&v*;ex of Some DIAIWI Ar Maryl ThILq*cq*&teap b7 ...-Lommamp 16 P. por Jour Pmkt Cheup 1!69, Ser 4, vol -rLI:L, pp WT-223- ATS-*r7L3K Sai F,W6 60 Val Ox No:12 -rijo. 'L%,rusfk)cr of caiorier, lieeded in Doing Industrial works' by G. Le* E. Aiel].er.. "". Spitzer, L. PI). !a~!~ Gj~-ma per, Arbeitaphysiologie, Vol XIV, Nlo 2, 1 ~)~ -0-1950, PP 166- 235. SIA Tr 2492 Sci - Medic:6-10 e~'Y 'f;41 7, Nov 57 C~ "'bUWM to the Cbmlstry of Thio- ,Phom~'ba!46- TMp OVUOSUy JWtive ftlo- Pb6soMto bW Fortial A#ymmWU4c Synthesiss bpr OunUt UlWbftp .08269x4 lAbwm., 7 GMUW,, Or. Jour for ftaftimbe Choolo j, 1$3 Tax iza so IL/2# io 3-6. STA ib-10443 sal AVO 40 Vol ~n s go 3 Prol-wrties of Meters In Relation to Their aeologloal Origin and Tbercal Treatment, by GMUM, per, Tonindustrie-Zoil'A'.tung und awmvimche ibwA ebauj, voi Txxx, ND 15/16, 1956., Vp 253-269. esno 367o act - aw 4) 910 Aw 62 1 Lehmann, and ~'Ingh, U. S. 61-14466 EFFECT OP SURFACE TENSION OF MELTING 1. Refractory materials-- SILICATES 01141 THE ATTACK OF REFRACTORY Properties MATERIALS (Der bnfluss der Oberfl9chenspannung 2. Silicates --Melting Schmelzender Wfks~e auf den Angriff Feuerfester 3. Silicates --Surface tension Boustaffe). [1961] f361p. (foreign text included) 6 reft. ILehmann, H. Order from SLA ml$3.00, ph$6.30 61-14466 H Singh, U. S. Trans. of Deutsche Keramische Gesellschaft. Berldite (West Germany) 1957, v. 34, no. 11. p. 353-362. Offic* of Tedmical S"vices (Materials --Refractories. TT, v. 5. no. 12) Furtbar Developmat of tJ* Frcet dilatometei, I i~ Me Dttei~mlutng rrast Rests"ceep by H. Igh=nat- IY. FeMmnn. UNCL GRULIOAM, per, Ziegelindustries Vol X. No !j.,. 1957, pp ~365-369. Nov 59 The Use of the Dilatometer and of Differential Thenpp~ -AW7946 *a CrltcrUk ftw Oodmation H. Gaty Processes,p by R. 'Laboann Aes 5 pp. CM",, per* Imloftstric Zoltmg =d Kerm"che I Val LMs 19569 pp 7-9. CTA 9W3328 A.C.S,,I.L. Tr No 933 a7d sci - Chad stry 44-11 ftr 1957 m/am Dt-terialmtion. Of the rrost ftmlatG.-~4c O'P' Clay Prodiio-~s by Dilatomtric by -9. lobi~A~- ML 1.*r, ftegalindustriej Vol V.TI-IA ro 15A P; 50-574. W3Mi365WCT sc 3. - B101 ?Icw 59 'Earthenvare sold Stommere BodIm Contplul GMMq y~%r3 Ber Deut Wer-m Oft, Vol )MI 502, 1939- MLD4mFI Jul 59 c 49 !'DC-496-v! New W r-ance Requirematts for East Oyermn it Inatitutes of Higher Edueation, 196o-ig6i, by GEMN, per,, Pbp1balisabe Blw!tter, Vol XV7, No q.. 1960,- PP 493., 494. im 65-p! Z3w, - Geramqy --7 jau 63. Crusbability Tester., by H. Le!mann,,_._U. Haese. ~ MMW., yer, lbuindustrie ZeJ,tA3ng, Vol" TUTX, No 7/8, 1958., PP Fa-94- CSIRO 3B 105 sci i &W .Apr P- The lffeet Of ttLe Ilmestco: Qmln Size on the Arorauzation o9 Sinters at Temperatures between 85o and 1540 C., by Il- Tehymnn. GSM".. per, Tocindustrie Zel und roamcfte chau Vol. PP. 537- 7. Kc 70-17059-11B June 1971 v the LIM"tome Grou Size m the at llexpomtums p W R. Lebwm- ImSeMkIt ZOMM Ynd Kersaiwlw VOIL W, go 23/4o 1964.. PP47-53T 7364 67 334.,201 P-68164 Principlos and Concepts of Geoll"rai'llic t i-a Last Om3lwly, by ijeIr I Mit! ~aial 4ut Inforaatione,-, Vol Xlllr No 1:;, Ail OS.. ,)Pi-,;4l'1* Ai;4L-q.t GerwallY Gcographic Fob 64 PlY Exparlennes of SchiepziG vnS Wit)a Repair cT Mar ve a term.. by H, Lehzsrir,, 13 pp" Cz&'WW,, *fprp Deutoche Agmrtpchnik, Yol X, No 9~, ig6o,, pp lbce.W4, EPUB, T7512 aux - Galmany 3Com Teb cm Ilbe Igilling Bobevimt of Sme ftelso by ...... ... .. 4hu=#- GMVMN, suer imtBap Vol n,, No 6j, 1952p Vp 164-A'.' D.S.IA./23,Ch2/CT Scientif 1e Fwus dox only /0? V :jar NY -49391 Socialist Teawoft wA Plant Organization, by ff. R, Lebmnup 9 perj, Fekigungatoobaik -and Betrieb, Vol Xj no 8,, 3.9660 pp 441-444. JPM 7596) BRur - Germany Ecan j- a I 9 :d 1 6 199 1 .:Ili ). 1 %, I I 6 1 I I A . 4 Ili 11 a I H ! I I I lilf~l I' a a I I I I 1.1 ~11 11 1 )if , . 0% 9 'I -j I 62-16471 LehmAnn, Hahs. I)qrLVE`NCE'Q F ADHESION TENSION OF MOLTEN 1. Title: Vanal , GLASS fAGAINST REFRACTORY MATERIALS hT 1. L_ehmann, H. USE OF VANAL (BeeinfIUSBung der AdhAstonselan- nung von Gesclimolzenern Glas Men Feuerfestes Material Durch Vanal). 119621151p. (forelp text in- cluded) 2 refs.. Order from SLA $1, 10 62-1(471 Trans. of Tonindustrie-Zeltung (West Germany) 1955, V. 79, no. 1/2, p. 2-3. DESCRIPTOR S: *Adhesion, Adhesives, *Surface tension, 0GIasB, *Refractory coatings, Oxides. *Vanadium compounds. -12 3 1 z -w (Niate rials--Ceramica, TT. v. 8, no. 8) Offi- .4 T-h~i-f S-1 i 2be!,Um=n Meat In the Abscwpti= Liam of Rubyp by Ha= Lebosono 28 W. GROMN,,,pws Anulan der Pbpilko Val XlXt Sftlee 5s ig* 1, pr 99-111. gengig Ruwauel Cou Res Long eta ll-T-4"34~ sa - pb" ftV ~63 -C -, 1958, 2-5, -641, i Lood Poikjocnlng In the Comalo Industry, I-np by New Lebiwm)AkrUJAwrl*ft Sebaze,, Artbor GROPM., porp DwAodke YA=mdscbe Gaae.Usohaft No 2p 0 38-% - MA 60-10M A*~ 60 Vol m p No 3.p 61-10794 Lehmon, Hlans) and Mnizig, G[Unterl- compREssivE srRENGTH OF CONCRETE, AT 1. Con"ete-Temalle HIGH TEMPERAWRES. Abridgedrept. 119611131p. 1. operties 15 refs. 1. 1 ehmmm, H. Order from SLA rtti$l. BO, ph$I - 80 61-1U794 H. KUMg. G. Trans. of Tonindustrie-Zeltung (West Germany) 1960, v. 84. no. 17 [p. 414-4171. 04R- -# T S. (Materials, TT, v. 5. no. 9) tirindability Mchine. ApparatuB for tli,,-~ of tlie Grimdiug CbaracteriSticB of Solidts2 by HanA Wmann., Ulrich Reese, 10 pp. Ca"aKPAI.p per,, Tonindustrie-Zeltunp, Vol /MVIY,~ ILT-x-'3- 1955,P pp 91-77 S.I,.A. Tr No -J6(j11q5r, Bel - drigineerlng Jifin 1,057' CTS/dex ,& LIM ~Vdifjcsition -~Jlth tbe ~~,nroature (if the i;2, (a) Cristdbolite.. by ilar-s-.Albext tohwm,. Datlef Tiese., 5 P-P. GFXMNI par), mlmdAeba 7ecbnik, Vol n., 26D. 9069004 A190 Tr-5386 R-351/64 On the Problem of Ecouumic Regional lllannia,, in Cm-munist Cowitries, by iielwut Lehwann, 2u pp. GE1.01AN, par, Informationea, Vol XIV, Au 110 LAO. pp 353-377. Ji'FS/14Y-9409/51)ECIAL LEur - t;01WLJIY Econ Nov 64 and White-Heart l&t1leablo Cast Iron - T a Different Mata-rials?, b,. He-lmut Lehmumi. (AN, par , 'Gle c e~!rei technik, Val V1 TO :t , i,~6o. CSIRO Sci -, Min/?.L,-t V 1. _. 6.:~ . c4w,