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. ,. :, t~ Li7 5 and. Out-a-me af Padiation Sickness., by P. G. Therelb-cht~!n'-1; I. G. Kxusyltdi, 11. P. S. I?. Yarmoneako, 4 p-p RUSSIAN, per, DA Ak Mak SSSR, Vol CY-XIX, Ho 0. pp 14:27 - Amr 1not of Blol- ~;c jul. 60 Against Early Ra3i!ltiC71, Done Marrow, by 1. K. Krasnykh, N. Y~irm3nenlko, 8 pp. t;l jf~ C: -7 A?' i tc t -f-, krz-- 61gni-ficance of time fector in .L bone Jrarrow- of local asplwxf.0 C), Lebkov'a~ 0 PP, o V Cd per., Padiob- iogiYa, pp 304-30'7~ 92-0~271 5 Ci '3 'iur0 Daval"at of the JbM In the la~Wfty in Cowntlou With Cortain ftculiarlti" of It* Roologyp by P. P. lobb6p4at 41 Am Ita"UN, Dok Ak Xmik SMS, Vol CXVMv So 4p 19%0: pp &w5!. Awr ImIt Of sua Sol Bel q, M" Cf Gyrpw"e ty T, -;rip -jr~- 1-957 1053-"69- Pak!? Inot, o 1' L, Mo: 60 Eroaion Rt-z,iztamc* of Bard Allolyu uat~d Zur saa Li rz Surfaciea Oe S-tean &rd Mater Pittinga, lij~r F. -1:11--inwip K. litbl. OWL RMSM'j~ poro .91ek Stantj, No 4. 1957, pp DS3R LW (loan) 1,4.480 Hin/wt; ?wu SOP 59 An Example of the DetfjrTln~)tinn r-0 Principal Aerodynamic Coef-Picicnt, Flight Trialo: kr G. .U,, rot, Agard., No PAP, BT~ Jail 60 le FLUORMEW TUBE LIGKrM 1196216p. (fil* omitted). Order from SLA $1. 10 62-20291 Trans. of Natur*. Parts (Prance) 1954 tv. 731 on, 3)91. p. 37-40. 1 DESCRIPTORS: lUghtingeqLzipment, $17luoresconon, Filaments, Optical filters, Colors, Mectrtm tubes, Incandescent lamps. lons, Metals, Saltia. (Engineering- -Mectrical. TT. v. 9, rxx 12) 62-20291 1. Leblanc. M. f I ("S.; son Is lonow i Rrt#ft by b~ , or JL I& 3-~M, =A,&. omrg~j, go pl. MWLASSVM Nor, arlobts mn*Wh am oft"nschp Vol IV, -pp. XWMM.- Nw-Y Tr 631 AM 393 Am 52 CTS Scientirle - Choodstry DU C11- Bar Lines with Periodic Structure, by A. Le- blond and -7,, Molirier, 47 pp. "k FREMH, per,.6p&dioelectricite, VC1 lX, No 39, c%-- t 1"' 5pp 3 11 - 3 2 8. SLA 5'(-.--')32" Sci Aug 58 7-2 A Study of "Bar Lines" with Perlodic Structure for U. H. 0. Electron Tubes, by A. Leblond and G. Mouxier, 34 pp. FREM H;, per, Ann Radioelectricit#-; Vol TX. Nyi, 36, Apr 1.954, -pp iFo-192. SLA 57-3324 Sci -n (. --,- 1'7,:~2/g 11 z Aug 58 Tr-64-10314 Leblood. C. P. AW SCVIL Q AMON OF 7X))aM ON 7M IMNM OF 7ME -i L LeWond. C. P. AXWL WrMOUr "UREMALS (Acdw des -- U. StpL Q Tccdques our le 7t)nnuo de I'Aulmal mm Swrrewle). 11%31 j5p] 4rds Or~cr from SLA $1. 10 Tr-64-10314 Trans. of Sociew de 8Wq& let de am FLUalm). Colnpt- Rendas Idea Sean-&) (Faum) 19M (v. I WI p. 838-150). DMCRWMR& Tadw and andmodus. wMyms Adrwal S)--, W010giCRI FrC&KMM. ON0209UMI Scleums-Tomicalca. 7T. Y. 11. am 9) onk. Cement Sand MDulding, by J. IA Borgne, M. Jaumain. -- FMCK, per., Ponderie, Vol CUM, Jun 1961, pp 209-219. DJWj 2810 sci - Chem as a 6 3 "a I 1~ - . iii't. 1.E2 Ito *~Ap*adoas in tw t mb Boom 909 10* At% 1 -71 3 N'b-26 nano" ipi t7 oiqh~Twxmlat sm*w Le sormwl~- Val Linuff *"LOOM# Ml-li't-&wtmw 117 A Zew Mathod Gmstant 11i 30 Feim Js I*,F 9.0 of goasuriq& tho Complax Dielectric Cont1mater Wam, b2r Joan Labot AUU&Us do Pbysiqual.7&~0 ",956, Fra=n; Acsx. u-6662 Sol PIWO Misr 60 A Now Method of Meamuring the Complex Dielectria Constant in Centimeter Waves. Appl,,ication to the Study of the Phenomennon of the Adsorption of Waters by I. LaBot. FRENCRv pers AGA&ISs fie Ph3raigue., Vol 1. 19569 pp 463-492. OTC 72-10159-20C Apr 72 A Nw Method for Measuring the Complex Dielectric: constant of Solid and Liquid Substances in CentImter Waves, by J. le Bot., S. le Montagner. FRMF~Mp per.. Comptes Rendus Amd Sci Paris, Vol CCX)D;VI) No 5/6j/ PP IM-wr3) 593j, 594. 1953 TPA3/Tn T 4358 Sci Pbysics M 75/Dec 55 Condit.ions of Fixatim of M&Loactive Sulfur an the Surface of Irm Swplen and the Consequences for SUwAy of ~the Cor-posion of Peneous Allom, by B. 1e Bmcherv C. Liba=tJLv P. IAmombes FROM,, SWqpos i= an Aqueous (Xrros im of Reactor Hatmrials,, 14-17 Oct 1959, pp h6, 47- AW 'MD 7587 Sci - min/)bt '35% wy 61 63 - 18664 Leboucq, M. DL'IT--CIION AND DLTERNIINAIION OF CYANIATES 1. letx)wq, M. (APPLICA-110N '11) POTASSIUM CYANATE). [1961-,) 9p 6ref,,; Order from SM $1. 10 63-186t4 ,rrans. of J[ournal det Marmlacic et Lie] Chimlic) (F rancc) t927 f.,er. 81 v. 5, p. 531- 539. DESCRIPIDRS: 4Cyanates, *Potassium comix)undE, nsocyanates, Ammonia, Bromides, Chemical analysis, Quanti m rive analysis. For abstract ce Clwmical Abstract 21:3174, 1927 (Chemistry-Analylical, 17, v. 10. no. 11) Dffk:* 01 Techokli senict, UM Of MMMU MOI&Mne Filters for the is cif Atmospheric Dustp by J. Charbounier, A*lp ANrp Rev Industr Kin, Val XXXV,, No 63.0 VP 721-727. VAn of Fuel & Power Tr 3785.. OT/11% SclentUic - Playuics CTS 7OMa 55 " 4"z- Vol Af fa A A nUAmg Aw NualUary *Wft*"# 1w I" ubows at AL. TdL 37,p 2961L* Pr~paretloio msd ftnterUW cd' Uranim Valer Loltd,g by J. DUbUinson., A. Boqr"ti E. IA Boulbin. R. lmcmep C. Nw-mvi.Ue. 15 pp~ rawx, per, Rev Met, Vol LVI,, 1959, pp 55-60. A= Bf-Tr-6 out 59 Um Of IMP62 Of ftsoLue r*cm Lvabio OU P2 0 1w smou JA hmdbiLko S~E Me"u-m-Wat oC the UsIn! gui Ilordmation IrMICH., Ilpt., Manure Deta Au lbyen d1une Activity of Deta-Emitti% Grzc~, aWwmber I)y P._~eb"ux. de 1'Activite deo Gaz-Mi~ttewl.-ra Chwbm 00lonizatioa. AEC -'Viadneale Tr C, r) - I Sci I'V c 6 1; Verjola In Frmum In 1953; EpIdesioloa and Propby- 1=19s, by B. La Bourdel2cep ert alp 2:7 pp. per Presue Mad, Val TNT PROPM.7 v No 62, 1955p Vp NM i3clentMe - Madicim aw 56 ms The 28 Ylegavolt aectroa Accelerator Pro,4,ec-c ol the Saclay Center of Nuclear Studies; by H. Leboutet, E - Picaxdj - I)- F per, Onde '-Oec; ",,c"- P? 28-355. ABC Tr -417'5 Sai - riac Phva lo 140-r, 60 List 45 A Theory on the Lindar SIOC:tron Accelarrator,, by H. JAboutat, 30 pp. 1 *, - - .-- * - FRMII., par,, An=2x& do Radiocleatr., Vol X-TI-.t - 1958a ire 107-129- AEC-Tr-3704 SaL - Phy JLa 59 ~ C/ I ~) - Kwo Ion the Introduction of ftgUsh Words into i tha Payebologleal Vecabularyj, 'by L. Lebmitat; 1.1 p FAMIlt Wx ftfance, 1955P Val Vlll~, 50-51 pp 50-514j. SLP. 59-20154 Sci far 60 Val 2 p No 11 (FDD 25787) The I*thylation of Uracil In Pissue Homou-enates., by S. S,q_Labov~ 7 PP- RUSSIO,, thrice-mo per., Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, JUMD= "AM= Vol XCIX$ 110 4., Ro-sco-4. 1954, pp 589-592. CIA/nD/U-7386 usm Sci - Uology,, a biochemialUX5, CTIS 73 Oct 55 ProtectUn of Rubbear by DawtiVatcw Wfects by 0. als:ws J- -L~Bnws, 18 VP- Ptal tr QWMAW i~mutstake Mautwbuk - -4Uclaftlo Oct 19548 18 pp. 677' AM F-W-ftwv 44~ ) 37 Extiln, h-I Power of PmAered Substances. Flaw &is Extin A=wt of Rig4ovion by Dctormtlng I-V.x s(f*i and Pbvder)s by Clow2ag Dafraisse.4 n Je a Btl,ib~ muml Ommmn. per,# /23d MMM- Vol CIPIZZE"Is 1953s PP I&- 1-1. 6 , Nmm EL-otle ]go 2ch Be ientif lc - (JU, V7 F-9 Action viedlunism Of vueetable Toxalbmi;lbs, Purtieularily kicill,, by L. Le fire-tou. RENO!. per., JAM Suc Chim Biol, Vol a"l. 1. 19499 pp 94-97. Aug 61) 588.772 I'le of Arch dez; S,~Ie-,ncoa 3 -2`5 4~let by amposw cc; LAI* 6. Prelim Report an the Toxicity of an Organophosphorus Ins@ Diptorj6 to Hmw Beings. by A. Zabrun. ""t FMC11" per, W.K.O.Wal. No 22, 196o, pp 82-579 NMI$/]Ref No 752 1-i L Sol - Aug 67 335.D67 Massuremni of Circulation Hato by the Fluorescein TeBt' in tb~ Course of 2 nvA=ntea 0 Intmications I by IP.. ~,Goq~~t, A. DelaunWp T. Isebr=o Y. lahoult, 4 pp. PTdM,, per, Ccopten BendMj S - Biol, No 141., 1947j, pp,272-273. MH Scientific - Biolpay CTS/DEX amwalsk*o bw A. X MWIM6 18 1*. - "Orm rX r- A /9 The ~ T- ska of W*-4bUqp Zomba! --gmamv by *imstima Ldwp T pp. om~~ Us CMLY CZ= %I - Ski, Vol xvns ., per2 1u . . no 8, 1962# 99 9LT4ng. =a CzedbooloveMa Rem fti m 4.;0 xcw 62 of SodiM PhOOVIAWt 111=7 )k baboLtm I M:L,o a. TA amp 9 tau m the ~0"=]"teroljp by pp. MaWO P".. ULUM-M a4, va CIO D" 19". S.ER.A. Tr go 57-81 Sol - BloebadvU7 3161 Apr 57 Action of Sodium PherWlet4ylacetate an the Hepatobiliery Metebolima of Cholesterolp by Go Xi~i=lv So Lebrms 9 PP* TULUX# pers Knerva Yledlea., In Vol Cl., So 1, 19 Dee 1955p p 8". MM Tr No 2-3 Bei - Chad atz y Om :L957 =/&ex Apr (HoI12=ads) of BeUium in the Ifttional by J. Herinckz-Pirlot, J. P,, lelbxirtc~a., C-- 1.10- M~op 33 PP- F . I La Place do la Eioclete Natiojara le des COba COS do fer Bealges duns I'3con=:Le RatioTmlo, Brunselo. ACSI, E-4679 MP,ur - Belgium 59 DETECTION DFX LATENT VIRUS PARTICLES h'. CHICKEN EMBRYO BY 14EA14S OF TISSUE CULTUREL BY KUVJW, H. L!!yREj....KXXMKMKMlK L. BENEDEITI, '0 PP. FRENCH, PER, BULL DU CANCER, VCL XLV, iio 4, 1~!5E PP 434 -444. 141 H 7-30-'v SCI - MED OCT 62 3, Tr-63-20519 Lert, Wurice. THE VAPOR PRESSJRE OF LIQUID MMURES: 1. Lecat. M. AZuamopssK rr. I (nMORETICAL DIXXJSSION)~ 11. 7UIe: Azoocropism 119631 [IIQPI refs j Order from i &A $9. 10 TT-63-20511? Partial trans. of unklentMed Fruich lavgtoge n. p., n. d. DESCRWrXMS-. Nfivures, OLIquids. *Vapor pressure- DistilWkm, Bollir*, Temperature, 7boory. Azeotropes TT. v. 11, no. 4) offIce of T~ftn�"l S."Ic" jocce, B. and ~Truno. NJ. FeKTClTXCVAHIA-rI0NS CT 1HE MEAN BARIC FIELD AT !01MR ON Till. HEMISPWRIC SCALE AND TIMM 1;!;i; iri Fx-ri-.NvsD RANCE FORE- CASTING, tr. by Angela F. Spem. Aug 51, 1 Ip. (5 nila. 2 tables ~ rvnltted) Order from M:ot SLA 111, - 60 59-12M Trane. of Geofloics e Meteorologta (Italy) 1959, V. 6. n0@. 1/2, p. 3-6. DESCRIPTORS: OWeather forecAsting, *Barometric preavure, *Pcrl"c varlation~, Mathernallcal prediction. Upp.-r stmoopherre, Metsurotoillicall dots. Precirdtation, i~stlstjcal ansklyste. i (Earth 5denceat -MsfourolM, TT. Y. 8. no. 2) SU - I Tf -1) U. Trano. D. III. Weather Bureau, WaaWnStan, D. C. 5-14-62 oos- 84 7 S-4- ITALIAN COMIUNIST PARTY PREPARES FOR TENTH CONGRESS, BY KICIO LECCHINIq 8 PP. ITALIAN2 NPI LIUNITAI 27 NOV 1962, P 11. JPRS 16621 WEUR so I TALY POL , DEc 627 218,377 Effec'E. of a Third Constituent oa the Mutual Solubility of Pliewl and Wwter, by P. Rs,,7enmaler, A._Lgg&rf, J. (". Doiviueau, 10 op. FRENCH.. bk, Bull Soc Chim, 1.959Y ioP 97-102; AT,5-63M38F / Ag , 2 F 'b 06 2 litior the -d ;501&9t AM "Ter jr='s. %W 10, 'IMR14., "InlatiMm dw n~ Or ~'WCOF-St, AM:~ at lr;4-a:co (DC-3901' Program of Conflict -- Modal of Conflict, by Y. irf . ~25 PP. PRERM,, per, GRIM (Group for Fasearch on Auto- matic Scientific No 4, of MATCH, Aug 1960V 26 ]WO ZaW 10367' Bel - Him Nwhlne Translation /73, (,.2- 63L (DC-3wl.) Description of an Algorlsa for Informtim An&Xyais.r by Y. I-mor; o A- larOY, 13 PP. FRO=, rpt, GRM (Group for ftsearch an Autam =uc Scientific InfanwLtIon), So 6, of ZEMATCM, so 1.960, 14 pp. JIM 10367 sei - Rise MwAdm TrwmLUtion 7 13 MIX Prizi-atul-eo; by 'I~aiex% Lecls i.~ per, ReAdel N!~-, 10. ply 11-39, 440. t*~ 6o I Dev~l~'- t of the Pim Casting Prmess in Pol=d,, by UWaUA Luenlak-Lech., 5 n,. GERMAN. P Gie"areltoobafto go 9. 19621 262*-2C. AM 1-249T ZD 2232442 529M NX Do Bel - x/m., aw ja 63 Davelo'POt of tam Flue C&Btlng Process in Raand,, by Luftila U=xt*-U,%lk WRMANP Wwj 01090arOlteabnIkv No 9,, 1962, 062 pp -264. ACM 'I-A97 ID 22.PW 519th xx Do fkd Jul 63 Pect-Incise Inhibitor in Red ("Izrra:at Leave-, 1, W.~ Lec%p I. Reifc!.-., lxtlmltl)~ per., Acta :dochi,-r-.-cE. xj o72S 63.-11406 m-b-11,C) sc~ 1 ~ ~aj r of 1.7 pp. per*, Ymduatireo et -4Qc, , 489 Telocamaunicat,iom in the Waagas".1, Repubiac, b',v 1-9cliat,, 17 PP, F"i'019.1 per, Indust.rjea et Tm-vu,,zx UEIASIIA llr--U-34 Bel 'Ploc"I"wonics Apr .y j-3 .i,1!; .- I Ii !. ;;; il ii I.i: I ;m ii i;~ .- I . I i I F, ~-o i. :. t i . I 1 : : i Ii , ; 1 ll~ imodu fr= U Pivmmt until 1M., by javiuas Tzcnat.. :P vp I GcKrzmmw Uss ONLY roms., per, stat4f op M). ;)j J AJO P-I&' sapt, JPFS (100 2233 M11 '.~Cv UtUimtiob of the Return of Corimal Amatheals, for I Ditferantiating;Related Products. Epinephrloe wA go aspiuawine., by H. Charonnatp P. Lachato 3 PP - PFAUL16 per., Camptes Readus Boe.miol. I Vol CXLVIIIj ?*b 1954., pp M.-2p. 3 J1, J/A 7 S.L.A. 20 185/1956 Scieutiric - Nodlelne / b 14, qo~4wA Lmtov4 R* Le 1~Wa- A Upid ikes 8- -Ammetric Xlcwo Metbod for Isotopic Anal*sis of Oggen In Wetmis %!y A. 1. BodWqp S. G. DmldeWm; L. L. Strlxh",, V. R. lechekhleb.. 6 pp. ft1l translation. 150 VSKI RUBSJAXg Mao Vw,, Zhw Anal Rhin, Vol X, no 4, IMP PP 2%-261. CTA C 41M3 Oonvultants Bureau sawtific - ammi" 3 o?-, 7 X" 56 Cn/du Pick's Diseme: Tarxdml lateral Amyotr*phic Sclerosis, by P. Lecbm" .9 A. Bqp,, R. Lcmy. UNCLAW33? I . perj, Bull fte Das ft 6m Pwds,, Vol LU, 19 Nov ]a%., pp 1090-1094. ftvY ZMAWS 551 Sci - YkAICIM Now 61 1/~7 fT3 ;I Lecher, )Dseph PiWfg-AND A"PPARA7US FOR WE FRACnOM- ZA-nON OF PARTICLES OF MATM. 11%31 [81p. Order from M 'or SLA $1. LO 63-14"1 Tram. of French patent 1. 146.808. intcrnat'l cl. 0 01 ) - 0 10 k. appl. dated 14 Feb 56, paL granted 27 May 57. pub. 15 Nov 57 (nar. appl. depDal "- In Grant Britain 14 Feb DEXRYFIWS: *Utrasoulc radiation, Ohlaterial separation, Solids. NiacIdnes, Fluids, Des4pu The invention concerns a process for reducing the dbnmi" of particles of a solid nwacrial; In dds process die solid rfiaterial is subjoctod to an Intense smic energy in a fvictionating ninchbie in which. while bein3 carried along by a fluid. it In Introduced Into a nrst streaia v4dch It Bowe In definitely vertical QA-hinery-ManuNcturing. 7T, v. 10. a& 5) (arer) 63-14981 1. Lecher. L U. Pa (France) 1 146 WS .24279 7 MMN d Tedn" ON Ri'fe -- t - c f Nu t r i ", i o n a 1 C c r--' J t . I o ns w -~ -Q,,: ra c e storlicturs of ActinonWeete Spores; by 14cbmralier, A.S~ IMIchonar-ko. 8 -on, RIUSS'lAtij pr~rp Y13krobiologilp,, Vol 'MY. No 3, 3-50,, 15 60,. p L! BS 00C 60 1 7~1 1-i i LIUVI'MOdc. kwpecdoo at SWd Sbww mW Pine witil WRVM Pftt 116 by P. HoUer, E. Lmcbkm~6 G=IB* wo 6PAM -- WMAMnE36 Vcd Xxxm, No 100 larlpW'lIW7,1 a HD $M SCI m. JAM Apr:64 255,951 M"P*Cd= MAC cc god Sban iud Plm Wm j Am 06 P, HOUWO-Eo IAN- I 10 t~ w7,4 = I _I ItVCA xxxin, No 10, p . -704. p MI 3764 Sd - bAVM mu 64 250.796 TestiaS of Tmmmimalcm LdbricarU in the Gegr~~ Test stami preamt status of RIP 111 Ommep~ bra. Nlevmmo a. skittings G. Lvihnei-v go Omsk. 2rdal =d Wobles 195% Vol Xn, ASS-5%350 Sol AVr Richn rd pp S FROM WOOD AND TIJEIR USE IN 1. Title: Pent FERMENTATION. 11963125p. 11 refs. I . Lechner, R. Or&r from SLA $2.60 63-14107 Trans. of Pspler- Fabifikantl (Germany) 1940. v. 36 [no. 48/491 p. 294-299. DESCRIPTORS: *Wood, *Fern-ventstion. 'Pemoses, Yeasts. Pblys'accharldes, Carbohydrates. Blocivernin- try, Chemical industry. t; (Materials- -Wood. TT. v. to. no. 2) @No al too" swom i i i. 1 14 1 . ---a W,.*M-LA*K" I,*** WIN -11 .1 r - IMP"I i, I i I. P. 11 ~ a v ~ I I : (FDP 25W8) Va Trial ot V. LechmUs., by J. OwWtoLt 8 pp. PMM 4 nPa, Nmy Swftt Vol. LVMs No 165j, p 3a 501,67m. p 21 No IMp P 3, Nnr Tofts, 1% 16p IS Jul 195.5. 7891 CIA/FW/U-XW ED POUM P6, 7 ftrmddat-ion of Polystymnc. and Poly-p- ir.opx-,j iP2,Y-Sty-manc-, by Irl. Habn., E. GRIMWj per., D:W Makromolelwlara Q=-miep -VM~ 19550 pp 50-64. VOL. X. vi sai - ohm jul 6:L KM Itt Belvoir The u1mion.ot the P"3*t&rl&n Ilmernatioralism with fttriotion, by Th. TOWIP A pp-- .0. .. per., Rrugm e Partise, Vol II, Feb 1958, Ti .. v VP "-55. tv imi/b7-L-681 BE - Albania Pal Ild" I f 7 Albanian Jounial glamws ilruslichev for Sovi-ot imood ~Aght, ALBAIIALAI~, per, Rrugla pp 53-65, AIRS 27,224 EE-Albaida Jim (6 by 'fluutas Iaci, 7 c Partise, i,**,o 9, bacliniiig pp. Se-lit IA~4, 271,7391 CCL%-fVOJ= CASrM MAKDQG ALINAMUM WHUI ROD SY THR PROMRZI PROCM. 11%21 IOP. (4P- =1=00. trm sLA si. io W10292 Trau. ce AMmado OmW 19W v. 2S. jmmk p. V3-273. D&CCRWMPJ: *Ab=WW=a. *Wlm. *Rod% Prodoc- Ma. Ocuuw Modommal prop-ti-.Elocuum F C6 1 " - "tauft -M. M-bbms. D-10. 63-10282 1. TkW. h"m mmdod I - Lm". U- n. TUW b6klft. CALdamory-ManuftevarIaL Tr. v. 9. m L2) Mm d kg" bwdm ~R Produced by the -Cont .1 0d U. Leclas D. Pamblanco,, COW* AIXMIU*p mWiss yolk Almsulm Iab LMD ~.& /rh Tr So Ifr- of Scit*tif i~ min/metlow MILY 55 CTS i 10#00,00" lawk! 1 0 % by 4W6016 Td Tp 10 46 -L.M. NW. 1- (Dc-6141) ftw Reforms _. 02.d Go4A In the UMB , by Adolf lm*zYck.p 13 PP- GIRWp pw,, Oesbw dabi a Oat-Rarte, Vol III, "W 1961.- 10 2-91-=L- oat 61 of Soil, P-rd Catholic -t "-,;octal on, by F, Loclerc, Par, Warkstoffe talc! x0yeCialorl, 140 1-7, NRC Ref: C~A,540 Sei .- limrtli Sci ~ Astron Der. 63 jtj~WLO* of Arpo LO SUVWv bY A- Dt tou il Opt FROM* "W9 IMw Vol 529 1955,, pe 94-104, *ws TT ?0-576" C'O se 0*-ft- 301 YO Flocculation of Slurry-Conteining Wptr--,- in Collieries, by E. Leelerc,.F. Edeline, R. Van Achter. VRZLTCE[, per, Chemle ei. 1&.ustrie, Vol MXJ., No 1.959, pp 509-514. Aaa iz~49 A-Us 6i List No 41 Irreatment of the polluted liatar in Ccal wa-2herles, by LeCUrc. .VHBW;nx pers, An=Us des Idines de Baigique, tym X956., py 102-U0. Dot of Int US Sur of VAnes CanUal Zxper Sta Pitts... i%. Tr 455 Sci - CLcmj, MW Jun 59 t'; The Problem of SuIpbur in Ce?.:L~ by G, Bdt E. LeClarcj, 2 pp. P",j IndustTle Cbemigue Belge, Vol VII1,; 1937: 0 3-7- S.L.A,. Tr h16/2-o,r,6 c Obes4eUr J~m 1956 --Por D?j+-ect4--- and Dtt=- --im5ag Industrial Osseo In ttia AtmoGr-hax-j, by 11. L&Q3A=,v, R. IUL=. kriii0i~.6., per. Revue ikiiita-iolle '701 M, Mo 7.. 1936, rP 2.93 - ", - Do?t of Interior W ?A,--r Of MIMS C4!4'tA-U3- ULlwalmlamt Pi,twourgb,, ita. M-&r Geop" oc?'7; 3- Nay 59 stry of Pickling, by G Batt-v, E.-Leclerc. MOM Journeva do Is Lutttv contre La Corrosion, Peris,'Nov 19-24, 1938, 1939- Brut.cber Tr No 839 metals Selentfrtc - min/Wtv= Cbemistry $2.90