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10 69~ GE-I A. K. LAVWJKH[NA, L M. GRECEIISECISHCHEVA, B. A. i CHOTIN Radiochemical study of pion producting nuclear reactions Radlochemis,che Untersuchungen von zur Bildung von pi-Mesonen Mrenden Kernreaktionen Atomnaya Ene 6, No. 2, 145-151 (1959) 324 - German Euratom The Ibbavlow of glemuts in Tft*Lb QmUtititesp by A. K. IsrOuWaalp 22 vp. cm=p ""- Cho~ Listys Vol 'ran,, 1959, pp wii-WfK "Y" A.C.S.I.L. NO IM pm9lb2y AAMC set - Chou MW 62 AAP, 90J' 7 Fiss-Lan ':;,r 1~7ev I , -J, I S, b-.- A. IILOJ~-~Il, 12 p-i- Vol IT AIX--"Uz C7 jui - of t I - bud:t -hs Prooipitatior. of the A-"*,---,.-i 46tc-IL by Coitain Trihotaroacids, ',*Iy V, Kouz7hJn, A.- H, Lavrlal&.Inan. 5 pp. I...... . .. .... 1. RUSSIJCtq, per, Zhur Anal Khint~ -vol X-V~ lio 3~ 1960, pp 272-276. CB 8ai Aug 61 ftdlpabmW~sl ImestIgntlan of tbo Flusim of BiswAhp ftarimj, WA urmim Vith 4W-Wev Protfts, by A. P. i V"Oi~ws 1. P. AU=ftnt V. I.-Bamnoyl A. 1. Mar"Im"", T. V* ausums I* l.'Pavlatsk"ap It. A. --~n top TUG V. TGUM34VA 14 pp. you. tranautlono RWSUNj bks, CMC*ro=o on Pftaeful Uses of Atomic ZWM AgadftW of Sciewon VWR., 1-5 Jul 1955., SOMBLOn of tbie Div of Obamical Sciewes, p 97 CPO rpu fCQ* $350. oo 11 low-- TP 310 LAVRUKH]NA A. K., et al. Ionexchange chromatographic separation of radioisotopes of rare-earth elements Zhur. Neorg. Khim., 3, No. t, 82-87 (1958) EngUsh E u r a t o m RI Relation of Partition Coefficient to Initiaj. Concentration in Solvent Extraction, by A. K. Chu Plel-Tsi, it 9 pp. RMSIAN, per, Radiokhim., Vol 1, No 5; 1959, pp 530-537. 9079527 InfoGearch Ltd. Lon-3on as RK-59/5.6 Be L - Chem 3 A,Ag 61 A. K. Lavrukhina ...... '.'. --. RUSSIAN, per, Radiokhimiya, Vol I, 11c) 5, 1959, pp 530-537. *British per ABC 18 Feb 6o Studies in the B.-havior of Ultra Small Amounts of the Elwwnts. Part 11. Mechanism of the Coprecipi- tation of Radioisotopes vith Nydroxides, by A. C Lavruthlipa, 8 pp. RUSSIAN, per., Zhur Anal Xhim, Vol ;XII, Ho 1, 195-j, PP 41-47. Consultanto Bureau scl - Chem Aug 58 71,771 Use af Radioactive Isotopes in. Quantitative baWk Anallsimp by A. K. Lavrukhlm. R=ws/p-q,wf Zavod XALbf No 30 Pbr Im. Prlmary Sources 13. Bleecker Street Now York 12,p N. Y. $13-60 Scl - Rbu Physics Aug 57 F., I :~ ) Re&C- jor The 0-mestiorl o: ~P:, 7t by !L~ K. 2 pp. RUSSD~N - 'i Dok Ak Nauk SSSR,, '101 CXXD~- 'tic) 6., .r Pf X 1959., pp 1277-1278- Amer Imt of Pbya Sov Fbya-DolrdadY voi iv, No 6 Scl. Jul A Phidlocbemice" investigation of the Reaction 8130(p, J&)SI , by S. Sekerskiy, A. K. Levmkhim, 3 NO MOSM per,, bok Ak Nask WO, V, I CXVII, So 1, 1957, pp 61-94. Amer Dwt of Sov Pbys "DoklaW voi ii, No 6 Sei a Pbpies JU 58 -- OIL Forwatiort of Nm-- and P-'~2 in the Interaction of H4~h-RnergW Protons with Compaind Nuclel, by A. K. 1~~Truk U L. P. Hooka.Leva, L. D. Kftsavl 1. M. Grechlahche-va 8 pp. p 9 RUSISIM,l perp Atom Energ,, Vol III: No 10, 1957, p.p 285-290. conwitants Bureau Sci - me ph3m Aug 5B _1An_ukhiw. A. 'K. DETERMINATION OF MANGANESE OXIDES OF VAR1013S VALENCIES WHEN PRESENT TOGETHER Er. by V. iN. Pavloff. 196Z 13p. 15 refs. NRCC Technicall Trans. 1035. Order from NRCC $ 1. 00 NRCC C-4062 Trans. of Zhur("11 Analfiticheskoil Khimfii) (USSR.) 1949. v. 4. no. 1, p- 40-45. DESCRIP'T'ORS: *Ores, *Manganese compounds, Oxides, Dioxide*; Valence. Determination, Solubilityi 62-34396 1. Lavrukhina, A. K. 11. NRCC TT'-1035 Ill. NRCC C-4062 IV. National Research Council of Canada C (Cbemistry-Arkalyfical. T'r. v. 8, no. 10) Offi- 0 T-+.ic.1 S--A,.. Radlochemical Study of the Fisiiion- Pi'cduct,,--' cA: ]~;-L Th,, and U Upon Bcmbardmaixt With 480 Mev TLIrotr.*as,, by A. P. ViDDgmdavj I. P. Alimalnp V. 1. Barano L ynalounu T. V. Ilexanovs, P. 1. A- Iz. qv a, A. A. Bragina, I. V. Y~Lkovlev, 24 pp FU.U trwalation. RUMBSIM, bk.. Conference on Peacef~-,,L Uees of Atrmi. Energy Academy of Scien es USSR, 1-5 Jul 1955, Sesmion of the Div of Chimnical Science) pp Q,7-119 KRC 2337 Scientific Phemistry 7 .Raxc-Earth -%ioniou Products in Vrardum Fir38l'ort Ynduced by 66~,-iuv ProtOns., by F. I. Pavlotakaya., A. K. -Lovrukhimp 9 pp. m8W,, per,, Zhur EImper i Itoret Yiz, Vol X.IXI'Vt No 5p 19589 PP 1058-1069- Awr Soy Phys - 'r-rIT Vol VII (341), I;o c Sai - Phya aec jA.) A=00 of Vw Schavlor of Ultra Bmall Amounts of I . top i Fort It by A. K. Immvlddwj 8 pp. FILU traftelatum. RUWVJ# b1W porp ZbW Anal Qlag Vol Xg No Up 19% pp 203-210. CXA C 41021.1 ConscLMants Bureau Scientific - Chamist47 3,21 631 Nor 56 M/dex The Synthesis of Thiophene Analogs of Di- and Trimethoxychalcones and Their Vinylogs, by V. F. -Lavr.-ushin, S. V. Tsukerman, 5 pp. RUSSIAN, pcy, Zhur Obshch Khim, Vol XXXI, No 9, 1961, pp 2845-2850. CB Sci Aug 62 209,7S4 The Synthesis of Unsaturated Ketones Which Con- tain the Furan Ring, by 11. F. Lay-rushin, S. V. Toukerman, 3 PP RUSSIAR, per, Zhur ObE3hcJi Khim, Vol XXXI, Nc, 9, 1961) pp 3037-3040. CB Sci 62 0 ct ' 214,607 Spectra and Halochromim of Thlophene Analogs of Metboxychalconots and Their Vinylogs By V,F, Javroshin, S.V- Tisukennan.; pp 6 RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Obabeh Kbimil, Vol XXXIT, No 12, 1962, Dp 39?1-39?6 CB Sei Oct 63 0 76 The Reac-.-Ix~L of Saturated Hydrrmarbons With Sulfuric Acid,* by V. F. Lavruskau et al. RUSSIAlp Dok Ak, #Auk SSMs V91 =V7, A 1954,, pp 265p 2~-6. AT3 si-1626 sci Jul 59 -Snectra band Halochromien. 1. lfe~Lochramism of Ammatic Carbin,ols, by V, F. Lmv--untain. 7 :.:~P, RUSSIM,, mo per., Zhur Obahch Khimp Vol XXVIp Wo 10, Ocat 1956,, Pp. PA97-2703. Consultants Barear, Sel - Chemistr-y Mar 58 Absorption Spectra and Haloclwo W..sm of 1~'aran Analogs of Methoxyclmlcones and Their Vinylot;s, by V. F. Lavxushin., S. V. TsuRerman, 5 PP. RUSSIAN, per, &-iar Obsiacii ]QaLi~j Vol 'LML-, i.o 19U3., pp 076-662. CB Sci Apr 64 254,,102 ~-'-utlwsiu oT Nitro Derivatives of Alpha. K-tomes., coutaiaiag Beazeanc cild _7a:c~z lkmlmi, b-,,- V, 141. TjmvrusWn, F U.".. S ~~ E! t I Zl=- Obahchei EILn., Vol 'K upvnp =-i,,,a,. M &I -Mud Sci 'e- J= US= !Zten4al 'Ume only Pblargmphic Study of Unsaturated Ketones. I. Polarography of Chalcone, by IT.F. Lavrushin, V.D. Bezuglyi et al, 7 PP- RUSSIAN, per, Zhur CYbahch Kbim, voi mmia, No 6, 1963, PP 171-1-1717. CB sci may 64 .a ~ 3v-6- C5 J Syntbr-siB OX Nitro Derivativeb C-I Ketows Containing a Benzene ard a Furan Ring, by V F. Lavvushin S, V, Tmkermm, 6 pp, RUSSIAN, 136r Zhur Obshch Xhims, Vol xyxil~l lio 1962,9 PP bit-1326. CB sci Ulochromiem of FhaWl- &ad Cyclohexylearbi.nols ~~ by V' F. lavrushin evA N. W. Ve:rkbovod, d mom Ipp ITESIM., pore Dak Ak Vauk SSSR Vol c", No, 1957., pp 32-2-314 Consultants Bureau Sci - Chem Aug 58 "Ihe Spectra and Halochromism of r. I -etrapheriylmethane and of Its Hydroxy an6 I ,-Iethoxy Derivatives, by V. F. IALvrushin, 6 pp. RUSSIA14, per, Zhur Obshch Ehim, Vol XXIX, No -1959, pp "3005-3009. CB Sci -7 -,ep 60 Spectra and ftlochromizu. III. The Reaction of p-Puchvin,, Aniline Blue and Their Carbinolo' vith Acids,, by V. F. lavrushin,, T. M. shmyerm, 6 -pp. MBSIAN.. u0 pw., Zhur Obahch Khim 888r., Vol xvip No U, 1956.. pp3075-3o8o. Consultants Evureau Scl - Cbem JUI 58 o~7,577,~ Spectra aad MaochromUm of :,)i-(2-Dimot]4ylam-i=- 5-1>yriql).m+.b $ by Vs Ps I&Yrushinp S. V. Toukermaj. T. U. Mmyeft--A --- PP - IMSIMj, perj, Mma Obsb&h Xbim, Vol XXX.. No 4., ].X>0.. PP 13%1359 - 13C.-i CE 1-f-3~ ?-q 1~1 jum :L961 ftectma and Halochromism of Some-Uhmaturated AUpbstia A,lcoholsp by V. F. No No varkblovadp RIBMU.. _ver,, Zhu Obsbab KhJ-j, -%I MM, Do 4, 19600 pp 136c)-1362. sei CD 3j J=m boiionioa ul: '41vo Gar-L-A)A-L;&&-bo0, iiolxi~ iii ickaPk,"-Aill cqz~talaing ther Tripbanyluetlxrl Group, by 49-'L - 2 Koomylotwvs V. F. Lavruoh-lm; T. N. Sbw-",",svtL- E. Vs. Forevalova, run- tr R MIT^ w -vek, Is Ak Nw*, Mel Xhim Wauk, No 3, 1956, rip CIA 9000402 C7, 'A f-- 4, ip 4~ 1~11 C~nrm* ttntg 'Purear $nl - Ghent-!Ary Sep 56 OOTS ,~nacisl-AlluvUa Dvwits In the Y(mesci rart of the I Vest Siberian ~ L4orwlmdp by S. A. Arkbipov.. V - A - Zubakov, ~x. A. la7rueldn;, 2 pp. ,-RMUN, tbrice-m per,, Dok A Wit SSSR, Vol CXII,, 'No 1., Jun/Feb 1957,, PP 107., IW- Cmaultants Bkwesu Sci - Geopbystes -f~j ;7/Z Dee 57 Te4l .-Lry ;dit~yclic an-4 Aliphatic by v Lav-xv.sbin, k1l. N. Verkhovod', 6 pi, - .6- FiSSIAli, = per, Z&ur VDshch Knim, Vol No ~ 4:7 Oct 1~56) P;P 270"--" 09~ 14ar 58 Absorption-Speotra of Thlq~ne Analogs of Chalowie and Thodx ViW:Lop - BY 'V- T. IAvi~t"Iu, S. V. Tm*wmn, pp. 7 ftU&qL4N. per, Zhur Obstich Kh1m. V461 Mn, No 8. 1962. pp. 20?-Z683. CB Sci in-- -Awlostoel SU07 of the "Uckettsiae of Fd4lkG't~N1&4ml, by V. N. ZbUwv,, A. S. &wvz9)Ut, T. T. Laynwhimo 13 py. RWSUNP per.. Sb*=lk Tsudwr SMx'kovskomp alvarotak gmaj tbdml"MP virasom leoww1l,, Vol ME$, 1934" 2155-9n. 9046&,t 111H 2.13-W. ftl - Rod f 60 INC 8tudy of the Bloloava nPrWrti" of RI&At- tolml Strains "Zb- sod ZW, bY T. T. AmWmat R. 9- KorsaUlt,, R. 1. Usal", 10 - ip"'. MWIW par. SbM" Tru*m IMrkovaogc, waRoh-ullwipot vat"s I ayworDtak lmffld *Cbdkms, Vimm" bdtkuils Vol xx,. 191qal.r pp 2591-20. 0OW06 mE e-6.6o Mr. 60 ~lf adl - Xed u. A PA j'j:.H A !'!fV CW -,Tii: "'.!..'AT~_C'1'NAj1'~V I Title: Turulhm- ij~rr 4i. H A N U (7 f I H C.-CA(vical 0! 1,. "T!, cr Sl-'. S.. 6( f-i rar. j.AA It Tic. 1.4-4 '.';. p "',Jimerostim, Puck. OM.. .8 1 The Problem of Independence of the ftz Glaciation in Western Siberia, by Tu. A. Lavrusbin., A. I. Pei~kov, Yu. w. Trof tom, 6 P~-- P. RUSSIAN.. per,# 1z Ak Nuk SM, Bole Geolos# No 7., 1960. AGI Sci Fz Mar 62 40", 04,11Y ~3pectra and Hslochro-d.sm of Thlophelle Am 10 11") C.;. Tri.pbimvl-mid Dlphevlcarbinol,by E.~ F~ L v'ru-irv, V- Tsukerman, 1. G. Syrovatka, jPP- -RUS31AN, per, Zhux Obshch Y.4m, Vol XXII, No 4. J. pp, 12?5 - 1277 CB .Apr 62: 3-5245 (NY-2663). EleCtWo-UCteip -A%erapy of Arterlml Hyperteerwion, by R.X. Lqviskiy., Ye. N. Kornoptleva, A. A. RUSSIU, par, Tarap~vticMskly Arkhiv, Vol XXXI, no 4. Womov, 1959, pp 62-69. JPAS-1838-N Sci - Wd - physioloW Aug 59 t? 3, ~15 CK' FADUM4 Ar38 in tawivU 0oatmining, by 2-3 K. tUrIW, 1. K. lovski 0 La 1. 4Pq a WWUX,. port Vok Ak Swk W=m, Val CXX,, Do 40 IL9%o vp sn-ao- mDrru D. prisama Sal - Cbeautw 1kr 59 0 7~ Cartadn Problem Conoerning the Mxwy cr Hart Excbazga in the Tam' Flow of a Fluid in Pipes, by 9. A. Layqpt iw~ - q RUSSUN, perp Tait*c .40IMPt1kap No 3P 1958., PY 55-60- 9661807$ ATIC F-TS !?VAIV aci FqM im 61 - i I. I T&UMIAMM or goam wA Pbtamdvap by 0- 1- Va=001 ~ R. A. Mow 7 PP- 11 umw4v INkt.. um V P a lblm.P Val M, lb 9., ~ 1 19560 VP ib~m . AW.4~57 mift ftl my 62 P$r 379 193"4o ,sojubili-4y in the Syfitem Sa TeO-,--C R..Cia-F C" ;~ 2 o. *-T. Voroblyeva., E. A. iZ6__-j .'! JDP. R=wl. -per, Zhur Neorgan Xhim, V02. T"r, No 5 1957, Vp 1154-1137. Am.tx--4055 FL-48o set R f Jur, 61 PST 82 Abmk:H"a*= it 6-Q3WqAmftw Tr9xftV nuLdwo Whk'86 W-MW&=r-P**nMOYI-Slk0=e by K. AO! AD&YWWWo L A. I SM 159 RUSSLAJI, pwplAAktm�mR- not NO to. 1963, Vp ow-um. vM5743 FTDi-TT-64-440 Sd - Cbm Jan 6s 271,439 V Vlacdai-ItAy, a=d the Ykasuremerm. alf luscc-4ity.~ by llr~ Lavac"ek, 18 pp. G=M,. per, E des Verelms Deutachw Ing onieure. Val LXUIO 1919j, pp 677-682. AM Tr Wf 59 9~ , Blood~Platelets in US Light of Histochemical Investigat#ono, by W. A:E~ Mp P. Czarski, H. Porembinakao 3 PP- POM11, Wv Polskie Archivum Xledycyny Wevnetmic,', Vol XXV, 1955, pp 149-152. WiH 12-9 Sei - Had j7 Jan 58 Fati!ue Studies of PlateO, Ilot-'vio--k Tool Steels, G. Lard enoi t,,, F Q~-ol e- , ~T. bar (~~Wll e ~53 I -, .I T TTI.IIT A C! Z Tn T 7"n per, i Termcovral)ot1fa, 14 ?-~ar pa,&,es *ATILICI Sci 17 ~at- ;'~l ACTIVATION OF PRODUCTION UNIT FOR FIRE-RESISTANT POLYVINYL CHLORIDE CONVERYER BELTS FOR-THE MINING INDUSTRY IN THE RUBBER INDUSTRY PLANTS IN BYDGOSZC.Z (BYDGOSKIE ZAKLADY PRZEMY5LU GL#4DWEGO)). BY I . LAWN I CZAK., 3 PP - POLISH, PER, PRZEMYSL CHEMICZNY, VOL XLI, No 6, 1962, PP 335~-336. JPRS 15o64 EEUR POLAND ECON SEP 62 21o,794 Iurlma" of WrSatlaw In the Ible rIkm- to6t cf:,~W4xA in Itis N&U-WAIUS Powerp by M. PMami. pers eylwan;, Vol I# :1956p pp 29-35. set ja 58 MA Tr 57-17-10 S~Iejjjng of Thin Wood Sectiom, by M. Lawtdazak- FOLMM, per, Sylwan, -No 3, 19%, -v. E19-96., CSIRO 5244 Sci - Biol /'~ /.' -:~ a ~ 1 Apr 62 to C. ISM'. p of Oo I:jj:~-?S -T, r~^fQL-_-t ReL-1xiations in 'Beech as czal. POLTMTT~ Par.. Tral -vfut- Te(!hnoIos;rJ.,' pp (loan) Sci i~ug 60 (Ny-6281/b) COMWISOn Of "BituAlt" IDUC-ating Panels With Mber IMulating Hateri&1z, by Jozef Pietrzykovski, Maciej Wffilczek..5 PP. per, Frzeglad Badovitlay I Budcnwulctwo Mieszkanlowep Vol XXXIIIy No 21 !961~ pp JMS 9615 BE= - Poland HCOM JU 61 13 453 US-8 LAWRENCE W. G., ed. Soviet research in glass and ceramics. Part 11. Oxides $ 35.00, 61-12744 - English E u r a t o m 13454 US-8 LAINIRENCE W. G., ed. Soviet research in glass and ceramics. Part 111. Glass and enamels, ceramic bodies, electrical ceramics, cements, refractories $ 35. 00, 61-12744 - English E u r a t o m Lawreoce. WR., compile IN GLASS AND CERANCS, IM-58. iFeb 61.!'636p. OTder from CS 6~5.00/vol.. $80.00/set of 3 vols. Contents: Pt. 1. Phase relerionshl (12 ptpers) i ps Clay-water systems (17 papers) Raw mterials (9 paper*) Review ardcl"!(2 papers) Pt. 2. Oxides (36 papers) Pt. 3. Glass and eamoels (14 papers) Ceramic boo ~ (3 ps rs) Elecaddil cerunics r2 ;~en) Clunem (16 papers) Refractories (7 *per*) 61-12744 1. Glasr, 2. Ceramic materials-USSR 3. Scientific rescorch--USSR 1. I.Awreuce, W. G.. compiler 11. Consultants Bureau Enterprises, Inc.. New Yort Offi.. f T.AW-I 5-1- . TT. v. 5. no. 8) Experlmhtaa No ological Studies. on the Finer Stracturb oremardc ff~rvow Systm, by B. J. lAwrentj~~ 10 PP* peri ~ ~k- ~Lciw,' vca mv, i5ekl- 0 =-U7. NMI 3V4 3 scleftific - macime HiGtWmtholo."ical Study of Lesions Caused by 2-Acet-u-1- .1 aminafluorene In Different Orgwas of Rat., by J, O~ Lau Po Mabillep R. Royery G* Rudali, 12 pp. tj IVU trazalation. FREMR, perp Bull.du Cancers, Vol MCMp no 4; 1952., PP 456-560- - ITIH 613 Scientific - IkdicinB Oct 55 CTS/DEX I ft2av~w~' 11mbang by J. T. . _, _" bY Odt . ~ . ......" "I it Ps" fix%~ 31D AM 199S. SOL 58-M set Aug 39 f :Y. 3 IP49 To Unceasingly Strengthen Brotherly Unity (Chirm), by Lay Tszi.-Fa, 3 pp. UNCLASSIFIED RUSSIAR, mo per, Stroitel' Matrrift-ly, No 10, Oct !~)57, muscov, ~ DP :) 10. US JPRS/1DC-L-61 FE - China Pol Par 58 o? A)mdzm SaImp Re~fjujng -tn t,-r,,o phr.:~c- Iayer =eatiolytic Ce2l, by Ilemer 17 vp. G-TXW# verp grzmta]2,, Voll U. 19491, pTj 65-69, BILDA. No 333/:L9!;6 Scientific - Minerals/metOts El The Tnvet~lgstlon of Ue Pmoles ar Saw.rMem-sitwn, CrYStal ttzvvft ana lvapomtlon, by 3. D. DUUMV A. A. Chernav, RUMM.* Vert xvisun 91' qll 13 Lo Vol ZIP ft 3v 1957o pp 40436. Amer Lwt of Phys sei ftb 60 6~ It, :;sir, ~1-43e"W of usUidwr *ap ,ur CA bY A- iLb. L4isbov. ad j4 - ~-Rscut-~' py, Imvestl~wticu of a [land hilplifier With lpr&juimu*~-Depsndant Feeftack., bl( Ye. I. La~~,I'thovx ) 113 i~ - IRUSSM,p pwj. ~,dkztxftvyw.- NO 31, 190'4,v pp Wl~~ISF-4*3142/SMIAL sci .Am 01, I i. Limi"Ing the AnpWication of In 3mvid in .(T)g by V. Z. Ourevlch, Be DW, 9 ppe .W,-W*MM RusslAux por, Zhw Eksw i Tooret -Fix, Vol &VIS, No 2,:1964o pp 598-611. hmm Inst of RVe sm ptwo--JMP Vol 140 2 sci Sep 64 : ~i; II . i p P--"5 J i 8* '1011 91 moo4sba- 0 '=' I R. *&%Is** &fiww*m&ft*W ftdW W~ ON 1, 11: ~4 066~Amft Prweoaov of the Mau co"PtWoleal mem-m"ry imni p.. X. ty D. L. L*iarbmns 180 PP. HUSal"t U.. Trudbr Mw Owftx Obsermtoril., SO IOTP 196ij py 14401. ACS1 1-1719 S-6-1 - Geq*ys Jau 63 A~0~2' 01 7-5'- Laws GwirwmIrZ l1bysical Procetssv5 in t~:o Layar of the A-vatiap IV D. L. Lcyfttmtn, 25 P. mwp SarraxwrxWe PrcblmW HataorologU go i 63L(Wa Vosdukba , 1958 t pp 26 -42. = wA 59--1.8845 set -e57/ rw 60 VcCL 3 0No I M. Vo SbUtwva "Problm Book get Dynamle fftteormloa% (D. L. Lsykbtmn: Editor),o by 11. Yr- SlobodoIrp MMIAN., Parp Hot i Gi,&, No A!, 1959, pp 62, 63. jFw-i.-io66-N sai - Goophys sw 59 PrimipUs of Dyawde Mvteaz~61aas (Plart I)# by I# do 04~4.iaa Do L-I t L. T. Wtvaymys M. 1. Tomas M pp-INWIMM AaUa&M,p bk# OsavV DivadabisslWY NwtwrclDgiip Isaingrad.p 19559 647 RP- AM F-IM-9815/1 Bei - 000" // 02 5~~4r Apr 60 d 1&.t,:B Go-m-rming tLe MysIcal Procew"s Iii the Boungary .W,ar of~the AtmosPhere in th3 Arctdc, by Do L. LcUhtmm, 24 pp. RMTM,~pcr.. Gidrameteolzdat., 1958) pp 26-42i(of 232 Awr Usteowl Boa AT ClInbvidge fte CeutAr Bel fhb i60 j#XjhdAjA, D. L and Orlenko, G. P. CONCER 'NING MiE MMNsrff op TuRoui.Exr E:X- CHANGE OVER AINATER SURFACE (ObIntatsivriost Turbulentaogo Obtnena nad VodDoy Paverkhnow'yu) tr. by George S. Mitclitell. Mar 60 [4)p. Order from OTS cW SLA $1. 10 61-13817 Trans' of Glavnayii ~ Geofizicheskaya Observatoriya, Leningrad. Trudy (USSR) 1956, no. 6011221 p. 51-52. DESCRIP`rORS- Atmosphere, "TurbWence, Intensity, Moisture- Values oi the turbulence coefficient over the water stir - face were obtained, miiich made it pORSOlle to deter- ralne the coefficient in the formula for the evaporation of water. 61-13817 I. Layidaman, D. L U. Orlenko, G. P. 1B. Weather Bureau, Washinglon, D. C offic-1 T.Ak.l S-t- (Earth Sciences- -Atmosphere, Tr, v. 6, no. 1) "lie Wact af Advaction Upm -abo. .w the I*ItiaS of Sna-v ~,,Tmteusi ty o--, .. by D. L Dqlzb:tn=, L~ L miuobalkavap 9 ya. RMIN, per TruAy Lamingnd Qlawao-a Gcof*.',--, Obser, No 6D(322)p 1956, vp 32-119. Auor Mft*OZ*l SOO AF CoWrid4p Rea Conttu:r Sol - oeoybyales jen 61 Certaiin NonL'ItCLtIorial-3: Froblems Ln Dyi)arnilc L Gil Ge,.)fi z I V~:jy e y ii.- v U, Thc of T;.)rbulemt tt~, Sr~,-:L, fwrl. ari Estimte of tI ,)e Heat, Flow From Ocean 1,,'aters, by,R. LAkhtmjan,. Yu. P. Doronim, `5 Afol Cr,MIP 1959, pp 61-0 Amer Mateorn-1. tion AFT Cmtibrldge R--s Uent--.- Sul - GeOPLYSICs suag 60 ('.',zrUd.n Da~,,;a on the Eeat L:ondu,.,tl,.rJlt-; cf I cc omdl Sr~cy and a Method of Determinktion, by_l), L. L.-T !, N. V. Serava, A. V. Smetan-nik a, Antxxlctir,jaes~y finmichno- Vol (",cyn:rj 1-)"-Pg, pp 99-10P. Amer Meteoro.~ 6of~ AF CmibriciCe Res scl - Ck-..C)Physics Aug 00 Seva ra P 4 ariti of the Central Ai-3tic, by D. L. I LYIffitman, 'RUSSMU4, peor, Trudy, Leningrad A.-ktJchcr,'--Ay -L Antarktich.esk-ty Nauclmo-lssledovatpl I 17)1~~i -.~ In at Vol ccxyvl~ 19593 PP 'W-J~7- Amer Meteciral Soc AF Cambridge RuB Center Sci. - Geopbysics Aug Transformtion of the Surface Atomp)2eric Layer Unop''r the Effect of the UWerlying Surface, ~X-R..Jo. .D&tndn.j M. I. Yudin, 7 PI). RUSSIAN,, tbrice-w per,, Dok Lk Nauk SSSR,, Nov Ber, 'Vol A0111 - -252. No 2,, Moscov,, 1953., pp 249 C3A/FM/U-5920 Sci Geophysics., micor meteorology Principles of Dyamto X~t*or*UMr# by L. S. Gandin, D. L. TAyMAiMn, Lo T., MtVeyalr~ X.. 1r-- YnIin, rO RUSSIUv bkp Oanovy dimatch*skay motooroUgIlb UuUpWo 19059 PP 255-303. us im TmzvI ma I,-a6w ftl Doe 58 77 probj_,Iju~3 -in I)ynam:Lc *--tearoli-igyp oy 1,& c~. UuL"-L"j~ D. L. Lqykht4=0 Ea A. Sopotal'kog, M. V. ShL',Imva;, 213 ~P RUW:W!.. bk,, Zadachnik po DJ-rvuni.cwnW.)v W.17-vorologi'L'. 1957; 1'2 ATIC ?-TS-9640/V Sci " G;'xjprl;rzl Oct 59 V i PHOCC3 W THE AM9419RIC BMXVM LAYER BY D. L. 1,~Y*Mk i , _ % 6 PP. . I i RM. #to 00p MIET I GID, ND 101o OCT 10, PIO ''" * I J46 1&.m SO " GEOPM JM4 63 218,9721 Ow 39); The Aryo MRoditlon of 1945j, by D* L. 1"~mup S.-k. iMMb4jkams, 14 pp. RUWMN Irrog pwp Trudy Mh=Zh;Oni~, FUUM PriSONOW SISYS, V01 1, No 39, Lenlbar~ds, 1,9471 VP 3-3-0- cNVw/u-5685 Usl9t 60F sci - Geo"Itso microclimto 1kr 54 ms (M 2&32) On +.Xm% Method of Calmilmll.t-- nf' Evsporatic::L rP-n----: the Sarftne of I&dtad Water &zinc., by D. L. U. P. Tlwramp 9 lip. EMMA i Gural. to Apr 1056s pp 19-23. oat 56 as (ITA/M U-9046 Pi '2:L-lations in Directional Coupler, by D. T ~ Dwa, 1. B. Laykhtman, 9 pp. RUSSLIN, pi,~,r. 17, 'vVZI WO Radiotekh.. -IV, No 3, 1961. jpR-c! 11524 sci 'T'n 62 t i Maree Let a About ftioduction &jpp]Aesp by V. Shullmong A. _Laykcwy 13 pp. > Mccold amm't 42L, chashoys Ilawts., lb 34, 18 Aug igZe-7,,7vp = 36-37- JM3 103 Usm 0-/ _"r_ 4 Eam , 7f-,0 00t 62