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Poshekbonov, Yu. lionproduction Sphere Flxod Capital StwUed. 17 PP I WOULls Mosoove N* 89 1973o pp 52-62. 53 smobAgov I Ve IndtistrioLl Fixed CAldtal, flr)fitabilityp Studied& 1? pp -wrewomm I mosacm. No 8 o 1973, pp 73-84. JftS 6 -- Volkonmkiy, V. Intorbrameh Models f or Optima Ebterprise FUO*mnt Considered. 16 pp . Mosoow, No 8. 1973v PP 9,r-1060 99=1 j IF WROS 6 Um4skiy p Be Margar of AgrIcultural and Irlftstrifd EntOr- prisox Rocommded. 13 pp . Moscow, No 8. 1973P Pv 107-U6- -6 1 j M own Khromushin, G. Ideological Interpretation of Ecological Crisis. 16 pp , Momcowt Nz~ Bt 1973v pp 122- I * j 603?7 ldkharyov 0 G. Solutiono to Problem of Territorial Production C*qAwcas Proposed, 8 PP ---- -60288 . mosamr. No 8, PP 132-137, JM m IC*kln*v, V. Ittegration Anong Sooicliat 0ountries in Ferrous H*t#.Uurat 6 pp V-0 . . . . . . .RaQ. Mmov, No 8, 1913, pp 141-VA* wRi ZM97 Kai"" 1 4. Itesearoh rn Snonomic Problem of Scientific- TooWdeal Progress. 6 pp M, Hoiscow, No S# IM, pp 154-156. imms vasiloyt N. Now System of Adminiatmtion in IrOustrye 6 pp 92M U, Mosoovo No 8, 1973P PP 157-159- JFW 60235 Sir%= 9 A, The State SWget cif the USSR and Frospective Econoxic Dwvalopmmt. 9 pp 19.W.Z 02mjg,, Hoooow,, No (9, Irl3p pp 14-21, JPR$ Q(AO Kheyletso Le 1, bgy:fotg Discusses Inventiveo for Gre&tor hmWUOtivlty* 16 pp u, Moscow, No 99 1973* PP 32-42. 12WI Nmm it. 1 60837 Satuonov . L, Associations And the Ilem9eam2t of Tmde. 13 pp VOMOSI EKON99JU, Moscowt No 9p sept 19?3, p p 4 2...... JMS 60929 Starkovo A. Eomaxic Problem of Uvestock CoW-=eB. 14 pp XOPIRial AW.CDIM# Hoscow, No 9, 1973t pp 55-63. im 60793 Gorl.r.ontov, B. Soolallst Integration of Trantiport. 15 PP I-OPWROSY BZ %[U, Moscow, No 9, SePt 1973, pp 9&100+ JM 6046~ Vesolkovo Fe Rofitiamant of Inoentive S~rstma to iUmilate Stopped-Up Mans. 1~ PP L%m lgffa, Moscow, No 10, 1973v PP 3-13. JAS 050922 prouthtsyn, X. Inprovexmt of TerritorUl ftragement of Agri. aultu" 16courAnded. 11 P? iqm- Mwmu,, Moscow, No 109 19739 pp 14-22. JM 60Na -plu"d-lev 0 so OrgArdzing System For Predicting &pendituros For Now Machinery* 15 pp UP= 9UKI, Mosco"t No :1.0t 1973, PP 33-44. 4M 60922 Orlcrva 9 Le prwuOtic" ot Nw squipment &I-, DAWTAOss DI#cupsod, u -pp I . Mosom, No 10, 1973, pp 54-61. 60 lialets" 9 H, Turkestan Dmograph Situation and Labor Resouroea Reported. 7 PP MR MM 1 6 MOBOOV, lio 10, 1973, PP 155-159. JM 6080~'Pwm hly&ko A. PAterisa and CariLtal Intensiveness Tie Dia"usa0d. 1) yp QMLJ, Mosoowg N.) nq 1973, Pp 3-13. mmx im 60936 Livabitso R. Relationship Between Extractive and Mnufacturing Relationships Considered., 1~ PP YOUT - 929L, PAScow, bio U, 1973, pp 14-24. MS 60956 Kovda , V s, Prospects for Use of Land Resources Outlined. 17 pp VQFM . Moscow, No 11, 1973, pp 25-35. -S3MQMKj lw,(~- Tolkitchevt A, Long-Tera Flwwing Reported. 15 PP KCSSEM, JPAS 60956 and Foreeasting Frocedureg Movcowg No 11, 1973o pp 6,"*.76, 7AYteavo B. SCiOnc* Wagemnt as a Branch of Knowledgo Discusaed. v 2~m , Mosaaw, No 110 19731, pp 81/.96. JPR$ 6 Impm I . Lo Basle Conditions of WpwWed N)production Consider- Od. 7 pp 2=, Moscow, No Ut 19?3, pp 120-124., ins Tevetkov, 8. New, ll*ok Armlyzes Scientifico TOCWOALI Progress. 1 5 pp YOPAW.1 A-402=, Moscow, No 11, 1973, pp 138-140, JPRS 61010 Xftsnoglazov, B. Qqanlzod Economic Cooperation in tho CaU Countriob Rxa~nod. 5 PP v FROSr INKONQ1191, Moscow, No 11, Nov 1973 , Pp .1"9 151. JFRS 61042 XU=Vt$QV# V. Conference on Evaluating EffitAency of Fixed Capital Wd. 6 pp Von", Y- A NgMU,, Moscow, No U, 1973, PP 151- JM 61010 figuroviskaya. N. Coaerence on Siberian Rw*l Aroas 531d in Bovosibirsk. 7 pp v2r= , Moscou, No 11, 1973, pp 157-160- MS 61a-0- Levin, A. Wicient Use of i%hter Resoumes Urged. 14 pp V-0awy .9%gaig, Moscaw, ho 12, 197':, pp 60-70. ~ fA- -3 Z 1-3 17 Vilanskiy, M. Teohnological Advances Coordinated With &-onordc F3A.radng Discussed, 14 p;) YOPROX S OKIKI. Mosoaw, No 12, 1973, PP 71-81- jp-R~- Soroan 0 G. $eventiath Anniversary of Birth of N. A. Vozmasenakiy Nonored. 12 pp YOPRUSX.go.4~,,A, Moscow, No 12t 1973, PP 82-91- JM Q31~ lAdygin, B. COU Economic lntegration Continues. 14 pp Mmx Moscow, No 12, Dee 1973, pp 92-101, JP9S 61217 Sominskly, V. booncvmii~m of Science Described. 14 pp YquQU EQ014, Moscow, No 12, 1973, PP 102- 112. JP.9b- 61317 101in I V4 Regional Statistical SUWArieq - Useful New Publications. .~ pp LOMY &QNq&U, Moscow, No 12, 1973, PP 125- 127. JM5 6U89 Kmsovskly# V. Certain Flaws Noted ital Investments. 5 pp JOR051 �KONggKI, 133- JM 61169 in Now Book on Evaluating Cap- Moscow, No 1.2. 1973t PP 130- pospelova, Ye. SOAtiOt AM ItAllan Economists hold a I~onf erence, 6 pp vokmosy ExOtigMU, M0900w, No 12, Doc 1973, PP '1418-131 - iPA5 61zi? Starodubravskiy, V. Developaoint of Industrial Aosooiations Described. 14 pp VOPROST EKONORU, Moscow# No 1. 19?4v pp 16-26, I -U4U Sasykin, N. Mneral Rasouroes Problems azd Prospects. 13 pp Mosoov, No I, J&,2 1974, pp 27-36. MRS 61422 Pankovap K. Resorve for Inoreasing tho Effer!tiveness of Sovkhoi. Production. 10 pp Olga, MoBaow, No 1, Jan 1974s Y2=1 M pp 37-44. HAS 61459 c)-r-lov, To. TrAds Orders Seen as Basic Fa,,.tors in Industr-lal Production Frogra.=dng. 13 PP ~. &N 'an 1974, pp Y~ "'Y. Moscow, Ne 1, J 5- ~ 1. JMS 61351 Tropemikov, S. Role of boonomic science in Co=unist Building Assoased. 23 PP yopm =99U, Moscvw, No 2, 1974, PP 3-18. im 61569 Fodorankoo N. Current Problems in the Economle Sciences Dis- cussed. 17 pp v axoggq, Moscow, No 2, 1974, pp 19-31. JPW 616M Teftmov. A. Long-Range Plan Scientific Sutztantiation Con- siderod. 14 pp .V()IIRM IMUMNIO MoBcoul No 29 1974P PP 32-43o JPHS 61601 1 Ino2tatsev, N. IntOrnatiOnal Instituter Activities Considered. 9 pp Xwwl�l , 9LO=, Moscows No 2, 19749 pp 44-50. im 61333 Opustin, Ye. The Work of USSRAS Inatitute of boonomics Described. 12 pp voma FuNgag# NCSCOV# No 2s, 19*74. pp a-59. JM 6).563 Fedoseyev, P. Noad for Deeper Study of, klarxism-Lar&-dam. 6 pp VQPRCGY &O_NQkg.'U, lio3cowt No 2v 1974, pp 60-&4o JFR5 61671 Yagodkin, V. &rty,..Mtndednesa in Scienca Discussed. p AAM BKONggg, Moscow# No 42, 19749 PP 71-76. J M" -06-a VW,Bht,oyn 9 B. Consideration of Social ir*b.cations of Progress tbrgod. 14 pp VOMOSX., , Hoscm, No 20 1974, pp 90-101. im Zovin, L. CMA-Devoloping NRtlons Diviaion of Labor Dafinod. 1.5 pp nom, No 2, IP74, pp 102-1-U. MAW 2MIAI , 110 JFRS 61630 Dobro ir t G. Role of Scionce of Sciance ill Economy Viewed, A pp yonca" Moscow, No 29 1974, PP 3-32-141- jjm~q 27 Yeromino A. Co=Wity 14ture of Sool&Ust Production Refuted, 13 PP W.M.U. SKQNg=, Moscow, No 2', 1974, pp 142-153.. jFiLq 6182.7 Komin , A. Price Foridng in Soviet Ebonomic Management Dis- casned. 13 pp Ilmo=. FAONOgg, Moscow, No 3, liar 1974, "p6--2-3,. apai 61V.,o .IMS 6A(,Os- Gatovsklyt L. Proamduros to Figure Effectivenesa of liew Technology. 13 PP jOFROSj,ZKmQjvjQ, MOSCOWW NO 3t 1974s pp 26-35. JfItS 62605 P-d-l-kint A* le*nomic k1roblems of Elachine BuUding Technology I Devolopneht. 16 pp Y-Of'RWY- uGL%,qkau I Flotwow, Itio 3, Mar 74, pp 48-5C. MRS 62660 Smetamin, It'. OManizatioml Formis of Agroindustrial Unitts vielfad. 14 pp 1 , Ho"cow, Vo 3, 19749 PP 59-69# ;y . 4 J02603 flalcarakiy, L. Book on Economics r, fil'. le I VOP CGX.4-LCLCjgKl, 05 r ,.f Technical kTo~,,,ezr4 Roviewed. Moscow, NO 3, 1974, PP 133-135- Khanin, G. Book on &onametrics and Planning Review6d. 4 p~ VqKR0$j- U9143,4a, Hoscow. No 3, 19?4, PP 135- 15-7.., JPH)"; 6260~r, Nzhoinov t 1. Conforence on Regional Economic Problems Doscribed. Y pp 3(2wy W .. I!Sg&, Moscow, No 3, 1.974, pp 147-150. 4q im (1260 -smvow4arwra 0 1. Improrommat of Capital Invootmont Structure Rooomwnd(od. 114 pp imiggal, Mosoovs. 11c 4s, 1974, pp 14-24. Drogiabinsidy, N. WhOlopulo Tr*de of OaFrital Gocda Considered. 1~ pp 11 Smoa , Moscow, No 4p 1974a PP 23-35, W345 Kost0avo V. labor Resource Use 14 pp IIIIII M,623 Nut in Intmaive Production Viewed. Moscow, No 4v 1974, pp 36.4?. -E16-,VOVO V. Food Sumly Basis Western Siberia. 10 pp vomi-s"Qwo JM 62W for Now Induotrial Centers of Moscowl No .49 Apr 1974, pp 48-55. 00 Ism*, X. CMA Countries Strive to Imprcnre Intepation of Industrial Structurves 13 pp Uml Sma, Xweewl, Apr 74,, pp 65-74. JM 623 DMOMic Aspects of Scientifte Dorvelommt SurvarA, 13 PP "I . farmr, Homoov. No 4, 1914. RP 92-102. im 62543 - Galetskaps R. Dgmp,sphle Report 15 PP Y.9= fwyrr . PP 103-M. JPW 620B6 an CSU VAtIms Presented. Mosoov, Po 4t ASw 19?t DaUshey o A. W" to Improvo Mnpovar UMUcation Proposed* ? PP goal UM.C=, moscov, No i~s 1974, PP n9-123, am62331, Witors Review Received Articlips. 12 pp XOP9251 UM991I, 1300 im 62345 4 9 1974 0 pp 123- MOOOOWO No W, 1 tomn 0 V. Book an EoonrAdo iAwd in Smialist I*fLmm%M Re- vievvd. 5 pp gm K19 PA30OWs No -4, 1974s PP 134-136. JFRS 62343 LOVIA j A. Now Book Dleausses MRehinebuUding Distribution. 5 pp XQMM Mau, Moscow. No 4, 1974. pp 1)6-13as im 62.3" -Zvkvvv No Yerevan Conference Pmrose 94d# 1! 0 pp - hwlgM. .1 62343 on Scientific and Technical Moscow, No 4. 1994, pplWa% GablduMno V. Tasbkaut Conferenos on Econotdc Efficiency iii Faraing. 5 pp a, Yo2o*w, No 4# Apr 19749 pp I ~ i) a j 2330 FA&hbmrgo Yu. ScUatifta Conferance on Agnivian-Industrial latogfttian. 6 pp gala, MOSCOW, No 4, Apr 74, PO 153-W. JFF,- 62330 No"Ohmolkol, so Camumer Sorvioes FMMUan methods. 5 pp WX lMDhg9U, pp 1$6-1~9* JM'62147 Require Appropriate Pe-ce Moooow,, No 4o 4v 19749 Khorunifty v L Book on Soviet Interral Market Reviowed. 5 pp VOPMI AL% U, Moscow, No 4, Apr 74, pp 138-140. JPRS 62450 0 llodshivilonko, P. i1nances and Crodit Use in Increasing CaLpital In- vestmonts Considnred. 3.1 pp vo, . y CKKI, FDSCOWI NO 5p 1974p pp 39-4r?. j . w Garmlipm 0 11. HO.n Trends of Machine lhdlding Spavialiration OVIOn. 16 pp V44PROSX EKONMLU, liciscow, No 5-o 1974v pp 46--30, JPRS 62445 Yesaulov. P. Scifintific and Technical Progress in Animal Ifts- bandry Cited# 7 pp vor%sx- -EANNOMIKal I Mo3cowo Wo 5, &Y 74. pp 59-70. JPRS 62516 Kheymmi, So Y'roblems of Constructing liftterial-Technical Base of Ccvzwdsn Macussed. 13 pp v A EKW%CEKI, i URWO ,I ims 6263,i I Moscowl No 5t 1974, PP 71-83. I I ; I Sergoywv, V. CEM IntegmtIon is RoUted to -.LMonational Socialist Harket. I 14 pp I ymod Enhomat Moscowo YAY 114P PP 84-93- JM -6.2534 11tokin, A. Criterion of the Economic Eff,activeness of Socialist h~lmctioh Discussed. 14 pp vogws.r. jwm%aj, Moscow, No .5, 1974, pp 109-122. JPM- 62632 KVAkg;bAt YA. f6maux-Ing Social Production Effoativeneas Described, 19 pp LOMI gga, Mosocwt Ho 59 1974, pp 12,1-135. JPM'62457 Gulubeva 0 V, Hungari&n and Soviet &onordsts I-Seet in Moscow. 10 pp QUa, MOBCIDWO No 59 IAY 74- pp 156,160. 4pMay 919L1 JF% 626142 Volodarsidy, L. Problem of Statistics and Econoid,~. Theory Dii;cussed. ... 'X jhKCNOKU, )wscow, No 6, 1974, pp 3-14. JM 1529F39 GaroLovoldy, N. IMftvemats in EcOncildc Nmagement System Proposed. 14 pp xgmx-l 211Q, Moscow* No 6. 1974~ PP 15-26.,Ir~: JPA$ 629)9 Subotsklyt Yu. Tasks, Strucatre of L-dustridaAssociations 4 Do,scribwle 15 pp g2m%x ' -- , Hoscowt No 6# 1974,, pp 27-38, I im 629.0 Wosovp A* DIfferences of Forecasting, Long-Ruige Planning Doacribed, 13 PP WMI I 2ULIO M03COW,, No 6, 1974p PY 39-49. ORS 629),? ray-ohinova , Ke avroa 3tWard of Uving to be Raised. 17 Pp YOPR9�x I gAU, hoscow, No 6, June ?4, PP 50-60- JMS 62551 Kipermn, G. Froblemp Merits of Not Product Indicator Described. 10 pp VOPR%Y M2". Mosomp No 69 19749 pp 61-68. JPlW 629)9 Senwova, L. Levels of CLYA European Countries' Scientific- Technical Development aired. 14 pp IV(Q,PROWSX- "KONCA41KI, Fmcow, No 6t 1974, pp 69-78. iFff poewdn, P. Indicators for Ymsuring Production Effectivenoss Outlinod, 1~5 pp ygng~y, elgl2au, Moscow, No 6, 1974, pp 84-94. JM 621)9 1-.orc.,.,Ovo V. Prospectiw. 1"orms of Cooperation LV Cl-l-',A Countries Considerods 15 pp X01,113WY-461NNgg~j, i-:oscow, ],,o 6, Jun 74, pp 95-103. JMS'62745 ldrtzoshnikov, P. Resorves for Using ilighly Froftetive fqaipmont Considered. 11 pp ~Dscow. No 6. 1974t pp 110-33.6* VUrldasx 4"Wifil 0 1 Jk)RS 626?4 ZOS'LROVAO 16 InterrAtional 5YmPOsiwn on Sciont A Toolmiml Prog,ra!r," 11,311. 11 pp VOEL~osy fggLogiu, Eloscow, lic, 6, Jun 74, pp 146-150. JPREI 626.5.7 Shershnevo Xe. S. Soviett 4TAmine Detente, Fcuytomic Cooperation Idth the U.S. 15 PP WOW lslQnl, moscow, 1~o 6. Jun 74, PP 3-13. Mga 626513 Lukunovo 1. Xzproved Management of Agroindustrial Cozplex Urged. 15 pp I )LQ?=T- ON go Hoscov, No, 70 Jul 74, pp 45-56. JMS 62345 Gorbunov * & ApprAlsal of Forformance of Consumer Services. 16 pp VTOP-It Y jAgimjg, Moscow, No '?, Jul 74, pp 57-66. ';F .145- Zhatin, V. cEMA countries' Position in iforld Economy Described, 37 pp vom Y "ORaKI, Moscow, No 13, 1974. pp 58-69. j PRS 6,3145 vagi-Ilylov, G. Davolopnent of Automation in the rkohine bAld:L,)g Industry. 14 pp MW MU, 80scow, No 7, Jul 74, pp 67-78. JM 62802 Saaborakiy, G. Incroasitig the Effectivene.%s of Computer Hardware. 14 OP VOFAwx~-kx!MOMI(j, hoscowt NG, 7. 1974v PP 79-89. J~~, 62W 5