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1,mtionwido Defense Concept; Related to Local 6oncerns, by B, Kovacovic, 5 PP. SERBO -CROATIA N , 1) 4, all$ 58624 np, VIesn-.I,,, Zag:,eb, 8 Feb 73, An r '13 Trade Union Official Quostioned on Union Attitudes, 5 pp. 3ERRO-CROATIAllp nipp VJesni1c.. Z&greb, 3 Mar 73, P 11', ,TFR3 58624 Apr 73 LAW orl 'k'ejj7jotjs by ~3 ilaq C ozmnun I t i c.,3 BOilig PrOPared. Plorotti, 8 S"l.AR930-OROAT.TAI;j nT),t vionni1c., Zagreb, 23 may 73, P 11,; 211. MaY 7j, p ilia Y 73 j, ' 59 3 2 6 Jul' 1~ WX Faltado Continues With S"k and Korcula 3ummor So7hool. 5 P.P VA=o Zsgr%obs 28/29 oot IP39 p 6. JSS 603% Origins of Unidentified Flying Object3 Tracud, 5 Pi~ - IIJ10INIE', Zagreb, 16-17 Doe 73, P 4. ~'MM-ZT950 ,)'A n -,' 1. 1 M",leso Kostantin British Expert Interviewed on Lessons of MIJ-ddle East War, 7 pp. VJBS',NlKp Zngreb, 27, 28 Jan 74, p 5. 7,11 ff,711354 Mi r 71.~ croatian Prime Minister Discusses Economy, 9 pp. I'JF,3taK.. ',,','agreb, 27 Feb 71~1., p 3. 7.7 M, "M. , 9 6 A p r '71 ~ PrOSS Notes Renlistic OptJmlis,-n in Catholic Church Relatiol'st 5 i3p. 'VJESNIK, Zagreb, 6 Mar 74, p 6. T.Mrn514 '* Apr Long Term Yugoslav Develo ment, 72 pp VJMNIK, Zagreb, 23 MaY Z, pp 1-11. MM`0544 Oil t 74 hwmi, - '. , , -whailk 'Aigoslav Air Pollution Surveyq by Zorai Gugic,, 6 np. IIERBO . e-CROATIMNt pers :L11, ?far 73, T)p 28-30. JT,R$ 58622 du, Zagreb, VIesnik u Sri;L~- A1)V 73 !7,1:1 ru t LIS t pot 111, 101 or t hr A-Irlotj *"M 7.jed%),: ig A11r. ~,: a~' -,I -: . t. Seel. O-Orcot fait. jk if, !4- Ilk"A 01i F)MIRI:+r~, V~11'10*e 1%,). rIO L; -- 13 a A -?a i i . Z" 41 a r* ki. ill- 00, A."'m IA to4W. C.i','~j,,4K-r 4~ '!ow Law on Travel Doctunents of Yugoslav Ilation- !k1s DIscu.ssod, 7 PT)- 11"Al T.- Mi-CROATTAT' np, lljonnik u Sri Jedu Zagreb, ,26 Arw 73, 66; ~ M-ftY-777-670-',-~ 76Y '13, TIPR'3 ~593.0 Roble, Djuro D. Exclusive I'leport on 1963 Terrorist Group in Ylugomlavla v 29 pp. IJUNIK 'U SRIJMU,, Zagreb,$ 9 May 73s Pp 31-33; Wray 71 P -3r- 1 FF 33; 23 Hay 7".. pp 31-33; 30 May 73P pp 33-A.- ,rms .5980 51 Orm 7`1 Boalaco Milan 'I'low opstinat Republic, an,l Federal Delegato System Outlined, 10 pp. VJ,LZ3NjK U SHIJEDU, Zagrob, 25 Xttl 739 ~i)P 3-5. W~ 4"Q -1 0 X Oot 73 Disexission of CIAp TISA Activities, 13 Pr. VJESNIff YJ SRIJEDU, Zagrob, 22 Aug 73P Pp 24-25; P~ 2V--25* JPFIS 60157 Oat '73 I ogu, Ubit Z Sale, ot State Socroto From ML&rket Research institute, 6 Dp. ViESNIE. Ii SHIABU, Zagreb, 10 Oct 73, pp 12-13. TM 1 M~67 -' Nov 73 DrAp,ose.vaco Dusan CrItIcism of Philosophic Journal 'Praxist, 9 po' VaSNIK IT SRIJEDU, Zagreb, 19 Doe 739 P 5. 3TAI mdw~. Gliporov, Kiro World Economic Situation Disciissed, 6 DPO VJESNIK 11 SHIJEDII, Zagreb, 2 Jan 74, - 'I. -,YrRn ;710TI*r 1-.10 b 74 Janokovlc, DRre 'Arn.fat Discusses Middle East Situation, 8 pp. VJEWUY' IT SRIJEDtf, Zagreb, 2 Jan 74, p 12. 't nn~ " 61077 r Feb 7t~ Zagreb Professor and Party Official Exchange ChArges, 5 Pp. VJESNIK V SRI.TED'U, Zagrebp 23 Jan 74, p 4. M9 6:1354 Ma r '~Ij. Vlo.ho, nero 'Federal I?Inanco Secretary Dincusses Budget, 5 pp. VJFII3NIK UT SRIJEDUL Zagreb;, 30 Jan 74P P 3. JPRRI 61r? T Mar 7k 'T-T-0 0:1 Kcmarov, B. 11. The twmLI.-mr, influence,-, of the degree of cross IDiRing e.W epoxide of resin inthe glaFsy state on tho dymmic modtilus of elasticity, 9 pp. Y)CPMMOIs. SOEDIN., Vol, 14, No 11, November 19P72, pp RMA TT F 14913 "llub. D.F. (941tot) Wo *r the ooas~bl city lod. "PrLuorskiy," I'ladivostak: I in 1hos W TWO1. by JZM, pp. 101-164 In 304P. "Vladlvostok. USSR-- *66-i0o, a Soolo-lowomic Stuft, " pmessed. Avail. WTIS 04 JMS 7TOMI. We. 13W, price $6.00. A*all. on tcan - NXIS, V"b., D.C. OtIgInal Arklo Youdokino-P, Alelsandr vtotantinovich dta(lumnes flial 1.1:11113' 7.~ T-Adio, Qj*'.'('- I; ci. Z9. 15~ J. -.r' 'AllsuLall. pp. 4j in cn .M ; - 1! 714~6 0%reem ~-U. Ill, 1). , processed. Avail. !-.i3 Ac 111i" Tramal. i-o. pri,~- $3, DO. Avmlk- oil 14" D-`- Orloinfil Artodi-.f FI--7 3EQ TR 2X-' 1-74 TF49 THE 1401g; WAR 3MSVIAT;E 0-6Z OF rj* Inv (C MICAL x"300y'l V, ,1345) ffc/ V7AOQSTQYKO.STI, .01 0. PP .3-19; 83 '170 t'C~=K'Dy -MoIYAT8XI, Cantk, M. Effect Of Zinc on the Function of an Acid Electrode VLIV ZIMW NA FUNKSI KYSLIKOV19 MMURODY. UKIPIMLISH TT ?- 14, , 44 pp may 73 prives, M.G. Efrect of External Facturs on the Structure of the Organs and Tissues. VQ)~ANIj&.EXSTREKA,L'NYU FAIQVOROV na STROYENIYE oRgm0v- -I 2mm -,720 Tp-l--9:6- .P 1" *11ASA I'll F 791 ITV'J.'~ 73 OV4k80*40Y IMP (,)4 110 XVWX 6112AMS, of ibeliveir of Al a rA~. 7 -A# kn 4 4~644 -.i 4-1 IT 53-51~- Spe~14 p6 B Do'oa~,' ObLiah lzpra~$.~tt6r'~,iq draft plue one copy T.D4 0. Asust 19T3 L%01! VASMVP, -fiOld;: vhita td6o,:' by EFFECT UP IONIZING RAUIATIUN ON COMBUSTION OF AMMONIUM PERCHLORATE AND 141XTUkE STRUNINt V.t HA LANGUAGE-RU COUNTRY-UR VLLYAKJYE ILINULEUMHCH-E W- Lbliy-A NA-C&Q.- �~-E-N-l Y E --P--E--K-Kti-L-- ORA TA AMPOONIYA I SMES "m AKA0# NAUK SSSRo FiLo ORD* LENe INST. KHIM. F 11, (PP IPRINT)16991-9. Fslc-W-2~-0860-74 Vacillev, A.V. influence of Construction Parameters of a Tracked Tractor on Its Traction Characteristics VLIYMIY'L KONSTRUKTIM YKII PARAMETROV CMEN1111096 TWTORA NA EW7ffA-C-ffO---5TSEPNYr-. M 9WISTYX 1999, 153 pp *NTIS-Il'-74-53296 Influenco of Magnatic Fields on Biological Objects. 224 pp 190:L I pp 3 MS 63036 ~ti 11 Irk S (.0 3 0a iAA~' ("SO: 8344/0157 25 July 1974 The Influence of Magnetic Fields on Biological Objects, by Yu. A. Kholodov, editor 1J.P Hoscow, VliXaniye Magnitn3,kh Poley na Biologi eskiye Ob'yekty, 1971, pp 3-215 Plecso publish and includi repros. The Effect of the Non-Homogencity of the Stress State and Initial Imperfections on the Stability of Cylindrical Shells, by V. 1. Mossakovskiy, III pp. V1.1YANlYE NE-UMURONNUSTI, NAPRYADIENNOGO SOSTOYANIYA -NAUT-WHYM NEFRAVICINOSTLY NA USITUIR09TO I-SILIRM =0 SKUY 550CMIM(Sixth all-Union No~re"-UM on AM ga ite Theory 1966) NAV/NISC-Tr-3404-73 April 7S Effect on the Organi6in of Long-Term Linear and Radial Accelerations, by P.V. Vasellyev. VLIYANIYL NA ORGANISM DLITEL'ITYXH LINE KH I RADIALIVKH USK-0-RE-R-Y, V51 2, Pirt 3, Mapter, 2 of 68novy Kosnicheskoy Biologii i Meditsiny 1973 137 pp. *NASA TT F-14,841 Apr 73 p4yull Tyrtikov, A.P. Efj~cts of Vogetatim on the Freezing and rhawing of Soils VL41ANI P.ASTITELNOGO POKROVA NA PIMERIM I POWIMIC WURrov, 1969, 192 pp *NTIS-1'4-74-52019 I .kozenberg* Yu. A. The effect of lubricating oils on the life and reliability of machine parts 480 p.?. VLIIgIYE SMAZOMWM IASEL NA DULGOVECHNOST' I lip T Drum MASHIM, 1970, pp. 1-311. .-glor -KIR/MIHC-23--0733-72 Iho Effect of Soler Activity on the Earth's Ataosphere and Biosphere YLIYANIS SOMECHNOS AKTIVNUSTI NA W AT"I MKO FIIRI IEWIT 1971 260 pp %stor Publishing [louse 9 Septewber 1973 ma of i atile UlTmyvqrl, W%44r~4i, adtarlotled oir jAimso aimtebm WL A~ :;vi;y"- WTXII vol. Yegor*Y4 G, A. Tha Wect of Heat and hoisture on Gmin Processing and Stol'Age. 241 pp All= 0 y WAIT jil~wvr lp '~;Iil Pr Zapollskly, A. A. lntornal Cost Accounting at Repair Enterprises. 8 3 P.0 JR-Im MULN PEKONTN y RIK-HOZX&P-T-V- im UM, Frunze, 1973v J?m 63194 MM, COO: 614 4/03500 IAX, 22 Au st 1974 gu int~rnial Cost Accounting at Repair Enterprises bi A.A~~Zapollskly FrMiwze,,VnutrikhozyaxS y(Inny raschet na retaontn~.kE pre-dpriyatlyalm 1973 pp 3-96. Please publish and include repros Please send advance copy T/b 15 November 1974 Water In the Uhiverse, by V, F. Derpgollts. v Vq . -. . FILMoy 1971. ~ 4q USA T'T P--ym -~~L *NTX$ TT 73-551.13 Apr '(3 J. Lorenz Determination of riltration Coefficients k with u with Underground Water Sources. Vodni hosgodarat'vi, Prague, vol. 17, no. 10, P-p'.'M-432, 1957. *NTIS-TT-73-55055 Apr 73 T111! "t ~QDJ t OP rro; 6' t: lip on 1p, av A I ; 1. 1 S..' ~' 1; 11~ ~ 't, "Ill .! .1 hl~i Al oa., J. Lazar Design and Construction of Dams in Undermined Territories. VOW-H-OSPODARSTVI, 4 NTIS-TT-73-55046 Prague, vol. 18, no.1, Apr 73 Z. Pejchota A Contribution to the Design of Water Mains Steel Pipeline of Large Diameter. Vodni Hospodarstvi, Prague, Vol. 18, no. 2. pp. 52-55, Feb. 1958. ON'TIS-TT-73-SS043 Apr 73 Halek t V. et al Experience from Silting in Natural Conditions. Vodni H.oseodarstvio Prague, Vol, 18, no. 3, Pi. 99 100, 1968. *NTIS-TT-73-55040 Apr 7 3 V. Bures Checking of earth filling measuring of the Gepatsch vodni flosEodarstvil Prague, Pp.139-141$ 1968. *NTIS-TT-73-5504 and deformation dam. vol. ,L8. no.3, Apr 75 V. Klemes Long-term Component of the Reservoir Contents in Statistical Solution of unequal Outflow Control '. Vodni Hospodaretvi Pra&IE, Vol. 18, no.4. pp. 194:170, 196F-. *NTIS-TT-73-55042 Apr 73 Z. Bazant et al Diagrammatic Solution of' Protective Dykes of Danube Lowland. VODNI HOSPODARSTVI, Prague, vol. 18, no.4 I tp. 4 170-,179, Tp-r IW68. NTXS-TT-73-56047 Apr 73 P. Duda Pachnology of Earth Work on the Vihorlat Re- L, :rvoir. Vodni Hosgodarstvi, Pr4gue, Vol. 18, no. 5, 5-71TT-127, may 1968. ANTIS-TT-73-55052 Apr 73 L. Skupin et al. Plastic concrete in Vodni hoseodar6tvi, tp.723-2771 1968. NTIS-TT-73-55053 water constructions. Prague, vol. 18, no. 5, I""q I~a Apr 73 J. Vocel Lag Times, Methods of their Measuring and Eval- uation. VODNI HOSPODARSTVII Pragud, Vol. 17, no. 11, pp.L411"-474, NW7.1967. *NTIS-TT-73-55045 Apr 73 J. Voce I Application of new trace substance for Hydro- logical.measuring. VODNI HOSPODARSTVI, Prague, vD1. 17, no.129 21, -De-c --- 19 6 7. NTIS-TT-73-55048, Apr 7 3 IV C ZSCH I !41pl H~)gwodarstvi--pp 161-1,85: full & summary trans- lation of,various articles. Issue 0 7/7) OTA LK 241-74 -...a Chekanovskaia, O.V. kluatic Oligochaete FaLuia of the USSR VODNYV, MALOSHCIIETINKOWE WERVI FALWY SSSR 1902" 411 pp *NTIS-TT-74-52039 Rubtsov, I.A. Aquatic Mormithidae of the Fauna of the USSR VOONYB NEPUMITM FALINY SSSR 1972 .100 pp *NTIS-TT-74-S2046 a* ftroas of pzo ftle imooks wIth I PM #0 inn %t. V 4*ka" at AWdKd - Itme 0: 14 lo bw J6 to, xoqbuuwo lait aNdkt. m--- I ft. , asm,6 mm 314,366 AW 67 $M10"kil, V. 1971 tarp "bi"Spated tulafts tysvler Orwil matib"J'a IBM "Turit xootlkov") Vbftli tftoAport, Sept. 181 2. In Malian. TrW161. bv :PM, Os%. 1971. Pp. 34-35 in 4ft. *Trwal. on VWA T7*dw %rA Strilew No. 2U5,0 'IP-1, v"Oesawd. Avs11- WTrLO as 11"w Tre-wal. "U. V12M pricto $34004 Aftih On WMA - NXV8, Waah., D.G. Oripi"I Article Chockvd,K 8604171, '1. 1971 DOV*icrpM*nt P24%ft of tishing in*wt?7 0609d (SMrOkit corlsonty robot prowsalannosti) voftl tramport, (1470"2). Doe. 14. 14*socvj 2. Tr Ru9slan. Tswal. by 4PM. F*b. 17 pp. 13 -24 in 47 TIWSI, on LVII. NTIS ce UM mosourm No* a"# lip-0 FrOOMOM04 JM Tmml~ No, 55239, PrIal $3.00. AVAIL. on Usn - MM, Wash., D.C. 00131nol ArIldo Chscksdl~- VLAwl trtiasix,vt i. i u.,,L- I: ro na ':'rorusl. on ' ro ~w, and ~itrvlc-. a or. pj-ocesne~j. Avail, 196 VIIIAL TMI,bl. V. 01-10V 3--.00. . q:*. ~ r.skz. Wash. . I. Ir. Vrq*.tv0- INL'i I I ~: omi,, f I tit I. - IlLu ,,V,, V -% t . ..rto-tu- i,,j, 'n,', w,,. .." .1 . !f ;~!.!.110411.;EA .- 411 ~ 11':' 2 rt~i (Po-tt. ; 'hie-er: in I~he f I I h1n., i1). I. ' 7oi, . -i i. 2~ -2 1 n - 4 1;. ' ,ra-51. via ?U, , llllo",;33,~!ul. A.,ull. - " ~m f PR.7, 4. ~. "tv'An .- , ',~: ~. wosh. , 1". ", 1 11 .~ I . ~ ~6~ Ai4w~o its v a. mufts*v, aw oftstuv"~ &W 01mA0x,.(P*dvt lr#o by IM ftr WM, xaf 197L IP-, t""Otilt- arminal Amt6 thec6tI.A Grain Shipments at Illichevsk Accelerated, Ikv V. Zoloturev, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, np. Lcdw Transp , Mseow, 27 Fab 1973$ M 1-2. JFU ~9'16 Apr 73 RW)XM (,,so:814Jt/o458 i) September 1973 On Ithe River Bat-Dang U0160VP voftw 219.822q~ 1 )PAr 19T3P P 3 Pleaso yuuuoh T/Di 13 Botumber 29T3 Shuatovao L. problem With Grain Shipments, 5 pp. IfODM THMSPORTf M090owt 9 Jun 73t p 2. MW 591M1 Aug 73 TP it it V*OVI Transport 1973 14"tar 4"s trouler ~T*4r*t tftrop*rt) !U(76(6242). jww 251 2. In RUISIAn. vm,att*4 tronel. by Haval rntell. Supp. Ott., USH, JulY .1973, 2P., typosorips. Avail. on X4An - ?WS, Wash.. D. C - Arlitlo Chfjt~sdi I River Flmyt Adopts 1krveat Pledges. 5 pp, 1% mn , Mosoov, 30 June 1973, P 1. 4 40=9 - ~M 59543 Ukharov, S. First Ifork Rwults of SUpping Aosoniation Amlystd. 3 pp im 3i9ww9w-.# wScowl 3 Jay 19730 p 3. pi GUr,Ll.n, YA. Xhlokmika"kiy Ship Repair ani Mchinery Plant Produces Poor Fuel System. 5 PP AM mosom, 28 July 1973, p 2. 1-1 1 ~M'q 59792 ftmabodov, B. D&14Yv In Cmistnwtion of V(istmhW Port Roortled, 5 py .1 q Homoow# 23; An& 19,73# p 2, RIM 6 Sneshko, V. Inland Waterways Participat,.Lon in Haryeart Domoribmd. 7 pp x ~~ spw , Hosoov, 11. SoPt 1973, P I. RAS 603M Burson, Too At 'IN) %Drcnotl Automated Control System. 5 :pp vonfaT j,&gaMFj, Moscow, 2 00t 1973o P 2, JMS 60457 Kotlov, A. Nas"er Servioe Poor on BUck Sea Coastal Lines. 7 pp -- 611 mo Moscowe 6, Oct 197?t P 2,, IKOSIOV t A. .Problems of Black Sea Local,, CoasUl Fleets Disoussad. 7 vp RAN�=t Moscov, 91, 11 Oct 1973, im It jMs 6W00 WAVitskiy, It. River Fort Problow are ExpaLsined. a pp Mr.410M. Xosccwt 23, Cot 1973, p 2. F"gremis tnd FlAns for Container Transport Out- lined. 9 pp -= lw�=t Moscow, No 12, 13 Doe 1973, p 410 JPRS 61099 Xuohkin v S. A. HLAstsr Discuseea RLver Plant P*rformanae. 5 vp I= I I=, Koeoow. 20 Doo 1973, p 2. JMS 614U Borgaan,t G. Rswoarvl~ Cruises are I Rotur6ing How s. V02S,,YI.:LVANSPOXTj 1274, lio.40(6362). *NT13 TY 74-50058 Oushonko, T. B. klydator of the Maritime Fleet Discusses Problms 0k 1974' 5 pp y4Z . W%7j&fipj=, Moscow, 1.5 Jan 1974v p 2. RS ] S 1231 R 041 First in the World b, Ibank You, Romanian Seamen VDDNYI TRANSPORT 0 1974 a. No 92 (6331) 19 Jan b. No 19, (6341) 12 Feb OWIS-'rr-74-50055 Tmds Odon of Woricars of tlw Marine and River F14(st moot. I*z pp "I ~ - . Hosew, 2 Feb 19749 p 2. P98 61 .3 CK 23 1) ThO Upboming Plan: Socialist Workers ih the Fishing industry 2) 111'itiative,, Mastery$ Seep, by May 1974 29 Obligation for in 1974 V. Rytovj lloscow~ V - -) 1) 29 Jan 1974, P 1 oft 2) 2.19 ja ' 74 p I Plestme publish in Translations on USSR Resourcen N MI MOM ;7vi iL 7 2:3 U~ 1074 1) a t i aOf a North Vietnamese Merchant 114 - vi the Galati Shipbuilders, 2) t6viet/Nortb Kcrea Fishing Agreement, by YR. Sorokb and T. Shkollnikovz Mloscow, Voonyy Transport, 1) 12 Feb 74, p 3 2) 2,9 Jan, 74 p p 4 Please publish ir Translations on USSR Wade and Seri-ices GOMObOMO, A. Achlowmentip and Provpoots of the Inack Sea Line. 7 pp I a , I US , Mosam, 14 Feb 1974,, p 2. 1 1.9 Xuahkint So, A. River rOanoport ManAgerm and Workers Report on ftst and Future Operations. 8 PP MM TR 19to , Meows 16 Fs;b 1974t p 2. JM 61449 Innovations in Sea Transport. B PP VQMTx T , Moscow, 26 Fob 1974, p 4. 1 Om im 61514 moskvin.,, To. Rivor tftmoport operations Discusied. 5 Pp VODNrYl Wfl, Moscow, 3.1 Apr 1974t p 2. 3m V1998 Roytburdo A* Seminir Discusses Progreent Problems in Now Car-go and~~ ?Wthods. 8 pp V=XX M&LPPA, Moscovo 13 Ajpr 19?4t pp 2.'~ JPRS 619.15