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-ijt A* t va OdIn IAA6biLt6intW' ~Lj Lei i Xl 17 Alp Him losini tity bf &VIlL, fe, and lho, ili~t "Ot oth, vace. no h the 1,,0 A~ r tttlon Ttsts ~34 lli7- C7-'~ft I ol,.-ont~ Barano v. N. Surcophasidae in the Indepondent Croatina States Vr-TERINARSKIN APIiIV,, Vol 12, No 12, 1942 pp 497-6S9 163 pp 06 FIDI NUMED kS "IN PROCESS" *NTIS-'rf-72-56053 CANCELUD March 1974 Yeasta Frm the Intestiml Contents of Bees,, by M. HajMis. VIT-manw- ARCHIV, "I'l-15-56OU6 4. IT vol 26, ?io 516, 1959, PP 1145-156. F e; ) '13 let-sts From the Larvae of Healthy Honey Bee Colonies, by N. Rujais. MUMARSKI AMUV, Vol 34, No 3/4, 1966, pp 66-69. "ifflg FT 75-5666-5 r-!b 7 .1 i7 ip "Pligmtot 11"IA"tiosti4m into ix damot4o am&mtvj As m&x Aj,m owi ellssVAw i" *moo Apotiop owd #Wn fal%,9mjvw Mkoloso pr SON i2 ArRIFY"C62S-202-140 tisat al~x~ of the ;6f4dot or, diffei-ant MS.-, z ~.IUYOSP~rati&m of,the migr4itihg. V. 210 196'10 pp. 1401-1*5 FIJAN, N. /MTERINARSKI APOIIVI/ --/--/l%6gVU03Q'jXIOM .... SQmo Little Known Diseascs Of' Adult Bees, 11 pp No .11-120 pp 301-309, NTIS-TT-72-S6O5S## RITLESA, 1. //A-TERINARSKI GLA.SNIK// .-/.-/1963,V ---- IN0012, Invastigations of the Hficacy of Some Organophosphorus Compounds Applied by Different 4othods in Con- Trolling Hypodermosis, 12 pp pp 1015-1025,, NTIS-TT-72-S6047#0 VELIC, S. /IVEll"RINARSKI GLASNIK// -/-41967#00210tJO005, 11irther Investigations on the Effect of Different Nuguven (Bayer) Preparations oo Migrating Warblo Larvae, 8 pp 1y 401-40S$NTlS-TT-72-S604S#l DE'. W C, S, //Vl'-TERINARSKI GLASNIKJ/ --/:./l967,VO0210NO009; 0iffereftces in Body Wright and Value of "kin in Treated and Untreated 11)Todermosis in Ifeifers,, 7 pp pp 727-731j, NTIS-TT-72-5605114 6a 62 9Y, "'pt 6r. f$.. 74A JIC-23' 2,00-~ Popoviep It. Posoibility That 7-28-Day Suckling Pigs From I=Lne Sows Can Acquire Post Vaocinal (Kilapin) Ivmwnity Againxit flog Cholera, 7 PP, mm;~k~l LASNIK, Belgrade, No 5. 1973, _ARSKI G -- , p7l~$-("34z- - JPRI S 5 9742 3ep 73 Fujic, P. preparation Mix-9 Tested la Prevention of Gastrointestinal Diaturbamioes in Pigs During 6 Weaningo ppe VETMIURSKI GIASNIKv P~ A -el--4'2'4. JPRS 59742 Belgrade,, No 6. 1973P SeP 73 Po'novic, 1M. Con-tribution to Testimr, the 'i'Sfoct of Oxitetracycline and Penic 1.11 in on Post- Vaccinal Imunity in Swine, Inoculated With Adsoisbato Vaccine Agninst Leptospirosis, 11 pp. VEP Ell INA RSKI GLASN1Kj Belp;rad-~, No 8, 1973o pp 5-77-W7. ,TPR,I-') 601~52 '10'.1 73 R. Barnwh Xntorforanov of mosogenic and ths "lawootle v"Pus and their supprossion of tht, NewoutU Cuoho&Zovakia. M;41WAW WDZ(:ZNAO Vot 100 wt. 3:10" Off lantogenio strains of ohars in the ouooosoAl diaeaso in pouZtry in 2.965.9 pp 525-532 "gi 73 I)o4,sibility That I-leaned Piglets Fron, Immune sowrt cen laquiro Postvaccinal (Kilapizi) Damunity Ujog Choleria, by M. Popovic, 7 PP. 3ERBO-CROATIA11v port Veterinarski Glasnik, Belgrasio, No 2, 1973, PP W100- ins 5,3820 Apr '0 U,4 r0i 4, 7,77~ ~71777~77 1,11, rjootroyer.A ishi 15 3-49 RETMINGER. R. A. /IVGB COMMENCE ON POWER 3--.ATION AND THE ENYTIRONMtNT ESSEN// --/02)'1973, V---- 9 N---- EX-Imples of noise prevention in power station pp not given CE. TRAMS 65011 27-28 Feb 1973#0 LUAFHUTTE. D. W.. //VGB CONFERENCE ON POWER STATION AND THE ENVIRONMENT ESSEN// --/02/1973, v----, n--- Measurement engi-.eering and experience with calibrating recording type, dust monitoring equipmsnt pp not givtn C. E. TRANS 6513 27-29 Feb 19-73~f de LANK, G. //VGB CONFERENCE ON POWER STATION AND THE NVIRONZENT ESSEN// --/02/1973, V---- q N---- Special problems of noise reduction in power station air and steam lineb pp not given C. E. TRANS 6514 27-28 Feb 1973## ...vMPF*F3V6MlVqMr4MrJW 1111m, HERBST. H. C. et al //VGB COMMENCE ON POWER STATIONS MD THE ENVIROMMENT ESSEN// 0-/02/1973, V---- I N---- Sound radiation via the c.-immy pp 27-2s, reh 1973 C. E. TRANS 6516#0 UOHNSACK. G. i/VGB FEEDWATER COVERENCE// -4-419721 V ---- I N-... V40fect of hydrazine on A-he ion/water system ,pp 2-8 C. E. TRANS 6S37ft MARTYROVA, 0. 1. //VG8 FEEDWATER CONFERENCE// --/--/1972t V---- v N---- gehaviour of corrosion products in the steam water circuit at elevated temperaturs PP 8-13 C. E. TRANS 65011#0 RrISS. R. //VG8 IMEDWATER CONFERZNCE// --/--/1972, V----, n ---- Chemical conditiouing of the primary and secondary circuits of pressurized water reactors pp 14-21 C. E. TRANSG$351# FLUNKERT. F. et al //VGS FEEDWATER CONrERENCE// --/--/1972, V----, n---,- Experience with determination of very small cation and anion concentration in the water steam circuit of H. P. steam generator, pp 74-80 C. E. TRANS663440 HMTMAN. H. G. et al /IVG8 FEEDWATER CONFERENCOW/ --/--/1972, V ---- I N---- Practical experience with electro-magnetic filters and their use in power stetion wa-ih.-er steam circuits . pp 80-92 C. E. TRANS 652400 MARQUARDT, K. , //VGa rEEDWATER coNrERENCE// --/--/1972$ V---- j n---- Features of new continuous ion exchanp method and experience with its practical' application pp 93-105 C. E. T.WS 6536#0 c for $14 VY I ~ nt. -15 7 OaAtlo 1,- 4 ~; ~ Mir. Itica., n all EFFERTZ. V. H. //VGB YRArIVERKSTECHNIX/I --/02/19741 V0054* N0002 Waterside corrosion of power station conu-ens and coolers pp S2-93 C. E. 652800 HICHMULLER. K. //VGB KRAFTWERKSTECHNIK// --103/1974, V0054v N0003 Problema in steam generators because of non- iOnOgenic Conotitutnts in the feedwater pp 160-174 C. E. TRANS 652101 loil PtL6 it l(ANVIER. A. IIVGB S'CANINAVIAN CONFERENCE GOTEBURG// --/0941,9731, V----,, N---- solids emission from power station furnaces .. pp not givenC. E. TRANS 6524 13-13 Sept 19730#' ,trtIsa.n Cooperatives, Plan Fulfillment for :.972 publisbedt 8 pp. 11,0MANIAN np, Viata coaperatioi MestesMaresti Euchareq; 23 i 5. It FOD '(30 pp 9 40 ! 0-?R,oj 58776 A-p 11 7:3 Resolution on Activ!ty of Artisan Cooperatfives, 7 pp. VIATA GOOPMRATIZI MESTFSUGAMM , Buoharest,, 2.2 juin 0....... JPAS 59635 Au,; 73 Rtmort, on Activitj of ArtJ,san Cooperatives for 1973, 51 Pvl. VHATA C001PERATIE1 MESTESUGARESTI, Bucharest, 7. 0- -73"--pp 1-9, 3. IIPRS 61230 MR r 74 3h vlata OA PID ro 7 1711. lu 33P visia VOOI-101 I 'Buchai eat 7 fro" Ministries Criticized for Not Providing TechnicRl. Documentation, 'by D. Dobrinescu, 7 P'~* ~ RO'.KAVltX.* np., Viata. Econoxalca, Bucharest, 19 An 73', p 4 77- J?-IlS 586-12 Ap V 7.3 More '-.'xtensive JTSe of MIAed Trading Companies to Promote Exports, by lqicolae Manescu, 6 pp. ROMNLIAl np, Viata Economlea, Bucharest, r- Mar 73: pp JPRS 58960 I-Ifly 73 Dovelop.ment ROMAJIUANO zip, 2"' Anx, 73" ,T:) t. i,, -i.5W.65 Enginoe.,in:- . , rind Electronics Cited, by A. Prodoi, 7 PP. Iliata Econordoa., Bucharest PP rZ 3. Am 73 Plorescup Mail Ministers Coment on Ministerial He- o'44ganizations, 11 pp. v.CATA ECONOMICAt Bucharest., 4 Me-,y 73, pp 1, 1()v IJL, mw 59389 JU 1 -4.3 olskriu,, Victoria iwsroiss in Equipment and Inotallation Mr.port Urgodo 6 NPUT ECONDMICAo n - .TPJ-59559- ppe BuchAresto !5 Jun 73t p 6. Aug 7'10 (;eorgenoul NO Means of Expanding Balkan Economic Cooperation Discusseds 5 pp. IUTA ECONOMICAp Bucharest, 1 Jun 73, p 23; 1.5 JIM 739 P 19s MIRS 59700 Sep '73 It'anes, tricolae cperation of Pnotories Subordinate to Enter- prises, 6 pp. 714k EGONOMICAI M3-59703 Bucharests 6 Jlun 73, PP 12-13- Sop 73 Patillnet, Vasile Rapid Growth of Lumber Induatry Presented, 10 pp. VINTA EC-0140MICA,, Bucharest, 22 %n 73t PP 3o U; -9-~$-- JPRS 59794 3ev 73 Marinosou, Mihai Eoonoiaic and Social Controls Described, 6 pp. VIATA HGONOMICA-4 E. 9 "5 1- JPRS 59794 Micharesto 22 Jun 73P PP It Sep 73 Goorgescup Ioan Chemical Marketing office opened, 5 pp, VIATA E02romICAP Bucharcst, 22 Am 73. P 1LL. JTRS 59794 30P T3 Marln, Gooton Better Inter-Enterprise Cooperation Urged, 7 pp. VIATA ECONOMICA, Bucharest,, 29 Jun 73P PP It 6. 7FRT 519M - Oct 7.3 Cojoearu, Toodor Elxporlt DoolmolnAtion, Enterprise Cooperation.. 5 Dp. VIATA ECONOMICA, Buoharest, 29 Jun 73# P 14. Oct 73 Constantinescu, Radu SOCUlUt Agricultural Productiont Cooperation 6 PP - VIATA, ECONOMICA, Bvchorost, 29 Jun 73, p 15. 'I.rpp9,Twoir-- oat 73 filholaolie, Florian 3teady Production Develo;ment Urgedp 5 ppe VIATA IMMICAp Buobarest, 6 Jul 73, PP 3, 4- YM. .59009 Sop 73 ratant losir 14ontcriff Export VIATIA, EGOIIOMIGA$ IFFM 590P Obstaclen Discussedp 5 ppe Buoharest, 6 Jul 73, p 7. Sep 73 Florosovi Mail (.3hemical Industry Progres!~ Outlined, More Urged. 8 pp, VIATA. ROONOMICA, Bucharost-, 13 Jul 73,v PP 1p r7~- JPRS 59978 ^ - &. .07 11 Constant inescu , Radu ISOCIalist Transportation Described, 9 pp. VIATA ECONOMIUA, Bucharest:, 13 Jul 73, P 15. 7-RS 5997b Oct 73 GrlgOPOSCLI, Constantin Romanian-Sovist Economic Di9velopment Diroussed 5 pp. VIATA, ECONOMICA, Bunhariest, 13 Jul 73, p 19. JPRS !)99-fri Oot 73 Constantimasou, Radu Cooperation In Telecommunications Described, 6 pp" VIATA F-CONOMICAl Bucharest, 20 JUI 73s P 15. M97,519 - Oct 73 lonita, Narla causem of Slowdowns Amlyzed. 6 pp VWA EMMA. bucharoist, 27 JuXv 1973, pp ion. aV4 60292 Constantinescuo Radu Coopemtlon in Constrwtion Discrseeds 0 pp A Sollmffq~ll ~ Buoha"stt 27 July 1973, P 19- JM 60292 Stanciu, Ion Speedier Agriculture Orientation for Export Urged,, 7 PP* VIATA EXONDMICAt JfR9 9025,1 Bucharest, 3 Aug 73P nn It 6. Oct 73 Mikalachap Florian Delejo in Oapacity Starts VIATA 1-1,CONOMICA, Bucharest, 7"'9-V1253 Deorled, 6 pp. 3 Aug 73, pp 3p 4- Oc t 73, Luc in.n, DmRiit Accelerated Socialp Economio Dovelopment 'UrF:ed, 7 pp. VIATA 1!',COIIOIiICAt Bucharest, 16 Aug 73, pp ly 4. Oct '113 Chirila., Mai Reduction In Shipbuilding Costa Urged, 6 p VIATA 8,CONOMICAp Bucharest, 16 Aug 73, PP E: 9. I IMM 025 Oct 73 Constantin, C. 1110reaflOd Capacity Use Urged, 7 pp. VIATA E001TOMICA, Bucharest, 17 Aug 73, P 4. VIM7 19 Oct; 73 Craooa, A. Increased.Furniture Export-- Discussed, 6 VIATA ECONOMICA, Bucharest, 17 Aug 739 P Vo IV-qq RV19 oet "'3 Constantinescu, Radu E'oonomic Relations With Soviets Described, I 9 PP - VIATA ECONOMICA, T6." ~~ - JPRS 60219 Bucharest, 17 Aug 73o pp 9 Oct 73 Hoffmlin, Opear ChOnging Work Force Discussed, 12 pp, VIATA ECONOMICA, Bucharest, 17 Aug 73 PF"T2-.T-T; JPPS 60219 Oct 73 Grigoresoup Constantin 25 Yoara of Economic Progress Described, ? pp. VIATA BOOMOMIC& Buebarest-, 22 Aug 73, pp 1-2. "N RS. - 6 0 2 5 3 0 c t '?,I Dale&, VAIba i Progress in Raising Standard of Living Dis- cussed, 6 pp. VIATA. E0,0NOMICA, M9, 53 - Bucharest, 22 Aug 73j pp 5-6. Oct; 73 y'anom., !~icolaa Relations of Administrative Bodies Discu3sed, 8 pp, VIATA, Ef.4,0140MICA, W-.- ,T?Rs 60268 Buchare9l;, 22 Aug ?3, pp 8, Oct: 73 Dragenosou, -.hil Transnolstation and Telecommnications Advances Desorlbod., 10 pp VIATA ECONOMICAp M"~ ,TPR3 60268 Buebarest, 22 hug 73,, pp lo- OCt 73 Reduced, More i~-~ffactjve 'Powir Use Urged, 10 *pp 0 7UTA FOONOMICAt I ". - i 4 P. IM 603-69 Bucharest, 31 Aug 73, pp Is 3# ";ov 7 3 I I I I. I . Isaresom, Mugur Fornign Trade Pricing Research Discussed, 6 pp. VIATA SCO1101410A., Bucharest, 31 Aug 73, p 7. .VRN 60 69 Nov 73 Tinteao L. Metals Plan Achievement Discuosed, 5 PP. VIA,TA BXONOMICA, Buchareqt, 7 Sep 73o PP 3, 4, NTOV 71 Popescu, Dan More Rational Use of Rail Cars Urged, 5 PP. Vlj%,TA H,00140MICA, Buchareat, 7 Sep 73, P 6. m 116'6 61 w Nov 73 Nita, Stefan '"hcrouwh Knowledge, lise of Customs Laws Urged~ 5 np. VIATA ErOOROMICA, Bucharest, 14 Son 73, p 7. W 11, 6 0 M- - Nov 73 ionescIll, NE-Ron ""onclitiorls for Private 6 p p , f["0 Owriershin OlUtlined, 7TATA EGOINVTICAP Blicharest, 14 Sep 73, p 14. 71.57 Ir ImrKT- No v 73 Ps-nes, Nicolue Orp,anization of Cantmls, Investmonts Dis- cussoid., .5, pri. VlAtrP ECIONOMICA, Bucharest, 21 Sep 73, p 6. -Mnkq~ ~15 04 7 1.) 6 NOV "I ItihmUche, Florian Inoroamed Self-lkuipping Actixity fted. 6 pp ewfhff harest. 28 Sopt -1973, pp 4-3. jpw 0619,41 m 9 &-dos, 1. Sort Say for hvducers in Foreign Trade Deals* 5 pp Amus Bucharest, .5 Oot 1973t p 5. j 1- 60666 ciopmnoa, xwrin Accoloratod Regional Dov*l-jpmmt Disoumood. 5 pp 49910mrAl Buoharesto 20 Sept 1973S p 6. 1 0514 1011*50ut 00 Improvod System for Eq)mt of Installations Cvned Fbr,6 6 pp XZW go ruffr & 0, 1)uc M MUM ha"stv 28 SePt 1973t pp 9023- JM 60514 Dometrosout M. C. Fanations of Tradamrks OutLmed. 5 pl) I ~--- Jmv%ftft-,Mq ftcha"att 1; Oot 1973, p 6. losAtSL, Hari& Problem of Food Industry Diewwood. 5 vp I'll ~ffa. Buohareat, 5 Oot 1973* p 7* Bazac, I:Kunitru Youthis School and Job Choices Evaluated, 7 PP. IIATA ECONOMICA, Buohai,est, 5 Oct 73, ...... Ipp'7.."'qs . .w SPHS 60828 Jo n 71~ Structure of MInistries outlined, 5 pp. ArIATk ECONOMICA, Bucharestv 12 Oct 73o i-IIDT0M-. ;rPR,S 61000 F!ob 71~ Constantinesou, Radu Bloc Technical-Scientific Cooporation, 5 pp. *VIATA, ECONOMICA, Buoharest, 12 Oct 739 P 15. .Tpjis bluou Fo b '74 Hartia 0 S. Aole of Agriculture in National Economy Desei?ibed, 8 pp. IFIATA RCOROMICA, Bacharest, 19 Oct 73# PP 4, 5, " ffff"M 6 8 5) c 7.3 NAStIISO, I-PifIC& ;ctivit,10,4i of International Fqnlf of Economic (oor)sirs.tlon Surveyed, 7 m). I~TA,rA ECONOMICA, Bucharestp 19 Oct 73t n 21. 11 *P-W-*"7rT- Doe 73 Constantinescu, Radu 3ooialist Technical-Scientific Cooperation, 5 PP - VIAZ%. ECONOMICA, 11 -- i)-p lb 22-Z5-0 TPR3 ta~6 Bucharestt No 1~2, 19 Oct 73P A n 7,.1.