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71 if I I ; 11 1'. i, I " otp 72 kV 21 Dr. Gerbard Schricker et. al. Activities of the Task Groups of the Institute of Food Technology Surveyed VERPACKUNGS-RUNDSCIMU, Vol.. 22, No. 9, Sepl: IM-,pp 73-75 FSTC.IIT-23-1226-72 IDt 'r*lOPmnt Of a FlOistic Material for Packages, 5 pp. ~QOVUMNT ME ONLY VERFACKOR-RUNDBOLAU, Uo 31) 1971.. p 1522. WWTq 3-1713-72 IM166-10i. a lid 'il TC) Uj ('1072 1'7 ri t T Ina Iftt"ials maAle Of -Plastics itore 1 to the Linvircn-Mut tharl other ftckaejr~3 16ATC 74-loP-62-13rW AF kldlai~il~llity mor 14,60'.t- ic~` tinpla 1972, No. pp,1064-66. UND. lop 4 Ea t t pp lit To Acemm, riot lba~ *04action froba LXWRD TO 9.8. GWOT Aamonm =To SPLLIAL PALKAGiNG MAILKIAL.J. FU.'. SILKIAZAEILL F,.iuu..i HEIM vo LANGUAGE-6L ~OUNTRY-Gw VkRPACKUNGS KUNWiGHAU VUL Z-3 NU 11 NOV 197Z Vaik-kll'-23-1539- 0 PREVLN'TINC- AMAGES ON FLLX13L~ PALKS LANGI)AGE--Gr'_ COUNTRY-GW VERPACKLINGS-RUND SL MAU 4 1913 PP 320-330 FSTC-HT-23--U7~4-74 METHOD FOA PACKAGIPG PALI.El'S IN PE FILM LANGUAGE-GE LOUNTRY-GW VERPACKUNG$ RUNDSCHAU VOL 24, MAY 1973 PP 694- 712 FSTC-HT-2.~-0776-74 PROCESSING Of PLASTIC WASTE I MESEL H*Vs LANGUAGL-GE COUNTKY-GE; I I . WFBERCITUK VON F0v'.J[-NAbFALLLN VLRPA-"KL1hG$-RUNDSLV - 1) 00 11 v 19 T3 PP 14213- 1 4~$O 5 IrC -hT -?. 3-0765- 74 THE USE OF PHYSICAL STERILIZATION IN THE PROD UCTION UF ASEPTIC PACKAGES STURM W ANU GIL LANWAGE-GE CUUNTRY-GW VEF%PACKUNGS-RUNDSCHAU APR 74 VOL 25 NO 4 PP 2 98-302 ATC-HT-23-0020-75 Ilt IL .19 NO. 3' x1arch Waltor Betz, Ph.D. Aseptic Packaging of Food vereacLungswirtschaftg June 1968, pp 19-21 TSTC-HT-2~-721-72 24 may 73 From 1975 and On Only Milk Will be Still Packned VERPACKUNGS WIRTSMFT, Vol. 81 1971? p~ 5.7 FST'C-M'.23-1223-7' "I 71 I!Il' ITT 717 -17 11 Th=y of Weld Seaw ft 'Plackmaing Foils, by I 0,0 )a . 41 pp. GOVEMMU UsF ony WAIPAcwtospol'Im. Vol 149 iq"ji~ pp 2-6~ 8-14~ 16-10. AM/FSTP,7HTI~3-1 98-72 73~ 616swomik placZek" Dr. I, e1k; VI. lAbe'LLig of Plaitic Foil irith Heat Adhesive Papera -12 VEM)ACKMGSTFOLTRit Vol. 14, .19r(lt pp C'-0-25 TSTC-71-23--O~-, -72 13 pa~-,Cs Dc~ L. l,,Iikl(h.l-.".L"j'~ Fol.'. wit"i I-Teat AIJIwAve Wd 14, ro cc:,, f3 "o7. FURTHER C-EVELOPMENTS IN PACKAGES- WASTE DISPO SAL LANGUAGE-DU COUNTRY-NE f "1 0 /~k~ . r -1E , VERPAKKING 25 1973 1 PP 346-349 Fs,rc-kJT-i3- 0614-74 PALLSTS OF ALL'TVPES ON INTERPACK FAIR LANGUAGE-DU COUNTRY-NE VERPAKKING JULY 1973,PAGE 579 TO 584 it., TC-M-23-0520-74 FS WrIMUATIUN Of SHOCKABSCROING PAckAGING UE jkOElJEK ANU LANGUAGE-OU COUNTRI-NE ~.-~RPAKKIN(; JAN 1974 PP 238-246 FSK-W-23-0878-74 ;Awl, PP' L J . . . . . . . . 17, ILI Pl M-7 jinciplettil 'J. Hie thickness of surface layers C!el)L)i;- ited on glass s+6-,,,t(!v of their composition and their str-ict~irtl, %r~.",RJ~E4 S Er REFRACTAIRE'S. AkTIC.I.ES vIZIGINIAUX, Vol, 11. 10 14M, p. LU- NTC 71-1113S-11B '77,11 7T ! ~, 4 LID oil 11! r 177.1. It 7~11'1 Ap t. Our All for 0 ilk Ropr,rt an visit to 11th fnt#rnc-'-'o?kJ ocriforonoo or. phonomona in ionimed gases. 10 ~pp. VS)WW"O BVEW AM DE A, Ilf.T. O(WF. ON PHENCAFRA IN I WIS - -IM-17 MFij 1.971'1 pp 17~ 762-74 DISMOUT104 UAUIWD TO 9&" U.S. GOVIT AGENCIES ONLY. COMM" TNMRMA.?ION. OWNR REQVWY MUST BE [CFERRED 7o Prp 4 4 ..- . . WWWWW Del Pozo Ibanez, M. VERSLAGEN VAN LANDOUWKUNDIGI.: ONDERZORINCE4, Vol 60, N6=. 1963. pp 1:74 *NtIS-TI-74-53049 VSWM?RA7A MAMMA SKWAN..'LAL SrARTrhG Vol I t ,o So 1,, 1073 per letter 8 June 2973 COVER TO COVER CONSULTANTS BURE4UIPLSNUM PRPSe"S - . 149i, 34 I ol '1130.1662*072 ~'1046007 LANO Ly SERIALS Joviciat R. Conve-~sion of Short-Term Credits Into Long- Term Credits for Current Asnata, 5 pp. VESWXX JUG03LOVE-NUE LNESTICIOn UMS, Belgradev No 10,b,, Xp-r 75, Pp 5-7. JTRS $9876 SOP 73 Konstantirovicq Jovanka M, 1972 Ye&P-End Businees Reltults of Laading Commircial Banks Tabulated, 23 pp.- VEMIX JUGOSIADVENUE INVESTICIONE BANKEt 1181R. 'ZOV;l, '95,190, A-p-r- 77, pi i--15-240 JPRS 59878 1 , 114waikes. go fomWfm or orjoAo op woo dot ir wr M4!V-(ffx Acadim*r of 72 COW "1974) I)Y tl) tPrapkoncertit Czechoslovak Arts and Enter- taimuent Agency Greatedp !') pp, VS3TIl 0 Prsigue, No 5, 20 MaY 73, pp 100-102. 763 Sep 73 Zwit.ter, Frani'l Carinthii4n Slovene MinoritY Prublems ill Forefi-arit Again, 7 pp. VEPST111K, Klar4enfurt, No J)~, 24 Alig 73, P 1- ,TM"n35? ,to,,r *tl 5LO21YIdix A. V. //V!Z17aX AKADDECYA WMITISIRS)KIEll ITAUK SS-SR.// -/-./ig6g~V10024~N0012, PP M30-0067 Prinv1ples of ppxenteral alJmitntation of oncology patients r.,Tc !A-1,308-o6E Utena, a. Model of Schitiphrenia in Animals 5 pp VL-.YrNIK AKAD, W-DITSINSKLEA 4AUK USSR NU 9s 19YU; pp 63-67 PISTC-ff-23-2303-72 Lenchik, V. 1. Ilte b I ast- trans formation reaction in patients with systemic I 'pus- erythema.*,osus - AUDZMYA MEDITS14SKIKH NAUK SSSR. VESTNIK, n. 9, T 19:19, IF767- NYC 73-10850-06r. Ii 48 'Anth lastic C i ity "d (ithoT, drugs WSW" T no. 30 JAS-060. I. i2 "l, LAIUL vl r--7 'Ile Probl, sm or Via-lateral 8Aeiosls ic 4--loar .,)6EW of pp of 1*0 0 M-kAW FM WINK, W SPs NoZ OAUX, moll VC) $7s No MsthodcCxV of Intematimal Cialaboratica in th*'Fj*3A of )Wiolne, by D. D,, Vr%edlA*vj 15 ippe HU&SM, por, SL AaqI4 dask. V t"4 Ban# wacows lic 39 pp 3.W., ft &A t mom ~ .A7 73 cultivatim of Y~pcplasm by the Dialvxio flothod,, ty P. T. Gue, 0. Sbabinak4,yp ? Ipp, BUS" 9 per I lull" A UAemU IN l&t-A!;W kb &Lk SRARO #osoowl No 3# 1973l pp 14--4se - - im " I iky " The ll-'"bl" of Preventive lumaetious Igainert Inf-patious Diseases &Ad Their 3~mediate P"opecta. by P. F. WrodovskI7, 12 pp. RJWW, por , 4 k Sauk Wk AMA9#4 4"dkh- , Nwm4wt No 310 19731 pp 18- - - - M, 3w No " Sww Aspwta of Ecology of Cholera P&thogens " the Role of Thar *symos in Pathagwwds of tho Mmaggo. by 1. V. Tbmarad&kly, G. D. -1[obAnmkiy, 67pp# RVWLAM9 For. U11"Am2sw MOM x4m JMv M0000w, 110 3, 1973, PP 20-30- ins 3MA &Y ?3 Uidtogwass wW Kinimes Aortivl.Ay in Itrooardial Infrtation aW Cwdlogsnio Sbook, by L. T - Malays. S. Ch. Borkellyevat 17 pp. RMSIU, per i JoLga Akmd*PU I Simi-AtUma sm 0 N"Ocmo so 39 19739 pp 30-A~~- m ~w XUY 73 Advances in Research Dealing WIth Awaysim and F*rmtion of ILNitroso Comp*tnloo by Ps Ab Bogovskly, E. A* walkerp 6 pp* RMIM I W, ygd&U MdgILI hWjUMmUkh !jj* fulm 0 ftwom 0 110 30 -1-9739 pp 4 D.-JO5, M3 3m *Y 73 Some Romato Of Amperionao in Surgery ai: Carcinoma of the Ustric Stvwp. by lu. XG. Veregov, 6 pp. RMAW. role. mod I ~R#Am& Lkh A&* AW Moscovo So 3o 1973# pp 43-49" JFRS 5m rlay ?3 Australian Antigen in Patimts dith Chronic Hopatitis and Cirrhosis of the Ifter, tq A. S. Loonov. A. X. Urteava, '? pp RUMW . per# bA= Mudemii 1" "' ' ' ' M 9 Mm- ki"Cowt, W 31 1973t YP 50-54, IWOM Wy 73 Saw Aspowts Of OytOgObOtAGS Of Lvakovd*, by U, V. Flapbomt 23 PP- UWAS, pbrs lmutk I badlWASIP-A hm MEL i Wwoow, 10 3#-1973v'PP,%" a 71ww" Pkr 73 The Uffoot of Proteolytic Fzsymezi on Rsgeneration of Suppmstive Wounds in Climical PJractice, AczozdA-% to Cytological and Cytocheadcal Find- bigpo br V. X. Gostishchov, A. G. Khmin, 10 pp. RUWMU 0 pert -&+ A"Afftmi + M4 " AU4 L-k - 41=mz-m~ SlIaL Ws. no , pp ?0m74. jm-W68 &Y 73 ftSpkwloooccu9 Taxtal as a Bqatutrupic Poison, by W. P. SkOm, S. M. Drogovot, U pp. ftUS$W, port vqjLt"MmAnwA t!jamCdh-h N&W; =. Mwwow. , -, 3. IMP PP 06 TM 5w8 MW 73 Quatitart4ve ChusaterisUcs of Nouroglia thdor NorwoLl and Pathologioal ConCiiAmm, bor x. xh. saadbapv , n pp. . CMA 4 ftWom, Imr, ItAlm - dawd" M4 A= MOSCOW,, 110 39 IM o PP 13, Tm- -sams MV 73 Some Dixtinortionj of Morbidita, and bmality Rates Referable to MaUgnant Neoplaswi in the USSR, tq Mo. H. Preabrashensicaya. G. F. Taorkovnyy, 8 pp. RMZW * per$ - "a tWLt&Jm*klkh &0 AMRO Homa0we No 3, 19731, pp M-87. im 3w A Qy T 3 investigation of the Nature wul F~mctions of ,hosotte-ForrAng Celle In tLe l4ght of Current Conceptions of GlabuLin Recepti.,ra of IMhold CoUs j, by D. V. Pinegin, S. B. Perabin 9 15 pp. UmA"A &~4 Ich per am,. mwmv 100 3, pp 5 jw-3w 104W " Sudarikovp L. G. The Prinolpal Directions of Development of Hadioal Cybernatica and Disks for 1971-1975, 7 PP. VWTNIK OADk%i '". MEDITSIMIKIKE WK 33BRo MUM, "ro 1173 1- -,"Fp - 7.15 0' -- JFRS 59471 Jul 73 Bykh,mvekly,, H. L. Optimm-Management of Treatmont of :Argo Groups of Patients in the Presence of Liaitntionst 7 PP- MTWIK 1=11 MEDITSINIUM NkUK SSRs MOSCOW# 0 1) IVY3# PP JPFL'j 59471 Jul 73 Bykhovalcly, M. L. A System for Telediagnostioa, 6 rp. 'MTWIX AFADEXII MEDITSIMAUKHAUX 333Rt I(O"W"617, iro" 5; Mrt Pp 12-916-0 JPRS 59471 JUI 73 Sivoighinakiy, D. S. Mnoiplos and Methods of Using Eleotronic Computers ir, Clinical Radioisotope Diagnoetic8, 6 pp. KIM NOR SSSRJ MODOGWO no ># pp 3PRS 59471 JU 1 7.3 Trius, Yo. B, to$ of Mathematical Methoda and Digital Computers to Interpret Ant:Lg,,Pnio Composition of Eman Leukoc,.rtes p 7 pp. VWTWTK AWMIl NEDITUNSUKH MUK SSSR I ~ HOSCOWO WO 5" -L,)-(3j, PP ~ JPRS 59471 JU 1 7.3 Monaldlev 0 K. K. Differential Computer Diagnostics Usea for 3yetemic Analysis of E160tric Antivity of the Brain of Schizopbrenles, 6, pp VESTWIK ARkDBXII MEDITSINSKIKH MUK SSSRo MUNOWWP 09 ;~j 47(j) PY M4." JPM $9471 Jul 73 Porifirlyev, V. ye. Use of Si:andard Cards to Fraparse Rhoovaeograpt Data for Electronic Computer Proceaaing.. - V,WTNIK 4'KhDHMTI MEDITSIFSKIKH MAUK SSSR9 !) PP - RUMP r0 50 Jj, FP- 5M. JPRS 59471 JU 1 7.3 NV73tkovo N. D. Investigation of Instability of Time-Related Characteriptics of the Human BBO Uaing the Method of P.,aae and Frequency Analysis, 10 pp, VESTNIX AM0411 MEDTTSIORKIKK N&UK SSSR WO - NORSirl, 0 - it, pp ' __W. JPHS .59471 Jul 73 Dovzhonko,, YU. M. Finito Automaton Hodeling in Problem Dealirig With USIURtion of Man'sCondition, 7 pp. rwwwwwp jJ11w JPFM 59471 Jul 73 Dovzher,kop Yu, M. Sam$ Reoults of Automatic eroeobsiAg ^f Sphygmograma and Kinetoorrdiograw Recorded During Funebional Loads an the Cardiuvasoular system, 5 pp. VESTNIK AKADEMII MEDITSINISKIKH NAUK SSSR, $00wo NO 5p 197T;p"vwp~p-'-rr'6- .,IPRS 59471 JUI 73 Novoselptsev, V. N. MoW.ing Bax-oroceptor Links hi the Organiam and Nomulization Thereof During Extra- coisporeal. Circulation, 7 pp, VESTNIN "OEV.Il MDITSINBKIKH NAUK SSSRO KOSOOWO no >p Pp JPRS 59471 Jul 73 Martynenkov V. F. Structurs of the Hardware Base of an Automated System f or Publio Health Pla.-ming and Manage- ment.0 5 pp. VESTRIK 4EARMII MEDITSIMIKIKH N&UK *SSRj, Moscow,, No 5p 19730 pp 3T-10,6 irns 59471 JUl 73, V&XI3,ev8ki7p N. N. Controlled Experinent in Studies of Alaptive Brain Regulation at the Cellular Leve:~, 9 pp. VESTNIX AXADIHII MEDITSIN.'IRIKH NOY, SSSRO M0500WO me >0 IV139 pp JPRS ~ *?I Jul 73 Gimanor, P. 1. Autowtic Amlysis ar BLI,,T Tension in the Course of Measured Physical Work Varying L-i Powtor (on the Basis of Charaoteriatiop of the Parmeters of Regulating Physiological pzotions)v 10 pp, ra,&,apNpwww 14w%p nrus 59471 X, 1 7 3 USAIA,kov, A. Nip 17ae of Hathematica! Methods for EkDeriment Planning in Madicobiological Researoh, 13 PP- VESTNIK AKADEMIX MEDITSIMIKAR NkI7K SWR. K*9047wt no >1 IV-01 pp jpRs 59471 Jul 73 Timofooyev, A. v. Mathematical Evaluation of Effeetiveness ,f FAInsotherapy and Differential Diagnosis of Rheumitoid arj,- Rheumatio Polyurthritis, 5 pp. VESTNXK 4LKADMII MEDITSn?SKI.KH NAUX SSSRI i --I MOOM, "r, 7973000 PP U5-LI74 JPRS 59471 Jul 73 Kistadinov, D. A. Demonstration and Investigation of the DR.A- Sptheals StimulatIng FaOtor in Th7moeytes, in Vitro, 15 pp. VESTNIK AMEMIX MEDITSIMAKIMi NAUK SSSR,, JWXOOWP 50 >p IY(jy PP OIIRB 5 9471 Vishhevskiy, A.A. Tike Problen of Ileart Preservation VESTNIK AKADEME ~2DITSINSKIM NAUX 6SSR 081 1973 pp 16-22 *ACSI-K-4347/A Ratner, IM. Ya. Subelinical Crises of Rejection of Nephritic Allotransplant VESINIK AXADEMII! MEDIISINSKIXII NAUX SSSR 18,, 1973 P P W-,() 3 *ACSI -K-4347/0 Tosoilinal I.A. Side-Effects of I=unQdapra35ioa Following Allo~ransplantation of the Kidney and Some Data on Mechanism of InfOCtiOUS Complications VUSTNIK AKADEHIE MEDITSINSK"IrJi NALM USSR 18l IL973 Pp 94-96 *ACSI-K-4347/C ZhUnov 0 V, M. Three Jovele of Biological Orpnization am", Three Synthetic Fields of Knowledge In the Light of VAr;dat-Lwdnist, Thenry of Cocnition, 9 pp Vvmq"wTr ariDM; '-,WITSMIUR KJA &Va. A0800W. NOT 9 pp 3-10. in$ 6W7 SM.ngarav v 0 - Kh * lntdigrlt*~ ,j. the Organism axidi N-ourohumoral Cow- Nations Wer Nor=Ll suid P&thological -onditions. 8 P11 wTr ArAn AZL.SMO M0300wo 95911=19&U Ito 9,1P Me pp 106-16. imll 61367 "gormsov, U. A. COM*Ptifts Of 'Konul,l PHealth,l sad lDisease3. 10 ?p UMMISIll MK MR. 1168664. aT" v o 9 pp 16 22, JFRS 60367 Korollkov, A. A. HIstorle&I PWlovop~dcal Essuy on the Question of the Norml. 6 pp M*WT ML-lnjJL-jjJ[jA=- - - A=IHApa!A NAME �NA, Moscow - - -9-1-95 -99- N 6 1 1, pp ZZ-26. JFMRS 60~67 luOye 00 A* C4t6gO.:.v Of Degree W--d Conoept of Normal in Bkoloa &M Hedicino. 11 pp IMTKIA 412M 0=2112MULL" am" Moog-or, NO 9-t 19"t PP 2-5-32o JM 60367 vl"yukt ve ve The Quoution of Cauntiot. oi Taseagis. U pp 0 . 0 pp 32-390 "1 -Mmm E&Z �M9 moncowt j ~ ? Shishki-m , I. A, The Problem of Resoci^lization of XtnW p&tient.;, 5 pp VESTIM 1"ang M NQA, M0150,vt No 9 1 1973 t pr 39-W - JMS 60367 Huhmo B. Some 3ocW Problems of Public fWalth, 15 pp Vtrl"rr ArAhMmIr t"Wr NOIgA J&U JUR, Moscow, - 9 19?3 is,% a TSI A N o 0 q pp 4.1-33. im 60? Smallywakov, A. 1. Theoretical Problem of Medical Ethics U Modem Pab2io Health. 5 pp x Nu hum-1 awsluagpi UZ 0, Moscow, .110 90 1973 0 pp 53-39. JM 6036? fus'aina ~ L. P. The Varrowness of Bouneois Viwwv on the Role of the Social Ilactor in Fornotion of the Haman Psychs,, ? pp IMNUAAMA A -1 MUM NAWWR- M08"'OW, No 9. 1973w pp 60-630 JPR5 60367