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MC $U%le Cryistals Grom From Solvent Silicon, .zo lnc~wta, Zentaburo Inoue,, 16 pp. ~,Per;'-Y-0970 ME!hLi-Mdo Vol 799 ND 8) 1971s, ge i29 ''Tr No 98 On the Inplemantation of the Vi-inciple of Party Spirit and the Principle of Historicism In Historical Reseamli, by K.Lm Sok-hyong, 16 pp. KORBAN,, per,, Yoken Kwahak,, No. 6, 20 Nov pp. 1-7. JPIT 4OP2 3 FE-Korea poi Apr 6( 321.,226 1_3SB/o7 67 ,I i , . CS0:2S,1/70 W Itily 09 Reforence Suddenly Returns t D Ili -, Own Coutilry . JAPANESE, ilp, Yomitir-i, IS May 1900. p 11, wwl~m . - FundamcnLal Ites3earch of the Bahavior of Hydrogen in Steel, (1) Diffusivity of 112 in Mild Steel, by I. Onisbi, 7 pp. JWAINESE, per, Yosetsu Gakkaishi, 36, 1967, pp. 1125-1131. *Nat. Bur. Stand, TT 70-57177 sci/chem May 70 T05PLTUU UAAKAISHL I" IvbT V46 Nil Pilub-1193 ?0-10312-11F (*> ORDER MM Mr, Fundamental Researchon on the Behavior of Hydrogen in Steels (111.) Effei~-t of Microstructure on PermeabUity of Hydro- gen in Steels# by I. Onishi, 6 pp. JAMILSE, per, Yosatsu GaIckaishi, 36, 1967, pp. 1310-1915. *Nat. Bur. Stand. TT 70-57179 Sci/chem May 70 Creep Rupture Strength of 2-1/4 Chromiuvis I ,Molybdenum Steel fleat-affected Zons. by Jo Tanakes T, Obuta. OW *tau Gakkainhi, Vol 33p No 2p AM, Part, Xo-s 19699 pp 171-183. BISI 8019 Sc i4w t Sep 70 .,.;tmit~Jul of 4!1(bd Camocticzis ir?,,oit '.2. Yield "vu] I )It-i.! obi) ltjl , IYY ,JAP)N14,':;i,v :)orp 'ecci4,U---11 2, 8020 rENb 70 Moaslilling,' Illf.,11-Tom)0raturc, Jot, I,'.] ow,11 , by lqu I-fit n-chi , 28 pp . GOVIEMN1.11,"N't' USE' ONLY por, Yu-chou Chuni-,11cing, No -T-1 - - "' ~5, 19c)6, pr) T . JPRS/L 3796 J~jn 71 Disahwgm CauwterialpoJes of' a MA&Twi;lc lotila SauxaO., by Su Milli-clan (5(A5 'L102 0193) and Fu Mi--hsi (02G5 341di 3,r,56)., ib pp* GMFMMT USS CRUX MMM, per,, Awn-tmi-IM& No 1), 93 Jcz 19.65.- pp. 8-IT. JPRS GUO 913 ris-cillm Scl-ro/lxmh oat 65 290.,858 spectl - ric DatexTdmtion of Idero juvounta or mro uarui ruerento, by Yuan- Wei 5913 MI) mid l(tiu CIAII-Itu Urr(l V-lu( 05~~., 3.5 IM. GOVXFUMT Mt ONLY CTJDM~ per. AM-tMI-neRg, No 1., 2-2, JWI 'X5" pp. MIS GUO 913 FE-mana sct.M/Tech oct 65 2901,859 NoWUng the DbItIpUcation Factor of nwt N*UtrMB 1D a DenW Lattice., by Hsieh Chung- 19IOng (6200 OU2 3932)., 10 Pp- Goynnum, ULZ Om CILUMs perp Yum-tzu:-DMp Ilo 1., 83 Jon 1965j, PPO 37:4T.7--~- JPHS GUO 913 vs-adw acl-rwheol - Oct 65 )Oj,86o Fluorewent DeterrImtion of DUcavo Amunto of UrMllum in Waste Unter, by Litt lAin..yLt ~(O#L)j 004 (en) (Md Chang Ywan-cliin 11720 okra 0 J. 6 pp - COMMIMM, Uux COLY CHUM,, per,, Yuan-tau-nenL, , No 1., 20 Jan 1%55.. pp. 60~6 ~.~ IJPI?B CUO 913 lift-China Oki i 65 lbo Jtttc:iv of :A fcr I-wiln (VI) 1-11 6 ~,lf 11-1c., Aci(i Sol Aion 1,11W-i RofVwt, Lo Stroij- Alkab. k6on lioslrts Ch*-I.i lAn~,v anf~ TA-.,,- 29 pp. ~1111'1,-S,[~.~p por, 39 r),659 pp Z.1,5.232* I o A i, Tho (%orl-loal am! lhe'r Rcla,tioi w" li the Proymi-ties of WILI Thoi-,*,,.:j,,i iw~xsc- 11-iono IN; 6hlh fA--lwip UnQ. Gllsl-q-~ tscvj:-j -iq lo pp, (1-OVEF-t-luir "'IS!" OlU OFTNIZv.'. pur,, 3, "ardli 1963, pp 239-244. JW!" (",:()# 908 63 4-i 6 9 5';8 The Study of the Theory of CmVlex Anionic lClutlon Chrumtogram of Uragri Gtxlfslo,, b Ch Ilu Ll (6726 7117), Tluqg Illing-jung (4547 2494 IA Ym-ym (2623. 0061 14f 4), Ho Chlen-fu (o149 c256 U33)o and Chia ;W- cbuu OpO 3843 0689)p 17 VP- OOVEROM USE 01W CH - 11, par,, Yuon-tzu-nen No 7, J"a 1965 ip pp. 608-616. JPRB GUO M9 FR.Chi Bei-lerTlech Apr 66 296j,4252 Tents an the Basic Propertiec of Strongly Acidic and Strongly Danic Revina, by LI Kuo-tirq.~, Fu Kuo-wai,, and Waxig Clxing,--hou, 20 ppe GOVICHMMW USE ONLY C11111M,, per, Yuan-tzu-neqU, No 11,, Nov 1965j, Pp. 93~49'17-5- JPHS GUO 2019 FT.-ChIm sci-IM/1'ect, Jun 66 3031115 ExImrimantal Studies on Pretreatment of Renins by FWconvernion and Rinaing, by N, Kixo-vei, Wang Ching-hou, and Li Li-eli'luan., 13 pp. GOVEE04M USE ONLY ClMf=j, per., Yttan-tzu-ne!~B. No 11, ',,Vov -1965~ PP- 946--953- JPW GUO 2019 FE-China Sei-NS/Tecil Jun 66 303,116 The Chersaterlatica or "teim of Different Flovsheets and Factors Affecting the Water Hwufacturing Procese,, by Pu Kw-wei,, Lo Wei-klun and Usiao Kid-kueip 26 pp. OMRSM USE ONLY CHnMSB.. per, Yuen-tstu-neng. No 1-1, Nov 1965, pp! 954~W- JPRS GUO 2019 FE-China sei-NS/Tech jun 66 303j,117 tilt -n .1 t 4 -315 Breakdown of' dic C.A.S. Ileavy-Water Rescarch Reactor due to PuPture of' ll~roccss 'rubc, CHINE'SE, per, Yumi-Tzu-Nen~, No 4, 1960. , -i-NLIC1 SC Sci 67 PropN~atiork of ElectroaTulgietsic Waves throuf)w ft NuClcj~r Dotonation-Productia Rivitation Field, by Shen Ch:Lngp 23 PP- GOVERIMM USE ONLY CHIMES . per,, Ytum-tzu-ne ., Noe 4,, Apr 1)66., ppi 239-253, JPRS CUO 2250 FE-Chim Sci-Nuclear Sci a:~c 66 3 15,? 9117 P.xperluientaa Studies on #Iio Iermtamt .)f Liquid lwc8t* COOtGUANt LM ComentmU(ma of Flosion Pro4uctm by t4a Kethod of ftxpomtikw~., by Liu lVuW-IUkr6, Wave ClAA7,-Iaau, LI-chl -an, Va Chliaji-ju,, At Vat Ilau 4~-rAn ant.1 I'lan6 .'~.I-iu- Yung 2:j pp, Govshvm UM OILY CFIUVM.. per, Yu&z-tzu-m-jx,,, I;z)* 5, ],.,,.1y 1)1)- 325--A35- illic GUO 2A2 FE-chim scl-W Apr 67 32 10 212 S-3S2/66 Seleeted C114LI)t(31-S FI-0111 TJIC0I-)' Mid Application of Atomic Eircrgy, Revised (AMSE, bk, Yuan-Tzu-Neng Ti Ytian-LA Ho Ying-Yujig, Peiping, Jul 1965. Sci Oct 65 Tbw27 md Applicaticm of Atomic Energy, 9 ppo cfammo Wncer"Ph" Yuan-tzu-pong ti Yuan-11 LID Y -400 Jul imp ii~. 1-M!. '&a - - M-Chim Sci-NS/Tech nov 65 292..270 AcCO102-SWrt ma DaWtOrss, 52 PRo per Ifilfimmatsu" - ~ Tj Yuma.-li go cmwmp 0 )65 ip pp a W% 9 1 -W 7 ~ IS-ChiM Bei-PIWOO Doe 65 293j.532 Roloace ot Made Dwr(;yj, 1,6 pp. bko r "Wvrll LAQ Jid 1965t pp 93-132 ims. 3.pg')' IT - China Sel - fludLoar Phyoic3 wo 65 i '., 'I I I . Atomic ftergy an a Power Source, 50 PP- CH I bk, Yuan-t8Ll-nT& T1. Yuan-li Ito Y!!!-PMCt. itri 11565,, PP- 133--179- g., JPM 334 %- FE-China Sci-Pbys- jan 66 2)3.,753 ftaosr WeVous mid %4r D0111*6 Ivy chmrig-Yro am, amawl Ibl, U pp- 11 cmwe amp TIM.Twa-mm TOA L .7kM- . 9 moo3w Imme 2050 iop-w-"4-- V?MmA6- S030-ftel S%d gad Toch j an 68 3wgo'26 Nuriloar 1',bapono cuid Defonmr; Arnluot 'Ma,-tj 011UNIZ, b1c, Jul 5,, vp FF, - CUna ll,cl - Nualow Do-r 65 Radiation Protection, 22 pp. CHMIM, bk, Yumu-tzk-nes, TL Yl,inn-J.]. 1,10 y1nif- T Ylui , Jul 1965, pp. 994-31-9. M.'a ~Flg 33-152 19-0111wh Sci-B/* Dec 65 292p451 MatoOls In the Lew 5 IV * F2.0ammodat chim saimmose v $opt 67 lb, ho :N6 Apr 1966., 339s,047 Nuclear Physics$, by I-lisi Chenl;,, 15 pp. WINESL,, per$ Yum-Tau Wy-Li-liouch MS. I)p 205-214. Fluvowlq~~ FID IIT 06-421 Sci-phys Mar 67 320,480 \ Ict I u1 Ili I-I r P iclul-1.1 1, .1 1 1,1'. (111IN1,11;1 p i,i , L 0 )I'lic I i-C I N III '~ I I J. I,- It I 'ILI "M I ~;o lop 19(,.(.1. 1! 1, - I -, "'. -, - I ~ I - 1 0 ", 1",ov ()0 rm T-68,-6 B-9346-D 15 April 66 Thin IDWipw chromtography of vaxioua detex-6mito I EV.- yoxhiMm., Nishim and Takehmm From: YWMV*m 15(2)., 1966:65-72 ( 8 PP) 3apasese- out for vda: Plewe trwislate and type 1 orisbial copy on],v. DooLment can b-e cut. (two eopiea ar,-- furrIshed. Please out one end return the otber Intact) MM PIX-T-68-3 11-9315-D 8 Apr 68 %%In-layer C1wowtoEX&phj of various deter6'e-lito II Byt YOSHWWA., Nishina and Takehana From: Yukmguku 15:111-115., 1966 ( "; PP) Opanese - est fox, wda: Please translate nnd type 1 cwwava vc-ady m-,,d 1 carbon copy. Doctuacnt can be cut. 3.yr.t I I 0t i.c Fntty Ac i (If, P.-Irt 10 1, 1 '91-ly !loch Procoon Productsf hv Y. JAPAN,,,'.'SE:, per, jLuj'cn,,,,tiku, Vol 15,, 11166, 11P 353-362. NTC '72-10513-07C Apr '72 st atcuu Ll",d th* MtuvtlG Wba;Le OlIg 1~0, chm*m~~ usift at lbt ~, ri'm Zoal""as VR%*atci-* V-1- 2 6 lojjj~.tbjaw~,.. Pfttwl**=Dle ACJLd In 0 0 wbau ITAIPAHM Cus, bV Y. Sam. of j 0u imp ) W'LICJ bopt or ITAOrAor 31sh and U%24Ug,* ftnrlm TCW lkuvm or Fore,., plahmIes Ski.-khterleas Olt 6r A-6155 ftl"vxborAao airt 67 343.9157 N. Iwatri HL(wonveli on Uto linneld Flavor of Edibl-:~ Oils. lZoport No. 2. Its Relationship to Thei:- Fatty Acid Composition. JAPANESE, per, Yukngaku, Vol, 16, No PI) 113-119 sept 72 Toxtilo wettill JA PA IiL 9j, by Y. I- ,S 'em o t 0 . 231 per jjjl~~a k u V'j, 16 PP 339-343. ' - -1 ~1,11 c , " p 196'17 . I- - 10 1-) ~ -) - I I J~ A 1) v 7 2 Properties fo Oil-Solublo I N on-Aquoous Media, by A. JAPANES11 , per, Yuk~3aku, 1908, lip 140-1417- NTC 69-11450-07D Sci-chom July 69 Surfactants in Kitabara. Vol 17, No 3, 387,086 XiToat of AIIWI Main Bxwwldng on tto MA"s- ilitar of A33WIbeimom BUTonaten., by 1. ivistap T. Twwzom., JAPANIS3,0 Wo LUM02EP Vol IITP lio virp 1968o PP -V&3W- NW 69-31005-07C Syntboals ana S~ Surface-mytIve llzv~rtlen of Psopane Sultoone V*rJLvatlveap Tart 5. CaUulome Dexivativeop by H. Riml. JAPAMR,, peri, Vol 1:10 No Uj, 1968., pp 623-W- ATS...M-240 StudIeB on the Idpids of 35M JOPMI-ca Deahayes. 2-um:Lno9tbVIpboeV=&te,, 7 Pp. JAPAIM per., Yuka P PP 2y,~-;fa. DmVt of kiter 11CF1OFF A-33/Nov 69/M On Lmn Only Sci-B&M Jan 70 Japanese Idtlasmeck., M. Dn the Ceramide by Sbigejiro Yeauda. Vol 15) No Ij 1969, 400,,386 Y s 13 111 , t. -,1 $11, 1 :1.1 ~j -.00 1 if)! A, x i:vm t a or va z. in, i o,) , ir, I " f ratty ikows fou, nt,,i,L,jt% i:,,i OrWW'110d 0119 111 LoLerlalf) j, ., .,MI. J'. 11;1"'Llu Cxll' '!f'd ('rosil a,, i1 (?d alddjmh~ rtii: (Tejuicii 1 ',.o ii- iizt:!,~ (Dal 2 ( " 1 1 , 1 ~(51: 242-,!4 A Ila Mt! V. V - I m:z I lang. "A -. fin orn 1 01- ft. I*or fil, t-s 1542 j,~,Jzi ol~ 'e?. WAS Analysis of Natural Soils. III. On of Hydrocorbons and Waxes in fluman Extracted From Soiled Undershirts, Hayashi Nobuta, Shigeo Inoue, 9 pp. JAPANI-01SE, par, Yukaraku Vol Ifl, No pp 249-251. Dept of Interior BCF/OFF A-36-11ob 1970-No 140 On Login the Constitution Skin Lipids by 5, L969, sci/B&M. May 70 Koso, S. Application of Surfactant for Paintt;, Printing Inks and Pigments. YLJ~A~;AKU, Vol 18, pp 620-627, 1969. NTC-- 7'Ti-5060-11C Feb 73 Proparation of Unoaturated Tort-Lary Amino I-rom Unsaturatod 11ij-hor Fatty Ewer and I,owor Tortiary Amino, by K. Takniuwa. JAPANESE, por, Yuka&Ldw, Vol 1.3, 1969, pp 856- 862. NTC-71-12361-07C Nov 71 Tho Synthoulu of Now Typo Nonlonic Surfactants Fivni 1-2-Bpoxyalkanei3 and Their Propenies, by S. Komori. JAPANESE) por, Yukyud~u, Vol 13, 196t), pp 901- 908, NTC-71-12362-11K Nov 71 Studies 6f Detergency. Part IX. Detorgency of Natural Sebump by Yo Xbooda, JAPAMI perj$ Luka.LakuL Vol 19t No 5$, 1970v pp 324-327, NTC-71-11543-11K Feb 72 ..;tt,jjjjDa oil tj&t, jj1piti of p1mil:t0ii. TIJ. 11nu%ponifl If- ruitter of lit'i'l of Tlitraluto joponica (2111rinkton no !lit rou nil-onmvru k*nkyu. IYr TTOMiaGo r oniqo no no fulcen'-'avuts 11 ) .2~ _. yukar,tiku (Oil ClIami3tr"'), uj(O)-. in Trunal. by TvarlsL- Bur., F.~u. Larg. Div., Dept. uf Seo. of Stat of Canada, ror FRW Wqllfax Lzboral;ory, Halifu, N. 1970. as Ti-2nal. ~;-mrius No. 1'-)B9. 14p., typeucript. Avail. on Liwzit - IUYS. *Qw;h., D.C. Original Article Checkedk~ Tamed* o IF11noru 197049 3tudles on the lipid of plankton. Ukinponif lablo matter of 11pid of CAUllux PI%44Qhc4AIp-InnI(ton no shicillituu ni I Icatwuru kenicytt. IV.C011IM" PIUM11rus 110 zlii-,hitov no cukenkal'utcu) Yulcooku (Dil Cwalutry), X9((,)l --,77-33;!. In Jvpawoc. rAl,rawl. by Trawl. Bur., Pi;n. Low. Div.., Dal)t- of 3ec. or 111tate of Canada, for IMBC lialif,= laborittory, Halirnx, II.S., 19701 1 A rks Tranal. 3eriw, No. 1590. 17p.. typuscript. M Avail. on Loan - NITS, Wooh., D.C. Original Articlo Chockedw ~14-1* fttrra~4on and Polymorpblam of Triglyceridmos, .~ I i ~. I .~ A GAO. ~bg* W46 !.TAPAJWN~ peip W Ma Vol 19, No 8. 197ot WML ~pp 157-03; (Ot 50-599). ifing/tt'WArOO TT 7i-5=6 (Available ARSIOnly Jay- Yasudn, Shigo,!Im w I I*$ o I. U to I I p I I tn of Tnpn I, "a n IIn I 10~.' Doshn~~em 111. On tho "Aarola (Asavi ito n I. :'t,evin "v'.!kw ril taiij t e a tw. Pvp"' of Sea ol' n I I , v o f ~'a - ~iil iOr :,r, ~k' n ','a I !k ovii or I :I I C.-I 1 197 L ~Iel' it! a : a. I; IIII I.) - pea Ava 11. on Low. Vlash. OrIgInol Article Checked . . -t ~ ir7 1 M10bonmMe Sulfanate in the 'Wator of ULe Tama Riv~r* Par~ V, Data From Februax7 1968 to MEV 197,61 ty L Iharav et al. JAPANESE., ~wj I&Astaka Vol 1R., No 11., 1970.9 Pp 042~104ff* NTO 71-14781-07A Feb 72 '(31-Ada, H. 1971 1-.ie 11pids of ficii and plaracton (Oyruj -pl&N,ton no ShIS111%MLO Y11ki '61(u (Oil Chemistry L(10): 711 - Travel. by Tranul. ur., Ygn. Lang. oiv., Dept. of 3ut-e of Canada. ror Dept. of anvim-1n., FRPO Plirw,. :.n*)., A I., fax r, 19*12, an Tmfml. ;crltto 2174, 32p., t.-poscript. Avail. on Loan III,=, WaSh., D.C. Oriqinal Articie Chockoal 'mynald, Akira 1971 rukAggku (oi I .1,11-mmistry I2k) ( 1~ ,rrarml. by Trai-al. Par., Pgn. !Atw,. Div., Dept. of :)tnte of Canada. for 1.)ept. of Envii-on., FR C -alifnx Akilfax, V.S., 1972- as Trazol. SPI'le3 Re. 21113, Avall. oil ',,oan - NNieS, Was-i., D.C. Still*, 1141JI-Me Ot o1 1971 3tudy on VA ii"r on or merino cruatawm. T. 5tw"Is w-,d 61yattrly etrArn In tt* livir olin of Chlajil"Ov!*IL QD11io tbo- 4-0 -itus (KeLigan Kokaurul no ?ArVu nX lciazuru Kenkyu Dal-i-ppc Zwmikani oyobl ibarnYxi-A ?aiiyu chu no Suterin ~jvobi aurlseriru steru) YLMLW,.u (Chertiotry of Oils), So2-~~Io( .In Tapilviene. Traml. by Trarvml. ~4ur. , Psn. tai~g. Div. , 1)opt. or State of Cansda, for Dept. of Rrivimn. , FF C 2a1 itax lab., !!&Ufax, 11.3 1972, as Tranal. Series Nu. 2121, L3p., typescript. Avail. on koar, - WITS, Wash. , D.C. Orminol Article Chuckelyf 1~~ ... - .. -I 77 q11. 16t ftobliems Datet'gents. MaililY OP. CA or poillition. 21,197i, pp 2--8. I JAPAKESE / ".. I , cso: o1967/T2 if 1 1 8 March 1972 SF IiIi I Evening Kyoto. Yukan Kyoto,?- 6 Feb. 1972. Ad Hoc Special type B DD not publish original plus one I "o I Y~ lor, -.1 tit j.-l-'.w%j,4L.- Ily lilroca. VVILA JAPA,~'C':I:p ''ili, Vol )AIII, 7,L1:;7 j j - 0 j; SCI-Pilvs '771 OxidatUm of Oarbamaes, by H MuckI. JAPAMEs, per# Yuld I MOMLM~~~,' Lp W- *a 23., 1965m PP 7-51 - mA TT666-io.997 Sol - Chem Jul 6-T 331,o 485 Dimet)-Nyl Sulfoxide. A Versatile Reaction Medimn and Reactant in Organic Reactionc, by T. Bato. JAPANESE., per, Yuki Gosei Kagaku IQ~rokai-Shi., Vol 23, No 9) 1965, PP 768-777. sLA TT-66-107o6 SCI-Chem jui 66 305.,545 and Mlscmwtzatlm of -- -3-mostsm ftlywrisp IW E. TMWAdap T. obb". JAMMOv XWd Gowl Km lim 'J~L Mlip Vol 24.9 *;To* pp ~ 11 -& chom Trans ev 2851 322,9774 ecd - owdetrv Apr 67 Polyoulfone., by S. Nakmjlmp Y. KiMurs. JAPAN=,, par# Yukl 00081 Keaftm. Iwokal ind'. Vol 24,o So 9j, IWp- pp tioto-M. m-69-16518--07C fti-Cbem ob TO 4(X? F 907 Hitric Acid Oxifttlonv by K. Hari*p T. YbehIft. JAPAN=.. per, YWd C-O"I Kae!E &okw'k Ship Vol 24j. no lop 3,966 vp 958-9695 = 69. 07C Bel/dam July 69 38T-316 Recent Progress in Polymer Synthesis, by Yoshio hjukura, Juj1o Todo. JAPAWSh.' por, Tuki Gosoi Kasaku Kyokai Shi Vol ;;;;-.p 24, No 12& 19~6. pp 1 26-1141. NASA 71' F-10.982 GOVERNMIM USE ONLY Sci-Materials Aug 67 338,0724 Tito Liquid-phase Ilydrogonation of 3cnzo- n1trilo over a Nickol Catalyst, by M. Tashiro., S. Mitsuno. JAPANESE, per, Yuki Gosei Kagaku Kirokai- shio Vol 25, No*-7-,IW)-7-, lip 567-570. N-Ttf 09-11339-07C sci-chem July 69 387J,027 Solid-Phaso Peptide Synthesis, by K. Suzuki. T. Ando. JAPANUS11, per, Yuki Gosoi Kagrnku Kyokai p'--p 696-702. shij, Vol 25, No I NTC 69-11337-06A Sci-B&M July 69 3815,909 YUKI (Wit:1 KAGAKJ) KYOKAI Wit 190 YV) P412 "117f,-1191 70-1311111-071) 0 tjQ"..Va* -ftll -1-t-0 ILE> > ORDER FROM NTC Rpoxidation of Olefins vith Hyftoperoxidem. Part I. Hotel Oxide Catalyzed RpoxIdation of Gleflus v:Lth ILydroperoxides,, by P. Masmo., S. Nato. JUW=,, pero nu Go"i Kasuku I;Yolmi S &J, V6.1 26., 1968., PP jW-3T4- M -69-15T5T-OTC sci-chm Feb 70 402y922 NOCIIalliSM Oi.' Ori,,ajde Chamilm.,inescence, by YosIUy;:ork omotu,, 5() 1y, JAIIANE.31:0 pero, Yuki Cosci Kaz~aku 'i"Yokail-Ali, Vol 26(6), 19611), pl, 464-478. 6ci/010111 ,-;C.I)t 69 392,231 Insertion Reactions of Uonitrilesp by Takeo Smagumm. 26 pp. JAPAUSS, per, Yuki Gosei 4N~Qjv Vol 26p NO lop 1968, d(P-W3. MM IT F-12pt!2 Sai-Cham Nov 69 395,779 Agono,y: picatinny Arsenal R-1034-D 00 0. Rei - 13.3 -69& 1 "mw 1969 31ole: OEM. PP- W-74 TOPICS IN TIZ AIMOXIMTION uthw: mmumm. YOSHIO KMUYA Smvo: Yuki GOW KapW WWMiGM. Va- (3.968)0 Laninage: special inutructim. noaae translate & tyw 1 cow oay,4: Forrocence-tyM Polyrmmj, by T. Amhara, Y. Ichilown. JAPAM=., per,, Yukl Go"I !~ Rim -&M!2LI Sh L., A Vol 26., No Us, lgbU,, pp 1016- 3- ATS-JS-163 Sol-Cbem Mw TO 40%243 YUKI 60SLI KAGAKU KYOKAI Shl 3?Tr-rw$~ 1969 vi?l to i,2,%S-242 70-1171)6-()711 ORDER MM VTC I T, Sasaki CyclooddItIOA Reactiono Naft3.v om 1,,3-and 1 P4- WAIME9 ppr, Xuki Googl., &okalithi,. Vol 2% 1971) pp 819-836 WO 72-12896-M sopt 72 Y. Omni e Mechanhim of Orgrw)ic J11FTITYLVII40 pert Yuk-I Fvgaku Kyokafishi, voi ;-)6, 1968t pp 464-478 MIGI W- 1,34,39-01h, Oct 72