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MW FROM ]RTC MW Nature at the Movot"ritsm Gronty Anomaly in the UN12nd Crlnn,, w 1"low cc the Dam" at MANIC OtUdIftj IW T, Be Sollogub.04A. To Owbimvp 2. 1" pawleakwe', and L- A. KUlinsklys 15 Yq. stroys-Miyu SOMM bow so B(IO).. 19%* pp - 3-12 - JERS 39326 R) 0 i "I - UM ScI4k3/A Now 65 29e.172 oti the P2vblm of the Pb"lc$ or Ngrth- qusi*sj, by Oe I* TUZk9ViChs 7 YP, molus y"i MnsawlicotEw- :Lva stromenisasftommr rory no titio), IV- 1-1-17- JPW 32826 USSR gomi-W/A sw 65 292slT3 Dm Otrwt=* or %be marth's evowt in CAAM MO the Mack Sm - Ascw DUft an the au" or SWU", by T. B. Lebeftv Sad K. A,, BDUUbWrho 15 Pp- ftrqywd-va Eiffi.,02-Grys So 0(10)" 19b4j, yy 0 10-M 0 im 32926 /1~, , C T L: um k14W/A Nov 0 2Wsl74 A*WIWA-ft4ng- the Beg* of the Mil' "LOU for a Uver Crmts, w I. 1b. adbluw% u NO VIL mmu.: pro, 2"a9smsw - otxcwmmtya Rmim- jpgq~ SO OILJMJP 396kp jpv~fillz 3: USSR sci-=/A 292v175 xov 65 Sow Data an Geological Strmun of the Northwestern Pan of the Abu* Sea6 by 1. A. Garkalanko,, at &I* RMIAN* per., Geofiticheskin Issledoysmiya Stroyeniya Ze!KRZ, NO 5(I0)9 L9640 Fp 44-48. ACIC TC-M C Sci-Ear Scl & A3trou May 66 300s627 M,00,*Ucs, Curvu of orwity Anm&Uss over D=md Stractux"t by YO, 0- BttlWcb end L. 0- Ygndkwf% 7 pp- I I I no swi, aeon IUM T I somi-MAftD so Kloh 19b4a um sc;L-WA tA 176 my VDI r I 1 0 ar n"ft or Ferruginwa Mck at Diver 1bg 1w Mamie prowpKtIV46 IV K. P. T$Spldn.. 10 0- xxono ~PWP x"WOweld Btrqpnlya UpoW P_r,& !6-3(10)o 19t4# pp! MOUT6 ON 32626 usu Sci-W/A sw 65 292*177 rogigtzstim of Sx**Wve Arriv&U of by A. Z38WC Wal SO in asiodc Well LqUO& Ya. DlyachkgvU, 8 VP~ -001 anows per,, osofiziche!ma !ftm!&M strqrmiya- No AM)# 19tots. pp * 92-9b e, ipaB 329g6 USSR iki-BB/A 2920 lTa Noy 65 latimi Map of An IMUd" CbWp fa Domew am mmt sammalm at the North* a env%,s bw To 44 MUMS 6 gems$ m== stimmbe MOMM MY, so tsillob 1900 IPP. 9T-m- rav 65 2990179 Geoploolcal StudUs of the CrLwtal StvwUm in EvAt AntR=tlM# by S. A* UBbakNo RMSM., ryto Ge&lx-lc-beakbv ftnyenUa LAM M v Y=12a!M Antarktide, 14oceMp 1963v 93 pp. AClC W-We I;al-ra tiar 6~ M#036 at bmrsjl~l JALUINUMI 460 jWj&juls Onwt In tM AUMUG OMM mogim* by A. G. OWOMWt TO- S- Us -4dab~ I 1%, ArAr 601411ar 391#65T sept 69 s-6ol/63 The Structure and Dynamics of Magnetic Variations in the Arctic and Subarctic, by B. A. Aleksondrov,^~ ( &! -8eyi) RUSSIAN, bk, G~qfizichsskiye Metody Razvedkov v Jkrtkke,~ tio 4, Pp 10-20. Sci - Earth Sci & Astron Sept 63 s-6ol/63 The Deep Geological Stxucttu*e of the Ust'-Yenisee Depression and Its Fmnework in the Light of New Geophysical Data, by G. Kiselev, 19,,. RUSSLAli) 'ok., Geofizichqakiye Metody Razvedkov v Artkke) 1;0 61-74- e-JPRs'm=&i*" Sci Earth Sci & Astror SePt '03 Geophysical Methods in Regional Structural Geology, by B. A. Andreyev. RUSSLAII, bk, Geofi2icheakiye Metody v Regionallnoy strubtnumoy Geology, Moscov, 1960, pp 168-183. *FTD-mT-62-66 Sci - Geoph, Nov 62 r '4~ 63-12273 Curvich. 1. 1. and Gil'bershtein. P. G. DETERMINA11ON OF THE AWENUAMN COW 1. Garvich. 1. 1. STANTS OF SEISMIC WAVES. 1196219p. H. Cil'bershtein. P. C. Order from ATS $13.75 A7S-tSP63R Ill. AIN-ISP63R IV. A"oclated Technical Trans. of Geolizlicheakayal Razvedka (LISSR) 1961, Services, Inc.. Last no. 4. p. 31-14. Orange. N. J. DESCRIPTORS: Dcterminstion, *Attenuation, *Seismic waves. (EArth Scit-wes - -Seismology, TT, v. 9, no. 2) (SF-M5) 1. THE CMITIONS AND TASKS OF GEOPWSICAL WORK FOR GOLD, BY M. 1. KISELEVO 7 fro RJSSIAN~ BKLTj QEDFIZIQiESKAYA RkZVMM,, NO 5;, ig6i.. Pp 94-163.----~- JPRS 15072 UUSSR ECON SCI - MIN/MET SEP 62 209j5W THE USE OF HELICOPTERS IN TWO44ILLIGAL GRAVIMETRIC SURVEYS IN THE TUNDRA, BY B. D. POLETAYEvs 5 PP. RUSSIAN., PER., GEOFIZICHESKAYA RAZVEDKA., No 62 1902 pp 47-5~. J PRS 17412 SCI - GEOPHYS JAN 63 211~1112 EXPERIENCE IN THE USE OF MI-I HELICOPTER IN CMICTING A GRAVIMETRir- SURVEY IN COWUNCTION WITH 8MOMETRIC; LEVELING9 SY B. P. SOMOIN, R. G. KURININO ET ALo 7 PP- RUSSIANs PERs GEOFIZICHESKAYA RAZVEDKAj. No 6., ig6i, PP 52-59- JPRS 17412 SCI GEOPHYS j// 1~3 jAN 63 :Ipplicatv-lon of Doep-Well Geophysical MeSsIlrements to Bauxite Prospectingp 0 *uy K. Sebestyen. RU;STAN, per, Geoflzikpi Kozlemenyeh, 107 () L 13) 1:10 3, 106t, PP 369-378. :;TC 72-10705-08T Apr 72 R-473/62 The GAK-3M GravImeter With Electrical Thermostat, by A. N. Timofeyev, et al. (NY-7397) RUSSIAN per, Geofiz Razvedka, No 6, 1S)611 pp 93-95. 4jp 17 V/Z Sci - Gepp'.jys 8 Jan 63 ON THE ACCURACY OF ALTITUDE DETERMINATION FRO14 TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS DURING REGIONAL GRAVIMETRIC SURVEYSs BY A. P. YEGOROV, 7 PP. RUSSIAN, PERp GEOFIZ Es"yk-mma-mi No 6,, xp& iq~l "PP118-124. ,qPRS 17412 SCI - GEOPHYS JAN 63 211,1U GRAPHOANALYTICAL METHM OF CONSTRUCTION A HYPERBOLIC NET DURING RADIOGEODETIC OPERATIONS,, BY YU. 1. RAYNYSH.. R. I. voLKovA, 6 pp. RUSSIANo PER; GEOFIZICHESKAYA-RAZWKAj, No 6, ig6i, PP iFfm 17874 SCI - GEOPHYS MAR 63 224,,094 at to 240 Ulm as soffte at P*kwbft amm fkca N go U GRA aravow - -or IW A., Ya. rwwj~p ob~nv --- 9 mp. ,man pwt MMNMNM ammakup no 112 34630 Of 45-09 . ft AT 336v2k3 aw 4ppwsm on - age the smalftes Calmm (mm- 3.) lp IW 2~1. A. w"Lied-S.- it MP- - - M~~ halas IF 1b ISO #4 6T-M an f fte" 1" *62)* Ang 67 1; -1 i Device for Subtraction of BwAground (Noise) by N. D. Baly=W and A. V. DAttrlyw., 9 pp. RJWIAN# per,, Geoflziqbq!~W nim No 18, 159,9 PP r7."25* P100253768-v FTD-HT-23-W5-67 Sci-Physics Oct -1 366,,144 V! m "M VY V, p V? P103-104 nm N" Date an 'AwlAts IA the West MberUn Lovlmds by V. 1. orlov. I XMIMS A go mf%cbnk;W Mom"k) 1958.. pp 169- 171. (ftU No W 344?969 ag Tr) AM am C40 Feb 60 / OF f, &W" 7 ox, -Z J.-G '5 AR- o R-76/63 Astrogravtmetric Levelling in Czechoslovakia, by ~Iilan Bursa. (NY-7531) (2-) RUSSIM, per, GeofysikAlni Sbornil:,,J)"w or I ~"To 124; -11'5, PI, 67-68. *JMS S~.-i - Gco-phys F'b 63 Tl-pS/,-)3 Measurementa Witb the G,".3-12 Gravtmeter in t1ho Czechoslovakian Gravim-etric Network by Vratislav Churkba, et a17 (Ify-753?) FUSSlial,, Geofycihalrd Sbornik) No or 105, 106- *jp-,Ic- MEDICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE USSR BY A. A. WMINt YE. 1. IGNATIYEV3 As P, MARRIN, ET AL., 312 PP. RMIAN, BK., GEOGRAFICHESKIY SBORNIK., LENINGRAI)p 1961., 2oo PP.-- JPRS 15633 SCI - MEDICINE I (XT 62 2120838 B-38/64 Experience of ComputinS the Effect of Belief During Gravimetric Surveys in Mountain Regions.. by G. T. Sobakarl,, T. S. Lebedev., (NY-9040). RUSSIAN, per; Geofiz Bbornik., Vol II, No 4, 1962, PP 33-46. *JFRS Sc:L-E"= SC:L & Qrw Jan 64 11-172/64 rw-ternination of Interpolation Errors of Astrononical-Gicodetical Deflections of the Vertical in Westem Czhecoslovakia, by ~Iilan Bursa. (SP-3135) USSIAIN, per, Geof sikalni Sbornik, Vol X, 1963, op 11-23. Y *JITS, Sci - Earth Sci Apr 64 Dowzvard D71-ft of Iceberg rragmentaj by V. ;.. Lebodev. UNCLABSIFIND TJ3.*Uw-. bk, Goeogrmfdhu~ 1957, Vp 7.7, "~~ ......... ~111.1-1--- U,c-& Pu Llb ~a/OU5 fici - Goopbo Sep 58 74 Ywlr j AO,4,-Qauu-Q, owu~g~ of chlosip ty 14U ablh-it IC Ap RW3Wj bts Coognt.'s Sellabho ftr.~Aystva Kltik-as It -joe -4m-403- US JPRS/,DC-226a n - ctj.Ua Goo - k-rrictdtu" &w 43 ft.ccial Geodetic Assigrmatt XLVI. Astrormle Datemiantions in the Tyan'49"I Area.* 3.6 pp. RUSSIAN# perp Geograficheakiya Izvestiya, I Jan 18713- pp LU -128. ---- '" - -- AF SIR-3M &A - Geof iz Jun 59 I? gr ~~- C4 C*~-701r.---i~~jpldt;~.. ALIa--,es~ ',rf V, G. Ch"::r1u, 10 r,:o. AUASY, lkmwAw., 1-961j 0 104)-'ICI: -L14. (Cmil 3o. G4 NC T, Ti, 168 ArAy Us; Sm-doe Vs6R fl- - Qc-cg 3.)- 4. General RegulariUss in the Dista-lbutioia of Kodern lAnUcapes of D=r Tien Shan, by K. ;,,. Glazovaktq-t; B. Certain Problem of the Economic Dsvelopaw* of WsoUm Prilsqkkulya, by S. V. Ryatantsev., 0. A. Voroutaova, 24 pp. RUSSUN, bk, Oe_ggra -401 p V ,_t Tsentral Tyapoghaw pab tW ka&da7 of Sciencvap 187-205. ACS 0 1., a-6M4 3~ / 7AI LM Geograpme; Zwomic scimmic - 060p4plos Apr 56 M - -rowcal oloctipAn of dm Bad* 3"i -Bomm ReUd iW Swftes4 by P. L. Bou*W. RUSSMobko ---- mw Mooleft M"= mum-FIMM go I Q~ or",~~ 1 1959,155 CTS 64-1& SO/Earth 50 b AKron i,lay 65 2n,471 OeogmphirAl Name# RUSSIAN, bk, Oeo obe ~N~azvau~iyap 1962p pp 21-26. Ap~~ 500th INC OP;. 833M Tr ND 107233 usm 0;2-- 0009 18 Oct 62 RECEIJ SOVIET STUDIES ON TOPOINNMICS) BY E. '-!. MRZAYEV,, V. A. t,11KONOV, 1"4 PP. RUSSIAN. LK) GEOURAFIQJESKIYE NAZVANIYAx NO 5,~.- I,L,2~, 1~3 PP. JPRS 17741 USSR I GE0,, F ED b 22'., -21 Perlodicity end Flight Renee of Blood- Suching Black Flier, (Sinndidae) in the Fauna oll' the Central Angara Region, by S.G. Grebelskii. RUSSIO, per Creograf .- Obshch. Vostocluio- sib'--sk. Otedela. Izy, Vol. 62. 115971- PP 91-97 SCIL - Aug 67 337-527 toa#moww; 1. PorAMim at the A. VMrIM 904P UbgrAM IW S. L. Ido Impal 00 lut -no Down "s AM 2v 64ft *5 1, sr, Using Aerial Photography in Different Spectrum Intervals for Studying V*Xet- Lou and SoL13, by A. 1. Vinogradova. RUSSIAN, per, Geograficheakly Sboralk, Vol 7, 19550 pp 59-74. *ACSI J-63S4 *FSTC-IIT-23-287-68 Sci-Agri mar 69 Inter,,. rot in 'i. Airphows, of Different Tundra Types ant! the Characteristics of Their Patterned Ground, by V. '". Andreyev. KUSS11j:, per, Geopraficheskiy )'bornik, No 7, 1955, pp 102-120. ACS1 J-0353 FSM-!-X-23-316-08 Sci/Ear Sci Apr 70 405,617 1744-! S4 -C, 53) \:Odvojk,jv. Y4, V. APMICA'il6',,S -17 TO ~t~M- PROG V. I,'.' GLCr,,l,'J7fn'. Jun (4, lp t7raL, 11. AlnencAr I lllhl~-al rde r f r~xri A (Z 5 in ~kw 1 cc Gc-o -, re ph, -ew a.-ml -i Tmaslat~mz;, v. 5, no. (LlrSi,) MO [on, ?t i 47 - (4. Manh sdeneril, -U-wrapk. I - no. 7) On the E,,,.chan,,e of Water L&ovvireen the Fmrth and Spnce, by V. F. Darpipl I tn p i IIUS~;IAU, lb,'~, Geogrnficheskly Sibornik, Geo3rafiches:oc Obshchestvo SSM, Aostrotgo o"Iya, Moscow, Vol AV, 9;,2, op '? ~t 2- 193 -207. q 4 t ~ FTD-rr- ~3--'-43, Sci Emxth S)Cd AuG, (WOMI) A OOMMIC SM Or MM KTTUMMs MORIALS FOR STIMIS Wft SOMMff IN TIC UMo W L A. WMMv NMI 12MCHDiVE AN of Q01mm XLf um am MY fit The Lcology of Totmcodd of the liortbweetwn Part of the iuropun P&A of the WSH as Re- lated to the Sess"Issog by M. A. 90(dmov. IIU Ic - per, 44 Ah IMA 'ss Chas -1�93, PP 179-185. 2-ommfi kii *USTI TT 65-50693 Sci-!Ar Sci Aug 63 and ll~ljl; ef, fl Interpretation of Different Ty)ms of Tundra From Aerial Photographs and Their Aerovisial Description on the Basis of Frost Jointing, by V, H. Andreyev., 25 pp. RLP.3SIANI0per, Goograficheskiy SpornLk,, Vol 70 19SSs pp 103-120. M,i/FbTC/IIT-23-316-68 Sci/l:ar Sci Oct 69 394,047 BD21-60 (DC-4136) Elections of the Lithuanian Geographic Society) 20 jp. LIMARIAN I bk, Oeogm~l#!k Morantla, raumus 1958) R) 39,,3.4&6~ JM 3764 UWR Biog Aua 6o D3gllab Title Wknown, RUSSIANj perp (L-oEgiZ! No 6~ 19661 pp 1-24. Dcaept pp 19-21,p 22-23. ACSI J-1482 ID 2204064766 Mar 67 SOVIET GEOGRAMY: REVIEW AND TRANSLATION. VOL- 4. NO. 10. Doe 63. 74p OrftT tram AGS SL.00. $6.00/y.~ Tiaes. of Geograllys I Ktox7aluv* (U=R) 1%3. so. I p. 67-1117- aid partial traw (riatp) from mono. Metodologicheakie Voprowy EkonomIchesidi C.60vdt( IMethodologlexl Problems to Economic Geography) Moscow, 1962, 280p (ed. by P. M. Alampiev and Y&. G. Felgia). ser-AL- enft tee have been prepared for the i"vidual jo"l amcks. DESaIPTORS: *Geography, Ra"aws, Repwis, Items for which separate entries bays not ban made, Mahodological problems in economic geography; A now book with old Idew and current literature bibliography. (Earth Sciences- -Geography. TT, v. 11, no. It) TT-63-17714-10 I A LAmplev, P. M 11 FO&ID, Ya. 0. tu - Tltl~. MetbadalcgiCal~ IV, American Gmpophicat 5oovty' KL- YCCk O"ke of 704N.Okal -T-6 THE i3aty'~ OF HUMAN 5k)a M-. ~N- Ordwr lri~ !r. RCVJC* a~jjj S,-~ie-. Nn- Trlmf~ Istt, ? - 'rh-e a~Khr for acceptonce I, tw -ndrmn,~nt on u" metc