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'- V.--l- --.. --; , , 1.- I- :. I 11. : : ~r 1;" i~m~'~ 1, " - . , - , I . 77 "V 0l i v't JI R i [If ~:i` TH sy -or Doti- 01. .1 UF Ar ........ ... m4loAmms, NO 4*-" i-aw Abib Dolvw0sk Nigliax- IINNTur M. vait V. 'n" I mg: An, 7A 4~A f), Jkinio i6:'. ',?,, ............... q T. iFl Ouginods by it W4 NJ pp. fllmmmm, No 79 S4 LM 1:A fit j4 Ifumubg ~syfftifmoo by loo- 11 t 7 pp lot Ilk raillihabokb -Elm , USSR Power Engineering in First lear of Anth Flive-Year Plan, by Ye. I. Borisov, 13 PP. RUSSIAN, per, ZV12~enltr i%, llloscaw, No 1, att_.L Jan 1972, pp 4-7- JFRS 55295 Ear 72 Rumm coo: M53%ft v M044" Rttmvxa Takwo3dOW) old WWMvW 900=0 of AUM-0 Namom With O"Womw flot 514arm awtive pmt1w of pw 0" OM GWAMV 1w V. IL Nartuaft. No. X., 1Mq V T2-78io 0 ~6. rift" Pullb wd moks re"kaulOw. 49cummat mV be OUIW. homstied portion oi? yap 6 ebmidl be Wisteli as a IMCM mtto be Ineb" la 17 Ciroidtry of Single-Loop .71 r %~aUoZls IOU Cbwmel-Tne Reactor;, pp. b~ Purification of Condensate 'Ath Separately Functioning lon-2kchanger Alters at the VK-50 Atomic !Uectric i`ower Plant, by A. F. 1-eshkov' pp. RUSSIAII, per, T4:.p1cnncr,.7r-tiK .'..Oscol", -.0 -3' ~,ay 1972y pp 13-15 JI-IRS 562BB June 72 Continued Use oi Stations Supplying 6oth 13Aeat anO Power :aeon, by V. j,. Korytnilcov, N. i~*. Ilk, 12 pp. RUSSW. per, Te o erget a. ~ 1. 41 pL__jkh__ ik-- hoscow, ,.;o Apr 1972. pp 2-,4#0 jiVS 56258 June 72 ~.F T, l:! 'r m Cade ems 4) At -19 U pp. I lb I o ol'?, N o 9, Ab- lit tf- ~!tt TI I Ed 4 A. ~bian~ 9 pp,.. zejamam-staaa, MDUCOW, NO 12, i0i ~ Ul-~1972 ldrdator Surveys 6oviet Thernal Power Engincoring. by P. S. Neporozhniy, 9 pp* RUSSIAN, per, TeploenerEetika, inoscoTAT, No 1, Jan 1973, pp 2-4. JPRS 38439 Mar 73 Coll.lants for Mucli,,m Fbwar fibeinsarbW Installattiono# by Bergey Ark-hipovioh Ulybins 30 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, joylonositeli oneraotichosidkh yad!M ustawvo p. 2.272. Ykh JPHS 33717 c /0 USSR sal-Nacloar sci Dee 66 314.962 TbOrmophysical III-operties of Gases and Liquidep by V.A. Rabinovich, 207 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, Teplofixichoskie Yliarakter- istiki Veshchesim, No. 1, 1998. CFSTI TT 69-550!11 Sci/b&m May 70 The Thermodynamic Properties of Solid Mercury at Tempers,ture Int-ervels of 0 dog X t6 Melting Point at Normal Pressure, M. P. Vukalovich, L. R. Pokin RUSSIAN. bk, Tepl -fizlchesl~~q!-- Kharaktaristiki Veshchesty, Issue No. 1 1968. CIA41-468'� Sept 69 391,327 w1mil"llp ,III If, "'111.1 11-K fill I fig I 11-111;ij I ilil I i I H I,,,, ~~ MT~ IJ Of FTeDn-22; by RM Teplofizi bk; ~tbaski-v Sypipt-va jin~pna-22, 1970. Z" 70-501 f NT.M TherAppWalml RvVertles of Osswus and Liquid NothMo by V. k, ZagorueMnko, A. M. M=avlev$ 243 pp. 6 AWIAI#p bks, Motisigm-kin Zvoi6tva Gazoobr&3t- m i EmAtm t#wal 1W.). NEM TT 70-50097 4.04% P'tPorti-as of jymyolf (SIR UattOd tW"*Zj -0) 0 0 tva gaEva 71 tO~ CIA On& tOO 112MO t0 =rox Ler.. mao a E tile I 01, *gina oopy al8o in X file mms in - the -galmfoix i WW vii h imbbion ef the -saturatiza line,.,- I&ELoj :;.zi ghogt instRa G=oj, 1970, up--' 31141111" Will Hill I IIU% III I III, I i I I III S, v. Rode Meaeum*ng the eUctron tempeiatwv, by a probe procEdure in glow-discharge plasma of nitrcgen and air under ge pressures. avem - ~ 5 pp. RVSSIAN eplofiz ic eXci-ye So T h oystva Nizkotemperatumm 2970., pp r_-10 43-88V-2`2 ,jan 73. nq INR CHECK 5-7-9 TFT9 SPEOTROSCOPIC-AND PROBE 119VESTIGATIONS OF JTRESSURE .,TETS L W .".IGARKUSHA, I.P, POLYAKOV, S.P., TVERDOKHLI,:- V. I''. Zjr .~LR-TEPLOFIZ. 6".VOYSTVA NI I.OTEMPERATURN.' "NAUKA", J.970, pp :125' AMY. MOSCOW, 128 IL17-7 ~2 ILOLLMILTILL Im ~ --~ I , it 7 , , , .~. i :-] - . I ll~ I I V, I - . , -t-- i I mf~ rr, IXxs ~~Or 0 UBITO'OF ~LWUID TTD -AT'- THI C, 48 2 tq? 10 121E 0 V.: #LOFIZ SVOISTVA PREIDNOV lip 34 P., 4r -1 Trawactions of the pbynical Properties 6 pp. RWSIM,' rpt, T~eklmy- 'j- ACSI T 97b0 FSTC.HT-23-488-71 All Union Conference on Thermo- of Substwices at High Temperatures, Tel pp JuIY 71 -MIT I' Sn4 Peopertleo of Matters by -bk!! ftitbWki Z-S-VOi8tVR V613CbeheStT' Alov 2T 5,:m1 Thermophysical Properties of A-"r and Air ComponentE , by A. A. Vasserman, Ya. Z. Kazavchinskiy, 383 )P. RUSSIAN, b1c. 1TU.10fizicbeskiye Svoistva Vozdukha i Ego Komponen-Lov, lc'K)6. INTIS TT 70-50095 MaY 7-1 'Thormophymical Properties of LiqUid Air M6 ItS COUpOnentS, by A.A. Vassarman, V.A. Rabincvich, 235 pp. ~~RUSSIARI bk, Toplofigichaskie Svoistva Zhidkogo Vrtdu 960 ep";3"Tx ITT 6.9-55092 &Ci/pllysica Jun -70 F6b 72 IIBITFFIIJAIP~ll I,d :11 S. 1. Rivkin Exparimental otudb of tho depasit.-J. of Proon-11. t; pp. Zhi'Ows e . 7 . RUSSIAN, Tpj)tof t 4 19 ( pp 7-10 AIRIFTD-ET-23-808-1'2 772, "1 T, X of vinaosiWtijaperaturg paloparties -aid hial.- J"idub,tiili.ty of -o!Z fmatione jfram Baku paraffnia Azi -stva zhicVwatey,, 2971 0.7 42 WDET"23-614 D WHO 1~IITIPPII I I,.N,.4_a:,ancI Surface-layer Quality During Aphint, f:.Pbrts of Two-Row Roller Bearings With ail Cloth., by S. P. Shabashov, 5 PP. :TEPLOPIMM 'SKMOLOGICMIM4 TRMESSOV, MnYSIMV,, ;979 V M .119-121. - 'p.7:!-%.1 4, liu, isx.zaeltv of Rest Flow in the Presence of elB . by #&11�04 ift Of AIMUIW Chimn V'; A. K. zitosi. 6 !phl ka 3. Teplotilduffiat no 16., 197(. WSW, AW10 ~.,TOW*094--n65 7L I solut4* to tha probtem of the effeat- Ov of'fitm oooling with injactwlyi aopj'fioiants Pp. ~,~6~M A t TopkLi si i to No 1?, 29 .,oZotaMnik ZH!E~~ 70, MIAMD-IC-24-2040-7J ... ... .... ... ... .. jig:- extm 6 of tho tremeition "m emd t tmwf or in it With Pdxod air fUw it PVZPP bv,jeo P. Djba ~, R. Ila. Elpi.1c. 8 pp. No 17, 1970, 4, 7. pp YIOV p0 on mordinabas in -4hir tmwitfon ivei the thl Uat trwisfer on 9 ~.Wj profi W. 20 pp. l?, 3070,, pp 72 i-Ot a Sol 0 ad vJ4101% of the !i, ia 'Prciblon of the Boundary 60r-3 At Sh Dorfman TAN'' rj' TO -17p 1970, pp 60-86 ~RF -;;,Il s~~ No N ?T~MOD H; atoAdl~'tijm to Equations of Dynami6' IRT ei~ I'Bibundary Layers, 9 pp. T 1 fizika i Teplotekhnika er-~:: e o 1970s,' Ki PP rt--;HT-23-1975-72 I L NOV IKIJV v s L~',(,( ACE-11'(j 01',~ T k Y- U R LPL(.,f- It IK;l I T P L I KA I 7 C~ P 13 i 2 L 3 1 f ;~C T I A S T C -- H 1-- 4' 3-(- 3 .~ 27 3 [I I fill P If I P III l~ I ~;!j I I I J!", I, I , I ,ill [~ 11, REQ TR CHINE 26-03-73 T40C, A THIERMOELEUTRIC DEVICE IMMEMSED Ill A FLUID MOVIN( IN THE D-71.-RECTION OF HEAT KOW XOTYRL0,o G.k,.; SHCHEGOLEVO G.M. VR: .;AN UKRE-SR. TEPLOFIZIKA I TEPLOTEKY.NIKA. 'NO. 19v 1971-a PP. 132-135 TEFL0FL'IKA V~SOKIKH TDIPFRATUR Nigh -,-?mr,.erfttur* - b1monthly) Translation be ins with 1963, Vol. 1 lag timv- ca. 2 months Order from- American Institute of Physics 333 East 45th Street New York, N.Y. 10017 19711 t 125 00/year USA and Canada I 131:00/olitewhere 30.00 single current or back Issues USA and elsewhere (Prepayment required - 5urface mail postage in Included) Investigation of t J,he Effective Thermal .Conductivity and ntegral 11missive, Power of M& Temperature 6eramic contir4,,s of Refractory Oxides Produced by Flame Spraying, by A. G. Boganov. RUSSIANS pery Taplofizika V*ysoL-J1.h Temp) Vol - eb pp 64-69. Jan-r 1965 Windscale Tr 21-) (1,0an) 324,300 Sci Apr 67 ~tudyinj; omiuctivity a vlasna in an I"ransverso -1 4ignotic F.ioldj, by A. V. Neduipasov,. 1. Ya. Shij)W~j 11 RWSWO 'Foido-UtAka Vysakikh TeUoratur,, vol lilt illo 2a 1965" pp 186-191, 9698943 I-ITLI-Tr-65-1.610 F ob 66 2969332 Nothod of Setting Vp Equation of State for MAticmpommt Wxturea,, by Vo A. Esswachedw, 8 ppo BMIM, per$ a --- - - - - r-OM - TploMika Vysokikb TalmerailuvP Vol 39 No ~p 19650 pp 244-249. nm TT 69-55048 Sol/*tb & ftuip Doe TO Umiting I&VO11,4 of 1194t Huchange when Liquid Metals Solis by Do A* Labuntsov, RUSSIM, per,, lWofizika- Wsakikh Temperatur. Vb)' 39 No 29 1441656 PP 276-284. NII 1965 (Risley Tr. 863) ag lq3lg(,j Sci-Pbxs June 66 3030,270 I EXPOrimOntal Nwo-Viscous Metallic Cantours of Gallium for Magnetic Hyfrodynamic In- vestigations, by D. S. Kovaer., Ye. Yu. Krnsillnibov, et. alO RUSSIM,, pcr,, T!Elofizika Vysokikh.j=.eratuI- No 2. 1965, pp 315-517. *17D-Iff-23-972-67 Sci./k c, Jul 67 The '4tate Of (;as L~Ojlijld Waves, by 1-# He 131buillaun. RUSSIAN& Jmrp 'At I El YaWbOv, Vol III, No sj,2-?Z- ~Jlz'sokikh IbMuoratur 1 ---- -'i- ' NASA--TT r-..971il Sci-pilys Mar 66 4.97,323 InvestigAtion of :-he Thermal Conductivity of llellUn? ~n the 11. elliperaturrL. Range 400-2400 K, by D. L. Tiniret, A S. Umanskly. RUSSIAN, per, Teplofizika Vysokikh Temperatur, Vol 111, 140 111, ga-Y 715ne 1 65, pp 381-388 UKAEA 3ounreay Tr 207 (On Loar) Nov 65 291,648 Wpulalc Yv;'Ind Tunr*l Wth a IXmMX4rdDs Vilorkuw flompt by D. YA - sbumyaumyp Yu. it. ltibmdrftp Go A. Saltanov. jaA.jLq Vysoldich IMMM , per,, We IremmaglF. 1965, Vcj jUs N~o 13, pp 467-472 *T- TD-TT-65-1393 Use of the Emissim. Spectrw I of the Copper Aton For Plasna Diagnostics,, 1. Bakanovich.- L, !, urachikhIn.- MSIAN, per, a 10fiz "pok Tong Vol III, No 40, IMO pp 520-523. NASA TT F-ID0067 Sci-Aara May 66 300,$872 FRINIJI] INA I'll IFIM1,111111 I MIM1111 I III i 111,11 H I 11"11 ;1 1 t1 1; pwnl-pip w ~ im" T~ Air 1 ,Force ta-f-iol 66-32b B-70-18-D 4 may 66 Wwarlwatal lalmrUgaticu of :91actrocanductiviar, In An Argon aud Potassitm Carrent By: M. M. Nuawalkov and V. N. Geimmoya III= H10 Tampamture Therml Physics V. 3 No 4 1965, pp 524-52) 6 pp Russian - eat far- vda: TYPO 1 camera raidy and 1 carbem appy. Documpat rosy be out. Some Problems of the Operation of Cerainic Insulation 6 Materials at High Temperwbures by N. S. Kost3nikov, N. P. Antonovn. RUSSIAN, per, Teplotizika VY130kikh Temperatur Vol III., NO 4,, 196% P.P 555-,962. United Kinglom Atomic &ergy ~ -Dounreay Translation No ,-14 Sci Feb 66 Oiciuicra Equilibritua of I-Wiltorimrature SyStems,p by A. V. Potapov. imsm", per, Tbelofiz &sokikh Teiu Vol IVv Pj .;i~l ej~) . o It 19660 ly 55-SLI. NASA TT F-10,4)5 Sci-Chou Jwi 67 317,867 StabIllsed Arqt Colum vith AxUa Gas rlcvp by A. V. Pustagmrv. BMYMP *aof is yysck' MM2,mtF Akad ib* MON04m, No 2,p 19W... pp 173-176. AM;-W-%6 sa-pvs Jkr 70 4O3m2D8 Investigation t)f thr, Surface 'rensicai of Liquid SoA~lum- and llotiwsiwav by As .11., Suluvsev,, 0. 11. 1.1akarovw, 1"'IAN, par,, '00410fizika %Ysokikh Tcq),eratur .Vol 4m, No 2g 19660 Pi, MI-193. ,Ar;C fli�17 tr 1.056 Oct 66 Itistortion of iL Tapperaturo Fiold in 'k-hicii a lhorwoeowlo i5 Fittedo by V. N. Popov. N.WAIU, por, 'YO410fizika IfySoIJ161 Te'qleratur,, Vol it, IWo 2, "ar/Apr 19(j6, p,,k 261-2u6. MC Rdsley Tr 1055 sci/Nlysics Oct 66 .311,4USS ~ On Us *W.Aqp of fAmy betwmm Moctrmdc azA Holsettlar Game,, IV L. bL Bibermw Now, per', - --- - VS. ~ Teripop Vol 49 ND 4,t 20p IV -493A9 0 MM Ref: 9022.9 (W53 SCI.RWXM- COU"rS!L400 Aug 68 AP12"i calculatIon t~r Taqpmtura Fleld In a Turbulent Flav of Uquid in a Pound Um in the Mierml, Entry Region# by 11. 1. Bubbev IOESIAN, per Te Wig Vv,.sakh. Vol 4JV vo 4. 3s66,0 " IU Ref: 909L.9F (RialeY Timm- 1153) Bel-Phplcm Aug 68 36a,,146 (Ai a "latood for ;)otorn-bda,,. J;L~ctricl-l -c.,nductivity 0l: a I.uw Tmilmratum. Plusila a J,k)Uolo rruba, by !i-i, i,, rdiozhavAcv, 1,, !1, Yarin, 4RLW,,SlXI,p93:., T0,01ofinka )'Zsokik-it i'vi-~poratu= W~* X No 5,0 19669 pp OU-614. *NP.(;A TT P' 100771 t'.*)*ci-pjly!; 5ob 67 st-vd), of a .~, !"faletic i.,casurin", lUectrical condui.-tivity o-L, cases " I)y V, 1. FOLIUIOVS G, 1). YCf=YlOVkl.. lul.",qIANIJ, por" Lc)10:Lizi%a "lo 5, 1966, lip 6 -15-620. *NMA 'rf sci-11, Ys il rvb 67 "'Mikidurn Conductivity O~c Platit"a, by C, A, J~'.wsabov. J:lu".;"~ I iv I, " 'POro TOZ10fizihil V~' o'zilt';l ToliueraturI 1, - ;~o .1;v 191K)lp 1.41-"129, *Nt6A IT 11--lOoM sci-I'lly,q Fe b 6 7 "m PIvidoal ;,"ropertles of Aluminum 111trides, bv To V. An&-g-fe v xv ov aLwanteeva. 6 ppp I RMIANt per& j'. ~ V129M WaRgatzo Val 20 No .5,0 pp v JPM 42W Scd.~ht L,,* 67 3~0,pw Correlator for the Study of Oscillations in a Stationary Gas Discharge., by L, to'. Korenevskiy. RUSSIAN, per, Teploffaika Yl,skikh TeMeratur, Vol 40 No 6,9 it # pp 786-793. NASA TT F-11&019 Sci-Phys Aug 67 3380733 Calculation of ODrrvective YInat Transfer at Superoritical Pressiu,e., by N. I. Makik-Pashaerv IOJSSIAN., per, 'reT)lofizika Vvsokikli Temeratur~ Vol 4, No 6. 1966~ PP 853-864. NTC 71-14795-2)m rj a e. C, I' F I'- / / j -, ) 5 9 Feb 72 Absolute Cross Sections of the h~mitntion of Levols of Alkali Mot--)l Atmas by Low Energy Electrons, by I. P. Zapesochriyy, 10 pp. RUSSIAITS, per't 70 lofizilcf, VySok-ildl Tmeraturv Vol'4. 5,. NO 1, 1967, np 7-13. AIR/M-ID/F.T-23-3183-67 Sci/Materials 353.,217 Jan 69 Supersaturation and Condensation Shock During Firm of Potassium Vapor, by G. L. Podvidt. RUSSIM *~ ?or,, rep~t'~Ofitika V),sokikh TeM!rat!Lro Vol so N 1" IT6 IZI-129. NASA TT r-.110192 Sti-Phys bee 67 347,S71 UM GNP*"@ umowmw SUN"" wao MA A. &. Waftwo is ft do a" POLUA - evisi" ow"lis *F,P4 sago elm"# udmus ammo 0 fjoull a - *0 or b6 ad ft Wo papn,3 Ph=P=cArcw9tryv bV Yu. Ps shr"Col Itu 4. Tollo~a - Vyo*kM UnmrAtug, 1 2:, Vol 59 No 29 196ri't pp 367-37 IWU TT F-jjr4O7 Scilpb" Mar: 68 351t155 Invastigation of kite Temparature and Cross- Sectional Shpiw of an Electric-Are Column Moving Along Parallel Electrodes in a MW*tic, Fields. by D. I. Slovetskyi. alofiziks RWSIANg parg P V.YsokJU LWrauEs Vol 5,, No 31, Molw pp 401-409. *NASA 7T F-11 Sci-shlectr Jan 681 Seat TraWer in A"kall Xftslo In Short Vertical Uhtes at low Peclat Ruboxv and Under the Effect at Nat-mLl C=vettlopj, by L, G. Vold*ov MOMIN per# INnuf1m. V~M&-, To=, Vol 5p ft 3.9 207.v VP V,4-471- M Ref: MI.qF (Malmy 13-14) 68 1 J60s,754 (~l CIO i'laxilalm f%adi,ttioll ol, a Gas l3al-dud '.Aria- T. Yakti)uv- por,, TcAodz Vy-sok Tc.:Lpor, Vell 190, po i~15-517. CIA X-6~uj Sei Fob 68 (h) 111cas(XIS for tile ill,"lulAc Spectlul 60hind a 61iock. i.-- AUSSIMI, I)or,, Te-doiiz D6 7, S17-519. CIA, X-6:105 Vormatioii of a iadiation Pea-K IdI10S Of LL i4XI0(jLIiIiDriWj CJS ~. S. Voroblycv, 1. T. Yakubov. V-sol Tmt~~.r, Vol 5, INTo 3, sci-Niys Feb 6 B 350,405 The SAjqplest heat Set, sors Under Conditions lirbitrarily Varying In Time, Temperature of Medium and Heat Tranpfer Coefficient, by A. I-!. Azizov, 11 pp. RUSSIAN', per, Teplofizika Vysolcilch Teinperatux. No 4, 1967, pp 655--66z.- if,fiS 568o6 Aug 72