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0 cennet ?natem'aZ RAE-1 in t h j ou wzd ):-,ac7jirx tooZo. RUSq-TeW, Pe'r, lekh2jello or-,,aninatsfifa juna 72 K. '31-dw I 1;,i s P oo SO Pew ~~"i Ude 7 71--- I =11 I MR V. S. PavZepiko The influence of some c7aZvny:i',,- awl watings on the dumbility v-P shafts wzd honged jaints. 6 pp. t L I dst RUSSIAN, Tekhnojoa Or~Lcni-za_g& a Proizvo vajL No 4. 1970., pp 27-29 AIRIFTD-10- 24-109- 72 I d, mil di i k" ill ad, i "d. t~ ii., 1 F,I izcgimes of 1ligh-Terruper- L-,~f' Ct of j Lure omechanidal Working on Static and Faugue t ir6ng th' of Ileat-Resistant Alloys, by V.:,t~tya. Brag'in,, I.N. Shkanov, 7 pp. -4- p oi.- V I! tv c' jp~r 5 Teb; -~-7 9- n platma watinp., 6 pp. 06 7 UlcrwUrl-un 1 ip Ou a 140 2, ..,va TechWeal Fundawntals of Aeroeilectriml Exp.InratJon, by V. N. Goncharovskiy. RUSSIO9, bk. Tekhnicheskiye Oanpa Aeroelektror!~EvERL, -1969 * - - -nmA TT F-674 *WTIS TT 71-tl~3151 June 71 crian ~iwidlini~ and b)- ya- K $A, 1~ Ii t0, 41 p W$61RIO, bhq 'roklinolol"iya i"Creal)oild --orma, 505 . . Plis. *(;PSTI '*T 67-51273 Sci-Ag 1 ,ri Wc 66 InVOStigatiOn of the Physical.-Chamical Propertic; of 11olyner Films During Tochrological Processing of Wan and Meat Products,, by N. X. Shishkina,, Bi S. Yelltsefonp 14 pp. RWSIANO per, Tekhologiya "ish h r-,,oduktov ---Zhi-iotn?Ao-pivTsMoz-h-Deniyji Dokl!!~Xq Vol 79 AW/FSTCIHT~7.3-U421-71i SCi/B&II may 70 4069788 .Dec 72 Me fttum of the PhotoGlode Effoct In Oubdum Selwddep by V- N- Nomebabelihop 0. A. FalMo. MR OOVMUDMT USE omr RMUNp perjo TeftAks Pblse~VQLII CO., W7., pp 1.95~-5w- ASVOO*-/Ai~-2~-3"8 fkd/Chm Nov 68 354soW ~47 -.-' ~,7 ~ ~ -: ~~ ~, ~:-, ~~ ~ !~ 0 Oct F P'' 72 d -of -SlImlicunducttox,- -`,ate-r a S, T X11110IDGIYA. 1-011Y, -UPRIO l!"IVil i"I A m7r p -7- 11 7 e),! I met, 401im of pi--as f-.-* flu*-U-Fcrm stoolso t A=Wl, par# Tekbidaboakkv Ptgoogy v Trub-am SM T_ 9_539 ipp 256-262. P10010968-V Aug 68 l%v849 Tlw Tochnology of Chomical Fibre Produadon., by A. N. Rywzov~ et al. RIMAN., bk.. Tokhnol iya 111-oizvcdBtva MUmichellicM Volokon., 1965.. 516 PP- ME R-jow Sci-Chem May 66 300,371 JtOL 701 El 9 'Ira VeiW4mg mw,,ghyl. wo the 6minsuikion Je. tile ftmiltoo, .40.~r. awfuntlip llu, Ali. ii aim am% omweetwisuc of Bad* vats# ftar g md ROWAUMG 16 got for I&Ovtrcm~,61 by I* I. P*kWwo 3D ppe ftgd I "Ofistva UJIM A or 70 thv lhaw assersur Una In tta Uo*txU Piddv& by Up No MaLtaWithuf an& 470 Do DRIORMWO WEErAM*W AM fflv~wwwp P(lr* su stra 19%v MD~pt at Intwbo nshio* WildUft SerwLce aw., am= of FGMIVM n9bqTl-e* 1. Oct 67 A-SU* it ftwtUft of Sm TMAMI CacmarcUl Fish to Pubma"s umivolair Iftwast In %ba Vatftm fteetric flaU ln&utod In an 4qumrl=4by LVD% VP JM-JL300 ftot or interior 71sh and MdUft Service Ws, Due= at ftivio FUbwMw oft I 00 IWO Of DMWMt 8MUGM of the Mmm ftstm ft ftab In ftlm"Ur% tAw Anoft ftmetim %v Qe- por-14"Imtew Vow V61 t51.. 19f) 3.0 VP *ftv of lauftcw nsh sma WL2f4Ltft Go"Ice 04 IbMMM *f Om FU6 lo Moftlated Pulsatirrs ow""t lov Go Amluutmo P* zuboutir a va 64--Wk w 3x-lxo ~A~ of utulw Rub ima Widurt $WWI" iao Balm or Forelp Fuhers" cc the Rumule nomm In the batas by V, no lawliblpy alA Ve Vo Val ffab Berri" lwm~ or IfteW ndwrUW ftt 67 Vnftm tw Obvnvatifts 4mi PJAh In the EU*tr:Le AsUp - JW As I* RubtaW* Val 61" *Dot of Materlor giob and WiMU.Te Service NWO, Dozeau of Foreum mihorlea I I ~' 71" i, 1 1,71 Oa Ratlema Use of Lkg* UpIlmont ow Ward Vanes In thq Yltgmy lbr Beamy, by I. I. Oldellrdbove jummip ows 26- MEgLE.W, & Elm 29660 IV M-196, *Do" ar Lfterlar ps" GZA IdIdLule UWA, Dmom or Fwalaft rielmdes out 67 Muln Charwtorlative offl 15be Ekyttomwmtiewl Fish FlaWS Dwvives ad Tbmlr Sole in the sowting opamt1mal ty K, 19 LABWVQ almeft rdboac- mold.- ) Vol NNW- bW,, ftvoau of Faxeip Flabarles PODILUM"ItLes In 'the RelcmdIng Off-,Bottw, Fjob. by a Fift ftliaetor,, by K, ![, r .w WMP 3mr, IU= In - .Uvmta *D~Wt cr raUrio:r Ilift azid MdUft Service Bffjp Bmmm of Fbivisa Fliffia-ries fti-mater"U Oct (q I Wsi,, iiny n -Ita,`aticl t4stMS v N01 1 of 2) by X, i~, ~Jiralavj !~Iabsyivlovf "M pLig iAl Ift4unika PrWaktirovadza Zlvtallatiz~~=KR~U~ Ilataftill .066 pp M99--.7 ,JIVYBD/1116-23-303-68 sci/i-.ediaa engr 382#957 U-Ciu-liqu-- Of ""Uto atiul Vol 2 o1. 2., bi Ckt: U. 332 'd te! -ULUJI-I, UL, 'IL-JJIIIiJCiI S Avw,atizatsir, 1.966, 703 1A, idiTID/1117623-303-66 sci/iledial ai~jjr- I~qy 69 3082,907 RUSSIAN: "'The Tr~chnolnfist for a -Z~vor ort" (nc fore-Irn t it I r, or au*.!= ; c, Russiln title COLI]d be Tekhnolog rechnogo 46, ',,Q 5-15 ,.a) 19?2. T~r 0 " 9 97, 101-10