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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/17: CIA-RDP91TO1115R000100080003-4 Directorate of Secret Intelligence yPg i USSR: Single-Cell Protein Industry (U) Secret U 84-10027 March 1984 copy 3 9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/17: CIA-RDP91TO1115R000100080003-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/17: CIA-RDP91T01115R000100080003-4 Warning Notice Intelligence Sources or Methods Involved (WNINTEL) National Security Unauthorized Disclosure Information Subject to Criminal Sanctions Dissemination Control Abbreviations NOFORN (NF) Not releasable to foreign nationals NOCONTRACT (NC) Not releasable to contractors or contractor/consultants PROPIN (PR) Caution-proprietary information involved ORCON (OC) Dissemination and extraction of information controlled by originator This information has been authorized for release to... All material on this page is Unclassified. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/17: CIA-RDP91T01115R000100080003-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/17: CIA-RDP91TO1115R000100080003-4 Intelligence USSR: Single-Cell Protein Industry (U) Secret IA 84-10027 March 1984 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/17: CIA-RDP91TO1115R000100080003-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/17: CIA-RDP91TO1115R000100080003-4 Summary lnfornmtion available as a/ i January 1984 has been used in this report. (U) USSR: Single-Cell Protein Industry (U) The Soviet single-cell protein (SCP) industry represents a major effort to support livestock production by producing a protein-rich feed sup- plement for animals. We estimate that the Soviets had the capacity to produce about 1.8 million metric tons of SCP in 1983 and that this will increase to about 2 million metric tons by 1985 25X1 25X1 Actual Soviet SCP production is probably considerably less than capac- ity because the Soviets have encountered delays in bringing newly con- structed plants into full operation. As a result, we believe that the Sovi- ets will probably not reach their goal of 2.3 million metric tons of SCP production in 1985, and probably will only reach 2 million metric tons in the late 1980s. Based on Soviet claims, 2 million metric tons of SCP would replace as much as 10 million metric tons of grain, about 5 percent of Soviet annual grain production. (S Currently, the Soviets produce SCP from both cellulose- and petro- leum-based feedstocks. We believe, however, that any major expansion of the Soviet SCP industry will probably involve construction of plants using methanol, produced from natural gas, as the feedstock. Reports from European technical journals indicate that the Soviets plan to pro- duce about 4 million metric tons of methanol-based SCP by 2000. (C) Secret IA 84-10027 March 1984 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/17: CIA-RDP91TO1115R000100080003-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/17: CIA-RDP91TO1115R000100080003-4 Summary Soviet Single-Cell Protein Production Capacity Estimate 5 Prospects for the Soviet SCP Industry 7 Implications of the Soviet SCP Program 7 Appendixes v Secret IA 84-10027 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/17: CIA-RDP91TO1115R000100080003-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/17: CIA-RDP91TO1115R000100080003-4 Figure 1 Location of Soviet Single-Cell Protein Plants Secret NOFOR] Secret IA 84-10027 Atghanlatan ? 5 ? ? ?Bcdigarsk Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/17: CIA-RDP91TO1115R000100080003-4 Parafinoo Kirishi ? Moscowr ? ozyro * _ ? > ? ~? Ufa ? oVolgograd Cellulose-based SCP plant ? In operation o Under construction Petroleum-based SCP plant ? In operation o Under construction Cellulose- and petroleum-based SCP plant ? In operation Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/17: CIA-RDP91TO1115R000100080003-4 Secret USSR: Single-Cell Protein Industry (U) Single-cell protein (SCP) is a term used to describe single-cell microorganisms, such as yeast, that can be cultivated in commercial quantities and used as food or feed additives. SCP has traditionally been cultivated on cellulose-based growth media, such as agricultural wastes and byproducts of the wood processing industry. More recently, petroleum- based feedstock that is more easily obtained has provided growth media for SCP production. (u) Self-sufficiency in protein feed supplies is an avowed aim of the Soviet leadership. Because the USSR cannot produce adequate quantities of high- protein oilseed meals and other high-protein crops needed for balanced livestock feed rations, the So- viet Union has established the world's largest SCP industry. In addition, the Soviets have attempted to alleviate recurring feed deficits with large-scale grain imports. The use of high-protein supplements increases the efficiency of Soviet feed rations and serves to reduce these grain import requirements. (C) The Soviets began experimental production of cel- lulose-based SCP from hydrolyzed straw in 1936. A Soviet text book reports that by 1943 they had be- gun industrial production of SCP at two plants; they have continued to expand this cellulose-based portion of the industry since that time. In 1963 the All-Union Scientific Research Institute for Protein Synthesis began research on production of SCP from liquid paraffin obtained from crude oil. Ex- perimental petroleum-based SCP production began at the Krasnodar Biochemical and Vitamin Prep- aration Combine in the late 1960s, and construction of six commercial-scale plants began in the early 1970s. The first of these petroleum-based plants be- gan partial operation in 1975. (s This report discusses Soviet SCP production pro- cesses and facilities and presents estimates of the Soviet capacity to produce SCP from both cellu- lose-and petroleum-based raw materials. It also provides an overview of prospects for the Soviet SCP industry and discusses implications of the So- viet SCP program for augmenting Soviet livestock feed supplies. (S Soviet Single-Cell Protein Production We have identified 68 Soviet plants that produce SCP. There are 59 operating cellulose-based SCP plants, and one cellulose-based plant is under con- struction. In addition there are six operating petro- leum-based SCP plants, and one petroleum-based plant is under construction. One additional oper- ating plant produces both cellulose-based and petro- leum-based SCP (figure I). (s Soviet SCP plants are usually located near their sources of feedstocks. Many of the cellulose-based plants are in agricultural areas or are part of large paper or lumber mills. All Soviet petroleum-based SCP plants are located near petroleum refiner- ies. (S Processes and facilities at cellulose-based plants dif- fer from those at petroleum-based SCP plants. The cellulose-based plants have a smaller capacity and also produce wood-based byproducts, such as fur- fural and lignin, in addition to cellulose-based SCP (sometimes referred to as fodder yeast by the Sovi- ets). The more modern petroleum-based plants use a standardized process whose only product is SCP. SCP cultivated on petroleum feedstock is some- times called protein-vitamin concentrate (BVK- byelokovo-vitaminyy kontsentrat) by the Soviets. 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/17: CIA-RDP91TO1115R000100080003-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/17: CIA-RDP91TO1115R000100080003-4 Cellulose-Based SCP Process Flow. The production process for cellulose- based SCP begins with hydrolysis of either a solid feedstock, such as wood waste or corn cobs, or a liquid feedstock, such as waste liquor from the pulp and paper industry (figure 2). The feedstock is com- bined with dilute sulfuric acid and heated in a hy- drolysis tank. When waste liquors are the feed- stock steam hydrolysis is used, probably to remove sulfur dioxide. The hydrolysis step produces simpler carbohydrates that are more readily digested by the SCP organisms. After neutralization and purifica- tion the carbohydrates, along with air and mineral salts, are sent to a fermentation vessel where they are innoculated with yeast. Following fermentation the SCP is purified, dried, and bagged for ship- ment. (U) A Soviet text on production of SCP states that feedstock equivalent to a metric ton of dry conifer- ous wood will yield about 230 kilograms of SCP. At some plants the carbohydrates are fermented to produce ethyl alcohol and the remaining mash is then used to grow the SCP. According to the Soviet text, this reduces the yield to 32 kilograms per met- ric ton of wood equivalent. (U) Capacity Estimate. The methodology used to esti- mate Soviet cellulose-based SCP production capaci- ty was developed by the Analytical Support Group, Directorate of Intelligence, CIA.' This methodology is based on imagery and data from Soviet onen- source literature and human sources. (S We identified a distinctive piece of processing equipment, a large open-topped tank, at all but one of the 60 plants that produce cellulose-based SCP (figure 3). Although we could not determine the function of these tanks, the number of tanks at each plant appears to be yroyortional to the overall size of the plant. (s For 15 of the plants, production capacity data are available from either open-source literature or hu- man-source reporting. These data and the number of open-topped tanks at each plant provide a basis for a regression analysis to estimate total produc- tion capacity for the cellulose-based plants (figure 4). (See Appendix A for the number of tanks and reported capacity at each plant.) (s The data used in the regression estimate were first screened for reliability and then weighted based on the year of the report, the reliability of the source, and a comparison of the reported capacity to the size of production facilities Cellulose-Based Feedstock, Water, Sulfuric Acid Alcohol Production a and Purification Fermentation Purification Drying Yeast, Air, Mineral Salts SCP for Shipment 25X1 2bAl 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/17: CIA-RDP91TO1115R000100080003-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/17: CIA-RDP91TO1115R000100080003-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/17: CIA-RDP91TO1115R000100080003-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/17: CIA-RDP91TO1115R000100080003-4 addition, the plants were classified into two groups based on the availability of feedstock. The first group consists of plants with year-round access to feed materials and the second group consists of plants with seasonal access to feed materials. Our judgement of the availability of feedstock is based on the geographic location of each plant, its prox- imity to sources of feed materials, and the size of feed-material stockpiles. (s Based on the regression analysis, we estimate the annual production capacity of the 59 SCP plants with open-topped tanks was about 915,000 metric tons in 1983.2 The one additional operating Soviet plant, at Kirishi, has no open-topped tanks, but based on the size of its facilities compared to other cellulose-based SCP plants, we estimate that it has a capacity of about 25,000 metric tons per year.' Therefore, we estimate total Soviet cellulose- based SCP production capacity in 1983 was about 940,000 metric tons. (S We were unable to differentiate between those cel- lulose-based plants that produce SCP as a primary product and those which produce alcohol as a pri- mary product and SCP as a byproduct. Neverthe- less, we believe the plants for which we have capac- ity figures are sufficiently representative of the en- tire group that our estimate of overall capacity is valid. Although the inclusion of information about alcohol production in the regression analysis might have reduced the confidence interval width, there is no statistical indication that this would have sub- stantially changed our estimate of production ca- pacity. We believe the availability of the feedstock is the only significant variable, aside from the num- ber of tanks, in the regression equation. (S NF 'The 90-percent confidence interval for cellulose-based SCP production is 754,000 to 1,076,000 metric tons. This excludes the capacity of the Kirishi plant. IS We do not know why Kirishi does not have visible open-topped tanks. The tanks may be inside buildings or concealed by other equipment at Correlation of the Number of Open-Topped Tanks to Production Capacity at Soviet Cellulose-Based SCP Plants Production Capacity Metric Tons/Year 80,000 70,000 ? 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 ? 10,000 . ? 4 8 12 16 20 Open-Topped Tanks ? Reported capacity for plant with seasonal access to feedstocks. ? Reported capacity for plant with year-round access to feedstocks. a We have assumed that the production reported for the Leningrad plant, 18,000 tons a year, was garbled and that It was actually 1,800 tons a year. Petroleum-Based SCP Process Flow. The petroleum-based SCP process at Soviet plants uses normal paraffins (n-paraffins), obtained from crude oil during the petroleum refin- ing process, as the growth media. Nutrient salts are mixed with n-paraffins to form a substrate. The substrate is then innoculated with yeast of the Can- dida genus and fermented. The yeast produced is 25X1 25X1 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/17: CIA-RDP91TO1115R000100080003-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/17: CIA-RDP91TO1115R000100080003-4 killed, purified, concentrated, and dried before be- ing packaged for shipment (figure 5). Most of the process steps are concealed from view inside build- ings, but the fermentation tanks and dryers are large, readily identifiable pieces of equipment that are rnnctrnrted ac separate structures. (S Purification is a critical step in processing SCP be- cause paraffins contain some benzopyrene, a carci- nogenic hydrocarbon. Any benzopyrene in a feed additive is dangerous because it may be passed on to humans through the meat of the animals. Capacity Estimate. The methodology used to esti- mate the capacity of the eight Soviet petroleum- based SCP plants is based on imagery analysis and reports of plant capacities in Soviet open-source 1. Reservoir 2. Fermenter 3. Collector-Decanter 4. Separator 5. Collector 6. Ejector 7. Heat Exchanger 8. Evaporator 9. Spray Dryer 10. Hopper Nutrient Salts Inoculating Yeast literature. From imagery we can identify the plants and count the number of fermentation tanks at each (figure 6). (S Comparison of the number of these tanks at each plant with the plant's reported capacity indicates 9FX1 that each tank has a production capacity of 10,000 25X1 metric tons of SCP per year. At Gor'kiy the number of tanks multiplied by 10,000 tons per year equals the reported capacity. The layouts of the Angarsk and Kremenchug plants strongly suggest that, when complete, the number of tanks multiplied by 10,000 tons will equate to their reported capacity. The ca- pacities indicated by the numbers of tanks observed at Polotsk, Ufa and Volgograd differ slightly from the reported capacities for these plants, probably because the Soviets are expanding these three plants beyond their reported original design capacity. No precise capacity figure for Kirishi has been reported Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/17: CIA-RDP91TO1115R000100080003-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/17: CIA-RDP91TO1115R000100080003-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/17: CIA-RDP91TO1115R000100080003-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/17: CIA-RDP91TO1115R000100080003-4 Secret by the Soviets. Construction at Mozyr has not progressed sufficiently to determine the number of tanks planned. (See Appendix B for the number of tanks and reported capacity of each plant.) (s -] The seven Soviet petroleum-based SCP plants we believe to be in operation had a total of 82 com- plete fermentation tanks in 1983. Based on this number we estimate Soviet petroleum-based SCP capacity at the end of 1983 was 820,000 metric tons per year. (S Prospects for the Soviet SCP Industry We estimate that the Soviets had a total SCP pro- duction capacity of about 1,760,000 metric tons in 1983. Between 1983 and 1985, we believe that all production capacity increases in the industry will result from completion of fermentation tanks now under construction at petroleum-based SCP plants. (S From imagery, there is no evidence that Soviet cel- lulose-based SCP production capacity will be expanded by 1985. The single cellulose-based plant known to be under construction, at Parafino, is reported by a Soviet engineer to have a annual ca- pacity of 70,000 metric tons. In August 1983 this plant was still in the midstage of construction; it will most likely not be completed by 1985. There- fore, we estimate Soviet cellulose-based SCP pro- duction capacity in 1985 will be about 940,000 met- same as in 1983. (S Soviet petroleum-based SCP capacity will continue to increase in 1984 and 1985. The eight Soviet petroleum-based SCP plants had 21 fermentation tanks under construction in 1983. Analysis of previ- ous tank construction rates indicates that all the unfinished tanks could be complete by the end of 1985. If this occurs, Soviet petroleum-based SCP production capacity will be about 1,030,000 metric tons in 1985. (s Soviet plans call for production of 2.3 million tons of SCP in 1985, but it is unlikely that the Soviets will reach this goal. We believe Soviet production capacity for both cellulose-based and petroleum- based SCP will be only about 1,970,000 metric tons by the end of 1985, and we doubt they will be able to operate their SCP plants at design capacity be- cause of delays in brin in lants into full opera- 25X1 25X1 tion. Based on pen-source reports, 25X1 the petroleum-based plants have taken a minimum of seven years to reach full-scale production follow- ing construction, and at least one, Ufa, had not done so after I I years of construction. The Gorkiy plant, which began production in 1975 and had all its production equipment in operation in 1976, was first reported to have reached design capacity in 1982. Some of this delay may have resulted from technical problems with the original air supply sys- tem for the fermentation tanks. The Soviets were apparently unable to resolve the problems in the original system and, by 1976, began replacing it with an entirely new system. (S Implications of the Soviet SCP Program annual grain production. (s This would equal about 5 percent of Soviet average Although the Soviets are unlikely to reach their goal of producing 2.3 million tons of SCP in 1985, the industry's contribution to the Soviet livestock feed program continues to grow and annual Soviet SCP production could reach 2 million tons by the late 1980s. Such a quantity of SCP would replace up to 10 million tons of grain, based on the Soviet claim that each ton of SCP replaces 5 tons of grain. The Soviets are likely to continue their modest expansion of cellulose-based SCP facilities and complete the petroleum-based facilities now under construction. Additional supplies of cellulose raw material are not sufficiently concentrated to encour- age widespread expansion of cellulose-based plants. 2.5X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/17: CIA-RDP91TO1115R000100080003-4 Secret Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/17: CIA-RDP91TO1115R000100080003-4 In addition, the problems associated with the petro- Figure 7 leum-based process may discourage construction of additional petroleum-based plants. We believe it is Soviet SCP Production Capacity likely that any major expansion of Soviet SCP production will involve construction of plants using Production Capacity a new process, based on methanol produced from Million natural gas. Existing petroleum-based plants could Metric Tons also be converted to produce methanol-based SCP. (S 6 Expanding Soviet production of natural gas makes methanol-based SCP an attractive alternative for the Soviet Union. A European technical journal re- 4 ported the Soviets plan to use 600,000 metric tons of methanol per year as an SCP feedstock by 1990 and 6 million metric tons by 2000. Based on feed- stock-to-output ratios for a Western methanol- 2 based SCP plant, this would equate to a methanol- based SCP production of about 400,000 metric tons in 1990 and about 4 million metric tons in 2000. Although we doubt the Soviets will be able to meet 0 the goals, the large increases in SCP capacity 1983 1985 1990 2000 planned indicate continuing Soviet belief in the util- Cellulose-Based SCP ity of SCP to supplement grain production (figure Petroleum-Based SCP Soviet licensing of methanol-based processing tech- nology or purchase of turnkey plants would be a key indicator of their intentions to develop metha- nol-based SCP production. The Soviets could also choose to use domestic technology and equipment. In this case imagery would likely provide the initial indications of a Soviet program to develop metha- ? Metnanot-basea sLr Note: Production capacity over 2.3 million metric tons is based on reported Soviet plans. nol-based SCP. (s Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/17: CIA-RDP91TO1115R000100080003-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/17: CIA-RDP91TO1115R000100080003-4 Secret Appendix A Name (Alternate Names) Geographic Coordinates Growth Media Availability Open- Topped Tanks Reported Capacity Akhmeta Cellulose SCP Plant 420315N 0451208E Unknown Seasonal 3 2,000 Amursk Cellulose and Cardboard Combine 501407N 1365112E Probably sulfite liquor Year-round 10 20,000 Andizhan Cellulose SCP Plant 404602N 0722059E Probably cotton plant waste Seasonal 5 Arkhangel'slk Cellulose SCP Plant Povrakul'skiy 643850N 0403300E Wood waste Year-round 6 Archangelsk Cellulose and Paper Plant 642530N 0404900E Wood waste Year-round 6 Astrakhan Cellulose SCP Plant 462527N 0475832E Probably sulfite liquor Year-round 7 Balakhna Cellulose and Paper Combine Pravdinsk (Balakinsk) 563154N 0433355E Sulfite liquor Year-round 3 Baykalsk Paper and Cellulose Plant Probably sulfite liquor Year-round 8 513110N 1041210E Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/17: CIA-RDP91TO1115R000100080003-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/17: CIA-RDP91TO1115R000100080003-4 Name Growth Media Availability Open- Reported (Alternate Names) Topped Capacity a Geographic Tanks Coordinates Beltsy Cellulose Corncobs and sunflower Seasonal 6 10,000 SCP Plant seed hulls 474512N 0275335E Bendery Cellulose Unidentified waste Seasonal 9 SCP Plant vegetation 464756N 0292926E Biryusinsk Cellulose Wood waste Year-round 9 SCP Plant 555800N 0974912E Bobruysk Alcohol and Wood waste and peat Year-round 8 Wood Plant 530940N 0291320E Bratsk Lumber, Sulfite liquor Year-round 16 Cellulose, and Paper Complex 560716N 1013605E Chernogorsk Wood waste Year-round 9 Cellulose SCP Plant (Khakasskiy) 534835N 0912405E Chimkent Hydrolysis Unknown Seasonal 6 Plant 42!721N 0693650E Fergana Chemical Probably cotton plant Seasonal 6 7,000 Plant waste 402212N 0714821E Georgiyevsk Unknown Seasonal 5 Cellulose SCP Plant 440930N 0432835E Secret 10 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/17: CIA-RDP91TO1115R000100080003-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/17: CIA-RDP91TO1115R000100080003-4 Name (Alternate Names) Geographic Coordinates Growth Media Availability Open- Topped Tanks Reported Capacity' Gubakha Cellulose SCP Plant 585058N 0574658E Wood waste Year-round 3 Ivano Frankovsk Food Processing Plant 3 485612N 0244239E Unknown Seasonal 5 Kaliningrad Cellulose and Paper Combine 2 544209N 0202632E Probably sulfite liquor Year-round 3 Kansk Hydrolysis Plant 561137N 0954402E Probably wood waste Seasonal 5 Kedainiai Chemical Plant 551618N 0240059E Wood waste Seasonal 7 12,000 Khor Hydrolysis Plant (Khorsk) 475228N 1345658E Wood waste Year-round 8 38,000 Kirishi SCP Plantb 592935N 0320100E Wood waste Year-round 0 Kirov SCP Plant (Kirovsk) 583650N 0493550E Wood waste Year-round 18 70,000 Klaipeda Cellulose and Paper Combine Sulfite liquor Seasonal 3 554143N 0210815E Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/17: CIA-RDP91TO1115R000100080003-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/17: CIA-RDP91TO1115R000100080003-4 Name Growth Media Availability Open- Reported (Alternate Names) Topped Capacitya Geographic Coordinates Tanks Kondopoga Cellulose and Paper Combine (Kondopozhsk) Probably sulfite liquor Seasonal 3 621115N 0341635E Krasnodar Biochemical and Vitamin Combine Reportedly rice hulls Seasonal 5 450135N 0390055E Krasnokamsk Cellulose and Paper Plant Probably sulfite liquor Year-round 4 580419N 0554620E Krasnoyarsk Hydrolysis Plant Bisulfite liquor Year-round 5 560200N 0930220E Kropotkin Chemical Plant Reportedly corn cobs, rice husks, and Seasonal 8 452546N 0403536E sunflower stalks Kzyl-Orda Cellulose SCP Plant Possibly sulfite liquor Year-round 3 44520I N 0652658E Leningrad SCP Plant Wood waste Seasonal 3 27,000c 595345N 0301455E Lesozavodsk Cellulose SCP Plant Wood waste Year-round 9 28,000 452820N 1332300E Lobva Cellulose SCP Plant Wood waste Seasonal 6 591058N 0603225E Manturovo Cellulose SCP Plant Wood waste Year-round 16 70,000 581802N 0444545E Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/17: CIA-RDP91TO1115R000100080003-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/17: CIA-RDP91TO1115R000100080003-4 Name (Alternate Names) Geographic Coordinates Growth Media Availability Open- Topped Tanks Reported Capacity Nartkala Cellulose SCP and Chemical Plant 433323N 0435048E Unknown Seasonal 4 Neman Cellulose SCP Plant 550235N 0220155E Probably sulfite liquor Year-round 3 Onega Cellulose SCP Plant (Onezhsk) 635538N 0380435E Wood waste Year-round 5 Parfino SCP Plant Under Construction 575900N 0313925E Unknown 70,000 Pershino Cellulose SCP Plant (Ivdel) 60394I N 0603117E Wood waste Seasonal 5 4,821 Priozersk Cellulose SCP Plant 610258N 0300940E Probably wood waste Seasonal 4 Rechitsa Cellulose SCP Plant 5221 ION 0302655E Wood waste Seasonal 8 Saratov Chemical Combine 513010N 0455835E Wood waste Year-round 5 Segezha Cellulose and Wood Combine Wood waste or sulfite liquor Seasonal 5 634410N 0341940E Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/17: CIA-RDP91TO1115R000100080003-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/17: CIA-RDP91TO1115R000100080003-4 Name Growth Media Availability Open- Reported (Alternate Names) Topped Capacity" Geographic Tanks Coordinates Sokol Cellulose Wood waste or sulfite Seasonal 3 Combine Kuybyshev liquor 592712N 0400936E Sokol Cellulose and Sulfite liquor Seasonal 2 Paper Combine Sverdlov d 592832N 0400334E Solikamsk Cellulose Sulfite liquor Year-round 8 and Paper Combine 591446N 0564002E Sovetsk Cellulose Wood waste or sulfite Year-round 3 SCP Plant liquor 550530N 0215340E Syas'stroy Cellulose Probably sulfite liquor Year-round 3 Combine 600745N 0323345E Syktyvkar Cellulose Wood waste Year-round 12 28,000 SCP Plant Sloboda 614935N 0504350E Tallinn Cellulose Reportedly sulfite Year-round 4 Paper Combine liquor Kingisepp 592533N 0244705E Tavda Wood Chemistry Wood waste Seasonal 9 Plant 580425N 0651442E Tulun Alcohol Plant Wood waste Seasonal 8 543227N 1003542E Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/17: CIA-RDP91TO1115R000100080003-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/17: CIA-RDP91TO1115R000100080003-4 Name Growth (Alternate Names) Geographic Coordinates Media Availability Open- Topped Tanks Reported Capacity Turinsk Cellulose Wood Plant liquor 580147N 0634315E waste or sulfite Seasonal 3 Volgograd Hydrolysis Uniden Plant vegetati 484015N 0442752E tified waste on Seasonal 13 Volzhsk Paper Plant Wood 555057N 0482256E waste Year-round 11 21,000 Vyborg Cellulose and Probab Paper Plant Sovetskiy 603243N 0284045E ly sulfite liquor Year-round I Yangiyul' Ambari Biochemical Plant cotton- 410615N 0690310E rice hul -hemp tow, plant waste, ls, wood waste Seasonal 9 7,000 Zaporozhye Cellulose Wood SCP Plant 474925N 0351302E waste Seasonal 10 11,000 Zima Cellulose SCP Plant 535540N 1020439E `' Capacities are given in metric tons per year. h This plant also produces SCP from petroleum. C This figure is probably incorrect. The more likely capacity of this plant is about 1,800 to 3,000 metric tons. d One of the Sokol plants is also known as Sukhona. This appendix is Secre Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/17: CIA-RDP91TO1115R000100080003-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/17: CIA-RDP91TO1115R000100080003-4 Secret Appendix B Name Fermentation Tanks Capacity' (Alternate Names) Complete Under 1983 1985 Geographic Coordinates Construction Total 82 21 820,000 1,030,000 Angarsk SCP Plant I 1 1 110,000 120,000 Design capacity of 522910N 1035830E 120,000 tons reported in 1970. Gor'kiy SCP Plant 7 0 70,000 70,000 Design capacity of (Kstovo, Novogorskiy) 70,000 tons reported in 560635N 0440700E 1974. Kirishi SCP Plant 9 0 90,000 90,000 This plant also produces 592935N 0320100E SCP from wood waste. Kremenchug SCP Plant 8 2 80,000 100,000 Design capacity of 120,000 491055N 0332855E tons reported in 1980. Mozyr SCP Plant 0 5 0 50,000 Design capacity of 300,000 515434N 0291731E tons reported in 1978. Polotsk SCP Plant 12 1 120,000 130,000 Design capacity of 120,000 (Novopolotsk) tons reported in 1981. 553300N 0283400E Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/17: CIA-RDP91TO1115R000100080003-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/17: CIA-RDP91TO1115R000100080003-4 Name Fermentation Tanks Capacity' (Alternate Names) Geographic Coordinates Complete Under 1983 Construction 1985 Ufa SCP Plant (Baskhir, Novoufimskiy) 5502ION 0560120E 6 150,000 210,000 Volograd SCP Plant (Svetloyarsk) 4328ION 0444435E 20 6 200,000 260,000 aAll capacities are given in metric tons per year. Figures given are for the capacity of equipment installed. All this equipment may not he in operation. Detailed information on the construction chronologies for these plants is available on request. Design capacity of 180,000 tons reported in 1975. Design capacity of 240,000 reported in 1975. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/17: CIA-RDP91TO1115R000100080003-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/17: CIA-RDP91TO1115R000100080003-4 Secret Secret Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/12/17: CIA-RDP91TO1115R000100080003-4