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Top Secret NATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHIC INTERPRETATION CENTER PHOTOGRAPHIC I NTERPRETATION REPORT PLA GROUND FORCES ,CANTON MILITARY REGION, PRC (S) Top Secret PI R-040/78 Copy 13 3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/22 : CIA-RDP78BO7179A000100350001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/22 : CIA-RDP78B07179A000100350001-0 Ton Secret RUFF UMBRA SPOKE PLA GROUND FORCES, CANTON MILITARY REGION, PRC (S) ABSTRACT 1. (TSRU) This report discusses the Peoples Liberation Army's (PLA) main ground force units in the Canton Military Region in the People's Republic of China (PRC). The functions and locations of these units were identified primarily from KEYHOLE imagery. 2. (U) This report includes four location maps, three annotated photographs, and four tables listing the main force units by unit subordination. INTRODUCTION 3. (TSR) The ground forces in the Canton Military Region (CMR) have the same general organizational structure as the ground forces observed throughout the PRC--the rule of three. Subordinate to CMR Headquarters (Figure 1 and Table 1) are three armies (Figures 2, 3, and 4 and Tables 2, 3, and 4, respectively) and various independent units (Table 1). The independent units include an artillery division, an antiaircraft artillery (AAA) division, a signal regiment, two engineer regiments, five motor transport regiments, a probable airborne/reconnaissance unit, and a military region probable training unit. 4. (TSU) The numbered unit designators used in this report were acquired from referenced document 1. BASIC DESCRIPTION 5. (TSR) Armored units have been observed in each of the three armies; however, only one tank regiment has been confirmed from imagery. 6. (TSRU) There are two armored units in the 41st Army (Table 2), one of which is a probable tank regiment at Kuei-lin (121st Infantry Division). The facilities at Kuei-lin have the capacity to support a tank regiment. However, since September 1974 the largest number of tanks observed at Kuei-lin has been 12 which equates to a company-sized unit. The other armored unit in the 41st Army is the 327th Tank/Assault Gun (TAG) Regiment at Ho-chun (122nd Infantry Division). No armored vehicles have been observed at Ho-chun since January 1972, and when last observed in July 1978 the tracked-vehicle, driver-training courses did not appear to be active. 7. (TSRU) There are two armored units in the 42nd Army area (Table 3). The 329th Tank Regiment is at Chang-ning (124th Infantry Division) where, in November 1976, 111 tanks were observed. The other armored unit is a part of the military region training unit at Pi-tsun and is subordinate to CMR Headquarters. 8. (TSRU) The only armored unit observed in the 55th Army is at Chang-chi (164th Infantry Division; Figure 5). Tanks were first observed at Chang-chi in 1976, and until July 1978 the maximum number of tanks observed was nine. In July 1978 elements of a possible tank regiment--32 tanks and eight possible SU-76 assault guns (top photo)--were observed. A tank- gunner firing trainer (bottom photo) was constructed at Chang-chi between November 1976 and October 1977. Three additional vehicle storage buildings with the capacity to house tanks were also constructed during this time. 9. (TSR) Since the 42nd Army has a tank regiment and the 41st Army probably has a tank regiment, the establishment of a tank regiment in the 55th Army may be forthcoming. The presence of tanks in 1976, the increased number of armored vehicles observed in July 1978, and the construction of the tank-gunner firing trainer and storage building at Chang-chi indicate that Chang-chi will probably be the location of a tank regiment in the 55th Army. Artillery 10. (TSR) Nineteen artillery-associated installations have been observed in the CMR. Three of these installations house army-level regiments, nine house division-level regiments, six house an independent artillery division, and one is a part of the CMR training unit. 11. (TSR) Miniature/terrain model artillery firing ranges have been constructed at 17 of these 19 installations since 1974. The two installations without artillery ranges are associated with the independent 1st Artillery Division. 12. (TSR) Since 1976 the 1st Artillery Division, headquartered at Shao-kuan, has occupied five installations in the Weng-cheng/Hsin-chiang area. These installations had previously been occupied by an infantry division. The construction of four-bay storage buildings with the capaci- ty to store field artillery pieces and attached cargo trucks and the construction of miniature/ter- rain model firing ranges indicate that the occupancy of these installations is permanent. Head- quarters units and the rocket launcher regiment have probably remained at Shao-kuan. How- ever, no equipment except cargo trucks has been observed at Shao-kuan since September 1976. Antiaircraft Artillery 13. (TSRU) AAA units have been observed with each of the armies, four of the nine infantry divisions, the 329th Tank Regiment, and the 70th AAA Division. 14. (TSRU) The new structure of army-level AAA regiments-eighteen 37mm, twenty-four 57mm, and six ZPU-4 antiaircraft (AA) guns-has been observed at two installations, Sha-pu- hsu (41st Army) and Li-lin-hsu (42nd Army). 15. (TSR/SPOKE) On imagery of November 1977 an AAA exercise was observed in prog- ress at Pei-po AAA Exercise Area LIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIl. Approximately 400 AA guns were observed. Collateral sources indicate that the 70th AAA Division and a 41st Army organic AAA regiment were involved in this exercise.2 The number of AA guns observed indicates that other units were also involved. These could have been units (other than ground force subordinate units) that are observed in the vicinity of the airfields, naval bases, and urban areas throughout the CMR. Exercises also occurred in this area in 1973, 1974, 1975, and 1976. Infantry 16. (TSR/SPOKE) There are nine infantry divisions in the CMR--three in each army. Since December 1975 five of these divisions have changed location. In December 1975 the 164th and 165th Infantry Divisions of the 55th Army switched locations3 and in December 1976 the 121st and 123rd Infantry Divisions of the 41st Army switched locations.' These switches in location may have occurred in order to improve area familiarization and troop movement tech- niques, In March 1976 the 126th Infantry Division of the 42nd Army moved to the Lei-yang area from the Weng-cheng/Hsin-chiang area.5 17. (TSR/SPOKE) The 126th Infantry Division is now probably located at Tsao-ship Army Barracks AL-1 just south of Lei-yang. The barracks at Tsao-shih is the only barracks in the Lei- yang area with the capacity to house an infantry division. The construction of a troop obstacle course in the old TAG regimental area and a miniature/terrain model artillery firing range indicates that a main force unit is at this barracks. 18. (TSR) Troop obstacle courses, antitank ditching, and athletic fields have been con- structed at most of the barracks areas in the past several years. The construction of these facilities indicates that increased emphasis is being placed on troop training. Airborne/Reconnaissance 19. (TSR) The only airborne/reconnaissance unit outside the Wuhan Military Region has probably been observed in the Canton area. Imagery has confirmed the existence of airborne- type training facilities at two installations. One installation has been observed for some time in Canton. The second installation has recently been identified in the Lung-kuei-shih area just north of Canton. Training equipment at these two installations consists of an aircraft fuselage mockup, jump stands, troop obstacle courses, a modified swing-landing trainer, and a swing- landing tower (Figure 6). On imagery of August 1977 three parachutes were seen at the swing- landing tower at the Canton installation. 20. (TSRU) River crossing units have been observed at two installations in the CMR. One unit is at Chang-sha where river crossing equipment was first observed in July 1976. The highest count of equipment has been 134 TPP (heavy ponton bridge) sections, which were observed in (Continued p. 12) Top Secret Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/22 : CIA-RDP78B07179A000100350001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/22 : CIA-RDP78B07179A000100350001-0 Top Secret RUFF UMBRA SPOKE Lu- en Kue-he Tuch-vane Hum Ten tunq wan ercan9 Nan-ch'an9'hsien (Lien'ten9) wsian9'ten9 Shen t'an9 Tun9'h Fen9'ch'e h5n9-chlang (Chan9'shu-chenl 5u Chow Ee-Shh HQ 41 ST ARM HSiflhUa Ch009 he (Len lee) sane hen hSefl Loch an 0 Lu chaff I-sM1an liu-thou Y lCh'IngYUan) TAO 151 METERS (APPROX) ED TO TABLE I II 200 FIGURE 1. LOCATION OF CANTON MILITARY REGION HEADOUARTERS AND INDEPENDENT UNITS, PRC 11500 NPIC S-5111 -2- Top Secret 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/22 : CIA-RDP78B07179A000100350001-0 Top Secret RUFF UMBRA SPOKE Table 1. Canton Military Region, Headquarters and Independent Units (Keyed to Figure 1) This table in its intirety is classified TOP SECRET RUFF UMBRA1 2 Prob Underground Command Post 3 Poss Alt Under- ground Command Post 6 Elements Arty Regt 7 Elements Arty Regt 8 Elements Arty Regt 9 Elements Arty Regt 10 Elements Arty Regt 11 209th Rocket Launcher Regt 14 Elements 633rd AAA Regt 15 Unid AAA Regt 16 635th AAA Regt 17 636th AAA Re9t 18 19th Engineer Regt 19 Unid Engineer/ Ponton Unit 20 Elements 22nd Ponton Bridge Regt 21 39th Motor Trans Regt Kuang-chou MR a 23-07-12N A ADEF Sector Hq 113-17-54E Kuang-chou Rad Sta/ 23-11 42N Bnk/hd 113-20-13E Kuan-yin-shan Radcom 27-22-59N Sta/Bnk/Hd 112-24-31E Kuang-chou Army Bks 23-11-29N AL-10 113-19-14E Shao-kuan Army Bks 24-42-25N and Arty Div Hq AL-1 113-36-18E Weng-cheng Army 24-19-03N Bks SW AL-2 113-42-52E Hsin-chiang Army 24-28-50N Bks AL-3 113-50-38E Hsin-chiang Army 24-31-15N Elks NW AL-2 113-40-48E Hsin-chiang Army 24-30-52N Bks A Inf Div Hq AL-1 113-49-30E Weng-cheng Army Bks 24-23-30N NE AL-1 113-51-05E Shao-kuan Army Bks 24-42-25N and Arty Div Hq AL-1 113-36-18E Che-chiang Army 26-45-16N Bks A AAA Div 112-35-52E Che-chiang Army 26-44-37N Bks AL-1 112-35-52E Che-chiang Army 26-44-49N Bks AL-5 112-37-34E Che-chiang Army 26-45-16N Bks A AAA Div 112-35-52E Hqs AL-2 Che-chiang Army 26-44-15N Bks AL-3 112-37-03E Che-chiang Army 26-45-13N Bks AL-4 112-36-43E Lei-yang Airfield SW 26-31-42N 112-50-30E Chang-sha Army Bks 28-13-50N AL-6 Po-lo Army Bks 23-05-OON 114-10-20E Kuei-lin Area (on- located) 22 41st Motor Trans Ping-hsiang Army R egt Bks and Stor AL-1 23 Elements 41st Ping-hsiang Army Motor Trans Regt Bks and Stor AL-2 24 46th Motor Trans Chun-tzu-ying Army Regt Bks AL-1 25 Elements 46th Motor Chen-chiang Army Bks Supply or support A Sup Depo AL-1 26 47th Motor Trans Hsiu-ying Army Bks Regt AL-1 27 Unid Motor Trans Kuang-chou Army Regt Bks SW 28 Unid Recon- Kuang-chou Army nassance/Air- Bks AL-12 29 Elements Unid Re- Lung-kuei-shih Army onnaissance/Air- Bks AL-1 borne Unit 30 MR Prob Trng 22-05-21N 106-44-27E 22-06-43N 106-45-26E 22-57-26N 114-12-29E 23-01-06N 114-20-27E 19-59-ION 110-18-57E 23-05-19N 113-10-23E 23-09-10N 23-16-36N 113-20-22E Prob Collocated with air defense sector; hq poss relocates to underground command post during periods of national emergency Poss Consists of 26 conf & 2 poss hardened antennas & several personnel & vehicle adits Poss Consists of 14 conf hardened antenna & I prob hardened antenna & several personnel & vehicle adits Prob Prob used as housing for those troops who may work at Kuang- chou Rad Sta/Bnk/Hd Conf Prob only hq units & rocket launcher regiment remain at this facility (see text) Conf This facility & the following four facilities were vacated during 1975--1976 by the 126th Infantry Div (see text) Conf See text Prob Arty ranges have not been con- Prob structed at this facility & the following facility; only a few field arty pieces have been ob- served at this facility. (see text) Prob See text Conf Rocket launchers were last observed on see text) Conf See text - Conf See text Conf See text Conf See text Prob This regt is prob located here & involved in the construction of this new airfield; when the con- struction is complete this regt will prob relocate elsewhere Conf See text Poss This installation was recently identified by_on imagery of Dec 77 -- Poss collocated with 121st Inf Div at Kuei-lin Inf Div Hq & Army Bks AL-1 (BE Conf Prob See text Prob See text Prob Field arty & armor training conducted here; however CSA-1 & poss chemical de- contamination equip have observed Function BE No (Photo Assessed) Top Secret RUFF UMBRA SPOKE 0 50 I I I I I 1 METERS (APPROX) Lu-ch'uan -4- Top Secret Top Secret RUFF UMBRA SPOKE Conf Conf Conf Conf Conf Prob AAA observed here only one time, Apr 74 Storage for a tank Regt is sufficient; however, 12 tanks is the largest number recently observed (see text) Prob The status of this facility is not certain; although tracked activity is usually observed, no tanks have been seen since 1972 (see text) -5- Top Secret 41st Army Hq Feng-shan Army Hal and 24-34-18N Bks NE AL-1 109-18-20E Regt BksNEAL-1 109-18-20E Unid AAA Sha-pu-hsu Army Bks NE 24-38-12N Regt AL-1 109-20-30E Unid AAA AL-3 109-14-05E Regt 121st Inf Kuei-lin Inf Div Hq A 25-10-22N Div Hq Army Bks AL-1 110-19-45E 361st Inf Kuei-Iin Inf Div Hq A 25-10-22N Reg Army Bks AL-1 110-19-45E 362nd Inf Kuei-lin Inf Div Hq A 25-10-22N Regt Army Bks AL-1 110-1945E 363rd Inf Kuei-Iin lnf Div Hq A 25-10-22N Regt Army Bks AL-1 110-19-45E 501st Arty Kuei-lm lnf Div Hq A 25-10-22N Regt Army Bks AL-1 110-19-45E Unid Tank Kuei-Iin Inf Div Hq A 25-10-22N Regt Army Bks AL-1 110-19-45E Table 2. Canton Military Region 41st Army Units (Keyed to Figure 2) This table in its entirety is classified TOP SECRET RUFF UMBRA1 11--- 122nd lnf Div Hq Battalion 13 364th Inf Regt 14 365th lnf Regt 15 366th Inf Regt 16 502nd Arty Regt 17 327th TAG Regt 18 123rd Inf Div Hq '19 - -- 367th lnf Regt 20 368th lnf Chih-kan Inf Div Hq 21-17-29N and Bks AL-1 110-16-22E Chan-chiang Army Bks 21-12-30N AL-5 110-23-OOE Chang-chiang Army 21-09-20N Bks W AL-2 110-15-30E Kuan-hu Army Bks AL-1 21-23-35N 110-21-22E Hsi-pai-wei Army Bks S 21-13-58N AL-1 110-11-06E Sui-hsi Army Bks S 21-18-45N AL-1 110-14-47E Ho-chun Army Bks 21-44-20N AL-1 110-28-42E Kuei-hsien Army Bks A Inf Div Hq AL-1 Kuei-hsien Army Bks A Inf Div Hq AL-1 Kuei-hsien Army Bks 23-07-DON 109-38-15E 23-07-OON 109-38-15E Regt A Inf Div Hq AL-1 109-38-15E 369th Inf Kuei-hsien Army Bks 23-07-00N Regt A Inf Div Hq AL-1 109-38-15E 22 503rd Arty Kuei-hsien Army Bks 23-07-OON Function BE No (Photo Assessed) Conf Top Secret RUFF UMBRA SPOKE Lei-yang 16--20 0 50 I I I 1 I 1 METERS (APPROX) sia ng-hsiang Chu-chou-hsie (Lu-k'ou) MACAO (Port.) FIGURE 3. LOCATION OF 42ND ARMY UNITS -6- Top Secret to [k -a T h 5 cc] (HSin'hga) 3 7 Ho-k'au CANTON SM1Ih-iun 2 \ _ ^ Hui-ch.u HONG KONG (U.K.) Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/22 : CIA-RDP78B07179A000100350001-0 Top Secret RUFF UMBRA SPOKE Table 3. Canton Military Region 42nd Army Units (Keyed to Figure 3) This table in its entirety is classified TOP SECRET RUFF UMBRA1 1 42nd Army Hq and Bks AL-1 2 --- 145th Arty Regt 3 - -67th AAA Regt- i 4 124th Inf-Div Hq A Bks AL-6 1 5 370th Inf Regt Ni-kerig Army Bks AL-1 Li-lin-hsu Army Bks AL-1 Chang-ning lnf Div Hq A Bks AL-6 Chang-ning Army 23-05-24N 114-23-11 E 22-57-13N 114-06-44E 22-58-24N 114-18-48E 23-14-58N 114-02-35E 23-13-18N 114-01-38E _ 23-14-58N Div Hq A Bks AL-6 114-02-35E _ Chang-ning Army 23-13-18N Bks AL-2 114-02-24E Chang-ning Army 23-15-50N Bks AL-5 114-04-32E Chang-ning Army 23-14-05N Hq Div Hq and Bks AL-1 373rd Inf Regt Hsin-hsu Army Bks AL-1 374th Inf Regt Nui-ti-pu Mil Bks 114-03-37E 22-53-37N 114-01-07 E 22_50_21N 114-19-24E 22-39-48N 114-00-21 E Elements 374th Pu-chi Army Bks 22-36-13N _ Inf Regt AL-1 114-06-19E _ 14 375th Inf Regt Tien-hsin Army Bks 22-48-20N SW AL-5 113-57-16E - -15-- ---505th Arty Re`9t TiemFsin ArmyBks -22-50-39N- _ AL-3 1.14-00-34E 16 126th nf Div Hq Tsao-shih Army_Bks 26-22-04N AL-1 112-48-44E 17 376th nf Regt Tsao-shih Army Bks 26-22-04N AL-1 112-48-44E 18 377th Inf Regt Tsao-shih Army Bks 06-22-04N AL-] _ _ 112-48-44E 19 378th nf Regt Tsao-shih Army Bks 26-22-04N 2 . -_ - 20 506th Arty Regt Tsao-shih Army Bks _26-22-04N AL-1 (Photo Assessed) Prob Facility is widely dispersed, small- arms range & personnel trenching observed; however, no troop ob- stacle courses or GOB have been identified Poss Facility may be local forces or border defense bks Prob May also be used as a training facility; contains a small-arms range, arty range, & wheeled- vehicle driver-training course Prob See text Prob See text Prob See text Prob See text Prob See text Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/22 : CIA-RDP78B07179A000100350001-0 Top Secret RUFF UMBRA SPOKE Table 4. Canton Military Region 55th Army Units (Keyed to Figure 4) This table in its entirety is classified TOP SECRET RUFF UMBRA1 Function (Photo Assessed) Remarks 1 55th Army Hq Chao-an Army Hq 23-41-08N and Army Bks AL-1 116-37-17E 2 158th Arty Regt Chao-an Army Bks 23-40-41 N East AL-2 116-40-52E 3 Unid AAA Regt Pu-tou-fou Army 23-37-50N Bks AL-1 116-46-31 E 4 163rd Inf Div Hq Keng-wei Bks N 23-35-23N AL-1 A Hq Inf 116-10-02E 5 487th Inf Regt Div Keng-wei Bks N AL-1 23-35-23N a Hq of Div 116-10-02E 6 488th Inf Regt Keng-wei Bks N AL -1 23-35-23N a Hq Inf Civ 116-10-02E 7 489th Inf Regt Hung-yang Army Bks 23-24-50N SW AL-1 116-10-40E 8 443rd Arty Regt Hsi-chang Army Bks 23-35-05N Conf AL-1 116-21-12E 9 164th Inf Div Hq Shan-tou Inf Div 23-26-47N Conf See text Hq A Army Bks AL-1 116-35-36E 10 Inf Regt Shan-tou Inf Div Hq 23-26-47N Conf a Army Bks AL-1 116-35-36N 12 Inf Regt Chang-chi Army 23-42-46N Conf Bks South AL-1 116-52-57E 13 444th Arty Regt Shan-tou Inf Div 23-26-47N Conf Hq a Army Bks 116-35-36E 14 Unid Tank Unit AL-1 Chang-chi Army 23-42-46N Conf see text Bks South AL-1 116-52-57E 15 165th Inf Div Hao-shih Army 24-01-19N Conf See text Hq Bks & Inf Div 115-22-44E 16 Inf Regt Hao-shih Army 24-00-51N Conf Bks AL -3 115-27-30E 17 Inf Regt Kao-chang-hsia 24-04-50N Conf Army Bks N AL-1 115-22-20E 18 Inf Regt Hao-shih Army 24-01-08N Conf Bks NW AL-2 115-20-13E 19 445th Arty Regt Kao-chang-hsia 24-03-52N Conf Army Bks AL-2 115-20-21 E Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/22 : CIA-RDP78BO7179A000100350001-0 Iq Next 2 Page(s) In Document Denied Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/22 : CIA-RDP78BO7179A000100350001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/22 : CIA-RDP78BO7179A000100350001-0 Top Secret RUFF UMBRA SPOKE October 1977 (Figure 7). The size of the facility is adequate to house two ponton bridge regi- ments--144 ponton sections equate to two regiments. The other installation is approximately 13 nautical miles west of Hui-chou along the Tung Chiang (River) and possibly houses elements of the 22nd Ponton Bridge Regiment. This installation was identified on imagery of December 1977. Seventeen ponton sections on vehicles were observed in the barracks area, and five ponton sections and two probable BMK-150 power boats were observed in the water. Hainan Area Command, Hainan Island 21. (TSRU) The only main force ground unit observed on Hainan Island is the 47th Motor Transport Regiment at Hai-kou. Ground forces on this island consist of at least two garrison divisions, a possibly independent artillery regiment, and other local forces. (TSR) All applicable KEYHOLE imagery acquired through was used in the preparation of this report. MAPS OR CHARTS CIA Base Map. 500071 (UNCLASSIFIED) DOCUMENTS 1. DIA. DDB-1100-201-78-SI, Ground Order of Battle (GOB) People's Republic of China, Jul 78 (TOP SECRET 2. DSD. 2/EE/169-77, DTG 200610Z Deployment of 41 Army AAA Regiment to Peipo in the Kuangchou Military Region, Dec 77 (SECRET 3. DIRNSA. 2/00/4840-78, DTG 241830Z, Chinese Military Unit Cover Designator Weekly Review NR. 12-78, Mar 78 (SECRET 4. SSO/DIA.10-1B, Kuangchou MR Divisional Rotation, Jan 77 (SECRET 5. DSD. 2/EE/45-76, DTG 040450Z, Deployment of 126 Infantry Division to Leiyang, May 76 (SECRET= REQUIREMENT Project 130013NG (S) Comments and queries regarding this report are welcome. They may be directed to DAsian Forces Division, Imagery Exploitation Group, NPIC, Top Secret Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/22 : CIA-RDP78BO7179A000100350001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/22 : CIA-RDP78B07179A000100350001-0 ^ 1 Top Secret Top Secret