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i Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/08: CIA-RDP78B04747A002100040015-9 a The act or default of the shipper or owner, b The nature of the property, or defect or iriherent vies therein e Improper or insufficient packing, se ring, or addressing d The sAct of Gad, public a thority of law, quarantine, t ritri kes, itatelof war, Or the hazard or dangers i at c. is Cho. soon leotioe by, or partials delivery to sthe cwa house f C. 0. ,0, hipmentts assigns& of fills here the,. structioas of consigner or tansignee of ta- eets have been left at agent of Ihc ompany offer such shlD- S. Package such stations. or cart of gbssntausf ~fragile articles or article consisting wholly nspo.tar,on by e marked with ordinary dcarre. Datketl w m to boon /hen consigned to a place at which the express company no 1~ shipments must be marked has ceot dwith then of the express stgtien at d if it h delivery beyond will be a obe arked with rwordin lions to go_ the express cOmoanv'. ii_e _. 9 tlirec- an exc.... _ _ which is depen' enfsunpa at the rate charged a for arryg said , valuation of not Property value thereof and _e' eed exceeding fifty dollars for any shipmen f gr 'ell and ex or not cess of d100 Poundnix per Pound, actual wei O ght, 1f00 or any s Pounds hip- In onyfevet for'mo es h a ne fr ift ollarstfor"all 3n or Wfor mar h?lla it bo liable an e y Shipmentd fn 100 at the at ss, y its hipmenI ghing emoren than 100ts per Dound, actual weight, to' life ds sh peer herein. Unless a greater value is declared a o greaser value is agrees that the value of the hipment is Os Blast above set oat end that the liability of the company shall in no event exced such value. tamPonynshalI notsbe obletsforWn negligence or that of 111 agents, the a oDifevapo;ct nnweight or Quantity caused by shrinkage, leakage, b The death, injury, Or escape of live freight, e Loss Of money, bullion, bonds, coupons, lew Iry, precious stones, pOlunbbie papers, or otther attter of extraordinary value, unless h titles Ore enumerated 1 the receipt. of its ge Unless the company in wholee part by its o n gligence or that mused b shall' not be liable far lass, damage or delay I vNIFORM EXPRESS [ECEIPT_NON-NEGOTIABLE-TERMS Dindin .,.?nee The provisions of this receipt shall Im,rs c.. .._ . _ . R-4jMWAY EXPRESS AGENCY Name of forwarding Office (t 14$-D) Washington, D.C. e:_- delivery of v aehveelog carrier within one months after chin proOO r In case of failure make delivery, then shall Mine ?.-anihs d fit een dons after .. to delivery `hps"been%ailes to . tree delive wills not a made at points when the com rains o delivery at points where delive ervice , pony main. servs mist free delivery will not, be ma ? of addresses beyond the established s and published delivery limts. Special Addithe United the Uions as f,-, SYlpmene Forwarded by Vessel from d State I. aces in Feign Countries. I0. If the destination spa Pied i the property co ered hereby all in this receipt is in a foreign count their foreign can , as to iran:rt ove ocean o ies and b ?n i dii nos n iheons tiers ch destination, be subject to rali the terms "" of ccad by the c mponya}or fan, or r ohbills of lading o of mean carners cc I paring t tra o su, - nsportai, rid o t d of foreign Carries partici- partorion od ac liver u I P such transit is s, repiuda for trans- stoms of o y s b ect to he cts, ctoo I usto i laws, their employee send and fore gn carriers, custodians, andg I ,ions, and r s r agents. governments, c , the r?uta. and their foreign c one or reign ountry, - ursine thtions_..ihe must DB ~made i - viririn9 to I scorns. Claims for loss, damage or~delay uing this r carrier aT tone port port or to try pioportynat said porte on C thin o the after delih li ver ithin a o anths r s t ,n s of the no fiftee dogs ofui ifedote of hi rY thes n made against sold deliveri Pmenhdeaa nd laims hove been is od against 9 Or issuing carrier hall be deemed to Suits shall be icetiiuted onlyy ithie?tooohi remay be liable hereunder. date r when notice i wrirle is Years and say offer the 9 ,s n by the carrier to the there Claims a has disallowed }he any part C t that e not a made, andp r suits' Ore not I cr Instituted hereon In hadoncp'withnothe foregoing p visions, the carrier shall not ba liable. 12. It h hereby agreed th muntrief, and essessabble with fa a ' is destine to such foreign faxes charges, ay be tape d ingtrensif atal a tustams iers o r o depositories, and there held pro ding examinati foreon, se parts, iron}i?r jr~lld a INu h.I n the con sand she es, when advonced by the sots and property. cornDOny shall COLLECTI SCO'eOrRat I Priced (Oriflinal _ SHIP15ER'S COLD T RECEIPT NOTE The Company will net pay over 50, actua l wet ht f or any shipment in excess of 100 pounds, Unless$a greaterovalue lls decja5 d a dscharges forasuch Greatergv ue paid. RAILWAY EXPRESS AGE NC INCORPORATED Received shipment described hereon, subject to the Classifications and Tariffs in ft, value herein declared by Shipper to be that entered in space hereon readin Company egreos to carry upon the d conditions prietrid be.e__ ... 9 "Decla evidence thereof accepts tin . terms an which the Advances lueI X X X X Express Charges DO N9T Other Charges USE Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/08: CIA-RDP78BO4747AO02100040015-9 STAT STAT STAT